C&RL News October 2015 478 N e w s f r o m t h e F i e l dDavid Free Chicago “opens” libraries, archives museums Chicago-area librarians, archivists, and cura- tors opened their collections to the commu- nity in a se- ries of events this month. In addition to the inau- gural lecture ( “ E n g a g i n g Chicago: Tell- ing the City’s H i s t o r y ” ) s p o n s o r e d by Chicago C o l l e c t i o n s (http://chica- gocollections. org/) held on October 6, events sponsored as part of Chicago Museum Week held Oc- tober 1 to 7 (www.chicagomuseumweek. com/) and Chicago Open Archives from October 8 to 10 (www.chicagoarchivists.org /Chicago-Open-Archives) showcase collec- tions for both residents and visitors. With a focus both on introducing users to profes- sional practice in libraries, archives, and museums, and on featuring unique artifacts and collections available in Chicago’s many cultural heritage organizations, these events promote greater use of Chicago collections and greater collaboration among the faculty and staff of Chicago’s libraries, archives, and museums. Emmett Till research collection established at FSU The Florida State University (FSU) Libraries’ Special Collections and Archives Division will establish what will become the foremost research collection on the life and death of Emmett Till, an African American teenager whose murder in Mississippi in 1955 sparked protest in the South. Till’s death helped galvanize the Civil Rights Movement in America. Till, 14, was kidnapped, beaten, and shot after he allegedly flirted with a white woman. The collection will feature newspaper coverage from the Till murder trial and court proceedings by domestic and international press, and materials from FBI investigations, court records, and interview transcripts. Interviews and oral histories gath- ered by filmmaker Keith Beauchamp for his Emmy-nominated documentary The Untold Story of Emmett Louis Till will also comprise part of the archive. The collection will be available beginning in 2016 at the Special Collections Research Center at Strozier Library. For updates on the Till col- lection and further information on FSU’s Special Collections and Archives, visit www.lib.fsu.edu /specialcollections. Colorado State University begins archiving marijuana legalization materials Since passage of Amendment 64 to the Colo- rado state constitution in 2012, the state has been in the forefront of regulating the use of marijuana, both for medical and for recre- ational purposes. Colorado State University’s (CSU) library archive has begun collecting ma- terials related to this historic event. “The Amendment 64 Collection is focused on gathering text-based materials, photographs, ephemera, film, and audio interviews docu- menting various aspects related to the passage of legislation regarding recreational marijuana and its socio-economic impact,” said Janet Bishop, associate professor and coordinator for Archives and Special Collections at CSU Libraries. “We are interested in materials related to production, regulation, media coverage, business, tourism, public, and scholarly opin- ions—both pro and con— as well as medical and social justice issues.” A unique aspect of the Amendment 64 Col- lection will be the inclusion of oral histories October 2015 479 C&RL News New ACRL publications focus on leadership development, assessment ACRL announces the publication of Cre- ating Leaders: An Examination of Aca- demic and Research Library Leadership Institutes and Reviewing the Academic Library: A Guide to Self-Study and Exter- nal Review. Edited by Irene M. H. Herold, and featuring a foreword by Maureen Sullivan, Creating Leaders focuses on leadership development programs for academic and research librar- ians. The book is number 69 in the ACRL Publications in Librarian- ship mono- graphic series. There are a wide variety of leadership development opportunities available to academic and research librarians. The 17 programs studied in Creating Leaders provide a diverse ar- ray of possibilities for those contemplating attending or implementing an academic leadership development program. The fi nal chapters compile the 17 programs into one research study and draw conclusions that facilitate a better understanding of issues in leadership development in academic and research libraries. Whether contemplating attending a program, developing a program, or having an interest in what others consider essential theories or activities for personal leadership development, this book provides an informa- tive look into a variety of approaches to creat- ing academic and research library leaders. Reviewing the Academic Library features a series of essays edited by Eleanor Mitchell and Peggy Seiden. Whether the library assess- ment is driven by external pressure or by an organizationally inspired desire to improve, library managers are expected to be able to plan and implement both comprehensive and targeted evaluations of their impact, services, resources, programs, virtual and physical spac- es, and partnerships. Many librarians have been invited to serve on review teams for other academic libraries, either as part of a reac- creditation pro- cess or as part of a general cy- clical program review process. At their own in- stitutions, librar- ians have initi- ated reviews of their libraries or been asked to do so by a senior adminis- trator. There are no blueprints for conducting external reviews and self-studies. In a series of 16 chapters, Mitchell and Seiden present essays by key thinkers and lead- ers in the fi eld that address the major aspects of the formal assessment and review of academic libraries. Reviewing the Academic Library offers practical and applicable information, contextual- ized through current theory and approaches. Creating Leaders: An Examination of Academic and Research Library Leader- ship Institutes and Reviewing the Academic Library: A Guide to Self-Study and External Review are available for purchase in print, as an e-book, and as a print/e-book bundle through the ALA Online Store; in print and for Kindle through Amazon.com; and by telephone order at (866) 746-7252 in the United States or (770) 442-8633 for international customers. C&RL News October 2015 480 ACRL launches new Annual Survey Since 1999 the ACRL Academic Library Trends and Statistics Survey has gathered statistics at the national level from all types of academic libraries in the United States and Canada. The survey is developed and overseen by the ACRL Academic Library Trends and Statistics Edito- rial Board. Earlier this year, the ACRL Board of Directors approved a recommendation from the editorial board that ACRL create and ad- minister its own survey instrument to make it more relevant and responsive to the needs of academic libraries. Formerly, ACRL had been using the Associa- tion of Research Libraries survey instrument with permission. Following a ten-month devel- opment process involving scores of librarians and opportunities for review and feedback, the ACRL Annual Survey has been overhauled and opened on September 18, 2015, to collect data for the 2015 fi scal year. Fiscal year 2015 is defi ned as the most recent 12-month period that ends before October 1, 2015. The new survey saves time by collecting responses for two surveys. The ACRL Survey includes questions that are part of the new IPEDS Academic Libraries component, which all schools are required to complete if they re- ceive federal student aid funds. Survey partici- pants may download a fi le which can then be used to upload the required IPEDS responses by the institutional keyholder or the library if designated by the institutional keyholder as an IPEDS user. The survey responses will be available for use within months of the closing date April 30, 2016. Complete details on the new survey are available on the ACLR Insider blog at www. acrl.ala.org/acrlinsider/archives/10713. from people directly involved in the political process that led to the legislation, both for and against the effort, as well as individuals as- sociated with various aspects of the industry. These stories will add a personal dimension to the historic collection documenting an is- sue that promises to continue to evolve. The Amendment 64 Collection will also document agricultural and scholarly research related to marijuana and hemp. Five librarians selected as 2016 IFLA/ OCLC fellows OCLC, along with the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), has named fi ve librarians selected to participate in the Jay Jordan IFLA/OCLC Early Career De- velopment Fellowship Program for 2016. The program supports library and information sci- ence professionals from countries with devel- oping economies. The 2016 fellows are Idowu Adebgilero-Iwari, Elizade University, Nigeria; Željko Dimitrijević, National Library of Serbia; Penninah Musangi, Karatina University, Ke- nya; Rhea Jade Nabusan, Tarlac College of Ag- riculture, Philippines; and Shaharima Parvin, East West University, Bangladesh. The Fellowship Program provides advanced continuing education and exposure to a broad range of issues in information technologies, library operations, and global cooperative li- brarianship. During the four-week program, the fellows participate in discussions with library and information science leaders, library visits, and professional development activities. Ap- plication information for the 2017 Fellowship Program is available on the OCLC website at www.oclc.org/about/awards.en.html. Ransom Center accepting Research Fellowships in the Humanities applications The Harry Ransom Center, a humanities re- search library and museum at the University of Texas-Austin, invites applications for its 2016–2017 research fellowships. More than 50 fellowships will be awarded for projects that require substantial onsite use of the Ransom Center’s collections, supporting research in all areas of the humanities, including literature, October 2015 481 C&RL News photography, film, art, the perform- ing arts, music, and cultural history. The fellowships range from one to three months, with stipends of $3,000 per month. Also available are $1,200 or $1,700 travel stipends and dissertation fellowships with a $1,500 stipend. All applicants, with the exception of those applying for dissertation fellowships, must have a Ph.D., or be independent scholars with a substantial record of achievement. Information about the fellowships and the application process is avail- able online at www.hrc.utexas.edu/ research/fellowships/. The deadline for applications, which must be sub- mitted through the Ransom Center’s website, is January 15, 2016. Appli- cants will be notified of decisions on March 31, 2016. EBSCO partners with Portico to preserve Digital Archives EBSCO Information Services is partnering with Portico to preserve collections from its Digital Archives prod- ucts. EBSCO’s Portico participation means that there will be uninterrupted access to the historical content in these collections. EBSCO launched Digital Archives in 2009 as part of an ongoing initiative to digitize important pri- mary documents of historical source materials used by scholars and students. EBSCO will be taking part in Portico’s D-Collection Pres- ervation Service, which preserves digitized historic collections on behalf of participating publishers. This service is solely supported by publishers that have committed their col- lections to the archive, and more than 120 d-collections are preserved in Portico today. Portico’s Director of Publisher Relations Stephanie Orphan notes that the scholarly community benefits greatly from the partner- ship between EBSCO and Portico. “The com- mitment that EBSCO has made to guarantee the long-term availability of its Digital Archives is a great benefit to the scholarly community, Tech Bits . . . Brought to you by the ACRL ULS Technol- ogy in University Libraries Committee Screencast-O-Matic is a free program allowing you to capture screen recordings on a Mac or Windows computer. You can launch the program directly from your browser or download and install the program to run from your desktop. Once launched, you can resize the capture screen, choose a variety of recording sizes, including HD, and pause and restart as needed. You can upload your recording directly to a free Screencast-O-Matic.com account, YouTube, or save to a video file in multiple formats. A Pro account costs $15/year and offers additional features, such as editing tools, offline editing and recording, and password protecting uploads. This program is ideal in the library for creating short instructional videos on any research or teaching activity requiring a sequence of steps —Marwin Britto University of Saskatchewan . . . Screencast-O-Matic www.screencast-o-matic.com and Portico is very pleased to be working with EBSCO to preserve this valued content.” ProQuest scholarly content now discoverable in Google Scholar ProQuest has made indexing of the full text of its scholarly content—including journals and working papers—available in Google Schol- ar. The collaboration between Google and ProQuest enables authenticated ProQuest users to be recognized at the ProQuest plat- form after they search using Google Schol- ar and connects them to full text scholarly content in their libraries’ collections. Us- ers who are not recognized are sent to a landing page with the abstract or an image of the first page, protecting all rights hold- ers. To read full text, the users authenticate themselves using their library credentials. Read more about what’s behind ProQuest’s collaboration with Google at http://bit.ly /PQandGS.