id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-15669 Riggs, Donald E. Musings, Meanderings, and Monsters, Too: Essays on Academic Librarianship. Ed. Martin H. Raish. Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Pr., 2003. 195p. alk. paper, $24.95 (ISBN 0810847671). LC 2003-2085. 2004-05-01 2 .pdf application/pdf 1116 68 50 Without this slant, the reader could prematurely conclude that the seriousness about the “sky is falling on academic librarianship” is a bit too much. Change in academic librarianship con- tinues to occur at an unprecedented rate and no slowdown is expected. cache/crl-15669.pdf txt/crl-15669.txt