College and Research Libraries B y R I C H A R D H . L O G S D O N Changes in Organisation at Columbia Dr. Logsdon is director of libraries, Co- lumbia University. TH E D E S C R I P T I O N G I V E N B E L O W o f changes in organization and division of responsibility within the Columbia U n i v e r - sity Libraries which went into effect J u l y I , 1 9 5 3 is taken directly from the " B u l l e t i n " issued to the staff at that time. Present or- ganization is shown on the accompanying or- ganization chart. T H E P O S I T I O N OF A S S O C I A T E D I R E C T O R D I S C O N T I N U E D . T h e duties and responsibili- ties of the positions of Director and Associ- ate Director w i l l be carried by the now f u l l time position of Director and by the Assist- ant Director and Supervising Librarians. Division of responsibility within the Office of the Director of Libraries w i l l be pre- sented in more detail later in this statement. A S S I S T A N T D I R E C T O R O F T E C H N I C A L S E R V I C E S N O W A S S I S T A N T D I R E C T O R . T h e Assistant Director Technical Services w i l l drop the Technical Services part of his title, devoting f u l l time to sharing the w o r k of the Office of the Director of Libraries, in- cluding f u l l responsibility in the absence of the Director. T H E C A T A L O G L I B R A R I A N W I L L R E P O R T TO T H E D I R E C T O R OF L I B R A R I E S rather than to the Assistant Director, Technical Serv- ices, as previously. Administrative units within the Cataloging Division remain the same, i.e. ( 1 ) General C a t a l o g i n g ; ( 2 ) Serials C a t a l o g i n g ; ( 3 ) Processing; ( 4 ) L a w C a t a l o g i n g ; ( 5 ) M e d i c a l Cataloging. T H E S C O P E OF T H E A C Q U I S I T I O N S D E - P A R T M E N T IS E N L A R G E D T O I N C L U D E B I N D - I N G A N D P H O T O G R A P H I C S E R V I C E S . T h e acquisitions L i b r a r i a n w i l l have general re- sponsibility for the w o r k of the Acquisitions Department as now constituted, the Binding Department, and the Department of Photo- graphic Services. Accordingly, there w i l l be five units in this newly constituted divi- sion, namely ( 1 ) Book O r d e r D i v i s i o n ; ( 2 ) G i f t s and E x c h a n g e s ; ( 3 ) Serials and Documents Acquisitions; ( 4 ) B i n d i n g ; ( 5 ) Photographic Services. T h e Acquisitions L i b r a r i a n w i l l report to the Director of Libraries. T H E L I B R A R Y OF T H E S C H O O L OF L I - B R A R Y S E R V I C E IS N O W P A R T OF T H E D I V I - SION OF S P E C I A L C O L L E C T I O N S , having been transferred from the B u t l e r Division. T h i s was done f o r three reasons: ( a ) the close relationship between Special Collections and the School of L i b r a r y Service L i b r a r y in their concern with and coverage of the Graphic A r t s and Book A r t s m a t e r i a l ; ( b ) the close geographical location and joint use of Deck 1 2 of the stacks; ( c ) a desire to utilize more f u l l y the space presently as- signed to Special Collections and the L i - brary School L i b r a r y . O T H E R C H A N G E S I N T H E B U T L E R D I V I - S I O N . T h e responsibilities of the College Librarian w i l l be enlarged to include gen- eral supervisory responsibility f o r the Philos- ophy L i b r a r y and L e n d i n g Service. T h e bases f o r this change were three: ( a ) to achieve a more even distribution of responsi- bility within the B u t l e r D i v i s i o n ; ( b ) the adjacent physical location; ( c ) to provide greater flexibility in the use of staff assigned, particularly during vacation and intersession periods. F O U R R E A D E R S ' S E R V I C E S D I V I S I O N S C O N T I N U E W I T H T H E S A M E I N T E R N A L O R - G A N I Z A T I O N . T h e f o u r remaining divisions 158 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES Columbia University Libraries Organization Chart July I, 1953 of the Readers' Services, namely ( I ) Avery- W a r e and associated Fine Arts Libraries; ( 2 ) Engineering and Physical Sciences Li- braries; ( 3 ) L a w and International L a w Libraries; ( 4 ) Medical and Natural Sci- ences Libraries will continue to operate on the Divisional arrangement as heretofore. R E S E A R C H A N D S T U D I E S A S S I S T A N T B E - C O M E S A D M I N I S T R A T I V E A S S I S T A N T . T h e position of Research and Studies Assistant established in 1948 has been renamed Ad- ministrative Assistant. T h e scope of this position will include research and studies projects, general supervision of the Library Office, and assistance in work related to the Development Program. T H E P E R S O N N E L O F F I C E R A N D T H E S U P P L Y A N D E Q U I P M E N T C L E R K continue with the same responsibilities, reporting to the Assistant Director. D I V I S I O N OF R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y W I T H I N T H E O F F I C E OF T H E D I R E C T O R OF L I - B R A R I E S . T h e Director of Libraries will work directly with the eight Supervising Librarians, the Assistant Director, and Ad- ministrative Assistant in planning and carry- ing out the work of the University Li- braries. T h i s position will carry primary responsibility for liaison with the Office of the President of the University, the Library Committee, the L^niversity Council, and with Faculties or members of the Faculties where questions coming from the latter in- volve more than one division of the library. It will also carry responsibility for prepara- tion of the annual budget and for any changes in individual allocations covered by the budget. T h e Assistant Director will carry pri- mary responsibility for work relating to ( 1 ) the Controller of the University; ( 2 ) the Department of Buildings and Grounds; ( 3 ) the Office of Public Information; (4) per- sonnel policies of the University with special reference to Non-Academic Personnel Com- mittee; ( 5 ) the Purchasing Agent of the University; ( 6 ) interpretation of personnel policies of the libraries and the University; ( 7 ) Friends projects and activities, includ- ing Columbia Library Columns. Flexibility will be the keynote in handling responsibility within the Director's Office, adjusting work between Director and As- sistant Director as circumstances dictate during the year, and especially in handling representation with outside groups. G E N E R A L C O M M E N T . In making these changes, it is recognized that there is no one perfect organization for all time but rather a choice of more promising alternatives at a given time. No feature of our organization and way of operating should be considered as permanent. If something fails to work out well in practice, we should change quickly to something better. Guide lines in developing the above pro- posals were ( 1 ) to retain the strength of past experience and practice especially in building up divisional responsibility; ( 2 ) to strive for a maximum of direct communica- tion—that is, a relatively horizontal as op- posed to a vertical organization ; ( 3 ) to pro- vide for the maximum of autonomy of operation in divisions and departments, con- sistent with the objectives of a co-ordinated library system; ( 4 ) to secure a maximum of staff participation in developing and maintaining the library program. "Administration" of the Libraries will be considered as residing with the Supervising Librarians, the Assistant Director and Director, as influenced by recommendations of Department Heads. Monthly meetings of the Supervising Librarians are projected, as have been held in the past, with some- thing like quarterly meetings of Department Heads and Supervising Librarians. These features are not new but are men- tioned here to indicate that continued and increasing emphasis is being given to them. 160 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES