College and Research Libraries By C L A R A B E E T L E Report to the A.L.A. Bibliography Committee on the Assembly of Librarians of the Americas Miss Beetle is head, Foreign Language Section, Descriptive Cataloging Division, Library of Congress. THE Assembly of Librarians of the Americas met in W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . , M a y 13-June 7, 1947. It was attended by more than thirty delegates f r o m Latin A m e r i c a n countries and f r o m Canada and the Philippines. A t the inaugural session, they w e r e w e l c o m e d by the Librarian of Congress and by representatives of the State D e p a r t m e n t , the A m e r i c a n L i b r a r y Asso- ciation, and the Pan A m e r i c a n U n i o n . M a n y U n i t e d States librarians w e r e present at this and later meetings and participated in preparations and discussions. T h e objectives of the assembly w e r e to foster library development in the Americas and to stimulate library relations a m o n g the countries of the Americas. A t the sec- ond general session, papers w e r e presented which urged that in the organization of Latin A m e r i c a n libraries a happy medium be kept between the t w o conflicting philoso- phies of librarianship: the European, in which technical advance is retarded, and the A m e r i c a n , in w h i c h technique is some- times over-emphasized. T h e assembly was planned as a combina- tion conference and workshop. F o r the latter function, five committees w e r e o r - ganized : I. E d u c a t i o n f o r librarianship I I . T e c h n i c a l processes I I I . A c q u i s i t i o n s I V . B i b l i o g r a p h y V . L i b r a r y services and d e v e l o p m e n t T h e Bibliography C o m m i t t e e consisted of twenty-six members, with M i r o n Burgin and A u g u s t o R a u l C o r t a z a r serving as co- chairmen. T h e purpose was to study the possibilities of ( I ) compiling a bibliography of current Latin A m e r i c a n bibliographies of national character; ( 2 ) establishing standards f o r compiling national bibliogra- phies; ( 3 ) preparing a pamphlet on the principal bibliographies published through- out the w o r l d with information concerning purchase; ( 4 ) compiling a trade bibliogra- phy f o r Latin A m e r i c a ; ( 5 ) compiling standard buying g u i d e s ; ( 6 ) compiling lists of translations or suggestions f o r transla- t i o n s ; ( 7 ) publishing library journals in Spanish, Portuguese, and French in the field of library literature; ( 8 ) a complete bibliography of library literature published in Spanish, Portuguese,# and F r e n c h ; and ( 9 ) a selective bibliography in all languages on library science. A f t e r the organizing meeting, at which F e r m i n Peraza was elected secretary, the committee was divided into t w o subcom- mittees, the first to consider points 1-6, of the topics of discussion, w i t h special at- tention to the compilation of a bibliography of current Latin A m e r i c a n bibliographies of national character; the second to consider points 7-9, that is, the topics relating to JULY, 1948 207 library literature. T h e assembly adopted the f o l l o w i n g reso- lutions presented by the Committee on Bibliography: National Bibliographies. In v i e w of the circumstance that repeated recommendations of international organizations concerning the desirability of publishing national bibliog- raphies have not been heeded except in a f e w countries, the Assembly of Librarians of the A m e r i c a s resolves to recommend that na- tional libraries o r bibliographical institutions be charged with the duty of bringing to f r u i - tion the compilation and publication of na- tional bibliographies of their respective c o u n - tries, w h e r e such w o r k is not already being realized either commercially o r by g o v e r n - ment agencies. Bibliography of National Bibliographies. T h e Assembly of Librarians of the A m e r i c a s resolves to recommend urgently the c o m p i l a - tion of bibliographies of national bibliog- raphies as the starting point of continued progress in this field. O n the basis of past experience it r e c o m - mends to the L i b r a r y of C o n g r e s s that it continue its p r a i s e w o r t h y p r o g r a m of inviting consultants f o r the purpose of compiling such bibliographies, through revision and expan- sion of compilations previously prepared in the respective country. T o recommend also that insofar as pos- sible the L i b r a r y of C o n g r e s s publish such bibliographies in its Latin A m e r i c a n series. Bibliography of Library Science. T h e A s - sembly of L i b r a r i a n s of the A m e r i c a s re- solves : I. T o approve compilation of a Latin A m e r i c a n bibliography on library science in accordance with the f o l l o w i n g specifications: a. T h e bibliography is to comprise books, pamphlets, and writings of Latin A m e r i c a n authors on library science, w h a t e v e r the topic, as w e l l as w o r k s on Latin A m e r i c a n library science by any author and in any lan- guage. b. T h e bibliography is to include: b o o k science, library administration, bibliography on library science and techniques. c. T h e bibliography is to include w o r k s published beginning Jan. I, 1948. d. Entries may be annotated, provided that the notes be limited to f o r t y w o r d s . e. O t h e r characteristics of the bibliography w i l l be determined by the Latin A m e r i c a n C o m m i s s i o n on L i b r a r y Science Bibliography at the suggestion of the secretary general. 2. T o constitute f o r this purpose a Latin A m e r i c a n C o m m i s s i o n on L i b r a r y Science Bibliography composed of at least one rep- resentative f r o m each country as f o l l o w s : A r g e n t i n a , A u g u s t o R a u l C o r t a z a r and E r n e s t o G i e t z ; Bolivia, A d r i a n C a m a c h o P o r c e l ; B r a z i l , Rubens B o r b a de M o r a e s , M a r i a L o u i s a M o n t e i r o , and Bernadette Sid- nay N e v e s ; Chile, H e c t o r F u e n z a l i d a ; C o - lombia, Ruben P e r e z O r t i z ; C o s t a Rica, Julian M a r c h e n a ; C u b a , F e r m i n P e r a z a ; D o m i n i c a n Republic, E m i l i o R o d r i g u e z D e m o r i z i ; E c u a d o r , A l f r e d o C h a v e s ; El Salvador, Baudilio T o r r e s ; G u a t e m a l a , R i c a r d o Casteneda P a g a n i n i ; Haiti, R a y m o n d L a v e l a n e t ; M e x i c o , R a f e e l G a r c i a G r a n a - d o s ; N i c a r a g u a , G a s t o n L i t t o n ; P a n a m a , G a l i l e o P a t i n o ; P a r a g u a y , A b d o n A l v a r e z ; P e r u , J o r g e B a s a d r e ; U r u g u a y , A r t h u r E. G r o p p ; V e n e z u e l a , Enrique P l a n c h a r t ; P u e r t o R i c o , G o n z a l o V e l a z q u e z ; Philip- pines, G a b r i e l A . B e r n a r d o . 3. T o make each m e m b e r of the c o m m i s - sion responsible f o r the compilation of the bibliography f o r his country and f o r delivery on time of the compilation to the secretariat. 4. T o designate the Institute of L i b r a r y Science, University of Buenos A i r e s , as the secretariat general, and D r . A u g u s t o R a u l C o r t a z a r , director, L i b r a r y of the D e p a r t - ment of Philosophy and Letters, University of Buenos A i r e s , as secretary general. D r . C o r t a z a r w i l l be in charge of all activities relating to the assembly, coordination and publication of the materials, and w i l l present to the commission w h a t e v e r problems he may encounter in p e r f o r m i n g this task. Retrospective Bibliography in Library Science. T h e Assembly of Librarians of the A m e r i c a s resolves to r e c o m m e n d that the Latin A m e r i c a n C o m m i s s i o n on Bibliography of L i b r a r y Science study the p r o b l e m of o r - ganizing a retrospective bibliography of li- brary science relating to Latin A m e r i c a , and that the secretary general report on this sub- j e c t to the next assembly of librarians. T h i s study should not interfere with such prelimi- nary w o r k as may be undertaken in each of the constituent countries, with a v i e w t o w a r d the publication of such materials in a c c o r d - 208 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES ance with norms established f o r the current bibliography on library science. Subject Headings. T h e Assembly of L i - brarians of the A m e r i c a s resolves to thank H . W . W i l s o n f o r granting permission to the Latin A m e r i c a n Commission on Bibliography of L i b r a r y Science to use and translate into Spanish the Subject Headings on Library Literature, and to express its satisfaction to the Institute on L i b r a r y Science of the U n i - versity of Buenos A i r e s f o r its offer to trans- late the Subject Headings on Library Science and to distribute the list to members of the commission prior to Jan. i , 1948. Special Bibliographies. T h e Assembly of Librarians of the A m e r i c a s resolves to r e c o m - mend that the countries of the A m e r i c a s en- courage bibliographic activities in specialized fields and that f o r this purpose national, p r o - vincial, and municipal prizes be established f o r the best studies; to recommend also that cultural institutions which have already estab- lished competitions add prizes to c o v e r speci- fically bibliographical w o r k s ; to recommend that universities encourage bibliographical re- search by establishing a minimum require- ment f o r such research in the various depart- ments, and that such studies be p r e s e r v e d ; and to recommend to the Pan A m e r i c a n U n i o n that it study the possibility of e n c o u r - aging bibliographical research in special fields and that it facilitate publication of such w o r k s . Bibliographies of Special Bibliographies. T h e Assembly of Librarians of the A m e r i c a s calls attention to the increasing complexity of bibliographic control in specialized fields of k n o w l e d g e and recommends that U N E S C O give c a r e f u l and sympathetic consideration to the problem of compiling a bibliography of specialized bibliographies currently published throughout the w o r l d . Bibliographies of Translations. T h e A s - sembly of Librarians of the A m e r i c a s w e l - comes with p r o f o u n d satisfaction the efforts hitherto made in the field of translations of United States books into Spanish, Portuguese, and French. Convinced that these activities not only contribute significantly to the c u l - tural unity of the Americas, but that they also provide considerable assistance in the urgent task of p r o m o t i n g m o r e successfully the m a - terial w e l f a r e of the Latin A m e r i c a n re- publics, the assembly hopes that these p r o - grams of the D e p a r t m e n t of State as w e l l as of publishers throughout the A m e r i c a s will be continued with undiminished vigor. In order to insure in Latin A m e r i c a the greatest possible utilization of the intellectual resources created by such efforts the assembly suggests that the United States D e p a r t m e n t of State give special consideration to the establishment in the L i b r a r y of Congress of a central office f o r the compilation and dis- semination of bibliographical information c o n - cerning translations of United States w o r k s into Spanish, Portuguese, and French. Such bibliographical lists should c o v e r publications already translated as w e l l as w o r k s to be translated. It is suggested that the proposed compilation c o v e r not only current transla- tions but also a retrospective bibliography of United States w o r k s translated into Spanish, Portuguese, and French. T h e Assembly of Librarians of the A m e r - icas strongly recommends that publishing houses, bibliographical centers, and national libraries in Latin A m e r i c a cooperate to the fullest possible extent in the realization of this p r o g r a m by placing at the disposal of the proposed office all the relevant information in their hands. F o r this purpose delegates present at this assembly are urged to render all possible assistance, either individually or through especially organized commissions. Bibliography of Periodicals. T h e A s - sembly of Librarians of the A m e r i c a s resolves to recommend that the Pan A m e r i c a n U n i o n establish in the Pan A m e r i c a n B o o k Shelf a special section f o r the listing of new Latin A m e r i c a n periodicals and that f o r this p u r - pose the Pan A m e r i c a n U n i o n request assist- ance of all the relevant agencies and institu- tions, such as national bibliographical c o m - missions, copyright offices, post offices, etc. Bibliography of Articles in P eriodicals. T h e Assembly of Librarians of the A m e r i c a s resolves to thank H . W . W i l s o n f o r his o f f e r to include in his Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature articles appearing in the principal Latin A m e r i c a n reviews, and to o f f e r to M r . W i l s o n the collaboration of librarians present at the assembly f o r the purpose of selecting the periodicals. Minimum Bibliographical Standard. T h e Assembly of Librarians of the A m e r i c a s re- solves to recommend that in reviews of biblio- graphical nature published in newspapers and JULY, 1948 209 periodicals the f o l l o w i n g i n f o r m a t i o n be g i v e n : author, title, edition, translator, place of publication, publisher o r printer, date, number of pages o r volumes, illustrations, series, and p r i c e ; to recommend that in all bibliographical compilations entries should be as complete as possible in accordance with cataloging rules, and that at least the mini- m u m standards defined above be o b s e r v e d ; and to recommend that the secretariat of the assembly and the delegates give the widest possible publicity to this resolution. Selective Bibliographies. T h e Assembly of Librarians of the A m e r i c a s resolves to e x - press satisfaction of the kind of w o r k p e r - f o r m e d by Elvira Renee R o d r i g u e z , graduate of the L i b r a r y School of the Asociacion de Ingenieros, of M o n t e v i d e o , in preparing a Selective Bibliography of 500 Works Repre- sentative of Uruguayan Culture, and to recommend that similar selected bibliog- raphies be prepared in other countries, as a practical method of disseminating i n f o r m a - tion concerning the cultural attainments of the country. A seminar on " U n i o n Catalogs and L i - brary R e s o u r c e s " was held on M a y 23, 1947. F o l l o w i n g an address by M . Julien Cain, director, Bibliotheque Nationale, the discussion on union catalogs was opened by Paul V a n d e r b i l t , w h o mentioned t w o schools of t h o u g h t ; one, the g r o u p that is satisfied w i t h solving the location problem by means of union c a t a l o g s ; t w o , the g r o u p that is concerned w i t h the relation of union catalogs to the m o r e complex picture of identification of items, acquisitions develop- ment, and cataloging and recataloging. M i s s F r a n c o mentioned a union catalog of periodicals which has been established at Sao P a u l o . D r . Fuenzalida mentioned a union catalog at the University of Chile, consisting of L i b r a r y of Congress printed cards f o r books by Latin A m e r i c a n authors and books about Latin A m e r i c a by authors f r o m all countries and in all languages, against w h i c h other catalogs are being checked f o r additions. D r . Peraza, of Cuba, suggested that it was extremely desirable that a u n i f o r m code of cataloging and classification be used in the Americas, in order to simplify the w o r k of compiling a union catalog. Both D r . Peraza and Sr. Penna, of A r g e n t i n a , advocated considering some modifications of the A . L . A . rules in order to make them more international in certain cases. D r . Planchart, of V e n e z u e l a , mentioned that copies of the catalog cards of the N a - tional L i b r a r y of Caracas had, since 1938, been sent to the U n i o n C a t a l o g of the L i b r a r y of Congress. H e mentioned also a union catalog of medical books available in V e n e z u e l a , prepared in printed f o r m by the Instituto Bibliotecologico of Caracas. A t the final session of the Assembly on June 7, 1947, an executive committee of five members, J o r g e Basadre, Ernesto G i e t z , F e r m i n Peraza, Rubens B o r b a de M o r a e s , and L u t h e r H . Evans, was c o n - stituted to prepare plans f o r a second as- sembly to be held probably in 1949 at a place to be determined later. T h u s the cooperative effort of the first assembly, with its constructive and progressive spirit so apparent, may be considered to have accom- plished its purpose. T h e plans and hopes of the delegates to the assembly indicate their energy and vi- sion. T o o o f t e n they may be prevented f r o m carrying these plans into effect because of lack of funds. H . W . W i l s o n has offered help by including Latin A m e r i c a n material in his publications, the Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature and the bib- liography of Library Literature, w h i c h has resumed publication after being suspended during the w a r years. A n y concrete assist- ance w h i c h can be given by the A . L . A . Bibliography C o m m i t t e e w i l l certainly be appreciated and should be profitable to N o r t h A m e r i c a n as well as to Latin A m e r i - can librarians. 210 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES