College and Research Libraries ' By LUTHER H. EVANS The Library of Congress and Its Service to Scienc_e and Technology BACK in the spring of I go I the Li-• brarian of Congress received an ap- plication from a student at the New York State Library School. He possessed admi- rable qualifications; he was, he said, personally known to Mr~ Windsor, Mr. Flagg, and Mr. Ashley; he had met Mr. Martel; he was available at an annual compensation of one thousand dollars but agreed to settle for nine hundred and to report at the beginning of July. He re- mained until Feb. 4, I903, and for all of that period served in the catalog division where for the most part he devoted his splendid energies and talents to that new- fangled business called "card distribution." Charles Harris Hastings once commented on his abilities in a memorandum to Herbert Putnam in these terms: [He] is now carrying the details connected with the current orders in a most satisfactory way. I hope he will be allowed to continue the work another year. Should like to feel that he was adequately paid for doing so well work which one who was not interested would consider drudgery and could not do success- fully. . . . I know that . · .. in filing the cards in our alphabet of printed cards, [he] finds dozens of mistakes (mostly misprints) in cards which have been through the hands of all the proof readers in the Printing Office and Catalogue Division. . . . I cla1im that the work . . . [he] is doing and will do (if he helps at card distribution) during the coming year, will be higher in character and greater in quantity than that done by the average cataloger in the $~200 grade. I doubt if there are any in the Library, of the $goo and $1000 grades, who deserve promo- tion more than he. JULY, 1947 Certainly that was praise from "Sir Hubert" and certainly it was well earned. The Library of Congress is proud of this alumnus and grateful for his distinguished 'contributions to the profession. His name, of course, is Charles Harvey Brown. Now, it is an interesting fact that in the minds of many people the Library of Congress is regarded as a sort of department store of knowledge. If one examines, for example, a classified directory of stores in a given locality he will find listed therein shoe stores, grocery stores, music stores, etc. But curiously enough the department stores are seldom listed in such compilations of specialized emporia. Yet there are many persons who when they need the com- modities offered by these stores go, not to the specialized shop, but to the department store. In certain respects the Library of Con- gress resembles this parallel. For example, in I 943 the American Library Association published a Hand book of Medical Library Practice. It listed in an appendix a group of medical libraries which had one hundred thousand or more volumes in their collec- tions. In this list the Library of Congress is conspicuous by its absence. Yet this library has within its walls a medical col- lection of over two hundred thousand volumes. Only the Army Medical Library and the library of the New York Academy of .Medicine surpass it in size. It should be clearly understood however that the li- brary does not now and has not for nearly a century attempted to secure an inclusive 315 collection of the literature of the medical sciences nor has it pretended to the per- formance of specialized services in that field. On the contrary, the Library of Con- gress long ago conceded the national col- lection and the national service of materials on the ars curandi to the Army Medical Library. , Although the Library of Congress is not generally regarded as being a great scientific and technical library, yet it must respond to requests for every conceivable (and some- times inconceivable) kind of scientific and technical information. The questions which the Library of Congress is called upon daily to answer range from Archimedean solids to zymology. A random sampling of the day's grist to our mill includes such requests as the fol- lowing: plans for the electric wiring system of a lake-going cargo vessel, how to build a baffie on a radio lou&l-speaker, a list of books on spiders and another on cannibalism, literature on the .assembly of binoculars, the amount of blood pumped by the human heart in twenty-four hours, plans for a plant for the extraction of gonadotropic hormones, information on irregular poly- hedra, where to buy an Army-type mine detector to be used in locating buried money, biographical information on foreign scientists, to say nothing of requests for in- formation on the atom bomb, radar, bio- logical warfare, socialized medicine, the sulfa-drugs and antibiotics, ultrasonics, isotopes, polarized light, the incidence of baldness in males, liquid sulfur dioxide, a list of books on aeronautics and also oM. a satisfactory sex life (one correspondent asked for lists on both topics but stated he was more interested in the first). With questions on the rickettsias, vivisection, and zeolites, we approach the end of the alphabet and this is only a very small sampling of the inquiries which hourly come in by the dozen, either through the mail, by telephone, or by personal presentation. Organization of. Kn_owledge But the answering of questions is only one small aspect of our services to science and technology. ferhaps our greatest serv- ice and function is the collection and or- ganization of knowledge and it is from this standpoint that I wish to discuss our con- . tributions to the advancement of science. One of the features which distinguishes modern science from early craftsmanship and technology is the process of recording knowledge. Thus, the possibility of pre- serving and transmitting from one genera- tion to the next, the observations of the motions of the stars and planets ( observa- tions which necessarily had to be collected over long periods of time), gave us the twin sciences of astronomy and mathematics. If we regard the invention of writing as one of the great landmarks in the history of science, then we may look upon the invention of printing as another such event. For with the invention of printing man- kind took a step forward toward the democratization of knowledge and this has had an enormously stimulating effect on the progress of science. One of the results of the democratization of knowledge is that it not only provokes thought and observation among large numbers of people but in so doing results iiJ. a cross-fertilization of ideas with a consequent increase in the sum of knowledge. Thus, the invention of printing provided one of the earliest examples ~ of the now famous "chain reaction." And just as in an atomic chain reaction there must be a plentiful and freely available supply of neutrons to keep it going, so in the realm of ideas there must be a free and unrestricted interchange of information and ideas. ' The printing of books began in the 316 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES Western world in the latter half of the fifteenth century and it is possible to suggest that it may not have been mere accident that modern science as we know it today dates its birth from this achievement. Thus, for example, Copernicus in I 543 gave us his theory of the sun as the center of our plan~tary system and in that same year Vesalius produced the first modern anatomy. A year earlier Fuchs had printed his great classic on botany, and almost M the same time Agricola brought forth the first work on physical geology and the first work on mineralogy while in I556 he introduced the first modern treatise on technology. Scientific Societies And it was also in the same century and a half that marked the beginnings of print- ing and the publication of some of the greatest works in modern science that we find the beginnings of the great scientific societie~ and academies. At Naples ·in I556 . was formed the Accademia Secretorum Naturae and in Rome the Accademia dei Lincei. In· I 662 Charles II granted the Royal Society its charter while in France an Academie des Sciences was founded by Louis XIV in I666. Similar institutions were founded in other lands, and today the scientific and technical society is established · as one of the foundation stones upon which the edifice of present-day science rests. The scientific societies and academi~s • were organized not merely to provide a meeting place for the exchange of ideas and to sponsor and encourage observation and experiment. From the first it was recognized that science was advanced only to the degree that its \ results were dis- seminated. Thus it was that from the very beginning these societies and academies assumed as one of their .functions the JULY, 1947 publication of the results Qf researches by their members. from them came the first scientific journals which again, as agents in the democratization of knowledge, pro- vided a great and continued impetus to the progress of civilization. In I 846 occurred ~n event which was to have a special significance not only for the scientific life of this country but also for the Library of Congress. In that year there was established by Act of Congress an institution for the increase and diffusion of knowledge among men, to be known after its founder, James Smithson, as the Smithsonian Institution. Among the first acts of the organizers of the institution was the establishment of a library and the initiation of a series of scientific publications. The first secretary of the institution, Joseph Henry, one of the brightest luminaries in the American constellation, immediately began to correspond with societies and academies throughout the world for the purpose of entering into agreements for the .exchange of publications. In a very short time there was accumulated in this way a remark~ble collection. of publications, theses, and other contributions to .learning. By I865 the Smithsonian collection had grown to forty thousand volumes and it was becoming extremely difficult to find space for the library in the original building of the institution. Furthermore, a fire in that building (which could have been catastrophic) now made it imperative that new quarters be speedily found for the already invaluable repertory. Thus it was that when additional and commodious fire- proof rooms were provided in the Capitol for the Library of Congress, the secretary of the Smithsonian Institution recommended that its books be deposited in the Library of Congress. In urging this action Joseph Henry wrote as follows: The object of this transfer is not of course 317 to separate this unique and highly prized collection of books from its relations to the Smithsonian Institution, for it must still bear its · name and be subject to its control, but merely to deposit it where its preservation will be more certain and its usefulness more ex- tended. The act of transfer was approved by Congress on Apr. 5, 1866. Of this transfer, Professor Henry later wrote: The union of the library of the Institution · with that of the Congress still continues to be productive of important results. The Smith- son fund is relieved by this arrangement from maintenance of a separate library, while at the same time the Institution has not only the free use of its own books, b~t also those of the Library of Congress. On the other hand the collection of books owned by the Library of Congress would not be worthy ~f the name of the National Library were it not for the Smithsonian Deposit. The books which it re- ceives from this source are eminently those which exhibit the progress of the world ·in civilization, and are emphatically those essential to the contemporaneous advance of our country in the higher science of the day. True as these words of Joseph Henry were then, they are even more true today, for the forty thousand vplumes of the original deposit have grown to almost a million. Indeed, this collection, continu- ously increasing in size, is probably the largest of its kind in the world. Because of the war-imposed destruction and di,s- persal of _libraries in many parts of the world, the value of the Smithsonian deposit in the Library of Congress and its im- portance to scholarship, particularly to scientific research, has been markedly enhanced. In addition to this collection there may be noted the library's vast accumulations of monographs, treatises, encyclopedias, and textbooks i'n the several disciplines which come to it either by the operation of the deposit requirements of the copyright act, by purchase, by transfer from government agencies, or by gift. These constitute a considerable portion of our total holdings in science and technology. Added to the materials which are issued through trade publishers are the large numbers of docu- ments in which are recorded the results of investigations conducted by the scientific bureaus of our own and foreign govern- ·ments. Of special significance in this category are hitherto secret and confidential reports of civil and military offices. of our own and allied governments, together with captured enemy documents which are now being declassified and made public. The Library of Congress is one of the depositories of these reports where they are available for consultation by all who need them. In addition, the library is cooperating with the Office of Technical Services of the Depart- ment of Commerce in making copies of these reports, in the form of photostats and microfilms, available to scientific labora- tories, industrial organizations, libraries, and individuals. To make known the contents of these reports the Office of Technical Services publishes each week an abstract journal which has ~he title Bibliography o,f Scientific and Industrial Report~. Accompanying each abstract is a report number and also the price of either a photostat or microfilm reproduction. Copies of these reports, which can be ordered only from the Office of Technical Services, U.S. Department of Commerce, are prepared by the Photo- duplication Service 'of the Library of Con- , gress and are usually delivered within ten days after the order is received. The library has already received more than 50,000 reports an·d has already sent out more than 65,000 microfilm and photostatic copies. The Army Medical Library and the library of the Department of Agri- culture are also cooperating in this project to make research materials available to schol- ·ars everywhe1e. 318 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES I Reports from O.S.R.D. In addition to the ·reports . which are being availabl~ under the auspices of the Office of Technical Services is another series which the library is distributing for the Office of Scientific Research and De- velopment. With the termination of hostilities it was felt that much of the research which had been performed by university and industrial laboratories under contract with the Office of Scientific Re- search and Development · could safely be made public. Since many of these reports had been reproduced in multiple copies, it was decided that in order to make them available to as wide a public as possible they should be distributed to libraries rather than to individuals. Accordin.gly the Library of Congress in April I 946 undertook to ar- range for the distribution of these reports to ninety selected libraries. Ev"ery effort was made so to distribute the reports that they could be readily accessible to those who needed them. A complete file of re- ports is deposited in the Library of Congress (except · thos~ in medicine which go to the Army Medical Library) so that they are available for the u~e of the Congress, the government, and the scientific public gener- ally. It is estimated that more than two million copies of reports representing be- tween 'thirty and thirty-five thousand titles will have been distributed when this project is completed. Of smaller size but of no less significance are certain special collections .in the Library of Congress. The most outstanding of these is our aeronautics collection. In I 930 through the munificence of Harry F. Guggenheim there was established the Daniel Guggenheim Fund for Aeronautics in the Library of Congress. This fund· made possible the purchase of a num- ber of famous collections of aeronautic literature, among them those of Gaston Tissandier ( I8oo items), Herman Hoernes JULY, 1947 ( 78 3 items), and Victor Silberer ( 89 5 items). Simultaneously, the National Aero- nautics Association donated its collection to us and the Smithsonian Institution deposited the Langley Aeronautical Library. Thus in a very short time the collection attained a position of pre-eminence in its field. Now, as a result of the tremendous influx of documents and other materials released by war r~search · agencies, such as the Office of Scientific Research and De- velopment, the National Advisory Com- mittee .for Aeronautics, and· the very impor- tant materials captured from the German Air Ministry, the resources of the division of aeronautics .will indeed be second to none. History of Science For students of the history 9f science our general collections in science and technology provide, of course, the basic source materials. There are also several special collections which are distinguished and important; among these may be men- tioned the Henry Carrington Bolton Col- lection of some I 6oo items on the history and bibliography of chemistry. Our in- cunabula, according to a recent census, includes 536 items classified as "scientific." Then there is the Toner Collection, es- pecially rich in early American works in science, medicine, and surgery. Finally, there is our collection of manuscripts . wherein are found the personal papers of many scientific worthies, such as Franklin, Jefferson, Bigelow, Maury, the medical Bartletts, Einstein, and others. One of the most of our recent accession; is the Kastor Collection of two hundred pen. and ink portraits of contemporary scientists, many of them Nobel prize winners, each bearing the sitter's. autograph. But despite the size of its scientific and technological collections the Library of Congress is not and cannot be complacent. Great as these holdings may appear to the 319 cursory view they are in fact seriously and even appallingly deficient in many impor- tant respects. Probably the most obvious lacunae were discovered when, in attempt- ing to meet the dem.ands of the war agencies, we learned that many important foreign materials were lacking. Every effort is b!!- ing made and will continue to be made to repair these critical shortcomings. Organization of Materials Parallel to the collection of materials is their organization for use. A collection of books placed upon a shelf is like water behind a dam. This quiescent body of water represents just so much potential energy. But let this water be channeled through ~onduits and brought in contact with turbines, and wheels begin to turn, power is generated, and productive work is the result. In a library, the instruments which convert the potential energy on its shelves into the kinetic energy of scientific advancement and productive scholarship are the catalogs, classificat.ion schedules, bibli- ographies, and other aids to access. Let me carry the analogy a trifle farther. In a small water power installation, little elaborate machinery is required. In fact, a bladed wheel set in the path of the current is sufficient to produce power. So in a small library, little or no classification is required and it can even operate without a catalog. But in large installations, es- pecially those which must distribute power over vast areas, the problems of channeling the ~ater and converting the . largest quan.tity of potential energy most efficiently make for a major engineering job. The Library of Congress recognized quite early in its history that the classification of its materials would have to be performed on a vast scale, one commensurate not only with the size of its existing collections but also on a scale which would permit of expansion to keep pace with the advance- ment of knowledge. f'hat the scheme of ' classification which was finally adopted has merit is attested by the fact that more ' than two hundred large American and foreign libraries use it. The key to the library's informational resources which, in conjunction with the classification system, makes available the contents of our collections is the catalog. But no catalog ·organized on a universal principle, as ours is, can particularize and distinguish content to the extent of com- pletely satisfactory mediation between the investigator and the book. It seems evident, therefore, that ·the most manifest need of our collection is for in- terpreters, specialists who are not only versed in the subject matter of the several sciences but who have also th~ skill to use existing bibliographical tools and even to create new tools whenever necessary. Science and Technology For this reason the Congress has been asked to appropriate funds for the creation of a division of science and technology in the Library of Congress. staffed by a corps . of specialists competent to interpret the materials it now has and to recommend the acquisition of those it needs. Through the creation of such a division the library will be enabled to perform a reference serv- ice and develop a bibliographical program necessary to the fulfilment of its duty to the laboratory and the bench, to the class- room and the factory, the advancement of science, and the promotion of the public interest. There is general agreement among both scientists and librarians that there should be some library in the country where the scientist should be able to find every possible piece of scientific information to supplement the working collections at his dispesal, · a 320 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES sort of federal reserve bank of scientific knowledge. And it seems further agreed that the Library of Congress is perhaps uniquely qualified to maintain and ad- minister what may well be called the na- tional science collection, because of the size and scope of its existing collections, because of the union catalog which enables the researcher to locate books which are not in his own library, and because of our photoduplication facilities which make it possible to provide any scientist or scholar the texts he requires no matter what his distance from the materials themselves. Upon the basis of the informed opinion which we have consulted, an adequate sci- ence and technology division created to administer our collections in these fields should include a chief, fourtee~ subject specialists, twenty-one expert bibliographers together with secretarial and clerical as- sistants-altogether a total of forty-six persons. The fields covered by the subject specialists would comprehend geology; metallurgy; astronomy and mathematics, including statistics; nuclear physics; in- dustrial physics, including optics, acoustics, and heat; organic chemistry and bio- 'chemistry; physical chemistry, including analytical, colloidal, and nuclear chemistry; chemical engineering; civil and structural engineering; mechanical engineering; el'ec- tronics and electrical engineering; botany; morphological zoology, including compara- tive anatomy, cytology, histology, proto- zoology, and taxonomy; functional biology, including general and. comparative physi- ology of plants and animals, physiological chemistry, biophysics, zymology, nutrition and perhaps viruses, bacteriophages, germi- cides, antibiotics, vitamins, and bio-assay techniques. The plan would recognize the Army Medical and Department of Agri- culture Libraries as national special li- braries in their respective fields. JULY, 1947. In this connection it may be of interest to note that early in 1947, at the request of the Office of Naval Research, the li- brary established a science project which in a sense may be regarded as the pilot plant stage of the projected division of science and technology. The project will utilize the library's experience and talents in abstracting and indexing current scientific materials for the Navy .bureaus. In addi- tion, the project will provide temporarily a nucleus of specialists who will enable us to give as high a grade of reference and bibliographic service in seve;al branches of science and technology as we now are able to give in certain other fields of knowl- edge. Program of Project The program of the project has three interrelated parts. First, it will abstract and publish for limited circulation, the technical reports of research in progress which O.N .R. receives from contractors working under Navy auspices. It will organize and index the file of such reports alrea.dy received and provide a reference and loan service on the data which that file contains. Second, the staff of scientific specialists. yvill be available to answer refer- ence inquiries and prepare bibliographies needed not only by Navy bureaus and officials but by other users of the library as well, utilizing the collections of the library and those of other government libraries in Washington. Finally, the staff of the project will investigate the possibility of working out an indexing system for the records of current scientific research elastic enough to include an ever-increasing di- versity of records and publications, which might form the basis for an eventual high- speed bibliographic service rendered by a central clearinghouse of information on current scientific research. 321