id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt ital-5831 Turner, Benjamin; Fuchs, Caroline; Todman, Anthony Static vs. Dynamic Tutorials: Applying Usability Principles to Evaluate Online Point-of-Need Instruction. 2015-12-22 25 .pdf application/pdf 7958 401 49 The library literature on online library tutorials might be divided into subcategories: early development of online instructional tutorials, library website usability testing, evaluation of online information-literacy instruction tutorials, best practices for the creation of library tutorials, and the best mediums for the creation of library tutorials. Most useful here is the “Best Practices for Creating and Managing Animated Tutorials” found in the article’s appendix.25 Best Mediums for the Creation of Library Tutorials Other authors have explored the need to accommodate different learning styles in library tutorials rather than relying too heavily on text to convey information.26 At the University of Leeds in the United Kingdom, an information literacy tutorial was planned and created to support online distance learners in the geography post- graduate program. cache/ital-5831.pdf txt/ital-5831.txt