mar16_b.indd March 2016 161 C&RL News Washington University Libraries in St. Louis (WUSTL) has been awarded a two-year, $250,000 grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources to support the “Revealing Visual Culture: Digitizing Modern Il- lustrated Periodical Tear Sheets in the Walt Reed Illustration Archive” project. The project will create digital images and supporting metadata for 150,000 tear sheets contained in the Walt Reed Illustration Archive. During the two-year project, an outside vendor will create digital files and initial metadata, and WUSTL Libraries staff will supervise student assistants to enhance the metadata and perform quality control. The resulting image database will be completely available to the public. WUSTL Libraries has also been awarded a two-year, $517,000 grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to support the “Documenting the Now” project. Formed as a collaboration with University of California- Riverside and University of Maryland, the project will build from Washington University’s Documenting Ferguson work and related efforts to develop a cloud-based application that will enable researchers to gather and analyze social media posts on Twitter related to social move- ments. Grant funds will support the hiring of a project coordinator at WUSTL Libraries, as well as contract programmers who will work with the tech development team located at University of Maryland’s Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities. This project was initially developed by Meredith Evans (now director of the Carter Presidential Library and Museum), with Chris Freeland (AUL at Washington Uni- versity Libraries) stepping in to make the final submission and lead the project after Evans’s departure. G r a n t s a n d A c q u i s i t i o n sAnn-Christe Galloway were very gracious about acknowledging and correcting errors. I hope that my work has made a modest contribution to the histories of those institutions as well as to the history of research library leadership. Almost every institution has called upon current employees to fill in as directors during periods between permanent director appoint- ments. Most often these are library managers or faculty drawn from teaching departments. I have included the names of those individuals that were provided by their institutions but have made no attempts either to find the names of those not provided or to track down information about each of those individuals. I included information about those individuals when it appeared in various press releases or in the library literature. ARL has indicated its interest in adding information about interim appointees to the database. Once I had as complete a set of names as was practical, I searched to find additional information about each person. In addition to the information I found in the published book and journal literature, including LIS article databases and standard library en- cyclopedias and biographical dictionaries, I searched institutional archives sites; institu- tional public affairs office websites; general biographical reference sources, such as Who’s Who Online; campus newspapers; college and university catalogs; and general search engines such as Google and Bing. In the end I was able to construct what I think is a reasonably accurate database. I am confident that it contains errors and will be grateful to receive corrections or to have those corrections made in the database, which is available openly at the address provided near the top of this article. I hope that the community will keep it updated as time goes on. Note 1. Readers can openly access the results of this work at (“Where did they come from?,” continues from page 134) Ed. note: Send your news to: Grants & Acquisitions, C&RL News, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; e-mail: