College and Research Libraries B y E D N A M A E B R O W N N e w Periodicals of 1955—Part 1 Miss Brown is head, Serials Section, De- scriptive Cataloging Division, Library of Congress. ASELECTION OF TITLES f r o m t h e n e w periodicals launched during the six months ended June 30, 1955, presents the re- sults of research and experimentation in new fields as w e l l as the results of new methods of study and investigation of old problems. Space travel, electronics, antibiotics, viruses, the Bible, American C i v i l W a r history and modern fiction are some of the subjects treated. A n unusually ingenious editor and an equally ingenious publisher can be detected in a couple of cases. E N G I N E E R I N G A number of important engineering journals have been received. T h e A.I.Ch.E. Journal has been started as the official publication of the American Institute of Chemical Engi- neers. It w i l l be devoted to theoretical de- velopments and research in chemical engi- neering and allied branches of engineering and science. T o disseminate and support publicly as many of the creditable proposals f o r the conquest of space as possible is the purpose of the American Astronautical Society. As- tronautics, the society's journal, w i l l be the means f o r carrying out this aim. T h e first issue, although dated F a l l 1954, is included here because it contains interesting articles on such subjects as the training, equipment and insurance f o r spacemen. Electric utility operators are beginning to find it a necessity to maintain every month in the year the busi- ness resulting f r o m the sales occasioned by the use of air conditioners during the hot weather. Hence, the objectives of Electric Heat and Air Conditioning are education in, and promotion of, the use of electric heating as w e l l as electric cooling. A highly spe- cialized technical journal, Electrical and Elec- tronic Insulation w i l l deal w i t h the materials and methods of electrical and electronic in- sulation. N e w products and new literature will be featured regularly. Industrial Pack- aging shows how to package objects ranging from kitchen cabinets to electronic apparatus and f r o m business machines to laboratory in- struments. Library of New American Prod- ucts w i l l report in English, French and Spanish on new American products and tech- niques in the fields of electronics and aviation. T h e solution to the problems of controlling noise in apartments, houses, factories and streets w i l l be given in Noise Control, a pub- lication of the Acoustical Society of A m e r i c a . Plastics Technology w i l l be concerned with the technical aspects of the plastics industry and w i l l be edited for the technical men in production, research, development, sales serv- ice and management. H I S T O R Y A n ambitious historical abstracting journal has been launched by Eric H . Boehm, now at the University of Vienna, assisted by a w o r l d - wide advisory board. Historical Abstracts, for the present, w i l l include articles on politi- cal, diplomatic, economic, social, cultural and intellectual history concerning the period 1775- 1945 in the periodical literature (including yearbooks) the w o r l d over. I t is hoped that expansion to the years prior to 1775 may be achieved soon. A l l abstracts are in English and cover current, scholarly, historical and "peripheral" journals. T h e University of I o w a L i b r a r y has launched Civil War History to explore in detail "on a non-partisan, schol- arly basis, that period of national tumult. N o t only the battles, but the men and women w h o made the battles, the literature, the music, the art, the j o u r n a l i s m — t h e vast kaleidoscope of the C i v i l W a r e r a " w i l l be the field of investigation. By means of M.H.S. Miscellany the Massachusetts H i s - torical Society hopes to share with friends, documents of surpassing interest which it ac- quires. Chosen for reproduction in the first number is a virtually unknown letter of G e o r g e Washington to G o v e r n o r Robert D i n - widdie of Virginia, dated at Winchester, October 17, 1753. OCTOBER, 1955 40 7 L A W The Medico-Legal Reporter is a bi-weekly index-digest of recent cases and medical ar- ticles pertaining to personal injury. New York Law Forum f r o m the N e w Y o r k L a w School w i l l review significant legal develop- ments with emphasis on N e w Y o r k and F e d - eral l a w . L I B R A R Y S C I E N C E Contents in Advance reproduces the tables of contents of the current m a j o r library and documentation publications of the w o r l d as a service to librarians and documentalists to help them keep up w i t h current professional developments. It is edited by Eugene G a r - field, referred to above as ingenious, and pub- lished eleven times a year in Philadelphia. O n e issue w i l l consist of a union list of the journals whose tables of contents are in- cluded. ( V o l u m e one, number three w a s consulted.) Grantkalaya is the monthly organ of the Hyderabad L i b r a r y Association. T h e principal article in the first number is an ad- dress " L i b r a r y Service and Renascence" by D r . Ranganathan at the association's con- ference. L I T E R A T U R E T h e Student Association in cooperation w i t h the A r t and English Departments of American University are publishing The American University Writer. T h e contribu- tions are poems, stories and articles by stu- dents. T h e Associated Students of Occidental College are issuing Focus as a means of pub- lishing student contributions. A t P u r d u e the M o d e r n Fiction C l u b is publishing Modern Fiction Studies. T h i s is a quarterly devoted to criticism, scholarship and bibliography of American, English and European fiction since about 1880. T h e first issue is a Joseph C o n r a d number. Paperbound Books in Print is an index to available paper books. It w i l l be published three times a year f r o m the offices of Publishers' Weekly and Library Journal by R. R . B o w k e r Company. Un- usual is published by Script D e l i v e r y Service. I t w i l l publish short stories by new w r i t e r s . T h i s publisher delivers manuscripts to one or all of five N e w Y o r k C i t y editors and w i l l hold rejection slips until all markets have been tried. I t would seem he should have a readily available source of material f o r his own journal. Whetstone is a " l i t t l e " maga- zine edited by Jack Lindeman and E d g a r Schuster and published in Philadelphia. M E D I C I N E Some new journals of interest to the medi- cal profession are The Journal of Biophysical and Biochemical Cytology and Clinical Chem- istry. T h e f o r m e r title is published by the Rockefeller Institute f o r M e d i c a l Research. I t "is designed to provide a common medium for the publication of morphological, biophysi- cal, and biochemical investigations on cells, their components, and their products. It w i l l give special attention to reports on cellular or- ganization at the colloidal and molecular levels and to studies integrating cytological informa- tion derived f r o m various technical ap- proaches." Clinical Chemistry, the journal of the A m e r i c a n Association of Clinical Chemists w i l l publish reports of original in- vestigations of the application of chemistry to medicine. A b s t r a c t s of periodical articles and book reviews w i l l be included. Antibiotic Medicine w i l l report on the progress made in antibiotic therapy. T h e papers are based on clinical studies and are accompanied by sum- maries and bibliographies. Journal of Chronic Diseases w a s begun as a result of the publication of the report of the C o m - mission on the H e a l t h N e e d s of the N a t i o n which urged greater research on chronic ill- nesses. A g a i n articles are based on clinical studies and are accompanied by bibliographies. Reports on the laboratory results of research in viruses comprise the contents of Virology. R E L I G I O N Each number of the Canadian Journal of Theology w i l l contain an article of each of the f o l l o w i n g types: theological or theological- philosophical, Biblical (in the O l d and N e w T e s t a m e n t fields a l t e r n a t e l y ) , historical ( r e - lating to Canadian church history particu- l a r l y ) , political and social, pastoral and psychological, editorials and book reviews. The Gordon Review is published by faculty members of G o r d o n College. A f e w articles, among which are " O l d T e s t a m e n t Q u o t a - tions in the N e w T e s t a m e n t , " and " T h e Sci- entist and the U n i v e r s e , " and book reviews make up the content of the first issue. M I S C E L L A N E O U S Accounting. T h e accounting firm of T o u c h e , Niven, Bailey, and Smart is issuing a 376 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES Quarterly Review intended primarily for its staff but of such quality and scope as to be of interest to accountants generally. " T h e Accountant's Responsibility for D i s - closure of Events Subsequent to Balance Sheet D a t e , " and " I s D i r e c t Costing the A n s w e r ? " are the leading articles in the first issue. Digests. II Milione claims to be "the only Italian digest in the United States." It is published monthly in N e w Y o r k and resembles other "digests" as to size, style and content. Films. Film Culture f r o m N e w Y o r k has as its objective "to help impart depth and vigour to cinematic culture in our country by becoming a meeting ground for outspoken dis- cussion and constructive analysis of ideas, achievements and problems in the domain of the film." A r t i c l e s such as " M o t i o n Pictures and the P u b l i c " ( a plea f o r improved quality of pictures), " T h e Film as an O r i g i n a l A r t F o r m , " notes on new films, including foreign productions, synopses, etc., are included. Folklore. Kentucky Folklore Record pub- lished by the Kentucky F o l k l o r e Society w i l l record folklore activities in the state. Forestry. Forest Science is published by the Society of American Foresters in W a s h - ington as a cooperative venture between the society, the University of M i c h i g a n and the United States Forestry Service. It w i l l re- port the results of original investigations and reviews of foreign and domestic books. Government. Ideas on Liberty is published in Irvington-on-Hudson by the Foundation f o r Economic Education. It w i l l champion the theory of private ownership, the profit and loss system, limited government, etc. T h e contributors include members of the founda- tion staff, college professors, editors and others. T h e Institute of Public A f f a i r s at the University of T e x a s announces that its new periodical Public Affairs Comment " w i l l be devoted to the discussion of current prob- lems in public affairs." T h e first number w a s limited to T e x a s public affairs. Marketing. Studi di Mercato f r o m Rome is the organ of the Associazione Italiana per gli Studi M e r c a t o . T h e first issue reports on scientific studies on various phases of mar- keting, includes book reviews and information on world marketing societies. Micropaleontology. Micropaleontology is a scholarly quarterly published by the D e - partment of Micropaleontology of the A m e r i - can M u s e u m of N a t u r a l History in N e w Y o r k . A r t i c l e s are signed, illustrated and accompanied by bibliographies. Parks. American Parks Bulletin contains news about state and national parks, forests and monuments and the plants, trees and ani- mals found in the parks. Places. Bruxelles is intended to show the development and change in the city of Brussels and would be of interest to foreign visitors to Belgium's capital. Comercio Exterior is a monthly publication of the Banco Nacional de Comercio Exterior, M e x i c o . It is intended to provide non-Spanish-speaking foreign busi- ness circles with up-to-date information about M e x i c o ' s economy and foreign trade. Com- merical News of Yugoslavia means news of interest to foreign traders, such as foreign ex- change regulations, agricultural and indus- trial production and market conditions. Propaganda. A genuinely pro-Communist, anti-American journal is International Affairs published in M o s c o w . Communist proof of such matters as American and British viola- tion of treaties, American agitation for w a r and Russian agitation for peace, failure of the E . D . C . , the crisis in capitalism and others, requires that the usual liberties be taken w i t h the facts. Public Administration. In the Spring 1955, issue of The Journal of Public Administra- tion the N e w Y o r k University Chapter of the American Society of Public Administra- tion presents studies by graduate students on the administrative phases of the selection of the United Nations sites, hospital administra- tion, F e d e r a l support of research projects, and the care of the tubercular. Senior Citizens. Published by the new so- ciety, Senior Citizens of America, under the editorship of Joy E l m e r M o r g a n , retired, Senior Citizen made a good start in January. Membership in Senior Citizens is open to all persons over f o r t y . T h e journal w i l l keep readers in touch with w h a t is being discovered and done in gerontology, nutrition, housing, recreation, travel, investment, taxation, social security and education. A m o n g the contribu- tors and contributions of volume one, number one are a story by D o r o t h y Canfield Fisher, " L i b r a r i e s and the Senior C i t i z e n , " by Helen T . Steinbarger of the District of Columbia Public L i b r a r y , a discussion of the 1954 amendments to the social security law and many other notes and stories based on personal experience of interest to "senior citizens." OCTOBER, 1955 40 7 Periodicals A. I. Ch. E. Journal. American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 25 W e s t 45th Street, N e w York 36. v. 1, no. x, March, 1955. Quarterly. $9-_ American Parks Bulletin. B o x 247, Lomita, Calif, v. 1, no. x, J a n u a r y / F e b r u a r y , 1955- Bi-monthly. $1.75- The American University Writer. American U n i v e r s i t y Student Association, Washington 16. v. 1, no. 1, Spring 1955. Frequency and price not given. Antibiotic Medicine. M . D . Publications, Inc., 30 E. 60th Street, N e w York 22. v. 1, no. 1, January, 1955. Monthly. $15. Astronautics. American Astronautical Society, 516 F i f t h Avenue, N e w York 36. v. 1, no. 1, Fall, 1954- Quarterly. $6. Bruxelles. 89, rue Belliard, Bruxelles. v. 1, no. 1, January/February, 1955. Bi-monthly. 350 F r . B . Canadian Journal of Theology. 65 Queen's Park Crescent, Toronto 5. v. 1, no. 1, April, 1955- Quarterly. $3. Civil War History. State U n i v e r s i t y of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. v. 1, no. 1, March, 1955. 4 no. a year. $5. Clinical Chemistry. P. Hoeber, Inc., 49 East 33d Street, N e w York 16. v. 1, no. 1, February, 1955- Bi-monthly. $8. Comercio Exterior. Banco Nacional de Comercio Ex- terior, Venustiano Carranza 32, Mexico, D . F . v. 1, no. 1, February, 1955. Monthly. Price not given. Commercial News of Yugoslavia. Studentski T r i g 15, Beograd. v. 1, no. x, January 10, 1955. Bi-weekly. . . Contents in Advance. Box 7521, Philadelphia 1. v. 1, no. 1, January, 1955. 11 no. a year. $6. Electric Heat and Air Conditioning. 2 W e s t 45th Street, N e w York 36. v. i , no. 1, January, 1955. Quarterly. $2. Elcctrical and Electronic Insulation. Lake Publishing Company, 718 W e s t e r n A v e n u e , Lake Forest, Illinois. May, 1955. Monthly. $5. Film Culture. 215 W e s t 98th Street, N e w York 25. v. 1, no. 1, January, 1955. Bi-monthly. $2'.25. Focus. Associated Students of Occidental College, Los A n g e l e s 41. v. 1, no. 1, May 3, 1955. Frequency not given. Price not given. Forest Science. Society of American Foresters, Mills Building, Washington 6. v. 1, no. i , March, 1955. Quarterly. $6. Gordon Review. 30 E v a n s W a y , Boston 15. v. 1, no. 1, February, 1955. Quarterly. $i.7S- Granthalaya. Hyderabad Library Association, Hydera- bad-Deccan. v. x, no. 1, January, 1955. Monthly. $ 1 . Historical Abstracts. c / o Historisches Seminar, U n i - versitat W i e n , W i e n 1. v. 1, no. 1, March, 1955. Quarterly. $15. Ideas on Liberty. Foundation for Economic Education, Irvington-on-Hudson, N e w York. May, 1955. Fre- quency not given. $.50 per copy. Industrial Packaging. Haywood Publishing Company, 22 E. Huron Street, Chicago 11. v. 1, no. 1, Janu- ary, 1955- Monthly. $5. International Affairs. Znanye Publishing House, Mos- cow. no. 1, January, 1955. Monthly. $3.50. The Journal of Biophysical and Biochemical Cytology. The Rockefeller Institute, N e w York 21. v. 1, no. 1, January, 1955- Bi-monthly. $7-50. Journal of Chronic Diseases. C. V. Mosby Company, 3207 Washington Boulevard, St. Louis 3. v. 1, 110. 1, January, 1955. Monthly. $12.50. The Journal of Public Administration. Room 520, Main Building, Graduate School of Public Ad- ministration and Social Service, N e w York Univer- sity, Washington Square, N e w York 3. v. 1, no. 1, Spring, 1955. Frequency not given. Price not given. Kentucky Folklore Record. Kentucky Folklore Society, Western Kentucky State College, Bowling Green, Kentucky. v. 1, no. 1, J a n u a r y / M a r c h , I95S- Quarterly. $1.50. Library of New American Products. American Prod- ucts Information Service, 1001 Connecticut A v e n u e , Washington 6. no. 1, May, I9SS- Quarterly. $25. M. H. S. Miscellany. Massachusetts Historical So- ciety, 1154 Boylston Street, Boston 15. no. 1, February, 1955. Irregular. Price not given. The Medico-Legal Reporter. Current Medicine for Attorneys, 209 South Station Boulevard, Boston, v. 1, no. 1, June 1, 1955. Semi-monthly, $175. Micropaleontology. Department of Micropaleontology, American Museum of Natural History, Central Park W e s t at Seventy-Ninth Street, N e w York 24. v. 1, 110. 1, January, 1955. Quarterly. $S. 11 Milione. 197-199 East 4th Street, N e w York 9. v. 1, no. 1, J a n u a r y / F e b r u a r y , 1955. Monthly. $5- Modern Fiction Studies. Room 108, U n i v e r s i t y Hall, Purdue U n i v e r s i t y , Lafayette, Indiana, v. 1, no. 1, February, 1955. Quarterly. $1. New York Law Forum. N e w York Law School, 244 William Street, N e w York 38. v. 1, no. 1, March, 1955. 4 no. a year. $5. Noise Control. 57 East 55th Street, N e w York 22. v. 1, no. 1, January, 1955. Bi-monthly. $5. Paperbound Books in Print. R. R. Bowker Company, N e w York. Summer, 1955. 3 no. a year. $2. Plastics Technology. Bill Brothers Publishing Corpora- tion, 386 Fourth Avenue, N e w York 16. v. 1, no. 1, February, 1955. Monthly. $4. Public Affairs Comment. Institute of Public Affairs, U n i v e r s i t y of Texas, A u s t i n 12'. v. 1, no. 1, Janu- ary, 1955. Bi-monthly. Free. Quarterly Review. Touche, Niven, Bailey and Smart. 1380 National Bank Building, Detroit, Michigan, v. 1, no. 1, February, 1955. Price not given. Senior Citizen. Senior Citizens of America, 1701 Six- teenth Street, N . W . , Washington 9. v. 1, no. 1, January, 1955. Monthly. $5. Studi di Mercato. Associazione Italiana per gli Studi di Mercato, V i a S. Maria in V i a 37, Roma. v. 1, no. 1, January, 1955._ Quarterly. L2'ooo. Unusual. Script Delivery Service, 111 East 26th Street, N e w York 10. v. 1, no. 1, 1955. 4 no. a year. $2. Virology. Academic Press, Inc., Baltimore 2. v. 1, no. 1, May, 1955. Frequency not given. $9. Whetstone. 6039 N . Camac Street, Philadelphia 41. no. 1, Spring, 1955. Quarterly. $2. N e w A C R L Reference Publication Samuel Rothstein, assistant librarian, University of British Columbia, is the author of The Development of Reference Services Through Academic Traditions, Public Library Practice and Special Librarianship (ACRL MONOGRAPH NO. 1 4 ) . T h i s study is a full-length book that gives an entirely new perspective to reference w o r k . Examining the activities of m a j o r American research libraries in order to trace reference services from their first beginnings one hundred years ago, The Development of Reference Services emphasizes the continuing contributions of various types of libraries to the expanding concept of reference service. W e l l - w r i t t e n and exhaustively documented, this book w i l l be of interest not only to reference librarians, but to all w h o are concerned with college, university, public and special w o r k . O r d e r s should be addressed to ACRL MONOGRAPHS, C/O American L i - brary Association, 50 E . H u r o n St., Chicago, Illinois. T h e price is $2.75 f o r paper covers, and $3.25 f o r cloth binding. 378 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES