College and Research Libraries By EDNA M. BROWN New Periodicals of 1951-Part II Miss Br.own is head, serials section, Descriptive Cataloging Division, Library of 'Congress. F EW NEW periodicals of importance were received at the Library of Congress during the second half of 1951. Most fields are represented by a single journal each. Politics and .political science, how- ever, seemed to be of such interest as to result in several new publications, including the Moscow News. Biblzography Current Caribbean Bibliography, an A l- phabetical List of Publications Issued in the Caribbean Territories of France, Great Britain, the Netherlands and the United States is published by the Caribbean Com- mission to serve as a "national" bibliogra- phy for these non-self-governing territories. Periodicals and magazines will be enu- merated separately at the end of the year in the last issue of the volume. This publica- tion will be useful for the acquisition and identification of both official and nonofficial publications originating in this area. Literature The editors of La Nouvelle Revue Ca- nadienne promise their readers an unbiased literary journal of general interest. His- torical and critical articles on the French language and French literature of Canada, poems, book reviews as well as notes on art exhibitions and new· motion pictures are to be found in the first issue of the journal. The editorial board of The California Quarterly state they "hope to encourage writing that faces up to its time-writers who recognize their responsibility to deal with reality in communicable terms." The contributors to the first issue have already published poems, novels or short stories. Although the first issue of A ten eo from Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas is largely con- cerned with economic and social problems, the intent seems to be to make it a literary journal. Articles on the agrarian problems of Mexico, poverty and wealth in Chiapas, a history of . -communications in Chiapas along with poems and a short story are in- cluded. Poetry Chapbook No. I of The Beloit Poetry ] ournal, Beloit College, devoted to the Spanish poet Lorca, includes a brief intro- duction to his work and English transla- tions of several of his .poems. Similarly · Poems in Pamp.hlet will devote ea-ch issue to the work of one writer. Charles Causley is the first subject chosen. Art Art and decoration for public buildings and private dwellings is the field of Die Mappe published in Munich. Western Art Review from Burbank, California will be devoted to the contemporary art of the western United States. Included in the first issue are notes on artists, new produc- tions with reproductions of them, galleries and exhibitions. Music Under the editorship of a group of pro- fessors from various schools of music there 122 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES appeared Repertoire with the subtitle "the magazine about music that ought to be known." Such music would include Bar- tok's teaching pieces, the songs of Samuel Barber and more works of Ravel to judge by the contents of the first issue. Drama Plays and Players promises it will be a semi-technical journal designed to be help- ful to all interested in the non-professional theatre. Each issue will include discussions of the dramatic arts and stagecraft and a new "tested" play suitable for production by amateur groups. Folklore Midwest Folklore published by Indiana University is a cooperative enterprise of the regional folklore societies of the Middle West. The editor, an Indiana University professor is assisted by regional editors from Illinois, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio and Wisconsin. The principal func- tion of the journal will be to .promote an understanding of the folklore and culture of the central portion of the United States. Archaeology The Ohio Indian Relic Collectors' So- ciety has begun the Ohio Archaeologist which supersedes the Society's Bulletin. The purpose of this publication is to arouse and maintain interest in the discovery and preservation of archaeological sites and ma- terials in the state of Ohio. History The professors at the College of Europe, Bruges, feeling that the history of Europe is more than the sum of the histories of the nations of Europe and that European lit- erature is more than a mere collection of the writings of the different languages of Eu- rope, are training their students to examine APRIL, 1952 current European .problems from a national- istic standpoint. The results of research done by students as well as lectures by the faculty will be published in the quarterly Les Cahiers de Bruges. The University of Puerto Rico chapter of Phi Alpha Theta has begun the publication of Historia. This journal will present studies and re- search done in the field of Puerto Rican history according to the best historiography. Philosophy Philosophy East and West is a journal of Oriental and comparative thought pub- lished by the University of Hawaii Press. The editor, Charles A. Moore, .professor of philosophy at the University of Hawaii, is assisted by a board of American and Oriental scholars. The first issue contains articles by such scholars as John Dewey, Homer H. Dubs from Oxford University and Paul Masson-Oursel from the Sor- bonne, together with book reviews, abstracts of periodicals and a section of "News and Notes." Political Science Free China Review published in Taiwan aims to present the social, economic, mili- tary and political development of Free China as well as to comment on current in- ternational .problems of importance. In In- ternational Political Science Abstracts there will be published abstracts made from a list of seventy periodicals published in all countries. English articles are abstracted in French and all other languages are ab- stracted in English. It is published with the assistance of UNESCO and the Co- ordinating Committee on Documentation in the Social Sciences. News, a Fortnightly Searchlight on World Events .published in Moscow by Trud has as its aim an "earnest desire to promote to the best of our ability closer understanding between the peoples 123 of the Soviet Union and the Anglo-Saxon world." For an example of Communist propaganda this journal should not be missed. Osteuropa published in Stuttgart by the Deutsche Gesellschaft fiir Osteuro- pakunde supersedes an earlier publication of the same title issued 1925 to 1939· The first issue is largely devoted to the role of Russ1a in present day affairs. Revue Fran~aise de Science Politique will include general articles on all branches and all aspects of .political science as well as report the results of research and discuss research methods. Current political affairs are treated in the first issue in articles entitled "Les N ationalismes Asiatiques et l'Occi- dent," "La Vie Pol!tique dans L'Etat d'Israel," and "Le Communisme dans les Pays du Nord." Law Northeastern Law Review published in Boston by the Northeastern Law School will provide opportunities for the recogni- tion of the legal research and writing of law school students. Taxation Oil and Gas Tax Quarterly published in Albany, New York will concern itself with the technicalities of taxation on in- come from oil and gas investments. Sec- tions "Pending Legislation" and "Abstracts of Court Decisions" are included. The Tax F ortnig hter published in New York by Fallon Law Book Company analyzes Federal Court tax cases and rulings. Engineering The South African Institution of Me- chanical Engineers began the publication of a Journal in August to present the papers read at the meetings of the society. Vacuum~ a Review of Developments in Vacuum Research and Engineering aims to keep readers in touch with the latest vacuum procedures employed with success in various arts and sciences. In addition to articles there will be abstracts from world publications. Medicine The Quarterly Bulletin of the Council for the Co-ordination of International Con- gresses of Medical Sciences reports briefly on the international medical congresses held in 1950 and contains a calendar for such congresses to be held in 195 I ta 1954/ 1955. Forestry The Forest Products Research Society began the publication of a Journal to in- clude the papers read at regional meetings of the society. These papers embodying the results of research covered such subjects as sawing and drying of timber, training of personnel for industry, production of live- stock feed from wood, etc. Science Experimental Parasitology "will publish papers dealing with all experimental ap- proaches to problems in the field of parasitology. Contributions that involve experimental physiological, metabolic, bio- chemical, nutritional, and chemotherapeutic problems of parasites and host-parasite rela- tionships will be emphasized." A section of the journal will be devoted to "Parasito- logical Reviews" covering all aspects of parasitology. Education The International Bulletin of Workers' Education published by the International Federation of Workers' Educational As- sociations is intended to foster the exchange of ideas and information between countries in which there are members or associated organizations of the federation. The In- ternational Journal for the Education of 124 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES the Blind is a quarterly publication of methods, techniques and research for teach- ers and workers in the field of the visually handicapped. Contributors to the first is- sue are teachers or others working with the blind. Hebraic The Israel Exploration ] ournal pub- lished in Jerusalem aims "to communicate . to scholars abroad the results of scientific investigations of the Orient as carried out in Israel." It is published with the as- sistance of the Jewish Agency, Department of Organization of the Hebrew University, and the Jewish Palestine Exploration So- ciety. The Zionist Quarterly is published by the Zionist Organization of America "for the extensive discussion and interpre- tation of the American Jewish and Israel scenes, world Zionist affairs and Jewish cultural developments." Periodicals Ateneo. Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas. v.x, no.x, Janu- ary/March 1951. Quarterly. P xo. The Beloit Poetry Journal. Beloit College, Beloit, Wis. no.I, Fall 1951. Quarterly. Price not given. Les Cahiers de Bruges. College of Europe, Dyver 16, Bru_ges. no. I, April 1951. Quarterly. 200 fr.b. The California QtULrterly. 7070 Hollywood Blvd. , Los Angeles 28. v.x, no.x, Autumn 1951. $2'.so. Council f or the Co-ordination of International Congresses of Medical Sciences. Quarterly Bulletin. UNESCO House, 19, Avenue Kleber, Paris 16. v.x, no.I/2, January/June 1951. $1.60. Current Caribbean Bibliography. Caribbean Commis- sion, . Port-of-Spain, Trinidad. v.x, no.x/2, June 195 I. Quarterly. Free? Experimental Parasitology. Academic Press, Inc., New York 10. v.x, no.x, October 1951. Quarterly. $8. Forest Prodttcts Research Society. Jmtrnal. Box 2010, University Station, Madison s. Wis. v.x, no.x, September 195 I. Frequency not given. $2.50 per copy. Free China R eview. xsB Nanvang St., Taipeh, Taiwan. v.x, no.x, April 1951. Monthly. $s. Historia. Phi Alpha Theta, University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras. v. 1, no. I, April I 9 51. Semiannual. Price not given. International Bttlletin of Workers' Education. Interna- tional Federation of Workers' Educational Associa- tions, Temple House. 27, Portman Square, London, W.I. v.I, no.I, Spring I95I. 3 or 4 no. a year. Price not given. The Internationa l Jottrnal for the Education of the Blind. 999 Pelham Parkway, New York 69. v.I, no. I, June 1951. Quarterly. $2. International P olitical Science Abstracts. B. Blackwell, 49 Broad St., Oxford, Eng. v.I, no.I/2, [January/ June] I95I. Quarterly. $3. Israel E xploration J ournal. P.O.B. I406, Jerusalem. v.I, no.x, I950/5I. Quarterly. $6. Die Mappe. G. D. W. Callwey, Miinchen 2. no.I, April I95I. Monthly. DM 30. Midwest F olklore. Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind. v.I, no. I, April I95I. Quarterly. $3. N ews. Trud, I8b Gorky St., Moscow. no.I, July IS, 1951. . Biweekly. $2. Northeastern Law Review. Northeastern Law Review Association, 47 Mt. Vernon St., Boston. May I95I. Frequency not given. Price not given. La Nouvelle Revue Canadienne. Case Postale 614, Ottawa. v.I, no.x, February/March 1951. Bi- monthly. $3. Ohio Archaeologist. Ohio Indian Relic Collectors' Society, Columbus, Ohio. v.I, no.I, April 1951. Quarterly. Price not given. Oil and Gas Tax Quarterly. M. Bender and Co., J\lbany, N.Y. v.I, no.I, Octob~r I95I. Price not gtven. Osteuropa. Deutsche Gesellschaft fiir Osteuropakunde, Stuttgart. v.x, no.I, October I95I. . Bimonthly. DM I2. Philosophy East and West. University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu I4. v.I, no.I, April I95I. Quarterly. $4. Plays and Players. 220 So. Michigan Ave., Chicago 3. v.I, no. I, October I95I. Monthly. $5. Poems in Pamphlet. Hand and Flower Press, Aiding- ton, Kent. no.I, I95I. Monthly. I4s. 6d. Repertoire. 575 Hollister Bld~r .. Lmsing 8, Mich. v. I, no.I, October I95I. Monthly. $3.50. Revue Fran,aise de Science Politique. Presses Uni- versitaires de France, x o8 Boulevard St. Germain, Paris 6. v.I, no.I/2, January/June I95I. Quarterly. x6oo fr. Sottth African Institution of Mechanical Engineers. J ournal. Kelvin House, Johannesburg, v.I, no. I, August I95I. Monthly? ss. per issue. The Tax Fortnighter. Fallon Law Book Co., 443 Fourth Ave., New York. v.I, no.x, October 22, I95I. Price not given. Vacuum. W. Edwards and Co., London . S. E. 26. v.I, no.I, January I95I. Quarterly. $4.20. Western Art R eview. L:ollins-Rogers Publishing Co., 254 E. Olive Ave., Burbank, Calif. v.x, no.I, October I95I. Monthly. $5. Zionist Quarterly. Zionist Organization of America, 41 E. 42nd St., New York 17. v.x, no.x, Summer 195 I. $J. Minnesota Scholarships The Division of Library Instruction of the University of Minnesota announces two schol- arships for the academic year 1952-53, open to students of Library Science: the John C. Hutchinson Scholarship of $300 and the H. W. Wilson Scholarship of $300. Criteria for selecting recipients of the awards are academic aptitude, professional promise, character, financial need, and leadership. Letters of application (or recommendation) should be sent by June I to: Dr. E. B. Stan- ford, Acting Director, Division of Library Instruction, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis 14, Minnesota. APRIL, 1952 125