id sid tid token lemma pos ital-5724 1 1 lib lib PROPN ital-5724 1 2 - - PUNCT ital-5724 1 3 s s NOUN ital-5724 1 4 - - PUNCT ital-5724 1 5 mocs mocs NOUN ital-5724 1 6 - - PUNCT ital-5724 1 7 kmc364 kmc364 PROPN ital-5724 1 8 - - PUNCT ital-5724 1 9 20140601051338 20140601051338 NUM ital-5724 1 10 multipurpose multipurpose NOUN ital-5724 1 11 cataloging cataloging NOUN ital-5724 1 12 and and CCONJ ital-5724 1 13 indexing indexing NOUN ital-5724 1 14 system system NOUN ital-5724 1 15 ( ( PUNCT ital-5724 1 16 cain cain NOUN ital-5724 1 17 ) ) PUNCT ital-5724 1 18 at at ADP ital-5724 1 19 the the DET ital-5724 1 20 national national ADJ ital-5724 1 21 agricultural agricultural ADJ ital-5724 1 22 library library PROPN ital-5724 1 23 . . PUNCT ital-5724 2 1 21 21 NUM ital-5724 2 2 vern vern PROPN ital-5724 2 3 j. j. PROPN ital-5724 2 4 van van PROPN ital-5724 2 5 dyke dyke PROPN ital-5724 2 6 : : PUNCT ital-5724 2 7 chief chief NOUN ital-5724 2 8 , , PUNCT ital-5724 2 9 computer computer NOUN ital-5724 2 10 applications application NOUN ital-5724 2 11 , , PUNCT ital-5724 2 12 national national ADJ ital-5724 2 13 agricultural agricultural ADJ ital-5724 2 14 library library NOUN ital-5724 2 15 , , PUNCT ital-5724 2 16 and and CCONJ ital-5724 2 17 nancy nancy PROPN ital-5724 2 18 l l PROPN ital-5724 2 19 . . PUNCT ital-5724 2 20 ayer ayer PROPN ital-5724 2 21 : : PUNCT ital-5724 2 22 computer computer NOUN ital-5724 2 23 systems system NOUN ital-5724 2 24 analyst analyst NOUN ital-5724 2 25 , , PUNCT ital-5724 2 26 national national ADJ ital-5724 2 27 agricultural agricultural PROPN ital-5724 2 28 library library PROPN ital-5724 2 29 , , PUNCT ital-5724 2 30 beltsville beltsville PROPN ital-5724 2 31 , , PUNCT ital-5724 2 32 maryland maryland PROPN ital-5724 2 33 . . PUNCT ital-5724 3 1 a a DET ital-5724 3 2 description description NOUN ital-5724 3 3 of of ADP ital-5724 3 4 the the DET ital-5724 3 5 cataloging cataloging NOUN ital-5724 3 6 and and CCONJ ital-5724 3 7 indexing indexing NOUN ital-5724 3 8 system system NOUN ital-5724 3 9 ( ( PUNCT ital-5724 3 10 cain cain NOUN ital-5724 3 11 ) ) PUNCT ital-5724 3 12 which which PRON ital-5724 3 13 the the DET ital-5724 3 14 national national ADJ ital-5724 3 15 agricultural agricultural ADJ ital-5724 3 16 library library NOUN ital-5724 3 17 has have AUX ital-5724 3 18 been be AUX ital-5724 3 19 using use VERB ital-5724 3 20 since since SCONJ ital-5724 3 21 january january PROPN ital-5724 3 22 1970 1970 NUM ital-5724 3 23 to to PART ital-5724 3 24 build build VERB ital-5724 3 25 a a DET ital-5724 3 26 broad broad ADJ ital-5724 3 27 data data NOUN ital-5724 3 28 base base NOUN ital-5724 3 29 of of ADP ital-5724 3 30 agricultural agricultural ADJ ital-5724 3 31 and and CCONJ ital-5724 3 32 associated associate VERB ital-5724 3 33 sciences science NOUN ital-5724 3 34 information information NOUN ital-5724 3 35 . . PUNCT ital-5724 4 1 with with ADP ital-5724 4 2 a a DET ital-5724 4 3 single single ADJ ital-5724 4 4 keyboarding keyboarding NOUN ital-5724 4 5 , , PUNCT ital-5724 4 6 bibliographic bibliographic ADJ ital-5724 4 7 data datum NOUN ital-5724 4 8 is be AUX ital-5724 4 9 inputed input VERB ital-5724 4 10 , , PUNCT ital-5724 4 11 edited edit VERB ital-5724 4 12 , , PUNCT ital-5724 4 13 manipulated manipulate VERB ital-5724 4 14 , , PUNCT ital-5724 4 15 and and CCONJ ital-5724 4 16 merged merge VERB ital-5724 4 17 into into ADP ital-5724 4 18 a a DET ital-5724 4 19 permanent permanent ADJ ital-5724 4 20 base base NOUN ital-5724 4 21 which which PRON ital-5724 4 22 is be AUX ital-5724 4 23 used use VERB ital-5724 4 24 to to PART ital-5724 4 25 produce produce VERB ital-5724 4 26 many many ADJ ital-5724 4 27 types type NOUN ital-5724 4 28 of of ADP ital-5724 4 29 printed print VERB ital-5724 4 30 or or CCONJ ital-5724 4 31 print print NOUN ital-5724 4 32 - - PUNCT ital-5724 4 33 ready ready ADJ ital-5724 4 34 end end NOUN ital-5724 4 35 - - PUNCT ital-5724 4 36 products product NOUN ital-5724 4 37 . . PUNCT ital-5724 5 1 presently presently ADV ital-5724 5 2 consisting consist VERB ital-5724 5 3 of of ADP ital-5724 5 4 five five NUM ital-5724 5 5 subsystems subsystem NOUN ital-5724 5 6 , , PUNCT ital-5724 5 7 cain cain PROPN ital-5724 5 8 utilizes utilize VERB ital-5724 5 9 the the DET ital-5724 5 10 concept concept NOUN ital-5724 5 11 of of ADP ital-5724 5 12 controlled control VERB ital-5724 5 13 authority authority NOUN ital-5724 5 14 files file NOUN ital-5724 5 15 to to PART ital-5724 5 16 facilitate facilitate VERB ital-5724 5 17 both both PRON ital-5724 5 18 information information NOUN ital-5724 5 19 input input NOUN ital-5724 5 20 and and CCONJ ital-5724 5 21 its its PRON ital-5724 5 22 retrieval retrieval NOUN ital-5724 5 23 . . PUNCT ital-5724 6 1 the the DET ital-5724 6 2 system system NOUN ital-5724 6 3 was be AUX ital-5724 6 4 designed design VERB ital-5724 6 5 to to PART ital-5724 6 6 provide provide VERB ital-5724 6 7 maximum maximum ADJ ital-5724 6 8 computer computer NOUN ital-5724 6 9 services service NOUN ital-5724 6 10 with with ADP ital-5724 6 11 the the DET ital-5724 6 12 minimum minimum NOUN ital-5724 6 13 of of ADP ital-5724 6 14 effort effort NOUN ital-5724 6 15 by by ADP ital-5724 6 16 users user NOUN ital-5724 6 17 . . PUNCT ital-5724 7 1 introduction introduction NOUN ital-5724 7 2 this this DET ital-5724 7 3 article article NOUN ital-5724 7 4 describes describe VERB ital-5724 7 5 an an DET ital-5724 7 6 interactive interactive ADJ ital-5724 7 7 system system NOUN ital-5724 7 8 in in ADP ital-5724 7 9 operation operation NOUN ital-5724 7 10 at at ADP ital-5724 7 11 the the DET ital-5724 7 12 national national ADJ ital-5724 7 13 agricultural agricultural ADJ ital-5724 7 14 library library NOUN ital-5724 7 15 which which PRON ital-5724 7 16 with with ADP ital-5724 7 17 a a DET ital-5724 7 18 single single ADJ ital-5724 7 19 keyboarding keyboarding NOUN ital-5724 7 20 of of ADP ital-5724 7 21 data datum NOUN ital-5724 7 22 provides provide VERB ital-5724 7 23 all all DET ital-5724 7 24 necessary necessary ADJ ital-5724 7 25 catalog catalog NOUN ital-5724 7 26 cards card NOUN ital-5724 7 27 , , PUNCT ital-5724 7 28 book book NOUN ital-5724 7 29 catalogs catalog NOUN ital-5724 7 30 , , PUNCT ital-5724 7 31 bibliographies bibliography NOUN ital-5724 7 32 , , PUNCT ital-5724 7 33 and and CCONJ ital-5724 7 34 related related ADJ ital-5724 7 35 internal internal ADJ ital-5724 7 36 reports report NOUN ital-5724 7 37 , , PUNCT ital-5724 7 38 as as ADV ital-5724 7 39 well well ADV ital-5724 7 40 as as ADP ital-5724 7 41 a a DET ital-5724 7 42 computer computer NOUN ital-5724 7 43 data datum NOUN ital-5724 7 44 base base NOUN ital-5724 7 45 for for ADP ital-5724 7 46 information information NOUN ital-5724 7 47 retrieval retrieval NOUN ital-5724 7 48 . . PUNCT ital-5724 8 1 primarily primarily ADV ital-5724 8 2 in in ADP ital-5724 8 3 batch batch NOUN ital-5724 8 4 mode mode NOUN ital-5724 8 5 , , PUNCT ital-5724 8 6 the the DET ital-5724 8 7 system system NOUN ital-5724 8 8 can can AUX ital-5724 8 9 operate operate VERB ital-5724 8 10 on on ADP ital-5724 8 11 an an DET ital-5724 8 12 ibm ibm PROPN ital-5724 8 13 360 360 NUM ital-5724 8 14 with with ADP ital-5724 8 15 256k 256k NUM ital-5724 8 16 memory memory NOUN ital-5724 8 17 using use VERB ital-5724 8 18 os os NOUN ital-5724 8 19 , , PUNCT ital-5724 8 20 six six NUM ital-5724 8 21 magnetic magnetic ADJ ital-5724 8 22 tape tape NOUN ital-5724 8 23 drives drive NOUN ital-5724 8 24 , , PUNCT ital-5724 8 25 a a DET ital-5724 8 26 card card NOUN ital-5724 8 27 reader reader NOUN ital-5724 8 28 , , PUNCT ital-5724 8 29 and and CCONJ ital-5724 8 30 a a DET ital-5724 8 31 line line NOUN ital-5724 8 32 printer printer NOUN ital-5724 8 33 . . PUNCT ital-5724 9 1 background background NOUN ital-5724 9 2 the the DET ital-5724 9 3 national national ADJ ital-5724 9 4 agricultural agricultural ADJ ital-5724 9 5 library library NOUN ital-5724 9 6 ( ( PUNCT ital-5724 9 7 nal nal ADJ ital-5724 9 8 ) ) PUNCT ital-5724 9 9 as as ADP ital-5724 9 10 one one NUM ital-5724 9 11 of of ADP ital-5724 9 12 the the DET ital-5724 9 13 three three NUM ital-5724 9 14 national national ADJ ital-5724 9 15 libraries library NOUN ital-5724 9 16 is be AUX ital-5724 9 17 responsible responsible ADJ ital-5724 9 18 for for ADP ital-5724 9 19 the the DET ital-5724 9 20 collection collection NOUN ital-5724 9 21 and and CCONJ ital-5724 9 22 dissemination dissemination NOUN ital-5724 9 23 of of ADP ital-5724 9 24 agricultural agricultural ADJ ital-5724 9 25 information information NOUN ital-5724 9 26 on on ADP ital-5724 9 27 a a DET ital-5724 9 28 national national ADJ ital-5724 9 29 and and CCONJ ital-5724 9 30 worldwide worldwide ADJ ital-5724 9 31 basis basis NOUN ital-5724 9 32 . . PUNCT ital-5724 10 1 in in ADP ital-5724 10 2 this this DET ital-5724 10 3 pursuit pursuit NOUN ital-5724 10 4 publications publication NOUN ital-5724 10 5 are be AUX ital-5724 10 6 obtained obtain VERB ital-5724 10 7 through through ADP ital-5724 10 8 gifts gift NOUN ital-5724 10 9 , , PUNCT ital-5724 10 10 exchange exchange NOUN ital-5724 10 11 agreements agreement NOUN ital-5724 10 12 , , PUNCT ital-5724 10 13 and and CCONJ ital-5724 10 14 by by ADP ital-5724 10 15 purchase purchase NOUN ital-5724 10 16 of of ADP ital-5724 10 17 items item NOUN ital-5724 10 18 in in ADP ital-5724 10 19 many many ADJ ital-5724 10 20 languages language NOUN ital-5724 10 21 . . PUNCT ital-5724 11 1 titles title NOUN ital-5724 11 2 of of ADP ital-5724 11 3 those those DET ital-5724 11 4 items item NOUN ital-5724 11 5 in in ADP ital-5724 11 6 non non ADJ ital-5724 11 7 - - ADJ ital-5724 11 8 roman roman ADJ ital-5724 11 9 alphabets alphabet NOUN ital-5724 11 10 are be AUX ital-5724 11 11 transliterated transliterate VERB ital-5724 11 12 and and CCONJ ital-5724 11 13 all all DET ital-5724 11 14 non non ADJ ital-5724 11 15 - - ADJ ital-5724 11 16 english english ADJ ital-5724 11 17 titles title NOUN ital-5724 11 18 are be AUX ital-5724 11 19 translated translate VERB ital-5724 11 20 . . PUNCT ital-5724 12 1 the the DET ital-5724 12 2 volume volume NOUN ital-5724 12 3 of of ADP ital-5724 12 4 publications publication NOUN ital-5724 12 5 handled handle VERB ital-5724 12 6 by by ADP ital-5724 12 7 nal nal NOUN ital-5724 12 8 in in ADP ital-5724 12 9 1969 1969 NUM ital-5724 12 10 was be AUX ital-5724 12 11 in in ADP ital-5724 12 12 the the DET ital-5724 12 13 neigh22 neigh22 NOUN ital-5724 12 14 journal journal NOUN ital-5724 12 15 of of ADP ital-5724 12 16 library library PROPN ital-5724 12 17 automation automation PROPN ital-5724 12 18 vol vol NOUN ital-5724 12 19 . . PUNCT ital-5724 13 1 5/1 5/1 NUM ital-5724 13 2 march march PROPN ital-5724 13 3 , , PUNCT ital-5724 13 4 1972 1972 NUM ital-5724 13 5 borhood borhood NOUN ital-5724 13 6 of of ADP ital-5724 13 7 600,000 600,000 NUM ital-5724 13 8 , , PUNCT ital-5724 13 9 of of ADP ital-5724 13 10 which which PRON ital-5724 13 11 approximately approximately ADV ital-5724 13 12 275,000 275,000 NUM ital-5724 13 13 were be AUX ital-5724 13 14 added add VERB ital-5724 13 15 to to ADP ital-5724 13 16 the the DET ital-5724 13 17 collection collection NOUN ital-5724 13 18 . . PUNCT ital-5724 14 1 this this DET ital-5724 14 2 volume volume NOUN ital-5724 14 3 was be AUX ital-5724 14 4 sufficiently sufficiently ADV ital-5724 14 5 large large ADJ ital-5724 14 6 to to PART ital-5724 14 7 provide provide VERB ital-5724 14 8 a a DET ital-5724 14 9 serious serious ADJ ital-5724 14 10 problem problem NOUN ital-5724 14 11 to to ADP ital-5724 14 12 nal nal ADJ ital-5724 14 13 's 's PART ital-5724 14 14 staff staff NOUN ital-5724 14 15 and and CCONJ ital-5724 14 16 thus thus ADV ital-5724 14 17 computer computer NOUN ital-5724 14 18 assistance assistance NOUN ital-5724 14 19 was be AUX ital-5724 14 20 clearly clearly ADV ital-5724 14 21 a a DET ital-5724 14 22 logical logical ADJ ital-5724 14 23 and and CCONJ ital-5724 14 24 necessary necessary ADJ ital-5724 14 25 arrangement arrangement NOUN ital-5724 14 26 . . PUNCT ital-5724 15 1 in in ADP ital-5724 15 2 1964 1964 NUM ital-5724 15 3 a a DET ital-5724 15 4 computer computer NOUN ital-5724 15 5 group group NOUN ital-5724 15 6 was be AUX ital-5724 15 7 formed form VERB ital-5724 15 8 in in ADP ital-5724 15 9 nal nal ADJ ital-5724 15 10 ; ; PUNCT ital-5724 15 11 it it PRON ital-5724 15 12 became become VERB ital-5724 15 13 active active ADJ ital-5724 15 14 in in ADP ital-5724 15 15 developing develop VERB ital-5724 15 16 systems system NOUN ital-5724 15 17 to to PART ital-5724 15 18 prepare prepare VERB ital-5724 15 19 voluminous voluminous ADJ ital-5724 15 20 indexes index NOUN ital-5724 15 21 for for ADP ital-5724 15 22 the the DET ital-5724 15 23 bibliography bibliography NOUN ital-5724 15 24 of of ADP ital-5724 15 25 agriculture agriculture NOUN ital-5724 15 26 , , PUNCT ital-5724 15 27 the the DET ital-5724 15 28 complete complete ADJ ital-5724 15 29 pesticides pesticide NOUN ital-5724 15 30 documentation documentation NOUN ital-5724 15 31 bulletin bulletin NOUN ital-5724 15 32 , , PUNCT ital-5724 15 33 and and CCONJ ital-5724 15 34 the the DET ital-5724 15 35 categorical categorical ADJ ital-5724 15 36 and and CCONJ ital-5724 15 37 alphabetical alphabetical ADJ ital-5724 15 38 issues issue NOUN ital-5724 15 39 of of ADP ital-5724 15 40 the the DET ital-5724 15 41 agricultural/ agricultural/ NUM ital-5724 15 42 biological biological ADJ ital-5724 15 43 vocabulary vocabulary NOUN ital-5724 15 44 . . PUNCT ital-5724 16 1 during during ADP ital-5724 16 2 1969 1969 NUM ital-5724 16 3 these these DET ital-5724 16 4 systems system NOUN ital-5724 16 5 were be AUX ital-5724 16 6 consolidated consolidate VERB ital-5724 16 7 and and CCONJ ital-5724 16 8 expanded expand VERB ital-5724 16 9 so so SCONJ ital-5724 16 10 as as SCONJ ital-5724 16 11 to to PART ital-5724 16 12 process process VERB ital-5724 16 13 all all DET ital-5724 16 14 input input NOUN ital-5724 16 15 data datum NOUN ital-5724 16 16 within within ADP ital-5724 16 17 one one NUM ital-5724 16 18 coordinated coordinate VERB ital-5724 16 19 set set NOUN ital-5724 16 20 of of ADP ital-5724 16 21 parameters parameter NOUN ital-5724 16 22 . . PUNCT ital-5724 17 1 in in ADP ital-5724 17 2 january january PROPN ital-5724 17 3 1970 1970 NUM ital-5724 17 4 the the DET ital-5724 17 5 new new ADJ ital-5724 17 6 cataloging cataloging NOUN ital-5724 17 7 and and CCONJ ital-5724 17 8 indexing indexing NOUN ital-5724 17 9 ( ( PUNCT ital-5724 17 10 cain cain NOUN ital-5724 17 11 ) ) PUNCT ital-5724 17 12 system system NOUN ital-5724 17 13 was be AUX ital-5724 17 14 implemented implement VERB ital-5724 17 15 . . PUNCT ital-5724 18 1 system system NOUN ital-5724 18 2 design design NOUN ital-5724 18 3 cain cain NOUN ital-5724 18 4 is be AUX ital-5724 18 5 a a DET ital-5724 18 6 complex complex ADJ ital-5724 18 7 and and CCONJ ital-5724 18 8 comprehensive comprehensive ADJ ital-5724 18 9 computer computer NOUN ital-5724 18 10 system system NOUN ital-5724 18 11 which which PRON ital-5724 18 12 has have AUX ital-5724 18 13 been be AUX ital-5724 18 14 engineered engineer VERB ital-5724 18 15 to to PART ital-5724 18 16 handle handle VERB ital-5724 18 17 up up ADP ital-5724 18 18 to to PART ital-5724 18 19 five five NUM ital-5724 18 20 ( ( PUNCT ital-5724 18 21 5 5 NUM ital-5724 18 22 ) ) PUNCT ital-5724 18 23 simultaneous simultaneous ADJ ital-5724 18 24 but but CCONJ ital-5724 18 25 separate separate ADJ ital-5724 18 26 users user NOUN ital-5724 18 27 who who PRON ital-5724 18 28 share share VERB ital-5724 18 29 the the DET ital-5724 18 30 same same ADJ ital-5724 18 31 controlled control VERB ital-5724 18 32 authority authority NOUN ital-5724 18 33 files file NOUN ital-5724 18 34 . . PUNCT ital-5724 19 1 the the DET ital-5724 19 2 basic basic ADJ ital-5724 19 3 precept precept NOUN ital-5724 19 4 in in ADP ital-5724 19 5 development development NOUN ital-5724 19 6 of of ADP ital-5724 19 7 computer computer NOUN ital-5724 19 8 applications application NOUN ital-5724 19 9 at at ADP ital-5724 19 10 nal nal ADJ ital-5724 19 11 is be AUX ital-5724 19 12 to to PART ital-5724 19 13 make make VERB ital-5724 19 14 input input NOUN ital-5724 19 15 and and CCONJ ital-5724 19 16 output output NOUN ital-5724 19 17 simple simple ADJ ital-5724 19 18 and and CCONJ ital-5724 19 19 convenient convenient ADJ ital-5724 19 20 for for ADP ital-5724 19 21 the the DET ital-5724 19 22 users user NOUN ital-5724 19 23 , , PUNCT ital-5724 19 24 with with ADP ital-5724 19 25 the the DET ital-5724 19 26 computer computer NOUN ital-5724 19 27 assuming assume VERB ital-5724 19 28 as as ADV ital-5724 19 29 much much ADJ ital-5724 19 30 detail detail NOUN ital-5724 19 31 and and CCONJ ital-5724 19 32 data data NOUN ital-5724 19 33 manipulation manipulation NOUN ital-5724 19 34 as as SCONJ ital-5724 19 35 is be AUX ital-5724 19 36 technically technically ADV ital-5724 19 37 feasible feasible ADJ ital-5724 19 38 . . PUNCT ital-5724 20 1 at at ADP ital-5724 20 2 nal nal ADJ ital-5724 20 3 the the DET ital-5724 20 4 current current ADJ ital-5724 20 5 users user NOUN ital-5724 20 6 providing provide VERB ital-5724 20 7 input input NOUN ital-5724 20 8 data datum NOUN ital-5724 20 9 are be AUX ital-5724 20 10 the the DET ital-5724 20 11 new new ADJ ital-5724 20 12 book book NOUN ital-5724 20 13 section section NOUN ital-5724 20 14 , , PUNCT ital-5724 20 15 cataloging catalog VERB ital-5724 20 16 , , PUNCT ital-5724 20 17 indexing indexing NOUN ital-5724 20 18 , , PUNCT ital-5724 20 19 and and CCONJ ital-5724 20 20 agricultural agricultural ADJ ital-5724 20 21 economics economic NOUN ital-5724 20 22 . . PUNCT ital-5724 21 1 operating operate VERB ital-5724 21 2 in in ADP ital-5724 21 3 parallel parallel ADJ ital-5724 21 4 , , PUNCT ital-5724 21 5 cain cain PROPN ital-5724 21 6 also also ADV ital-5724 21 7 services service VERB ital-5724 21 8 the the DET ital-5724 21 9 herbicides herbicide NOUN ital-5724 21 10 data datum NOUN ital-5724 21 11 base base NOUN ital-5724 21 12 of of ADP ital-5724 21 13 the the DET ital-5724 21 14 agricultural agricultural ADJ ital-5724 21 15 research research NOUN ital-5724 21 16 service service NOUN ital-5724 21 17 ; ; PUNCT ital-5724 21 18 the the DET ital-5724 21 19 international international ADJ ital-5724 21 20 tree tree NOUN ital-5724 21 21 disease disease NOUN ital-5724 21 22 data datum NOUN ital-5724 21 23 base base NOUN ital-5724 21 24 of of ADP ital-5724 21 25 the the DET ital-5724 21 26 forest forest NOUN ital-5724 21 27 service service NOUN ital-5724 21 28 ; ; PUNCT ital-5724 21 29 and and CCONJ ital-5724 21 30 in in ADP ital-5724 21 31 1971 1971 NUM ital-5724 21 32 will will AUX ital-5724 21 33 be be AUX ital-5724 21 34 installed instal VERB ital-5724 21 35 in in ADP ital-5724 21 36 the the DET ital-5724 21 37 library library NOUN ital-5724 21 38 of of ADP ital-5724 21 39 the the DET ital-5724 21 40 technion technion NOUN ital-5724 21 41 - - PUNCT ital-5724 21 42 israel israel PROPN ital-5724 21 43 institute institute PROPN ital-5724 21 44 of of ADP ital-5724 21 45 technology technology PROPN ital-5724 21 46 in in ADP ital-5724 21 47 haifa haifa PROPN ital-5724 21 48 , , PUNCT ital-5724 21 49 israel israel PROPN ital-5724 21 50 . . PUNCT ital-5724 22 1 the the DET ital-5724 22 2 master master PROPN ital-5724 22 3 data data NOUN ital-5724 22 4 record record NOUN ital-5724 22 5 is be AUX ital-5724 22 6 variable variable ADJ ital-5724 22 7 in in ADP ital-5724 22 8 length length NOUN ital-5724 22 9 with with ADP ital-5724 22 10 a a DET ital-5724 22 11 fixed fix VERB ital-5724 22 12 portion portion NOUN ital-5724 22 13 of of ADP ital-5724 22 14 173 173 NUM ital-5724 22 15 characters character NOUN ital-5724 22 16 and and CCONJ ital-5724 22 17 up up ADP ital-5724 22 18 to to PART ital-5724 22 19 fifty fifty NUM ital-5724 22 20 - - PUNCT ital-5724 22 21 seven seven NUM ital-5724 22 22 additional additional ADJ ital-5724 22 23 segments segment NOUN ital-5724 22 24 of of ADP ital-5724 22 25 65 65 NUM ital-5724 22 26 characters character NOUN ital-5724 22 27 each each PRON ital-5724 22 28 . . PUNCT ital-5724 23 1 the the DET ital-5724 23 2 fixed fix VERB ital-5724 23 3 portion portion NOUN ital-5724 23 4 includes include VERB ital-5724 23 5 basic basic ADJ ital-5724 23 6 data datum NOUN ital-5724 23 7 plus plus CCONJ ital-5724 23 8 a a DET ital-5724 23 9 directory directory NOUN ital-5724 23 10 of of ADP ital-5724 23 11 data datum NOUN ital-5724 23 12 contained contain VERB ital-5724 23 13 in in ADP ital-5724 23 14 the the DET ital-5724 23 15 variable variable ADJ ital-5724 23 16 portion portion NOUN ital-5724 23 17 . . PUNCT ital-5724 24 1 data datum NOUN ital-5724 24 2 elements element NOUN ital-5724 24 3 in in ADP ital-5724 24 4 cain cain PROPN ital-5724 24 5 are be AUX ital-5724 24 6 : : PUNCT ital-5724 24 7 a. a. PROPN ital-5724 24 8 file file PROPN ital-5724 24 9 code code PROPN ital-5724 24 10 - - PUNCT ital-5724 24 11 delineates delineate VERB ital-5724 24 12 the the DET ital-5724 24 13 various various ADJ ital-5724 24 14 files file NOUN ital-5724 24 15 . . PUNCT ital-5724 25 1 b. b. PROPN ital-5724 25 2 identification identification NOUN ital-5724 25 3 number number NOUN ital-5724 25 4 - - PUNCT ital-5724 25 5 on on ADP ital-5724 25 6 cataloged catalog VERB ital-5724 25 7 items item NOUN ital-5724 25 8 this this PRON ital-5724 25 9 embodies embody VERB ital-5724 25 10 the the DET ital-5724 25 11 accession accession NOUN ital-5724 25 12 number number NOUN ital-5724 25 13 . . PUNCT ital-5724 26 1 all all DET ital-5724 26 2 identification identification NOUN ital-5724 26 3 numbers number NOUN ital-5724 26 4 include include VERB ital-5724 26 5 the the DET ital-5724 26 6 year year NOUN ital-5724 26 7 of of ADP ital-5724 26 8 accession accession NOUN ital-5724 26 9 , , PUNCT ital-5724 26 10 a a DET ital-5724 26 11 parallel parallel ADJ ital-5724 26 12 run run NOUN ital-5724 26 13 code code NOUN ital-5724 26 14 plus plus CCONJ ital-5724 26 15 a a DET ital-5724 26 16 unique unique ADJ ital-5724 26 17 control control NOUN ital-5724 26 18 number number NOUN ital-5724 26 19 . . PUNCT ital-5724 27 1 c. c. PROPN ital-5724 27 2 source source PROPN ital-5724 27 3 code code PROPN ital-5724 27 4 . . PUNCT ital-5724 28 1 d. d. PROPN ital-5724 28 2 user user PROPN ital-5724 28 3 codes codes PROPN ital-5724 28 4 - - PUNCT ital-5724 28 5 specific specific ADJ ital-5724 28 6 identification identification NOUN ital-5724 28 7 of of ADP ital-5724 28 8 up up ADP ital-5724 28 9 to to PART ital-5724 28 10 five five NUM ital-5724 28 11 users user NOUN ital-5724 28 12 . . PUNCT ital-5724 29 1 e. e. PROPN ital-5724 29 2 english english PROPN ital-5724 29 3 indicator indicator PROPN ital-5724 29 4 - - PUNCT ital-5724 29 5 language language NOUN ital-5724 29 6 of of ADP ital-5724 29 7 text text NOUN ital-5724 29 8 . . PUNCT ital-5724 30 1 f. f. PROPN ital-5724 30 2 translation translation PROPN ital-5724 30 3 code code NOUN ital-5724 30 4 - - PUNCT ital-5724 30 5 availability availability NOUN ital-5724 30 6 of of ADP ital-5724 30 7 an an DET ital-5724 30 8 english english ADJ ital-5724 30 9 translation translation NOUN ital-5724 30 10 . . PUNCT ital-5724 31 1 g. g. PROPN ital-5724 31 2 language language NOUN ital-5724 31 3 , , PUNCT ital-5724 31 4 if if SCONJ ital-5724 31 5 other other ADJ ital-5724 31 6 than than ADP ital-5724 31 7 english english PROPN ital-5724 31 8 . . PUNCT ital-5724 32 1 h. h. PROPN ital-5724 32 2 proprietary proprietary ADJ ital-5724 32 3 restrictoridentifies restrictoridentifie NOUN ital-5724 32 4 classified classify VERB ital-5724 32 5 records record NOUN ital-5724 32 6 . . PUNCT ital-5724 33 1 i. i. PROPN ital-5724 33 2 title title PROPN ital-5724 33 3 tracing trace VERB ital-5724 33 4 indicator indicator NOUN ital-5724 33 5 - - PUNCT ital-5724 33 6 for for ADP ital-5724 33 7 catalog catalog NOUN ital-5724 33 8 cards card NOUN ital-5724 33 9 . . PUNCT ital-5724 34 1 j j NOUN ital-5724 34 2 .. .. PUNCT ital-5724 34 3 main main ADJ ital-5724 34 4 entry entry NOUN ital-5724 34 5 - - PUNCT ital-5724 34 6 designates designate NOUN ital-5724 34 7 main main ADJ ital-5724 34 8 entry entry NOUN ital-5724 34 9 if if SCONJ ital-5724 34 10 not not PART ital-5724 34 11 normal normal ADJ ital-5724 34 12 sequence sequence NOUN ital-5724 34 13 . . PUNCT ital-5724 35 1 k k ADJ ital-5724 35 2 document document NOUN ital-5724 35 3 type type NOUN ital-5724 35 4 - - PUNCT ital-5724 35 5 whether whether SCONJ ital-5724 35 6 journal journal NOUN ital-5724 35 7 article article NOUN ital-5724 35 8 , , PUNCT ital-5724 35 9 monograph monograph PROPN ital-5724 35 10 , , PUNCT ital-5724 35 11 serial serial NOUN ital-5724 35 12 , , PUNCT ital-5724 35 13 etc etc X ital-5724 35 14 . . X ital-5724 35 15 i. i. PROPN ital-5724 35 16 filing filing NOUN ital-5724 35 17 location location NOUN ital-5724 35 18 - - PUNCT ital-5724 35 19 if if SCONJ ital-5724 35 20 other other ADJ ital-5724 35 21 than than ADP ital-5724 35 22 in in ADP ital-5724 35 23 the the DET ital-5724 35 24 library library NOUN ital-5724 35 25 stacks stack NOUN ital-5724 35 26 . . PUNCT ital-5724 36 1 m. m. NOUN ital-5724 36 2 categories categories PROPN ital-5724 36 3 - - PUNCT ital-5724 36 4 two two NUM ital-5724 36 5 . . PUNCT ital-5724 37 1 general general ADJ ital-5724 37 2 area area NOUN ital-5724 37 3 of of ADP ital-5724 37 4 coverage coverage NOUN ital-5724 37 5 of of ADP ital-5724 37 6 subject subject NOUN ital-5724 37 7 matter matter NOUN ital-5724 37 8 . . PUNCT ital-5724 38 1 cataloging catalog VERB ital-5724 38 2 and and CCONJ ital-5724 38 3 indexing indexing NOUN ital-5724 38 4 system system NOUN ital-5724 38 5 / / SYM ital-5724 38 6 van van PROPN ital-5724 38 7 dyke dyke NOUN ital-5724 38 8 and and CCONJ ital-5724 38 9 ayer ayer PROPN ital-5724 38 10 23 23 NUM ital-5724 38 11 n. n. PROPN ital-5724 38 12 new new PROPN ital-5724 38 13 book book NOUN ital-5724 38 14 description description NOUN ital-5724 38 15 - - PUNCT ital-5724 38 16 if if SCONJ ital-5724 38 17 the the DET ital-5724 38 18 title title NOUN ital-5724 38 19 is be AUX ital-5724 38 20 not not PART ital-5724 38 21 sufficiently sufficiently ADV ital-5724 38 22 explanatory explanatory ADJ ital-5724 38 23 . . PUNCT ital-5724 39 1 o. o. PROPN ital-5724 39 2 titles titles PROPN ital-5724 39 3 - - PUNCT ital-5724 39 4 three three NUM ital-5724 39 5 types type NOUN ital-5724 39 6 : : PUNCT ital-5724 39 7 ( ( PUNCT ital-5724 39 8 1 1 X ital-5724 39 9 ) ) PUNCT ital-5724 39 10 vernacular vernacular ADJ ital-5724 39 11 or or CCONJ ital-5724 39 12 short short ADJ ital-5724 39 13 , , PUNCT ital-5724 39 14 ( ( PUNCT ital-5724 39 15 2 2 X ital-5724 39 16 ) ) PUNCT ital-5724 39 17 alternate alternate NOUN ital-5724 39 18 or or CCONJ ital-5724 39 19 holdings holding NOUN ital-5724 39 20 , , PUNCT ital-5724 39 21 and and CCONJ ital-5724 39 22 ( ( PUNCT ital-5724 39 23 3 3 X ital-5724 39 24 ) ) PUNCT ital-5724 39 25 translated translate VERB ital-5724 39 26 title title NOUN ital-5724 39 27 ( ( PUNCT ital-5724 39 28 english english PROPN ital-5724 39 29 ) ) PUNCT ital-5724 39 30 . . PUNCT ital-5724 40 1 p. p. NOUN ital-5724 40 2 personal personal ADJ ital-5724 40 3 authors author NOUN ital-5724 40 4 - - PUNCT ital-5724 40 5 up up ADP ital-5724 40 6 to to PART ital-5724 40 7 10 10 NUM ital-5724 40 8 . . PUNCT ital-5724 41 1 names name NOUN ital-5724 41 2 plus plus CCONJ ital-5724 41 3 identifying identify VERB ital-5724 41 4 data datum NOUN ital-5724 41 5 . . PUNCT ital-5724 42 1 q. q. PROPN ital-5724 42 2 corporate corporate ADJ ital-5724 42 3 authors author NOUN ital-5724 42 4 - - PUNCT ital-5724 42 5 maximum maximum NOUN ital-5724 42 6 of of ADP ital-5724 42 7 two two NUM ital-5724 42 8 . . PUNCT ital-5724 43 1 r. r. PROPN ital-5724 43 2 major major ADJ ital-5724 43 3 personal personal ADJ ital-5724 43 4 author author NOUN ital-5724 43 5 affiliation affiliation NOUN ital-5724 43 6 . . PUNCT ital-5724 44 1 s. s. PROPN ital-5724 44 2 abbreviated abbreviated PROPN ital-5724 44 3 journal journal PROPN ital-5724 44 4 title title NOUN ital-5724 44 5 if if SCONJ ital-5724 44 6 item item NOUN ital-5724 44 7 is be AUX ital-5724 44 8 a a DET ital-5724 44 9 journal journal NOUN ital-5724 44 10 article article NOUN ital-5724 44 11 ; ; PUNCT ital-5724 44 12 imprint imprint NOUN ital-5724 44 13 if if SCONJ ital-5724 44 14 monographs monograph NOUN ital-5724 44 15 and and CCONJ ital-5724 44 16 serials serial NOUN ital-5724 44 17 . . PUNCT ital-5724 45 1 t. t. PROPN ital-5724 45 2 collation collation PROPN ital-5724 45 3 / / SYM ital-5724 45 4 pagination pagination NOUN ital-5724 45 5 . . PUNCT ital-5724 46 1 u. u. PROPN ital-5724 46 2 date date PROPN ital-5724 46 3 - - PUNCT ital-5724 46 4 two two NUM ital-5724 46 5 : : PUNCT ital-5724 46 6 search search NOUN ital-5724 46 7 date date NOUN ital-5724 46 8 , , PUNCT ital-5724 46 9 and and CCONJ ital-5724 46 10 date date NOUN ital-5724 46 11 on on ADP ital-5724 46 12 publication publication NOUN ital-5724 46 13 if if SCONJ ital-5724 46 14 different different ADJ ital-5724 46 15 . . PUNCT ital-5724 47 1 v. v. ADP ital-5724 47 2 call call PROPN ital-5724 47 3 number number NOUN ital-5724 47 4 . . PUNCT ital-5724 48 1 w. w. ADJ ital-5724 48 2 subject subject PROPN ital-5724 48 3 terms term NOUN ital-5724 48 4 - - PUNCT ital-5724 48 5 may may AUX ital-5724 48 6 be be AUX ital-5724 48 7 nested nest VERB ital-5724 48 8 . . PUNCT ital-5724 49 1 up up ADP ital-5724 49 2 to to ADP ital-5724 49 3 45 45 NUM ital-5724 49 4 . . PUNCT ital-5724 50 1 x. x. PROPN ital-5724 50 2 general general PROPN ital-5724 50 3 notes notes PROPN ital-5724 50 4 . . PUNCT ital-5724 51 1 y. y. PROPN ital-5724 51 2 special special PROPN ital-5724 51 3 purpose purpose NOUN ital-5724 51 4 numbers number NOUN ital-5724 51 5 - - PUNCT ital-5724 51 6 patent patent NOUN ital-5724 51 7 , , PUNCT ital-5724 51 8 grant grant NOUN ital-5724 51 9 , , PUNCT ital-5724 51 10 analysis analysis NOUN ital-5724 51 11 , , PUNCT ital-5724 51 12 contract contract NOUN ital-5724 51 13 , , PUNCT ital-5724 51 14 technical technical ADJ ital-5724 51 15 , , PUNCT ital-5724 51 16 or or CCONJ ital-5724 51 17 report report VERB ital-5724 51 18 . . PUNCT ital-5724 52 1 z. z. PROPN ital-5724 52 2 series series PROPN ital-5724 52 3 statement statement PROPN ital-5724 52 4 . . PUNCT ital-5724 53 1 aa aa PROPN ital-5724 53 2 . . PUNCT ital-5724 53 3 abstract/ abstract/ X ital-5724 54 1 extract extract NOUN ital-5724 54 2 . . PUNCT ital-5724 55 1 bb bb PROPN ital-5724 55 2 . . PUNCT ital-5724 56 1 tracings tracing NOUN ital-5724 56 2 not not PART ital-5724 56 3 otherwise otherwise ADV ital-5724 56 4 normally normally ADV ital-5724 56 5 generated generate VERB ital-5724 56 6 by by ADP ital-5724 56 7 the the DET ital-5724 56 8 system system NOUN ital-5724 56 9 . . PUNCT ital-5724 57 1 cc cc PROPN ital-5724 57 2 . . PROPN ital-5724 57 3 nonvocabulary nonvocabulary PROPN ital-5724 57 4 cross cros NOUN ital-5724 58 1 - - NOUN ital-5724 58 2 references reference NOUN ital-5724 58 3 . . PUNCT ital-5724 59 1 the the DET ital-5724 59 2 total total ADJ ital-5724 59 3 number number NOUN ital-5724 59 4 of of ADP ital-5724 59 5 individual individual ADJ ital-5724 59 6 elements element NOUN ital-5724 59 7 is be AUX ital-5724 59 8 limited limit VERB ital-5724 59 9 only only ADV ital-5724 59 10 by by ADP ital-5724 59 11 the the DET ital-5724 59 12 maximum maximum ADJ ital-5724 59 13 record record NOUN ital-5724 59 14 size size NOUN ital-5724 59 15 . . PUNCT ital-5724 60 1 the the DET ital-5724 60 2 nal nal ADV ital-5724 60 3 - - PUNCT ital-5724 60 4 produced produce VERB ital-5724 60 5 software software NOUN ital-5724 60 6 is be AUX ital-5724 60 7 written write VERB ital-5724 60 8 in in ADP ital-5724 60 9 cobol cobol NOUN ital-5724 60 10 . . PUNCT ital-5724 61 1 the the DET ital-5724 61 2 data datum NOUN ital-5724 61 3 base base NOUN ital-5724 61 4 is be AUX ital-5724 61 5 maintained maintain VERB ital-5724 61 6 on on ADP ital-5724 61 7 tape tape NOUN ital-5724 61 8 which which PRON ital-5724 61 9 is be AUX ital-5724 61 10 nine nine NUM ital-5724 61 11 - - PUNCT ital-5724 61 12 track track NOUN ital-5724 61 13 , , PUNCT ital-5724 61 14 800 800 NUM ital-5724 61 15 bpi bpi NOUN ital-5724 61 16 , , PUNCT ital-5724 61 17 blocked block VERB ital-5724 61 18 2 2 NUM ital-5724 61 19 , , PUNCT ital-5724 61 20 in in ADP ital-5724 61 21 ebcdic ebcdic ADJ ital-5724 61 22 , , PUNCT ital-5724 61 23 with with ADP ital-5724 61 24 standard standard ADJ ital-5724 61 25 ibm ibm PROPN ital-5724 61 26 360 360 NUM ital-5724 61 27 header header NOUN ital-5724 61 28 and and CCONJ ital-5724 61 29 trailer trailer NOUN ital-5724 61 30 labels label NOUN ital-5724 61 31 . . PUNCT ital-5724 62 1 the the DET ital-5724 62 2 total total ADJ ital-5724 62 3 system system NOUN ital-5724 62 4 presently presently ADV ital-5724 62 5 consists consist VERB ital-5724 62 6 of of ADP ital-5724 62 7 forty forty NUM ital-5724 62 8 programs program NOUN ital-5724 62 9 , , PUNCT ital-5724 62 10 some some PRON ital-5724 62 11 of of ADP ital-5724 62 12 which which PRON ital-5724 62 13 are be AUX ital-5724 62 14 multipass multipass ADJ ital-5724 62 15 . . PUNCT ital-5724 63 1 in in ADP ital-5724 63 2 addition addition NOUN ital-5724 63 3 , , PUNCT ital-5724 63 4 throughput throughput NOUN ital-5724 63 5 is be AUX ital-5724 63 6 sorted sort VERB ital-5724 63 7 twenty twenty NUM ital-5724 63 8 - - PUNCT ital-5724 63 9 five five NUM ital-5724 63 10 times time NOUN ital-5724 63 11 during during ADP ital-5724 63 12 the the DET ital-5724 63 13 full full ADJ ital-5724 63 14 computer computer NOUN ital-5724 63 15 run run NOUN ital-5724 63 16 . . PUNCT ital-5724 64 1 these these PRON ital-5724 64 2 , , PUNCT ital-5724 64 3 of of ADP ital-5724 64 4 course course NOUN ital-5724 64 5 , , PUNCT ital-5724 64 6 include include VERB ital-5724 64 7 the the DET ital-5724 64 8 search search NOUN ital-5724 64 9 and and CCONJ ital-5724 64 10 retrieval retrieval NOUN ital-5724 64 11 programs program NOUN ital-5724 64 12 and and CCONJ ital-5724 64 13 sorts sort NOUN ital-5724 64 14 which which PRON ital-5724 64 15 are be AUX ital-5724 64 16 run run VERB ital-5724 64 17 only only ADV ital-5724 64 18 on on ADP ital-5724 64 19 request request NOUN ital-5724 64 20 . . PUNCT ital-5724 65 1 the the DET ital-5724 65 2 ultimate ultimate ADJ ital-5724 65 3 system system NOUN ital-5724 65 4 which which PRON ital-5724 65 5 nal nal NOUN ital-5724 65 6 is be AUX ital-5724 65 7 working work VERB ital-5724 65 8 toward toward ADP ital-5724 65 9 and and CCONJ ital-5724 65 10 for for ADP ital-5724 65 11 which which PRON ital-5724 65 12 the the DET ital-5724 65 13 basic basic ADJ ital-5724 65 14 design design NOUN ital-5724 65 15 is be AUX ital-5724 65 16 already already ADV ital-5724 65 17 substantially substantially ADV ital-5724 65 18 complete complete ADJ ital-5724 65 19 is be AUX ital-5724 65 20 an an DET ital-5724 65 21 on on ADP ital-5724 65 22 - - PUNCT ital-5724 65 23 line line NOUN ital-5724 65 24 full full ADJ ital-5724 65 25 library library NOUN ital-5724 65 26 document document NOUN ital-5724 65 27 locator locator NOUN ital-5724 65 28 and and CCONJ ital-5724 65 29 control control NOUN ital-5724 65 30 system system NOUN ital-5724 65 31 which which PRON ital-5724 65 32 may may AUX ital-5724 65 33 be be AUX ital-5724 65 34 linked link VERB ital-5724 65 35 via via ADP ital-5724 65 36 dial dial NOUN ital-5724 65 37 - - PUNCT ital-5724 65 38 up up ADP ital-5724 65 39 service service NOUN ital-5724 65 40 to to ADP ital-5724 65 41 an an DET ital-5724 65 42 international international ADJ ital-5724 65 43 and and CCONJ ital-5724 65 44 national national ADJ ital-5724 65 45 science science NOUN ital-5724 65 46 and and CCONJ ital-5724 65 47 technology technology NOUN ital-5724 65 48 information information NOUN ital-5724 65 49 network network NOUN ital-5724 65 50 . . PUNCT ital-5724 66 1 each each DET ital-5724 66 2 portion portion NOUN ital-5724 66 3 of of ADP ital-5724 66 4 cain cain PROPN ital-5724 66 5 is be AUX ital-5724 66 6 developed develop VERB ital-5724 66 7 with with ADP ital-5724 66 8 the the DET ital-5724 66 9 broader broad ADJ ital-5724 66 10 picture picture NOUN ital-5724 66 11 in in ADP ital-5724 66 12 mind mind NOUN ital-5724 66 13 . . PUNCT ital-5724 67 1 it it PRON ital-5724 67 2 was be AUX ital-5724 67 3 this this DET ital-5724 67 4 factor factor NOUN ital-5724 67 5 which which PRON ital-5724 67 6 weighed weigh VERB ital-5724 67 7 heavily heavily ADV ital-5724 67 8 in in ADP ital-5724 67 9 selecting select VERB ital-5724 67 10 cathode cathode NOUN ital-5724 67 11 ray ray NOUN ital-5724 67 12 tube tube NOUN ital-5724 67 13 ( ( PUNCT ital-5724 67 14 crt crt PROPN ital-5724 67 15 ) ) PUNCT ital-5724 67 16 terminals terminal NOUN ital-5724 67 17 for for ADP ital-5724 67 18 the the DET ital-5724 67 19 proposed propose VERB ital-5724 67 20 data data NOUN ital-5724 67 21 gathering gathering NOUN ital-5724 67 22 subsystem subsystem NOUN ital-5724 67 23 inasmuch inasmuch ADJ ital-5724 67 24 as as SCONJ ital-5724 67 25 crt crt PROPN ital-5724 67 26 's 's PART ital-5724 67 27 will will AUX ital-5724 67 28 be be AUX ital-5724 67 29 the the DET ital-5724 67 30 predominant predominant ADJ ital-5724 67 31 type type NOUN ital-5724 67 32 of of ADP ital-5724 67 33 terminal terminal NOUN ital-5724 67 34 in in ADP ital-5724 67 35 the the DET ital-5724 67 36 future future ADJ ital-5724 67 37 network network NOUN ital-5724 67 38 . . PUNCT ital-5724 68 1 for for ADP ital-5724 68 2 convenience convenience NOUN ital-5724 68 3 in in ADP ital-5724 68 4 discussion discussion NOUN ital-5724 68 5 , , PUNCT ital-5724 68 6 the the DET ital-5724 68 7 system system NOUN ital-5724 68 8 will will AUX ital-5724 68 9 be be AUX ital-5724 68 10 described describe VERB ital-5724 68 11 by by ADP ital-5724 68 12 its its PRON ital-5724 68 13 subsystems subsystem NOUN ital-5724 68 14 : : PUNCT ital-5724 68 15 data data NOUN ital-5724 68 16 gathering gathering NOUN ital-5724 68 17 , , PUNCT ital-5724 68 18 edit edit NOUN ital-5724 68 19 and and CCONJ ital-5724 68 20 update update NOUN ital-5724 68 21 , , PUNCT ital-5724 68 22 publication publication NOUN ital-5724 68 23 , , PUNCT ital-5724 68 24 search search NOUN ital-5724 68 25 and and CCONJ ital-5724 68 26 controlled control VERB ital-5724 68 27 authorities authority NOUN ital-5724 68 28 . . PUNCT ital-5724 69 1 data data NOUN ital-5724 69 2 gathering gathering NOUN ital-5724 69 3 subsystem subsystem NOUN ital-5724 69 4 from from ADP ital-5724 69 5 its its PRON ital-5724 69 6 inception inception NOUN ital-5724 69 7 the the DET ital-5724 69 8 input input NOUN ital-5724 69 9 to to ADP ital-5724 69 10 cain cain PROPN ital-5724 69 11 was be AUX ital-5724 69 12 in in ADP ital-5724 69 13 the the DET ital-5724 69 14 form form NOUN ital-5724 69 15 of of ADP ital-5724 69 16 punched punched ADJ ital-5724 69 17 cards card NOUN ital-5724 69 18 , , PUNCT ital-5724 69 19 a a DET ital-5724 69 20 method method NOUN ital-5724 69 21 which which PRON ital-5724 69 22 has have AUX ital-5724 69 23 proved prove VERB ital-5724 69 24 to to PART ital-5724 69 25 be be AUX ital-5724 69 26 slow slow ADJ ital-5724 69 27 and and CCONJ ital-5724 69 28 error error NOUN ital-5724 69 29 prone prone ADJ ital-5724 69 30 . . PUNCT ital-5724 70 1 in in ADP ital-5724 70 2 order order NOUN ital-5724 70 3 to to PART ital-5724 70 4 eliminate eliminate VERB ital-5724 70 5 double double ADJ ital-5724 70 6 keyboarding keyboarde VERB ital-5724 70 7 and and CCONJ ital-5724 70 8 excessive excessive ADJ ital-5724 70 9 time time NOUN ital-5724 70 10 lag lag NOUN ital-5724 70 11 , , PUNCT ital-5724 70 12 as as ADV ital-5724 70 13 well well ADV ital-5724 70 14 as as ADP ital-5724 70 15 to to PART ital-5724 70 16 reduce reduce VERB ital-5724 70 17 the the DET ital-5724 70 18 24 24 NUM ital-5724 70 19 journal journal NOUN ital-5724 70 20 of of ADP ital-5724 70 21 library library PROPN ital-5724 70 22 automation automation PROPN ital-5724 70 23 vol vol NOUN ital-5724 70 24 . . PUNCT ital-5724 70 25 5/ 5/ NUM ital-5724 70 26 1 1 NUM ital-5724 70 27 march march NUM ital-5724 70 28 , , PUNCT ital-5724 70 29 1972 1972 NUM ital-5724 70 30 error error NOUN ital-5724 70 31 rates rate NOUN ital-5724 70 32 , , PUNCT ital-5724 70 33 it it PRON ital-5724 70 34 was be AUX ital-5724 70 35 decided decide VERB ital-5724 70 36 to to PART ital-5724 70 37 perform perform VERB ital-5724 70 38 this this DET ital-5724 70 39 input input NOUN ital-5724 70 40 function function NOUN ital-5724 70 41 in in ADP ital-5724 70 42 the the DET ital-5724 70 43 library library NOUN ital-5724 70 44 with with ADP ital-5724 70 45 trained train VERB ital-5724 70 46 library library NOUN ital-5724 70 47 personnel personnel NOUN ital-5724 70 48 . . PUNCT ital-5724 71 1 to to PART ital-5724 71 2 accomplish accomplish VERB ital-5724 71 3 this this PRON ital-5724 71 4 , , PUNCT ital-5724 71 5 nal nal ADJ ital-5724 71 6 proposes propose NOUN ital-5724 71 7 to to PART ital-5724 71 8 implement implement VERB ital-5724 71 9 an an DET ital-5724 71 10 " " PUNCT ital-5724 71 11 on on ADP ital-5724 71 12 - - PUNCT ital-5724 71 13 line line NOUN ital-5724 71 14 " " PUNCT ital-5724 71 15 type type NOUN ital-5724 71 16 of of ADP ital-5724 71 17 input input NOUN ital-5724 71 18 subsystem subsystem NOUN ital-5724 71 19 using use VERB ital-5724 71 20 crt crt PROPN ital-5724 71 21 's 's PART ital-5724 71 22 . . PUNCT ital-5724 72 1 although although SCONJ ital-5724 72 2 this this DET ital-5724 72 3 form form NOUN ital-5724 72 4 of of ADP ital-5724 72 5 entry entry NOUN ital-5724 72 6 is be AUX ital-5724 72 7 not not PART ital-5724 72 8 yet yet ADV ital-5724 72 9 in in ADP ital-5724 72 10 use use NOUN ital-5724 72 11 , , PUNCT ital-5724 72 12 the the DET ital-5724 72 13 subsystem subsystem NOUN ital-5724 72 14 should should AUX ital-5724 72 15 operate operate VERB ital-5724 72 16 substantially substantially ADV ital-5724 72 17 as as SCONJ ital-5724 72 18 follows follow VERB ital-5724 72 19 . . PUNCT ital-5724 73 1 the the DET ital-5724 73 2 documents document NOUN ital-5724 73 3 are be AUX ital-5724 73 4 to to PART ital-5724 73 5 be be AUX ital-5724 73 6 marked mark VERB ital-5724 73 7 by by ADP ital-5724 73 8 catalogers cataloger NOUN ital-5724 73 9 and and CCONJ ital-5724 73 10 indexers indexer NOUN ital-5724 73 11 and and CCONJ ital-5724 73 12 passed pass VERB ital-5724 73 13 to to ADP ital-5724 73 14 library library NOUN ital-5724 73 15 technicians technician NOUN ital-5724 73 16 who who PRON ital-5724 73 17 will will AUX ital-5724 73 18 enter enter VERB ital-5724 73 19 the the DET ital-5724 73 20 data datum NOUN ital-5724 73 21 through through ADP ital-5724 73 22 crt crt PROPN ital-5724 73 23 's 's PART ital-5724 73 24 into into ADP ital-5724 73 25 an an DET ital-5724 73 26 on on ADP ital-5724 73 27 - - PUNCT ital-5724 73 28 line line NOUN ital-5724 73 29 storage storage NOUN ital-5724 73 30 file file NOUN ital-5724 73 31 . . PUNCT ital-5724 74 1 to to PART ital-5724 74 2 do do VERB ital-5724 74 3 this this PRON ital-5724 74 4 , , PUNCT ital-5724 74 5 the the DET ital-5724 74 6 technician technician NOUN ital-5724 74 7 will will AUX ital-5724 74 8 call call VERB ital-5724 74 9 from from ADP ital-5724 74 10 the the DET ital-5724 74 11 hardware hardware NOUN ital-5724 74 12 prestored prestore VERB ital-5724 74 13 formats format NOUN ital-5724 74 14 as as SCONJ ital-5724 74 15 desired desire VERB ital-5724 74 16 and and CCONJ ital-5724 74 17 fill fill VERB ital-5724 74 18 in in ADP ital-5724 74 19 the the DET ital-5724 74 20 data data NOUN ital-5724 74 21 elements element NOUN ital-5724 74 22 required require VERB ital-5724 74 23 . . PUNCT ital-5724 75 1 these these DET ital-5724 75 2 formats format NOUN ital-5724 75 3 use use VERB ital-5724 75 4 english english ADJ ital-5724 75 5 terms term NOUN ital-5724 75 6 and and CCONJ ital-5724 75 7 for for ADP ital-5724 75 8 the the DET ital-5724 75 9 most most ADJ ital-5724 75 10 part part NOUN ital-5724 75 11 call call VERB ital-5724 75 12 for for ADP ital-5724 75 13 data datum NOUN ital-5724 75 14 rather rather ADV ital-5724 75 15 than than ADP ital-5724 75 16 codes code NOUN ital-5724 75 17 . . PUNCT ital-5724 76 1 in in ADP ital-5724 76 2 addition addition NOUN ital-5724 76 3 , , PUNCT ital-5724 76 4 data datum NOUN ital-5724 76 5 are be AUX ital-5724 76 6 to to PART ital-5724 76 7 be be AUX ital-5724 76 8 entered enter VERB ital-5724 76 9 in in ADP ital-5724 76 10 normal normal ADJ ital-5724 76 11 upperand upperand NOUN ital-5724 76 12 lowercase lowercase NOUN ital-5724 76 13 without without ADP ital-5724 76 14 diacritics diacritic NOUN ital-5724 76 15 , , PUNCT ital-5724 76 16 thus thus ADV ital-5724 76 17 improving improve VERB ital-5724 76 18 visual visual ADJ ital-5724 76 19 scanning scanning NOUN ital-5724 76 20 for for ADP ital-5724 76 21 errors error NOUN ital-5724 76 22 . . PUNCT ital-5724 77 1 an an DET ital-5724 77 2 average average NOUN ital-5724 77 3 of of ADP ital-5724 77 4 four four NUM ital-5724 77 5 formats format NOUN ital-5724 77 6 will will AUX ital-5724 77 7 be be AUX ital-5724 77 8 needed need VERB ital-5724 77 9 to to PART ital-5724 77 10 enter enter VERB ital-5724 77 11 one one NUM ital-5724 77 12 item item NOUN ital-5724 77 13 . . PUNCT ital-5724 78 1 by by ADP ital-5724 78 2 use use NOUN ital-5724 78 3 of of ADP ital-5724 78 4 an an DET ital-5724 78 5 algorithm algorithm NOUN ital-5724 78 6 , , PUNCT ital-5724 78 7 the the DET ital-5724 78 8 system system NOUN ital-5724 78 9 would would AUX ital-5724 78 10 store store VERB ital-5724 78 11 formatted format VERB ital-5724 78 12 records record NOUN ital-5724 78 13 for for ADP ital-5724 78 14 each each DET ital-5724 78 15 i i NOUN ital-5724 78 16 d d NOUN ital-5724 78 17 in in ADP ital-5724 78 18 such such DET ital-5724 78 19 a a DET ital-5724 78 20 manner manner NOUN ital-5724 78 21 as as SCONJ ital-5724 78 22 to to PART ital-5724 78 23 permit permit VERB ital-5724 78 24 recall recall NOUN ital-5724 78 25 singly singly ADV ital-5724 78 26 or or CCONJ ital-5724 78 27 collectively collectively ADV ital-5724 78 28 . . PUNCT ital-5724 79 1 the the DET ital-5724 79 2 physical physical ADJ ital-5724 79 3 documents document NOUN ital-5724 79 4 are be AUX ital-5724 79 5 then then ADV ital-5724 79 6 to to PART ital-5724 79 7 be be AUX ital-5724 79 8 passed pass VERB ital-5724 79 9 on on ADP ital-5724 79 10 to to ADP ital-5724 79 11 an an DET ital-5724 79 12 editor editor NOUN ital-5724 79 13 who who PRON ital-5724 79 14 can can AUX ital-5724 79 15 recall recall VERB ital-5724 79 16 any any PRON ital-5724 79 17 or or CCONJ ital-5724 79 18 all all DET ital-5724 79 19 formatted format VERB ital-5724 79 20 records record NOUN ital-5724 79 21 for for ADP ital-5724 79 22 review review NOUN ital-5724 79 23 . . PUNCT ital-5724 80 1 with with ADP ital-5724 80 2 the the DET ital-5724 80 3 document document NOUN ital-5724 80 4 in in ADP ital-5724 80 5 hand hand NOUN ital-5724 80 6 , , PUNCT ital-5724 80 7 stored store VERB ital-5724 80 8 records record NOUN ital-5724 80 9 will will AUX ital-5724 80 10 be be AUX ital-5724 80 11 reviewed review VERB ital-5724 80 12 and and CCONJ ital-5724 80 13 corrected correct VERB ital-5724 80 14 if if SCONJ ital-5724 80 15 necessary necessary ADJ ital-5724 80 16 . . PUNCT ital-5724 81 1 when when SCONJ ital-5724 81 2 acceptable acceptable ADJ ital-5724 81 3 , , PUNCT ital-5724 81 4 the the DET ital-5724 81 5 records record NOUN ital-5724 81 6 will will AUX ital-5724 81 7 then then ADV ital-5724 81 8 be be AUX ital-5724 81 9 transmitted transmit VERB ital-5724 81 10 to to ADP ital-5724 81 11 magnetic magnetic ADJ ital-5724 81 12 tape tape NOUN ital-5724 81 13 . . PUNCT ital-5724 82 1 variations variation NOUN ital-5724 82 2 on on ADP ital-5724 82 3 this this DET ital-5724 82 4 procedure procedure NOUN ital-5724 82 5 could could AUX ital-5724 82 6 include include VERB ital-5724 82 7 input input NOUN ital-5724 82 8 direct direct ADJ ital-5724 82 9 to to PART ital-5724 82 10 tape tape VERB ital-5724 82 11 , , PUNCT ital-5724 82 12 storage storage NOUN ital-5724 82 13 to to PART ital-5724 82 14 tape tape VERB ital-5724 82 15 without without ADP ital-5724 82 16 recall recall NOUN ital-5724 82 17 to to ADP ital-5724 82 18 a a DET ital-5724 82 19 crt crt NOUN ital-5724 82 20 by by ADP ital-5724 82 21 an an DET ital-5724 82 22 editor editor NOUN ital-5724 82 23 , , PUNCT ital-5724 82 24 cancellation cancellation NOUN ital-5724 82 25 of of ADP ital-5724 82 26 actions action NOUN ital-5724 82 27 , , PUNCT ital-5724 82 28 and and CCONJ ital-5724 82 29 a a DET ital-5724 82 30 direct direct ADJ ital-5724 82 31 purge purge NOUN ital-5724 82 32 of of ADP ital-5724 82 33 the the DET ital-5724 82 34 entire entire ADJ ital-5724 82 35 storage storage NOUN ital-5724 82 36 file file NOUN ital-5724 82 37 without without ADP ital-5724 82 38 loss loss NOUN ital-5724 82 39 of of ADP ital-5724 82 40 the the DET ital-5724 82 41 controlling control VERB ital-5724 82 42 matrix matrix NOUN ital-5724 82 43 . . PUNCT ital-5724 83 1 the the DET ital-5724 83 2 expertise expertise NOUN ital-5724 83 3 of of ADP ital-5724 83 4 the the DET ital-5724 83 5 library library NOUN ital-5724 83 6 technicians technician NOUN ital-5724 83 7 inputting inputte VERB ital-5724 83 8 the the DET ital-5724 83 9 data datum NOUN ital-5724 83 10 should should AUX ital-5724 83 11 insure insure VERB ital-5724 83 12 far far ADV ital-5724 83 13 more more ADJ ital-5724 83 14 accuracy accuracy NOUN ital-5724 83 15 than than SCONJ ital-5724 83 16 could could AUX ital-5724 83 17 be be AUX ital-5724 83 18 expected expect VERB ital-5724 83 19 from from ADP ital-5724 83 20 multihandling multihandle VERB ital-5724 83 21 and and CCONJ ital-5724 83 22 multikeyboarding multikeyboarding NOUN ital-5724 83 23 . . PUNCT ital-5724 84 1 in in ADP ital-5724 84 2 addition addition NOUN ital-5724 84 3 the the DET ital-5724 84 4 system system NOUN ital-5724 84 5 has have AUX ital-5724 84 6 been be AUX ital-5724 84 7 designed design VERB ital-5724 84 8 to to PART ital-5724 84 9 accomplish accomplish VERB ital-5724 84 10 basic basic ADJ ital-5724 84 11 pre pre ADJ ital-5724 84 12 - - ADJ ital-5724 84 13 cain cain ADJ ital-5724 84 14 editing editing NOUN ital-5724 84 15 of of ADP ital-5724 84 16 such such ADJ ital-5724 84 17 factors factor NOUN ital-5724 84 18 as as ADP ital-5724 84 19 numeric numeric ADJ ital-5724 84 20 or or CCONJ ital-5724 84 21 alphabetic alphabetic ADJ ital-5724 84 22 characters character NOUN ital-5724 84 23 in in ADP ital-5724 84 24 certain certain ADJ ital-5724 84 25 fields field NOUN ital-5724 84 26 and and CCONJ ital-5724 84 27 overall overall ADJ ital-5724 84 28 lengths length NOUN ital-5724 84 29 of of ADP ital-5724 84 30 the the DET ital-5724 84 31 fields field NOUN ital-5724 84 32 . . PUNCT ital-5724 85 1 errors error NOUN ital-5724 85 2 in in ADP ital-5724 85 3 these these DET ital-5724 85 4 categories category NOUN ital-5724 85 5 will will AUX ital-5724 85 6 be be AUX ital-5724 85 7 promptly promptly ADV ital-5724 85 8 identified identify VERB ital-5724 85 9 by by ADP ital-5724 85 10 the the DET ital-5724 85 11 computer computer NOUN ital-5724 85 12 by by ADP ital-5724 85 13 a a DET ital-5724 85 14 blinking blink VERB ital-5724 85 15 feature feature NOUN ital-5724 85 16 on on ADP ital-5724 85 17 the the DET ital-5724 85 18 crt crt NOUN ital-5724 85 19 screen screen NOUN ital-5724 85 20 . . PUNCT ital-5724 86 1 another another DET ital-5724 86 2 major major ADJ ital-5724 86 3 benefit benefit NOUN ital-5724 86 4 of of ADP ital-5724 86 5 this this DET ital-5724 86 6 direct direct ADJ ital-5724 86 7 approach approach NOUN ital-5724 86 8 is be AUX ital-5724 86 9 that that SCONJ ital-5724 86 10 documents document NOUN ital-5724 86 11 can can AUX ital-5724 86 12 be be AUX ital-5724 86 13 processed process VERB ital-5724 86 14 through through ADP ital-5724 86 15 the the DET ital-5724 86 16 system system NOUN ital-5724 86 17 so so SCONJ ital-5724 86 18 as as SCONJ ital-5724 86 19 to to PART ital-5724 86 20 reach reach VERB ital-5724 86 21 the the DET ital-5724 86 22 stacks stack NOUN ital-5724 86 23 twenty twenty NUM ital-5724 86 24 - - PUNCT ital-5724 86 25 four four NUM ital-5724 86 26 days day NOUN ital-5724 86 27 faster fast ADV ital-5724 86 28 than than ADP ital-5724 86 29 under under ADP ital-5724 86 30 the the DET ital-5724 86 31 current current ADJ ital-5724 86 32 keypunch keypunch NOUN ital-5724 86 33 method method NOUN ital-5724 86 34 . . PUNCT ital-5724 87 1 magnetic magnetic ADJ ital-5724 87 2 tapes tape NOUN ital-5724 87 3 created create VERB ital-5724 87 4 by by ADP ital-5724 87 5 the the DET ital-5724 87 6 data data NOUN ital-5724 87 7 gathering gathering NOUN ital-5724 87 8 system system NOUN ital-5724 87 9 will will AUX ital-5724 87 10 be be AUX ital-5724 87 11 periodically periodically ADV ital-5724 87 12 converted convert VERB ital-5724 87 13 from from ADP ital-5724 87 14 ascii ascii PROPN ital-5724 87 15 to to ADP ital-5724 87 16 ebcdic ebcdic ADJ ital-5724 87 17 and and CCONJ ital-5724 87 18 processed process VERB ital-5724 87 19 into into ADP ital-5724 87 20 the the DET ital-5724 87 21 edit edit NOUN ital-5724 87 22 and and CCONJ ital-5724 87 23 update update VERB ital-5724 87 24 subsystem subsystem NOUN ital-5724 87 25 of of ADP ital-5724 87 26 cain cain NOUN ital-5724 87 27 . . PUNCT ital-5724 88 1 the the DET ital-5724 88 2 present present ADJ ital-5724 88 3 nal nal ADJ ital-5724 88 4 time time NOUN ital-5724 88 5 schedule schedule NOUN ital-5724 88 6 for for ADP ital-5724 88 7 updating update VERB ital-5724 88 8 master master NOUN ital-5724 88 9 cain cain NOUN ital-5724 88 10 files file NOUN ital-5724 88 11 is be AUX ital-5724 88 12 weekly weekly ADJ ital-5724 88 13 . . PUNCT ital-5724 89 1 this this PRON ital-5724 89 2 is be AUX ital-5724 89 3 not not PART ital-5724 89 4 a a DET ital-5724 89 5 requirement requirement NOUN ital-5724 89 6 of of ADP ital-5724 89 7 the the DET ital-5724 89 8 system system NOUN ital-5724 89 9 but but CCONJ ital-5724 89 10 an an DET ital-5724 89 11 administrative administrative ADJ ital-5724 89 12 decision decision NOUN ital-5724 89 13 based base VERB ital-5724 89 14 on on ADP ital-5724 89 15 other other ADJ ital-5724 89 16 deadlines deadline NOUN ital-5724 89 17 . . PUNCT ital-5724 90 1 the the DET ital-5724 90 2 data data NOUN ital-5724 90 3 gathering gathering NOUN ital-5724 90 4 system system NOUN ital-5724 90 5 as as SCONJ ital-5724 90 6 prescribed prescribe VERB ital-5724 90 7 by by ADP ital-5724 90 8 nal nal NOUN ital-5724 90 9 will will AUX ital-5724 90 10 be be AUX ital-5724 90 11 composed compose VERB ital-5724 90 12 of of ADP ital-5724 90 13 sixteen sixteen NUM ital-5724 90 14 crt crt PROPN ital-5724 90 15 's 's PART ital-5724 90 16 , , PUNCT ital-5724 90 17 a a DET ital-5724 90 18 large large ADJ ital-5724 90 19 on on ADP ital-5724 90 20 - - PUNCT ital-5724 90 21 line line NOUN ital-5724 90 22 storage storage NOUN ital-5724 90 23 file file NOUN ital-5724 90 24 , , PUNCT ital-5724 90 25 and and CCONJ ital-5724 90 26 one one NUM ital-5724 90 27 nine nine NUM ital-5724 90 28 - - PUNCT ital-5724 90 29 track track NOUN ital-5724 90 30 800 800 NUM ital-5724 90 31 bpi bpi NOUN ital-5724 90 32 magnetic magnetic ADJ ital-5724 90 33 tape tape NOUN ital-5724 90 34 drive drive NOUN ital-5724 90 35 . . PUNCT ital-5724 91 1 this this DET ital-5724 91 2 configuration configuration NOUN ital-5724 91 3 will will AUX ital-5724 91 4 be be AUX ital-5724 91 5 either either CCONJ ital-5724 91 6 a a DET ital-5724 91 7 hard hard ADV ital-5724 91 8 - - PUNCT ital-5724 91 9 wired wire VERB ital-5724 91 10 " " PUNCT ital-5724 91 11 black black ADJ ital-5724 91 12 - - PUNCT ital-5724 91 13 box box NOUN ital-5724 91 14 " " PUNCT ital-5724 91 15 approach approach NOUN ital-5724 91 16 , , PUNCT ital-5724 91 17 or or CCONJ ital-5724 91 18 controlled control VERB ital-5724 91 19 by by ADP ital-5724 91 20 a a DET ital-5724 91 21 dedicated dedicated ADJ ital-5724 91 22 mini mini NOUN ital-5724 91 23 - - NOUN ital-5724 91 24 computer computer NOUN ital-5724 91 25 . . PUNCT ital-5724 92 1 the the DET ital-5724 92 2 hardware hardware NOUN ital-5724 92 3 prescribed prescribe VERB ital-5724 92 4 for for ADP ital-5724 92 5 this this DET ital-5724 92 6 subsystem subsystem NOUN ital-5724 92 7 is be AUX ital-5724 92 8 not not PART ital-5724 92 9 included include VERB ital-5724 92 10 as as ADP ital-5724 92 11 a a DET ital-5724 92 12 requirement requirement NOUN ital-5724 92 13 of of ADP ital-5724 92 14 cain cain PROPN ital-5724 92 15 inasmuch inasmuch PROPN ital-5724 92 16 as as SCONJ ital-5724 92 17 transactions transaction NOUN ital-5724 92 18 can can AUX ital-5724 92 19 be be AUX ital-5724 92 20 entered enter VERB ital-5724 92 21 on on ADP ital-5724 92 22 80 80 NUM ital-5724 92 23 - - PUNCT ital-5724 92 24 column column NOUN ital-5724 92 25 cards card NOUN ital-5724 92 26 if if SCONJ ital-5724 92 27 desired desire VERB ital-5724 92 28 . . PUNCT ital-5724 93 1 an an DET ital-5724 93 2 additional additional ADJ ital-5724 93 3 feature feature NOUN ital-5724 93 4 of of ADP ital-5724 93 5 this this DET ital-5724 93 6 subsystem subsystem NOUN ital-5724 93 7 will will AUX ital-5724 93 8 be be AUX ital-5724 93 9 the the DET ital-5724 93 10 generation generation NOUN ital-5724 93 11 of of ADP ital-5724 93 12 managecataloging managecataloging NOUN ital-5724 93 13 and and CCONJ ital-5724 93 14 indexing indexing NOUN ital-5724 93 15 systemjv systemjv NOUN ital-5724 93 16 an an DET ital-5724 93 17 dyke dyke NOUN ital-5724 93 18 and and CCONJ ital-5724 93 19 ayer ayer NOUN ital-5724 93 20 25 25 NUM ital-5724 93 21 ment ment NOUN ital-5724 93 22 information information NOUN ital-5724 93 23 feedback feedback NOUN ital-5724 93 24 . . PUNCT ital-5724 94 1 this this PRON ital-5724 94 2 will will AUX ital-5724 94 3 encourage encourage VERB ital-5724 94 4 elimination elimination NOUN ital-5724 94 5 of of ADP ital-5724 94 6 manual manual ADJ ital-5724 94 7 counts count NOUN ital-5724 94 8 and and CCONJ ital-5724 94 9 provide provide VERB ital-5724 94 10 accurate accurate ADJ ital-5724 94 11 throughput throughput NOUN ital-5724 94 12 volume volume NOUN ital-5724 94 13 statistics statistic NOUN ital-5724 94 14 on on ADP ital-5724 94 15 a a DET ital-5724 94 16 timely timely ADJ ital-5724 94 17 basis basis NOUN ital-5724 94 18 . . PUNCT ital-5724 95 1 through through ADP ital-5724 95 2 this this PRON ital-5724 95 3 means mean VERB ital-5724 95 4 the the DET ital-5724 95 5 supervisor supervisor NOUN ital-5724 95 6 will will AUX ital-5724 95 7 be be AUX ital-5724 95 8 in in ADP ital-5724 95 9 a a DET ital-5724 95 10 better well ADJ ital-5724 95 11 position position NOUN ital-5724 95 12 to to PART ital-5724 95 13 evaluate evaluate VERB ital-5724 95 14 workload workload NOUN ital-5724 95 15 , , PUNCT ital-5724 95 16 individual individual ADJ ital-5724 95 17 performance performance NOUN ital-5724 95 18 , , PUNCT ital-5724 95 19 and and CCONJ ital-5724 95 20 hardware hardware NOUN ital-5724 95 21 utilization utilization NOUN ital-5724 95 22 . . PUNCT ital-5724 96 1 edit edit NOUN ital-5724 96 2 and and CCONJ ital-5724 96 3 update update VERB ital-5724 96 4 subsystem subsystem NOUN ital-5724 96 5 the the DET ital-5724 96 6 first first ADJ ital-5724 96 7 step step NOUN ital-5724 96 8 in in ADP ital-5724 96 9 the the DET ital-5724 96 10 acceptance acceptance NOUN ital-5724 96 11 of of ADP ital-5724 96 12 transactions transaction NOUN ital-5724 96 13 is be AUX ital-5724 96 14 a a DET ital-5724 96 15 thorough thorough ADJ ital-5724 96 16 validation validation NOUN ital-5724 96 17 of of ADP ital-5724 96 18 each each DET ital-5724 96 19 data datum NOUN ital-5724 96 20 element element NOUN ital-5724 96 21 . . PUNCT ital-5724 97 1 the the DET ital-5724 97 2 computer computer NOUN ital-5724 97 3 is be AUX ital-5724 97 4 used use VERB ital-5724 97 5 to to PART ital-5724 97 6 relieve relieve VERB ital-5724 97 7 librarians librarian NOUN ital-5724 97 8 of of ADP ital-5724 97 9 the the DET ital-5724 97 10 voluminous voluminous ADJ ital-5724 97 11 and and CCONJ ital-5724 97 12 time time NOUN ital-5724 97 13 - - PUNCT ital-5724 97 14 consuming consume VERB ital-5724 97 15 edit edit NOUN ital-5724 97 16 of of ADP ital-5724 97 17 many many ADJ ital-5724 97 18 individual individual ADJ ital-5724 97 19 elements element NOUN ital-5724 97 20 having having AUX ital-5724 97 21 predetermined predetermine VERB ital-5724 97 22 limits limit NOUN ital-5724 97 23 . . PUNCT ital-5724 98 1 thus thus ADV ital-5724 98 2 , , PUNCT ital-5724 98 3 only only ADV ital-5724 98 4 a a DET ital-5724 98 5 cursory cursory NOUN ital-5724 98 6 review review NOUN ital-5724 98 7 of of ADP ital-5724 98 8 the the DET ital-5724 98 9 proof proof NOUN ital-5724 98 10 - - PUNCT ital-5724 98 11 listed list VERB ital-5724 98 12 records record NOUN ital-5724 98 13 is be AUX ital-5724 98 14 necessary necessary ADJ ital-5724 98 15 by by ADP ital-5724 98 16 a a DET ital-5724 98 17 librarian librarian NOUN ital-5724 98 18 before before ADP ital-5724 98 19 acceptance acceptance NOUN ital-5724 98 20 . . PUNCT ital-5724 99 1 the the DET ital-5724 99 2 system system NOUN ital-5724 99 3 can can AUX ital-5724 99 4 not not PART ital-5724 99 5 detect detect VERB ital-5724 99 6 , , PUNCT ital-5724 99 7 of of ADP ital-5724 99 8 course course NOUN ital-5724 99 9 , , PUNCT ital-5724 99 10 logical logical ADJ ital-5724 99 11 or or CCONJ ital-5724 99 12 typographical typographical ADJ ital-5724 99 13 errors error NOUN ital-5724 99 14 , , PUNCT ital-5724 99 15 but but CCONJ ital-5724 99 16 it it PRON ital-5724 99 17 can can AUX ital-5724 99 18 determine determine VERB ital-5724 99 19 the the DET ital-5724 99 20 absence absence NOUN ital-5724 99 21 of of ADP ital-5724 99 22 necessary necessary ADJ ital-5724 99 23 information information NOUN ital-5724 99 24 , , PUNCT ital-5724 99 25 codes code NOUN ital-5724 99 26 in in ADP ital-5724 99 27 invalid invalid ADJ ital-5724 99 28 ranges range NOUN ital-5724 99 29 , , PUNCT ital-5724 99 30 and and CCONJ ital-5724 99 31 the the DET ital-5724 99 32 incorrect incorrect ADJ ital-5724 99 33 placement placement NOUN ital-5724 99 34 of of ADP ital-5724 99 35 data datum NOUN ital-5724 99 36 . . PUNCT ital-5724 100 1 elements element NOUN ital-5724 100 2 for for ADP ital-5724 100 3 which which PRON ital-5724 100 4 the the DET ital-5724 100 5 system system NOUN ital-5724 100 6 supplies supply VERB ital-5724 100 7 authority authority NOUN ital-5724 100 8 files file NOUN ital-5724 100 9 are be AUX ital-5724 100 10 not not PART ital-5724 100 11 only only ADV ital-5724 100 12 verified verify VERB ital-5724 100 13 against against ADP ital-5724 100 14 the the DET ital-5724 100 15 file file NOUN ital-5724 100 16 but but CCONJ ital-5724 100 17 also also ADV ital-5724 100 18 additional additional ADJ ital-5724 100 19 transactions transaction NOUN ital-5724 100 20 are be AUX ital-5724 100 21 generated generate VERB ital-5724 100 22 from from ADP ital-5724 100 23 the the DET ital-5724 100 24 authority authority NOUN ital-5724 100 25 file file NOUN ital-5724 100 26 to to PART ital-5724 100 27 assure assure VERB ital-5724 100 28 uniformity uniformity NOUN ital-5724 100 29 in in ADP ital-5724 100 30 output output NOUN ital-5724 100 31 . . PUNCT ital-5724 101 1 this this PRON ital-5724 101 2 also also ADV ital-5724 101 3 eliminates eliminate VERB ital-5724 101 4 the the DET ital-5724 101 5 necessity necessity NOUN ital-5724 101 6 for for ADP ital-5724 101 7 librarians librarian NOUN ital-5724 101 8 having have VERB ital-5724 101 9 to to PART ital-5724 101 10 enter enter VERB ital-5724 101 11 those those DET ital-5724 101 12 elements element NOUN ital-5724 101 13 which which PRON ital-5724 101 14 have have VERB ital-5724 101 15 a a DET ital-5724 101 16 direct direct ADJ ital-5724 101 17 predictable predictable ADJ ital-5724 101 18 relationship relationship NOUN ital-5724 101 19 to to ADP ital-5724 101 20 another another DET ital-5724 101 21 element element NOUN ital-5724 101 22 . . PUNCT ital-5724 102 1 further further ADJ ital-5724 102 2 validations validation NOUN ital-5724 102 3 are be AUX ital-5724 102 4 performed perform VERB ital-5724 102 5 at at ADP ital-5724 102 6 the the DET ital-5724 102 7 point point NOUN ital-5724 102 8 of of ADP ital-5724 102 9 building build VERB ital-5724 102 10 new new ADJ ital-5724 102 11 records record NOUN ital-5724 102 12 or or CCONJ ital-5724 102 13 updating update VERB ital-5724 102 14 records record NOUN ital-5724 102 15 already already ADV ital-5724 102 16 in in ADP ital-5724 102 17 the the DET ital-5724 102 18 master master NOUN ital-5724 102 19 file file NOUN ital-5724 102 20 . . PUNCT ital-5724 103 1 the the DET ital-5724 103 2 two two NUM ital-5724 103 3 " " PUNCT ital-5724 103 4 master master NOUN ital-5724 103 5 " " PUNCT ital-5724 103 6 files file NOUN ital-5724 103 7 are be AUX ital-5724 103 8 ( ( PUNCT ital-5724 103 9 1 1 X ital-5724 103 10 ) ) PUNCT ital-5724 103 11 the the DET ital-5724 103 12 temporary temporary ADJ ital-5724 103 13 set set NOUN ital-5724 103 14 of of ADP ital-5724 103 15 unselected unselected ADJ ital-5724 103 16 records record NOUN ital-5724 103 17 and and CCONJ ital-5724 103 18 ( ( PUNCT ital-5724 103 19 2 2 X ital-5724 103 20 ) ) PUNCT ital-5724 103 21 the the DET ital-5724 103 22 permanent permanent ADJ ital-5724 103 23 set set NOUN ital-5724 103 24 of of ADP ital-5724 103 25 those those DET ital-5724 103 26 records record NOUN ital-5724 103 27 which which PRON ital-5724 103 28 have have AUX ital-5724 103 29 been be AUX ital-5724 103 30 approved approve VERB ital-5724 103 31 and and CCONJ ital-5724 103 32 selected select VERB ital-5724 103 33 for for ADP ital-5724 103 34 publication publication NOUN ital-5724 103 35 in in ADP ital-5724 103 36 some some DET ital-5724 103 37 form form NOUN ital-5724 103 38 . . PUNCT ital-5724 104 1 data datum NOUN ital-5724 104 2 elements element NOUN ital-5724 104 3 specified specify VERB ital-5724 104 4 as as SCONJ ital-5724 104 5 required require VERB ital-5724 104 6 within within ADP ital-5724 104 7 each each DET ital-5724 104 8 record record NOUN ital-5724 104 9 are be AUX ital-5724 104 10 reviewed review VERB ital-5724 104 11 . . PUNCT ital-5724 105 1 if if SCONJ ital-5724 105 2 one one NUM ital-5724 105 3 or or CCONJ ital-5724 105 4 more more ADJ ital-5724 105 5 is be AUX ital-5724 105 6 missing miss VERB ital-5724 105 7 , , PUNCT ital-5724 105 8 the the DET ital-5724 105 9 system system NOUN ital-5724 105 10 refuses refuse VERB ital-5724 105 11 to to PART ital-5724 105 12 approve approve VERB ital-5724 105 13 this this DET ital-5724 105 14 record record NOUN ital-5724 105 15 , , PUNCT ital-5724 105 16 and and CCONJ ital-5724 105 17 a a DET ital-5724 105 18 notice notice NOUN ital-5724 105 19 is be AUX ital-5724 105 20 produced produce VERB ital-5724 105 21 concerning concern VERB ital-5724 105 22 this this DET ital-5724 105 23 reversal reversal NOUN ital-5724 105 24 of of ADP ital-5724 105 25 human human ADJ ital-5724 105 26 input input NOUN ital-5724 105 27 . . PUNCT ital-5724 106 1 fields field NOUN ital-5724 106 2 can can AUX ital-5724 106 3 be be AUX ital-5724 106 4 deleted delete VERB ital-5724 106 5 , , PUNCT ital-5724 106 6 in in ADP ital-5724 106 7 whole whole ADJ ital-5724 106 8 or or CCONJ ital-5724 106 9 in in ADP ital-5724 106 10 part part NOUN ital-5724 106 11 , , PUNCT ital-5724 106 12 replaced replace VERB ital-5724 106 13 or or CCONJ ital-5724 106 14 added add VERB ital-5724 106 15 . . PUNCT ital-5724 107 1 three three NUM ital-5724 107 2 types type NOUN ital-5724 107 3 of of ADP ital-5724 107 4 output output NOUN ital-5724 107 5 from from ADP ital-5724 107 6 this this DET ital-5724 107 7 subsystem subsystem NOUN ital-5724 107 8 are be AUX ital-5724 107 9 : : PUNCT ital-5724 107 10 • • PROPN ital-5724 107 11 new new ADJ ital-5724 107 12 updated update VERB ital-5724 107 13 master master NOUN ital-5724 107 14 files file NOUN ital-5724 107 15 . . PUNCT ital-5724 108 1 those those PRON ital-5724 108 2 which which PRON ital-5724 108 3 have have AUX ital-5724 108 4 been be AUX ital-5724 108 5 added add VERB ital-5724 108 6 or or CCONJ ital-5724 108 7 altered alter VERB ital-5724 108 8 during during ADP ital-5724 108 9 this this DET ital-5724 108 10 update update NOUN ital-5724 108 11 run run NOUN ital-5724 108 12 are be AUX ital-5724 108 13 proof proof NOUN ital-5724 108 14 - - PUNCT ital-5724 108 15 listed list VERB ital-5724 108 16 for for ADP ital-5724 108 17 cursory cursory NOUN ital-5724 108 18 review review NOUN ital-5724 108 19 by by ADP ital-5724 108 20 a a DET ital-5724 108 21 team team NOUN ital-5724 108 22 of of ADP ital-5724 108 23 professional professional ADJ ital-5724 108 24 librarians librarian NOUN ital-5724 108 25 . . PUNCT ital-5724 109 1 corrections correction NOUN ital-5724 109 2 and/ and/ PROPN ital-5724 109 3 or or CCONJ ital-5724 109 4 approvals approval NOUN ital-5724 109 5 are be AUX ital-5724 109 6 submitted submit VERB ital-5724 109 7 in in ADP ital-5724 109 8 a a DET ital-5724 109 9 subsequent subsequent ADJ ital-5724 109 10 update update NOUN ital-5724 109 11 run run NOUN ital-5724 109 12 . . PUNCT ital-5724 110 1 • • PROPN ital-5724 110 2 activity activity NOUN ital-5724 110 3 notices notice NOUN ital-5724 110 4 . . PUNCT ital-5724 111 1 every every DET ital-5724 111 2 action action NOUN ital-5724 111 3 whether whether SCONJ ital-5724 111 4 submitted submit VERB ital-5724 111 5 by by ADP ital-5724 111 6 the the DET ital-5724 111 7 user user NOUN ital-5724 111 8 or or CCONJ ital-5724 111 9 system system NOUN ital-5724 111 10 - - PUNCT ital-5724 111 11 generated generate VERB ital-5724 111 12 which which PRON ital-5724 111 13 has have AUX ital-5724 111 14 been be AUX ital-5724 111 15 accepted accept VERB ital-5724 111 16 for for ADP ital-5724 111 17 processing processing NOUN ital-5724 111 18 is be AUX ital-5724 111 19 reported report VERB ital-5724 111 20 . . PUNCT ital-5724 112 1 • • PROPN ital-5724 112 2 error error NOUN ital-5724 112 3 notices notice NOUN ital-5724 112 4 . . PUNCT ital-5724 113 1 all all DET ital-5724 113 2 error error NOUN ital-5724 113 3 and and CCONJ ital-5724 113 4 warning warn VERB ital-5724 113 5 messages message NOUN ital-5724 113 6 from from ADP ital-5724 113 7 this this DET ital-5724 113 8 subsystem subsystem NOUN ital-5724 113 9 are be AUX ital-5724 113 10 compiled compile VERB ital-5724 113 11 into into ADP ital-5724 113 12 one one NUM ital-5724 113 13 listing listing NOUN ital-5724 113 14 . . PUNCT ital-5724 114 1 this this PRON ital-5724 114 2 includes include VERB ital-5724 114 3 errors error NOUN ital-5724 114 4 on on ADP ital-5724 114 5 individual individual ADJ ital-5724 114 6 elements element NOUN ital-5724 114 7 , , PUNCT ital-5724 114 8 system system NOUN ital-5724 114 9 - - PUNCT ital-5724 114 10 discovered discover VERB ital-5724 114 11 errors error NOUN ital-5724 114 12 of of ADP ital-5724 114 13 omission omission NOUN ital-5724 114 14 , , PUNCT ital-5724 114 15 and and CCONJ ital-5724 114 16 warnings warning NOUN ital-5724 114 17 of of ADP ital-5724 114 18 computer computer NOUN ital-5724 114 19 overriding override VERB ital-5724 114 20 of of ADP ital-5724 114 21 submitted submit VERB ital-5724 114 22 actions action NOUN ital-5724 114 23 . . PUNCT ital-5724 115 1 through through ADP ital-5724 115 2 the the DET ital-5724 115 3 use use NOUN ital-5724 115 4 of of ADP ital-5724 115 5 control control NOUN ital-5724 115 6 cards card NOUN ital-5724 115 7 various various ADJ ital-5724 115 8 handling handling NOUN ital-5724 115 9 options option NOUN ital-5724 115 10 are be AUX ital-5724 115 11 possible possible ADJ ital-5724 115 12 . . PUNCT ital-5724 116 1 one one NUM ital-5724 116 2 of of ADP ital-5724 116 3 these these PRON ital-5724 116 4 is be AUX ital-5724 116 5 proof proof NOUN ital-5724 116 6 - - PUNCT ital-5724 116 7 listing listing NOUN ital-5724 116 8 of of ADP ital-5724 116 9 a a DET ital-5724 116 10 specific specific ADJ ital-5724 116 11 range range NOUN ital-5724 116 12 or or CCONJ ital-5724 116 13 ranges range NOUN ital-5724 116 14 of of ADP ital-5724 116 15 masters master NOUN ital-5724 116 16 by by ADP ital-5724 116 17 identification identification NOUN ital-5724 116 18 numbers number NOUN ital-5724 116 19 or or CCONJ ital-5724 116 20 dates date NOUN ital-5724 116 21 . . PUNCT ital-5724 117 1 subject subject NOUN ital-5724 117 2 headings heading NOUN ital-5724 117 3 are be AUX ital-5724 117 4 assigned assign VERB ital-5724 117 5 by by ADP ital-5724 117 6 professional professional ADJ ital-5724 117 7 librarians librarian NOUN ital-5724 117 8 for for ADP ital-5724 117 9 monographs monograph NOUN ital-5724 117 10 and and CCONJ ital-5724 117 11 new new ADJ ital-5724 117 12 serial serial ADJ ital-5724 117 13 titles title NOUN ital-5724 117 14 . . PUNCT ital-5724 118 1 for for ADP ital-5724 118 2 journal journal PROPN ital-5724 118 3 articles article NOUN ital-5724 118 4 , , PUNCT ital-5724 118 5 however however ADV ital-5724 118 6 , , PUNCT ital-5724 118 7 the the DET ital-5724 118 8 system system NOUN ital-5724 118 9 analyzes analyze VERB ital-5724 118 10 the the DET ital-5724 118 11 title title NOUN ital-5724 118 12 of of ADP ital-5724 118 13 the the DET ital-5724 118 14 article article NOUN ital-5724 118 15 and and CCONJ ital-5724 118 16 creates create VERB ital-5724 118 17 subject subject ADJ ital-5724 118 18 index index NOUN ital-5724 118 19 terms term NOUN ital-5724 118 20 , , PUNCT ital-5724 118 21 using use VERB ital-5724 118 22 single single ADJ ital-5724 118 23 words word NOUN ital-5724 118 24 , , PUNCT ital-5724 118 25 26 26 NUM ital-5724 118 26 journal journal NOUN ital-5724 118 27 of of ADP ital-5724 118 28 library library PROPN ital-5724 118 29 automation automation PROPN ital-5724 118 30 vol vol NOUN ital-5724 118 31 . . PUNCT ital-5724 119 1 5/1 5/1 NUM ital-5724 119 2 march march PROPN ital-5724 119 3 , , PUNCT ital-5724 119 4 1972 1972 NUM ital-5724 119 5 combinations combination NOUN ital-5724 119 6 of of ADP ital-5724 119 7 two two NUM ital-5724 119 8 words word NOUN ital-5724 119 9 not not PART ital-5724 119 10 separated separate VERB ital-5724 119 11 by by ADP ital-5724 119 12 stop stop NOUN ital-5724 119 13 words word NOUN ital-5724 119 14 , , PUNCT ital-5724 119 15 and and CCONJ ital-5724 119 16 singular singular ADJ ital-5724 119 17 and and CCONJ ital-5724 119 18 plural plural ADJ ital-5724 119 19 variations variation NOUN ital-5724 119 20 . . PUNCT ital-5724 120 1 the the DET ital-5724 120 2 generated generate VERB ital-5724 120 3 terms term NOUN ital-5724 120 4 are be AUX ital-5724 120 5 then then ADV ital-5724 120 6 processed process VERB ital-5724 120 7 against against ADP ital-5724 120 8 the the DET ital-5724 120 9 controlled control VERB ital-5724 120 10 authority authority NOUN ital-5724 120 11 file file NOUN ital-5724 120 12 . . PUNCT ital-5724 121 1 those those PRON ital-5724 121 2 accepted accept VERB ital-5724 121 3 as as ADP ital-5724 121 4 valid valid ADJ ital-5724 121 5 are be AUX ital-5724 121 6 inserted insert VERB ital-5724 121 7 in in ADP ital-5724 121 8 the the DET ital-5724 121 9 record record NOUN ital-5724 121 10 for for ADP ital-5724 121 11 searching search VERB ital-5724 121 12 purposes purpose NOUN ital-5724 121 13 . . PUNCT ital-5724 122 1 publication publication NOUN ital-5724 122 2 and and CCONJ ital-5724 122 3 distribution distribution NOUN ital-5724 122 4 subsystem subsystem NOUN ital-5724 122 5 each each DET ital-5724 122 6 data datum NOUN ital-5724 122 7 element element NOUN ital-5724 122 8 of of ADP ital-5724 122 9 a a DET ital-5724 122 10 bibliographic bibliographic ADJ ital-5724 122 11 item item NOUN ital-5724 122 12 is be AUX ital-5724 122 13 captured capture VERB ital-5724 122 14 only only ADV ital-5724 122 15 once once ADV ital-5724 122 16 and and CCONJ ital-5724 122 17 at at ADP ital-5724 122 18 the the DET ital-5724 122 19 earliest early ADJ ital-5724 122 20 possible possible ADJ ital-5724 122 21 time time NOUN ital-5724 122 22 in in ADP ital-5724 122 23 the the DET ital-5724 122 24 receipt receipt NOUN ital-5724 122 25 process process NOUN ital-5724 122 26 . . PUNCT ital-5724 123 1 master master NOUN ital-5724 123 2 records record NOUN ital-5724 123 3 which which PRON ital-5724 123 4 have have AUX ital-5724 123 5 successfully successfully ADV ital-5724 123 6 passed pass VERB ital-5724 123 7 the the DET ital-5724 123 8 edit edit NOUN ital-5724 123 9 and and CCONJ ital-5724 123 10 update update NOUN ital-5724 123 11 phase phase NOUN ital-5724 123 12 become become VERB ital-5724 123 13 candidates candidate NOUN ital-5724 123 14 for for ADP ital-5724 123 15 various various ADJ ital-5724 123 16 types type NOUN ital-5724 123 17 of of ADP ital-5724 123 18 publications publication NOUN ital-5724 123 19 and and CCONJ ital-5724 123 20 other other ADJ ital-5724 123 21 user user NOUN ital-5724 123 22 services service NOUN ital-5724 123 23 . . PUNCT ital-5724 124 1 six six NUM ital-5724 124 2 major major ADJ ital-5724 124 3 modes mode NOUN ital-5724 124 4 of of ADP ital-5724 124 5 publication publication NOUN ital-5724 124 6 products product NOUN ital-5724 124 7 are be AUX ital-5724 124 8 produced produce VERB ital-5724 124 9 by by ADP ital-5724 124 10 cain cain NOUN ital-5724 124 11 , , PUNCT ital-5724 124 12 at at ADP ital-5724 124 13 various various ADJ ital-5724 124 14 times time NOUN ital-5724 124 15 and and CCONJ ital-5724 124 16 in in ADP ital-5724 124 17 a a DET ital-5724 124 18 variety variety NOUN ital-5724 124 19 of of ADP ital-5724 124 20 both both DET ital-5724 124 21 formats format NOUN ital-5724 124 22 and and CCONJ ital-5724 124 23 media medium NOUN ital-5724 124 24 . . PUNCT ital-5724 125 1 preliminary preliminary ADJ ital-5724 125 2 to to ADP ital-5724 125 3 the the DET ital-5724 125 4 production production NOUN ital-5724 125 5 of of ADP ital-5724 125 6 formal formal ADJ ital-5724 125 7 output output NOUN ital-5724 125 8 there there PRON ital-5724 125 9 is be VERB ital-5724 125 10 a a DET ital-5724 125 11 screening screening NOUN ital-5724 125 12 for for ADP ital-5724 125 13 records record NOUN ital-5724 125 14 designated designate VERB ital-5724 125 15 as as ADV ital-5724 125 16 fully fully ADV ital-5724 125 17 acceptable acceptable ADJ ital-5724 125 18 by by ADP ital-5724 125 19 the the DET ital-5724 125 20 edit edit NOUN ital-5724 125 21 and and CCONJ ital-5724 125 22 update update VERB ital-5724 125 23 subsystem subsystem NOUN ital-5724 125 24 . . PUNCT ital-5724 126 1 as as SCONJ ital-5724 126 2 mentioned mention VERB ital-5724 126 3 above above ADV ital-5724 126 4 , , PUNCT ital-5724 126 5 any any DET ital-5724 126 6 record record NOUN ital-5724 126 7 may may AUX ital-5724 126 8 be be AUX ital-5724 126 9 identified identify VERB ital-5724 126 10 as as ADP ital-5724 126 11 being be AUX ital-5724 126 12 applicable applicable ADJ ital-5724 126 13 to to ADP ital-5724 126 14 any any DET ital-5724 126 15 combination combination NOUN ital-5724 126 16 of of ADP ital-5724 126 17 from from ADP ital-5724 126 18 one one NUM ital-5724 126 19 to to ADP ital-5724 126 20 five five NUM ital-5724 126 21 users user NOUN ital-5724 126 22 . . PUNCT ital-5724 127 1 by by ADP ital-5724 127 2 a a DET ital-5724 127 3 method method NOUN ital-5724 127 4 of of ADP ital-5724 127 5 control control NOUN ital-5724 127 6 cards card NOUN ital-5724 127 7 the the DET ital-5724 127 8 system system NOUN ital-5724 127 9 is be AUX ital-5724 127 10 informed inform VERB ital-5724 127 11 as as SCONJ ital-5724 127 12 to to PART ital-5724 127 13 which which PRON ital-5724 127 14 users user NOUN ital-5724 127 15 are be AUX ital-5724 127 16 scheduled schedule VERB ital-5724 127 17 for for ADP ital-5724 127 18 publication/ publication/ NUM ital-5724 127 19 distribution distribution NOUN ital-5724 127 20 , , PUNCT ital-5724 127 21 and and CCONJ ital-5724 127 22 the the DET ital-5724 127 23 maximum maximum ADJ ital-5724 127 24 quantity quantity NOUN ital-5724 127 25 to to PART ital-5724 127 26 be be AUX ital-5724 127 27 selected select VERB ital-5724 127 28 in in ADP ital-5724 127 29 each each DET ital-5724 127 30 case case NOUN ital-5724 127 31 . . PUNCT ital-5724 128 1 this this DET ital-5724 128 2 subsystem subsystem NOUN ital-5724 128 3 reviews review VERB ital-5724 128 4 each each DET ital-5724 128 5 record record NOUN ital-5724 128 6 to to PART ital-5724 128 7 ascertain ascertain VERB ital-5724 128 8 its its PRON ital-5724 128 9 appropriateness appropriateness NOUN ital-5724 128 10 for for ADP ital-5724 128 11 selection selection NOUN ital-5724 128 12 . . PUNCT ital-5724 129 1 records record NOUN ital-5724 129 2 meeting meet VERB ital-5724 129 3 the the DET ital-5724 129 4 criteria criterion NOUN ital-5724 129 5 are be AUX ital-5724 129 6 siphoned siphon VERB ital-5724 129 7 off off ADP ital-5724 129 8 for for ADP ital-5724 129 9 individual individual ADJ ital-5724 129 10 handling handling NOUN ital-5724 129 11 . . PUNCT ital-5724 130 1 no no DET ital-5724 130 2 record record NOUN ital-5724 130 3 is be AUX ital-5724 130 4 dropped drop VERB ital-5724 130 5 from from ADP ital-5724 130 6 the the DET ital-5724 130 7 temporary temporary ADJ ital-5724 130 8 file file NOUN ital-5724 130 9 until until SCONJ ital-5724 130 10 it it PRON ital-5724 130 11 has have AUX ital-5724 130 12 been be AUX ital-5724 130 13 selected select VERB ital-5724 130 14 by by ADP ital-5724 130 15 all all DET ital-5724 130 16 applicable applicable ADJ ital-5724 130 17 users user NOUN ital-5724 130 18 . . PUNCT ital-5724 131 1 a a DET ital-5724 131 2 new new ADJ ital-5724 131 3 book book NOUN ital-5724 131 4 shelf shelf NOUN ital-5724 131 5 listing list VERB ital-5724 131 6 may may AUX ital-5724 131 7 be be AUX ital-5724 131 8 printed print VERB ital-5724 131 9 on on ADP ital-5724 131 10 photocopy photocopy NOUN ital-5724 131 11 paper paper NOUN ital-5724 131 12 on on ADP ital-5724 131 13 request request NOUN ital-5724 131 14 . . PUNCT ital-5724 132 1 on on ADP ital-5724 132 2 preparation preparation NOUN ital-5724 132 3 , , PUNCT ital-5724 132 4 it it PRON ital-5724 132 5 is be AUX ital-5724 132 6 ready ready ADJ ital-5724 132 7 to to PART ital-5724 132 8 be be AUX ital-5724 132 9 matted mat VERB ital-5724 132 10 , , PUNCT ital-5724 132 11 photographed photograph VERB ital-5724 132 12 , , PUNCT ital-5724 132 13 printed print VERB ital-5724 132 14 , , PUNCT ital-5724 132 15 and and CCONJ ital-5724 132 16 distributed distribute VERB ital-5724 132 17 throughout throughout ADP ital-5724 132 18 the the DET ital-5724 132 19 department department NOUN ital-5724 132 20 of of ADP ital-5724 132 21 agriculture agriculture NOUN ital-5724 132 22 . . PUNCT ital-5724 133 1 only only ADV ital-5724 133 2 enough enough ADJ ital-5724 133 3 new new ADJ ital-5724 133 4 book book NOUN ital-5724 133 5 entries entry NOUN ital-5724 133 6 are be AUX ital-5724 133 7 selected select VERB ital-5724 133 8 by by ADP ital-5724 133 9 the the DET ital-5724 133 10 computer computer NOUN ital-5724 133 11 at at ADP ital-5724 133 12 one one NUM ital-5724 133 13 time time NOUN ital-5724 133 14 as as SCONJ ital-5724 133 15 will will AUX ital-5724 133 16 fit fit VERB ital-5724 133 17 on on ADP ital-5724 133 18 three three NUM ital-5724 133 19 sheets sheet NOUN ital-5724 133 20 of of ADP ital-5724 133 21 a a DET ital-5724 133 22 four four NUM ital-5724 133 23 - - PUNCT ital-5724 133 24 page page NOUN ital-5724 133 25 publication publication NOUN ital-5724 133 26 . . PUNCT ital-5724 134 1 approved approve VERB ital-5724 134 2 cataloged catalog VERB ital-5724 134 3 records record NOUN ital-5724 134 4 are be AUX ital-5724 134 5 selected select VERB ital-5724 134 6 weekly weekly ADV ital-5724 134 7 . . PUNCT ital-5724 135 1 each each DET ital-5724 135 2 record record NOUN ital-5724 135 3 is be AUX ital-5724 135 4 analyzed analyze VERB ital-5724 135 5 for for ADP ital-5724 135 6 applicability applicability NOUN ital-5724 135 7 to to ADP ital-5724 135 8 any any PRON ital-5724 135 9 or or CCONJ ital-5724 135 10 all all PRON ital-5724 135 11 of of ADP ital-5724 135 12 the the DET ital-5724 135 13 eight eight NUM ital-5724 135 14 major major ADJ ital-5724 135 15 files file NOUN ital-5724 135 16 for for ADP ital-5724 135 17 which which PRON ital-5724 135 18 catalog catalog NOUN ital-5724 135 19 cards card NOUN ital-5724 135 20 are be AUX ital-5724 135 21 prepared prepare VERB ital-5724 135 22 . . PUNCT ital-5724 136 1 each each DET ital-5724 136 2 card card NOUN ital-5724 136 3 file file NOUN ital-5724 136 4 has have VERB ital-5724 136 5 its its PRON ital-5724 136 6 own own ADJ ital-5724 136 7 criteria criterion NOUN ital-5724 136 8 both both PRON ital-5724 136 9 in in ADP ital-5724 136 10 content content NOUN ital-5724 136 11 and and CCONJ ital-5724 136 12 in in ADP ital-5724 136 13 the the DET ital-5724 136 14 number number NOUN ital-5724 136 15 and and CCONJ ital-5724 136 16 types type NOUN ital-5724 136 17 of of ADP ital-5724 136 18 cards card NOUN ital-5724 136 19 produced produce VERB ital-5724 136 20 for for ADP ital-5724 136 21 it it PRON ital-5724 136 22 . . PUNCT ital-5724 137 1 the the DET ital-5724 137 2 system system NOUN ital-5724 137 3 produces produce VERB ital-5724 137 4 a a DET ital-5724 137 5 separate separate ADJ ital-5724 137 6 record record NOUN ital-5724 137 7 for for ADP ital-5724 137 8 each each DET ital-5724 137 9 card card NOUN ital-5724 137 10 required require VERB ital-5724 137 11 , , PUNCT ital-5724 137 12 sorts sort VERB ital-5724 137 13 together together ADV ital-5724 137 14 the the DET ital-5724 137 15 records record NOUN ital-5724 137 16 for for ADP ital-5724 137 17 each each DET ital-5724 137 18 file file NOUN ital-5724 137 19 , , PUNCT ital-5724 137 20 and and CCONJ ital-5724 137 21 alphabetizes alphabetize VERB ital-5724 137 22 within within ADP ital-5724 137 23 that that DET ital-5724 137 24 file file NOUN ital-5724 137 25 . . PUNCT ital-5724 138 1 leading lead VERB ital-5724 138 2 articles article NOUN ital-5724 138 3 ( ( PUNCT ital-5724 138 4 regardless regardless ADV ital-5724 138 5 of of ADP ital-5724 138 6 language language NOUN ital-5724 138 7 ) ) PUNCT ital-5724 138 8 are be AUX ital-5724 138 9 printed print VERB ital-5724 138 10 but but CCONJ ital-5724 138 11 are be AUX ital-5724 138 12 excluded exclude VERB ital-5724 138 13 in in ADP ital-5724 138 14 the the DET ital-5724 138 15 sorting sort VERB ital-5724 138 16 procedure procedure NOUN ital-5724 138 17 . . PUNCT ital-5724 139 1 cards card NOUN ital-5724 139 2 are be AUX ital-5724 139 3 printed print VERB ital-5724 139 4 two two NUM ital-5724 139 5 - - PUNCT ital-5724 139 6 up up NOUN ital-5724 139 7 in in ADP ital-5724 139 8 upperand upperand ADJ ital-5724 139 9 lowercase lowercase NOUN ital-5724 139 10 in in ADP ital-5724 139 11 the the DET ital-5724 139 12 format format NOUN ital-5724 139 13 prescribed prescribe VERB ital-5724 139 14 by by ADP ital-5724 139 15 angloamerican angloamerican ADJ ital-5724 139 16 cataloging cataloging NOUN ital-5724 139 17 rules rule NOUN ital-5724 139 18 . . PUNCT ital-5724 140 1 after after ADP ital-5724 140 2 printing print VERB ital-5724 140 3 , , PUNCT ital-5724 140 4 the the DET ital-5724 140 5 cards card NOUN ital-5724 140 6 are be AUX ital-5724 140 7 distributed distribute VERB ital-5724 140 8 to to ADP ital-5724 140 9 the the DET ital-5724 140 10 appropriate appropriate ADJ ital-5724 140 11 organizations organization NOUN ital-5724 140 12 and and CCONJ ital-5724 140 13 sections section NOUN ital-5724 140 14 where where SCONJ ital-5724 140 15 they they PRON ital-5724 140 16 may may AUX ital-5724 140 17 be be AUX ital-5724 140 18 filed file VERB ital-5724 140 19 with with ADP ital-5724 140 20 a a DET ital-5724 140 21 minimum minimum NOUN ital-5724 140 22 of of ADP ital-5724 140 23 additional additional ADJ ital-5724 140 24 effort effort NOUN ital-5724 140 25 . . PUNCT ital-5724 141 1 monthly monthly ADV ital-5724 141 2 , , PUNCT ital-5724 141 3 a a DET ital-5724 141 4 book book NOUN ital-5724 141 5 catalog catalog NOUN ital-5724 141 6 is be AUX ital-5724 141 7 compiled compile VERB ital-5724 141 8 . . PUNCT ital-5724 142 1 this this PRON ital-5724 142 2 contains contain VERB ital-5724 142 3 not not PART ital-5724 142 4 only only ADV ital-5724 142 5 a a DET ital-5724 142 6 listing listing NOUN ital-5724 142 7 by by ADP ital-5724 142 8 main main ADJ ital-5724 142 9 entry entry NOUN ital-5724 142 10 but but CCONJ ital-5724 142 11 also also ADV ital-5724 142 12 indexes index NOUN ital-5724 142 13 of of ADP ital-5724 142 14 personal personal ADJ ital-5724 142 15 authors author NOUN ital-5724 142 16 , , PUNCT ital-5724 142 17 corporate corporate ADJ ital-5724 142 18 authors author NOUN ital-5724 142 19 , , PUNCT ital-5724 142 20 subjects subject NOUN ital-5724 142 21 , , PUNCT ital-5724 142 22 and and CCONJ ital-5724 142 23 titles title NOUN ital-5724 142 24 . . PUNCT ital-5724 143 1 a a DET ital-5724 143 2 biographic biographic ADJ ital-5724 143 3 index index NOUN ital-5724 143 4 ( ( PUNCT ital-5724 143 5 major major ADJ ital-5724 143 6 personal personal ADJ ital-5724 143 7 author author NOUN ital-5724 143 8 affiliation affiliation NOUN ital-5724 143 9 ) ) PUNCT ital-5724 143 10 capability capability NOUN ital-5724 143 11 is be AUX ital-5724 143 12 available available ADJ ital-5724 143 13 although although SCONJ ital-5724 143 14 not not PART ital-5724 143 15 presently presently ADV ital-5724 143 16 used use VERB ital-5724 143 17 by by ADP ital-5724 143 18 nal nal NOUN ital-5724 143 19 in in ADP ital-5724 143 20 the the DET ital-5724 143 21 book book NOUN ital-5724 143 22 catalog catalog NOUN ital-5724 143 23 . . PUNCT ital-5724 144 1 this this DET ital-5724 144 2 catalog catalog NOUN ital-5724 144 3 is be AUX ital-5724 144 4 printed print VERB ital-5724 144 5 in in ADP ital-5724 144 6 varying vary VERB ital-5724 144 7 numbers number NOUN ital-5724 144 8 of of ADP ital-5724 144 9 columns column NOUN ital-5724 144 10 changeable changeable ADJ ital-5724 144 11 by by ADP ital-5724 144 12 control control NOUN ital-5724 144 13 card card NOUN ital-5724 144 14 option option NOUN ital-5724 144 15 for for ADP ital-5724 144 16 each each DET ital-5724 144 17 index index NOUN ital-5724 144 18 . . PUNCT ital-5724 145 1 again again ADV ital-5724 145 2 photocopy photocopy NOUN ital-5724 145 3 paper paper NOUN ital-5724 145 4 is be AUX ital-5724 145 5 used use VERB ital-5724 145 6 with with ADP ital-5724 145 7 a a DET ital-5724 145 8 standard standard ADJ ital-5724 145 9 cataloging cataloging NOUN ital-5724 145 10 and and CCONJ ital-5724 145 11 indexing indexing NOUN ital-5724 145 12 system system NOUN ital-5724 145 13 / / SYM ital-5724 145 14 van van PROPN ital-5724 145 15 dyke dyke NOUN ital-5724 145 16 and and CCONJ ital-5724 145 17 ayer ayer NOUN ital-5724 145 18 27 27 NUM ital-5724 145 19 upperand upperand NOUN ital-5724 145 20 lowercase lowercase NOUN ital-5724 145 21 ( ( PUNCT ital-5724 145 22 tn tn ADV ital-5724 145 23 ) ) PUNCT ital-5724 145 24 print print NOUN ital-5724 145 25 train train NOUN ital-5724 145 26 . . PUNCT ital-5724 146 1 an an DET ital-5724 146 2 alternate alternate ADJ ital-5724 146 3 option option NOUN ital-5724 146 4 is be AUX ital-5724 146 5 magnetic magnetic ADJ ital-5724 146 6 tape tape NOUN ital-5724 146 7 output output NOUN ital-5724 146 8 formatted format VERB ital-5724 146 9 for for ADP ital-5724 146 10 direct direct ADJ ital-5724 146 11 input input NOUN ital-5724 146 12 to to ADP ital-5724 146 13 a a DET ital-5724 146 14 computer computer NOUN ital-5724 146 15 - - PUNCT ital-5724 146 16 driven drive VERB ital-5724 146 17 linotron linotron NOUN ital-5724 146 18 . . PUNCT ital-5724 147 1 see see VERB ital-5724 147 2 bibliographic bibliographic ADJ ital-5724 147 3 description description NOUN ital-5724 147 4 for for ADP ital-5724 147 5 more more ADJ ital-5724 147 6 detail detail NOUN ital-5724 147 7 . . PUNCT ital-5724 148 1 semiannually semiannually ADV ital-5724 148 2 the the DET ital-5724 148 3 index index NOUN ital-5724 148 4 portions portion NOUN ital-5724 148 5 of of ADP ital-5724 148 6 the the DET ital-5724 148 7 book book NOUN ital-5724 148 8 catalog catalog NOUN ital-5724 148 9 are be AUX ital-5724 148 10 cumulative cumulative ADJ ital-5724 148 11 . . PUNCT ital-5724 149 1 main main ADJ ital-5724 149 2 entry entry NOUN ital-5724 149 3 listings listing NOUN ital-5724 149 4 are be AUX ital-5724 149 5 not not PART ital-5724 149 6 repeated repeat VERB ital-5724 149 7 . . PUNCT ital-5724 150 1 multiyear multiyear ADJ ital-5724 150 2 accumulations accumulation NOUN ital-5724 150 3 may may AUX ital-5724 150 4 also also ADV ital-5724 150 5 be be AUX ital-5724 150 6 produced produce VERB ital-5724 150 7 . . PUNCT ital-5724 151 1 the the DET ital-5724 151 2 book book NOUN ital-5724 151 3 catalogs catalog NOUN ital-5724 151 4 are be AUX ital-5724 151 5 presently presently ADV ital-5724 151 6 being be AUX ital-5724 151 7 published publish VERB ital-5724 151 8 from from ADP ital-5724 151 9 photocopy photocopy NOUN ital-5724 151 10 printout printout NOUN ital-5724 151 11 by by ADP ital-5724 151 12 rowman rowman NOUN ital-5724 151 13 and and CCONJ ital-5724 151 14 littlefield littlefield PROPN ital-5724 151 15 , , PUNCT ital-5724 151 16 inc inc PROPN ital-5724 151 17 . . PROPN ital-5724 151 18 , , PUNCT ital-5724 151 19 new new PROPN ital-5724 151 20 york york PROPN ital-5724 151 21 . . PUNCT ital-5724 152 1 bibliographies bibliography NOUN ital-5724 152 2 , , PUNCT ital-5724 152 3 either either CCONJ ital-5724 152 4 scheduled schedule VERB ital-5724 152 5 or or CCONJ ital-5724 152 6 special special ADJ ital-5724 152 7 , , PUNCT ital-5724 152 8 can can AUX ital-5724 152 9 be be AUX ital-5724 152 10 produced produce VERB ital-5724 152 11 with with ADP ital-5724 152 12 the the DET ital-5724 152 13 same same ADJ ital-5724 152 14 indexes index NOUN ital-5724 152 15 as as ADP ital-5724 152 16 those those PRON ital-5724 152 17 in in ADP ital-5724 152 18 the the DET ital-5724 152 19 book book NOUN ital-5724 152 20 catalog catalog NOUN ital-5724 152 21 . . PUNCT ital-5724 153 1 these these PRON ital-5724 153 2 are be AUX ital-5724 153 3 normally normally ADV ital-5724 153 4 prepared prepare VERB ital-5724 153 5 for for ADP ital-5724 153 6 printing print VERB ital-5724 153 7 via via ADP ital-5724 153 8 the the DET ital-5724 153 9 linotron linotron NOUN ital-5724 153 10 . . PUNCT ital-5724 154 1 this this DET ital-5724 154 2 magnetic magnetic ADJ ital-5724 154 3 tape tape NOUN ital-5724 154 4 record record NOUN ital-5724 154 5 contains contain VERB ital-5724 154 6 all all DET ital-5724 154 7 formatting format VERB ital-5724 154 8 requirements requirement NOUN ital-5724 154 9 with with ADP ital-5724 154 10 the the DET ital-5724 154 11 exception exception NOUN ital-5724 154 12 of of ADP ital-5724 154 13 word word NOUN ital-5724 154 14 divisions division NOUN ital-5724 154 15 . . PUNCT ital-5724 155 1 document document NOUN ital-5724 155 2 title title NOUN ital-5724 155 3 , , PUNCT ital-5724 155 4 page page NOUN ital-5724 155 5 , , PUNCT ital-5724 155 6 and and CCONJ ital-5724 155 7 columnar columnar NOUN ital-5724 155 8 ( ( PUNCT ital-5724 155 9 subject subject NOUN ital-5724 155 10 category category NOUN ital-5724 155 11 ) ) PUNCT ital-5724 155 12 headers header NOUN ital-5724 155 13 are be AUX ital-5724 155 14 provided provide VERB ital-5724 155 15 by by ADP ital-5724 155 16 nal nal ADJ ital-5724 155 17 . . PUNCT ital-5724 156 1 running run VERB ital-5724 156 2 headers header NOUN ital-5724 156 3 are be AUX ital-5724 156 4 inserted insert VERB ital-5724 156 5 by by ADP ital-5724 156 6 the the DET ital-5724 156 7 linotron linotron NOUN ital-5724 156 8 . . PUNCT ital-5724 157 1 through through ADP ital-5724 157 2 predetermined predetermined ADJ ital-5724 157 3 codes code NOUN ital-5724 157 4 , , PUNCT ital-5724 157 5 the the DET ital-5724 157 6 cain cain NOUN ital-5724 157 7 tape tape NOUN ital-5724 157 8 specifies specify VERB ital-5724 157 9 the the DET ital-5724 157 10 print print NOUN ital-5724 157 11 style style NOUN ital-5724 157 12 , , PUNCT ital-5724 157 13 print print NOUN ital-5724 157 14 size size NOUN ital-5724 157 15 , , PUNCT ital-5724 157 16 and and CCONJ ital-5724 157 17 print print NOUN ital-5724 157 18 format format NOUN ital-5724 157 19 . . PUNCT ital-5724 158 1 bibliographies bibliography NOUN ital-5724 158 2 may may AUX ital-5724 158 3 also also ADV ital-5724 158 4 be be AUX ital-5724 158 5 computer computer NOUN ital-5724 158 6 printed print VERB ital-5724 158 7 on on ADP ital-5724 158 8 photocopy photocopy PROPN ital-5724 158 9 paper paper NOUN ital-5724 158 10 similar similar ADJ ital-5724 158 11 to to ADP ital-5724 158 12 the the DET ital-5724 158 13 book book NOUN ital-5724 158 14 catalog catalog NOUN ital-5724 158 15 . . PUNCT ital-5724 159 1 once once ADV ital-5724 159 2 a a DET ital-5724 159 3 month month NOUN ital-5724 159 4 , , PUNCT ital-5724 159 5 each each DET ital-5724 159 6 record record NOUN ital-5724 159 7 selected select VERB ital-5724 159 8 for for ADP ital-5724 159 9 publication publication NOUN ital-5724 159 10 is be AUX ital-5724 159 11 processed process VERB ital-5724 159 12 through through ADP ital-5724 159 13 a a DET ital-5724 159 14 merge merge NOUN ital-5724 159 15 and and CCONJ ital-5724 159 16 adjustment adjustment NOUN ital-5724 159 17 program program NOUN ital-5724 159 18 . . PUNCT ital-5724 160 1 at at ADP ital-5724 160 2 this this DET ital-5724 160 3 point point NOUN ital-5724 160 4 published publish VERB ital-5724 160 5 records record NOUN ital-5724 160 6 not not PART ital-5724 160 7 previously previously ADV ital-5724 160 8 on on ADP ital-5724 160 9 the the DET ital-5724 160 10 permanent permanent ADJ ital-5724 160 11 master master NOUN ital-5724 160 12 file file NOUN ital-5724 160 13 are be AUX ital-5724 160 14 added add VERB ital-5724 160 15 to to ADP ital-5724 160 16 it it PRON ital-5724 160 17 . . PUNCT ital-5724 161 1 those those PRON ital-5724 161 2 which which PRON ital-5724 161 3 are be AUX ital-5724 161 4 already already ADV ital-5724 161 5 on on ADP ital-5724 161 6 it it PRON ital-5724 161 7 are be AUX ital-5724 161 8 compared compare VERB ital-5724 161 9 and and CCONJ ital-5724 161 10 the the DET ital-5724 161 11 resident resident ADJ ital-5724 161 12 record record NOUN ital-5724 161 13 is be AUX ital-5724 161 14 adjusted adjust VERB ital-5724 161 15 to to PART ital-5724 161 16 include include VERB ital-5724 161 17 the the DET ital-5724 161 18 new new ADJ ital-5724 161 19 user user NOUN ital-5724 161 20 for for ADP ital-5724 161 21 whom whom PRON ital-5724 161 22 the the DET ital-5724 161 23 record record NOUN ital-5724 161 24 has have AUX ital-5724 161 25 just just ADV ital-5724 161 26 been be AUX ital-5724 161 27 published publish VERB ital-5724 161 28 . . PUNCT ital-5724 162 1 the the DET ital-5724 162 2 term term NOUN ital-5724 162 3 field field NOUN ital-5724 162 4 is be AUX ital-5724 162 5 also also ADV ital-5724 162 6 verified verify VERB ital-5724 162 7 and and CCONJ ital-5724 162 8 updated update VERB ital-5724 162 9 if if SCONJ ital-5724 162 10 necessary necessary ADJ ital-5724 162 11 . . PUNCT ital-5724 163 1 each each DET ital-5724 163 2 term term NOUN ital-5724 163 3 is be AUX ital-5724 163 4 also also ADV ital-5724 163 5 used use VERB ital-5724 163 6 to to PART ital-5724 163 7 generate generate VERB ital-5724 163 8 posting posting NOUN ital-5724 163 9 records record NOUN ital-5724 163 10 for for ADP ital-5724 163 11 the the DET ital-5724 163 12 subject subject NOUN ital-5724 163 13 authority authority NOUN ital-5724 163 14 file file NOUN ital-5724 163 15 . . PUNCT ital-5724 164 1 the the DET ital-5724 164 2 permanent permanent ADJ ital-5724 164 3 ( ( PUNCT ital-5724 164 4 published publish VERB ital-5724 164 5 ) ) PUNCT ital-5724 164 6 cain cain NOUN ital-5724 164 7 data datum NOUN ital-5724 164 8 base base NOUN ital-5724 164 9 is be AUX ital-5724 164 10 available available ADJ ital-5724 164 11 on on ADP ital-5724 164 12 magnetic magnetic ADJ ital-5724 164 13 tape tape NOUN ital-5724 164 14 in in ADP ital-5724 164 15 either either CCONJ ital-5724 164 16 the the DET ital-5724 164 17 master master NOUN ital-5724 164 18 format format NOUN ital-5724 164 19 or or CCONJ ital-5724 164 20 a a DET ital-5724 164 21 print print NOUN ital-5724 164 22 format format NOUN ital-5724 164 23 of of ADP ital-5724 164 24 the the DET ital-5724 164 25 linear linear ADJ ital-5724 164 26 proof proof NOUN ital-5724 164 27 ( ( PUNCT ital-5724 164 28 listing list VERB ital-5724 164 29 of of ADP ital-5724 164 30 each each DET ital-5724 164 31 data datum NOUN ital-5724 164 32 element element NOUN ital-5724 164 33 ) ) PUNCT ital-5724 164 34 . . PUNCT ital-5724 165 1 only only ADV ital-5724 165 2 records record NOUN ital-5724 165 3 not not PART ital-5724 165 4 previously previously ADV ital-5724 165 5 published publish VERB ital-5724 165 6 are be AUX ital-5724 165 7 added add VERB ital-5724 165 8 to to ADP ital-5724 165 9 the the DET ital-5724 165 10 monthly monthly ADJ ital-5724 165 11 sale sale NOUN ital-5724 165 12 tapes tape NOUN ital-5724 165 13 . . PUNCT ital-5724 166 1 these these DET ital-5724 166 2 tapes tape NOUN ital-5724 166 3 may may AUX ital-5724 166 4 be be AUX ital-5724 166 5 ordered order VERB ital-5724 166 6 individually individually ADV ital-5724 166 7 ( ( PUNCT ital-5724 166 8 new new ADJ ital-5724 166 9 monthly monthly ADJ ital-5724 166 10 selections selection NOUN ital-5724 166 11 ) ) PUNCT ital-5724 166 12 or or CCONJ ital-5724 166 13 collectively collectively ADV ital-5724 166 14 ( ( PUNCT ital-5724 166 15 whole whole ADJ ital-5724 166 16 file file NOUN ital-5724 166 17 ) ) PUNCT ital-5724 166 18 at at ADP ital-5724 166 19 the the DET ital-5724 166 20 cost cost NOUN ital-5724 166 21 of of ADP ital-5724 166 22 reproduction reproduction NOUN ital-5724 166 23 only only ADV ital-5724 166 24 . . PUNCT ital-5724 167 1 the the DET ital-5724 167 2 tape tape NOUN ital-5724 167 3 is be AUX ital-5724 167 4 nine nine NUM ital-5724 167 5 - - PUNCT ital-5724 167 6 track track NOUN ital-5724 167 7 , , PUNCT ital-5724 167 8 800 800 NUM ital-5724 167 9 bpi bpi NOUN ital-5724 167 10 , , PUNCT ital-5724 167 11 ebcdic ebcdic ADJ ital-5724 167 12 with with ADP ital-5724 167 13 standard standard ADJ ital-5724 167 14 ibm ibm PROPN ital-5724 167 15 360 360 NUM ital-5724 167 16 header header NOUN ital-5724 167 17 and and CCONJ ital-5724 167 18 trailer trailer NOUN ital-5724 167 19 labels label NOUN ital-5724 167 20 . . PUNCT ital-5724 168 1 one one NUM ital-5724 168 2 of of ADP ital-5724 168 3 the the DET ital-5724 168 4 purchasers purchaser NOUN ital-5724 168 5 of of ADP ital-5724 168 6 cain cain NOUN ital-5724 168 7 tape tape NOUN ital-5724 168 8 is be AUX ital-5724 168 9 the the DET ital-5724 168 10 ccm ccm NOUN ital-5724 168 11 information information NOUN ital-5724 168 12 corporation corporation NOUN ital-5724 168 13 of of ADP ital-5724 168 14 new new PROPN ital-5724 168 15 york york PROPN ital-5724 168 16 which which PRON ital-5724 168 17 publishes publish VERB ital-5724 168 18 bibliography bibliography NOUN ital-5724 168 19 of of ADP ital-5724 168 20 agriculture agriculture NOUN ital-5724 168 21 from from ADP ital-5724 168 22 it it PRON ital-5724 168 23 starting start VERB ital-5724 168 24 in in ADP ital-5724 168 25 1970 1970 NUM ital-5724 168 26 . . PUNCT ital-5724 169 1 current current ADJ ital-5724 169 2 purchasers purchaser NOUN ital-5724 169 3 include include VERB ital-5724 169 4 private private ADJ ital-5724 169 5 corporations corporation NOUN ital-5724 169 6 and and CCONJ ital-5724 169 7 universities university NOUN ital-5724 169 8 , , PUNCT ital-5724 169 9 both both PRON ital-5724 169 10 in in ADP ital-5724 169 11 the the DET ital-5724 169 12 united united PROPN ital-5724 169 13 states states PROPN ital-5724 169 14 and and CCONJ ital-5724 169 15 abroad abroad ADV ital-5724 169 16 . . PUNCT ital-5724 170 1 the the DET ital-5724 170 2 last last ADJ ital-5724 170 3 type type NOUN ital-5724 170 4 of of ADP ital-5724 170 5 output output NOUN ital-5724 170 6 is be AUX ital-5724 170 7 normal normal ADJ ital-5724 170 8 computer computer NOUN ital-5724 170 9 printout printout NOUN ital-5724 170 10 of of ADP ital-5724 170 11 numerous numerous ADJ ital-5724 170 12 internal internal ADJ ital-5724 170 13 reports report NOUN ital-5724 170 14 in in ADP ital-5724 170 15 a a DET ital-5724 170 16 variety variety NOUN ital-5724 170 17 of of ADP ital-5724 170 18 customized customize VERB ital-5724 170 19 formats format NOUN ital-5724 170 20 . . PUNCT ital-5724 171 1 search search NOUN ital-5724 171 2 subsystem subsystem NOUN ital-5724 171 3 the the DET ital-5724 171 4 search search NOUN ital-5724 171 5 capability capability NOUN ital-5724 171 6 of of ADP ital-5724 171 7 the the DET ital-5724 171 8 cain cain NOUN ital-5724 171 9 system system NOUN ital-5724 171 10 is be AUX ital-5724 171 11 not not PART ital-5724 171 12 being be AUX ital-5724 171 13 used use VERB ital-5724 171 14 by by ADP ital-5724 171 15 nal nal NOUN ital-5724 171 16 on on ADP ital-5724 171 17 its its PRON ital-5724 171 18 own own ADJ ital-5724 171 19 data data NOUN ital-5724 171 20 base base NOUN ital-5724 171 21 at at ADP ital-5724 171 22 the the DET ital-5724 171 23 present present ADJ ital-5724 171 24 time time NOUN ital-5724 171 25 . . PUNCT ital-5724 172 1 it it PRON ital-5724 172 2 is be AUX ital-5724 172 3 utilized utilize VERB ital-5724 172 4 , , PUNCT ital-5724 172 5 however however ADV ital-5724 172 6 , , PUNCT ital-5724 172 7 by by ADP ital-5724 172 8 other other ADJ ital-5724 172 9 organizations organization NOUN ital-5724 172 10 who who PRON ital-5724 172 11 run run VERB ital-5724 172 12 the the DET ital-5724 172 13 cain cain NOUN ital-5724 172 14 system system NOUN ital-5724 172 15 on on ADP ital-5724 172 16 a a DET ital-5724 172 17 parallel parallel ADJ ital-5724 172 18 basis basis NOUN ital-5724 172 19 , , PUNCT ital-5724 172 20 maintaining maintain VERB ital-5724 172 21 their their PRON ital-5724 172 22 own own ADJ ital-5724 172 23 data datum NOUN ital-5724 172 24 bases basis NOUN ital-5724 172 25 . . PUNCT ital-5724 173 1 the the DET ital-5724 173 2 following follow VERB ital-5724 173 3 description description NOUN ital-5724 173 4 , , PUNCT ital-5724 173 5 therefore therefore ADV ital-5724 173 6 , , PUNCT ital-5724 173 7 pertains pertain VERB ital-5724 173 8 to to ADP ital-5724 173 9 the the DET ital-5724 173 10 programmed program VERB ital-5724 173 11 system system NOUN ital-5724 173 12 rather rather ADV ital-5724 173 13 than than ADP ital-5724 173 14 to to ADP ital-5724 173 15 its its PRON ital-5724 173 16 use use NOUN ital-5724 173 17 on on ADP ital-5724 173 18 the the DET ital-5724 173 19 nal nal ADJ ital-5724 173 20 data datum NOUN ital-5724 173 21 base base NOUN ital-5724 173 22 . . PUNCT ital-5724 174 1 this this DET ital-5724 174 2 subsystem subsystem NOUN ital-5724 174 3 permits permit VERB ital-5724 174 4 identification identification NOUN ital-5724 174 5 and and CCONJ ital-5724 174 6 retrieval retrieval NOUN ital-5724 174 7 of of ADP ital-5724 174 8 records record NOUN ital-5724 174 9 in in ADP ital-5724 174 10 cain cain NOUN ital-5724 174 11 format format NOUN ital-5724 174 12 based base VERB ital-5724 174 13 on on ADP ital-5724 174 14 search search NOUN ital-5724 174 15 statements statement NOUN ital-5724 174 16 as as SCONJ ital-5724 174 17 applied apply VERB ital-5724 174 18 to to ADP ital-5724 174 19 almost almost ADV ital-5724 174 20 every every PRON ital-5724 174 21 data datum NOUN ital-5724 174 22 element element NOUN ital-5724 174 23 28 28 NUM ital-5724 174 24 journal journal PROPN ital-5724 174 25 of of ADP ital-5724 174 26 library library PROPN ital-5724 174 27 automation automation PROPN ital-5724 174 28 vol vol NOUN ital-5724 174 29 . . PUNCT ital-5724 175 1 5/ 5/ NUM ital-5724 175 2 1 1 NUM ital-5724 175 3 march march NUM ital-5724 175 4 , , PUNCT ital-5724 175 5 1972 1972 NUM ital-5724 175 6 or or CCONJ ital-5724 175 7 combinations combination NOUN ital-5724 175 8 thereof thereof ADV ital-5724 175 9 . . PUNCT ital-5724 176 1 such such ADJ ital-5724 176 2 searches search NOUN ital-5724 176 3 may may AUX ital-5724 176 4 use use VERB ital-5724 176 5 simple simple ADJ ital-5724 176 6 statements statement NOUN ital-5724 176 7 or or CCONJ ital-5724 176 8 a a DET ital-5724 176 9 complex complex ADJ ital-5724 176 10 series series NOUN ital-5724 176 11 of of ADP ital-5724 176 12 nested nested ADJ ital-5724 176 13 boolean boolean ADJ ital-5724 176 14 parameters parameter NOUN ital-5724 176 15 . . PUNCT ital-5724 177 1 questions question NOUN ital-5724 177 2 may may AUX ital-5724 177 3 also also ADV ital-5724 177 4 be be AUX ital-5724 177 5 absolute absolute ADJ ital-5724 177 6 or or CCONJ ital-5724 177 7 weighted weight VERB ital-5724 177 8 to to PART ital-5724 177 9 give give VERB ital-5724 177 10 more more ADV ital-5724 177 11 precise precise ADJ ital-5724 177 12 results result NOUN ital-5724 177 13 . . PUNCT ital-5724 178 1 the the DET ital-5724 178 2 weight weight NOUN ital-5724 178 3 factors factor NOUN ital-5724 178 4 if if SCONJ ital-5724 178 5 used use VERB ital-5724 178 6 are be AUX ital-5724 178 7 normally normally ADV ital-5724 178 8 assigned assign VERB ital-5724 178 9 to to ADP ital-5724 178 10 each each DET ital-5724 178 11 statement statement NOUN ital-5724 178 12 within within ADP ital-5724 178 13 a a DET ital-5724 178 14 search search NOUN ital-5724 178 15 question question NOUN ital-5724 178 16 , , PUNCT ital-5724 178 17 with with ADP ital-5724 178 18 a a DET ital-5724 178 19 threshold threshold NOUN ital-5724 178 20 weight weight NOUN ital-5724 178 21 assigned assign VERB ital-5724 178 22 to to ADP ital-5724 178 23 the the DET ital-5724 178 24 overall overall ADJ ital-5724 178 25 question question NOUN ital-5724 178 26 . . PUNCT ital-5724 179 1 the the DET ital-5724 179 2 total total ADJ ital-5724 179 3 weight weight NOUN ital-5724 179 4 of of ADP ital-5724 179 5 all all DET ital-5724 179 6 true true ADJ ital-5724 179 7 statements statement NOUN ital-5724 179 8 must must AUX ital-5724 179 9 be be AUX ital-5724 179 10 equal equal ADJ ital-5724 179 11 to to ADP ital-5724 179 12 or or CCONJ ital-5724 179 13 greater great ADJ ital-5724 179 14 than than ADP ital-5724 179 15 the the DET ital-5724 179 16 threshold threshold NOUN ital-5724 179 17 weight weight NOUN ital-5724 179 18 for for ADP ital-5724 179 19 the the DET ital-5724 179 20 full full ADJ ital-5724 179 21 query query NOUN ital-5724 179 22 in in ADP ital-5724 179 23 order order NOUN ital-5724 179 24 to to PART ital-5724 179 25 be be AUX ital-5724 179 26 considered consider VERB ital-5724 179 27 as as ADP ital-5724 179 28 meeting meet VERB ital-5724 179 29 the the DET ital-5724 179 30 search search NOUN ital-5724 179 31 criteria criterion NOUN ital-5724 179 32 . . PUNCT ital-5724 180 1 if if SCONJ ital-5724 180 2 such such ADJ ital-5724 180 3 is be AUX ital-5724 180 4 not not PART ital-5724 180 5 the the DET ital-5724 180 6 case case NOUN ital-5724 180 7 , , PUNCT ital-5724 180 8 the the DET ital-5724 180 9 record record NOUN ital-5724 180 10 will will AUX ital-5724 180 11 not not PART ital-5724 180 12 be be AUX ital-5724 180 13 selected select VERB ital-5724 180 14 . . PUNCT ital-5724 181 1 since since SCONJ ital-5724 181 2 cain cain PROPN ital-5724 181 3 uses use VERB ital-5724 181 4 a a DET ital-5724 181 5 controlled control VERB ital-5724 181 6 vocabulary vocabulary NOUN ital-5724 181 7 , , PUNCT ital-5724 181 8 query query NOUN ital-5724 181 9 statements statement NOUN ital-5724 181 10 on on ADP ital-5724 181 11 subject subject ADJ ital-5724 181 12 terms term NOUN ital-5724 181 13 are be AUX ital-5724 181 14 first first ADV ital-5724 181 15 matched match VERB ital-5724 181 16 against against ADP ital-5724 181 17 that that DET ital-5724 181 18 authority authority NOUN ital-5724 181 19 file file NOUN ital-5724 181 20 . . PUNCT ital-5724 182 1 at at ADP ital-5724 182 2 this this DET ital-5724 182 3 point point NOUN ital-5724 182 4 each each DET ital-5724 182 5 invalid invalid ADJ ital-5724 182 6 ( ( PUNCT ital-5724 182 7 use use NOUN ital-5724 182 8 ) ) PUNCT ital-5724 182 9 term term NOUN ital-5724 182 10 is be AUX ital-5724 182 11 replaced replace VERB ital-5724 182 12 by by ADP ital-5724 182 13 a a DET ital-5724 182 14 corresponding correspond VERB ital-5724 182 15 valid valid ADJ ital-5724 182 16 ( ( PUNCT ital-5724 182 17 uf uf ADJ ital-5724 182 18 ) ) PUNCT ital-5724 182 19 term term NOUN ital-5724 182 20 if if SCONJ ital-5724 182 21 appropriate appropriate ADJ ital-5724 182 22 . . PUNCT ital-5724 183 1 in in ADP ital-5724 183 2 addition addition NOUN ital-5724 183 3 , , PUNCT ital-5724 183 4 if if SCONJ ital-5724 183 5 the the DET ital-5724 183 6 query query NOUN ital-5724 183 7 statement statement NOUN ital-5724 183 8 so so SCONJ ital-5724 183 9 specifies specifie NOUN ital-5724 183 10 , , PUNCT ital-5724 183 11 the the DET ital-5724 183 12 requested request VERB ital-5724 183 13 terms term NOUN ital-5724 183 14 may may AUX ital-5724 183 15 be be AUX ital-5724 183 16 expanded expand VERB ital-5724 183 17 one one NUM ital-5724 183 18 level level NOUN ital-5724 183 19 in in ADP ital-5724 183 20 the the DET ital-5724 183 21 hierarchy hierarchy NOUN ital-5724 183 22 . . PUNCT ital-5724 184 1 in in ADP ital-5724 184 2 other other ADJ ital-5724 184 3 words word NOUN ital-5724 184 4 , , PUNCT ital-5724 184 5 it it PRON ital-5724 184 6 could could AUX ital-5724 184 7 generate generate VERB ital-5724 184 8 additional additional ADJ ital-5724 184 9 statements statement NOUN ital-5724 184 10 requesting request VERB ital-5724 184 11 all all PRON ital-5724 184 12 broader broad ADJ ital-5724 184 13 , , PUNCT ital-5724 184 14 narrower narrow ADJ ital-5724 184 15 , , PUNCT ital-5724 184 16 or or CCONJ ital-5724 184 17 related relate VERB ital-5724 184 18 terms term NOUN ital-5724 184 19 as as SCONJ ital-5724 184 20 specified specify VERB ital-5724 184 21 if if SCONJ ital-5724 184 22 such such ADJ ital-5724 184 23 structure structure NOUN ital-5724 184 24 were be AUX ital-5724 184 25 present present ADJ ital-5724 184 26 for for ADP ital-5724 184 27 the the DET ital-5724 184 28 subject subject NOUN ital-5724 184 29 within within ADP ital-5724 184 30 the the DET ital-5724 184 31 vocabulary vocabulary NOUN ital-5724 184 32 . . PUNCT ital-5724 185 1 because because SCONJ ital-5724 185 2 subject subject ADJ ital-5724 185 3 terms term NOUN ital-5724 185 4 comprise comprise VERB ital-5724 185 5 the the DET ital-5724 185 6 largest large ADJ ital-5724 185 7 percentage percentage NOUN ital-5724 185 8 of of ADP ital-5724 185 9 all all DET ital-5724 185 10 search search NOUN ital-5724 185 11 elements element NOUN ital-5724 185 12 , , PUNCT ital-5724 185 13 an an DET ital-5724 185 14 algorithm algorithm NOUN ital-5724 185 15 was be AUX ital-5724 185 16 developed develop VERB ital-5724 185 17 whereby whereby SCONJ ital-5724 185 18 queries query VERB ital-5724 185 19 on on ADP ital-5724 185 20 this this DET ital-5724 185 21 type type NOUN ital-5724 185 22 of of ADP ital-5724 185 23 element element NOUN ital-5724 185 24 are be AUX ital-5724 185 25 first first ADV ital-5724 185 26 processed process VERB ital-5724 185 27 against against ADP ital-5724 185 28 an an DET ital-5724 185 29 inverted inverted ADJ ital-5724 185 30 file file NOUN ital-5724 185 31 . . PUNCT ital-5724 186 1 identification identification NOUN ital-5724 186 2 numbers number NOUN ital-5724 186 3 are be AUX ital-5724 186 4 extracted extract VERB ital-5724 186 5 for for ADP ital-5724 186 6 all all DET ital-5724 186 7 terms term NOUN ital-5724 186 8 matching match VERB ital-5724 186 9 the the DET ital-5724 186 10 query query NOUN ital-5724 186 11 and and CCONJ ital-5724 186 12 only only ADV ital-5724 186 13 those those DET ital-5724 186 14 candidate candidate NOUN ital-5724 186 15 records record NOUN ital-5724 186 16 are be AUX ital-5724 186 17 searched search VERB ital-5724 186 18 using use VERB ital-5724 186 19 the the DET ital-5724 186 20 full full ADJ ital-5724 186 21 query query NOUN ital-5724 186 22 . . PUNCT ital-5724 187 1 on on ADP ital-5724 187 2 a a DET ital-5724 187 3 serial serial ADJ ital-5724 187 4 file file NOUN ital-5724 187 5 such such ADJ ital-5724 187 6 as as ADP ital-5724 187 7 cain cain PROPN ital-5724 187 8 , , PUNCT ital-5724 187 9 this this DET ital-5724 187 10 concept concept NOUN ital-5724 187 11 provides provide VERB ital-5724 187 12 a a DET ital-5724 187 13 substantial substantial ADJ ital-5724 187 14 savings saving NOUN ital-5724 187 15 in in ADP ital-5724 187 16 computer computer NOUN ital-5724 187 17 run run NOUN ital-5724 187 18 time time NOUN ital-5724 187 19 . . PUNCT ital-5724 188 1 the the DET ital-5724 188 2 print print NOUN ital-5724 188 3 options option NOUN ital-5724 188 4 of of ADP ital-5724 188 5 retrieval retrieval NOUN ital-5724 188 6 output output NOUN ital-5724 188 7 allow allow VERB ital-5724 188 8 either either CCONJ ital-5724 188 9 for for ADP ital-5724 188 10 normal normal ADJ ital-5724 188 11 sequence sequence NOUN ital-5724 188 12 by by ADP ital-5724 188 13 identification identification NOUN ital-5724 188 14 number number NOUN ital-5724 188 15 or or CCONJ ital-5724 188 16 for for ADP ital-5724 188 17 a a DET ital-5724 188 18 specific specific ADJ ital-5724 188 19 sequence sequence NOUN ital-5724 188 20 as as SCONJ ital-5724 188 21 requested request VERB ital-5724 188 22 by by ADP ital-5724 188 23 the the DET ital-5724 188 24 originator originator NOUN ital-5724 188 25 . . PUNCT ital-5724 189 1 the the DET ital-5724 189 2 printout printout NOUN ital-5724 189 3 may may AUX ital-5724 189 4 contain contain VERB ital-5724 189 5 all all DET ital-5724 189 6 data datum NOUN ital-5724 189 7 elements element NOUN ital-5724 189 8 or or CCONJ ital-5724 189 9 only only ADV ital-5724 189 10 those those PRON ital-5724 189 11 selected select VERB ital-5724 189 12 , , PUNCT ital-5724 189 13 all all DET ital-5724 189 14 others other NOUN ital-5724 189 15 being be AUX ital-5724 189 16 suppressed suppress VERB ital-5724 189 17 . . PUNCT ital-5724 190 1 at at ADP ital-5724 190 2 the the DET ital-5724 190 3 present present ADJ ital-5724 190 4 time time NOUN ital-5724 190 5 this this DET ital-5724 190 6 subsystem subsystem NOUN ital-5724 190 7 is be AUX ital-5724 190 8 used use VERB ital-5724 190 9 infrequently infrequently ADV ital-5724 190 10 by by ADP ital-5724 190 11 nal nal ADJ ital-5724 190 12 and and CCONJ ital-5724 190 13 only only ADV ital-5724 190 14 for for ADP ital-5724 190 15 internal internal ADJ ital-5724 190 16 high high ADJ ital-5724 190 17 priority priority NOUN ital-5724 190 18 searches search NOUN ital-5724 190 19 due due ADP ital-5724 190 20 to to ADP ital-5724 190 21 the the DET ital-5724 190 22 extremely extremely ADV ital-5724 190 23 limited limited ADJ ital-5724 190 24 subject subject NOUN ital-5724 190 25 indexing indexing NOUN ital-5724 190 26 terms term NOUN ital-5724 190 27 present present ADJ ital-5724 190 28 . . PUNCT ital-5724 191 1 it it PRON ital-5724 191 2 is be AUX ital-5724 191 3 used use VERB ital-5724 191 4 more more ADV ital-5724 191 5 extensively extensively ADV ital-5724 191 6 on on ADP ital-5724 191 7 the the DET ital-5724 191 8 parallel parallel ADJ ital-5724 191 9 operation operation NOUN ital-5724 191 10 established establish VERB ital-5724 191 11 for for ADP ital-5724 191 12 the the DET ital-5724 191 13 international international ADJ ital-5724 191 14 tree tree NOUN ital-5724 191 15 disease disease NOUN ital-5724 191 16 register register NOUN ital-5724 191 17 maintained maintain VERB ital-5724 191 18 for for ADP ital-5724 191 19 the the DET ital-5724 191 20 u. u. PROPN ital-5724 191 21 s. s. PROPN ital-5724 191 22 forest forest PROPN ital-5724 191 23 service service PROPN ital-5724 191 24 . . PUNCT ital-5724 192 1 authority authority NOUN ital-5724 192 2 files file NOUN ital-5724 192 3 subsystem subsystem VERB ital-5724 192 4 this this DET ital-5724 192 5 subsystem subsystem NOUN ital-5724 192 6 updates update VERB ital-5724 192 7 , , PUNCT ital-5724 192 8 generates generate VERB ital-5724 192 9 , , PUNCT ital-5724 192 10 expands expand VERB ital-5724 192 11 , , PUNCT ital-5724 192 12 and and CCONJ ital-5724 192 13 maintains maintain VERB ital-5724 192 14 three three NUM ital-5724 192 15 types type NOUN ital-5724 192 16 of of ADP ital-5724 192 17 authority authority NOUN ital-5724 192 18 files file NOUN ital-5724 192 19 . . PUNCT ital-5724 193 1 these these PRON ital-5724 193 2 include include VERB ital-5724 193 3 subject subject ADJ ital-5724 193 4 terms term NOUN ital-5724 193 5 with with ADP ital-5724 193 6 associated associated ADJ ital-5724 193 7 hierarchy hierarchy NOUN ital-5724 193 8 , , PUNCT ital-5724 193 9 call call VERB ital-5724 193 10 numbers number NOUN ital-5724 193 11 of of ADP ital-5724 193 12 indexed indexed ADJ ital-5724 193 13 journals journal NOUN ital-5724 193 14 with with ADP ital-5724 193 15 abbreviated abbreviate VERB ital-5724 193 16 titles title NOUN ital-5724 193 17 , , PUNCT ital-5724 193 18 and and CCONJ ital-5724 193 19 a a DET ital-5724 193 20 subject subject ADJ ital-5724 193 21 term term NOUN ital-5724 193 22 inverted invert VERB ital-5724 193 23 file file NOUN ital-5724 193 24 carrying carry VERB ital-5724 193 25 the the DET ital-5724 193 26 identification identification NOUN ital-5724 193 27 number number NOUN ital-5724 193 28 of of ADP ital-5724 193 29 each each DET ital-5724 193 30 record record NOUN ital-5724 193 31 using use VERB ital-5724 193 32 that that DET ital-5724 193 33 term term NOUN ital-5724 193 34 . . PUNCT ital-5724 194 1 each each DET ital-5724 194 2 transaction transaction NOUN ital-5724 194 3 to to PART ital-5724 194 4 add add VERB ital-5724 194 5 , , PUNCT ital-5724 194 6 change change NOUN ital-5724 194 7 , , PUNCT ital-5724 194 8 or or CCONJ ital-5724 194 9 delete delete VERB ital-5724 194 10 any any DET ital-5724 194 11 data data NOUN ital-5724 194 12 is be AUX ital-5724 194 13 both both PRON ital-5724 194 14 edited edit VERB ital-5724 194 15 and and CCONJ ital-5724 194 16 reversed reverse VERB ital-5724 194 17 before before ADP ital-5724 194 18 entering enter VERB ital-5724 194 19 the the DET ital-5724 194 20 updating updating NOUN ital-5724 194 21 sequence sequence NOUN ital-5724 194 22 . . PUNCT ital-5724 195 1 thus thus ADV ital-5724 195 2 an an DET ital-5724 195 3 addition addition NOUN ital-5724 195 4 of of ADP ital-5724 195 5 a a DET ital-5724 195 6 narrower narrow ADJ ital-5724 195 7 term term NOUN ital-5724 195 8 ( ( PUNCT ital-5724 195 9 for for ADP ital-5724 195 10 example example NOUN ital-5724 195 11 , , PUNCT ital-5724 195 12 horse horse NOUN ital-5724 195 13 ) ) PUNCT ital-5724 195 14 to to ADP ital-5724 195 15 a a DET ital-5724 195 16 base base NOUN ital-5724 195 17 term term NOUN ital-5724 195 18 ( ( PUNCT ital-5724 195 19 for for ADP ital-5724 195 20 example example NOUN ital-5724 195 21 , , PUNCT ital-5724 195 22 animal animal NOUN ital-5724 195 23 ) ) PUNCT ital-5724 195 24 will will AUX ital-5724 195 25 automatically automatically ADV ital-5724 195 26 generate generate VERB ital-5724 195 27 another another DET ital-5724 195 28 transaction transaction NOUN ital-5724 195 29 to to PART ital-5724 195 30 add add VERB ital-5724 195 31 the the DET ital-5724 195 32 broader broad ADJ ital-5724 195 33 term term NOUN ital-5724 195 34 of of ADP ital-5724 195 35 animal animal NOUN ital-5724 195 36 to to ADP ital-5724 195 37 a a DET ital-5724 195 38 base base NOUN ital-5724 195 39 term term NOUN ital-5724 195 40 ( ( PUNCT ital-5724 195 41 new new ADJ ital-5724 195 42 or or CCONJ ital-5724 195 43 existing exist VERB ital-5724 195 44 ) ) PUNCT ital-5724 195 45 of of ADP ital-5724 195 46 horse horse NOUN ital-5724 195 47 . . PUNCT ital-5724 196 1 this this DET ital-5724 196 2 precludes preclude NOUN ital-5724 196 3 having have VERB ital-5724 196 4 to to PART ital-5724 196 5 manually manually ADV ital-5724 196 6 enter enter VERB ital-5724 196 7 both both DET ital-5724 196 8 sides side NOUN ital-5724 196 9 of of ADP ital-5724 196 10 an an DET ital-5724 196 11 action action NOUN ital-5724 196 12 as as ADV ital-5724 196 13 well well ADV ital-5724 196 14 as as ADP ital-5724 196 15 assuring assure VERB ital-5724 196 16 reciprocity reciprocity NOUN ital-5724 196 17 of of ADP ital-5724 196 18 entries entry NOUN ital-5724 196 19 . . PUNCT ital-5724 197 1 due due ADP ital-5724 197 2 to to ADP ital-5724 197 3 the the DET ital-5724 197 4 flexibility flexibility NOUN ital-5724 197 5 of of ADP ital-5724 197 6 the the DET ital-5724 197 7 search search NOUN ital-5724 197 8 subcataloging subcataloge VERB ital-5724 197 9 and and CCONJ ital-5724 197 10 indexing indexing NOUN ital-5724 197 11 system system NOUN ital-5724 197 12 / / SYM ital-5724 197 13 van van PROPN ital-5724 197 14 dyke dyke NOUN ital-5724 197 15 and and CCONJ ital-5724 197 16 ayer ayer NOUN ital-5724 197 17 29 29 NUM ital-5724 197 18 system system NOUN ital-5724 197 19 of of ADP ital-5724 197 20 cain cain NOUN ital-5724 197 21 , , PUNCT ital-5724 197 22 this this DET ital-5724 197 23 hierarchical hierarchical ADJ ital-5724 197 24 continuity continuity NOUN ital-5724 197 25 is be AUX ital-5724 197 26 of of ADP ital-5724 197 27 great great ADJ ital-5724 197 28 importance importance NOUN ital-5724 197 29 . . PUNCT ital-5724 198 1 if if SCONJ ital-5724 198 2 an an DET ital-5724 198 3 item item NOUN ital-5724 198 4 is be AUX ital-5724 198 5 changed change VERB ital-5724 198 6 the the DET ital-5724 198 7 same same ADJ ital-5724 198 8 procedure procedure NOUN ital-5724 198 9 is be AUX ital-5724 198 10 followed follow VERB ital-5724 198 11 . . PUNCT ital-5724 199 1 in in ADP ital-5724 199 2 the the DET ital-5724 199 3 instance instance NOUN ital-5724 199 4 of of ADP ital-5724 199 5 deletion deletion NOUN ital-5724 199 6 , , PUNCT ital-5724 199 7 a a DET ital-5724 199 8 broader broad ADJ ital-5724 199 9 precept precept NOUN ital-5724 199 10 is be AUX ital-5724 199 11 involved involve VERB ital-5724 199 12 . . PUNCT ital-5724 200 1 in in ADP ital-5724 200 2 this this DET ital-5724 200 3 case case NOUN ital-5724 200 4 , , PUNCT ital-5724 200 5 the the DET ital-5724 200 6 term term NOUN ital-5724 200 7 is be AUX ital-5724 200 8 deleted delete VERB ital-5724 200 9 from from ADP ital-5724 200 10 all all DET ital-5724 200 11 entries entry NOUN ital-5724 200 12 in in ADP ital-5724 200 13 other other ADJ ital-5724 200 14 hierarchies hierarchy NOUN ital-5724 200 15 but but CCONJ ital-5724 200 16 is be AUX ital-5724 200 17 itself itself PRON ital-5724 200 18 left leave VERB ital-5724 200 19 on on ADP ital-5724 200 20 the the DET ital-5724 200 21 authority authority NOUN ital-5724 200 22 fil fil PROPN ital-5724 200 23 e e PROPN ital-5724 200 24 and and CCONJ ital-5724 200 25 marked mark VERB ital-5724 200 26 as as ADP ital-5724 200 27 being be AUX ital-5724 200 28 no no PRON ital-5724 200 29 longer long ADV ital-5724 200 30 valid valid ADJ ital-5724 200 31 . . PUNCT ital-5724 201 1 it it PRON ital-5724 201 2 is be AUX ital-5724 201 3 thus thus ADV ital-5724 201 4 available available ADJ ital-5724 201 5 for for ADP ital-5724 201 6 search search NOUN ital-5724 201 7 purposes purpose NOUN ital-5724 201 8 but but CCONJ ital-5724 201 9 is be AUX ital-5724 201 10 not not PART ital-5724 201 11 allowed allow VERB ital-5724 201 12 to to PART ital-5724 201 13 be be AUX ital-5724 201 14 used use VERB ital-5724 201 15 on on ADP ital-5724 201 16 subsequent subsequent ADJ ital-5724 201 17 cain cain PROPN ital-5724 201 18 data datum NOUN ital-5724 201 19 records record NOUN ital-5724 201 20 . . PUNCT ital-5724 202 1 during during ADP ital-5724 202 2 a a DET ital-5724 202 3 normal normal ADJ ital-5724 202 4 cain cain NOUN ital-5724 202 5 data datum NOUN ital-5724 202 6 run run NOUN ital-5724 202 7 , , PUNCT ital-5724 202 8 each each DET ital-5724 202 9 call call NOUN ital-5724 202 10 number number NOUN ital-5724 202 11 or or CCONJ ital-5724 202 12 subject subject ADJ ital-5724 202 13 term term NOUN ital-5724 202 14 in in ADP ital-5724 202 15 a a DET ital-5724 202 16 record record NOUN ital-5724 202 17 is be AUX ital-5724 202 18 verified verify VERB ital-5724 202 19 against against ADP ital-5724 202 20 the the DET ital-5724 202 21 appropriate appropriate ADJ ital-5724 202 22 file file NOUN ital-5724 202 23 . . PUNCT ital-5724 203 1 each each DET ital-5724 203 2 element element NOUN ital-5724 203 3 on on ADP ital-5724 203 4 these these DET ital-5724 203 5 files file NOUN ital-5724 203 6 is be AUX ital-5724 203 7 carried carry VERB ital-5724 203 8 in in ADP ital-5724 203 9 two two NUM ital-5724 203 10 forms form NOUN ital-5724 203 11 - - PUNCT ital-5724 203 12 one one NUM ital-5724 203 13 in in ADP ital-5724 203 14 stripped strip VERB ital-5724 203 15 uppercase uppercase NOUN ital-5724 203 16 , , PUNCT ital-5724 203 17 and and CCONJ ital-5724 203 18 the the DET ital-5724 203 19 other other ADJ ital-5724 203 20 in in ADP ital-5724 203 21 preferred preferred ADJ ital-5724 203 22 print print NOUN ital-5724 203 23 form form NOUN ital-5724 203 24 . . PUNCT ital-5724 204 1 when when SCONJ ital-5724 204 2 an an DET ital-5724 204 3 incoming incoming ADJ ital-5724 204 4 term term NOUN ital-5724 204 5 is be AUX ital-5724 204 6 found find VERB ital-5724 204 7 on on ADP ital-5724 204 8 the the DET ital-5724 204 9 authority authority NOUN ital-5724 204 10 file file NOUN ital-5724 204 11 , , PUNCT ital-5724 204 12 the the DET ital-5724 204 13 system system NOUN ital-5724 204 14 substitutes substitute VERB ital-5724 204 15 the the DET ital-5724 204 16 proper proper ADJ ital-5724 204 17 form form NOUN ital-5724 204 18 . . PUNCT ital-5724 205 1 this this PRON ital-5724 205 2 includes include VERB ital-5724 205 3 substituting substitute VERB ital-5724 205 4 a a DET ital-5724 205 5 valid valid ADJ ital-5724 205 6 term term NOUN ital-5724 205 7 for for ADP ital-5724 205 8 an an DET ital-5724 205 9 invalid invalid ADJ ital-5724 205 10 term term NOUN ital-5724 205 11 as as ADP ital-5724 205 12 in in ADP ital-5724 205 13 the the DET ital-5724 205 14 " " PUNCT ital-5724 205 15 use use NOUN ital-5724 205 16 - - PUNCT ital-5724 205 17 use use NOUN ital-5724 205 18 for for ADP ital-5724 205 19 " " PUNCT ital-5724 205 20 relationship relationship NOUN ital-5724 205 21 , , PUNCT ital-5724 205 22 as as ADV ital-5724 205 23 well well ADV ital-5724 205 24 as as ADP ital-5724 205 25 generation generation NOUN ital-5724 205 26 of of ADP ital-5724 205 27 the the DET ital-5724 205 28 appropriate appropriate ADJ ital-5724 205 29 abbreviated abbreviate VERB ital-5724 205 30 journal journal NOUN ital-5724 205 31 title title NOUN ital-5724 205 32 for for ADP ital-5724 205 33 a a DET ital-5724 205 34 given give VERB ital-5724 205 35 call call NOUN ital-5724 205 36 number number NOUN ital-5724 205 37 . . PUNCT ital-5724 206 1 in in ADP ital-5724 206 2 order order NOUN ital-5724 206 3 to to PART ital-5724 206 4 keep keep VERB ital-5724 206 5 the the DET ital-5724 206 6 authority authority NOUN ital-5724 206 7 file file NOUN ital-5724 206 8 up up ADP ital-5724 206 9 to to ADP ital-5724 206 10 date date NOUN ital-5724 206 11 , , PUNCT ital-5724 206 12 the the DET ital-5724 206 13 transactions transaction NOUN ital-5724 206 14 generated generate VERB ital-5724 206 15 by by ADP ital-5724 206 16 the the DET ital-5724 206 17 publication publication NOUN ital-5724 206 18 subsystem subsystem NOUN ital-5724 206 19 are be AUX ital-5724 206 20 now now ADV ital-5724 206 21 used use VERB ital-5724 206 22 to to PART ital-5724 206 23 insert insert VERB ital-5724 206 24 the the DET ital-5724 206 25 record record NOUN ital-5724 206 26 identification identification NOUN ital-5724 206 27 number number NOUN ital-5724 206 28 into into ADP ital-5724 206 29 the the DET ital-5724 206 30 inverted inverted ADJ ital-5724 206 31 file file NOUN ital-5724 206 32 as as ADV ital-5724 206 33 well well ADV ital-5724 206 34 as as ADP ital-5724 206 35 increase increase VERB ital-5724 206 36 the the DET ital-5724 206 37 number number NOUN ital-5724 206 38 of of ADP ital-5724 206 39 postings posting NOUN ital-5724 206 40 per per ADP ital-5724 206 41 term term NOUN ital-5724 206 42 . . PUNCT ital-5724 207 1 this this DET ital-5724 207 2 assists assist NOUN ital-5724 207 3 search search NOUN ital-5724 207 4 specialists specialist NOUN ital-5724 207 5 in in ADP ital-5724 207 6 formulating formulate VERB ital-5724 207 7 queries query NOUN ital-5724 207 8 in in ADP ital-5724 207 9 the the DET ital-5724 207 10 manner manner NOUN ital-5724 207 11 which which PRON ital-5724 207 12 will will AUX ital-5724 207 13 reduce reduce VERB ital-5724 207 14 computer computer NOUN ital-5724 207 15 processing processing NOUN ital-5724 207 16 time time NOUN ital-5724 207 17 to to ADP ital-5724 207 18 the the DET ital-5724 207 19 greatest great ADJ ital-5724 207 20 degree degree NOUN ital-5724 207 21 . . PUNCT ital-5724 208 1 when when SCONJ ital-5724 208 2 published publish VERB ital-5724 208 3 , , PUNCT ital-5724 208 4 the the DET ital-5724 208 5 authority authority NOUN ital-5724 208 6 files file VERB ital-5724 208 7 themselves themselves PRON ital-5724 208 8 can can AUX ital-5724 208 9 be be AUX ital-5724 208 10 printed print VERB ital-5724 208 11 in in ADP ital-5724 208 12 a a DET ital-5724 208 13 special special ADJ ital-5724 208 14 format format NOUN ital-5724 208 15 which which PRON ital-5724 208 16 displays display VERB ital-5724 208 17 the the DET ital-5724 208 18 entire entire ADJ ital-5724 208 19 hierarchy hierarchy NOUN ital-5724 208 20 of of ADP ital-5724 208 21 each each DET ital-5724 208 22 term term NOUN ital-5724 208 23 . . PUNCT ital-5724 209 1 in in ADP ital-5724 209 2 addition addition NOUN ital-5724 209 3 , , PUNCT ital-5724 209 4 up up ADP ital-5724 209 5 to to PART ital-5724 209 6 ten ten NUM ital-5724 209 7 levels level NOUN ital-5724 209 8 of of ADP ital-5724 209 9 increasingly increasingly ADV ital-5724 209 10 narrower narrow ADJ ital-5724 209 11 terms term NOUN ital-5724 209 12 can can AUX ital-5724 209 13 be be AUX ital-5724 209 14 listed list VERB ital-5724 209 15 for for ADP ital-5724 209 16 each each DET ital-5724 209 17 term term NOUN ital-5724 209 18 . . PUNCT ital-5724 210 1 summary summary NOUN ital-5724 210 2 cain cain PROPN ital-5724 210 3 is be AUX ital-5724 210 4 a a DET ital-5724 210 5 broad broad ADV ital-5724 210 6 - - PUNCT ital-5724 210 7 based base VERB ital-5724 210 8 comprehensive comprehensive ADJ ital-5724 210 9 batch batch NOUN ital-5724 210 10 mode mode NOUN ital-5724 210 11 system system NOUN ital-5724 210 12 which which PRON ital-5724 210 13 meets meet VERB ital-5724 210 14 many many ADJ ital-5724 210 15 library library NOUN ital-5724 210 16 requirements requirement NOUN ital-5724 210 17 . . PUNCT ital-5724 211 1 its its PRON ital-5724 211 2 flexibility flexibility NOUN ital-5724 211 3 is be AUX ital-5724 211 4 apparent apparent ADJ ital-5724 211 5 from from ADP ital-5724 211 6 the the DET ital-5724 211 7 fact fact NOUN ital-5724 211 8 that that SCONJ ital-5724 211 9 it it PRON ital-5724 211 10 has have AUX ital-5724 211 11 already already ADV ital-5724 211 12 been be AUX ital-5724 211 13 expanded expand VERB ital-5724 211 14 to to PART ital-5724 211 15 se se X ital-5724 211 16 lect lect VERB ital-5724 211 17 each each DET ital-5724 211 18 newly newly ADV ital-5724 211 19 cataloged catalog VERB ital-5724 211 20 serial serial ADJ ital-5724 211 21 record record NOUN ital-5724 211 22 for for ADP ital-5724 211 23 transmission transmission NOUN ital-5724 211 24 in in ADP ital-5724 211 25 marc marc PROPN ital-5724 211 26 ii ii PROPN ital-5724 211 27 communication communication NOUN ital-5724 211 28 format format NOUN ital-5724 211 29 to to ADP ital-5724 211 30 the the DET ital-5724 211 31 national national ADJ ital-5724 211 32 serials serials PROPN ital-5724 211 33 data data PROPN ital-5724 211 34 bank bank NOUN ital-5724 211 35 being be AUX ital-5724 211 36 created create VERB ital-5724 211 37 by by ADP ital-5724 211 38 the the DET ital-5724 211 39 three three NUM ital-5724 211 40 national national ADJ ital-5724 211 41 libraries library NOUN ital-5724 211 42 . . PUNCT ital-5724 212 1 still still ADV ital-5724 212 2 more more ADJ ital-5724 212 3 capabilities capability NOUN ital-5724 212 4 will will AUX ital-5724 212 5 undoubtedly undoubtedly ADV ital-5724 212 6 be be AUX ital-5724 212 7 built build VERB ital-5724 212 8 into into ADP ital-5724 212 9 it it PRON ital-5724 212 10 before before SCONJ ital-5724 212 11 the the DET ital-5724 212 12 nal nal ADJ ital-5724 212 13 ultimate ultimate ADJ ital-5724 212 14 on on ADP ital-5724 212 15 - - PUNCT ital-5724 212 16 line line NOUN ital-5724 212 17 system system NOUN ital-5724 212 18 is be AUX ital-5724 212 19 implemented implement VERB ital-5724 212 20 . . PUNCT ital-5724 213 1 the the DET ital-5724 213 2 major major ADJ ital-5724 213 3 thrust thrust NOUN ital-5724 213 4 of of ADP ital-5724 213 5 the the DET ital-5724 213 6 systems system NOUN ital-5724 213 7 design design NOUN ital-5724 213 8 has have AUX ital-5724 213 9 been be AUX ital-5724 213 10 to to PART ital-5724 213 11 concentrate concentrate VERB ital-5724 213 12 on on ADP ital-5724 213 13 simplifying simplify VERB ital-5724 213 14 user user NOUN ital-5724 213 15 interface interface NOUN ital-5724 213 16 while while SCONJ ital-5724 213 17 imposing impose VERB ital-5724 213 18 stringent stringent ADJ ital-5724 213 19 and and CCONJ ital-5724 213 20 extensive extensive ADJ ital-5724 213 21 service service NOUN ital-5724 213 22 requirements requirement NOUN ital-5724 213 23 on on ADP ital-5724 213 24 the the DET ital-5724 213 25 computer computer NOUN ital-5724 213 26 system system NOUN ital-5724 213 27 itself itself PRON ital-5724 213 28 . . PUNCT ital-5724 214 1 due due ADP ital-5724 214 2 to to ADP ital-5724 214 3 its its PRON ital-5724 214 4 inherent inherent ADJ ital-5724 214 5 fluidity fluidity NOUN ital-5724 214 6 , , PUNCT ital-5724 214 7 cain cain PROPN ital-5724 214 8 is be AUX ital-5724 214 9 being be AUX ital-5724 214 10 retained retain VERB ital-5724 214 11 as as ADP ital-5724 214 12 an an DET ital-5724 214 13 in in ADP ital-5724 214 14 - - PUNCT ital-5724 214 15 house house NOUN ital-5724 214 16 system system NOUN ital-5724 214 17 . . PUNCT ital-5724 215 1 it it PRON ital-5724 215 2 is be AUX ital-5724 215 3 so so ADV ital-5724 215 4 complex complex ADJ ital-5724 215 5 that that SCONJ ital-5724 215 6 a a DET ital-5724 215 7 single single ADJ ital-5724 215 8 change change NOUN ital-5724 215 9 in in ADP ital-5724 215 10 one one NUM ital-5724 215 11 subsystem subsystem NOUN ital-5724 215 12 may may AUX ital-5724 215 13 have have VERB ital-5724 215 14 radial radial ADJ ital-5724 215 15 effects effect NOUN ital-5724 215 16 in in ADP ital-5724 215 17 any any PRON ital-5724 215 18 or or CCONJ ital-5724 215 19 all all PRON ital-5724 215 20 of of ADP ital-5724 215 21 the the DET ital-5724 215 22 other other ADJ ital-5724 215 23 portions portion NOUN ital-5724 215 24 . . PUNCT ital-5724 216 1 continuing continue VERB ital-5724 216 2 efforts effort NOUN ital-5724 216 3 are be AUX ital-5724 216 4 underway underway ADJ ital-5724 216 5 to to PART ital-5724 216 6 simplify simplify VERB ital-5724 216 7 input input NOUN ital-5724 216 8 , , PUNCT ital-5724 216 9 accelerate accelerate VERB ital-5724 216 10 throughput throughput NOUN ital-5724 216 11 , , PUNCT ital-5724 216 12 and and CCONJ ital-5724 216 13 expand expand VERB ital-5724 216 14 its its PRON ital-5724 216 15 already already ADV ital-5724 216 16 generous generous ADJ ital-5724 216 17 services service NOUN ital-5724 216 18 both both CCONJ ital-5724 216 19 to to ADP ital-5724 216 20 the the DET ital-5724 216 21 staff staff NOUN ital-5724 216 22 of of ADP ital-5724 216 23 the the DET ital-5724 216 24 national national ADJ ital-5724 216 25 agricultural agricultural ADJ ital-5724 216 26 library library NOUN ital-5724 216 27 and and CCONJ ital-5724 216 28 to to ADP ital-5724 216 29 those those DET ital-5724 216 30 organizations organization NOUN ital-5724 216 31 utilizing utilize VERB ital-5724 216 32 output output NOUN ital-5724 216 33 from from ADP ital-5724 216 34 the the DET ital-5724 216 35 cain cain NOUN ital-5724 216 36 system system NOUN ital-5724 216 37 . . PUNCT