id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt ital-8652 Potnis, Devendra Dilip; Regenstreif-Harms, Reynard; Cortez, Edwin Identifying Key Steps for Developing Mobile Applications & Mobile Websites for Libraries 2016-09-30 20 .pdf application/pdf 7006 319 38 The ability to prioritize tasks and identify mission-critical features of mobile MAMW are some of the most common activities undertaken by libraries to manage this scope.32 For instance, it is not practical to make entire library websites mobile because libraries would end up serving only those patrons who access their sites over mobile alone. Open Source Design mobile websites that allow users to leverage the same open source technology as the main websites77 Design mobile websites linking to other existing services like library h3lp and library catalogs with mobile interfaces such as MobileCat78 4 Networking Design a mobile website capable of exploiting advancements in technology such as faster mobile data networks79 Identify and address technology issues (e.g., connectivity, security, speed, signal strength, etc.) faced by patrons when using MAMW80 5 Input/Output Devices Use a mobile robot to determine the location of fixed RFID tags in space81 Design MAMW capable of processing data communicated using radio frequency identification devices, near-field communication technology, and Bluetooth- based technology like iBeacons82 Offer innovative services using augmented- reality tools83 IDENTIFYING KEY STEPS FOR DEVELOPING MOBILE APPLICATIONS & MOBILE WEBSITES FOR LIBRARIES | POTNIS, REGENSTREIF-HARMS, AND CORTEZ |doi:10.6017/ital.v35i2.8652 52 6 Databases Integrate a back-end database of metadata with front-end mobile technologies84 Integrate front-end of mobile MAMW with back-end of standard databases and services85 7 Social Media and Analytics Integrate social media sites (e.g., Foursquare, Facebook Place, Gowalla, etc.) with existing checkout services for accurate and information rich entries86 Implement Google Voice or a free text- messaging service87 Use Google Analytics for mobile optimized website by copying the free JavaScript code generated from Google Analytics and paste it into library webpages to gain insight into what resources are used and who used them88 Integrate a geo-location feature with mobile services89 Table 1. cache/ital-8652.pdf txt/ital-8652.txt