College and Research Libraries By CONSTANCE M. WINCHELL Reference Books of 1951~1952 1 Miss Winchell is reference librarian, Columbia University. Introduction ~ IN THE first article in this series 2 this survey is based on notes written by members of the . Reference Staff of the Columbia University Libraries. Again, it is not a comprehensive listing of recent reference books but a selection of a few of those which seem to have special importance for reference workers in university libraries. Emphasis has been placed on scholarly and foreign materials and as in the previous arti- cle titles in the sciences and technologies have reluctantly been omitted. These latter are dealt with in other listings and while they should be represented in a well rounded list, space and time have prevented their inclu- sion here. Code numbers (such as A 52 7) have been used to refer to titles in the Guide to Reference Books 3 seventh edition. Bibliography · A change in the form of Swiss national bibliography should be noted. Through I947 the current bibliography was covered by Das Schweizer Buch,· Bibliographisches Bulletin der Schweizerischen Landesbiblio- thek: Le Livre Suisse (A527) with the Systematisches Verzeichnis der schweizer- ischen oder die Schweiz betreffenden Veroffentlichungen of the Schweizerische Landesbibliothek of Bern (A520) serving as a subject index to it and as a short title catalog. The I 9 3 I -40 volume of the 1 Mention of .~ titl.e in th~s article does not preclude comment m the Rev1ew Articles" section. ~ Co~lege and R esearch. Libraries 13 : 30 -3 6 , Jan. 195 2 . . Wmchell, C. M. G'lnde to R ef erence B ooks, 7th ed. Chtc:1.go, ALA, 1951. Systematisches Verzeichnis has been com- pleted and the Personenkatalog, Ortskata- log, and fasicules 0, Allgemeine Literatur; I, Philosophie; 2, Religion, Theologie of I94I-47 have been received. Beginning with 1948 a new publication of the Schweizerische Landesbibliothek of Bern will record Swiss works, the Schweizer Biicherverzeichnis, Repertoire du livre suisse, Elenco del libro svizzero, the first volume of which covers I948-I950, is a list by authors and anonymous titles, with in- dexes of collaborators and catch-word sub- jects. It cumulates the titles listed in Das Schweizer Buch, Livre suisse, series A & B from I948-I950, and includes pub- lications appearing in Switzerland and those published in other countries by Swiss authors or relative to Switzerland. Annuals and periodicals are listed as well as books. Future cumulations will probably cover five years. The I950 issue of the Index to New Zealand Periodicals (E93) incorporates a new section comprising a Current N ati.onal Bibliography of New Zealand: Books and Pam~hlets, which gives in dictionary form (author, title and subject) entries for ap- proximately 270 titles of works published in New Zealand or dealing with New Zealand. The main entry gives author, title, place, publisher, paging, illustration, subject heading and Dewey classification number but not price. John Harris's Guide to New Zealand Reference Matericd and Other Sources of Information was issued in I947 in mimeo- graphed form (A567). A second edition, issued in printed form, includes new ma- terial up to the end of I948, omits super- 234 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES seded works and makes some corrections. The first supplement compiled by A. C. Bag- nall follows the same form and adds publi- cations of 1949 and 1950. Arranged by the Bliss Bibliographic Classification with a subject and author index, this comprehen- sive listing of New Zealand reference material in books, periodicals, and official documents is a valuable addition to guides to reference books, and although Mr. Harris has left New Zealand it is to be hoped that the New Zealand Library Association will continue the work. Libraries Three guides to the resources of libraries, one in this country and two abroad, while different in scope and purpose will prove useful to libraries and scholars in many countries. American Library Resources,· a Bibliographical Guide by Robert Bingham Downs is a bibliography of bibliographies rather than an actual description of re- sources, as it indicates holdings of libraries only in so far as there are bibliographies listing them. Bibliographies, union lists, surveys, checklists, catalogs of particular libraries and special collections from all parts of the country are included, whether published in periodicals or separately as books or pamphlets. In a few cases unpub- lished bibliographies are also listed. In using this comprehensive guide it must be remembered that other libraries may have collections of equal or greater importance for which no lists are available. UNESCO's Repertoire des bibliotheques de France in three volumes is a directory and survey of the libraries and documenta- tion centers of France. The first volume, · Bibliotheques de Paris, covers the Biblio- theque N ationale, and university, general and special libraries giving for each such facts as name, address, clientele served, hours of opening, published and unpublished catalogs, conditions of lending, number of JULY, 1952 volumes, administration with names of those in charge. history, publications, . etc. Volume two, Bibliotheques des Departe- ments lists the same type of information for the libraries outside of Paris; volume three, Centres et services de documentation , gives under subject, details about the cen- ters and services existing to furnish infor- mation in specialized fields. UNESCO has also issued the Repertoire des bibliotheques du proche et du moyen- orient by Joseph A. Dagher which is the first comprehensive survey of libraries in the Near and Middle East. The informa- tion given for each library follows much the same outline as that for the previous item making due allowances for the differ- ence of locale and customs, and includes date of founding, authority, catalog, special- ties, conditions of use, etc. Religion The appearance of volumes seven and eight, covering the Gospels, of the projected twelve volume Interpreter's Bible should be noted~ Because of the inclusion of parallel texts of the King James and re- vised standard versions and of the general articles and exegesis, this set will be useful on the reference shelves of many general as well as theological libraries. More than 14,000 items on the Jan- senist controversy in the Catholic Nether- lands and Liege are listed in the Bibliotheca Janseniana Belgica by Leopold Willaert. The main part of the work is a chrono- logical record of both books and periodical articles published from 1476-1950, with library locations for many items. These are preceded by a list of some eighty li- braries owning extensive collections of Jansenist material ; and general works, such as dictionaries, bibliographies, printed li- brary catalogs and periodicals. An author index is included and a subject index IS planned. 235 Political Science The International Political Science Ab- stracts, issued by the International Political Science Association and published with the assistance of UNESCO and the Co- ordinating Committee on Documentation in the Social Sciences, is designed to provide an abstract journal in the fields of political science and international relations. The first volume includes almost 1450 abstracts from some 70-8 5 periodicals published in various countries. Abstracts for articles in English are given in French, all other ab- stracts are in English. In volume one, no. 1-2 covers 1950, no. 3 the first half of 1951, no. 4 the third quarter of 1951, with English and French cumulative subject in- dexes to the volume. There is no author index, though each issue is arranged alpha- betically by author. Hereafter it is ex- pected to publish the journal quarterly, with an annual cumulative index. Titles are given in the original language with, except for English and French titles, trans- lations into English. During the twenty-seven years of its ex- istence, the League of Nations issued over 100,000 documents, which are surveyed by Hans Aufricht in his Guide to League of Nations Publications . .. 1920-1g47· These include three types: those on public sale, those not on public sale, and those confi- dential in character. Many of the last were subsequently declassified and are listed here. Major documents of the principal autono- , mous organizations, such as the Inter- national Labor Organization are also . ' mcluded, as well as guides and major publications relating to League activities. In general only English editions are noted. Business Measures of Business Change by A. H. Cole was originally intended as a revision of Davenport and Scott's An Index to Business Indi'ces (L446) but the new work has been broadened in scope and although it is still limited to the United States, more emphasis has been placed on regional measures. There is a list of in- dexes in the order of their presentation including Part I, National measure of change and Part II, Regional and local measures of change. Part I give descrip- tions of the indices which deal with volume of business, commodity prices, construction costs, employment, finance, etc. Part II deals with regional and local indices. In- cluded are many series which show relative change but are not composed of index numbers. Dictionaries Webster's New World Dictionary of the American Language, which in spite of the use of Webster's in the title has no connec- tion with the Merriam-Webster publica- tions, is said to be an entirely new dictionary prepared from the American viewpoint for the general reader rather than for the scholar of the English language. As com- pared with the 550,000 entries in Merriam- Webster's New International Dictionary (Unabridged), this dictionary has about I 50,000 entries selected after analyzing various word frequency lists. Emphasis was put on terms to be found in contemporary American usage and in the required read- ing of college -students. Pronunciations are those used by the majority of Americans in everyday speech, phonetically known as General America~, with variant American pronunciations listed when they occur. All m.aterial, abbreviations, proper fnd geo- graphical names, foreign words and phrases, slang, etc., are entered in the main alphabet. Etymologies are given. While it will not supplant the un~bridged dictionaries it may provide a usable up-to-date desk dictionary. The first fasicules have appeared of a new French dictionary done on historical prin- 236 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES ciples and sponsored by the Academie Fran<;aise. Paul Robert's Dictionnaire alphabhique et analogique de la langue fran(aise / les mots et les associations d' idees is in size, format, and plan very much like Murray's New English Dictionary. Ety- mology, definitions, synonyms, antonyms and cross-references to words with related meaning are given for each entry with quotations from French writers selected to clarify the usage and to trace the historical changes in meaning. The republication in one volume of Preo- brazhenskii's Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language makes this valuable work again available to students interested in the history of Russian language, litera- ture and civilization and in Indo-European comparative linguistics. The two volumes (A-Suleya) which appeared before the author's death in I9I8 have long been out of print and. are extremely rare; volume three (Telo-IAshchur) was published in Russia for the first time in I949· The remaining portion (parts of S and T) , although apparently completed by the au- thor, were subsequently lost. The reprint follows the original except for such altera- tions as were made necessary by modern orthography. The first volume of a new comprehensive Dutch-English dictionary J ansonius Groot N ederlands-Engels woordenboek has been rec~ived, covering A-M. Motion Pictures The Copyright Office has produced an unusual and useful record of Motion Pic- tures, 1912-1939. The catalog consists of three parts: first, a title list of all motion pictures copyrighted from I9I2. to I9J9, giving the descriptive details of each picture, including date of production, number of reels, source of story, and if an adaptation of a play or novel, cre<,lits (producer, qi- rector, writer, etc.) and the name of the JULY, 1952 company owning the copyright; second, an index of names ; and third, a series list. Literature and Language E. Frauwallner's Die Weltliteratur is to be a new scholarly encyclopedia of world literature from the earliest times to I 9 5 I, giving concise information in a straight alphabetical arrangement, about national literatures, literary forms, and the rrtost significant authors, with bibliographies. The first volume covers A-Grieg. It com- plements and supplements Eppelsheimer H andbuch der W eltliteratur ( R32) which is arranged by period. Both give biographi- cal sketches with bibliographies of works by, translations into German, and works about. A practical manual for graduate students in English is provided in Sanders An I ntro- ducti.on to Research in English Literary History. After two brief introductory chap- ters, the first covering the making of paper and books, and the second listing basic ref- erence books in the field, general problems of literary research are discussed, e.g., edit- ing, biography, authenticity, sources, chron- ology, interpretation, techniques, the history of ideas and suggestions for thesis writing followed by a section of bibliographical references to which extensive footnotes in the work refer. It should serve as a useful introduction to both students and librarians. The Oxford Dictionary of Nursery Rhymes. edited by Iona and Peter Opie is said to be the most comprehensive and authoritative work ever published in this field. It lists 550 English nursery rhymes arranged alphabetically by the most promi- nent word or in the case of nonsense jingles, by the opening phrases. The standard ver- sion is given first followed by the earliest recorded version, "the circumstance of its origin, changes of wording through the years, its forebears or compan~on pieces in other languages, and the customs, supersti- 237 tions and amusements associated with them," and bibliographical references. There are two indexes, one of "notable figures associ- ated with the invention, diffusion or illustra- tion of nursery rhymes" and one of the first lines of standard and other versions. The second volume of Greg's Bibli- ography of the English Printed Drama to the Restoration is a welcome addition. Vol- ume one (R298) recorded plays to 1616, volume two continues the record from 1617 to 1689, and has separate sections of "Latin plays," I581-1658, and "Lost plays" 1504- 1622. The form and arrangement follow that of volume one and copies are located in British and American libraries. Another volume of the Critical Bibli- ography of French Literature, edited by David C. Cabeen has appeared. Volume one, The Medieval Period (R570) has proved most useful since its publication in 1947. It has now been joined by volume four, The Eighteenth Century, edited by George R. Havens and Donald F. Bond, whi~h follows the pattern of the first vol- ume, each chapter having been edited by a specialist. It lists more than three thousand books, dissertations and periodical articles in several languages. Critical annotations and references to reviews are included. The publication of the first "Halbband" of volume eleven of Goedeke's Grundrisz zur Geschichte der deutschen Dichtung (R505) has partially filled a gap in the second edition of this important work. This volume in three fasicules is devoted to the Drama und Theater r8rs-r8JO, and covers general literature, the German states, Switzerland and the Russian Baltic prov- inces. The second "Halbband" will cover Austria and such smaller sections as "Kin- dertheater" and "Operntexte." It is hoped that this volume will appear in 1952. Lambrino's Bibliographie de l' antiquite classique r8g6-1914 is a much needed work designed to fill the gap in the bibliographi- cal record of classical studies between the works of Englemann (R796) and Kluss- man (R799) which together cover 1700- I 896, and the Dix annees de bibliographie classique, 1914-1924 of Marouzeau (R8oo). Fallowing the same plan as the latter, the first volume "Auteurs et textes," I896-1914, lists editions, translations and works about classical writers in books and periodicals. The coverage is not limited to literature but includes all phases of Greco-Latin an- tiquity from pre-history to the Byzantine and Gallo-Roman periods. As in Marou- zeau, the second volume will be concerned with Matieres et disciplines. A parallel work devoted exclusively to the Latin language has been prepared by Jean Cousin in his Bibliographie de la lan- gue latine, r880-1948. In a classified ar- rangement this deals with books and peri- odical articles on general linguistics in rela- tion to the Latin language, history of the language, orthography and pronunciation, phonetics, morphology, syntax, stylistics, lex- icography, and the language and style of individual authors. There is an index of words and an index of Latin authors but the lack of a general index is a decided handicap. De Bray's Guide to the Slavonic Lan- guages is an attempt to give an over-all view of all the Slavonic languages to those who are already familiar with one of the group. Each one is treated in a separate section in- troduced by a brief history of the language followed by an examination of the alphabet, pronunciation, morphology, word order, and features characteristic of the language. A selected bibliography lists grammars, dictionaries and other aids to study in the field, including works in English, French and German. There is a detailed table of contents but no index. Biography The first attempt at a biographical dic- tionary of leading UN personnel is based 238 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES \ on data gathered in the fall of I950 and published by C. E. Burckel in I95I as Who~s Who in the United Nations. It lists nearly I 700 biographies of persons who hold im- portant posts in the l[N or its agencies, or who played a significant part in organ- izing the UN. ~ketches are in usual who's who form and many are accompanied by photographs. Appendices include the Char- ter, member states. commissions, charts of organization, etc. A new current biographical dictionary of Belgium entitled Le livre bleu/ recueil biographique~ gives brief sketches of persons important in Belgium in the fields .of the arts and sciences, politics, industry and commerce. R. L. Hill's Biographical Dictionary of the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan is not restricted to persons who lived in the Sudan but con- tains some I goo short sketches of persons of various nationalities and periods who died before I948 and made some contribu- tion to the history of the Sudan. Geography and Travel One of the most important reference books of the decade, the Columbia Lippin- cott Gazetteer of the World will immedi- ately take its place as an essential· item in libraries everywhere. Lippincott's New Gazetteer~ to which this is a successor, has long been out-of-date and a comprehensive modern work had been much needed. Es- sentially a completely new work, the Co- lumbia Lippincott lists in one alphabet the places of the world, both political subdivi- sions and geographic features, giving variant spellings, pronunciation, populatiol} (with date), geographic and political location, altitude, trade, industry, agriculture, natural resources, communications, history, cultural institutions and other pertinent facts. It lists some I 30,000 names (with more than 30,000 cross-references), as against 40,000 m Webster's Geographical Dictionary JULY~ 1952 (UI6). However, the Webster will still be useful, especially in smaller libraries, and in homes which cannot afford the larger work. The Gennadius Library in Athens is a rich and unique collection of over 55,000 books, pictures and maps relating to Greece , the Balkans, and the Near East from med- ieval to modern times. The first part of the catalog of this library to be published , entitled Voyages and Travels in the Near East Made During the XIX Century~ was compiled by S. H. Weber. It contains some I ,206 annotated titles entered by date of publication with a general index and a name index of travelers and authors. History The war-time gap in the record of historical writings still to be covered by the International Bibliography of Historical Sciences (VI I) is partially filled by Pa- lumbo's Bibliografia storica internazionale~ 1940-1947~ which lists books and periodi- cal articles with the emphasis on Italian writings although materials in other lan- guages are included. There are author and subject indexes. The historical writings of German au- thors for the period I939-I945 are listed by Walther Boltzmann and Gerhard Ritter in Die deutsche Geschichtswissenschaft im zweiten Weltkrieg~ which appeared in two parts, the first covering pre-history and an- cient times, the second middle ages and modern times. This bibliography supple- ments for the war years both the Interna- tional Bibliography of Historical Sciences (VI I) and insofar as it concerns German history the J ahresberichte fur deutsche Geschichte (V 26I). An encyclopedic survey of this same war period I939-I947 is provided by the special volume of Larousse mensuel entitled La seconde guerre mondiale. When publica- tion was resumed with volume 12 in J anu- 239 ary 1948, volume eleven, which had been interrupted by the war, was still incomplete. This new volume completes volume eleven and includes the indexes to the entire vol- ume. It contains the information for the war years in the usual alphabetical arrange- I ment with an introductory section cover- ing the events of 1939-1947 in outline, and a tabula.ted chronology at the end. There are entries under the names of individuals, and longer articles. on subjects as medicine , literature and on individual countries. Bibliography Aufricht, Hans. Guide to League of N a- tions Publications/ a Bibliographical Survey of the Works of the League, 1920-1947. New York, Columbia University Press, I95I. 682p. Bern. Schweizerische Landesbibliothek. Schweizer biicherverzeichnis. R epertoire du livr e suisse. Elenco dellibro svizzero. Kata- log d eor schweizeris ch en landesbibliothek. 1948/5 0- Zurich, Schweizerischer Buch- handler und Verlegerverein, I95 I- Bible. The Interpr et er's B ible: the Holy Scriptures in the King James and Revised Standard Versions with G eneral Articles and Introdu ction, Exegesis, Exposition for Each Book of the Bible. N. Y., Nashville, Abing- don-Cokesbury Press, I 9 5 I- Contents: v.7 , General articles on the New Testament, The Gospel according to St. Matthew, The Gospel according to St. Mark. I 95 I. 9 I 7P·; v.8, The Gospel according to St. Luke, The Gospel according to St. John. I952. 8I Ip. Cole, Arthur Harrison. Measures o1 Busi- ness Change/ a Baker Library Ind ex ... Chicago, Irwin, I952. 444P· Columbia Lippincott Gazetteer of the World, ed. by Leon Seltzer with the Geo- graphical Research Staff of Columbia Uni- versity Press and with the cooperation of the American Geographical Society. N.Y., Co- lumbia University Press, by arrangement with J. B. Lippincott Co., I952. 2I48p. Cousin, Jean. Bibliographie de la langue latine, 1880-1948. Paris, Societe d'Edition "Les Belles Lettres," I95I. 375P· (Collec- tion de bibliographie classique). Critical Bibliography of French Literature,· General editor, D. C. Cabeen. 4, The Eight- eenth Century,· edited by George R. Havens and Donald F. Bond. Syracuse University Press, I95I. 4IIp. Dagher, Joseph A. Rep erto ir e d es biblio- thequ es du proche et du moy en-orie nt. Paris, UNESCO, I95I. I82p. De Bray, R. G. A. Guide to the Sla v onic Languages. London, Dent, I95I. 797P· Downs, Robert Bingham. American Li- brary Resources,· a Bibliographical Guid e. Chicago, American Library Association, I95 1. 428p. Frauwallner, E. [and others] Die W eltlit- eratur ,· biographisches, literarhistorisches und bibliographisches Lexikon in Obersichten und Stichworten. Wien, Verlag Bruder Hollinek [CI95I- ] V.I- Goedeke, Karl. Grundrisz zur G eschicht e der deutschen Dichtung. 2. ganz neu bear- beitete Auflage. Dusseldorf, Ehlermann, 1951. Bd.II, Vom Weltfrieden his zur fran- z6sischen Revolution I83o. 8. Buch, 4· Abt. (Drama und Theater) [I8I5 - I83o] I. Hlbbd. hrsg. von Carl Diesch. Greg, W. W. A Bibliography of the Eng - lish Printed Drama to th e R esto•ration. v.2 , Plays 16I7-I689: Nos. 350-836. Latin plays, Lost plays. London, for the Bibliographical Society, Oxford University Press, I 95 1. I008p. Harris, [William] John. Guide to New Zealand Reference Material and Other Sources of Information. 2d ed. Dunedin, New Zealand Library Association, I950. I I4P· ----Supplement no. I, to June I95I , comp. by A. G. Bagnall. Hill, Richard Leslie. A Biographical Dic- tionary of the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan. Ox- ford, Clarendon Press, I95I. 39Ip. Holtzmann, Walther and Ritter, Gerhard. Die deutsche Geschichtswissenschaft im zw ei- t en fVeltkrieg ,· Bibliographie d es h ·storischen Schrifttums deutscher A utoren 1939-194.5, herausgegeben im Auftrag des V erbandes der historiker Deutschlands und der Monumenta 240 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES Germaniae historica. Marburg/Lahn, Simons Verlag, 1951. 2 pts. in I vol. Index to New Z ealand Periodicals and Current National Bibliography of New Zea- land: Books and Pamphlets Published in 1950, ed. by A. L. Olsson. Wellington, N. Z., Library Association, I95I- Contents 1950: Sec. I, p. 1-124, Index (to 58 periodicals); Sec.2, p. I25-I42, Current national bibliography. I nt,ernational Political Science Abstracts. Documentation politique internatiunale. Ox- ford, I95I- v.I- J ansonius, Herman. Groot nederlands- engels woordenboek voor studie en practijk. Leiden, N ederlandsche uitgeversmaatschappij N. U., I950- Deel I, A-Moesson. Lambrino, Scar lat. Bibliographie de tan- tiquite classique, 1896-1914. Paris, Societe d'Edition "Les Belles Lettres," I95I- 1. pte. Auteurs et textes. (Collection de biblio- graphie classique.) Larousse mensuel illustre. La seconde guerre mondiale ... numero special du La- rousse mensuel de I 939 a I 94 7 (no. 400) .... Paris, Larousse, I952. 522p. Le Livre bleu: recueil biographique donnant les noms, addresses, profession, titres et qualites des personnalites qui se sont fait un nom en belgique par leurs oeuvres ou leur activite dans le domaine des arts, des sciences et des lettres, de Ia politique et de t administra- tion, de l'industrie et du commerce. Bruxel- les, Larcier, I 950. 532p. il. Oxford Dictionary of Nursery Rhymes, edited by Iona and Peter Opie. Oxford, Clarendon Press, I95 I (reprinted with cor- rections, I952). 467p. il. Palumbo, Pier Fausto. Bibliografia storica internazionale, 1940-1947 ,· con una intro- duzione sullo stato degli studi storici durante e dopo Ia seconda guerra mondiale. Roma, Le Edizioni del Lavoro, 1950. 24Ip. Preobrazhenskii, Aleksander Grigor'evich. Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Lan- guage. New York, Columbia University Press, I95L 674p., 4I6p., I44P· (Columbia Slavic studies.) · Robert, Paul. Dictionnaire alphabetique et analogique de Ia langue franfaise,· les mots et les associations d'idees. . . . Paris, Societe du Nouveau Littre, Presses Universitaires de France, I95I- Fasc. 1-3. A-Astre. Sanders, Chauncey. An Introduction to Research in English Literary History,· with a chapter on research in folklore by Stith Thompson. New York, Macmillan, I952. 423p. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Repertoire des bibliotheques de france. Paris, Bibliotheque nationale, 1950-51. 3v. U.S. Copyright Office. Motion Picturres, 1912-1939. [Washington] Govt. Print. Office, I95I. 1256p. (Its Catalog of copyright entries. Cumulative series) Weber, Shirley Howard. Voyages and Travels in the Near East Made durring the XIX Century,· Being Part of a Larger Cata- logue of Works on Geography, Cartography, Voyages and Travels, in the Gennadius Li- brary of Athens. Princeton, N. ]., American School of Classical Studies at Athens, I952. 252p. (Catalogues of the Gennadius Li- brary, I) Webster's New World Dictionary of the American Language. Encyclopedic edition. [General editors] Joseph H. Friend and David B. Guralnik; etymological editor Harold E. Whitehall. Cleveland, World Publishing Co., I95I. 2v. Who's Who in the United Nations . Ist ed. ed. by C. E. Burckel. Yonkers-on-Hudson, Burckel, 1951- il. Willaert, Leopold. Bibliotheca janseniana belgica. Repertoire des imprimis concernant les coni'roverses theologiques en relation avec le jansenisme dans les pays-bas catholiques et le pays de liege au xvii 8 et xviiie siecles. Paris, Vrin, I949-5 1. 3v. ( Bibliotheque de la faculte de philosophie et lettres de namur. Fasc. 4, 5, I2) Local Subject Cataloging (Continued from page 233) saving are not at hand, but it is not un- reasonable to estimate the total saving at the same 6 5 per cent found to obtain were subject cataloging to be eliminated for for- JULY, 1952 eign books and English books more than twenty years old. This would certainly be true when it is considered that classifi- cation is eliminated as well. 241 '