id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-15292 Keiser, George R. Caesar, Terry. Writing in Disguise: Academic Life in Subordination. Athens: Ohio Univ. Pr., 1998. 177p. $25, alk. paper (ISBN 0-8214-1220-5). LC 97-30432. 1999-05-01 2 .pdf application/pdf 1282 59 57 Along with more impas­ sioned attempts to influence that direc­ tion, there is place for more modest re­ flections from a thoughtful academic who thinks a lot about the implications of the rejection letters and memos that many of us thoughtlessly toss into the trash (some­ times unread) and who, Ishmael-like, feels November in his soul.—George R. Keiser, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas. Gener­ alizations and conclusions from the work of colleagues in the social sciences frequently be­ come the basis for literary stud­ ies, in which is presented evi­ dence from literary works (or anything else designated as “a text”) to ex­ tend their validity and expand or qualify their insights, especially when those in­ sights concern power. cache/crl-15292.pdf txt/crl-15292.txt