College and Research Libraries I ~ By HELEN CRAWFORD Bibliography of Charles Harvey Brow-n 1905 "Bibliographical Society of America: Chicago Chapter." Library Journal 30 :I 54- 55, March 1905. Minutes of Council meet- ing, Charles H. Brown, secretary. 1906 List of Titles on Municipal Govern- ment, with Special Reference to City Charters and to Local Conditions in Chicago. Prepared at the request of the City Club of Chicago for the Chicago Charter Convention. Chicago, City Club, 1906. (Publication, No.3) .')rp. 1907 "Public Documents in Technical Li- braries." Papers and Pr~ceedings of the Twenty-Ninth Annual Meeting of the Ameri- can Library Association Held at Asheville, N.C., May 23-29, 1907. (Bulletin of the American Library Association I :156-57, July 1907.) "Use of Scientific and Technical Books." Ibid., p. 163-65. 191 I "Limitations of the Branch Librarian's Initiative." Papers and Proceedings of the Thirty-Third An.nual Meeting of the A meri- can Library Association Held at Pasadena, Calif., ' May ·18-24, 1911. (Bull etin of the American Library Association 5:105-09, July I 9II.) Also appeared in Library Journal 36:333-36, July 19II. 1916 "The Libraries and the Stevens Bill." Public Libraries 21 :126, March 1916. 1919 "Naval Libraries-Present" and Fu- ture." Library Journal 44:235-41, April 1920 "Naval Libraries." Library J ou nal 45:169-70, Feb. ·I5, 1920. 1923 "Books-Why Not?" Iowa Horne- maker 3:3, 18, December 1923. "The· Relation of Agricultural Library Ex- tension to the Work of the Public Library Commission." Bulletin of the American Li- brary Associatio·n 17:216, July 1923. 1924 "University Extension Libral y S~rvice in Relation to Other State-Wide Library Agencies." Bulletin of the American Library Association 18:352-53, August 1924. 1925 "The Iowa State College Library." Library Journal 50:532-34, June 15, 1925. 1926 "Some Objectives for Agricultural Libraries." Agricultural Library Notes I :122- 26, September-October 1926: Also appeared in Bulletin of the American Library Associa- tion 20:474-76, September 1926; Library Journal 51:1001-04, Nov. 15, 1926. 1927 Discords; A Playlet on the .Science of Reading, for Parent Teachers' Associations, Women's Clubs and High School Assemblies. Ames, Iowa State College Library, 1927. (Mimeographed.) "Fundamentals in Reading: Reflections." Libraries 32:163-66, April 1927. "Opportunities for Iowa Librarians." Iowa Library Commission Quarterly IO :131- 33, January-March 1927. · "Opportunities of Agricultural Colleges for Library Extension." Agricultural Library Notes 2:83-85, May-July 1927. Abstracted in Bulletin of the American Library A ssocia- tion 27:327-28, October 1927; and Libraries 32:420-21, October 1927. "Outline Course with Problems on the Use ~f the College or University Library." School Library Yearbook I :99-122, 1927. "Radio Broadcasting by Libraries." Li- brary Journal 52:922, Sept. 15, 1927. 1928 "The Library on the Air." Library Occurrent 8:238-40, July-September 1928. Abstracted in Bulletin of the American Li- brary Association 22 :'453-54, September 1928; and New York Libraries II :us, August 1928. "Library Radio Broadcasting. II. Mr. Brown's Reply." Library Journal 53:358, Apr. 15, 1928. "Publicity over the Radio." Publishers' Weekly 114:234-35, July 21, 1928. "Radio Broadcasting Round Table." Li- brary Journal 53:619, July 1928. "Some Fundamentals of College and U ni- versity Library Buildings." By Charles H. Brown and Frances Warner. LibrarjJ Jour- nal 53 :85-87, Jan. 15, · 1928. 1929 Budgets, Classification and Compensa- tion Plans for University and College Li- 380 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES braries~· Report of the Co.mmittee on Classification of Library Personnel of the Americap. Library Association, December 1928. · Chicago, American Library Associa- tion, I929. Prepared by ·a ' subcommittee under chairmanship of Charles H. B;own. "Librar-ians as Stockholders." Library Journal 54:39, Jan. I, I929. . "Librarianship in Iowa." Iowa Library Quarterly •I I :49-50, October-December I929. "Review of Group Meetings of Univer~ity, College and Reference Librarians." Col- lege and Reference Library Yearbook 1 :13-22, I929. "What Two Dollars Will Do!" Library 1 ournal 54:672, August I929. 1930 "Bridging Deep Rivers." Wisconsin Library Bulletin 26:234-39, October I930. "Review of Group Meetings of University, College and Reference Librarians." College and Reference Library Yearbook 2 :I I-20, I930. "The Library." In Survey of Land-grant Colleges and Universities (Bulletin of the U.S. Office of Education 9:609-7I4, I930). Washington, Government Printil)g Office, 1930. • 1931 "Alumni Education and Its Relation to the Library of the Changing College." Bulle- tin of the American Library Association 25 :23-3I, January I93I. "A Hazard to Research." Journal of Higher Education 2:420-26, November I93I. Also ' appeared in Library 1 ournal 57 :26I-65, Mar. I5, I932. 1932 "College Libraries in the Depression." By Charles H. Brown and Frances Warner. Butletin of the American· £ibrary Association 26:74-78, February I932. "The College Library by W. M. Randall." Library 1 ournal 57:624-25, July I932. "Inter-library ~oans: an Unsolved Prob- lem." Library 1 ournal 57.:887-89, Nov. I, 1932. "Is th~ Librarian a Victim or a Beneficiary of the Land-grant Survey?" Bulletin of the American Library Association 26:43I-35, July 1932. "Reading vs. Reviewing: an Experiment in Broadcasting." Publisherl Weekly Il2 :495- 97, Aug. 13, I932. " of the Land-grant Library." Agri- cultural Library Notes 7:29-30, March-April 1932. . 1933 "Bringing the Periodical Situation Up JULY, 1947 ' to Date." Bulletin of the American Library Association 27:379-80, September 1933. Circulation Work in College and University Libraries. By Charles Harvey Brown and Humphrey G. Bousfield . . Chicago, American Library Association, 1933. I79P· "Discussion on German Periodicals." Li- brary Journal 58 =978-85, Dec. I, I933· . "German Periodicals · in American Li- braries: Deflation or Extinction?" Library 1 ournal 58:525-28, June 15, 1933· • A Summary of Reports · of Iowa State Col- lege Library, July I, 1923-lune 30, 1933 with an Outline of Possible Lines of Develop- ment, 1933-1953· Ames, Iowa State College, 1933. 26p. (Iowa State College, Official Publication, v. 32, no. 4) 1934 "Analytical Study of the Use of a Col- lege Library." By H. V. Gaskill, Ralph M. Dunbar, and Charles H. Brown. Library Quarterly 4:564-87, October I934· "College Library Budgets and the Increased Cost of Book Purchases." School and Society 40:224-26, Aug. 18, I934· "College Library Standards by Blanche P. McCrum." Library 1 ournal 59 :5I9, June I5, I934· "German Per-iodicals and American Li- braries." Science (new series) 79:250-52, Mar. 16, 1934. "Library Budgets and the Cost of Peri- odicals." Library 1 ournal 59:637-38, Sept. 1, I 934· Also appeared (slightly abridged) in Bulletin of the American Library Association 28 :594-95, September I934· "Planning the Future of Iowa Libraries." Iowa Library Quarterly I2 :IOI-02, July- September 1934. "Report of the Second Activities Commit- tee." By Paul North Rice, chairman, Charles H. Brown, and Mabel L~uise Conat. Bulle- tin of the American Library A s.sociation 28:859-72, December I934· "Some Obser~ations on the Cost of Peri- odicals." Bulletin of the American Library Association 28:647-49, September I934· "Supplementary Notes on German Periodi- cals." Library 1 ournal 59:62-63, Jan. I5, 1934· "Use of Bibliographies by Workers in the Agricultural Field." Bulletin of the A meri- can Library Association 28 :54 z-48, September I934· 1935 "Adequate Library Support; How Can It Be Secured?" · Bulletin ·of the A meri- 381 can Library · Association 29:455-61, August 1935· "German Periodicals Again." Science (new series) 82:38, July 12, 1935. Also ap- peared in Library · Journal 6o :619, August 1935· • "German Per.iodicals-'-Further Addenda." Library Journal 60:752-53, Oct. I, I935· "Government of the American Public Li- brary by C. B. Joeckel." Bulletin of the American Library · Ll ssociation 29 :498-soo. August I935· Library Service in Iowa, Prepared by C. H. Brown. . . . A Report Submitted to the Iowa State Planning Board by the Committee on Public Education. Project 1043. [Ames, Iowa, State Planning Board, I935.] 55 numb. leaves. (Mimeographed.) "The Recent Concession on German Books and Periodicals." Library Journal 6o :607, August I935. Les Tendences Economiques dans les Bib- liotheques A mericaines et Leur Influence Probable sur la Publication de M atieres Scientifiqties. [Ames, Iowa, I935.] 6 leaves. (Mimeographed.) Summary of a report pre- sented to the Comite International des Bibliotheques, Madrid, May 30, I935· Twenty-year Development Program, Iowa State College Library, Presented June I, 1935. Reprinted from the Twenty-Year De- velopment Program, Iowa State College, Part I~ p. 87-92. Ames, Iowa State College Library, I935· 15 numb. leaves. (Mimeographed.) 1936 "Circulation Work in College and University Libraries." Chinese translation by Huang Yuan-tu, Wen-hua chi-k' an 8:265-74, June 1936; 420-28, September 1936. "Financial Reports, Unit Costs and Termi- nology." Library 'Journal 6I:I90, Mar. I, I936. Review of Financial Reports for Col- leges and Universities by the National Com- mittee on Standard Reports for Institutions of Higher Ed.ucation. "Iowa State College Library." A gricul- tural Library Notes I I :47-50, January . I936. "Statistical Data and Their Use in the Col- lege Library." Bulletin of the American Li- brary Association 30 :225'-28, April I936, Pt. I. 1937 "Extension of Service Charges." Li- brary J ournal'62 :794, Nov. I, I937· "The New Service Charges for Biological Abstracts." Bulletin of the American Library Association 3I :97I-72, December I937· "Reorganization of the College and Refer- ence Section." Bulletin of the American Li- brary Association 3I :589-60I, September I937· Charles H. Brown, chairman. "Rural Library Extension." Bulletin of the American Library Association 3 I :706-Io, Oct. I5, I937· "Sectional Reorganization." Bulletin of the .American Library Association 31:193-97, April 1937· "Some Similarities and Differences in the Administration of University Libraries in the United States and Germany." In Festchrift Georg Leyh. Leipzig, 0. Harrassowitz, I937. p. 329-42. 1938 "A.L.A. Reorganization." Bulletin of the A me ric an Library Association 32:1055, December I938. Also appeared in Library Journal 63:924, Dec. I, 1938. "Abstracting and Indexing Journals Dis- cussed." Bulletin of the American Library Association 32 :8I-82, February I938. "Advice to a Young Library." School and Society 48 :40I-02, Sept. 24, I938. "Aims of the Third Activities Committee." Bulletin of the American Library Association 32:679-80, Oct. I, I938. ' "Annual Report [of the Committee on A.L.A. Activities] 1938-I939." Bulletin of the American Library Association 32:610, September I938; 33 :6oo, September I939· "Forum Discusses A.L.A. Reorganization." Bulletin of the American Library Association 32:489-96, 526, August 1938. Charles H. Brown, forum chairman. "The Reorganization of the A.L.A." Bul- letin of the American Library Association 32:674-79, Oct. I, I938. Introduction by Charles H. Brown. "Reorganization of the ·American Library Association." Abstract, P.N.L.A. Quarterly 3:26-29, October 1938. "Report of the Committee on Reorganiza- tion [of· the College and Reference Section]." Bulletin of the American Library Association 32:810-1 I, Oct. I5, I938. "What Shall We Do with the A.L.A. ?" Bulletin of the American Library Association 32:29-3I, January I938. "Your Views Invited." Library Journal 63:568, August I938. 1939 "College a7}d University Library Serv- ice edited by A. F. Kuhlman." Journal of Higher Education I0:346-47, June I939· "Equal Library Opportunities for All 382 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES • Iowa." Iowa Library Quarterly I3 :I30-34, J a:nuary-March I939. "Final Report of the Third Activities Com- mittee." A .L.A. Bulletin 33 :782-804, Decem- ber I939· Charles H. Brown, chairma,n. "International Directory." Library Jour- nal 64:79I, Oct. I5, I939· Review of Inter- national Directory of Agricultural Libraries by the International Institute of Agriculture. "New Library Building at Goucher Col- lege." Library Journal64:276, Apr. I, I939· "A.L.A. Activities Committee." A .L.A. Bulletin 33 :P-64, Oct. I5, I939 [Proceed- ings]. "Tentative Report [of the Third Activities Committee]." · A .L.A. Bulletin 33 :359-453, June I 939· Excerpt in Modern Librarian 9:I55-73, July-September 1939, Charles H. Brown, chairman of the committee. "To All A.L.A. Members." Library Journal 64:522, July I939· 1940 Portrait. A.L.A. Bli:lletin 34:72, Feb- ruary I940 .. "Scientific Libraries in the Emergency." College and Research Libraries I :328-29, 398, September I940. "Teaching with Books by Harvie Brans- comb." Bulletin of the American Association of University Professors 26:262-65, April I940. "Use of Books in Specific Courses of In- struction." A.L.A. Bulletin 34:446-47, Sept. I, I940. 1941 "Educational Isolationism and the Li- brary." A .L.A. Bulletin 35:405-09, July I94I. Also appeared in Library Journal 66:586-88, July I941. "Four Immediate Objectives." School Life 27:11, October I94I. "Future Goals of the College Library." In "Henry Pfeiffer Library, MacMurray Col- lege for Women." Bulletin · of MacMurray College for Women (series I), v. 3I, no. 7, I94I, 24P· Address at the dedication of the library. "Incomplete Files of Current Periodicals in American Libraries." Science (new series) 93:496, May 23, I941. "Librarians and the War." College and Research Libraries 3 :gg-Ioo, I I6, March I942. Appeared also under title "Education for Freedom and Permanent Security," in Library Journal' 67:55-56, Jan. I5, I942; South Dakota Library Bulletin 28:29-30, April I942. JULY, 1947 "Librarians Interested in National De- fense." Library Journal 66 :Io26, Dec. I, I94I. "Message from President Brown." A.L.A. Bulletin 35 :694-95, December 1941. Also ;tppeared in Wilson Library Bulletin I 6 :348- 49, January 1942. "Open Letter." Wilson Library Bulletin I6:I2-I3, September I941. Portrait. A.L.A. Bulletin 35:468, Oct. I, I94I; Library Journa/66:604, July 1941. "Significance of the Hoover Library on War, Revolution, and Peace." In Dedication of the .Hoover Library on War, Revolution and Peace, Stanford University, June 20, 1941. Stanford University, Calif., Stanford University Press, I94I, p. 2-5. 1942 "American Association of Law Librar- ies and the A~erican Library Association." Law Library Journal 35:400-02, September 1942. "Contribution of Books to a New World." ~.L.A. Bulletin 36:456-59, July I942. Also appeared in Library Journal 67 :597-99, July 1942. "Education for Freedom and Permanent Security." Library Journal 67 :55-56-, Jan. 15, I942. Also appeared in South Dakota Library · Bulletin 28:29-30, April I942; and College and Research Libraries 3 :99-100, March I 942 (with title: "Librarians and the· War"). "First Things First; Librarians' Wartime Opportunity and Paramount Duty." Library Journal 67:931-33, Nov. I,. I942. Also ap- peared in I ow a Library Quarterly i4: II 8-20, October-December I942; and South Dakota Library Bulletin 29:3-6, January 'I943· "For United Action." A.L.A. Bulletin 36 :II, January I942. Also appeared in South Dakota Library Bulletin 28:5, January I942. "Interest of the American Library Associa- tion in the Joint University Libraries." In Development of University Centers in th~ South. Ed. A. F. Kuhlman. Nashville, Tenn., Peabody Press, . I942, p . . 108-IO. Also ap~ peared in Peabody Reflector I5 :.29, January I942. "Let's Get on with the War!" A.L.A. Bulletin 36: inside front and back covers, November I942. Also appeared in A bout Books (Wesleyan University Library) I3 :I, September-December I942. "Report of the President [of the American Library Association]." A .L.A. Bulletin 36: 383 I II / 647-50, Oct. 15, 1942. "Unity among Library Organizations." Special Libraries 33 :213-15, July-August 1942. War Services of the Iowa State College Library .Available to .All Citizens of the State . of Iowa. Ames, Iowa State College Library, January I942, 6p. "War Services Offered by the Iowa State College Library." A .L.A. Bulletin 36:66-68, February I942. 1943 "College Libraries and the W a:r." Libraries and the War, no. 8, 6p.; no. I2, 8p.; and no. I4, 7P· Chicago, American Library Association, I943· "College Libraries and the War." Lib·rary Journal 68:333, Apr. I5, I943; 471, June I, I943· "Facts and Their Interpretation; Use Your Library." Illinois Libraries 25 :386-88, December I943· "Library Cooperation with the Orient and . South Pacific." .A .L..A. Bulletin 37:327-28, Oct. I5, I943· ' "Our Stake in China." A .L.A. Bulletin 37:447-51, Dec. I, I943· Portrait . .A.L..A. Bulletin 37:2, January 1943· ., 1944 "A.C.R.L. Notes: Material for Ex- hibits on China;" "Postw'!-r Planning for Col- lege Librar.ies." Library Journal 69: uo, Feb. I, I944· "Allotments for Library Service to Army and Navy Units." Library Journal 69:3I4, Apr. I5, I944· · "China News: A Request from China; Sino- American Cooperating Committees." Library Journal 69 :69I, Sept. I, I944· "Co-operative Purchasing in China." Li- brary Journal 69:27-28, Jan. I, I944· "The Emerging Program of Cultural Re- lations" by Charles A. Thomson. Discussion by Charles H. Brown . .A.L . .A. Bulletin 38: 79-80, February I944· "Implementation of the China Program." Library Journal 69:238-4I, Mar. I5, I944· .A Progr-am for the Development of the Li- brary of Tuskegee Institute in Support of the Expansion of the Instructional Program. Ames, Iowa State College Library, 1944. 19 numb. leaves. (Mimeographed.) 1945 "An Appreciation of Laura Wood- ward." Special Libraries 36:17, January 1945· "China and the Far East." A .L.A. Bulle- tin 39:356-57, Oct. I5, I945· "Harold L. Leupp, Administrator." Col- lege . and Research Libraries 6:353-54, Sep- tember I945· "Libraries and Graduate Programs, Es- pecially .in the Scientific Fields." College and · Research Libraries 6 :IOI-05, March I945· The Library in Graduate Instruction. Tuskegee Institute, Ala., Tuskegee Institute, 1945. 6p. Paper read at the Conference of Presidents of Negro Land-grant Colleges, Chicago, Oct. 24, I944· "Union Catalogs and Problems of Collect- ing." College and Research Libraries q :415- I7, September I945· 1946 "The A.C.R.L. and the A.L.A." Li- brary Journal 7I :I005-10, August I946. "College Library Objectives and Their At- tainment." In College and University Li- braries and Librarianship. Prepared by the College and University Postwar Planning Committee of the American Library Associa- tion and the Association of College and Ref- erence Libraries, William Hugh Carlson, chairman. Chicago, American Library Asso- ciation, I946, p. 9-15 . "General Statements." In "The Place of College and Reference Library Service at A.L.A. Headquarters: A Symposium." Col- lege and Research Libraries 7 :I6I-63, April I946. "[Robert W. Orr]." College and Research Libraries 7:350-51, October I946. 1947 "What Do .the Members of A.C .R.L. Want?" College and Research Libraries 8: 3-10, 43, January I947· Biographical Sketches Mr. Brown has been the subject of the fol- lowing editorials and biographical articles: Spaulding, Forrest. "Charles Harvey Brown." Bulletin of Bibliography I6 :2I-2.2, January-April I937· Current Biography, I94I. New York City, H. W. Wilson Co., I94I, p. I I2-I3 . Library Journal 47:972, Nov. I5, I922; '}I :988, July I 946. Who's Who in .America. Chicago, A. N. Marquis Co., I944, p. I49· Who's Who in Library Service. New York City, H. W. Wilson Co., I933, p. 91. 384 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES .