id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt ital-5776 Grosch, Audrey N. The Minnesota Union List of Serials 1973-09-01 15 .pdf application/pdf 7837 554 68 With this picture of the program scope, the design factors, data conversion, computer system, programs, photocomposition, costs, and problems will be described below. 6/3 September 1973 • publication of regional combination or individual library lists using an IBM 1403 line printer equipped with the ALA graphic print train; • storage of complete and verified information on each serial as known, together with the source of the cataloging data; • extraction of the data via individual libraries to assist those wishing to develop automated serials management systems including check· in, claiming, binding, etc.; • conversion of the file to other storage media such as disk; • fulfillment of the smallest to the largest libraries' needs for biblio· . cache/ital-5776.pdf txt/ital-5776.txt