College and Research Libraries College and University Library Statistics STATISTICS of college and university libra-ries have not been published in College and Research Libraries since the issue of March 194;, ·'f Through the efforts of the officers of the Association of College and Reference Libraries, members of the staff of A.L.A. Headquarters, and cooperative librarians, the statistics are again presented. It is hoped that the statistics section may be continued as an annual feature in the jour- nal. The statistics of college and university libraries (Group I) were prepared by G. Flint Purdy, librarian, Wayne University, Detroit. Eileen Thornton, librarian, Vassar . College, Poughkeepsie, N.Y., and Luella R. Pollock prepared the statistics for college and university libraries (Group II). The statistics for teacher-training institutions were prepared by Lawrence S. Thompson, librarian, Western Michigan College of Education, Kalamazoo. To these librarians and others who worked with them should be extended a vote of gratitude for assum- ing a responsibility on short notice and car- rying it through expeditiously. Reference to earlier statistical tabulations of college and university library data will re- veal that the method of presentation here is similar. It may be observed, however, that one additional block of information is in- cluded for the Group II college and univer- sity libraries and the teacher-training institutions. This is the "Supplementary Sta- tistical Survey of Current Salary Trends for Beginning Professional Library Positions." In some of the compilations in the past, a statement concerning each group of statis- tics has been provided. Although we do not have summary statements for each ~f the JULY~ 1947 three groups, Dr. Thompson has prepared an analysis of the statistics for the libraries of the teacher-training institutions. Since some of the comments that he makes apply also to the other groups, his statement is in- cluded. This is as follows: Several unusual co~ditions affected te.ach- ers college library · statistic~ in 1945- 46 •which do not apply, or apply in a much slighter degree, in 1946-47. In the first place, many of the so-called teachers col- leges are no longer teacher-training institu- tions. In some schools as few as a fourth or even a fifth of the students are taking teach- ing certificates. In 1945-46 faculties seemed unusually large in proportion to the enrol- ment, but a year later the situation was directly reversed. Salaries in 1945-46 have absolutely no relation to salaries for 1946- 4 7, thanks to generous raises which are re- ported to be coming into teachers college payrolls along with raises being given to public school teachers. The figures for 1945-46, therefore, are principally of histori- cal value. In institutions which depend on student fees for library maintenance some income which normally would have been received in 1945-46 will have to be credited to 1946-47 or even later due to the extreme tardiness of the Veterans Administration in meeting its obligations. In examining teachers college library sta- tistics it should be remembered that quantity of book stock is considerably less important than · it is in university libraries. What tells the tale about the effectiveness of a teachers college library is the amount spent on salaries (and, presumably, on public 259 service rendered by the librarians). It is also pertinent to bear in mind that the nomenclature of positions is misleading in these tables. Many an assistant librarian or department head would rate as no more than a professional assistant in a larger sys- tem. It will probably be better simply to consider all professional employees other · than the head librarian in a single category. The number of graduate students (in- cluded here in total enrolment) is a ques- tionable factor in teachers colleges. During the regular year the great majority are part- time students (teachers from the surround- ing countryside), while in some schools the majnrity of student enrolment during the summer is composed of graduate students. ~-._ Many libraries included in previous com- pilations do not appear here.· However, every library included in the last compila- tion which has submitted a return is · in- cluded. In order to get a reasonably good sample for this year, certain libraries not included in previous printed reports were brought in so that the total number would equal that published previously. It is hoped that all libraries included this year will faithfully discharge their obligation to submit statistical information regularly m the future. 260 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES Library Operating Expenses Last Fiscal Year Total College Student Enrolment Circulation Binding Books, or University Library Fiscal Regular Session1 Faculty Members Volumes Reserved and Periodi- Expenditures Year Under- Grad- Summer Regular Summer Book Lent for Book Staff Student Period- R ebind- cals and Last Fiscal Ending graduate uate Session2 Session Session Stocks Home Usa4 Loans" Sa laries Service Books icals ing Binding Other · Totals Year7 Alabama .. . • . ......•.••• 30Se46 8269 218 44068 550 492 329 , 851 195,967 51 , 506 s 72 , 379 $13,969 s 66,907 ... .. . g $ 6956 s 73,863 s 6610 $166,'82010 s 2 , 265,843 Arizona .... ..... . . ..... • 30Je46 2140 61 13038 259 70 189, 247 30 , 288 154,900 22,186 4367 16,43511 12 3995 20 ; 430 2314 49 \ 298 1,834.370 Brown ..... .. . . ... . .. ... 30Je46 1983 181 1024 230 9 665,041 61,358 78,357 84 , 759 7116 28 , 864 s · · 9958 3863 42,685 6764 141,324 2,003 ,658 California (Berkeley) .. .. . 30Je46 14,89618 3366 1685 2599 372 ..-1,378,602 223.02014 217,6()615 223,725 83,371 64 , 880 22,962 29,031 116,873 20,088 444 , 056 ' California (Los Angeles) . .. 30Je46 8403 1195 14 , 0008 500 281 504 , 941 209,821 196,082 131,270 22,048 90,981 12 , 000 28,423 131 , 404 6562 I 29~,284 • Cincinnati. .. ..... . . ... .. 31Ag46 3459 65 1933 750 88 592,425 69 , 589 138,452 63,964 9119 36,50711 12 5616 42,123 2854 11 , 061 . 3;484; i75 Columbia .. .. . . . . . . .. .... 30Je46 2745 12,27818 10,353 2908 425 - 1,778,058 427 J 914 843,822 488,387 9 145,52111 12 41,637 187,158 21,028 696,573 9 Dartmouth .. . . .. . . .. .•.. 30J"e46 1741 0 1158 257 . 257 618,474 64,942 118,24619 92,582 7611 45,117 7072 12,713 64,902 5416 170,512 · 2;soo : ooo Colorado16& .... .. . . : • . ... 30Je46 4227 194 17 296 17 626,602 86,197 280,333 51,865 17,604 40,66618 12 12 40,666 4250 114,386 1,849,929 Denver .. . ... .. .•. . ..•. . . 31Ag46 2352 255 457418& 284 268 186, 194 64,939 17,00519 24 , 365 9805 17 J 751 2346 1873 21,970 1164 57,303 • Duke ... ... ..... . ... ... . 30Je46 3250 236 904 508 119 740 , 493 61,330 161,123 122,824 14,473 116,76918 12 12 116,769 6823 260,889 9 Georgia . . .. . ... . . .. . ... . 30Je46 2496 97 20928 278 9 205,049 20,327 56,324 54,200 7299 53,847 8024 3000 64,871 6292 132,662 1,420,401 Harvard . . .. .. .... . ... . .. 30Je46 1490 2538 ., 1721 20 4,804.968 149,147 137,40121 309,546 8500 170,28311,22 ...... 12 15 , 18223 185,465 67,705 571,216 17,802 , 265 Howard .... . .. .. . . . ..... 30Je46 3807 470 i437 132 60 176 , 90424 140,357 9 38 ,452 3676 11\717 9 3286~ 15,003 2009 59,139 1,803 , 149 illinois .. . .... . ... . • ..•.. 30Je46 14,921 1543 2614 257528 428 - 2,003 , 622 275 , 787 42J;577 326,478 52,198 220 , 91518 12 12 220,915 15,927 615 , 518 13,673,719 Indiana . . .. . ..... . . •.•. . 30Je46 4371 132027 2788 533 403 617,947 108,315 389 , 092 120,00030 18,0()()31i 83 , ()()()35 22 , 00035 16,Q0035 121,000 75()():15 266,5()():15 • Iowa ..... . ... . .. . .. . .. .. 30Je46 3497 574 2762 95128 342 665,930 142,263 244,194 95 , 075 25,351 38,220 10 , 483 12,719 61,422 8257 190 , 105 '4;379 ; ii2 Iowa State .. . .. .... ..... 30Je46 3056 258 3886 735 403 364,796 . 77,018 879419 70,165 10,282 30,660· 19,363 12,735 62,758 22,259 165 , 464 6,181,345 Joint University Librari es. 30Ap46 1970 73528 2440 498 364 470,365 165 , 691 9 65,786 20,476 46,515 9 7608 54,123 6642 147 , 028 • Kansas .. ....... . ........ 30Je46 3673 135 1398 400 100 372,861 53,410 'i6i,oa5 45,066 15,184 22,452 7o54 8078 37,584 2243 100,077 • Louisiana State .. . ..... .. 30Je46 3252 292 1674 885 283 307 79929 43,600 11,62219 93,837 11,572 20,209 21,564 10,383 52 , 156 6629 164,19530 . 5 ; 687 ; 4\.iu Michigan .. . .... .. .. . . .. . 30Je46 964532 1786 2886 813 187 1,267:518 169,267 813,471 340 , 916 25,855 . 153,65818 12 .. 12 15a,658 13,265 533,694 14,866, 974316 Minnesota . .. . ..••.. • .. . . 30Je46 10,597 799 9642 2154 888 1,422,529 394 , 061 167,51733 191 , 906 63,683 80,387 35 ; 692 25,380 141,459 8557 405,605 12,910 ,939 Missouri. .. . .. ..•.... . . . 30Je46 2690 216 1292 480 350 525 , 557 115,507 74,572 73 , 63039 14,718 55,83711 12 12,650 68 , 487 8806 165,640 • Mount Holyoke .... ... . .. 30Je46 1104 36 20 148 20 200,086 25 , 813 29,59QS4 28 , 124 1612 10,589 3745 1555 15.889 1319 46,945 ... 665 ; 752 New Hampshire ... . . .... . 30Je46 1377 21 364 318 43 140,175 4!, 717 497019 23,256 3882 10,332 2164 3023 15,519 1726 44,383 1,902 ,:)61 New York . . . .... . .... ... 30Je46 11,440 5679 11,622 2497 673 715,157 166 , 366 272,233 204 , 743 9 54,693 9 7858 62 , 551 10,773 278,067 11,671 ,880 North Carolina ..... . ... . . 30Je4G 3772 658 1808· 34035 17535 473 ;028 100,52388 38,47436 77,483 21 ,307 30,729 i2;5oo 5000 48,229 7977 154,995 9 North Dakota .... . .. . ... 30Je46 1090 36 37337 110 39 130 , 648 13 , 431 8471 7583 1013 6153 9 1073 7226 521 16,342 · i;o98 ; 47s Northwestern ......... .. . 31Ag46 5083 595 7819 1724 355 788,832 131,334 101,43338 149 ,737 35.164 148 , 93718 12 12 148,937 11,613 345 , 451 . i;64 i;873 • Oberlin ........ .... ... ... 30J~46 197417 19217 17 183 17 457 J 168 94 , 999 . 24,56519 62 , 260 3701 19,812 5568 6233 31,613 3235 100 , 809 Oregon ............. . . . . . 30.Je46 2937 107 6168 174 63 383,078 126 , 165 303,499 50,480 16,720 19,253 4071 2708 26,032 3694 96, 925 ·3;i56;o34 • Oregon State ..... . .. .. ... 30Je46 2984 88 7128 489 66 215,037 53,596~ 126,88240 57,629 19 , 227 12,929 5728 3037 21,694 2799 101 , 349 Pennsylvania State ....... 30Je46 5699 380 9 9 9 267 J 774 81 J 975 1'30,676 69,393 28,200 28,844 8550 4800 42,194 6600 146 , 387 8,816, 387 Princeton ... .. .. . ... . . . •. 30Je46 2085 370 9 . 346 9 ' 1 ,058 , 920 113,859 88 , 201 117,324 2444 52,436 12,915 127~~ 77,583 . 11,565 208,916 • Rochester .. . .. . ....... .. 30Je46 2276 439 1159 81528 116 449,995 81 , 467 109,255 84,816 7895 34 , 51011 ~ 42 , 153 6675 141,538 g Hauth ern Methodist . ... . · 30Je46 2624 32 1058 184 79 208,627 124,563 59,830 34 , 005 8913 34,191 13,236 1884 49,311 3167 95,396 . i;360 ; 2i 6 Syracuse .. . ........ .. . .. 30Je46 g 9 9 9 379,910 99,857 133,013 70,205 16,425 25,893 5771 5219 36,883 2743 126 , 255 · s;io6 ; 3si • 'l'exas .. . .. ... . .. . . .. . · .. . 31Ag46 " 8685 ·5o6 9187 588 452 801,637 157,547 576,440 103,020 50,055 41,863 185i~~ 19,130 79,969 7533 240,577 Vassar . .. . . . ....... . ... . 30Je46 1359 12 9 217 9 254,408 42,782 22, 926! 9 53,078 4748 11,579 4416 21,116 2788 81,729 1,429 , 161 Washington (St. Louis) . . . 30Je46 5102 271 476o 693 267 566, 916 46 , 515 35,283 23 , 40641 306241 15,453 8353 3131 26,937 2591 55,996 3,151 , 286 Washington (Seattle) . .... 31Mr46 8909 707 26878 887 21842 594,320 121,253 136,098 78 , 893 69,991 19,938 14,213 9070 43,221 11 , 743 203,849 4,214,829 Wayne ..... . . .... ... . .. . 30Je46 5762 1164 3393 505 II 274 , 001 67,690 106 , 314 69,209 17,290 50 , 105 7150 7235 64,490 25()():15 153,489 3,500,656 Wyoming .............. .. 30Je46 942 36 65743 243 ioo 143,178 49,631 44,628 19,624 3809 5388 4761 3218 13,367 2120 38,922 1,289,519 Yale . . ... ............. . . 31My46 3093 2107 852 1012 81 3,539,596 123,657 23,6731' 340,53544 II 130 , 429 9 21,246 151,675 25,213 578,90145 8,441 , 879 High~ ·· · . . .. .... ...• 14,921 12,278 14,000 2599 888 4,804, 968 427,914 843,822 488,387 83,371 90,981 35,692 41,637 220 , 915 67 J 705 696,573 1_ug~~~ M~dian . .. .. . ... . . . • 3171! 281! 1933 500 262 473,028 99,857 113, 750! 72,379. 14,221 28,854 8451t 7095 ! 52,156 6610 153,489 N•s .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . • 44 44 37 43 34 45 45 43 45 42 zg.7 2847 ..._ 40 45 45 45 30 Low .......... .. . .. . . 942 0 36444 110 3948 130,648 13,4ul 497019 7583 1013 5388 2164 1073 7226 521 16,342 665 , 752 1 As of third week, fall term, 1945. 2 Undergraduate and graduate combined. 3 Includes volumes in all schools, 403. 29 Plus 108,329 volumes in four libraries "part of university system but not under control of uni- agencies. 4 Excludes overnight loans and all loans of reserved books. 5 Includes overnight loans. 6 Exclusive of versity." 30 Total expenditure for all libraries in university s:vstem, $210,313. 31 Total expenditure for educa- capital costs and building operation and maintenance expenses. 7 Excludes capital costs and auxiliary enter- tiona! and feneral purposes for all units. 32 Collegiate and professional. 32a Includes $3,687,092 for the hospital. pr18es such as dormitories, athletics, etc. 8 Total enrolment during two sessions. 9{>Orted or "not available." 33 Genera library only. 34 Includes "partial count only" of use in building. 35 Estimate. 36 "Grand total 10 Includes medical library which is "operated on a separate budget." 11 Includes penodicals. 12 Included "in circulation, 190,662." 37 794 during 1946 summer seaaion. 38 Includes unbound issues of government documents. books." 13 "Fall and spring semesters." 14 Central library and three branches only. 15 Includes 28,243 rental Excludes reading room use, except of reserved books, 206,918. 39 "Does not include salaries of head of manu loans. 16 "Graduate and professional students." 16a Boulder libraries only except book stock, which includes scripts department and one subprofessional assistant." 40 Grand total circulation, 191,842. 41 Central library medical library in Denver. 17 Tri-semester plan; no summer session per se. 18 Includes periodicals and bindin11;. budget only. 42 218 first term ; 224 second term. 43 Total different students, 3 sessions. 44 Incluqes "school 18a First term, 1703; second term, 1577.19 Overnight only. 20 No summer sessions. 21 Recorded use in buildin~ libraries-salaries," $84,348. 45 Includes "school libraries-xrvnses," $61,478, not included in breakdown. "does not include bulk of collection, which is open shelf." 22 Total for university library, $317,730. 23 Tota 46 Minimum for institution with summer session. 47 Includes on y those who reported separate figures for books, for unive-sity library, $45,208. 24 Exclusive of 49,068 volumes not completely cataloged. 25 Includes printing. for periodicals, and for binding. 48 Number of libraries on which high, low, and median are based. 26 Full-time equivalent not available. 27 311 graduate and 1009 professional. 28 Graduate, 332; professional College and University Library General and Salary Statistics (Group I) -Library Income Last Fiscal Year---- Number of Employees in Full-Time Equivalent Allocation from · Admin- ----------Salaries---------- Income from istrative Associate or Assistant · Endow- Office Clerical Professional Assistants Library University ment Profes- Subpro- Assist- and Budget Fundal Gifts Other Total sional fessional ants Other Total Chief Chief Department Heads No. Min. Max. N~ 1 Delhli!~eni.fax. Alabama• . . ... ..... . ... .. .... . .. . Arizona7 .. ...••..... .... ..... . . . . Brown7 ...... . .. . ......... . ..... . California (Berkeley)!O ...... ... .. . California (Los Angeles) ll ..... . ... . CincinnatiU .... .. .. .. .. . ... . . ... . ColumbiaU . .. .• ... .......... . . . • Colorado15 . . . ...... . .... .. . .. ... . Dartmouth13 . ...... . . . .. ....... . . Denverl3 ... ...... ... . . .. . . . ... . . Dukel3 . .. . ..... ......... . ..... . . Georgiaio ............. . . ........ . Harvard7 . . ... .. .. ... ....... . .. . . HowardiO .. ... . . .. . ..... . : .. . . .. . IllinoisiB .... ••... ... . ... . ... .. • . . . lndiana7 .. ...••. : ....... .. .... . . . Iowaia ...... . .. ... . . .. . .. .. ... .. . Iowa Statei3 .. . ............. .... . Joint University Librariesu ... .. . . . Kansasu . .. ...... . .. . . . ...... ... . Louisiana State25 . . .. ....... ... . .. Michigan7 . . ......... . . ....... . . . Minnesotalo . .... .. ... . . ......... . Missouri II .... . .... . .. • • . ... . . . •• Mount Holyoke2il& . .... .. . .. ... .. . New Hampshireio ........ . ...... .. NewYorku . . .. ..... .. .. . ... . .. . . North Carolina36 . . . .... ... . . ... . . North Dakotaio . ... .. .. . . .. . .. .. . Northwestern!• ... .... ........... . Oberlinll . .. .. . . ..... ... . .. . .. .. . Oregon1o . . . .. . . ... . .. . . .. . ... ... . Oregon Stateia ...... . ....... . . .. . Pennsylvania Stateio ... . ...... ... . Princetonio . ........ . . .. ..... . .. . Rochesterl3 .• .. • . ••. • •..• .••• • ••• Southern Methodist? . ... . . . .. .. . . . ~:~~~~ :: :::: ::: ::: :: : :: :::::: VassarJO . . . . ..... . ........ . . .... . Washington (St. J..ouis)la . . .. .. ... . Washington (Seattle)? ........ ... . . Wayne1o .... ... .. .... . . ..... .... . Wyoming7 .. . ..... .. ... ... . .. . . . . Yale18 .... ........ ... . ...... . . .. . High .... .••. . .. .. . .. ...•.. .. Median .•...... ... . .. ... . ..• Low . ...................... . N.a . . ... . . . ... . ..... . ...... . $171,759 60,718 121,059 468,578 291,284 91,964 608,403 132,319 100,802 59,686 225,511 134,091 160 , 590 59,139 5 270 , 0()()28 218,649 163,890 28,924 97 , 678 153,320 516 , 528 a is7;63o 38,467 45 , 857 267,578 140, 154 16,990 305 , 668 77,701 99 , 203 102,673 145 , 319 150,561 122,977 94 990 113:093 257,342 63,063 54,414 187,456 142,566 39,438 389,215 s' i5;474 10,991 . 27 ;49i 14,093 . 90;468 · io;34i 736 346,786 • ...... a . i7;i66 607 ... 7484 ~ .. 3688 7419 '33 ;524 16 , 788 1605 ""659 32,918 17,411 316 8731 828 26,145 2315 0 200,606 468 , 578 346,786 134,091 .... .. 0 . 16,990 43 s 205 18338 1161 53,5298 1470 212 68811 1421 11:0008 2569 33' 13915 3732 35,4158 4733 55128 50,50217 965 4780 22,556 1200 91,85~ 199,25('24 ...... . a ..... .. a 230 1574 5438 87,06328 2100 1122 994 22 6272 }(),061 410 1654 372 294 164 1080 665 90 5482 1243 1931 . "5257 0 7490 17,01529 54,515 12,8388 1613 529 . 5i;30()aa 12,26138 11,8848 68248 2603 76 18143 15:46414 8108 28,2488 17044.1 5733 8 679 5232 239245 94 , 044 17 $171, 964' 62,550 191,223 693,727 303,705 155,164 661,643 142 , 564 241 , 771 60 , 652 263,188 136,027 798 , 492 59,139 a 21o ;ooo21 218 , 879 165 , 464 160 , 855 114 , 693 155,420 533,694 a is7 ;63o 59,783 47,692 278 , 067 157, 633 16,990 390 , 901 1()8 , 404 113 , 064 109,791 148,746 260,739 156,517 95,396 128,116 287 , 661 92,844 62,462 a 153 , 055 41,830 691 , 355 91,85923 212,68811 798 , 492 .. .... 0 . 155 , 968! 0 16,990 42 24! 9 20i 65 39 15 a i7 13 lOt 37 20 51l 8 109-H 35 33! 18 a i5 35 102 58 25 .. 8 41 27! 3! 27!- 16.3 21 . 9389 23 . 55 24 27! 26 13! 39! 30 . 9 15 10 30! 16 7 63 109 . 88 24i 3! 42 1 Includes income from trust funds and all invested funds specifically designated for library purposes. 2 Central library only. 3 Personnel and salary data as of Sept. 30, 1946. 4 Includes $44,279 for medical library which is part of university system but operated on separate budget. 5 Exclusive of 6 staff members and one secretary in medical college lfurary. 6 Not reported. 7 Personnel and salary data as of May 1, 1946. 8 Un- expended balance from previous year. 9 Exclusive of ! professional assistant listed at a salary of $5275. 1 o ·Personnel data as of June 30, 1946. 11 Includes $192,114 unexpended balance from previous year. 12 Asso- ciate and assistant librarian (2), $4440 and $5420. 13 Date of personnel and salary data not indicated; probably date of close of fiscal year. 14 Personnel data as of Aug. 31, 1946. 15 'Outstanding orders-reappro- priated. 16 Personnel data as of July 1945. 17 Includes $48,851 unexpended balance from previous year. 18 Total number shown in salary breakdown, 66! . 19 3, $270Q-$5700. 20 One administrative office assistant 1f 2 18 10! 4 14 a 6 17 iii 2 32! 3 i7 10! 6 a '1 Ill 19 8 a 4 iot . 71 3 3! 1 9 3 2! i5! 4 4 13 't 1 1 1 1 a 1 2 20 t 1 9l 1 1 2 2 a 1 1 1 1 a 1 1 1 1 H lj 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 91 1 0 42 i2i 34! 13 9 a 4 33 I ! 18 6 78 2 39 H 8 3 17 e 2 7 5 36 6 a 1 76 2! is! 16.6 2 7 12 26-l 15 3 1 7! 111 3 52t 5 58 78 7i 0 42 291' 11! 521 111 •57 39 261.8 28 6518 11}21 70! 29 172 14 149-t! 61 49 43 361 25 54! 126 95 40 14 13 118 4ll 3! 54137 36.9 28.9339 33 . 05 36 66! 45 19 40! 54 . 9 261 18 83! 25 8 137 261.8 40! 3! 45 Librarian Librarian • s43oo 6600 9420 6420 5300 a 4840 7200 :12 sooo 4400 a 43oo 9000 33 725o 6500 a 4800 5900 690031 6600 6825 33 3410 5800U 6000 3000 a 75oo 3070'0 50()()39 5500 a a 32oo 6500 5000 5000 6000 6000 6150 3696 aa 9420 58/JO 3000 34 . ... • $3600, 542012 ... ·a 2840 19 45oo 3300 . ... 25 420027 5000 • •• • a ao 65()()32 4500 3000 • •. . aa ····" 3650 3840 3070 3250 • ••• 42 ... . • 2600 2460 3750 3850 4800 4440 •.• . aa 6500 3845 2460 20 4 $2700 4 2100 3! 2100 8 2460 4 3180 2 2800 a e 10 i84o 5! 1440 2 1500 6 2650 5 2400 3 5 5 2980 3 3540 7 ... ;33 7! 1800 4 2400 a e 10 1350 5 2900 8 3150 4 3360 4 2400 2 38 2 1800 6 2300 8 2250 I! 1200 5 2520 3 2800 3! 1900 3.4 2420 5 2158 3 3000 7 2000 3 2000 3 2160 3! 2530 4 2342 4 2020 4 3420 4 2783 3 2292 4 33 $2850 2520 3000 3900 \3780 3200 e 2640 2700 2400 2750 2800 e 2980 3540 33 25oo 2970 a 2400 3600 3600 4440 2920 33 2464 3000 3100 2100 2850 2800 2770 2970 2600 4500 3050 2200 2220 2980 3696 2130 3420 4440 2592 • ••• 33 10 3540 4500 4 2400 2920 H 1200 2100 43 39 39 11! 4 llf 47 29 I 9 a ' 5 11! 5! 18 8 471 2 66! 17 13 12 a 3 18 66 46! 13! 6 5 24 11! 1 ISL 10.4 14.43U 18 . 27 10 17 8 6! 20 10! 9 4 22! 9 3 55 66! 11! 1 43 J~~ 1680 2100 1980 1800 a 1640 1200 1440 1650 1600 1914 2320 1800 33 1260 1620 a 1900 2000 1540 1788 1850 33 2016 2000 1550 1700 1920 1680 1560 1800 1600 1500 1600 1500 1200 1980 1500 1500 1800 2783 2220 1500 $2500 1970 2400' 3600 3380 2500 • 1740 2250 2080 2250 1900 5200 3300 .. 2600 2970 • 1900 3200 3100 2796 2500 31 2240 2600 2100 2520 2500 2370 2430 1900 2750 2400 2000 1980 2640 2640 1800 3180 3750 2400 4000 2783 5200 1680 2500 1200 1740 41 40 $11,913 unexpended balance from previous year. 29 Includes $11,938 unexpended balance from previous year. 30 Associate and chief librarian, $3800, $4400 (not including cost of living increase). 31 "Balance of salary paid from budget of college of literature, science and arts." 32 Additional $375 as instructor in library science during academic year. 33 Confidential. 34 Six independent libraries. Acting director (part-time) receives $5800 fer library budget, balance of salary from instructional b't~dget; five "librarians and one director" receive $2400 to $5300; four associate or assistant liprarians receive $2800 to $4700. 35 Salaries as of June 30, 1946; "do not include war bonus then in effect." 36 Including $39,816 unexpended balance. 37 Exclusive of 22 (17 professional and 5 subprofessional) in branch libraries not on central library budget. 38 Includes $8350 unexpended balance. 39 Salary of director of libraries for the Oregon State System of Higher Education is char.ged t to l)"niversity of Oregon and t to Ore on State Colle . 40 · · · · · -------------Salaries-------------- Library Alabama ... ... . . ..... . . ....•.•.• Arizona . . . ... . ... . .. . .. . ... . . .. . Brown . . ... . . ..... . ....•.. .. .•.. California (Berkeley) .... .. . ... . . . C!ili~ornia. (Los Angeles) . .. ... . ... . Cmcmnat1. .... . .. -. ...... ..... .. . Columbia ..................... .. . Colorado ..... ......... ... ... ... . Dartmouth ... . . . . . . ... . ........ . Denver ..... . . .... ..... . .. . .. ... . Duke . .... . .... ........... .. . .. . Georgia ...... .... ...... . ... .... . Harvard .. ... . .... . .... . . ... .... . Howard . . . . . ... . ... ....... ..... . Illinois ... ........... . . ......... . Indiana ... . ..... . . . .... ...... .. . Iowa .. .. . ..... . .... ... .. . . ... .. . Iowa State . .. .... ...... . ... .... . Joint University Libraries .. ...... . Kansas ......................... . Louisiana State . . . .. .. .... .. .... . Michigan .... ........ ... . . . . . . .. . ~~~':~~·::::::::: :::::::: ::: :: Mount Holyoke ............ . .... . New Hampshire ....... .. ...... .. . New York .. .. . . . .. .... . ... . .. . . . North Carolina ... ...... . .. .. . .. . . North Dakota .................. . Northwestern .. . ........ ... ... .. . Oberlin ......................... . Oregon ... . ... ..... ..... . . . . .... . Oregon State .. .. .............. .. . Pe!IDllylvania Stat4l .............. . Princeton . .. ... ...... ..... . ..... . Rochester ..... ..... . ..... . ..... . Southern Methodist . . .... ..... . . . ~~::: ::: : :::: ::::: :: :::::: Vassar ..... .. .. .... ... .... ..... . Washington (St. Louis) .......... . School, College, and Departmental Libraries • Subprofessional Central Library Budget Assistants Head Professional Assistants All D epartmental No. Min. Max. No. Min. Max. No. Mm. Max. 3 2600 2850 3 isoo 3500 3 2460 3100 5 2100 2880 8 1700 2450 6 6 5 ·2 1392 i5oo 3 1740 2100 2 900 2400 4 1800 3000 5 1500 2000 ••• , 6 6 2ou 2o2s 342o 14 . . . ,81 31 1 2500 6 .. .. 6 .... , 4 1500 2220 7 2200 2800 16 1780 3600 542 2088 2784 5! 1700 3130 5 1650 2600 2 2160 2340 1! 2040 2200 2 18()()63 2600 0 5 1300 3000 4 2000 3300 3 840 1800 10! 1740 1920 12.4 1980 3150 1 i77o 4 1500 4 2100 .... • . it 1000 8 1700 • , 6 is 1800 2 33 6 1700 ••• ,5 1 2200 10 1500 ! 6 . i 1600 0.4 1260 ·c, . 5t t8oo 6 1500 3 1320 2 1914 2400 2340 .... • i6so 2400 2640 33 22so • • • ,I 2030 ••• ,5 2700 2300 1560 2046 1! 1600 2 1680 18 1140 lot 1\l80 4 1860 9 1500 5 5 4 i44o 7! 1260 is 1400 2 1300 32! 1320 3 1920 io aa tot iioo 6 1260 5 6 4 1400 111 1700 19 1320 8 1200 i3oo iot 1300 . 7t 1320 3 1440 3! 1020 1 1600 9 1200 3 1404 2! 1200 360()2 i44o 2220 1980 1880 6 1540 1560 1800 1500 2112 2100 33 1500 1440 6 1900 2000 1550 1600 1344 1900 i700. 1620 1275 2300 1800 1500 i7so 1320 Clerical, Administrative Assistants, and Other All Departmental No. Min. Max. 3 1300 ! 1665 13! 780 35! 1680 14 1740 10 1140 6 6 5 1200 35 960 1 141018 181 1300 7 1080 871 1008 3 1740 39H 1248 10 31 5 1260 19 1080 3 8 4 6 6 1300 1200 1440 1320 5 1450 21007 366QlD 216012 249013 174011 240013 190018 150019 300020 1920 207622 33 16Q028 144029 5 i449 380()M 198Q4D 235243 164028 37 7 5 1 io7s 5 .... 5 77 3! 6 I 6()()48 225()19 i9t 1320 17.6 807 3! 1155 8! 1200 12 1200 29{ 900 16 1040 2 1200 2 960 8! 1265 111 884 Washington (Seattle) ..... ....... . ;~~n:~·g.·.·.:: :::::: :::::: :: :: ::: 2 2040 2520 1 2646 i5t 1092 4 1320 4 i752 13 1300 32! 1980 1320 2384 • 4 1140 531 72057 5 1752 222()M 210013 18007 19Q026 1700 16Q028 18()()51 1500 168014 253005 1612 156049 2220 2853 Yale . ... .......... . ............ . High.... . ... . . .... ..... . .... 20-H 2646 t!~~~~ ·. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : . 0 ~~~g NIIO................... .. ... . 29 3600 2692 1800 26 2200 1650 1000 14 2700 2300 1560 11 0 1020 32 31 i62o 3600 1760 1275 29 1 1620 62 1040 2340 871 1752 3800 8! 1200 1920 0 78059 1440 42 38 35 for Which R~uired of Each Full- With Pay As : Salary Is Paid Time Staff Member Annual Vacation Special Holidays Subpro- Subpro- Subpro- Subpro- fessional fessional fessional fessional Profes- and Profes- and Profes- and Profes- and sional Clerical sional Clerical sional Clerical sional Clerical 12 12 12 12 12 12 5 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 6 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 42 12 12 12 12 12 12 6 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 1~ 12 12 12 5 12 12 12 12 12 6 i2 12 .. 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 I 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 41 40 39 398 41 41 41~' 5 44 39 3817 39! 39 39 40 39 38! 40 43 5 40 39 39 41 42 5 40 38 40 38 40 3950 40 40 40 38 4052 41 40 39 38! 38 40 40 401 38!68 44 40 38 42 40 39 398 41 41 4114 5 44 24 26 24 26 26 26 5 27 33 24 • 26 26 39 3817 39t 39 39 40 40 38! 24 or 26 26 3123 24 40 43 5 40 & 4431 39 & 41~ 39 41 42 & 4444 6 40 35 40 40 391D 40 & 44 40 & 44 40 38 4052 41 6 39 38! 38 40 40 40 38! 68 44 40 38 40 26 26 6 26 3023 25 18- 24 26 6 26 2647 31 26 27 26 26 26 30 26 26 16! 26 18 22 26 10 22 30 32 33 26 18 42 2-i & 123 26 24 12 12 26 6 12 33 24 26 12 18 26 10 12211 12 12 6 26 & 1232 30 & 183e 25 18 26 5 26 & 12 6-2447 31 18 26 12-24 26 30 26 26 & 12 16! I is 11 26 10 15 30 32 33 24 6 41 5 12 6 5 3 12 6 9 12 11 9 10 11 8 11 10 6 3D 6 7 11 4 37 6 5 14 16 10 6 10! 6 6 6 13 9 4 11 7! 17 13 8 6 I . 7 17 9 3 39 5 & 24 5 6 5 3 12 6 '9 12 11 9 10 11 8 11 10 7 81) 6&'733 38 . ., 11 4 5 '5 14 16 10 6 10! 6 6 6 13 9 4 5 '1! lOt 13 8 6 ' '1 16 8 3 37 Sabbatical Leave None Librarians 9 N~~~ .... None None None 15 .... . .. .. 24 fl N~~~ .... None N~~~ .... 41 •.• • .... . 5 Librarian-IS N~~~ .... None None Librarian 24 • ••••.. . . 24 Librarian ..... ... ·' None Di~~~~. None ....... .... None None None Professional None 1 Including central library and school, college, and departmental libraries on central library budget. 2 Alabama reports t "subprofessional assistant" at $3600. 3 Subprofessional, 24; clerical, 12. 4 Subpro- fessional, 5; clerical, 2. 5 Not reported or "confidential." 6 Full year; 60 per cent of salary. 7 Maximum clerical salary, $1320. 8 38 hours during summer session and summer vacation. 9 "Those with faculty rank- ing." 10 Maximum clerical salary, $2400. 11 Librarian and director of Bancroft Library, who hold pro- fessorships. 12 Maximum clerical salary, $1860. 13 Maximum clerical salary, $1440. 14 391 hours during summer session and summer vacation. 15 No stated policy. 16 AdminiStrative office asllstant. 17 38 hours during summer session, 33 during summer vacation. 18 Maximum clerical salary, $1650. 19 Maximum clerical salary, $1140. 20 Maximum clerical salary, $1584. 21 "Professional staff members receive one-half pay." 22 Maximum clerical salary, $2076. 23 Calendar days. 24 "With rank of assistant Pnrofessor or above." 25 Maximum clerical salary, $1500. 26 "Increases 6 days at end of third year." 27 ' Those with faculty title, directQr only." 28 Maximum clerical salary, $1400. 29 Maximum cleri'cal salary, $1260. 30 Legal · · · · · rof ional 26· clerical 12 33 Subprofessional, 6; clerical, 7. 34 Maximum clerical salary, $1560. 35 Subprofessionel, 39; clerical, 41. 36 "Subprofessional 30 calendar days, clerical 1! working days per month." 37 "Varies." 38 "Subpro- fessional varies; clerical, 16." 39 "Those holding rank of assistant librarian .•. and higher." 40 Maximum clerical salary, $1980. 41 Director. Every seventh year leave for 6 months with full salary or twelve months with half salary. 42 Departmental libraries only. 43 Maximum clerical salary, $2352.44 Subprofessional, 42; clerical, 44. 45 Half salary. 46 Maximum clerical salary, $1250. 47 Professional! month; clerical: 3 months- 1 week; 6 months-2 weeks; 5 years-3 weeks; 10 years-4 weeks. 48 i time. 49 Maximum clerical salary, $1200. 50 36 hours during summer session. 51 Maximum clerical salary, $1456. 52 40 hours during summer session, 36 hours during summer vacation. 53 For 10 months. 54 Salary of administrativP office assistant. 55 Maximum cleriealsalary, $1656. 56 "Professional staff with salary equivalent of associate professor or professor might apply .•• only for research." 57 $720 for half time; clerical salaries proper, $168Q-$2100. 58 38! hours during summer session; 35 hours during summer vacation. 59 Minimum for full time; median includes time salaries reported. 60 Number of libraries on which high, median, and low are based. College and University Library General and Salary Statistics (Group II) Fiscal Student Enrolment Faculty Members Circulation Volumes Lent for Reserved Library Year Regular Summer Regular Summer Book Ending Session Session Session Session Stock Home Book Use Loans Albion . . . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. . 30Je46 Allegheny . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . 30Je46 Antioch. . . . . . . .. . .. .. . .. 30Je46 Baldwin-Wallace .... ..... 30Je46 Bates .......... . ........ 30Je46 Birmingham-Southern ..... 31Ag46 Bowdoin . . . .. .. .. .. . .. .. 30Je46 Concordia............... 30Je46 Davidson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1My46 Denison .. ...... .... .. ... ~~Jj~ ~~~:~ ·:.:: ::::: : ::::::: 30Je46 Goucher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30Je46 Hamilton .. . . ........... . 30Jtl46 Hastings. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . 15Ag46 ~~~i~-~~~~~~~:::::: ::: ~M>'e!~ Lawrence ........... .... . 30Je46 Madison. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. . 30Je46 Monmouth .. .. .. ....... . 30Je46 Mount Union ... ......... 30Je46 Pomona ... . ........ ..... 30Je46 Randolph-Macon ......... 30Ap46 Sweet Briar... .. . . . . . . . . . 30Je46 Trinity, San Antonio, Tex.. 1Sep46 Wake Forest .... . . . . . . . . . 30Je46 Washington and Lee.. .... 30Je46 Westminster.. .. . .. .... .. 3l.Ty46 Wilberforce.. ... ....... .. 30Ap46 Willamette... ...... .... . 30Je46 Williams .. .... .. . ..... . . 30Je46 Wooster ......... ...... .. 30Ap46 603 630 693 1267 581 482 336 572 447 762 336 352 573 125 355 499 650 627 1112 454 627 684 706 449 1351 751 145 629 1184 679 325 737 High .. .. . ........... . . . . . . . 1351 Average........ . . ... • . . • . . . 594 Median .. ... .. . . .... . •. • . . . 603 Low .. . ... .......... . . . . . . . 125 '3i7ta 0 0 200 810 154 102 115 0 ... o 58 200 252 0 0 547lf 53 235 0 0 0 299 397 474 1091C 306 213 0 88ld 810 197 154 0 55 65 81 75 64 86 47 42 36 70 40 50 84 28 40 66 60 63 9o! 42 40 80 80 54 75 42 45 69 100 47 78 84 100 62 64 28 27 0 21 60 45 10 13 0 0 24 40 11 0 0 45 i3 0 0 0 46 34 35 18 120 23 0 120 23 18 0 65,506 110,819 72,092 47,000 76,407 53,241 211,501 32,071 iii ;o7s 69,612 56,906 85,350 209,265 33,850 44,410 73;916 74,361 45,043 51,241 72,425 107,242 64,315 66,528 32,469 68,913 133,285 33,109 44,028 45,000 204,914 102,959 29,836 15,944 24,333 17,652 35,241 13,297 12,911 5923 9526 22,484 11,628 4848 16,342 12,349 23,691 7024 12,665 11,052 35,114 20,770 9637 21,066 15,627 12,824 14,536 7878 11,639 17,179 19,655 11,076 12,721 27,980 211,501 35,241 83,107 16,805 69,263 14,536 32,071 4848 10202 10,385 11 '779 7495 35,241 5918 13,066 6446 1851 17,277 11,707 8310 18,988 3147 34,145 20,635 10,0882 . 61,625 18,142 54,231 40831 47362 14,634 8 26;359 10,248 7328 26612 25,191 61,625 15,555 10,385 1020 -----.Library Operating Expenditures Last Fiscal Year----~ Binding Library Expendi- tures for Staf\ Salaries 5600.00 7835 .22 9595.20 5866.64 9714.16 9896 . 00 13,370 . 00 2954.20 4131.18 17,6-14 . 83 3885 .32 6275 . 10 15,945.32 9870.00 4300.00 4275 . 00 7681.38 11,567.82 16,102.04 · · siso:oo 10,800.48 9650.00 12,939.99 6800.00 7200.00 8244.00 5557.00 12,433 . 80 3800.00 188~~!:~g 18,675 . 76 8835.82 8039 . 61 2954 . 20 and Student Period- Rebind- -Service Books icals ing Supplies $1362.00 2243.46 6089.29 1245.81 732 . 69 2964.00 1475 . 00 1097.75 979.10 1450.60 1050.00 1151.08 688.91 909.33 1300.00 1385 . 75 1890.50 696.07 2241.248 1127.99 679.34 1999.75 0 7 1359.95 700.00 400.00 1903.00 1320.70 1223.14 1646.898 2167.37 2964.00 1516.02 1272.90 0 $3344.21 4526 . 98 3034 .65 3572.45 4204.93 2860.00 5747.00 1067.49 2878.85 4567.40 1818.96 3420.90 5434 . 73 587.86 2500 . 00 3097.35 4142.69 3695.35 6303 . 28 3312.97 3191.85 8404 . 52 3690.48 4242.58 4786.73 3325.00 2618.00 2718 . 31 2599.10 3598.33 7246.05 3404.29 8404.52 3779.48 3374.25 587.86 $1138.18 1541.77 1093.62 1734.33 700.00 1072 . 00 2436.00 519 . 87 685.68 2183.09 1419.12 816 .59 t 2301.55 600 . 00 797 . 58 939.00 1486.74 1498.10 1042.58 1088 . 63 • 944.19 1426.89 802.73 750.00 892 . 00 735 . 00 1295.55 4213.87 1135.64 4213.87 1285.88 1088.63 519.87 $ 391.47 889.06 420.69 968.60 799 . 69 1015.00 1340 . 00 445.05 103.78 1409.42 567.15 232.10 1095. 89 631.48 600.00 181.88 875.00 433 . 57 1165 . 25 310.50 604.02 4 263.70 832.74 303.73 400.00 80.00 210.00 775.47 1543 . 37 528 . 26 1543 .37 647 . 25 583 . 85 80.00 I 380.16 550.64 698. 7()3 331.02 473.00 698.00 203.53 777.06 689.26 384.36 237.73 592.59 308.84 250 . 00 79 . 18 650.0()3 381.213 421.86 160 . 40 134.95 1167.723 0 729.82 490 . 00 418.00 205 . 00 409 . 34 298.08 1167 . 57 469.48 1167. 72 458.58 413 . 673· 9 0 Other Total .. . ... . $12,216.02 I 92.33 17,128.82 291.36 21,075.45 • 36. 59 13' 943. 12 151.61 16' 6.34.10 New Equip- ment 0 .. . .. .. 18,280 . 00 ....... 96.0()3 25 , 162.00 $ 879.00 94 . 233 6382.12 110.44 0 151. 0()3 9706.65 392.548 28,337.13 9124 . 91 a1 .213 12,110 . 11 .. s2:oo 241.433 23 '998. 87 46.393 14,655.45 8200.00 70. 963 9887. 70 ...... . 16,178.57 15.49 18,276.25 0 74.993 27,806.76 1146.57 71.553 12,220.99 407.24 74.063 10,922.85 375.00 4876.0()3.927 ,248. 37 0 14,548.37 128 . 823 20,300.84 .. .. . .. 14 , 053.13 25.00 12,890.00 15.00 12,667.00 . .. .. .. 11,328.31 605.793 18,845 . 98 36.793 9731.81 5315. 298· 932,846 . 64 36.138 16,525.97 0 195 . 80 0 1118.00 0 259.56 5315.29 32,846.64 1146.57 16,339.44 331.13 74 . 06 14,601.91 227.68 0 6382.12 0 Lib,ary Grand Total (Including Main- tenance When on Library Budget) Total College or University Expendi- tures Last Fiscal Year $12,216.02 $288,584 . 14 17' 128.82 330,028 . 98 21,075.45 444,916.48 i~:~~ti~ 508;6i1<87 18,280 . 00 322,700.00 287~~:gg 2oo: 79i: 98 9706.65 263,680.23 28,337.13 462,246 . 37 9124.91 275,175.37 12,252 . 71 363,254.59 23,998.87 387 '651.38 14,655.45 - 433,670.56 8200 . 00 9887.70 16,178.57 18,276 . 26 30,208.96 14,948.23 11,297 .85 344;4ii:36 370 , 000.00 367,022.00 337,470. 00 219,632.89 27,284.37 . ........ . 14,548.37 20,300.84 397' 477.19 14,248.93 12,890.00 13,785.00 15,435.31 274,601.00 19,735.54 730,442.77 9731.81 32,846.84 16,535 . 47 568,866.53 32,846.64 730,442.77 16,859.62 15,193.77 363,254.59 7040.95 200,791.98 1 a Second session, 281. 1 b Second session, 294. 1 c Second session, 86. 1 d Second session, 64 . 2 Overnight only. 3 Included telephone, postage. 4 Included under books. 5 Central library service. 6 Not included in library budget . 7 Included under staff salaries. 8 Included under volumes lent for home use. 9 Chapin Library. College and University Library General and Salary Statistics (Group II) Library Income Last Fiscal Year Number of Employees in Salaries Income Full-Time Equivalent Associate Allocation from Sub pro- Admin- or from Endow- fessional istrative Assistant Administrative Subprofessional and Institution ment Profes- and Assist- Chief Chief Office Assistants Department Heads Professional Assistants Clerical Assistants Library Budget Funds Gifts Other Total sional Clerical ants Total Librarian Librarian No. Salary No. Min. Max. No. Min. Max. No. Min. Max.~ Albion .................. $12,216.02 s· 82i :32 $12,216.02 2 1 3 ....... .. 1 $1365.001 Allegheny. . . . .. . .. . . . . . . 17,300. 00 s 189.25 .. ii55:Si 18,310.57 3! 1 3! 1 Antioch . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 23, 427. 00 o· 388.65 s 24,971.16 3 i 1 4i $3740.00 $2620.00 1 $1760.00 .. 1 $1980.00 ~ Baldwin-Wallace ......... 12,035 . 67 2964.33 59.00 0 15,059.00 3 2 5 2900.00 2475:oo2 ······· .. 2 1850.00 $2000.00 2 1200. 00 Bates ........... ... ... .. 14,089.16 2972.20 25.00 17,086.36 4 4 3375 . ()()2 2 1800.002 'Birmi.l~ham-Southern .. .. · " 52s:oo 4! 4! ...... . .. Bowdoin ............. ... 18,643.00 9051.00 562.00 28,784.00 2! 2 1 5! 5390 . 00 3000 . 00 1 1456.00 .. 1 1456.00 3 1144.00 $1800.00 Concordia . ........... ... 4546.80 20.00 2504.15 7108.55 11 li 2022.90 1140.0()3 ··· ··· · .. Davidson ................ 8610.28 · iio : s2 181 . 78 8792.06 4 ' 3! 4 3098:542,4 2272: 2{)2,4 ii37 :4ij4 Denison . ........ ... . .... 28,346.40 217.10 658.96 29,333.28 4 1 8! 1 1265.0()4 .. 2 1800.0()4 5 1412.40'·• Earlham ................ 8721.25 8721.25 1 If . i 2~ 2081.29 .. .... . .. . ..... . .. 1 1542.33 Elmira .................. 10,931.00 634.55 13.48 0 11,579.03 2 ! 3! {2soo·.oo .. ! Goucher ................. 22,844.53 1010.84 48 . 50 95.00 23,998.87 5 7 3600.00 2800.00 .. 2 1600 . 00 1800 . 00 2 908.00 1600.00 Hamilton .. .............. 5949 . 26 7258.75 475.15 487 . 22 14,170.28 3 4 0 7 1200.00 $1800.00 1 1700.00 3 960.00 1260.00 Hastin'\V ........... .... . 8200 . 00 8200.00 1 1 2 2200.00 1500.00 ....... .. lllinois esleyan ......... i6;i78:S7 2 2 2600.00 ....... .. 1 1500.00 i32o:oo ........ Knox ..... . . . .... ....... 11,108.57 4500.00 570.00 0 4 2 6 3000.00 3 1600.00 2200.00 2 Lav.Tence ................ 15,841.49 174.00 2000.00 260.76 18,276.25 3 2! 5! 3300.00 2500.00 2 1320.00 2000 . 00 1! 1200.00 i255:63 Madison . . ....... ....... 27,964.72 0 0 0 27' 967.72 4 1 5 4149 . 922 2 2844.922 3101.922 1 2679.972 2 1152.00 Monmouth .............. 11,519.48 1322.75 266.00 1850.00 14,948.23 2 2 ..... .. .. . ...... .. ............... Mount Union ............ 8309.18 500.00 1266.93 1221.74 11,297.85 4 '2 . i 4 4400.00 2400.00 . i 2 1300.001 1650.00 Pomona ... . . . .... ...... . 22,012.88 4211.21 34.72 989.56 27,248.37 3! 6 2250 . 0()6 2500.00 1300.00 1 2100.00 2 1200.00 Randolph-Macon ......... 14,650.00 0 0 0 14,650.00 4 . i 4 '3 Sweet Briar ............ . . 21,010.00 0 20.00 11,466.50 32,496.50 5 6 3200.00 2200.00 1 1200.00 .. 1650.00 1900.00 1 750.00 Triuity, San Antonio, Tex .. 6694 : 00 246.00 322.84 7593.00 4 1 5 3000.00 2 ' 1440.00 1800.00 1 1500.00 Wake Forest . ... . ........ 12,890.00 0 191.00 0 13,081.00 3 l 4 2160 . 00 2 1680.00 1800.00 .. l Washington and Lee .. .. .. 13,785.00 . i7i: 95 13,785.00 1 . 5 6 3795 . 802 5 900.00 160:l.Dl Westminster ... ......... . 14,561.17 • 355.00 346 . 88 15,435.00 2 1 3 2250.00 1 1800 . 00 1 1800.00 Wilberforce ... ........... 12,433.80 8191.12 20,625.00 7 1 8 3180.00 3 2080.00 2080.00 3 1200.00 1680.00 l 480.00 Willamette . ............. 9500.00 231.81 9731.81 2 2 2400.00 22JO .OO Williams ............. . . . 32,318.50 · iss:sa 32,318 . 50 4 1 5 4000.00 1 3400.00 2 1900.00 2800.00 2 1700.00 i2oo:oo Wooster ........ . .. ..... . 16,275.00 130.00 1047.01 17,607.54 4 1 5 ....... .. ....... .. 1 1200.00 High ........ ...... .. 32,318.50 9051.00 2000.00 11,466.50 32,496.50 4i 5 1 8! 5390.00 30:!0 . 00 2 2800.00 3 3400.00 3101.92 3 2679.97 2800 . 00 5 1800.00 1800.00 Average ............. 12,557.80 1348.64 316.85 1335.99 17,285.69 3.2 1.7 .8 H . 307!!.89 2251.02 1 1685.12 1~ 2080.70 2176.58 1. 9 1703.50 2016.67 l! 1458.81 1446.86 Median ............. 13,337.50 567.28 158.63 346.88 15,247.00 3 1 .8 4-At 3049.27 2336.10 . 1 1137.80 2 1893.00 2000.00 2 1766.66 1900.00 1 1200.00 1412.40 Low .. ............... 4546.80 0 0 0 7108.55 1 i i 11 2022.90 1140.00 1 1200.0J 1 1320.00 1800.00 1 1200.00 1650.00 l 750.00 1200.00 1 9 months. 2 Includes summer salary. 3 8 months. 4 Plus 10 per cent bonus. 5 ! time. / College and University Library General Hours per Week Number of Days Days Allowed Number of Required of Each Annual with Pay as Months for S tudent Service Full-Time Staff Vacation Special Which Salary Last Fiscal Year Member Holidays Is Paid Total Rate per Hour Profes- Subpro- Profes- Subpro- Profes- Subpro- Sabbatical Profes- Subpro-Library Hours per Min. Max. sional fessional sional fessional sional fessional Leave sional fess10nal Year Albion .................. 3405 40 40 41 26 4 12 Allegheny ...•..•........ 4487 4o 55 4o '7 ih;~~;i~ Antioch ..... ... . ...... .. 9542 21-30 12 Baldwin-Wallace .... . .... 3018 35 40 30-31 21 0 11 Bates ..... . ..... ........ 1770 40 No rule 12 Birmingham-Southern ..... 850 Bowdoin .... .... .. ...... 3325 30 50 42 38! 24 24 6 6 Librarian 12 12 Concordia .. ..... . ....... 2975 35 38 39 24 8 12 Davidson .. ...•.. . .. .... . 2448 {iib~~i~~ {io Denison .. ..••.. . ........ 3756! 30 45 39 39 49! Asst. " 12 121 Earlham . ..•... .. ...... . 29i7t 4o 39 39 "'!)"" 9 9 Elmira . ..... . . . . . ... .... 40 39 iot 12 6 Goucher .. ..... ... ....... 1282 5o 42 38t 2 months i6t Lib~~i~~ 12 1Q-12 Hamilton ................ 1818! 50 40 26 8 8 12 Hastings . . .. ... .. . ..... . 8 35 40 4o 30 30 '9 Illinois Wesleyan ...... : .. 40 40 ao 23 1ii>~~~i~ Knox . .... . . ........ .... 1071 50 60 40 5 12 Lawrence .....•.......... 2400 30 35 42 42 26 26 6 {Librarian 12 12 Asst. " Madison . .... ....... . ... 1 36 39 0 50 0 9 Monmouth .............. 45i2 37t 27 is Mount Union ......... .. . 1941 35 so iib~~i~~ 12 2 Pomona .... . . ........... 42611 45 40 26 3 12 Randolph-Macon ... .... . . 38 {24 and No rule 93 Sweet Briar .............. 50 39 48 10 Librarian 12 Trinity, San Antonio, Tex .. 3888 45 45 30 6 " '(I"'' 12 Wake Forest .... . ........ 2942 30 30 39 42 30 16 16 12 i2 Washington and Lee ..... . 1000 40 50 38 38 40 26 8 8 0 12 West minster . ...... . .. ... 44o2t 30 35 42 42 24 24 25 iib~~i~~ 12 12 Wilberforce . ....... .. .... 30 50 40 30 12 Willamette ....... .... ... 3058 40 40 ao ·a '"()'"' 12 i2 Williams .....••......... 3169 42 39 39 30 0 12 Wooster ................. 3931! 42 39! varies 7-10 0 12 High . ............... 9542 50 60 45 45 49! 30 50 30 12 12 ~d~~e.': :::: : :: : ::: 3093.6 37.8 43.7 39.6 40.3 28.9 24.4 12.6 11.3 11.5 10.8 2958.5 40 42 40 39 28.5 25 10 8 12- 12- Low . ........ ...... . 8 30 30 37! 38 0 16! 0 0 9 6 1 Not on library budget. 2 Cataloger, 9!. 3 Librarian, .12. 4 No separate claesification. 5 In process of readjustment. 6 No scale. 710 months. and Salary Statistics (Group II) -------:Supplementary Statistical Survey of Current Salary Trends for Beginning Professional Library Positions------· Present Official Salary Scale 4 Years' 5 Years' Total Enrolment April 1946 746 948 759 980 540 630 235 ' 720 1285 627 1116 706 444 1812 1003 509 1263 792 522 Training, Training, Library 4 College, Science Maj. 1 L.S. Enter. Min. Enter. Min .... • .... e .... e . ... e .... e .... e . ... e .... • si550- .... .... 1950 .... • .... e .... • . ... • 2100 $2100 214()8 21408 .... e 18007 ••• • 1 18007 .. .. e e .... e .... e 1800 2200 2000 1800 1800 2200 2200 1500 1500 1800 1800 .. .. 2200 .... ' ... ·' 2000 1500 Actual Entering Salaries Now Being Offered 4 Years' 5 Years' Training Training Enter. Enter. $210 2140 .... $2000 2200 1800 2200 isoo 24oo .... 2200 .... • 2100 0 Authorized 1947-48 Salary Scale 4 Years' 5 Years' En~~~rn. E;r:,i~in. .... • • . ... • . ... • .... . ... • . ... I . .. . I 6 6 .... i s2ooo 2160 .... .... 214()8 $214()8 ... . .... .... • e . ... • $1800 $2200 33()()9 .... .... 2400 2ioo .... ' .... ' 2100 Official Scale April 1947 . ... • I . ... $15W:Si95010 I . ... 210010 214()8.10 e ... . I .... • 1800 2200 e 180Q-22001o 1500, 180010 220010 20()()10 8 9 months. 9 With experience. 10 For candidates having 1 year library school in addition to 4 full years of college. Actual Hiring Rate April 1947 1210010 21408,10 2000--220010 1800 2200 1800,240010 22oo1o 210010 Authorized Scale for 1947-48 . ... • •••. 1 $2()()()10 216010 21408,10 • I . ... 180 0 240010 21()()10 Teachers College and Normal School Library General and Salary Statistics Total Student Faculty Circulation ---Library Operating Expenditures Last Fiscal Year--- Colle&e or Enrolment Members Volumes Binding Normal Library Regu- Sum- Regu- Sum- Lent and School Ex- Fiscal lar mer tar mer Grad- for Reserved Peri- Re- penditures Year Sea- Sea- Sea- Sea- uate Book Home Book Staff Student odi- bind- Equip- Sup- Last Fiscal Ending sion1 sion2 sion sion Work Stock a Use-' Loans6 Salaries Service Books cals ing ment plies Other Total Year' Arbona, Flagstaff, State College ....... ... •••••••••.•. ••.••.•• •. 30Je46 296 430 341 431 Yes 30,450 39,541 10,998 s 2817 s 374 s 1747 $432 $349 s 81 s 16 s 5819 8 Colorado, Greeley, State College of Education ..... ... ." .... ...... 30Sep46 921 1950 96 132 Yes 120,039 53,196 21,04913 16,206 7593 5365 1189 579 sioo 1570 32,505 . $568;424 illinois, Carbondale, Southern Illinois Normal University ... ...••.. 30Je46 1060 7147& 138 145 Yes 63,331 37,800 18,171 13,234 5750 12 , 008 3502 2435 727 1167 224 39,049 8 illinois, Charleston, Eastern Illinois State Teachers College . .. .•••. 3~~:g 713 668 107 50 No 65,262 40,346 36,596 16,162 3520 2747 1363 344 506 24,645 487,407 Iowa, Cedar Falls, State Teachers College .... ..... ..... ...••••• . 1226 1441 158 141 No 143,533 51,740 80,734 17,969 5593 6007 1988 1477 536 33,573 995,370 Kansas, Emporia, State Teachers College ........................ 30Je46 468 898 120 120 Yes 91,865 9 9 22,682 4993 3452 2292 10~4 149 512 35,134 496,648 Kansas, Pittsburg, State Teachers College ........ .. . ....... ..... 30Je46 636 1463 115 122 Yes 74,560 . i4; 983 25,281 8201 1600 2890 1800 1883 81 16,457 440,774 Kentucky, Bowling Green, Western Kentucky State Teachers College 19Ag46 435 1050 90 100 Yes 72,703 28,993 62,666 13,690 . 2636 4342 966 413 97 22,146 531,902 Maryland, Frostburg, State Teachers College ..................... 30Je46 73 88 19 10 No 18,752 22,898 8974 5430 .. i986 637 427 37 186 133 6852 i;o96;375 8 Michigan, Kalamazoo, Western Michigan College of Education .... 30Je46 2524 1557 245 245 Yes 72,138 ~ g 23,862 7482 1612 893 175218 1055 ll8 38,760 Minnesota, Bemidji, State Teachers College .. ...... ...... ...•.. . 30Je46 184 1277b 44 2770 No 22,721 21,803 io;6io 5727 600 2000 554 675 256 9812 176,195 Minnesota, Mankato, State Teachers College ..••. . •.........•.•. 30Je46 360 478 7d 50 2171l No 29,182 25,641 21,009 5782 603 1703 507 340 55 8991 257,981 Minnesota, Moorhead, State Teachers College ...••.. .. ....•..... 30Je46 290 r~7, 48 29 No 24,362 13,888 19,129 4972 1222 1287 793 341 131 334 9082 209,508 Minnesota, Winona, State Teachers College ...... . .....•... ...... 30Je46 177 42 zo-m No 33,315 24,293 13,024 5028 1529 1900 748 163 160 125 9656 200,712 Mississil>pi• Cleveland, Delta State Teachers College .............. 30Je46 185 174 35 31 No 17,029 6878 5208 2470 825 1464 667 489 94 1588 7686 127,813 Missoun, Cape Girardeau, Southeast Missouri State Teachers College 30Ap46 541 842 63 59 No 88,737 15,680 11 9482 1687 2310 770 281 19 360 144 15,054 346,857 Missouri, ~ringfield, Southwest Missouri State Teachers College .. . 31Ag46 728 1 ~~~7h 84 95 No 70,795 18,360 37,681 8825 4325 2806 1390 735 77 18,158 297,592 Missouri, arrensburg, Central MiBSouri State Teachers College ... 31My46 450 67 67 No 71,821 35,273 30,197 8508 3087 2309 1164 310 382 15,763 • Nebraska, Kearney, State Teachers College ............... ..... .. 30Je46 279 4337i 49 51 Yes 43,315 8 8 5250 2071 1491 841 146 113 9914 · · "222,"588 Nebraska, Peru, State Teachers College .. . . . . ........ ..... ..•... 30Je46 213 238 55 53 Yes 52,817 23,627 11 3825 659 2637 554 326 75 2204 10,282 217,732 New Mexico, Las Vegas, Highlands University ...•••.... . . ...••. . 30Je46 621 943 51 59 Yes 34,204 13,761 8126 3078 968 5292 14 443 228 10,010 248,503 New York, Albany, State College for Teachers ................... 30J e46to 1166 530 96 47 Yes 44,889 31,376 32,244 . 22,715 184 6551 982 693 275 349 13 31,764 424,364 New York, Geneseo, State Teachers College ................. •... 30Je46 369 237 . 34 :!'7k No 34,296 11,587 2841 7280 286 1999 369 9935 231,940 North Carolina, Greenville, East Carolina Teachers College .. ....•. 30Je46 920 5077l 71 Yes 57,892 29,749 43,589 8793 2599 6638 860 866 499 344 42 21,144 302,795 North Dakota, Minot, State Teachers College ............. ....... 30Je46 288 525 50 46 Yes 27,230 10,027 6027 5649 1976 2443 565 117 163 380 11,133 279,818 North Dakota, Valley City, State Teachers College ... ............ 30Je46 287 510 41 35 No 36,861 15,616 1294 5030 340 2289 538 017 .... 107 8306 226,514 Oklahoma, Edmond, Central State College .. ....... . ............ 30Je46 386 723 54 56 No 33,535 22,627 19,55912 4170 1192 2413 756 461 105 98 9197 8 Oregon, Ashland, Southern Oregon College of Education ........... 30Je46 65 8071 22 191m No 20,332 8411 5107 2970 489 1726 522 591 21 163 212 6698 .. . 90; 799 Oregon, Monmouth, College of Education .... . .............. ... . 30Je46 131 494 40 40 No 41,851 27,294 23,075 3429 1502 1829 531 141 24 135 - 53 7646 123,881 Pennsylvania, West Chester, State Teachers College .......... .... 31My46 1003 431 74 39 No 45,963 33,713 12,71913 9627 1760 2295 761 200 173 66 14,884 670,054 South Dakota, Aberdeen, Northern State Teachers College ........ 30Je46 174 745 39 49 No 28,972 13,147 3250 2250 1312 1567 891 162 63 34 6283 234,345 Texas, Commerce, East Texas State Teachers College .... ...•...•. 31Ag46 719 15957n 95 95 Yes 89,974 54 , 131 54,131 14,463 2501 3231 776 16 892 48 21,913 532,552 Texas, Denton, North Texas State Teachers College ........ ....•.• 31Ag46 2936 2908 167 163 Yes 168,505 141,608 659813 30,235 15,617 19.872 2645 2273 685 5184 . ... II 76",514 1,055,013 Texas, Huntsville, Sam Houston State Teachers College .. ......... 1Sep46 898 1367 83 78 Yes 79,679 34,158 31,556 11,510 2112 1175 825 190 1500 1248 18,560 535 ,307 Texas, San Marcos, Southwest Texas State Teachers College . .. . .•. 31Ag46 561 1347 63 63 Yes 60,330 22,065 54,425 8940 3800 2206 784 310 16.041 446,402 Wisconsin, Milwaukee, State Teachers College ...•.•.. . ..... . .... 31Ag46 993 1198 100 77 Yes 77,058 46,423 41,439 14,050 750 5700 650 14 200 21 ~ 350 401,387 Wisconsin, Oshkosh, State Teachers College. · ......•.... . .. .... .. 30Je46 315 53070 52 277P Yes 37,884 14,193 8 4751 814 3137 490 541 20 112 10 9875 214,793 High ..... .•••••••••..•••••.••.•••••...••. . ....•.• . •..... 2936 2908 245 245 168,505 141,608 80,734 30,235 15,617 19,872 3502 2435 1752 5184 2204 76,514 1,096,375 . Median ... .•......••......••••• . •.......•.......... ... .. 450 530 63 51 45,963 23,262! 19,559 8201 1643t 2413 784 413 163 181! 121! 14,884 300,193! Low . . ... .... .................. . ..... .. ............. . ... 65 80 19 10 17,029 6878 2841 2250 184 637 427 37 19 55 10 5819 90,799 1 As of third week, fall tenn, 1945; includes graduate students. 2 Includes graduate students. 3 Includes for all statistics other than financial; fiscal year for financial statistics ends on March 31. 11 Not kept sd:ratelh volumes in all agencies. 4 Excludes overnight loans and all loans of reserved books except where the contrary is from record of volumes lent for home use. 12 Use in building only. 13 Overnight use only. 14 Inclu ed wit indicated bkfootnote. 5 Includes overnight loans, except where the contrary is indicated by footnote. 6 Excludes expenditures for books. 15 Included with expenditures for supplies. 16 Included with expenditures for supplies. capital out y and auxiliary en~riaes such as dormitory, athletics, etc. 7a- p Figure given here is for first 17 Disregarded in computation of median. 18 Equipment for newly established library of department of librarian- lle88ion; if two sessions, second SeBBlon had (a} 198; (b) 30; (e) 14; (d) 165; (e) 13; (f) 51; (g) 7; (h) 561; (i) 176; ship not on central library budget. (j) 319; (k) 22; (l) 43; (m) 13!; (n) 1375; (o) 356; (p) 17. 8 Not reported. 9 No record kept. 10 Period of record Teachers College and Normal School Library ·General and Salary Statistics Salaries Library Income Last Fiscal Year Number of Employees in Associate Allocation Full-Time Equivalent or Library from Clerical Assistant Subprofessional Institution Profes- Subpro- and Chief Chief Department Heads Professional Assistants Assistants Budget Others Total sional fessional Other Total Librarian Librarian No. Min. Max. No. Min. Max. No. Min. Max. Arizona, Flagstaff, State College . .. .. .. .... . . .................. . s 5803 $1355 $ 7158 1 1 $2817 • 5! si575 12600 si260 Colorado, Greeley, State College of Education .. ... ..... .... . ... . 25,386 5365 30,752 6! 1 1 8! 3000 ... . 1 $1260 lllinois, Carbondale, Southern Illinois Normal University ... . . .•... 39,049 39,049 8• 8• 2 2 $2800 $3240 4 180()191 207()1)111 IUinois, Charleston, Eastern lllinois State Teachers College .. ..•.. . 1 1 6 6 4400 5 2225 2860 Iowa, Cedar Falls, State Teachers College .. .. .. . . .. .. . ... . ..•.. . 43,110 43,110 71 1 8! 3550 5 2660 2660 . it 266017 266017 Kansas, Emporia, State Teachers College .. .. ..... .. .. ... ... ... . . i6;457 1 311 1 7 1 8 2 6 1950 2160 Ka113as, Pittsburg, State Teachers College ...... . .. .. . ..... . . . . .. i6;457 4t 4t 2923 316 2241 2911 Kentucky, Bowling Green, Western Kentucky State Teachers College 22,146 . i$6 22,146 67 1 77 5 3 1 5 ., .. 5 5 5 Maryland, Frostburg, State Teachers College . .. ........... . ..... 6666 6852 1 1 2 3000 2430 2430 Michigan, Kalamazoo, Western Michigan College of Education ... . 31,451 999921 41,450 5 28 *9 7-! 3600 4U 2400 2700 1125 2300 Minnesota, Bemidji, State Teachers College . ... . . ...... .. . . . . ... I .... I I 2 .. 2 2200 1900 Minnesota, Mankato, State Teachers College . ................... I ... . s I 2 10 2 245()198 2300Ub Minnesota, Moorhead, State Teachers College . ........ .. ........ 9082 9082 2 2 2755 2217 Minnesota, Winona, State Teachers College ...... . . . ... . . .. . . . ... 9656 4436 9656 2 2 230()190 21ooud Mississi\)pi, Cleveland, D~lta State Teachers College .. . ........... 3250 7686 1 1 180()194' '3tu 1485 Missoun, Cape Girardeau, Southeast Missouri State Teachers College 14,630 671 15,301 4}11 4}11 3644 23io 2190 Miloouri, ~ringfield, Southwest Missouri State Teachers College .. . ' ' 4 u 4 2700 1 1980 1980 1 1565 1565 Missouri, arrensburg, Central Missouri State Teachers College ... 15,763 142 i5;905 3 2 5 27~ 2soo 2 2100 2220 2 780 i44o Nebraska, Kearney, State Teachers College .. .. . . . . ... .. .... .. . . . 1825 4100 5925 2 2 2749 Nebraska, Peru, State Teachers College .... . .. .••... .. .... . ... . . 8532 3305 11,837 2 2 New Mexico, Las Vegas, Highlands University . ....... . . .. ...... . 10,000 ' 10,000 1 512 6 ~~~gf 354{>t~~~r 29281~~~r ai861a New York, Albany, State College for Teachers . . ..... . . .. . . .... .. 31,730 54 31.784 7-! i f 8-/l'J 2 4 189019n 2231 New York, Geneseo, State Teachers College . . ....... . ........... 9279 9279 2 1 3 390519h 337519h .... I North Carolina, Greenville, East Carolina Teachers College .. . . . . . . 21,144 496 21,640 3 '2! 3 3660 2 2160 2280 North Dakota, Minot, State Teachers College .. . ... . . . .... . ..... . 8149 2574 10,723 2 4! 2 2613 2613 1 1851 1851 North Dakota, Valley City, State Teachers College ....... . . . ... . . 6278 2438 8716 1 2 3 22so 2 ii25 11251')(1 Oklahoma, Edmond, Central State College .. . .... . . .... ... .. . .. . 8100 1172 9272 2 2 2200 1920 Oregon, Ashland, Southern Oregon College of Education .. .. ... .. . 5797 1511 7308 1 1 2970 Oregon, Monmouth, College of Education ... ... .. .... . ..... .. . .. 7866 287 8153 1 1 3200 3ii7 Pennsylvania, West Chester, State Teachers College .. .. .. . .. . . ... 5 5 5 218 i 2} 345619i South Dakota, Aberdeen, Northern State Teachers College . ...•... · ·asso 6252 9832 1 1 2 2250 ....• 1 1800 1800 Texas, Commerce, East Texas State Teachers College .. .... . .•. ... 21,569 344 21,913 6 6 3150 5 2310 2540 Texas, Denton, North Texas State Teachers College . . .. . ... .... .. 73,386 3128 76,514 13 !9 13! 4660 264(}tgk 3 1380 2420 9 1980 2420 Texas, Huntsville, Sam Houston State Teachers College . . . . .. ... . . 18,560 18,560 4 1 5 220}19i 2 18001 o 130019P Texas, San Marcos, Southwest Texas State Teachers College . . ..... 16,041 16,041 3 1 4 3800 2 1950 2050 1 1140 1140 Wisconsin, Milwaukee, State Teachers College . ........ . ..... .. . . 21,350 21,350 5 1 6 11300 4 2100 2900 Wisconsin, Oshkosh, State Teachers College .. ........ . . ... . . .... 11,780 11,780 2 1 3 3200 1 2400 2400 2100 2100 High . .. . .. ..•..• • •.•.•• . .•.. . . . . . . . .. . ........ .. .. .... .• 73,386 9999 76,514 13 5 13! 4660 3540 2928 3240 9 2660 2911 2430 2430 Median . .......... . ... . ... .. .. . ... ... . .. ..... .... ... . ..• 11,780 1263! 11,837 2 1 4 2985 2310 2355 2650 2 1950 2220 1193! 1625 Low ..... .. ..... .. . . . . .... . .. .. ...... . . . . . .... . ... .. .. . • 1825 54 5925 1 f 1 1800 1920 1380 1980 1 1485 1565 780 1125 1 No sepa·ate bud~et fo library. 2 Not reported. 3 Excludes fines if not retained by library. 4 Not reported assistant for summer school. 16 Librarian emerita employed on half-time. 17 Salary of employee on one-third fully. 5 Confidential. 6 Includes part-time director and one part-time head of a school library. 7 Excludes one time omitted from consideration. 18 Full sala(h of employee on four-fifths time; nothing extra for summer. teacher of lib rary science, one extra department head for summer school, and one training school librarian not 19a-q Additionalforsummersession : (a) $350; ) $328; (c) 5328; (d) $300 ; (e) $366; (f)$400; (g) $300 ; (h) $450; on central library budget. 8 Excludes one subproft>Ssionallibrarian not on central library budget. 9 Bindery (i) $576; (j) $1100; (k) $880; (I) $400 ; (m) $460 ; (n) $250; (o) $180; (p) $600; (q) $250. 20 Acting librarian. employee. 10 Excludes one extra su~rofessional assistant for summer school. 11 Excludes one subprofessional 21 Includes $5000 from Kellog~ Foundation for books and equipment (no salaries) for newly established library assistant for January-May. 12 Exclu es one clerical employee for three months. 13 Excludes part-time cataloger of department of librarianship not on central library budget. - employed on hourly basis. 14 Excludes libraries not on central library budget. 15 Excludes one extra professional Library • Arizona, Flagstaff, State College ... .. . .... . .................... . Colorado, Gre!lley, State College of Education ...... . ........•.. . illinois, Carbondale, Southern Illinois Normal University . .. . ..... . illinois, Charleston, Eastern Illinois State Teachers College .. ....•. Iowa, Cedar Falls, State Teachers College .. ...... . . .. .... ...••.• Kansas, Emporia, State Teachers College ........ . . ... . .... . .. . . . Kansas, Pittsburg, State Teachers College .. . ... . ... . .. . . .... .... . Kentucky, Bowling Green. Western Kentucky State Teachers College Maryland, Frostburg, State Teachers College . . .... . ... . .. . ..... . Michigan, Kalamazoo, Western Michigan College of Education .... . Minnesota, Bemidji, State Teachers College . .. ... ..... . ... ... . . . Minnesota, Mankato, State Teachers College ...•••••.•......... • Minnesota, Moorhead, State Teachers College . ...•.••••.. • •.•••. Minnesota, Winona, State Teachers College . ... . . ........... . ... . Mississippi, Cleveland, Delta State Teachers College ... . ..... . . .. . Missouri, CapeGirardeau, Southeast Missouri State Teachers College Missouri, SJ>ringfield, Southwest Missouri State Teachers College .. . Mi1111ouri, Warrensburg, Central Missouri State Teachers College . . . Nebraska, Kearney, State Teachers College . . .. . .. .. . . ........ .. . Nebraska, Peru, State Teachers College . . ... .....•••... . . . . . .. . . New Mexico, Las Vegas, Highlands University . .•••••••.. .. . ..... New York, Albany, State College for Teachers . ..• . •.. . ... . . ... .. New York, Geneseo, State Teachers College . . .. . . . . ... . . .. .. ... . North Carolina, Greenville, East Carolina Teachers College . . : . . . . . North Dakota, Minot, State Teachers College ....... . .. . ... .. .. . . North Dakota, Valley City, State Teachers College ..... . . .. .. ... . Oklahoma, Edmond, Central State College ..... ... . .. ....... . .. . Oregon, Ashland, Soqthern Oregon College of Education ..• .. .. . . . Oregon, Monmouth, College of Education . . .. . ...... . . ... . ..... . Pennsylvania, West Chester, State Teachers College . .. .. .... . ... . South Dakota, Aberdeen, Northern State Teachers College . . . . . . . . Texas, Commerce, East Texas State Teachers College . .. .... ..... . Texas, Denton, North Texas State Teachers College .. .. . . . . .. ... . Texas, Huntsville, Sam Houston State Teachers College . .. . .... . . . Texas, San Marcos, Southwe8t Texas State Teachers College ..... . . Wisconsin, Milwaukee, State Teachers College . . ... . .. . .... . . ... . Wilroonsin, Osakosh; State Teachers College .. .. . •••.........••. . ffigh .. .. . ..................... . .. . . . . . ... . . . ... . . . . . ..•. Median ..•••. . ..•••..•......•...•... . .. . . . ..•.. . ........ Low ...•.•••••••..••.•..••..••.•• ••..•. •..... . . .. .. ••••• Teachers College and Normal School Student Service Last Number of Months for Fiseal Y-ear Which Salary Is Paid Total Hours for Year 832! 19,687 1 9391 17 , 481 154~~~t 60922 0 8 . . . . .. 1 1986 . ..... 1 35051 2617 5625 I "8822 4142 . 96 ...... 1 •••. . . u 1 819 8665 3955 ... ... 1 12 979 27801 4400 3198 12,148 44,620 10,080 12,667 350 20002 44.620 4486! 35Q2i Rate per Hour Subpro- fess10nal Mini- mum .45 .35 1 .35 .35 .30 1 :::1 .40 1 :35 .35 .40 .30 .30 • • . 1 1 .50 .30 1 .35 1 .40 .40 .30 .50 .40 .40 .40 1 .35 0 .30 .40 .35 .50 .35 .3Q2i M!!oxi- mum . 45 .45 1 .50 .45 .40 1 :: :1 .40 1 :35 .35 .50 .40 .30 1 :as .50 . 30 1 :35 1 :so .40 .50 .50 . 75 .40 .50 1 .35 .40 .40 .50 .35 .75 .40 .30 Profes- sional 1 12 1 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 9 9 1 iot 9 12 12 12 12 1 lOU 10 12 11 12 12 12 12 9 12 1 12 12 1 12 12 12 12 9 and Clerical 1 12 • ,1 12 12 i2 12 12 i2 10 ii 11 12 1 12 12 12 12 10 Hours per Week R~uired of Each Full-Time Staff Member Profes- sional 1 38 1 39 36 40 448 394 40 35 40 38 1 41 3810 4411 39 43 38 1 3814 40 39 40 50 38! 40" 40 40 4Q2i 40 40 40 4024 385 41 50 40 35 Subpro- fessonal and Clerical 40i • • 1 44 44 3HO 40 35 43 40 4o 3()-40 4i 43 40 4()2' 38• 41 44 40 35 1 Not reported. 2 Approximate. 3 41! hours during summer vacation. 4 12 hours during term, semester, or quarter vacations. 5 For graduate work with half salary. 6 Half pay. 7 Included in annual vacation. 8 No record. 9 Suspended during war and not yet restored. 10 40 hours during summer session. 11 22! hours during summer vacation. 12 Not given in terms of hours. 13 For six professional employees ; 12 months for two pro- fessional employees. 14 Varies during vacations. 15 For employees on twelve-month basis. 16 Varies. 17 Under discuseicn at present ; profeesional staff eligible to receive such part of year's salary as exceeds the base minimum. 18 Vacation only during periods betwem terms. 19 35 hours during summer session. 20 Includes librarian who usually teaches courses in library science. 21 If no additional cost to institution. 22 42 hours during 1!um- mer session. 23 Sabbatical leave expected to be instituted in near future and will apply to all professional Employees. 24 30 hours during summer vacation. 25 30nours during term vacations. 26 33 hours during term and summer vacations. 27 All school vacations and holidays; number of days Library General and Salary Statistics ---------:Supplementary Statistical Survey of Ounent Salary Trends for Beginning Professional Poeitione-------- Entering Salaries for Beginning Profes- Number of Days Allowed with Pay as : sional Position& (for Candidates v. iUI Annual Vacation Special Holidays at Least a College Major ~ubpro- Subpro- in Library Science) fessional fessional Enrolment, April1946 Official Actual .Authorized Profes- and Profes- and Sabbatical Under- Scale, Hiring Rate, Scale, sional Clerical sional Clerical Leave graauate Graduate Total April 1947 A}>ril 1947 1947-48 I 36-a2 1 0 26 27Oao 280()31 2200 2200 2500 250016 28()()35 25()()36 220QM0 2400 2160 3190 292837 200Qath 3000 2100 2656 1980 3300 2500 1980 $275020 24oo •.. . u 2iooud 2itio 292837 200iJui 3000 3000 2400 2100 not indicated. 28 Leave without pay upon permission. 29 Zero omitted in computation. 30 Eleven months. 31 No official scale; rate paid to present staff, all with one year of graduate work. 32 No ollicial scale. 33 Not yet authorized; to be on ten-month basis. 34 Salaries cited in the following notes refer to any dijJBTent rate which may apply to candidates having one year of)ibrary school in addition to four years of college : (a) $2600; (b) $2400; (c) $3000; (d) $3000; (e) $2190; (0 $2958; (g) $2200; (h) $2900; (i) $2400; (j) $2275; (k) $2500. 35 Nine months. 36 Plus 20 per cent tem- porary increase. 37 Ten months. - Note: In many instances no scale had been definitely authorized and approved by the ultimate fiscal authority for 1947-48 at the time these reports were submitted. Some libraries submitted as the hiril1g rate the salary of present staff members, even though vacancies did not exist. Many smaller institutions have only two or three (sometimes only one) professional librarians. /