id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-15874 Lum, Raymond The Impact of Technology on Asian, African and Middle Eastern Library Collections. Ed. R.N. Sharma. Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow (Libraries and Librarianship: An International Perspective, No. 1), 2006. 292p. alk. paper, $50 (ISBN 0810854481). LC 2006-2784. 2007-05-01 2 .pdf application/pdf 1460 65 65 MYLL� ^P[O� `V\Y� Z\IZJYPW[PVU�PU�LSLJ[YVUPJ�HUK�WYPU[�MVYTH[Z� Free Trial Subscription -VY�H�MYLL�[YPHS�Z\IZJYPW[PVU�[V�[OL�LSLJ[YVUPJ� ]LYZPVU�VM�PMLA��VY�MVY�TVYL�PUMVYTH[PVU�� WSLHZL�^YP[L�VY�JHSS�3PIYHY`�:\IZJYPW[PVUZ�� 4VKLYU� 3HUN\HNL� ( ZZVJPH[PVU�� ��� )YVHK^H �̀��YK�ÅVVY��5L^�@VYR��5@������� ��� ��������������MH_�������������� Z\IZJYPW'TSH�VYN� (SS�WYPJLZ�Z\IQLJ[�[V�JOHUNL� THE LEADING JOURNAL IN LITERARY STUD­ IES FOR MORE THAN A CENTURY, PMLA REACHES 32,200 SUBSCRIBERS (INCLUDING 2,400 LIBRARIES) —THE LARGEST CIRCU­ LATION OF ANY SCHOLARLY JOURNAL IN THE HUMANITIES. And yet we learn of the limitations of information technology in both poor and richer countries, such as the Chinese government’s tight control over electronic news sources and the reliance of some African nations on nonsustain- able foreign donors. cache/crl-15874.pdf txt/crl-15874.txt