January 2016 5 C&RL News Welcome to the January 2016 issue of C&RL News. Academic and research libraries continue to use so- cial media and other technology tools in new and exciting ways in their work. Librarians from two colleges in South Carolina took inspiration from the #shelfie meme to create an instruction activity to engage students from the social media generation. Amanda Kraft and Aleck F. Williams Jr. write about their project in “#Shelfies are encouraged.” The citation management tool Zotero has proven to be very popular in a variety of applica- tions. Ellen Hampton Filgo of Baylor University used Zotero in her work as a liaison librarian to keep track of faculty publications and research interests for outreach and collection development purposes. At Penn State-Brandywine, librarian Nina Cle- ments partnered with Earth Sciences Professor Laura Guertin to use Zotero as a teaching tool in the classroom. They discuss their project in “Science literacy meets information literacy.” On the subject of collaborations between faculty and librarians, Brian T. Sullivan and Karen L. Porter of Alfred University provide lessons learned from their seven years of collaborations in the article “From one- shot sessions to embedded librarian.” Dory Cochran and Sidney Horrocks of Utah State University shift the collaborative focus to the library and the writing center in their article “Our powers combined.” Debbie Morrow of Grand Valley State University looks back on her path to “Becoming a liaison librarian” after spending years in a systems role in this issue’s The Way I See It essay. In this month’s Scholary Communication col- umn, Alice Meadows provides detailed information on “Everything you ever wanted to know about ORCID . . .” in her overview of the author identi- fi cation service. Make sure to check out the other features and departments this month, including contents and news from our online-only scholarly research jour- nal College & Research Libraries and a fi rst look at candidates for ACRL offi ce in the upcoming 2016 ALA/ACRL election. Thanks as always for reading the News. —David Free, editor-in-chief, dfree@ala.org In theIn the Call800.345.6425x600or visit R2Library.comtolearn more. www.rittenhouse.com WE’RE SPECIALIZED. AND SO AREYOU. Discover a specialized platform for health science information to enhance content for your users. We provide easy- to-navigate eBook access on any web-enabled device. As you add resources to your R2 Digital Library collection, the power of your database grows exponentially. Our web-based platform returns the most relevant search results at the section and chapter level. eBooks are easily integrated into any collection. EXPAND your DATABASEwith PATRON DRIVEN ACQUISITION! 174 5x4 b-w BUTFLY ad:174 5x4 b-w BUTFLY ad 10/13/15 2:00 PM Page 1