id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt ital-14719 Wu, Annie; Davis-Van Atta, Taylor ; Scott, Bethany; Washington, Anne; Thompson, Santi; Jones, Jerrell ; Weidner, Andrew; Ramirez, A. Laura; Smith, Marian Navigating Uncharted Waters 2022-09-19 16 .pdf application/pdf 7041 293 37 They summarize the history and routine application of the fair use doctrine in both the creation and dissemination of scholarly works but provide little firm guidance on the matter.10 Indeed, after reviewing the entire body of literature on retrospective thesis and dissertation projects, this remains a practical challenge that any library undertaking a mass digitization project must consider and the associated risks must be accounted for. Phases Task force activities Subteams (*subteam lead) Phase one: preparation Environmental scan Jerrell, Anne, Crystal, Santi*, Bethany Physical theses/dissertations inventory/retention Bethany Copyright permissions and policies Bethany, Annie, Taylor* Purchase equipment Jerrell*, Crystal Phase two: workflow development TD digitization workflow Jerrell, Crystal* TD metadata workflow Anne*, Taylor, Annie TD ingest and publishing workflow Andrew, Taylor TD progress tracking Annie, Andrew Preservation/storage strategy Bethany*, Santi Phase three: communication/promotion Promote DTD to colleagues and researchers Taylor*, Santi Communicate progress to staff and users Annie*, Santi* Develop training materials for stakeholders Anne*, Crystal* Phase One: Preparation A subgroup of the TDD Task Force conducted an environmental scan of similar theses and dissertations digitization approaches previously used by other institutions. cache/ital-14719.pdf txt/ital-14719.txt