College and Research Libraries upon its theme, focusing close attention to all the various activities and contributions of Franklin's many-sided genius to the one great complex of activities which we today call the graphic a r t s industry. T h e last article " T h e F i r s t W o r k with American T y p e , " a logical sequence to the previous articles dealing with earlier aspects of printing, was originally published in 1924 N e w List of State Author Headings for the Official Publica- tions of the State of Washington. By Lena Lucile T u c k e r . Seattle, University of Washington Press, 1950, 75p. $1.50. T h i s list was begun in 1939 by a commit- tee appointed by M . R u t h M a c D o n a l d , then chairman of regional groups for the Pacific N o r t h w e s t , A.L.A. Division of Cataloging and Classification. I t was found difficult to maintain uniformity with the w o r k being done in different places without constant con- sultation, and a f t e r a number of changes in the committee members, M i s s T u c k e r took over the task of compilation. T h e list attempts to include official en- tries f r o m the organization of the T e r r i t o r y of Washington in 1853 to the year 1947. T h e official names, given in straight form as listed in the laws, are used as entries. I n f o r m a t i o n given under each entry (when available) con- sists of three p a r t s : date of establishment and history, function and bibliographic r e f - erences. Omitted are the many and varied committees of both houses of the legislature, schools, colleges and departments of the in- stitutions of higher education. U n d e r the headings A R M O R Y C O M M I S S I O N S ; B A N K S ; and T A X A T I O N , the history of the various changes in these agencies is given for the convenience of the user. T h e entries are arranged alphabetically, letter by letter, in three alphabets: W a s h i n g - ton ( T e r . ) , Washington ( S t a t e ) , and entries not preceded by W a s h i n g t o n ( S t a t e ) . En- tries for institutions are interfiled with the official entries in their alphabetical places. T h e usefulness of the T u c k e r list is readily seen when its entries are compared with those given in the Library of Congress Cata- log of Books Represented by L. C. Printed Cards, Ann Arbor, 1942-46, and supplements, for the period covered. U n d e r Washington as M r . W r o t h ' s contribution to "Biblio- graphic Essays. A T r i b u t e to W i l b e r f o r c e Eames." T h e entire volume of M r . W r o t h ' s essays, followed by an appreciative note by Paul A. Bennett, the guiding spirit of the Typophiles, is in itself a becoming tribute to one of America's greatest scholarly li- b r a r i a n s . — H e l l m u t Lehmann-Haupt, New School for Social Research. Author Headings ( T e r . ) , T u c k e r lists 65 entries and 19 "see" references, while L.C. lists 16 main entries, of which 11 are given in T u c k e r , and eight "see" references not included in T u c k e r . F o r Washington ( S t a t e ) , T u c k e r gives 447 main entries and 541 "see" references, while L.C. lists 212 main entries, of which 140 are given in T u c k e r , and 203 "see" references, of which 97 are given in T u c k e r ( L . C . uses inverted form for 43 of these). Five en- tries given as "see" references in T u c k e r are used as main entries in L.C. U n d e r entries not preceded by Washington ( S t a t e ) , T u c k e r lists 16 main entries (all beginning with the w o r d W a s h i n g t o n ) and three "see" r e f e r - ences. Similar entries are found in the L.C. list, but since it is difficult to determine that these entries are for official publications, they have not been compared. T h i s comparison gives an indication of the relative amount of aid that is available to documents catalogers and reference librarians working with W a s h - ington state documents f r o m these two sources of information. Although most of the rules, compiled by the Special Committee on State A u t h o r Headings of the A.L.A.'s Division of C a t a - loging and Classification as a guide for com- pilers of state-author headings lists (cf. M a r k l e y , A . E . : Author Headings for the Official Publications of the State of Ala- bama, Chicago, 1948, p. 122-123) have been followed, there have been some changes in this list. Although rule f o u r states that the history of an agency should appear only under the latest name of the agency, and references should be made f r o m earlier names to the latest name, M i s s T u c k e r has pre- ferred to give the authority for the individ- ual entry and a statement of the date and agency it supersedes and of that superseding it {cf. "Washington ( S t a t e ) . State board of JANUARY, 1951 93 tax commissioners," and its successors). Even here she has not been entirely consist- ent (see BANKS, w h e r e she comes close to following the r u l e ) . "See also" references have been ignored almost completely. T h e i r inclusion would have been a most helpful addition particularly f o r the documents cataloger. Eleven of the "suggested meth- ods of p r o c e d u r e " which specify t h a t main entries should be in capital l e t t e r s and cross references in lower case, have not been fol- lowed. Although the typography is clear, it would be much easier to consult had this suggestion been carried out. Unlike the M a r k l e y and Foote lists which w e r e piano- graphed, this list has been printed and the inking is evenly distributed, making f o r easy reading. Several "see" references have turned out to be "blind" references ( c f . B A N K I N G D I V I - SION, s e e D E P T . OF F I N A N C E , BUDGET AND BUSINESS. DIVISION OF B A N K I N G ) . T h i s subheading, DIVISION OF B A N K I N G , is not listed under D E P T . OF F I N A N C E , BUDGET AND BUSINESS. T h e reference C H I L D W E L - FARE DIVISION, s e e D E P T . OF P U B L I C W E L - FARE. DIVISION OF PUBLIC W E L F A R E, is m i s - leading. Actually this reference may be found under the heading D E P T . OF P U B L I C WELFARE ( 1 9 3 5 - 1 9 3 7 ) . DIVISION OF C H I L D W E L F A R E . Although the committee's rule eight specifies t h a t " r e f e r f r o m s " be omitted, this reviewer believes t h a t the usefulness of "the list would be considerably expanded had these " r e f e r f r o m s " been included under the ap- propriate headings. T o be sure, it would have increased the bulk and price of the list but would also have saved users considerable time. T h e above discrepancies have been pointed out simply as a guide to the user of the list and are not intended to minimize its im- portance or to d e t r a c t f r o m its value as an authoritative reference tool. I t reflects long and a r d u o u s research and will be of in- estimable value f o r the documents cataloger and reference librarian working with docu- ments of W a s h i n g t o n State.—Richard O. Pautzsch, Brooklyn Public Library. WltflSL JhaTL THREE QUARTERS OF A CENTURY EXPERIENCE IN SERVING COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES REBINDING BOOKS and BINDING PERIODICALS • Careful collation and reporting of incom- • Sewing a d a p t a b l e t o the kind a n d c o n d i - plete volumes tion of the p a p e r • Expert handling of s p e c i a l work—hinging plates, restoration of old leather bindings, portfolios, etc. (pJwmpL S&wi&L F U L L I N F O R M A T I O N W I L L G L A D L Y BE S U P P L I E D O N Y O U R R E Q U E S T HERTZBERG |fi| CRAFTSMEN LIBRARY BOOKBINDERS DES MOINES, IOWA 9 4 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES