feb17_b.indd C&RL News February 2017 106 Joni R. Roberts is associate university librarian for public services and collection development at Willamette University, email: jroberts@willamette.edu, and Carol A. Drost is associate university librarian for technical ser vices at Willamette University, email: cdrost@ willamette.edu I n t e r n e t R e v i e w sJoni R. Roberts and Carol A. Drost Debates International. Access: http://www. debatesinternational.org/. Debates International contains detailed information on how to organize and pro- duce candidate debates for television and radio. The site, maintained by the National Democratic Institute, includes updates from international debate groups and debate news and analysis. The homepage is well organized and showcases a scrolling set of photographs from international debates. The site and its resources are organized with a set of tabs on the top of the page with the fol- lowing, wide-range categories: “Organizing Debates,” “Producing Debates,” “Impact and Research,” “Debates and Events,” “Stay Informed,” “Partners,” and “Countries.” The “Organizing Debates” and “Produc- ing Debates” sections will likely be the most helpful to the core user of this site: debate organizers. The “Organizing Debates” sec- tion contains practical resources, such as debate guides and checklists, debate format and rules, pro-debate editorials, and debate laws and regulations. One can view resources for producing debates for radio and television under the “Producing Debates” category. For example, debate set photos show the layout for a tele- vised town hall debate from the U.S. 2008 Presidential Debate. This section also con- tains helpful information, such as a produc- tion equipment list and moderator scripts. Under the “Impact and Research” tab, there are documents and external links to polls, research studies, and analysis that explore the impact of candidate debates. In the “Debates and Events” section, the website highlights upcoming and past de- bates, as well as videos. The “Stay Informed” page presents highlights of recent news and analysis from the international press, activity updates from other debate organizations, and access to the “Debates Network News- letter,” which was last updated in March 2014. The “Partners” page lists the partner organizations of the Debates International site, and the last category (“Countries”) lists all the site’s resources by country. The landing pages for “Organizing De- bates,” “Producing Debates,” and “Impact and Research” offer an advanced search op- tion that allows search by category, country, language, etc. Additionally, there is a basic search box available on every page. Overall this site provides easy naviga- tion to a diverse array of documents for organizing debates, as well as coverage of international debates. Besides its core audi- ence of debate organizers, this site may be of particular interest to students who are researching international debates.—Colleen Lougen, SUNY-New Paltz, lougenc@newpaltz. edu H u n g e r No te s. A c c e s s : h t t p : / / w w w . worldhunger.org. The mission of World Hunger Education Service (WHES) for the last 40 years has been to educate the public and target groups about the “causes of hunger and malnutri- tion in the United States and the world” and raise support for working toward “hunger solutions.” Hunger Notes: Fight Hunger with Knowledge furthers this mission by provid- ing information on the ethical, religious, social, economic, political, and scientific perspectives on the world food problem and by facilitating communication, networking, and action to solve it. With multiple access points to the same information, visitors cannot fail to learn something new about world hunger. A “Hun- ger News Categories” toolbar offers silos of content—“Global,” “United States,” “Africa,” February 2017 107 C&RL News “Asia,” “Agriculture and Nutrition,” “Book and Media Reviews,” and “Opinion” from media sources both familiar and obscure. A carousel of images, headed by links to the core mission, dominates the page. “Learn About Hunger” offers “hunger facts” across categories, special reports, pictures, and posters. “Help Reduce Hunger” connects to activities, organizations, and ways to contrib- ute. The interactive “Take Our Hunger Quiz” combines facts with automatic donations for participation. The overall effect is a lot of information all jumbled together in a variety of ways. While the articles from media sources may be valuable, the “Hunger Facts” sections seem to provide the most unique content for research purposes. For example, the “United States” category presents statistics with dis- cussion about hunger and poverty, followed by causes and programs, and finishing with a bibliography. While a search box provides some al- ternative access to content, the brief results can often seem odd. For example, keyword Mississippi presents an intriguing, but in- comprehensible, three-line snippet entitled “1.5 Million Missing Black Men.” Googling the title reveals a New York Times article in 2015, which apparently no longer links within the WHES site. Hunger Notes succeeds in raising aware- ness about the multiplicity of factors af- fecting hunger and poverty in the world and galvanizing the effort to eradicate it, perhaps changing minds, and even reaping donations. While this site may fall short of being the perfect research experience, it does bring a lot of perspectives and informa- tion together in one place. Sorting through what may be useful and reliable will be the researchers’ journey.—Barbara Valentine, Linfield College, bvalen@linfield.edu Poets & Writers. Access: http://www.pw.org/. Poets & Writers is an online resource for creative writers and a companion to Poets & Writers print magazine. While it features select content from Poets & Writers magazine, the webpage can stand alone as a one-stop shop for all things related to creative writing. The top navigation area contains six sections: “Magazine,” “Tools for Writers,” “Connect with Others,” “Funding for Events,” “My P&W,” and “About Us.” Several of these sections are essential to writers who want to be published. A subheading of “Tools for Writers” is “Lit Mags,” a searchable list of literary journals and magazines. Searches can be done by reading periods, genre, and even subgenres, such as flash fiction, prose poetry, and narrative nonfiction. “Jobs” and “Contests” (including not only writing con- tests, but also grants and awards) can also be browsed or searched. Another subheading is “Agents,” a listing of literary agents that can be narrowed by the major genres they represent. Other tools for writers are links to writing competitions, MFA creative writ- ing programs, literary magazines and small presses that welcome both new and estab- lished writers, daily book and writing news, employment opportunities, articles about writers, book news, and even inspiration from published writers. Poets & Writers has much of the same content as other community sites, such as a message forum, an event listing, and a mul- timedia area with slideshows and videos. In addition, Poets & Writers has unique content, such as the archive of older editions of print Poets & Writers, with full text for some stories and abstracts for all pieces. A user can search the archive from 1980 to present, although a search for the word author did not return any results before 1987. A distinctive area for current or aspir- ing writers is “The Time Is Now,” a set of weekly nonfiction, fiction, and poetry writing prompts to help authors begin the writing process and develop discipline. This could also be a useful resource for writing teach- ers at both the college and secondary levels. The site has so much to offer, it is dif- ficult to cover it all. Suffice to say, if you are a creative writer, this site is an indispens- able resource.—Delores Carlito, University of Alabama-Birmingham, dcarlito@uab.edu