College and Research Libraries which is bound to aggravate continuously their catalogers and readers and to hinder them in their operations and services. But if Dr. Fuchs' commentary is not to stop the course of the revision in progress, it will con- tribute to a sound revision. For aside from interpreting the instructions, Dr. Fuchs dis- cusses throughout the commentary many cataloging issues which every code must con- sider and resolve, and these discussions will benefit all who are interested in the prob- lem of cataloging generally and particularly all who are engaged in the preparation or revision of cataloging codes. In his chapter on cataloging in Milkau's Handbuch der Bibliothekswissenschaft (1933) Rudolf Kaiser deprecates the thought that a catalog once well made can forever be continued, and says that "here, too, the saying is valid: every time has its catalogs." This is a time of widespread re- examination of cataloging thoughts and methods, and in Germany as in other coun- tries the time for a new catalog seems to have arrived.—Seymour Lubetzky, Library of Congress. Machine Literature Searching Machine Literature Searching. By James W. Perry, Allen Kent, and Madeline M. Berry. New York: Interscience Publishers, 1956. 162p. |3.75. This volume reprints ten essays that origi- nally appeared in American Documentation during the last two years and adds five new chapters. The first chapter deals with the general background material and outlines machines searching requirements; the second covers the intellectual problems involved in prepar- ing material for machine searching and the types of indexing; the third, the conversion of indexes to make them more suitable for machines handling; the fourth, the methods used by the authors in collecting terms; the fifth, the method developed by the authors for attempting to systematize terminology for code development so that the specific terms will all be joined with generic broader terms; the sixth, the method for constructing a code to increase the effectiveness of machine searching; the seventh, the need for deter- mining uses to be made of the information so that the level of headings can be made suitable; the eighth, definition of the opera- tional criteria for determining whether a re- trieval system is efficient and evaluation of the retrieval system; the ninth, the operational characteristics of searching machines includ- ing such characteristics as ability to identify one or more patterns, interpretation of cer- tain patterns denoting the beginning and end of an organized sequence, ability to han- dle generic relationships as well as specifics, detection of logical relationships between criteria, etc.; the tenth and final essay in the reprinted group is a discussion of the factors underlying development of machine lan- guage. Chapters 11-15 (pages 72-134) are the new materials in the book. Chapter 11 discusses the purpose of machine language, analytical and synthetical relations, machine language and machine capabilities, relationship of ma- chine language to codes, methods of showing relationships by codes, etc. Chapter 12 covers the problem of coding of diagrams, of geo- graphic areas, and of chemical structural for- mulas. Chapter 13 handles the encoding of abstracts by reducing redundancy of words so that they may be searched directly by ma- chines. Chapter 14 deals with searching strat- egy and association-trails. The final chapter, entitled "A Look Into the Future," is quite general and concludes that there are "a number of theoretical and practical problems [that] will require care- ful investigation. Even when utmost care is devoted to perfecting information processing methods, major investments of effort and money will be required to process research and professional publications so that they may be used most effectively. Such invest- ment is apparently justified particularly in the field of science and technology." The basic assumption that underlies this series of studies is that we have machines capable of doing literature searches. The au- thors state: "Modern automatic equipment is able to scan and recognize index entries . . . Scanning can be directed to one or simul- taneously, several entries. Speeds of opera- tion are such as to permit scanning and cor- relating of generic and specific aspects of indexes in reasonable time" (page 1). As a matter of fact there are no machines in pro- duction that will do even a fraction of what 450 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES is claimed here. The machine on which most of the authors' work was based was an ex- perimental model of the IBM machine de- veloped by Mr. Luhn, on which develop- ment work was discontinued more than a year ago. The only others that might be con- sidered as remotely approaching these claims are Eastman's Minicard, of which the first experimental model has not yet been com- pleted, and the Rapid Selector, of which only a prototype has been built. Similarly, a second common thesis in pa- pers such as these is that conventional classifi- cation has become less and less effective in coping with the problem of a mounting mass of materials, because, the authors say, "Con- ventional classification is characterized by the following feature. Criteria are combined in a rigid array as a basis for defining the sub- divisions. Thus, for example, dyestuffs may be classified as to features of their chemical constitution." However this is not avoided in the authors' classification scheme. It is dif- ferent from others, and the notation scheme is different from that of other classification schemes. But we have a broad concept fol- lowed by a more specific concept and then by the next more specific concept in fixed array in their classification just as in what they term conventional classification schemes. Having based the argument largely upon the need for multi-dimensional searches which can not be made by a rigid classifica- tions scheme, the authors go on to say: "An- other question that must also be decided re- lates to the degree of detail to be accorded consideration during indexing . . . In a strictly logical sense all these details must be included in our indexing if it is to be com- plete. Practical considerations based on ex- perience and common sense, however, must guide us in determining what degree of in- dexing is to be carried through . . . It is obviously useless to index something to which a search will never be directed . . . There are a number of consequences that flow immediately from the fact that the pur- pose to be served by the index is a determin- ing factor in deciding how the indexing step is to be accomplished . . ." (page 8). Thus, starting with the basic argument that we need to have much more intimate indexing for multi-dimensional searching, we wind up with the argument that we must still use judgment in determining the level of index- ing. It would appear, therefore, that the au- thors do not subscribe to the theory that in- dexing can be made detailed enough so that multi-dimensional searches, in all combina- tions, can be done automatically by machine. Despite the fact that this whole series of studies is based on the theory that the mounting mass of recorded information is responsible for the lengthening time required for searching larger and larger indexes, etc., no evidence is given as to what is considered large, or large enough to justify machines. Another intellectual base for these studies, which is common in studies of this type, con- fuses library book classification with classi- fication of knowledge and points to the ob- vious inadequacies of a system designed to put a physical object in place in the files as the reason for doing something different and radical. This passes over all the work that has been done, particularly in Europe, on classified indexes using conventional classifi- cation schemes. It may very well be that the code or nota- tion system developed by the authors is a better notation system for either machine or manual searching than are many other notation schemes. This has not been estab- lished in practice and, in fact, there are no examples of successful experience with this scheme in large-scale operation. The combination of semantic factors and analytic relations, plus arbitrary assigned dif- ferentiating numerals, described in detail on pages 81 to 90 is fascinating. But it is difficult for this reviewer to see how much space is saved by using MUSRMACHTWMP 03 for the word thermometer. It requires 40 spaces to write Springfield, Illinois, and 44 to write Chicago, so this notation would overflow from a punched card with only Springfield and Chicago needed on one card. The use- fulness of a notation this long on a medium capable of storing a total of 80 characters only is open to question. This is a field in which this reviewer nor- mally is made to feel exceedingly stupid by practically everything he reads, and that it is just as true of this book as of other ma- terials he has seen. As in most cases in this general subject area there appear to this re- viewer to be many things that are given as obvious conclusions which are not particu- SEPTEMBER, 1956 451 larly obvious. Assumptions as to the state of development of machines for information handling which are contrary to fact form the basis of this study (and many similar studies), and the conclusions frequently ap- pear, in this as well as in other treatments of this subject, to represent unfamiliar and confused terminology rather than a revolu- tion in information handling. Nevertheless the authors represent one of the major schools of thought in this part of the field of documentation and it is, there- fore, probably a good thing to have the quintessence of their studies over the last ten years brought together in one volume.— Ralph R. Shaw, Rutgers University. C l a s s i f i e d A d v e r t i s e m e n t s Rate: $1 per line; 3-line minimum. Closes first of month preceding date of issue. BOOKS not obtainable from publish- ers may be available immediately from our stock of over a million volumes or may soon be found by our Search Service. Send lists to Dept. CR, Barnes & Nobel, Inc., 105 Fifth Ave., New York 2, N.Y. COLONIAL BOOK SERVICE—Spe- cialists in supplying the out-of-print books as listed in all library indices (Granger Poetry; Essay and General Literature; Shaw; Standard; Fiction; Biography; Lamont; Speech; etc.) Want lists invited. 23 East 4th St., New York 3, N.Y. BACK D A T E MAGAZINES M I D T O W N MAGAZINE CENTER 1105 6th Ave., New York 36, N. Y. NEW! MICROFILM ABSTRACTS A U T H O R INDEX Covers vols. 1-11 of current title Dis- sertation Abstracts. Order from Mrs. Martha Jane Zachert, 1760 Harbin Road, S.W., Atlanta 11, Ga. $2.00. Expert Service on MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS for ALL LIBRARIES * Faxon's Librarians Guide free on request * For the very best subscription service at competitive prices—ask about our Till Forbidden plan. * F. W . F A X O N CO., INC. 83-91 Francis Street Boston 15, Mass. 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