id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt ital-3145 Quinn, Brian Reducing Psychological Resistance to Digital Repositories 2010-06-01 9 .pdf application/pdf 8604 285 40 Faculty with no self-archiving experience also felt that many publishers do not allow self-archiving, reduciNG PsYcHoloGicAl resistANce to diGitAl rePositories | QuiNN 69 more open to information that challenges their beliefs and attitudes and are more open to suggestion.18 Thus before beginning a discussion of why users should deposit their research in repositories, it might help to first affirm the users’ self-concept. reduciNG PsYcHoloGicAl resistANce to diGitAl rePositories | QuiNN 67 and MIT mandates, and other mandates such as the one instituted at Stanford’s School of Education, have come to pass, and the Registry of Open Access Repository Material Archiving Policies (ROARMAP) lists more than 120 mandates around the world that now exist.3 While it is too early to tell whether these developments will be successful in getting faculty to deposit their work in digital repositories, they at least establish a precedent that other institutions may follow. cache/ital-3145.pdf txt/ital-3145.txt