id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-16052 Mitchell, Nicole The 2009 Annual Register: World Events. Ed. D.S. Lewis. Bethesda, Md.: Pro-Quest, 2009. 679p. $240 (ISBN 978-1-60030-828-4). 2009-11-01 2 .pdf application/pdf 887 35 37 Section eleven discusses international organizations including the United Na- tions and its agencies; defense organiza- tions (North Atlantic Treaty Organization and Partnership for Peace); economic organizations (International Monetary Fund, World Bank, World Trade Organi- zation, and Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development); other world organizations (the Commonwealth, International Organization of Franco- phonie, Non-Aligned Movement, Group of 77, and Organization of the Islamic Conference); European organizations (European Union, Council of Europe, Or- ganization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, and European Bank for Recon- struction and Development); other Euro- pean organizations (European Free Trade Association, Visegrad Group, Nordic Council, Council of the Baltic Sea States, Central European Free Trade Agree- ment, Central European Initiative, and Organization of the Black Sea Economic Co-operation); American, Arab, African, Eurasian, and Asia-Pacific Organiza- tions (Organization of American States, Rio Group, Southern Common Market, Andean Community of Nations, Carib- bean Community and Common Market, Organization of Eastern Caribbean States, League of Arab States, Gulf Co-operation Council, African Union, Southern African Development Community, Shanghai Co- operation Organization, Commonwealth 602 College & Research Libraries November 2009 of Independent States, Collective Security Treaty Organization, Eurasian Economic Community, Association of South-East Asian Nations, Asia-Pacific Economic Co- operation, Pacific Islands Forum, Asian Development Bank, and South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation). Book Reviews 601 of its individual parts. cache/crl-16052.pdf txt/crl-16052.txt