id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt ital-2939 Avram, Henriette D.; Droz, Julius R. MARC II and COBOL 1968-12-01 12 .pdf application/pdf 4319 291 71 Griffin ( 1) expressed his concern by stating, Users will r~quire program- mers skilled in languages other than FORTRAN or COBOL to take ad- vantage of MARC records. 1/ 4 December, 1968 ment within which to test the use of COBOL, it was decided to integrate the analysis of the COBOL language with the task at hand, i.e, the pro- gramming effort required to produce the necessary reports from a mag- netic tape file of MARC records. cache/ital-2939.pdf txt/ital-2939.txt