id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt ital-3344 Bailey Jr., Charles W. Strong Copyright + DRM + Weak Net Neutrality = Digital Dystopia? 2006-09-01 13 .pdf application/pdf 10742 427 50 Or—in light of the unprecedented transformational power of these tools to create new digital works, and their widespread use both within libraries and on campus—do academic libraries bear heavier responsibilities regarding copyright compli- ance, permission-seeking, and education? Similar issues arise when faculty want to place self-cre- ated digital works that incorporate copyrighted materials in electronic reserves systems or institutional repositories. In 2006, ฀ virtually every type of work imaginable is under automatic copyright protection for extended periods of time; ฀ private use of digital works is increasingly visible and of concern to copyright holders; ฀ the public domain is endangered; and ฀ ordinary citizens are being prosecuted as “pirates” under draconian statutory and criminal penalties. cache/ital-3344.pdf txt/ital-3344.txt