College and Research Libraries A n A d d i t i o n to Musical Bibliography A Bibliography of Early Secular American Music (18th century) by Oscar George Theodore Sonneck. Revised and enlarged by William T r e a t Upton. [Washington], T h e Library of Congress, Music Division, 1945, xvi, 6 1 7 P . No matter how long and illustrious the annals of American musicology may become, the name of Oscar Sonneck will always- of Sonneck's splendid example, not sufficiently disappeared to make the path easy for his follower. W e can, therefore, welcome all the more the successful completion of Upton's task. Its succeggis seen most obviously in statistical comparisons but hardly less so in the care with which^the additions have been made. As for tHft length of the bibliography itself, occupy in them a place of honor. At a tinr