College and Research Libraries By DOROTHY ETHLYN COLE Library School Studies, 1951 Miss Cole is editor, "Library Literature/' The H. W. Wilson Company. F RO M ALL of the theses submitted to library schools in the year 1951, the following were chosen as items of interest to the mem- bers of the various sections of ACRL. BibEo- graphic compilations, indexes to periodicals, checklists and imprint inventories have been omitted. With the exception of the Chicago theses, all are available on interlibrary loan; the Chicago theses are available only by pur- chase of a microfilm copy. Unless another degree is specified the items are all masters' theses. The editor of College and Research Li- braries is considering the feasibility of publish- ing this list as an annual feature. Readers are invited to submit suggestions to the com- piler for improving its content or org!!niza- tion. General Administrative Problems Andrews, Jane A. Staff Manual for the Cata- log Department of the University of Texas Library. (Texas) Hinkley, Mary E. The Role of the College Library in the Preservation and Organiza- tion of the Archives of its Own Institution. (Columbia) Keller, Richard L. Survey of the State Uni- versity Libraries of France. (Western Re- serve) Peeler, Elizabeth H. Functions and Duties of Faculty Library C::ommittees in Colleges. (Columbia) Ross, Jane E. The Problem of the Depart- mental Library with Reference to Biological Science Departmental Libraries of Colleges and Universities in the Philadelphia Area. (Drexel) Taylor, Willie L. Manual of Procedure for the Periodicals Department of the Texas State College for Women Library. (Texas State College for Women) Public Relations and Extension Services Anderson, LeMoyne. The Role of Radio in OCTOBER, 1952 Large College and University Libraries. (Illinois) Hinton, Margaret 0. An Evaluation of Col- lege and University Library Handbooks for Students. (Columbia) Stickle, Nellie R. Community Service · Pro- grams of Selected Liberal Arts College Libraries. (Columbia) Wolf, Marjorie A. Library Extension Serv- ices of the Colleges and Universities in the United States; a Bibliographic Survey. (Western Reser~e) Finance B roestl, John A. Revised Index for the Allo- cation of the University Library Book Fund to the Various Departments of the Colleges of Arts and Sciences and · of the Graduate School of Western Reserve University. (Western Reserve) Selection and Acquisition of Printed Materials Budington, William S. The Obsolescence of Engineering Books. (Columbia) Deschamps, A. A., father. Seiection of Ma- terials in the Field of Moral Theology in the Major Seminary Library with a List of Recommended Titles. (Catholic) Fleschuck, Anna J. IndeX' - of Forbidden Books of the Roman Catholic Church, De- scribed and Explained. (Western Re- serve) Johnston, Harold Garland. Guide to Books on the Drama for the College Library. (Michigan) Lentz, Robert T. Survey of Therapeutics Literature Files and Plans for the Develop- ment of a File at the Jefferson Medical College Library. (Drexel) Schechter, Stella J. A Study of Book Supply Agencies Employed by Eleven Small Col- lege and University Libraries in the Vicinity of Philadelphia. (Drexel) Siegel, Ernest I. Core Collection of Reserve Books for College Libraries. (Pratt) Theriault, Lionel, father. Selection of Ma- terials in the Field of Dogmatic Theology in the Major Seminary Library with a List of Recommended Titles. (Catholic) 359 Problems of N onprint Mate•rials Grady, Marion B. Comparison of Motion Pictures and Books as Resource Materials. Ph.D. (Chicago) Little, Mary L. LP and the College Music Library. (Illinois) Menter, Raylene. A Program for the Estab- lishment of an Audio-visual Center at Ar- kansas Agricultural and Mechanical Col- lege. (Illinois) Spence, Melville R. Classifying, Cataloging and Filing of Maps in College and Uni- versity Libraries. (Western Reserve) Stripling, Erma M. The Technical Organi- zation of Film and Visual Materials in College and University Libraries. (Co- lumbia) Cataloging and Classification Ashbrook, Mary Louise. ' Survey of the Use and Classification of the Materials in Prot- estant Theological School Libraries in the United States. (Western Reserve) Frarey, Carlyle J. Subject Heading Revision by the Library of Congress, 1941-1950. (Columbia) Gartland, Mary J. Study of Four Classifi- cations for Sociology. (Western Reserve) Grunwald, Rose. Subject Headings for Cera- mic Engineering and Research. (Carnegie) Kremen, Dorothy E. A Survey of Subject Heading Lists for Chemistry Libraries. (Illinois) Milhous, Virginia A. Music in the Catalog Department of a Small College Library. (Drexel) Oellrich, Gertrude. New Jersey State Author Headings: a Preliminary Study. ( Colum- bia) Pritchard, Jennie D. The Practice of Simpli- fied cataloging in Large University and Reference Libraries. (Columbia) Willard, Margaret L. Examination of the Dewey Decimal Classification of Art Ma- terials with Particular Reference to the Library of the University of Texas. (Texas) Reference and Bibliography Ballantyne, Agnes L. Newburgh Collection of 16th, 17th and 18th Century Theological Books, with a Catalog and Description of Fifty of the Authors. (Western Reserve) Banet, Charles H. Investigation into the Bibliographic Organization of Biblical Studies. (Michigan) Bloomfield·, Masse. Application of the Auto- matic Punch Card to Bibliographic Work. (Pittsburgh) Bonn, George S. Study of Engineering Busi- ness Papers. (Chicago) Cooper, Lillian S. Botanical Societies and their Publications; a List with an Historical Summary. (Wisconsin) Crittenden, Sara N. Essay and General Lit- erature Index: an Evaluation with Analy- sis of the Books for 1936 Indexed Therein. (Florida) Havlik, Robert ]. A Comparison of the Value of Chemical Abstracting Journals. (Illinois) Haymes , Mary F. Dissemination of Cur- rent Technical Information to the Research Personnel Served by an Industrial Library. (Carnegie) Ho, Don T. Union List of French Technical Periodicals in the Libraries of Philadelphia. (Carnegie) Ische, John P. Survey of Medical Periodicals Devoted to Abstracting. (Pratt) McAnally, Arthur M. Characteristics of Materials Used in Research in United States History. Ph.D. (Chicago) Meier, Elizabeth L. Characteristics of the Literature Used by Contributors to Ameri- can Sociological Journals. (Chicago) Morrow, Alma I. Publications of Land- Grant Institutions. (Columbia) Quinn, Edward W. Characteristics of the Literature Used by Authors of Books in the Field of Sociology. (Chicago) Ritchie, Marguerite. Analysis of the Docu- mentation of Civil Engineering Research to Determine the Serial Publications Most Frequently Used. (Catholic) Schaefer, Ruth L. An Evaluation of the Guides to the Sources for the Study of the American Revolution. (Illinois) Talmadge, Robert L. Practices and Policies of the Reference Department of Large Uni- versity Libraries Concerning the Prepara- tion of Bibliographies. (Illinois) Tolman, James R. Bibliography and Re- sources of Idaho History. (Illinois) Voelker, Gertrude E. Periodicals in the Augustana College Library. (Michigan) Use of the Library Jones, Helen S. ]. Manuscript for a Series of Filmstrips Instructing Freshmen in the Use of the University of Texas Library. (Texas) 360 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES Thurlow, Martha. The Use of the Subject Catalogs in the Biology and Chemistry De- partmental Librari<:s in a University. (Co- lumbia) · Evaluation of Collections and Services Allen, John C. Resources of the Syracuse University Libraries. (Illinois) Heard, J. Norman. Preservation and Publi- cation of Texana by the Texas State His- torical Association. (Texas) Jackson, William V. The Resources of the Libraries of Northwestern University. (Illinois) Kepple, Robert R. Increasing the Usefulness of the College Science Library for Under- graduates. (Carnegie) Kivi, Karen. The William L. Clements Li- brary of Americana. (Illinois) Knight, Mattie M. Study of the Reference Collection and Service at Brigham Young University as it Fits the Teaching Pro- gram. (George Peabody) Leonard, Katherine E. Study of the Negro Collection in the Trevor Arnett Library at Atlanta University. (Atlanta) McLean, Margaret G. Evaluation of the Reference Book Collection of the Trevor Arnett Library, Atlanta University. (At- lanta) Powers, Marjorie R. A Survey of the Col- legiana Collections in the Libraries of the Pennsylvania State College, Temple Uni~ versity, Swarthmore College, and Haver- ford College. (Drexel) Severance, Rosemary. American Library Re- sources in South African Languages. (Illinois) Springer, Nelson P. The Mennonite His- torical Library at Goshen College, Goshen, Indiana. (Illinois) Van Benthuysen, Robert F. Study of the Microfilm Reading Facilities in a Selected Number of College and University Librar- ies in the Philadelphia Area. (Drexel) Reading Problems Garrett, Eunice P. Recreational Reading at College Libraries. (Drexel) Harrison, Madeline G. The Responsibility of the College Library for the Reading of the Freshman, with Specific Implications for Savannah State College Library. (Illinois) Historical Studies Duncan, Anne M. History of Howard Uni- versity Library. (Catholic) Klingerman, Ethel M. Wilson College Li- brary, I870-I950. (Drexel) Luckett, George R. History of the United States Naval Academy Library, I845-I907. (Catholic) Methvin, Doris. A Study of the Duke Uni- versity Library. (Illinois) Straka, Mildred. An Historical Review of the Cataloging Department of the Colum- bia University Libraries, I883-I950. (Co- lumbia) Williams, Carrie W. A History of the Krauth Memorial Library and Staff of the Lutheran Theological Seminary Library at Philadelphia, from I 764 to I 951. (Drexel) Surveys Alexander, Sue P. A Study of the Libraries in Three Florida Junior Colleges. ( Flor- ida) Curtis, George A. Statistical Survey of the Services of the John Crerar Library. (Chicago) Mallon, Margery G. Survey of Temple Law School Library. (Drexel) Raser, Lois A. A Study of the Book Collec- tions of Three Small Church-Sponsored Schools. (Drexel) Reynolds, Mary V. A Survey of Lynchburg College Library, Lynchburg, Virginia. (Drexel) Williams, Avery W. Survey of State College Libraries for Negroes in Mississippi. (At- lanta) Buildings Keilhola, Joan W. Modular Planning in College and University Library Buildings. (Drexel) Microfilm Edition of Wall Street Journal By arrangement with the publishers, Yale University is microfilming the Eastern Edition of the Wall Street Journal from its beginning in I889 to the present and -on a ~ontinuing basis. Orders are now being accepted for positive microfilm copies at 8.4 cents per foot. Plans call for four reels to a year, each containing the issues for three months. Microfilm copies of I95I issues will cost approximately $33.60. Orders should be sent to John H. Ottemiller, associate _ librarian, Yale University. OCTOBER, 1952 361