id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt ital-1768 Kim, Yongi-Mi Factors Affecting University Library Website Design 2011-09-02 9 .pdf application/pdf 5534 217 39 We meet users’ needs We provide better services via the website We satisfy users’ needs We provide quality services Our library is overall successful 1, 2 Website success measures from website users It lets me finish my project more quickly It helps improve my productivity It helps enhance the quality of my project The extent to which users integrate website library resources into users’ tasks* Frequency of users’ visits to university library website** 3, 41, 43 all items are measured with a likert scale: 1 not really; 2: somewhat; and 3: greatly. * measured by percentage **measured by frequency Figure 2. Institutional Forces FActors AFFectiNG uNiversitY liBrArY WeBsite DesiGN | kiM 103 percent of respondents reported that they consult with web experts; over 70 percent responded that they inte- grate input from other divisions; and around 70 percent consult with webmasters. Because one of the contributions of this study is to compare users’ and designers’ perceptions of website success, the samples are drawn from two groups: one is from university library website designers and the other one is from university library users. cache/ital-1768.pdf txt/ital-1768.txt