College and Research Libraries B y C O N S T A N C E M . W I N C H E L L Selected Reference Miss JVinchell is reference librarian, Co- lumbia University Libraries. I N T R O D U C T I O N A G A I N , A S I N P R E V I O U S A R T I C L E S i n t h i s J L x . s e m i - a n n u a l s e r i e s , 1 t h i s s u r v e y is b a s e d on n o t e s w r i t t e n by m e m b e r s of t h e R e f e r e n c e S t a f f of t h e C o l u m b i a U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r i e s . 2 I n t h i s issue, n o t e s w r i t t e n b y a s s i s t a n t s a n d u s e d u n c h a n g e d a r e s i g n e d w i t h i n i t i a l s . A s t h e p u r p o s e of the l i s t is to p r e s e n t a s e l e c t i o n of r e c e n t s c h o l a r l y a n d f o r e i g n w o r k s of i n t e r e s t to u n i v e r s i t y l i b r a r i e s , it is n o t n e c e s s a r i l y w e l l - b a l a n c e d n o r c o m p r e - h e n s i v e . C o d e n u m b e r s ( s u c h as D 7 a n d 1 P 2 9 ) h a v e b e e n u s e d to r e f e r to t i t l e s in the Guide3 and its First Supple?nent. A R C H I V E S B a u t i e r , R o b e r t - H e n r i . Bibliographie selec- tive des guides d'archives. Supplement au Guide international des archives, t.l ( E u r o p e ) , 1 9 3 4 . ( I n Journal of Docu- mentation, 9 : 1 - 4 1 , M a r c h , 1 9 5 3 ) . A revised and enlarged edition of the Reper- toire selectif de guides des archives issued in mimeographed form by Unesco in 1950. Lists guides to archival records printed in Europe from 1934-1950 and outside Europe from 1900-1950. Entries are listed under 76 coun- tries and territories arranged alphabetically. Particular attention has been given to in- dustrial and commercial archives and to col- lections of photographic, radio and cinema materials. 1 College and Rcscarch Libraries, J a n u a r y and J u l y issues starting- J a n u a r y 1 0 5 2 . 2 M a r y Cunningham, Florence Gitelson, Olive John- son, Kenneth L o h f , E u g e n e Sheehy, and Beth Strong. 3 Winchell, Constance M . , Guide to Reference Books, 7th ed. Chicago, A L A , 1 9 5 1 , First Supplement, Chi- cago, A L A , 1954. SO CO. Books of 1953 I N D E X I N G C o l l i s o n , R o b e r t L . Indexes and Indexing: a Guide to the Indexing of Books, and Collections of Books, Periodicals, Music, Gramaphone Records, Films and other Material, with a Reference Section and Suggestions for Further Reading. L o n - d o n , B e n n , 1 9 5 3 . I 5 5 p . 1 0 s . 6 d . Discusses general indexing practices and their application to specific types of material. Includes a bibliography of books on indexing and a list of suggested reference works for the indexer. S O C I E T I E S K e e l i n g , G u y W . Trusts and Foundations: a Select Guide to Organizations and Grant-making Bodies O perating in Great Britain and the Commonwealth, e d . b y T h o m a s L a n d a u . C a m b r i d g e , B o w e s a n d B o w e s , 1 9 5 3 . I 9 4 P - £ 2 . 2 s . Gives information about some 1000 founda- tions including, when possible: name, address, trustees, history, purpose, activities, conditions, grants, capital, publications, etc. T h e main list is alphabetical. There are two indexes: I. classified (by Dewey Decimal Classification) ; 2. alphabetical subject. Appendix 1, Government grants to volun- tary agencies; Appendix 2, Bibliography. E N C Y C L O P E D I A S Columbia-Viking Desk Encyclopedia, comp. a n d e d . a t C o l u m b i a U n i v e r s i t y b y t h e S t a f f of The Columbia Encyclopedia. W i l l i a m B r i d g w a t e r , E d i t o r - i n - C h i e f . N . Y . , V i k i n g P r . , 1 9 5 3 . 1 0 9 2 P . i l . $ 7 . 9 5 ; t h u m b - i n d e x e d $ 8 . 9 5 . A desk-size encyclopedia selected, condensed and rewritten from the Columbia Encyclo- pedia (Guide D 7 ) by the Encyclopedia staff. Planned to give the American reader maximum LEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES information in small space with well-balanced coverage, emphasis is on contemporary facts and persons and on basic informa- tion in all fields likely to be needed by the contemporary reader. Inclusion of entries is as of April, 1953. Pronunciation gives ac- cepted American usage. Full-page groupings of line drawings are new in this volume as are global and continental maps. Tables of certain subjects such as geologic eras, ele- ments, and Nobel prizes, and lists of rulers, popes, titles of nobility, etc. add to its general usefulness. P E R I O D I C A L S New Serial Titles; a Union List . . . W a s h - i n g t o n , D . C . , L i b r a r y of C o n g r e s s , J a n u - a r y 1 9 5 3 - v . l , n o . 1 - m o n t h l y . Like its predecessor, Serial Titles Newly Received, this publication continues to list serial titles new to the collections of the Li- brary of Congress not already listed in pub- lished union lists. Also to afford fuller cover- age of serials new to American libraries, titles are now being reported by cooperating libraries. Whereas only the Library of Con- gress and the New York Public Library re- ported titles in the first issue, nineteen addi- tional libraries participated in the July issue. Appearing in 12 monthly issues and an annual cumulation, this publication is similar to its predecessor in typography, format, and ar- rangement, and in its preparation the punched card method developed for the earlier list is followed. The list is prepared under the spon- sorship of the Joint Committee on the Union List of Serials.—K.L. G O V E R N M E N T P U B L I C A T I O N S C a n a d a . D e p t . of P u b l i c P r i n t i n g a n d Stationery. Canadian Government Pub- lications; Monthly Catalog. Publications d u g o u v e r n e m e n t c a n a d i e n ; c a t a l o g u e m e n s u e l . O t t a w a , Q u e e n ' s P r i n t e r , 1 9 5 3 - n o . 1 , J a n . 1 9 5 3 - , m o n t h l y . This is "a comprehensive listing of all offi- cial publications, public documents and papers, not of a confidential nature, printed or 'pro- cessed' at government expense by authority of Parliament, or that of a Department, etc. of the government, including publications bought at public expense for use of, or dis- tribution to, Members of Parliament, public officials or the public." It is in two parts: 1. publications in English and 2. publications in French. Both parts have four sections: 1. Parliamentary publications (statutes, Sen- ate, House of Commons, in that order), 2. publications of Departments, Agencies, Royal Commissions, etc., arranged alphabetically by the issuing body and then by title, 3. an alpha- betical listing of periodicals, 4. an index to authors, titles, subjects and series, with cross- references (entry-numbers are given, not page- numbers). Full bibliographical details are given for each entry, except for the beginning dates of publication of periodicals. The price of each item is given, followed by a symbol indicating to whom it is available, and the code number used by the Supervisor of Gov- ernment Publications. There will be annual cumulations. The Monthly Catalog contains all the items listed in the Daily Checklist during the previ- ous month. (Neither of these includes the statutory orders and regulations: they appear only in Canada Gazette, Part II.) This supersedes the Catalogue of Official Publications of the Parliament and Govern- ment of Canada, an annual with supplements monthly or as required, which was published from 1927-1951, and which gave sparse bib- liographical information.—M.C. P H I L O S O P H Y Soares, O r r i s . Dicionario de filosofia. R i o d e J a n e i r o , 1 9 5 2 - v . l - ( I n p r o g r e s s ) At head of title: Ministerio da Educagao e Saude. Instituto Nacional do Livro. v.i, A - D Includes biographical sketches, and defini- tions of terms, with etymologies, history, and references to sources. Some bibliography. P S Y C H O L O G Y H i n s i e , L e l a n d E . a n d S h a t z k y , J a c o b . Psychiatric Dictionary with Encyclopedic Treatment of Modern Terms. 2d ed. w i t h s u p p l e m e n t . N . Y . , O x f o r d U n i v . P r . , 1 9 5 3 - 7 8 i p . See Guide J13 for 1940 edition which is reprinted here without change. A Supplement, p.563-781, lists some 900 additional terms culled from the recent literature of the sub- ject. JANUARY, 1954 51 R E L I G I O N A Catholic Commentary on Holy Scripture. Editorial Committee, D o m Bernard Orchard, Rev. Edmund F. Sutcliffe, Rev. Reginald C . Fuller, D o m Ralph Russell. Lond., N . Y . , Thomas Nelson, 1953. I 3 i 2 p . maps. $15. Based on the current Douay Version but designed to be read with any other translation. There are general introductory articles to the whole work, to the Old Testament and to the New Testament, each signed by a scholar. The commentaries are also signed. Selective bibliographies include works by Catholic and non-Catholic authors. There is an extensive index. S O C I A L S C I E N C E S Lende, Helga. Books About the Blind; a Bibliographical Guide to Literature Relating to the Blind. N e w rev. ed. N . Y . , American Foundation for the Blind, 1953. 357p. $5. 1st ed. 1940. (Guide L25). Revised and enlarged to include about 4200 annotated references, more than half of which were not listed in the first edition. General groupings are much the same with some varia- tion in and additional subheadings. The main classes cover: work with the blind; education; psychology; vocations and economic adjust- ment; social adjustment; literature and read- ing; special groups; biographies and autobiog- raphies; author index. Mouvements ouvriers et socialistes: Chro- nologie et bibliographie. Collection dirigee par E. Dolleans et M . Crozier. Paris, Les Editions Ouvrieres, 1950-53. [v. 1 - 3 ] ( I n progress) [v. 1] Angleterre, France, Allemagne, Etats-Unis, 1750-1918, [par] Edouard Dol- leans et Michel Crozier. 1950. 38op. 1.400 fr.; [v. 2] L'ltalie, des origines a 1922, [par] Alfonso Leonetti. 1952. I95p. 570 fr.; [v. 3] L'Espagne, 1750-1936, [par] Renee Lamberet. 1953. 204p. 645 fr. A fourth volume is to be devoted to Russia. Each volume is arranged chronologically by period. Under each period there is a chronology of events important to the labor movement followed by a bibliography listing documents, newspapers, books and pamphlets, including official publications. The first vol- ume has an index of names cited, the other volumes have no indexes. Seckler-Hudson, Catheryn. Bibliography on Public Administration: annotated. 4th ed. Wash., American Univ. Pr., 1953. I3IP. $3-50. A selective bibliography of some 1100 titles primarily in the field of national and inter- national administration, with some materials on local administration. A classified list with author index. Only titles in the English language are included. Special Libraries Association. Social Sci- ence Group. A Source List of Selected Labor Statistics. Rev. ed. N . Y . , Assoc., 1953. 113p. $2. 1950 rev. ed. (Guide L478.) This is the second revision. Includes "those statistical series, published more than once a year, that tell a story about wages, hours, employment . . . series on unem- ployment, labor force, strikes, labor turn- over, labor costs, workmen's budgets, fringe benefits, and cost of living." Pref. L A W Price, Miles O . and Bitner, Harry. Effec- tive Legal Research: A Practical Manual of Law Books and Their Use. N . Y . , Prentice-Hall, 1953. 633P. $7.50. A major reference work on legal research and bibliography which will be useful to libra- rian, teacher, student, and attorney. The main part is a manual discussing procedures and literature. Of particular value to libra- rians will be the chapters on special types of reference works, e.g., indexes, digests, en- cyclopedias, dictionaries, loose-leaf services, etc. A unique feature is the use of large and small type to differentiate the "must" reading from detailed amplification and historical notes. The chapter on "Standard legal cita- tion forms" incorporates the essentials of M r . Price's A Practical Manual of Standard Legal Citation (1950). The appendices include: American law re- ports and digests; British and Canadian ma- SO CO. LEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES terial; a long list of Anglo-American legal periodicals, p.451-98, giving title, place of pub- lication, period covered, and frequency (when possible) ; and a list of abbreviations com- monly used in Anglo-American law, p.511- 620. There are numerous illustrations of legal materials and a detailed index. E D U C A T I O N Index Generalis; General Yearbook of Universities and of Higher Educational Institutions, Academies, Archives, Li- braries, Scientific Institutes, Botanical and Zoological Gardens, Museums, Ob- servatories, Learned Societies. 1 9 t h yr. I 9 5 2 - 5 3 . Paris, Dunod, 1 9 5 3 . 1 6 7 3 , 55P- Published annually for 18 years, the Index Generalis now appears again for the first time since 1939. It is divided into six sections: uni- versities and major institutions, observatories, libraries, scientific institutes, academies and learned societies, and indexes. Under each of the first four sections, institutions are grouped by countries arranged alphabetically. Universities and other teaching institutions in the U.S. are arranged alphabetically by name; for other countries, listing is by city. The academies and learned societies are arranged by subject of research and then by cities disre- garding countries. The personal name and general geographical indexes lend to the use- fulness of the book, but an institutional name index is lacking. A valuable feature of each entry is the inclusion of the date of revision of the information. The new edition lacks some of the special lists published in earlier editions (i. e., Nobel prizes, list of intellectual exchanges) and a general table of contents.— F.G. P H I L O L O G Y Unbegaun, Boris Ottokar. A Bibliographi- cal Guide to the Russian Language. O x f o r d , Clarendon Pr., 1953- I74P- Intended as a practical guide to publications dealing with the Russian language and its history, this useful volume lists 1043 titles, many of them individually annotated, under three main divisions. Part I (General) in- cludes works of a general bibliographical nature; Part II (Historical), those relating to the prehistory and history of the Russian language; and Part III (Descriptive), those on the grammar and vocabulary of modern literary Russian, plus works on dialects, slang, jargons, etc. The text is limited to brief re- marks calling attention to the outstanding works in each subdivision and noting those areas and aspects for which there is no ade- quate coverage. Only scholarly works are in- cluded, outdated and superseded items being mentioned only as things to be avoided. Titles are given in full and in the original language. There is an index.—E.S. Royal Society, London. The Translitera- tion of Russian, Serbian and Bulgarian for Bibliographical Purposes. London, Royal Society, 1 9 5 3 . I 2 p . is. A new system of transliteration devised by the Royal Society and to be used in its publica- tions. Based on criteria of unambiguity, sim- plicity in indexing, use of only those diacritical marks available to English printers, and fa- cility in showing pronunciation. D I C T I O N A R I E S Magne, Augusto. Dicionario etimologico da lingua latina. Familias de palavras e derivaqoes verndculas. Rio de Janeiro, 1 9 5 2 - v . l - ( I n progress) At head of title: Ministerio da Educa^ao e Saude. Instituto Nacional do Livro. v.i, A-AP. For each entry, attempts to give definition, usage, classical source and Portuguese ver- nacular derivative. There is a bibliography, p . X I - L X X X I , and an index to Portuguese words.—K.L. Orszagh, Laszlo. Magyar-Angol Szotar. Budapest, Akademiai Kiado, 1953- 1 4 4 4 P . $ 1 9 . 5 0 . Added title page and preface in English. "Contains approximately 88,000 Hungarian entry-words and their English equivalents." More up-to-date than the Bizonfly (Guide M301) and Yolland (Guide M302). Omits much obsolete material contained in these dictionaries and adds many new words which have been developed in the last decades and particularly during and since the war. These include social, political, and technical terms, JANUARY, 1954 53 and words connected with sports and games. Differences between English and American usage are sometimes indicated.—K.L. MEDICINE United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization and the W o r l d Health Organization. World Medical Periodicals. Les periodiques medicaux dans le monde. Periodicos medicos del mundo. Paris, U n e s c o ; Geneva, W H O , 1953- 237P- $2. Lists 3908 "current medical periodicals . . . all medico-biological periodicals regularly sur- veyed by certain abstracting agencies, and well-known medical journals which ceased publication during the period 1900-1950." Titles of periodicals devoted to pharmacy, odontology, and veterinary medicine are in- cluded. There are subject and country in- indexes. Includes abbreviations for titles as g i v e n in the World List of Scientific Peri- odicals (Guide Suppl. 1 N 8 ) . Periodica Medica ( 4 t h ed., 1 9 5 2 ) ( G u i d e Suppl. 1P29) listing 12,624 titles remains the most complete bibliography in the field. LITERATURE Cook, D o r o t h y Elizabeth and M o n r o , Isabel Stevenson. Short Story Index; an Index to 60,OOO Stories in 4,320 Col- lections. N . Y . , W i l s o n , 1 9 5 3 . I 5 5 3 P - Service basis. " S u p e r s e d e s the Index to Short Stories c o m - piled by Ina Ten Eyck Firkins (1923) and its Supplements (1929 and 1936)." Pref. (Guide R 1 5 4 ) . Indexes by author, title, and in many cases by subject, some 60,000 stories published in 1949 or earlier. T h e list of collections in- dexed is given in Part II, by author and title. Cotton, Gerald Brooks and Glencross, Alan. Fiction Index . . . L o n d . , Associa- tion of Assistant Librarians, 1 9 5 3 . 2 2 3 p . 3 0 s . Subtitle: A guide to over 10,000 works of fiction, including short story collections, anthologies and omnibus volumes, most of which have been published, re-published or re- issued since the war, arranged under 2000 sub- ject headings with numerous references, and intended for use in public and circulating li- braries, schools and bookshops and by the general reader. Covers the period between midsummer 1945 and 1952. Gives brief author and title only, without dates or publishing information. G r e g o r , Joseph. Der Schauspielfiihrer. Stuttgart, Hiersemann, 1 9 5 3 - v . i , 3 7 5 p . This guide to more than one thousand years of German drama consists of outlines of indi- vidual works, with critical and historical notes for each. T h e first volume (274 plays) covers the period from the middle ages to Expression- ism, each section being introduced by a short outline of the main features of the school treated; the second volume will bring the survey up to date. Indexes by author, title and date of first publication are useful fea- tures; there are also lists of monologues and duologues and a brief subject index.—O.J. W e s t , D o r o t h y Herbert and Peake, D o r - othy Margaret. Play Index, 1949- 1952. An Index to 2616 Plays in 1138 Volumes. N . Y . , W i l s o n , 1 9 5 3 . 2 3 9 p . $5- A new index which augments but does not supersede Firkin's Index to Plays and Supple- ment (Guide R136). Other indexes by Otte- miller, Logasa, etc., will still be necessary for the periods and special types covered. This index is in four parts: 1. T h e main list arranged by author, title, and subject; 2. a list of the 162 collections indexed; 3. Cast analysis, a new feature listing each play under type of cast (male, female, mixed, puppet) and further by the number of char- acters; 4. Directory of publishers. All types of plays are indexed, the inclusive- ness being determined by .the collections that came to the attention of the editors.—K.L. Ichikawa, Sanki, ed. The Kenkyusha Dic- tionary of English Quotations, with Ex- atnples of their Use by Modern Authors. Edited by Sanki Ichikawa, Masami Nishi- kawa [ a n d ] M a m o r u Shimizu. T o k y o , Kenkyusha, 1952. 968p. This "dictionary" lists 3170 common quota- SO CO. LEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES tions from English literature, and gives about 10,000 examples of their use by modern Eng- lish and American authors. An introductory essay contains statistics concerning the source of quotation, frequency of use, and manner of use. The original quotations are arranged in 3 groups: 1. those from the Bible, and the Book of Common Prayer, 2. those from Shakespeare, and 3. those from other English authors (arranged alphabetically by the quoted author). The title of the quoted work (with page or stanza), and the original quotation are in bold-face type, followed by the various uses of the quotation, with the quoter's sur- name, and, occasionally, forename or initials, and title and page. If the quotation has been used as a title, the year of publication is given. If quoted in a periodical, only the title of the latter, year and day are given. There is an index to the original quotation, by first line or phrase, and by key-word. A "List of books quoted" (arranged alpha- betically by author and giving no details ex- cept titles), and a list of periodicals show which authors and periodicals have used the quotations. There is no index to users of quotations.—M.C. B I O G R A P H Y Quien es quien en Venezuela, Panama, Ecuador, Colombia. Bogota, Olivero Perry [1952- ] 1074P. il. Each country is separately treated, with biographical sketches of the Who's W h o type alphabetically arranged; many of the entries are accompanied by small portraits of varying quality. Information is up to date as of June 30th, 1952, and is based on previous publica- tions of the same kind and on other national sources. There are lists of pseudonyms and of biographees by occupation, and an index—all divided by country and then arranged alpha- betically. Some 5000 entries are included, and it will be a particularly useful work for its up-to-dateness and wide coverage.—O.J. G E O G R A P H Y Arctic Institute of North America. Arctic Bibliography, prepared for and in co- operation with the Department of D e - fense. Wash., Govt. Prt. Off., 1953. 3v. $12.75. Prepared under the general direction of Marie Tremaine, this bibliography lists some 20,000 publications in many languages repre- senting all phases of the subject, geographical, scientific and sociological. Emphasis is on the 19th and 20th centuries. In two parts: 1. an alphabetical author list with full title in the original language, imprint and collation. Russian titles are given in L C transliteration. Translations into English are added for foreign titles. Entries include books, government documents, and periodical articles. There are brief annotations or ab- stracts and location is given for the copy used; 2. a comprehensive subject-geographic index of some 100,000 entries arranged under 18,000 subject and geographic headings. An- nual cumulations are planned which will emphasize current publications. World Directory of Geographers, pub- lished by the International Geographical Union. N . Y . , 1952. 167P. Prepared with the financial assistance of UNESCO, this is a new directory listing the names of 3 5 1 7 professional geographers from some sixty countries. A professional geog- rapher is defined as "one with special training in or scholarly contribution to the field, who devotes most of his time to geographic work." Part one, arranged alphabetically by country, gives, whenever possible, name of person, year of birth, present position, permanent mailing address, regional interests, systematic inter- ests, other special interests. Part two is an index to the special interests. H I S T O R Y Morris, Richard B., ed. Encyclopedia of American History. N . Y . , Harper, 1953. 776p. il. This is not an encyclopedia in the usual sense of the word, but rather a compendium of historical data, intended (as started in the preface) to be read as a narrative. Arrange- ment is in three main parts: 1. a chronology of U.S. history, 2. a topical chronology cover- ing such fields as population and immigration, American economy, thought and culture, 3. biographical data on three hundred "notable Americans," both living and dead. The index covers all three sections and is exhaustive; there are some clear outline maps, particularly JANUARY, 1954 55 for the earlier periods, and a number of sta- tistical tables. For libraries, this compilation will supplement but not replace other refer- ence works in the field.—O.J. Sztachova, Jirina, comp. Mid-Europe, a Selective Bibliography. N . Y . , M i d - European Studies Center of the National Committee for a Free Europe, 1 9 5 3 . 197P. (Mid-European Studies Center publication, no. 10) 1693 items (mainly books and monographs) covering the historical, political, economic, and cultural development of Central Europe are listed. The items are chiefly in Western languages slanted toward American readers and include only material published during the first half of this century. The book is di- vided into two main sections—the first part covers the general area arranged alphabetic- ally under broad topics; the second part cov- ers specific countries and regions with entries arranged alphabetically under each country or region. The entries are not annotated but cross references before each section are use- ful. An index to names of authors, editors and compilers referring to the number of the citation is included. A general subject index would have added value to the bibliography.— F.G. U.S. Library of Congress. Orientalia Divi- sion. Southeast Asia; an Annotated Bib- liography of Selected Reference Sources, comp. by Cecil Hobbs, ref. lib. for South- east Asia. Wash., 1952. 163P. This monograph is prepared as a basic bib- liography for information on Southeast Asia. Main divisions are by country: Burma, Thailand, Indochina, Malaya, Indonesia, Philippines, and General. Sub-divisions under each country are: 1. general background, 2. history, government and politics, 3. economics, 4. social conditions, and 5. cultural life. All items included are in Western languages. (Some unpublished theses are included.) Very complete information is given for each item; besides bibliographical data, texts, maps, illustrations, tables, etc., are described and appraised. In a few cases indications of loca- tions other than Library of Congress are given.—B.S. Wattenbach, Wilhelm. Deutschlands Geschichtsquellen im Mittelalter; Vor- zeit und Karolinger, bearb. von Wilhelm Levison. Weimar, Hermann Bohlaus Nachfolger, 1952- pt.i. Part 1 is a complete revision of the section of 'Wattenbach," 7th ed., 1904, (Guide V256) that concerns the sources of German history in the middle ages, from the beginnings up to the time of the Carolingians. It is in essay form with many foot-notes, and at the head of almost every subsection is a relevant bibliography listing source material and works about source material. Full bibliographical de- tails are given for every book or periodical cited. Part 1 has two main sections: 1. a literary introduction with five subsections, each dealing with one literary grouping (e.g. 16th century works), and 2. a treatment of the material according to period or personage (e.g. Roman times, Gregory of Tours, etc.). There is a lengthy and useful list of abbreviations. An index lists persons, places, authors (or anonymous titles) of source materials.—M.C. Whitmaniana W a n t e d for Proposed National Depository The Walt Whitman Foundation of Brooklyn, Inc., which was created to establish and main- tain a national depository of Walt Whitman materials, and which plans to lend these to scholars and the public, under suitable regulations, will welcome additions to its growing store of Whitman material, both manuscript and printed. The Brooklyn College Library, which houses the Foundation, would be pleased to have any information about the location of fugitive Walt Whitman manuscripts in libraries and in the hands of private collectors or dealers. Please address inquiries to: H. G. Bousfield, chief librarian, Brooklyn College Library and executive director, Walt Whitman Foundation of Brooklyn, Inc., Brooklyn College, Brooklyn 10, New York. SO CO. LEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES