College and Research Libraries B y E D N A M A E B R O W N N e w Periodicals of 1954—Part II Miss Brown is head, Serials Section, De- scriptive Cataloging Division, Library of Congress. MANY NEW PERIODICALS w e r e received at the L i b r a r y of Congress during the period July to December 1954. F r o m those which began publication during that period there has been selected the f o l l o w i n g list of titles believed to have reference value. T h e s e journals cover a wide variety of subjects and range f r o m popular to technical and scientific in style. T h e y come f r o m many countries including at least one f r o m behind the Iron C u r t a i n . I t is hoped that f r o m this list li- brarians may secure a f e w titles for acquisi- tion which otherwise they might have over- looked. B I B L I O G R A P H Y The Catholic Publishers' Journal consists of annotations and reviews of new Catholic books. T h e first issue is small but contains an appeal to C a t h o l i c publishers to send in announcements and news releases of new publications in order that the coverage may be increased in f u t u r e issues. T h e material is arranged by publishers and the usual trade information is given. Small books and pamph- lets are included. T h e r e is a section of signed book reviews. Recent Books in Mex- ico is an annotated, selective list compiled by the C e n t r o M e x i c a n o de Escritores of M e x i c o C i t y . I t is intended f o r librarians and teach- ers of Spanish in the United States. T h e sub- scription price includes the C e n t r o ' s service for buying and mailing books. T h e list is arranged by subject and gives the usual trade information. T h e first issue is small but the publishers hope f o r greater listings in subse- quent numbers. L I B R A R Y S C I E N C E D r . Ranganathan has launched Annals of Library Science in which he discusses his theories of classification. O t h e r features of volume one, number one are a glossary of cataloging terms and a library development plan f o r Delhi State. Zeitschrift fur Biblio- thekswesen und Bibliographie is the new organ of the V e r e i n Deutscher Bibliothekare 188 and of the V e r e i n der Diplombibliothekare an Wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken and comes from the F e d e r a l Republic of G e r m a n y . I t w i l l cover the entire field of library service in articles and reports. Book notes and reviews, and accounts of the activities of European na- tional library societies w i l l be included. L I T E R A T U R E T w o little periodicals, The Oracle, a Lit- erary Magazine and Patterns, a Verse Quart- erly, have appeared. T h e f o r m e r is edited and published by M a r i e J . Sutera in N e w Y o r k and the latter by A l e x a n d e r T a y l o r in G l e n s Falls, N e w Y o r k . R E L I G I O N T w o new journals in the field of religion have been received. T h e Hebrew Theological College Journal is a student project, meant solely f o r intellectual expression. Contribut- ors are faculty and students of the College. Contributions treat of historic H e b r a i c sub- jects. Numen, International Review for the History of Religions is issued by the Inter- national Association f o r the H i s t o r y of Re- ligions. T h e text is in English, French, G e r - man or Spanish. In addition to articles of general interest for the study of the history of religion, there are included brief notes on the activities of the association. New Testa- ment Studies is promoted and sponsored by an international organization of N e w T e s t a m e n t scholars, the Studiorum N o v i T e s t a m e n t i Societas. T h r o u g h the j o u r n a l the society hopes to bring together the results of the w o r k of scholars of different nations and to make known important w o r k that might otherwise be inaccessible. E D U C A T I O N Schule und Psychologie f r o m M u n i c h is a j o u r n a l of educational psychology f o r teachers and counselors of adolescents. In addition to articles on relevant subjects there are in- cluded a presentation of case studies and book reviews. A l t h o u g h called La Revue Inter- nationale de Psycho-pedagogie the locales of the studies in education, pedagogy and teach- ing reported in the first issue of this j o u r n a l w e r e limited to European countries. In ad- COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES \ dition to signed, documented articles there are included abstracts of periodical articles and book reviews. E C O N O M I C S T h e Scottish Economic Society ( f o r m e r l y Scottish Society of Economists) has under- taken the Scottish Journal of Political Econ- omy to contain "comment on Scottish eco- nomic and social affairs and articles on po- litical economy, economic history and allied subjects." T h e publishers state they aim to appeal to the layman and w i l l not limit the contents to Scottish contributors nor Scottish subjects. H o w e v e r , the first issue deals with such matters as the C l y d e shipbuilding in- dustry, the founding of the G l a s g o w C h a m b e r of Commerce, costs of transportation in the north of Scotland and other topics directly related to the political economy of Scotland. T h e Economic Research Journal is published in M a n i l a by the G r a d u a t e School under the direction of the Faculty of the G r a d u a t e School of the University of the East. C o n - tributors are bankers, economists and pro- fessors, and contributions treat of the eco- nomic development of the Philippines. S O C I A L S C I E N C E S G o o d papers stressing scholarship, research and originality written by students in social science and political science courses in C o - lumbia College w i l l be published in the Jour- nal of Social Sciences. T A X A T I O N The Journal of Taxation published monthly in N e w Y o r k is a technical journal under the editorial supervision of tax experts of large corporations and members of certified public accounting firms in various American cities. Contents are arranged in "depart- ments" covering such subjects as accounting, compensation, corporate organization, foreign taxation, partnerships, payroll, etc. ( V o l u m e one, number one w a s not available for ex- amination; number t w o w a s consulted.) P O L I T I C A L S C I E N C E Economie et Politique f r o m Paris is a "revue marxiste d'economie." Included are articles on contemporary political and social problems by authors of Communistic convictions. T h e Institut fiir Erforschung der Geschichte und Kultur der UdSSR publishes a bulletin in M u n i c h for the purpose of presenting analyses of contemporary events and studies of Soviet history and culture. T h e authors are mem- bers of the Institute staff and are scientists and literary persons w h o have l e f t the Soviet Union and are now engaged in research about their homeland. T h e Internationales Jahr- buch der Politik which is issued four times a year in M u n i c h has articles in t w o lan- guages, G e r m a n and English or G e r m a n and French. I t has an international editorial board which includes one American, M a x Rheinstein of Chicago. T h e first number treats of the problems of the European D e - fense Community, communism in China and other current questions. Book reviews and abstracts f r o m periodicals are included. Iscus published in Bombay is a quarterly journal of the Indo-Soviet C u l t u r a l Society. T h e introduction states: "it is our declared policy that w e stand for cultural ties w i t h all the countries of the w o r l d and f u r t h e r that poli- tics, contemporary or otherwise does not come in our p u r v i e w . " T h e first issue at least, bears this out as no political subjects as such are treated. Such articles as " T h e W r i t e r and his C r a f t , " by Ilya Ehrenburg, " T o l s t o y ' s War and Peace," by M u l k R a i j Anand and "Stages of Indian H i s t o r y , " by D . D . K o - sambi are descriptive of the content. B U S I N E S S T h e College of Business Administration of Boston University has launched Boston Uni- versity Business Review. T h e authors con- tributing to the first issue are almost entirely members of the faculty of the College. Some subjects treated are population changes in Massachusetts during the last decade, fringe benefits in Massachusetts industry, cargo serv- ices of domestic air carriers, etc. A D V E R T I S I N G T h e aim of the publishers of Advertising Review is "to present the established and g r o w i n g traditions of British advertising, to publish its experiments and successes." O P T I C S Optica Acta, European Journal of Optics is a technical j o u r n a l published in P a r i s with text in English, G e r m a n or French. A r t i c l e s are illustrated and accompanied by bibli- ographies. Z O O L O G Y Zeitschrift fiir Angewandte Zoologie which supersedes Zeitschrift fiir Hygienische Zoolo- gie und Schadlingsbekampfung contains illu- APRIL, 1955 19 7 strated articles w i t h bibliographies along with book reviews and periodical abstracts. E N G I N E E R I N G Electronics Digest w i t h the ambitious goal of covering "the whole w o r l d of electronics development, including scientific, engineering and technological advances, market and busi- ness trends" has been received. I t is published in H o l l y w o o d , C a l i f o r n i a , by P a r k s Interna- tional Publications, Inc., under the editorship of M a i P a r k s . Pipe Line Industry published in H o u s t o n is an o u t g r o w t h of the " P i p e L i n e Section" f o r m e r l y issued in World Oil. Its field w i l l be the business of designing, con- structing, operating and maintaining oil, gas and product pipe lines. Offshore Drilling f r o m N e w O r l e a n s hopes to provide complete coverage of the w a t e r b o r n e oil drilling and exploration field. Offshore Operations f r o m Conroe, T e x a s , has as its subtitle "drilling anywhere over w a t e r . " Both Offshore Op- erations and Offshore Drilling are small, illustrated, trade journals. Hi Fi Journal is a little magazine f o r the "hi f i " enthusiast w h o is not a graduate audio engineer. Such matters as how to add binaural to a recording system, a discussion of current "hi f i " products and a "hi f i " clinic are treated in the beginning issue. M A N A G E M E N T T o aid management in industry and busi- ness in making more and better use of auto- matic controls is the purpose of Automatic Control. It w i l l publish reports on the de- velopment, design and application of auto- matic control systems in industry, business, manufacturing processes and data processing. M e a s u r i n g viscosity w i t h a vibrating reed, use of hydraulic servos and the I B M computer 702 w e r e a f e w of the technical subjects treated in the first issue. " T h e system w h e r e - by more and more m a n u f a c t u r i n g operations are successively tied into a continuous, smoothly flowing production sequence" is the field of Automation. T h e publishers hope their new j o u r n a l w i l l assist in the solution of the technical problems faced by engineers, builders and manufacturers of new machines f o r new tasks. " O v e r h e a d Rail System," " A u t o m a t i c S o r t e r " and "Combination P a c k - age B u n d l e r " are a f e w of the titles of articles in volume one, number one. Control Engi- neering w i l l be "devoted to the design and application of instrumentation and control systems." T y p i c a l of the journal's content are such articles as " W h a t C o m p u t e r s P r o m i s e , " " W h a t ' s A v a i l a b l e f o r P r o p o r - tioning Liquids A u t o m a t i c a l l y " and " N e w Techniques for H y d r a u l i c Servo D e s i g n . " Management Science published by the Insti- tute of M a n a g e m e n t Science contains an historical article, " E v o l u t i o n of a Science of M a n a g i n g in A m e r i c a , " another on "Inventory C o n t r o l R e s e a r c h : A S u r v e y , " and others. A R T S T h e C i t y C e n t e r of M u s i c and D r a m a in N e w Y o r k is publishing Center, a Magazine for the Performing Arts. " C h r o n o l o g y of the N u t c r a c k e r , " " O p e r a in T r a n s l a t i o n , Some N o t e s on an A l m o s t Impossible C r a f t , " letters f r o m patrons and editor's notes are just a part of the contents of the first issue of this interesting little magazine. M u s i c Music at Home aims to help readers get more pleasure and more satisfaction from music on records, tape, and F M radio. T h e publishers state Music at Home " w i l l be pitched in the key of let's-have-fun-but-not- be-too-serious-about-it." A m o n g the articles is one offering suggestions f o r planning a pro- g r a m f o r one's evening of music at home, a long-playing record shopping guide, recom- mendations for building a home music system and a discussion of recording techniques. F I L M S Deutsche Filmkunst is a technical journal dealing w i t h the production and distribution of films in the Democratic Republic of G e r - many. G E O G R A P H Y T h e D e p a r t m e n t of G e o g r a p h y of the U n i - versity of Nottingham started The East Mid- land Geographer to answer requests f o r information concerning the geographical as- pects of the E a s t M i d l a n d s . Such articles as those on " G e o g r a p h i c a l Conditions A f f e c t - ing G r a i n M i l l i n g in the N e n e Basin," " T h e M a r k e t G a r d e n Industry of the M e l b o u r n e D i s t r i c t , " and " A N e w C e n t r e of O i l P r o d u c - tion" seem to place the emphasis on the economic development of the area. I S L A M I C S T U D I E S The Islamic Quarterly is published in London by the Islamic C u l t u r a l C e n t r e . I t w i l l publish new material of academic signifi- cance in the w o r l d of Islamic culture and w i l l 190 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES make known w h a t is being achieved in the w o r l d of M u s l i m learning. Contributors are to be both Eastern and W e s t e r n scholars. S P E C I A L G R O U P S The Irish Voice as its subtitle states is the Irish-American magazine. I t is popular in style and treats of the activities and achieve- ments of the Irish in A m e r i c a as w e l l as of important historic and current events in Ireland. T R A V E L Yugoslavia Travel Information is published in English by the T o u r i s t Association of Y u g o s l a v i a . Information given is steamer, airline and railway timetables and fares, statements on the condition of highways, speed limits, kind of road, etc. ( N u m b e r one w a s not available f o r examination; number two was consulted.) L A W Medical Trial Technique Quarterly is in- tended for the members of the legal profession handling personal injury litigation. Each issue w i l l consist of several articles written by reputable doctors on medical problems that frequently arise in this type of suit. T h e editors will, when introducing a new subject, include a trial brief which w i l l acquaint the attorney w i t h the existing l a w in the particu- lar field. T h e r e w i l l also be discussions of trial techniques. Recht der Internationalen Wirtshaft w i l l treat of international com- mercial l a w of interest to shippers, owners of property in foreign countries, etc. Periodicals Advertising Review. St. B r i d e ' s Press, Ltd., Carlisle House, 8 Southampton Row, London, W . C . i . v. i , no. i , Summer, 1954. Quarterly. £ 1 . Annals of Library Science. Dr. S. R. Ranganathan, C 6 M a u r i c e N a g a r , U n i v e r s i t y of Delhi, Delhi 8. v. 1, no. 1, March, 1954. Quarterly. $3.00. Automatic Control. Reinhold Publishing Corporation, 430 P a r k A v e n u e , N e w Y o r k 22. v. 1, no. 1, July, 1954. Monthly. $10.00. Automation: the Magazine of Automatic Operation. Penton Publishing Company, Penton Building, Cleve- land 13. v. 1, no. 1, A u g u s t , 1954. Monthly. $10.00. Boston University Business Review. College of Busi- ness Administration, Boston U n i v e r s i t y , Boston, v. 1, no. 1, Spring, 1954. Frequency not given. Free. The Catholic Publishers' Journal. 4944 Magoun A v e . , East Chicago, Ind. v. 1, no. 1, October, 1954. Monthly (except J u l y - A u g u s t ) $4.00. Center, a Magazine for the Performing Arts. T h e C i t y Center of Music and Drama, Inc., 130 W e s t 56th St., N e w Y o r k 19. v. 1, no. 1, F e b r u a r y , 1954- 10 no. a year. $5.00. Control Engineering. M c G r a w - H i l l Publishing Com- pany, 330 W e s t 42nd St., New Y o r k 36. v. 1, no. 1, September, 1954. Monthly. $3.00. Deutsche Filmkunst. Oranienburgerstrasse 67, Berlin N 4. v. 1, 1954. Bimonthly. D M 2.50 per issue. The East Midland Geographer. Dept. of Geography, U n i v e r s i t y of Nottingham, Nottingham, E n g . v. 1, June, 1954. 2 no. a year. 4s 3d per issue. Economic Research Journal. Graduate School, University of the East, Manila, Philippines, v. 1, no. 1, June, T954- Q u a r t e r l y . $6.00. Hconomie et Politique. 24 rue Racine, P a r i s 6. v. 1, no. 1, A p r i l , 1954. Monthly. 2.200 f r . Electronics Digest. P a r k s International Publications, Inc., 1741 I v a r A v e . , Hollywood 28, C a l i f , v. 1, no. 1, November, 1954. Monthly. $4.00. Hebrew Theological College Journal. Hebrew Theo- logical College, Chicago, v . 1, no. 1, F a l l , 1954- F r e q u e n c y not given. F r e e ? Hi Ft Journal. P . O . B o x 1 5 1 , Darby, P a . v. 1, no. 1, F a l l , 1954. F r e q u e n c y not given. 20^ per issue. Institut fiir Erforschung der Geschichte und Kultur der UdSSR. Bulletin. Augustenstrasse 46, Munich, v. 1, no. 1, A p r i l , 1954. Frequency not given. F r e e ? Internationales Jahrbuch der Politik. I s a r V e r l a g , D r . Gunter Olzog, Munich. 4 no. a year. D M 32. The Irish Voice; Irish-American National Magazine. 326 W e s t 48th St., New Y o r k 36. v. 1, no. 1, Sum- mer, 1954. Frequency not given. $1.00 per issue. Iscus. i - D , N a a z Building, Lamington Road, Bombay 4. v. 1, no. 1, January. 1954- Quarterly. $2.50. The Islamic Quarterly. T h e Islamic Culture Centre, 146 P a r k Road, London, N . W . 8. v. x, no. 1, A p r i l , 1954. 30s. Journal of Social Sciences. 405 John Jay H a l l , Colum- bia U n i v e r s i t y , N e w Y o r k . v. 1, no. 1, M a y , 1954- Frequency not given. 2o(f per issue. The Journal of Taxation. 33 W e s t 42nd St., New Y o r k 36. v. 1, no. 1, June, 1954. Monthly. $15.00. Management Science. Institute of Management Sci- ences, Mt. R o y a l and Guilford A v e n u e s , Baltimore 2. v. 1, no. 1, October, 1954. Quarterly. $10.00. Medical Trial Technique Quarterly. Callaghan and Company, Chicago. September, 1954. $I5-°o. Music at Home; the Guide to Hi-Fi Reproduction from Records, Tape and FM Radio. Sleeper Publications, Inc., H i - F i House, 207 East 37th St., N e w Y o r k 16. no. 1, M a r c h / A p r i l , 1954. Bimonthly. $3.00. New Testament Studies. Cambridge U n i v e r s i t y Press, A m e r i c a n Branch, 32 E a s t 57th St., N e w Y o r k 22. v. 1, no. 1, September, 1954. Quarterly. $6.50. Numen; International Review for the History of Reli- gions. E . J. Brill, Leiden, v . 1, no. 1, January, 1954. 3 no. a year. $5-30. Offshore Drilling. 624 G r a v i e r St., N e w Orleans 9. v. 1, no. 1, A u g u s t , 1954. Monthly. $4.00. Offshore Operations. Industrial Publications, 902' South 3d St., Conroe, T e x a s , v. x, no. 1, September, 1954- Monthly. $2.00. Optica Acta; European Journal of Optics. Editions de la R e v u e d'Optique, 3 et 5 boulevard Pasteur, P a r i s 15. v. 1, no. 1, January, 1954- F r e q u e n c y not given. 3.500 f r . The Oracle. Marie J. Sutera, 149 E a s t 61st St., New Y o r k 21. v. 1, no. 1, Spring, 1954. Q u a r t e r l y . 35^ per issue. Patterns. B o x 323, Glens F a l l s , N . Y . v. 1, no. 1, October, 1954- Q u a r t e r l y . $1.00. Pipe Line Industry. Gulf Publishing Company, P . O . B o x 2608, Houston 1. v. 1, no. 1, July, 1954- Monthly. $2.00. Recent Books in Mexico. Centro Mexicano de Escri- tores, Sadi Carnot, 18, Mexico, D. F . v. 1, no. 1, November 15, 1954- Bimonthly. $6.00. Recht der Internationalen Wirtschaft. Recht und W i r t - schaft, G. m. b. H . , Hauptstrasse 45, Heidelberg, v. 1, no. 1, July 25, 1954. Quarterly. D M 24. La Revue Internationale de Psycho-pedagogie. Editions Newart, S. C., 44 rue d ' A r e n b e r g , Brussels, v. 1, July, 1954. Frequency not given. 275 F B . Schule und Psychologic. Wilhelm Steinebach, Land- wehrstrasse 5, Munich 15. v. 1, no. 1, January, IQC4- Monthlv. D M 6. Scottish Journal of Political Economy. O l i v e r und Boyd, Edinburgh, v. 1, no. 1, March, 1954- 3 no. a year. 7s 6d. Yugoslavia Travel Information. Tourist Association of Y u g o s l a v i a , K a m e n i c k a 8, P . O. B o x 595, Belgrade, no. 1, 1954. Monthly. F r e e ? Zeitschrift fiir Angewandte Zoologie. Duncker and Humbolt, Berlin, no. 1, 1954. 4 no. a year. Price not given. Zeitschrift fur Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie. V . Klostermann, F r a n k f u r t am Main. v. 1, no. 1, 1954- Quarterly. D M 33.50. APRIL, 1955 19 7