id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt ital-3044 Emanuel, Jennifer Usability of the VuFind Next-Generation Online Catalog 2011-03-01 9 .pdf application/pdf 7022 365 63 Library users are now accustomed to using a single search box, such as with Google; they also use nonlibrary online tools to find information about books and no longer view library cata- logs as the primary place to look for books.11 As users are no longer accustomed to using the con- trolled language and particular searching methods of library catalogs because they have moved to discover- ing materials online, libraries must adapt to new way of obtaining information and focus not on teaching users how to locate library materials, but give them the tools to discover on their own.12 VuFind is one option among many in the genre of next-generation or discovery-catalog tools. Some librarians view the interface as only part of the problem of library catalogs and point to cataloging and metadata practices as the larger underlying problem. cache/ital-3044.pdf txt/ital-3044.txt