College and Research Libraries By DALE M. BENTZ College and University Library Statistics, 19 55-56 M ORE LIBRARIES RETURNED the Statistical questionnaire this year than ever be- fore. Excluding the junior colleges, the ques- tionnaires were mailed to 566 libraries in August. Only 246, or 43 per cent, returned them by the Committee's deadline of Octo- ber l, 1956. At that time, follow-up requests were sent to the 135 libraries whose data were included in previous compilations. By Octo- ber 15, 1956, 177 additional reports had been received. Of the total received by this date, the Committee was able to use reports from 409 libraries. Approximately 100 institutions failed to return the statistical questionnaire. The published data are essentially the same as last year. However, in an effort to interpret more clearly the figure represent- ing per student operating expenditures, the Committee asked that extension students be reported separately. Eve~ though librarians were requested to report the same figures as submitted to the U. S. Office of Education, there are still too many variables which dis- tort these ratios. Also, the heading "total in- stitutional expenditures" was changed to read "total educational and general institutional expenditures." The libraries were grouped as in former years. Group I includes state universities as well as those institutions with fairly strong graduate programs. 'Group III includes li- braries whose operating budgets are less than $35,000. The statistics were compiled again by mem- bers of the Committee, which included three new librarians whose names appear below. The Association owes these librarians a debt of gratitude for the great amount of time spent in p•oducing these tables. Mr. Bentz~ chairman of the ACRL Statis- tics Committee~ is associate director of the State University of Iowa Library. Group 1: Compiled by James Ranz DIRECTOR OF LIBRARIES, UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING Of the 126 questionnaires mailed to Group I libraries this year, 110 were returned, in varying degrees of completeness. All have been included in the prepared tables. During the past year, library expenditures advanced markedly, but still lagged behind the increases in total institutional expend- itures. Eighty-one institutions reported their total institutional expenditures and total library expenditures for both 1954/ 55 and 1955/ 56. Collectively, these 81 institutions spent 10 per cent more for their total opera- tions in 1955/ 56 than they did in 1954/55, but only about 7Y2 per cent more for li- braries. Some interesting comparisons are also to be found in the salaries paid professional li- brarians in 1954/ 55 and in 1955/56. The be- ginning professional salary, if we take it to be identical with the median minimum sal- ary paid "All ,Other Professional Assistants," increased from $3,336 to $3,586. The average salary for all professional librarians was $4,- 422 in 1954/ 55, $4,741 in 1955/56. (Figures result from multiplying the average of the median minimum and median maximum sal- aries for each category by the number of li- brarians within that category, adding the products thus secured for all categories, and dividing this sum by the total number of li- brarians in all categories.) Group II: Compiled by J. Richard Blanchard LIBRARIAN, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVI~, CALIFORNIA Questionnaires were returned by 97 librar- ies. Of these, four were received too late for tabulation. During the tabulation many mis- takes were discovered and, it is hoped, cor- rected properly. A comparison with the Group 48 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES II statistics for 1954/ 55 shows a continuing rise in enrollments, library collections, ex- penditures, and salaries. However, consider- ing inflationary pressures and increasing en- rollments, it would appear that budgets for the majority of Group II libraries are still far from adequate. Group Ill: Compiled by Clarence Gorchels AssociATE LIBRARIAN, WAsHINGTON STATE CoLLEGE Librarians represented in the Group III category again deserve congratulations for their cooperative attitude toward providing library statistics. This year 113 librarians (one more than last year) in this group re- sponded with information. It is especially gratifying to note that the median salaries for professional librarians are well above the medians of last year. However, comparisons in this area, as in all others, must be made with considered judgment, since the libraries in this group show a good deal of variation in enrollment, type of library service given, amount of nonsalaried service, and interpre- tation of definitions in the statistical form. Teachers Colleges: Compiled by Robert R. Hertel LIBRARIAN, STATE UNIVERSITY TEACHERS CoLLEGE, CoRTLAND, NEw YoRK Ninety-six libraries returned questionnaires, and 94 libraries are included in the statistics. Since the deadline for inclusion was extend- ed, some information which was reported in different form than that requested (e.g., total work hours for a professional librarian in the fiscal year) could not be corrected in time. Fifty-nine libraries, comprising nearly 63 per cent of the total number reporting, in- clude their extension enrollments in the com- putation of per student expenditures. Some teachers colleges do not have programs of extension courses which require library serv- ice or do not yet provide additional revenues to finance library service for existing pro- grams. The increased service load of exten- sion students has a significant effect upon the per student expenditure figure. Nearly 51 per cent of the libraries which support these extension programs reported a figure below the median of $29.07. Administrators of teach- er training libraries face many perplexing problems in financing and supplying exten- sion services. It would be valuable for them to know the various bases for finanCing these services, whether by per capita, by per capita of full-time equivalents, by lump sum, or by some other means. A study of existing ex- tension services is definitely needed for the guidance of teachers college librarians. Junior Colleges: Compiled by Ruth E. Scarborough LIBRARIAN, CENTENARY JUNIOR COLLEGE, HACKETTSTOWN, NEW JERSEY Statistics questionnaires were sent to all junior colleges in the country. Thirty-seven states and the District of Columbia are rep- resented in the 147 colleges reporting, which is a 100 per cent increase over last year's re- turns. Unfortunately, 21 questionnaires were received after the deadline and could not be used. Several items in the questionnaire differ from last year and from the other groups: student enrollment for day and evening, sal- ary data in three divisions for the librarian, professional assistants and non-professional assistants, and number of months on duty. Since per student operating expenditure is figured on a total of day and evening stu- dents, this figure may seem small where the college has an unusually large evening enroll- ment. The enrollment was separated for day and evening students and footnoted for dor- mitory students to give a clearer picture of the college situation as it might affect the use of the library, size of library staff, etc. A limited number of reprints of the 1955-56 statistics are available from the ACRL office in Chicago at seventy-five cents a copy) or at fifty cents a copy if payment accompanies the order. JANUARY) 1957 49 Library1 1. Alabama ........ . .. ... . • 2. Alabama Poly ... . ....... . 3. Arizona ........... . .. . . . 4. Arkansas6 . . . ... . . . .... . . 5. Baylor .... . . . .......... . 6. Boston Colle ge ...... . ... . 7. Boston University ....... . 8 . British Columbia .. . . . . . . . 9. Brooklyn College ... . . . . . 10. Brown ................. . 11. Buffalo ................ . 12. California (Berkeley) ... . 13. California (Davis) ...... . 14. California (Los Angeles) . 15. California (Riverside) .•. 16. California (Santa Barbara) 17 . California In st . of Tech. • . 18. Catholic U. of America .. 19 . Chicago ................ . 20. Cincinnati ... . ......... . . 21. City College (N.Y.) ..... . 22. Clark ........... .. ... . . . 23. Colorado10 ....... .. ..... . 24 . Colorado A. & M. . .. . ... . 25 . Columbia12 ....... . ..... . 26. Cornell .......... . . .... . 27. Dartmouth ...... . . .. ... . 28. Delaware .... . .... . ... .. . 29. Denver .............. . . . 30 . Duke . .. . .............. . 31. Florida ............... . . 32. Florida State ........... . 33. Fordham .......... . .... . 34. Georgia ............ . ... . 35. Georgia Inst. of Tech .. . . 36 . Harvard . ... ... ........ . 3 7. Hawaii13 ............... . 38. Houston ............ . .. . . 39. Hunter ................ . 40. Illinois . .. ..... . .. ... .. . 41. Indiana . ..... . .... ..... . 42. Iowa .. . .... ........ . .. . 43. Iowa State ... . .. .. ..... . . 44. Johns Hopkins . . . .. . .... . 45 . Joint University . . ...... . 46. Kansas . . ........ . ...... . 47. Kansas State ........... . 48. Kentucky ........ . .... . . 49. Lehigh . .... ... ..... . . . . . 50 . Louisiana State ......... . 51. Maine ............ . . . . . . 52 . Maryland14 ...... . . ..... . 53. Massachusetts . ......... . . 54. Mass . Inst. of Tech ..... . . 55. Miami (Florida) ........ . 56. Michigan ... . . ... . . .... . 57. Michigan State .. . .. . .. . . 58. Minnesota .... . ........ . . 59. Mis sissippi17 . . .......... . 60. Mississippi State . .... .. . . 61. Missouri .... . .... . ..... . 62. Montana . . . . . ....... . .. . 63. Montana State .. ...... . . . 64. ebraska .... . ........ . . . 65 . Nevada . . ... . ... .. ..... . 66. New Hampshire ......... . 67. New Mexico .. . .. ....... . 68. New York University ... . 69. North Carolina18 .• • • • . • .• 70. North Carolina State ... . 71. North D akota .... .... ... . 72. Northwestern . .......... . 73. Notre Dame .. . .. . ...... . 74. Ohio State ... . .. ..... . . . . 75. Oklahoma ............ . . . Fiscal Year Ending 30Se56 30}e56 30Je56 30Je56 31My56 30Je56 30Je56 31Mr56 30]e56 30Je56 30]e56 30Je56 30]e56 30}e56 30}e56 30]e56 30]e56 30]e56 30Je56 31Ag56 30Je56 30}e56 30Je56 30Je56 30Je56 30]e56 30Je56 30Je56 1S}e56 30Je56 30Je56 30]e56 30]e56 30]e56 30Je56 30}e56 30]e56 31Ag56 30Je56 30Je56 30]e56 30Je56 30Je56 30Je56 30Ap56 30Je56 30Je56 30]e56 30]e56 30Je56 30Je56 30}e56 30}e56 30Je56 31My56 30Je56 30Je56 30Je5 6 30Je56 30Je56 30}e56 30Je56 30Je 56 30Je56 30Je56 30]e56 30]e56 30Je56 30]e56 30Je56 30]e56 31Ag56 30Je56 30Je56 30]e56 C o llege an d Unive rsity Lib rary STUDENT ENROLLMENT2 Total Under- Total Total Book graduate Graduate Exten sion Stock 6,993 7,372 6,800 4,254 5,235 6,401 9,232 6,080 16,725_ 3,185 9,898 13,022 1,531 11,116 710 1,945 569 2,001 1,645 13,233 22,749 663 8,267 4,400 10,586 8,315 2,790 2,133 4,819 3,481 9,751 6,68834 7,054 5,021 4,863 4,452 4,812 10,532 11,759 21,015 11,240 7,642 8,106 5,897 3,7D-1 7,065 5,581 6,035 2,701 8,569 3,397 13,296 4,004 3,657 11,488 12,850 15,239 20,163 2,611 3,718 8,084 2,646 2,651 7,186 1,805 3,108 4,239 18,038 5,036 4,417 3,024 16 181 43 s;o51 19 ,048 9,816 569 541 449 325 364 694 716 323 1,622 396 844 4,177 414 3,160 2 76 399 1,544 3,445 832 3,177 191 784 105 15,949 1,405 218 906 1,152 1,699 1,117 819 2,434 460 294 5,954 368 1,104 1,3 16 3,114 2,379 1, 68 9 972 1, 118 2,237 987 429 1,005 533 1,388 100 2,448 337 1,99 1 65 7 7,80!1 5 1,778 3,230 223 214 899 210 148 627 46 171 789 12 ,9 11 1,539 396 323 1,281 633 2,696 1,063 4,034 7 185 205 7 534,007 223,931 271,005 343,342 218,293 430,602 8 1,764 508,847 1,048 324,946 270,788 857,660 259 332,253 15 ,8 15 9 2,142,801 7 131,315 7 1,159,728 1,1 65 80,238 87,17!11 99,745 516,434 2,339 1,925,754 736,547 5,800 446,77411 194,426 835,681 178 ,68 4 7 2,164,65211 598 1,812,826 753,349 1,8 17 220,093 7 326,436 7 1,243,691 1,675 1,183 1,229 1,477 1,161 1, 694 2~635 6,255 77 182 257 551 7 7 1,023 3,71035 700,274 447,929 325,335 339,993 179,130 6,085,761 264,747 158,663 195,507 2,978,597 1,059,850 898,041 460,693 1,076,266 685,154 691,882 204,499 712 ,6 12 354,220 8 690,529 276,126 317,563 199,830 588,835 404,936 3,369 2,411,628 8 11 76 5,1878 7 1,841,437 943 209,810 397 182,467 98 1,492 126 643 653 6,115 1,327 1,236 741,755 166,302 104,046 579,870 113,367 236,630 260,477 1,066,333 831,119 8 156,671 177,851 1,224,720 422,995 1,148 ,3 46 558,153 Volumes News- Peri- Added papers odicals 41,587 14,137 10,705 11,584 9,532 13,009 25,869 20,946 2 1, 64 1 23,858 6,797 85,299 13,947 64,998 14,745 7,849 5,154 17 ,0 15 43,038 19,460 98 42 52 38 44 20 54 26 6 20 7 366 12 298 33 16 22 19 84 28 16,722 9 2,440 9 34,596 54 4, 304 45 63,640 11 123 71,432 15,937 9,857 10 ,109 46,500 62,758 38,174 13,042 15,716 16,817 129,995 9,129 14,951 5,141 98,427 41 ,2 18 12,248 18,437 24,484 47 ,4 75 10,872 31,063 9,010 34,204 7,879 19,181 6,400 31,864 29,284 63,661 36,933 60,264 8,698 4,916 22,977 4,951 5,888 26,743 4 ,703 12,943 12,089 35,492 94,193 8 8,678 7,693 44,672 19,358 47,74 8 30,971 74 48 13 37 67 141 98 6 69 12 554 49 14 5 680 187 121 121 35 37 190 465 164 17 98 18 146 10 15 37 133 77 196 58 57 200 16 18 35 69 27 45 48 25 56 39 31 9!19 142 70 303 3,415 3,173 5 4,121 5 ' 2,255 1,3 05 1.666 2,949 4,4245 946 6,8505 2,380 25,8245 2,658 5 17,0945 1,5375 790 1,9875 4,434 6,128 2,043 2,398 945 4,945 5 4,500 5 10,475 12 ,219 2,645 891 1,777 4,443 5,8825 2,638 1,3 18 2,983 2,311 7 4",6445 1,59 5 639 14,01 6 11,225 5,321 2,791 5,653 4,297 6,803 5 4,400 3,867 2,966 8,34 55 1,28 1 4,0 89 684 2,856 2,862 22,940 5,921 8,3 41 1,8585 1,3 70 4,00016 1,0n7 2,152 5 5,667 987 1,408 6,419 5 5,00016 3,9245 1,893 1,295 14,111 5 2,492 11,062 5 4,213 Statistics, 1 955- 1 956 (Group I) LIBRARY OPERATING ExPENDITURES Total Per Stu- Total Edu- Staff Other d ent cational and Ratio of Li- Salaries Books Total for Operat- Total Operat- General In- bra r y Ex- and and Books in gEx- Operating ing Ex- stitution a l penditures Staff Student Student Related and pendi- Expendi- pendi - Exp endi- to Tota l Salaries Service Service Materials Binding Binding tures3 tures tures41 tures4 (Per Cent) $ 186,2 49 $ 27,121 $ 213,370 $ 123,982 $ 18,3 so $142,332 $ 15,559 $ 371,261 $ 49010 $ 7,361,237 500 1 85,4 10 9,074 94,484 46,950 7,490 54,440 7,343 156 ,26 7 19075 8,113,538 1.9 2 84,491 21,764 106,2 55 53,733 13,2 58 66,991 10,560 183,806 25036 5,401,123 3.4 3 85,389 12,775 98,164 47 ,93 7 5,668 53,605 7,160 158,929 34071 4,473,782 306 4 72,080 29,725 101,805 48,825 10 ,045 58,870 15,665 176 ,34 0 31.49 2,656,195 6 06 5 99,23 1 12,093 12 8,82423 52,407 3,536 55,943 12,433 197,200 27079 3,014,551 605 6 189 ,5 83 31,838 221 ,42 1 77,663 10,334 87,997 11 ,314 320,732 32024 7 7 183,623 7,628 191,251 112,384 21,898 134,282 12,830 338,363 520 84 6,470,874 502 8 182,800 57,885 240,685 56,152 5,544 6 1,696 11,459 313,840 17011 8,612,281 306 9 196,402 . 19,397 215,799 91,696 14,083 105 ,779 20,912 342,490 95064 5,339 ,116 6o4 10 105,736 7,834 113,570 32,388 5,500 37,888 7,150 158,608 14077 6,543,873 2.4 11 1,3 10 ,312 25 4,827 1,5 65,13 9 370 , 524 93 ,533 464,057 120 ,029 2,149,225 12409 6 7 12 114,175 2 7,27 2 141,447 77,001 24,500 101,501 13,740 256,688 131.97 8,131,440 302 13 720,675 16 199,64916 920,32416 301,425 81,195 382,620 94,00816 1,396,952 97085 20,851,10!16 607 14 8 1,146 17,416 98 ,562 73,794 10,718 84, 512 12,734 195,808 275000 3,600,00016 5.4 15 88, 053 13,358 101 ,4 11 31,327 7,063 38,390 6,585 146,386 72.43 16 62, 548 2,600 65,148 33,080 8,7 18 41,7 98 9,619 116,565 120.42 8,347,5 47 1.4 17 129,567 24 131,06725 45,498 1,32 026 46 ,8 18 10,257 188,143 53 007 3,454,674 5.4 18 419,934 119 ,582 539,516 152 ,809 40,058 192,867 44,208 776,591 152 057 28,259,632 39 207 19 158 ,58 3 15,577 174,160 84,0 23 10, 623 94,646 6,375 275,181 19o56 8,531,000 302 20 316,133 37,360 353,49-3 70,850 12 ,553 83, 403 12,59 3 449 ,48 9 17034 11 ,4 19,90 6 309 21 23,340 4,491 27 ,831 16,88 5 1,897 18, 782 2,254 48, 867 57o22 800,993 6 01 22 154 ,82 1 37,591 192 ,4 12 9 5,681 12,090 107,771 7,70 1 307,884 34o02 8,00 5,888 308 23 62, 13 1 0100:~:~24 73 ,058 19,273 5,517 24,790 5,507 103,355 22094 7 24 903,351 903,351 263,983 65,500 329,483 60,961 1,293,795 48076 25 600,94 7 108,546 709,493 246,650 48,870 295,520 54,255 1,059 ,268 108 098 32,167,533 3 03 26 19 8, 518 10,924 209,442 79,14 3 17, 398 96,541 41,983 27 347,96627 1150 68 5,362,390 6 05 27 66 ,255 4,295 70 ,5 50 56,784 2,379 59,163 5,754 135 , 467 4405 8 4,465,020 300 28 100,312 11,918 112 ,230 41,063 5,493 46,556 4,431 163,217 27o33 3,419,949 408 29 260,965 30,426 291,391 7 7 224,963 41,561 557,915 107o71 10,634,239 503 30 344,834 57,199 402,033 221 ,204 26,056 247,260 32,357 68 1,650 62o72 16 ,783,552 401 31 219,587 12,679 232,266 98,484 10,873 109,357 15,777 357,400 47 o6 1 6,270,935 507 32 130,470 18 ,000 148,470 56,460 7 ,360 63,820 9,841 222,131 23.41 4,960,000 405 33 165,548 10,915 176,463 85,22 1 12 ,3 75 97,596 10,444 284,503 51.91 4,281,344 606 34 132, 490 11,437 143,927 58,636 11,465 70,101 25,557 239,585 46.46 6, 419 ,521 3 07 35 1,2 47 ,016 0 0 0 0 0 o24 1,247,016 479,973 115 ,401 595,374 332,219 2,174,609 208 098 39,331,081 505 36 107 ,040 18,668 125,708 42,237 12 ,156 54,393 7,9 28 188 ,029 36 030 5,264,663 306 37 140,1 6 7 29,071 169,238 63, 523 8,596 72,119 18,379 259,736 22032 5,103,745 501 38 129 , 131 36,660 165 ,791 24,156 2,574 26,730 1,459 193,980 14o84 5,800,00016 303 39 952,480 95,933 1,048,4 13 7 7 491,554 52 ,987 1,592,954 66002 54,238,782 209 40 36S,00016 51,00016 416 ,00016 250,00016 43 ,00016 293,00016 24,00016 733 ,00016 53082 41 270,910 46,025 316,935 172,200 24,157 196,357 29,717 543,009 58ol9 11,899 ,533 406 42 154 ,685 24,157 178,8 42 74 ,933 24,993 99,926 9,239 288,00 7 31.73 13,568, 787 2o1 43 210,775 20,696 231,77 }28 76,849 17 ,6 00 94,449 17,400 343,620 48098 14 ,2 18, 49 6 2.4 44 128,851 37,690 166,541 79,660 16 ,3 76 96,036 11,221 273,798 46011 5,824,514 . 407 45 246,506 63,590 310,096 213,013 19,202 232,215 42,80 8 585,1'19 72067 10, 155,960 508 46 96,770 18,000 114,770 57 ,886 6,114 64,000 5,421 184,191 30,65 8,863,291 201 47 170,6 62 15,987 186,6 49 99,581 17 ,093 11 6,6 74 19,835 323,158 45090 7 48 52,564 7,455 60,019 36,8 90 9,308 46,198 7,311 . 113,528 35010 3,846,956 3 00 49 309,593 38,269 347,862 180,949 27,052 208,001 28,536 584,399 58 o69 18,458,240 302 so 35,148 11 ' 120 46,268 28 ,965 3,525 32,490 1,427 80, 185 22093 4,557,955 1.8 51 171,412 29,115 200,527 128,470 14 ,723 143,193 12,851 356, 571 22065 21,117,963 42 1.7 52 49,783 5,483 55 ,266 41 ,5 13 9,205 50,718 5,263 111 ,2 47 25063 7,2 16,091 1.5 53 177,201 19 ,075 196 ,276 61,826 . 13,000 74,826 10,764 281,866 49 09 1 24,591,475 36 1.1 54 211,151 17,532 228,683 158,217 16,660 174,877 13,890 417,450 34037 7,519,060 50 6 55 803,457 119 ,020 922,477 307,261 47 ,5 73 354,834 91,767 1,3 69,078 66030 31,923,015 403 56 19 6,0 77 79,387 275,464 164 ,000 18,117 182 ,117 19,967 477,548 28o06 21,052,986 203 57 513,055 109,304 622 ,359 263 ,543 50,539 314,082 57,482 993,923 42.49 38, 795,178 206 58 li0,058 9,770 69,828 22,116 6,663 28,779 3,100 101 ,707 35o 89 2,355,874 40 3 59 54 ,2 09 8,196 62,405 18 ,0 57 8,620 26,677 4,527 93,609 23o81 7,728,032 1. 2 60 147,293 21,997 169,290 156 ,905 20,314 177,219 22,653 369,162 41.10 61 55,108 7,065 62,173 18 ,143 4 ,35 0 22,493 2,903 87,569 30066 2,255,037 309 62 51 ,850 7,000 58,850 23,000 4,000 27,000 2,660 88 ,510 31.62 7 63 245,062 36,650 281,712 112 ,66 0 16 ,39 7 129,057 19, 669 430,4 38 55009 13 ,919,389 301 64 42,2 80 5,020 47,300 16,080 2,020 18,100 2,164 67,564 36 050 2,102,853 302 65 64,232 13,117 77,349 28,930 5,392 34,322 6,328 117 ,999 35099 4,2 89,8 15 2.8 66 89,993 0108::~~7 108,405 45,972 9,383 55,355 8,262 172,022 34o21 3,642,697 407 67 465,0 62 465,062 114,154 18 ,8 36 132 ,99 0 50, 62 0 648,672 20096 32,951,466 200 68 297,199 33,694 330,893 122,415 17 ,519 139 ,93 4 33,1 86 504,013 76066 11,705,95816 40 3 69 86,806 11,885 98,691 69,854 9,699 79,553 4,607 182 ,85 1 37 09 9 12 ,995,383 1.4 70 39,533 8,723 48,256 40 ,732 6,497 47,229 6,772 102,257 30o55 2,047,000 500 71 332,477 53,297 385, 774 7 7 230,557 42,567 658,898 61.3637 15,809,339 402 72 146, 862 21,083 167,945 102,800 11 ,5 18 114,318 9,936 292,199 51.41 9,936,000 2o9 73 474,434 62,130 536,564 174,292 9,556 26 183,848 34,623 755,035 34072 33,806,787 2 02 74 182 ,174 26,513 208,687 147,506 18,822 166,328 22,745 397,760 36056 6,320,30529 50 8 75 Library1 76. Oregon20 •••• •• •••••••••• 77. Oregon State ..... .. ... . . 78. Pennsylvania ........... . 79. Pennsylvania State .. .. .. . 80. Pittsburgh ..... .. ...... . 81. Princeton ... .. ... ...... . 82 . Purdue . . ..... .. . ...... . 83 . Rhode Island ........... . 84. Rice ................... . 8 5. Rochester . .... .... . .... . 86 . Rutgers ..... . . ......... . 8 7. Saint Louis ..... . ...... . 88. South Ca rolina .. 0 0 . 0 .. . . . 89 . South Dakota ........... . 900 Southern California . 0 ... . 91. Southern Illinois ........ . 92. Southern Methodist . .... . 93. Syracuse ........ ... .... . 94. Temple ............. ... . 95. Tennessee .. 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0. 0. 96 . Texas ....... 0 ...... ... . 97. Texas A. & M. 0 .. . 0 0 .. . . 98. Utah ......... . 0 0 0 0. 0 0 .. 99. Utah State .. 0 ... .. . 0 .. . . 100 . Vermont .. . . 0 0 ........ . . 101. Virginia21 ••• •••• •••• o o •• 102. Washington (St. Louis) .. . 103. Washington (Seattle) . .. . 104. Washington State ....... . 105. Wayne ................ . 106 . West Virginia17 ••••••••• 107. W~stern. Reserve . 0 0 ..... 108. W lSCOnsm ..... . .... o o o •• 109. Wyoming 22 • 0 0 .. 0 0 0 0 0 .. 0. 1100 Yale .. . ..... 0 0 0 0 0. 0 .... . High .. . 0 oo 0 0 0 0 .. .. . 0 0 .. Median 0 0 o •• o. o o. o o o o. o. Low . 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0 00 oo 0 o o 0. N 4 o •. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 .. 0 0 0. Fiscal Year Ending 30Je56 30Je56 30Je56 30Je56 30Je56 30Je56 30]e56 30Je56 30]e56 30Je56 30Je56 31Ag56 30Je56 30Je56 30Je56 30]e56 30]e56 30Je56 30]e56 30Je56 31Ag56 31Ag56 30Je56 30Je56 30Je56 30]e56 30Je56 30Je56 30Je56 30Je56 30Je56 3·0Je5 6 30Je56 30Je56 31My56 College and University Library STUDENT ENROLLMENT 2 Total Under- Total Total Book graduate Graduate Extension Stock 4,341 5,695 9,607 11,205 13,770 2,928 10 ,138 2,178 1,652 4,425 5,549 7,48 7 3 ,878 1,723 11,400 5,051 4,432 7,211 11,855 8,223 15,327 6,374 7,167 3,460 2,625 3,509 11,607 12,3 06 5,034 14,7 28 38 5,376 6,507 12,466 2,484 3,930 22,749 5, 897 569 110 669 457 3,765 1,448 3,517 625 1, 675 152 139 806 1,571 1,425 362 80 6,544 503 64 1 2,404 3,529 1,219 2,141 461 1,147 249 319 561 1,217 1,8 59 488 3,770 549 1,2 16 2,668 234 3,493 15,949 832 2 110 2,554 2,699 91 1,963 4,885 2,397 1,620 192 7 953 2,062 4,313 742 5,138 2,326 347 2,612 1,110 7 577,175 326,084 1,501,586 456, 805 720,000 1,40 7,179 8 394,625 145,467 278,397 613,526 751,949 692,909 8 310,986 15 6,39 8 776,078 173,288 401,101 403,681 430,296 403,109 1,1 66,29 5 307,623 338,750 194,031 200,00016 821 14311 611:684 895,079 650,00 0 560 ;579 673 311,815 712,497 3,096 1,065,940 1, 12 2 216,121 8 4,073,946 8 15 ,8 159 6 ,085,761 1,229 430,602 77 80,238 58 110 Volumes New s- Peri - Added papers odicals 28,265 14,585 43,258 28,017 19,597 37,618 20,862 5,8 53 15 ,723 19,899 29,212 116,9568 9,428 4,800 31,011 14,290 19 ,597 9,956 17,942 18,935 36,044 25,033 15,695 6,420 4,215 35,866 19,9 85 30,205 15 ,900 47,344 10,629 29,202 66, 794 10,6 69 63,476 129 ,995 19,358 2,440 109 163 118 115 102 13 100 30 10 6 54 30 30 50 12 53 79 36 36 23 46 30 56 54 22 12 134 7 205 201 109 3,809 3,022 6,868 5,255 3,236 15 ,69 7 5,852 1,014 3,135 3,117 3,100 4,461 1,370 1,497 5,840 1,709 1,7 35 2,754 3,079 3,767 5,30 05 3,904 7 208 5 2:045 1,400 4,218 9 ,437 5 10,0 86 5,300 3,970 94 2,043 10 2,342 20 12 04J5 5016 1:50016 54 12,9175 680 25,824 48 3,236 5 639 109 1-09 1. Central library and all agencies. 2. Resident and special students (no student counted twice). 3. Includes supplie s, transportation and all other non-capital expenditures n ot specifically reported. 4. Includes expenditures for administration, re sident instruction, organized research, extension, librarie s, plant op eration and maintenance, etc., but excludes capital costs and expenditures for aux iliary enterprises such as dormitories, cafeterias, etc. 5. Includes serials. 6. Excludes Schools of Medicine, Pharma cy and Nursing. 7. Not reported or not available. 8. Adjusted figure. 9. Includes entire Northern Division, University of Califo rnia . 10. Excludes Denison M. D. Memorial Library. 11. Excludes microfilm. 12. Excludes Barnard, Teachers College, New York Schoo l of Social \Vork, and College of Pharmacy, exc ept for enrollment figures . 13. Excludes T. C. Elementary and High Schools, Hilo Branch, Legislative Reference Bureau, and Industrial Relations. 14. Excludes Maryland State College. 15. Includes professional students. 16. Estimate. 17. Exclude s School s of Law and Medicine. 18. Includes Divi- sion of Health Affairs except fo r library expenditures. 19. Includes duplicates. 20. Excludes Schools of Medi- Library 1 1. Alabama ......... ... .. 0 .. 2. Alabama Poly . 0 0 .. 0 ..... . 3. Arizona . ..... 0. 0 ....... 0 4. Arkansas5 • ••••. 0 . . . . .. .. . 5. Baylor .......... . .. . .. .. . 6. Boston College .......... . 7. Boston Univer sity ....... 0. 8. British Columbia . ..... . o • 9. Brooklyn College .... 0 .... . 10. Brown . .... .... ..... .. .. . 11. Buffalo ................. . 12. California (Berkeley) ..... . 13. California (Davis) ....... . 14. California (Los Angeles) .. 15. California (Riverside) .... College and University Library Salary AssociATE oR AssiSTANT CHIEF LIBRARIAN Li- Mini- Maxi- Num- braria n mum mum her 8,000 7,600 4 5,900 6,250 7,500 5,550 4 4 4 u,3oo 6,4siF 's',95os 9,000 15:90010 9',384 8,940 7,008 14,400 7,356 8,940 4,512 10,860 8,940 6,060 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 2 2 4 4 DEPARTMENT HEADS Mini- Maxi- Num- mum mum her $4,000 $ 6,000 4,750 4,750 4,700 4,100 3,960 4,795 4,980 4,512 7,008 4,092 4 4 4 ·5',4oo 4,800 4 5,000 7,350 6,000 5,840 11,700 6,060 9,384 6,060 8 4 3 3 4 8 6 3 26 4 5 3 4 HEAD LIBRARIAN ScHooL, CoLLEGE, AND DEPARTMENTAL (PROFESSIONAL) Mini- Maxi- Num - mum mum her $ ... .U$ ... . . 11 4, 800 3,6oo 4:6oo 11 1 3-1/2 4 4 4 3,600 6,400 7 4 4 4 3,480 4,080 3,625 4,512 4,296 7,356 11 4,000 3 11 11 6,060 2 8,940 11 1 Statistics, 1 955-56 (Group I, Cont.) LIBRARY OPERATING EXPENDITURES Total Per Stu- Total Edu- Staff Other dent cational and Ratio of Li- Salaries Books Total for Operat- Total Operat- General In- hrary Ex- and and Books ing Ex- Operating ing Ex- stitutional penditures Staff Student Student R elate d and pendi- Expendi- pendi- Expendi- to Total Salaries Service Service Materials Binding Binding tures 3 tures tures41 tures4 (Per Cent) 200,792 16 ,9 14 217,70'6 83,514 13,965 97,479 19,014 334,199 66.70 4,279,408 7. 8 76 115,1 62 63,008 178, 170 48,305 18,775 67,080 21,764 267,014 43.40 10, 660,586 2.5 77 464,642 32,367 497,009 180,152 40,218 220,370 28,397 745,776 55.77 7 78 245,996 68,666 3 14,662 106,228 15,239 121,467 15,285 451,414 35.68 17 ;2·4·6-,660 79 207,437 9,6 15 217,052 93,000 10,801 103,801 14,000 334,853 19.37 1.9 80 352,417 28,667 381,084 149,340 20,291 169,631 40,149 590,864 166.30 11,863,775 5.0 81 22 1, 160 43,279 264,439 122,901 17,504 140,405 32,081 436,925 36.99 21,792,774 2.0 82 40,323 3,202 43 ,5 25 26,777 3,690 30,467 6,611 80,603 33.72 3,357,688 2.4 83 78,600 21,180 99,780 65,892 10,000 75,892 8,4 00 184,072 102. 78 2,400, 000 7.7 84 168,969 20,322 189,291 86,377 13,940 100,317 14,417 304,025 58.12 7 85 334,488 24,420 358,908 7 163,880 19,710 542,498 39 . 00 18,194,945 3.0 86 129,948 8,587 187,66030 67,408 14,915 82,323 13,646 283,629 31.83 6,250,000 4.5 87 87,753 21,319 10 9,072 55 ,36 5 9,519 64,884 11,477 185,433 43 . 73 2,8 06,560 6.6 88 39,895 8,200 48,095 23,532 4,863 28,395 3,888 80,378 44.5 8 1,679 ,637 4. 8 89 280,365 47,651 328,016 111,384 16,209 127,593 19,930 475,539 26 .50 10 ,723,455 4.4 90 13 3,505 33, 172 166,677 62, 966 7,500 70,466 16,400 253,543 45.65 7,819,879 3.2 91 111 ,964 16, 754 128,718 64,694 8,481 73,175 5,191 207,084 40.82 3,660,295 5.7 92 168,985 30,410 199,395 68 ,837 10,425 79,262 6,775 285,432 29.69 7 93 195 ,974 20,913 216,88 7 86,859 8,326 95 ,185 10,840 322,912 20.99 8, 471,995 3.8 94 2 10,954 14,782 225,736 128 ,322 18,429 146,7 51 18,344 390,831 41.39 13,534,477 2.9 95 278,520 83,224 361,744 159,689 18,426 178,115 25,082 564,941 32.34 7 96 134,889 13,413 148,302 91,251 14,359 105,610 10,898 264,810 38 . 74 5,562,396 4.8 97 93,876 36,800 130,676 68,669 17,792 86,461 21,584 238,721 28.71 7 98 54,560 29,440 84,000 22, 194 219 22,413 9,238 115,651 31.18 2,"4s·o,454 4.7 99 74,882 7,391 82,273 31,201 6,020 37,221 5,852 125,346 42.58 4,578,682 2.7 100 258,618 25,158 283,776 118,182 19,447 137 ,62 9 34,782 456,187 112.09 6,400,00016 7.1 101 173,394 36,623 210,017 11 2,343 15,565 127,908 21 ,6 11 359,536 28.04 11 ,113,510 3.2 102 454, 895 92, 188 547,083 170,719 18,333 189,052 42,492 778,627 54.9 7 15, 767,912 4.9 103 194 ,714 28,028 222,742 66,0 12 12, 263 78,275 15,700 316,717 57.36 7 104 363,131 60,890 424,021 184,705 17,547 . 202,252 36,032 662,305 35.80 1J ,'9'8'7",03 216 4.7 105 146, 820 24,000 170,82 0 53,867 8,000 61,867 13,146 245,833 41.49 6,720,000 3.7 106 162,258 30,540 192 ,798 64,59 1 13 ,750 78,341 13,58231 284,721 36 .8 7 7,810,027 3.6 107 450,635 67,266 517,901 166,026 37,295 203,321 41,825 763,047 50.42 26, 6 32,861 2.9 108 56,186 11,561 67,747 7 7 32,229 4,038 104 ,014 38.27 4,972,670 2.1 109 741,382 7 741 ,382 7 480,495 7 1,221,87732 166.17 22,533,75933 5.4 110 1,310,3 12 254,827 1,565,139 479,973 115,401 595,374 332,219 2,174,609 275.00 54 ,238 , 782 7.8 High 165,548 21, 180 189,291 73,794 12,375 94,646 13,646 292,119 41.10 7,769,029 3.7 Median 23,340 2,600 27,831 16,080 219 18,100 1,427 48,867 14.77 800,993 1.1 Low 110 10 5 110 104 104 110 109 110 110 94 94 N4o cine and Dentistry. 21. Excludes Branch College Libraries. 22. Excludes Law Library. 23. Includes $17,500 non- salaried service. 24. Included in staff salaries. 25. lncl udes $1,500 nonsalaried service. 26. Off-campu s binding only. 27. Includes heat, light and water. 28. Includes $300 nonsalaried service. 29. Excludes Coll ege of Medicine and its Library. 30. Includes $49,125 nonsalaried s ervice. 31. Includes expenditures for social security a nd an- nuities . 32. Excludes "Other Operating Expenditures." 33. Includes dormitory costs. 34. Includes 1,092 Air F or ce personnel enrolled in re sidence centers on six air bases. 35. Off-campus students in Europ ean and North Atlantic programs not included. 36. Includes administrative costs on $34,000,000 defense contracts. 37. Evanston campus only. 38. Include s off-campus extension students. 39. Exclude s government contracts. 40 . Number of libraries on which high, median and low are based. 41. In computing this figure, off-campus extension students have been omitted. 42 . Includes expenditures for the University Hospital. 43. Include s 9,835 part-time students in the Evening Division, Ch icago Camp u s. Statistics, 1 955- 1 956 (Group I) ALL OTHER PROFES- ALL NONPROFESSIONAL TOTAL NuMBER OF EMPLOYEES Working Hours SIONAL ASSISTANTS AssiSTANTS IN FULL-TIME EQUIVALENT 2 Hours in of Stu- Mini- Maxi- Num- Mini- Maxi- Num- Pro- Non pro- Fiscal dent As- mum mum her mum mum her fessional fessional Total Year3 sistance $2,700 $ 4,000 28-1/2 $1,700 $2,70 0 14 38-1/2 14 52-1/2 1,800 50 ,000 1 3,480 4,500 10 2,160 2,700 14-1/2 15 14-1/2 29-1/2 1,850 15,0006 2 3,600 4,300 7 2,525 3,600 12 13 -1/2 10 23-1/2 1,824 26,176 3 2,800 3,950 9-1/2 1,620 2,100 12 17-1/4 12 29-1/4 1,856 22,868 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 14-1/2 7-1/2 22 1,840 54,045 5 3,200 5,300 11 2,200 3,200 15 20 15 35 1,840 15,000 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 40 42 82 1,624 37,0006 7 3,100 4,300 19 1",872 3,420 40 26 40 66 1, 820 10,187 8 4,100 6,200 13 3,250 6,840 10 25-1/2 20 45-1/2 1,400 22,941 9 3,000 4,080 14 2,040 3,000 43 24-3/38 41-1/19 65-5/38 1,710 23,200 10 1,8009 4,795 5 1,0809 3,530 25 12-1/2 23 35-1/2 1,617 8,222 11 4,092 7,728 100-3/4 2,640 6,840 182-1/2 131-1 /4 178- 4 /5 310-1 /20 1,824 186,453 12 4,092 6,060 9 2,640 4,512 19 16 17-1/2 33-1/2 1,81 6 8,300 6 13 4,092 7,356 67 2,640 6,672 97 85 90 17512 1,824 167,728 14 4,092 4,980 3 2,640 4,512 11-1/2 10 11-1/2 21-1/2 1,840 13,333 15 Library1 16 . Ca li forn ia (Santa Barbara) . 17. California Inst. of T ech . . . 18. Catholic U. of America ... . ~6: §f~~i\~~at·i . : : : ·.:: :: :: : : : ·. : : 21. City College (N.Y. ) ..... . 22. Clark ........ .. ......... . 23 . Colorado15 . ... .... ... .... . 24. Colorado A . & M. . ... ... . 25. Columbia17 ...... ...... .. . 26. Cornell ..... . ... . ... .. . . . 27. Dartmouth ......... . .... . 28. D e laware ........ . . . ... . . 29. D enver . .... .. .......... . 30. Duke ... .. .. . .. ... . . . .. . . 31. Florida . ......... . ...... . 32. Florida State .. . .. .. ... . . . 33 . Fordham .... .. .. ....... . . 34 . Georgia ........ . .... .. .. . 35. Georgia Inst. of Tech. . .. . 36. Harvard 37. Hawai i2 1 38 . Hou ston 39 . Hunter 40 . Illinoi s 41. Indiana ..... .... .. ...... . 42. Iowa ........ . . ........ . . 43 . Iowa State ... . ... .. . . .. . . 44. Johns Hopkins . .... . .... . 45. Joint Univer s ity ......... . 46. Kansas .... . .. ..... . . . .. . 47. Kansas State . ........ .. . 48. Kentucky . .. . . . ......... . 49. Lehi gh . .. .. . . ... ..... . .. . 50. Louisiana State ....... . .. . 51. Maine . . .. .. .. ..... .. . . . . 52. Mary land23 ••••••••• ••• ••• 53. Massachusetts . .. . .. . .... . 54. Mass. In s t. of T ech. . .... . 55. Miami (Florida) .... .... . 56. Michigan24 . ... ... .... .. . . 57. Michigan State .. .... .... . 58. Minnesota . ..... . . .. .. . . . 59. Mississippi25 • • • •• • •• • • ••• 60 . Mississippi State ........ . 6 1. Misso uri ...... ... ..... .. . 62 . Montana . . .. . .. . ........ . 63 . Montana State . .......... . 64. Nebraska . : . ..... .. . . . .. . 65. Nevada . .. . . .. .... . ..... . 66 . New Hamp shire .. . ... . .. . 67. New Mexico ... . .. ... ... . 68 . New York University .... . 69 . North Caroli na . . .. .. . ... . 70. North Carolina State .. . . . . 71. North Dakota . ... . .. . ... . 72. Northwestern . .......... . 73. Notre Dam e . . .. .. ..... . . 74. Ohio State . .. .. .... .. . . . . 75. Oklahoma ............... . 76. Oregon27 ••••• ••• •••• • ••• • 77 . Oregon State . . . . ... ... .. . 78. Pennsylvania .. . . ....... . . 79 . Pennsylvania State ..... .. . 80. Pittsburg h .. . .... .. .. ... . . 81. Princeton ........ . . ..... . 82 . Purdue .... . . . ... . . .. .. . . 83 . Rhode Island ...... .. . ... . 84 . Rice . .. ....... . ....... . . . 85. Rochester .... ... ........ . 86. Rutgers .. ... . ..... . .... . 87. Saint Louis .. . . .. . . . ... .. . 88. South Carolina . ......... . 89 . South D akota ........... . 90. Southern California ...... . AssociATE OR AssiSTANT CHIEF LIBRARIAN Li- Mini- Maxi- Num- brarian mum mum her 9,384 6,060 7,728 4 6,0007 8,400 8 6,600 4,700 4 4 11,850 7, 65 0 8,650 5,900 9,800 7,020 6,900 4 4 6,025 10,000 6,200 4 9,300 7,300 4 9,200 5,700 7,200 7,800 5,000 6,000 9,200 6,500 9,300 6,800 10,011 6~6777 10, 20 0 9,750 7,050 15 ,50 0 7,600 11,700 8,000 10 ,5 00 7,6 80 4 4 4 10 , 500 6,300 7,920 5,520 4 10,008 6,000 7,400 7,500 7,080 3,960 4 4 11 ,000 11,000 6,700 12 ,0 00 9,000 4 7,200 8,800 7,300 6,500 6,600 5,500 11 ·7-,i 678 8,650 10,800 7,600 9,000 9,000 11 9,200 5,900 6,600 10,200 6,500 5,700 4 4 10 ,000 5,382 9,695 8, 120 7, 600 5,000 11,000 7,100 4 11 ,004 8,196 9,384 4 10 ,972 10 ,9 72 29 •• • • 4 6,800 9,120 7 , 188 4 13,000 4 8,900 4 7 ,00 0 5,240 5,200 10,860 6,5347 7,500 5,000 6,700 6,000 4 8,604 4 7,900 7,700 7,8548 2 1 1 2 2 1 3 3 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 4 2 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 4 2 2 3 2 2 4 11 College and University Library D EPARTMENT HEADS M ini - Maxi- Num- mum mum her 4,740 3,600 3,600 6,360 5,400 4 , 500 4 4 5,064 6,150 4,000 4 ,020 4,1 2016 4,700 4,176 3,900 3,900 4,81 8 5,200 4,850 4,200 4, 8 00 4,400 3,360 4,738 4,305 6,150 6,500 4 6,240 7,150 5,640 6,120 6,000 4,900 4,830 6,150 5,800 4,900 5,600 5,800 10,500 5,510 5,670 6,550 7 ,500 6,200 10 ,0 00 5,400 6,000 4 5:::~4 ..... 4 3,180 4,620 4,800 4,800 4,716 4 ,000 4 5,500 5,520 5,480 6,624 3,600 4,900 4,620 5,760 3,960 4,200 5,220 5,700 6,000 5,520 4,440 6,540 4,000 4,000 4,200 3,900 3,200 5,000 5,200 4,700 4,425 6,500 4,871 3,700 8,208 6,000 6, 8 00 4,600 4,450 6,000 6,000 5,000 5,500 5, 800 5,500 6,100 6,800 5,428 4,600 6,200 4 4,400 4,400 4 ,6 00 5,736 4,188 4 4,595 5,295 3,500 4 ,80 0 3,500 5,750 5,300 4,400 5,GOO 5,478 3,120 3,600 4,400 4 6,936 5,364 6,354 6,354 5,800 6,012 5,000 7,000 6,000 4,800 6,798 5,400 3 ,80 0 4,900 4 3 2 8 12 4 10 1 9 1 43 16 7 6 4 4 5 5 3 8 5 35 3 9 4 5 7 5 4 6 12 5 4 7 4 11 3 5 1 7 4 8 15 4 6 5 6 4 3 4 4 4 4 1 10 6 2 10 4 5 5 10 7 7 6 4 5 7 . 5 6 11 4 • , 2 6 HEAD LIBRARIAN ScHOOL , CoLLEGE, AND D EPARTMENTAL (PROFESSIONAL) Mini- Maxi - Num- mum mum her 3,600 3,600 4 4,008 6,500 4,900 11 11 3,720 . 4 ,8 23 3,800 3,800 4,200 4,800 4,400 4 4 ·s-,466 4 3,960 8 4 14 9,000 4 11 11 1 1 11 11 5,220 13 4 6 4, 830 2 4 4 5,600 8 1 4,700 2 4,900 2 1 3,500 14,000 18 5,87F 7,2988 1 3,96016 6,360 3 4,400 8,500 30 7,200 13 3,6 00 4,00 0 5,000 5-3/4 3 , 510 4,850 4 4,200 6,960 2,400 6,000 9 4 4 4 4,000 6,420 12 4,069 6,800 4,800 5,700 4,100 7,000 4,668 14, 000 20 -3 3 I so 3,792 10 ,500 23 3,600 5,400 5,400 4,000 5,000 3,638 3,8 16 3,500 4,400 3,900 3,636 3,456 4,750 28 3,300 4,200 3,500 3,540 4,600 3,300 5,478 2,640 4,900 4 6,300 6 6,500 2 1 1 1 9,250 7 7,067 4 -3/4 5, 000 10,500 6,336 7,800 6,300 6,096 5,040 7,000 ·5:566 9,570 5,400 4 2 2 526 5 15 8 16 11 6 12 6 9 4 5,500 2 4 11 Salary Statistics, 1955-56 (Group I, Cont.) ALL OTHER PROFES- ALL NoNPROFESSIONAL ToTAL NuMBER oF EMPLOYEES Working Hours SION AL ASSISTANTS AssiSTANTS IN FULL-TIME EQUIVALENT 2 Hours in of Stu - Mini- Maxi- Num- Mini- Maxi- Num- Pro- Non pro- Fiscal dent As- mum mum her mum mum her fes s ional fessional Total Year3 sistance 4,092 4,980 8 2,916 3,624 11 13 11 24 1,824 7,548 16 2,400 4,0 80 12-1/4 8- 1/4 12-1/4 20-1/2 1,944 2,120 17 3,300 3,900 7 2,100 3,900 14 20-1/213 2014 40-1/2 1,764 16,598 18 4 4 26 4 4 82 51 71 122 1,751 105 ,6 15 19 4 ,056 4,944 8 2,304 3,804 30-1/2 17 30-1/2 47-1/2 1,6006 21,5006 20 4,850 5,900 30 2,020° 3,450 16 49 14-3/4 63-3/4 1,455 45,947 21 3,800 1 2,080 2,236 6 3 6 9 1,645 5,614 22 3,540 4,560 10 2,040 4,020 22 20 21 41 1,840 45,290 23 3,700 5,200 7 2,568 3,276 11 9-2/3 10-1 /2 20-1/6 1,892 16 ,2 58 24 3,800 4,850 48-1 /2 2,000 3,900 225 95 2 18 313 1,757 18 25 3,720 7,500 54 2,460 4,176 94 86-2/3 96 182-2/3 1,833 127,70 1 26 3,450 4,800 12 1,800 4,950 4020 25 4!20 66 20 1,648 15 ,415 27 3,900 3,9 00 4 2,100 3,000 16 9-1/2 13-1/2 23 1,700 4 ,875 28 3,640 4,100 8 2, 160 3,204 18 15 17 32 1,717 14,150 29 3,300 4,500 28 1,800 3,400 43 38 43-1 /4 81-1/4 1,840 51,868 30 3,600 4,950 26 1,900 3,900 59-1/2 42 58-1/2 100 -1/2 1,810 71,681 31 3,400 4,650 24 2,160 3,331 26 34 26 60 1,8 00 4 32 3,800 4,200 13 2,444 3,200 22 21 18 39 1,652 11 ,620 33 3,700 4,600 15 2,120 2,820 28 25 26- 1/2 51-1/2 1,700 17,617 34 3,700 4,500 14 2,400 3,600 16 21-3/4 16 37-3/4 1,802 12,406 35 3,240 10,000 81 1,980 6,000 25 1 135 251 386 1,610 70,000 6 36 3,553 5,098 12 2, 101 3 ,708 16 18 16 34 1,848 28,720 37 3,225 4,560 6 2,040 3,780 17 18-1/2 21 39- 1/2 1,748 34,20 1 38 4,100 5,900 13 3,1 so 4,450 9 20- 14 /25 12 32- 14 /25 1,445 28,090 39 3,900 7,200 96-1/2 1, 920 4,800 118-1 / 2 134-1 / 2 117-1 /2 252 1,800 100,910 40 3,900 5,500 22 2,400 4,000 54 44 54 98 1,7506 41 3,2009 5,200 18 2, 160 3 ,780 47-3/4 30-3/4 48-1 /4 79 1,848 49,306 42 3,840 4,680 14 1,920 3,540 28 18-1/2 28 46- 1/2 1, 848 23,578 43 4 4 13 -1/2 4 4 48 23 47-1/2 70-1/2 1,702 19 ,9 73 44 1,9809 3,420 10 2,100 2,800 13 26-1/2 12-1 /2 39 1,880 62,666 45 3,700 6,300 28 1,732 5,200 38 41-1/4 35 76- 1/4 1,856 88,464 46 3,840 4,680 12 1,980 2,520 8 18 8 26 4 24,610 47 3,080 4,472 18 1,900 2,856 23-1/2 29 28-1/2 57-1 /2 1·,8sz6 28,000 6 48 4 4 4 4 4 4 9 6-1/2 15-1/2 1,86 4 8, 1 54 49 3,405 5,256 20 2,004 3,420 32 47 32 79 4 34,753 so 3,400 4,400 3 1,976 2,808 5 7-1 /2 6- 1/2 14 1,723 9 ,235 51 3,572 4,550 19 2,690 3,225 24-1/2 26 2 1-1/2 47-1/2 1,739 36 ,121 52 2,640 3,840 12 2 13 15 1,800 6,140 53 3,020 4,600 14 2,400 3,780 36 26 33 59 1,610 18, 180 54 4,000 5,800 15 1,920 3,600 44 23 44 67 1,828 24 ,240 55 4,000 7,200 90 2,520 5,520 96-1/2 119 -13/50 62- 11 / 20 181-8 1 I 1 oo 1,840 114,777 56 4,0 80 5,120 21 2,662 3,840 35 36 33 69 1,856 70,800 57 3,792 6,000 67 2,100 3,948 46 96 48 144 1,90438 10 6,365 58 2,880 3,600 5 1,560 2,400 9 11 9 20 1,856 19,450 59 2,700 4,000 5 1,750 2,700 7 10 9 19 1,933 14 ,2 19 60 3,400 4,800 12-1 / 2 1,680 2,900 30 20- 1/2 3 1-1 /2 52 1, 832 32,809 61 3,000 4,100 6 2,100 2,280 5 12 5 17 1,748 7,943 62 3,400 4,800 5-1 /2 2,400 2 ,700 4 9-1/2 4 13-1/2 1,724 7 ,200 63 3,700 5,2{)0 23 1,800 4,300 41 34 35 69 1, 908 50 , 532 64 5,200 1 3,000 3,400 5-3/4 6 3-3/4 9-3/4 1,754 5,670 65 3,500 1 1,900 3,000 9 11 8 19 1, 848 2 0,179 66 4,200 4,925 6 2,400 2,775 11-1/ 2 13 10-1 /2 23 -1/2 1,787 24, 555 6 7 3,600 5,500 33-2/3 2,220 3,600 74-1 /2 42-2/3 84-1/2 127-1/6 1,7506 38,0006 68 3,638 5,288 24 2,100 4,406 45-1/4 42 -3/ 4 45-1/4 88 1,850 45,994 69 3,508 4,035 3 2,400 3,254 15 12 15 27 1,794 11,3 51 70 4,000 4,400 2 1,920 2,400 3 8 3 11 1,724 10,900 71 3,800 5,000 12 26 2,280 3,360 3926 47 52-1/2 99-1/2 1,7 2 5 67, 764 72 3,600 4, 830 16 1,800 2,880 23 26 23 49 1,78 4 29,656 73 3,636 5,844 47 2,220 6,000 86-1/2 68 86-1/2 154-1/2 1, 808 72,965 74 3,456 4, 62 0 15-1/2 1,920 3,120 26-3/4 31-1/2 24-1/4 55-3/4 1,872 36, 120 75 3,586 4,736 18 1, 992 3,540 28-1/2 30 28- 1 /2 58-1/2 1,880 19,376 76 3 ,736 5,105 17 2,075 3,700 18 24-19/50 16-7/20 40 -73/100 4 27,031 77 3,500 6,000 30 1,820 4,000 97 56-1/4 94-1/4 150-1/2 d47 29,780 78 3,696 4,800 24 1,920 3,744 43 36 36 72 1,816 75,943 79 3,300 4,2 00 19 1,500 2,970 42 30 42 72 1,725 "15,002 80 3,300 4,500 22 1,920 3,600 99 36-5 / 6 88-1/3 125 -1/6 1,88 5 17,0006 8 1 4,600 4,800 7 2,280 4,140 48 23 46 69 1,8 16 51,203 82 3,400 4,410 5 1,980 2,840 4 7 4 11 1,7 10 5,300 83 3,100 3,800 9 2,600 3,000 6 15 -1/2 5-1/2 21 1,840 25,596 84 3,500 5,200 16- 1 /2 2,340 3,224 27 26-1 / 2 2 7 53 -1/2 1, 6 17 29,050 8 5 3,432 5,4 12 21 2,400 3,600 40 42 40 82 1,828 26,862 86 3,000 4,200 4 2,160 3,600 4 27 25 52 1,672 9,541 H7 3,200 . J30 2,100 2,400 i4ao 10 -1/2 23 33-1/2 1,764 25,000 6 88 3,2 00 3:566 3 2,400 2,575 3 8 5- 1/2 13-1/2 2, 12 1 6,769 89 4 4 27 4 4 48 43-1/2 44-3/5 88- 1/10 1, 840 62,487 90 College and University Library Library1 91. Southern Illinois ........ . 92. Southern Method ist .. .... . 93. Syracuse . ..... . ..... ... . . 94. Temple .. ..... ..... . . ... . 95. Te n n essee ....... .. . ..... . 96. Texas . . ... . ....... . ... . . 97. Texas A. & M ........... . 98. Utah .. . ...... .. .. ...... . 99 . Utah State . . .. .......... . 100. Vermont .. .. . . . .... .. .. . . 101. Virginia35 ...... . .. . ..... . 102 . Washington (St. Louis) . . . 10 3. Washington (Seattle)32 . .. . 104. Washin gt on State .•....... 105. Wayne ................ . . 106. West Virginia 25 •• •••••• • .• 107. Western Reserve ........ . 10 8. Wisconsin . ............. . . 10 9. Wyomingas .............. . 110. Yale31 . . ... ... . . ........ . Hig h . .................. . Median ................ . . Low . ................... . N 39 .... .. . .. .. .. .. . ..... . AssociATE OR AssisTANT C HI EF LI BRARI AN Li- Mini- Maxi- Num- brarian mum mum ber 10 ,08 0 7,200 7,500 11,000 4,9 8 0 • 9,4oo 6".Soo 10 ,000 7,400 8,700 6,300 8,600 6,820 5,80018 7,200 5, 100 9,168 7,032 9,500 .... 11,60433 10 ,000 9,250 12,900 8,267 7,000 5,700 9,300 15,900 9,200 5,800 74 • 4 ' 9,384 6,500 3,960 57 7,920 10,860 8,400 6,000 24 2 2 1 1 2 3 8 1 1 74 D EPARTMENT HEADS Mini- Maxi - Num- mum mum ber 5,040 4,260 4,260 4 ,520 4,700 3,840 4,500 3,850 3,650 4,600 6,48 0 4,500 4,6 8 0 5,220 5,200 6,250 4, 800 4,300 4,400 4,900 5,640 7,032 5,160 5,700 5,22033 6,600 33 6,260 6,950 7,095 8,155 4,200 4,200 5,200 4,500 7,095 4,595 3,120 99 4 5,100 5,124 7,124 5,5 08 11,700 5,800 3,800 9 1 4 7 6 6 8 6 10 4 4 616 2 5 4 4 4 7 6 5 8 4 8 43 5 1 103 HEAD LIBRARIAN Sci-IDOL, CoLLEGE, AND D EPARTMENTAL (PROFESSIONAL) Mini- Maxi- Num- mum mum ber 4,560 5,700 3,500 4,360 3,400 3,840 4 ,00 0 4,300 5,500 5,400 2 6,200 3 4,200 12 5,160 5 6,700 3 5,604 6,320 4,850 6-2/3 2 4 4,704 7,344 3,250 6,17 5 13 4,140 33 5,640 33 14 7,795 7,997 2 3,120 5,120 5 3,552 7,924 10 7, 795 4,000 2,400 72 14,000 6,200 3,960 59 9 30 5 1 76 1. Central l ibrary and all agencies. 2. Excludes st udent assistants and building maintenance staff. 3. Excludes vacations and legal holidays. 4. Not reported or not available. 5. Excludes School s of Medicine, Pharmacy, and Nursing. 6. Estimate. 7-8. Salary range for the position. 9. Half-time. 10. E xcludes additional salary as Vice- Chancellor-. 11. Included with department heads. 12. Excludes full-time positions paid fr om funds for wages . 13. Excludes librarians on academic department budgets. 14. Exclude s n onprofess io nal library employees on academic department budgets. 15. Excludes Denison M. D. Memorial Library. 16. Nine m onth s onl y . 17. Ex- clude s Barnard College, Teachers College, New York School of So cia l Work, a nd Co lle ge of Pharmacy . 18. Included with n onp r ofessional employees. 19. Includes librarian s and assistant librarians of New York State Contract Colleges at Cornell. 20. Excludes bindery staff. 21. Excludes T. C. Elementary and High Schoo ls, Hila Branch, Legi s lative Referenc e Bureau, and Industrial Relations. 22. Excludes staffs of Aud io-Visual and College and University Library L ibrary1 1. Adelphi (N.Y.) .............. .. 2. A kron (Ohio) . .. ... .. . .... . . .. . 3. Allegheny (Pa.) ............ .. . . 4. American (Beirut, Lebanon) .. . . 5. Amherst (Mass.) ... . .... . . .... . 6. Antioch (Ohio) .............. . 7. Associated Coli., Cl aremont (Calif.) 8. Atlanta (G a.) ..... ... .... ... .. . 9. Baldwin-Wallace (Ohio) .... . ... . 10. Beloit (Wis.) ... . ....... .. . . . . . 11. Bowdoin (Maine) . .. ..... .. . . . . 12. Brigham Young (Utah) .... ... . 13. Bryn Mawr (Pa .) ............ . 14. Bucknell (Pa.) .... .. ........ . . 15 . Butler (Ind.) .......... . .. . ... . 16. Carleton (Minn.) . .. ... .. .. . .. . . 17. Central State (Ohio) ..... . . .... . 18. Clemson (S .C.) ........... .... . 19. Colby (Maine) ... .. . . .... . .. .. . 20. Colgate (N.Y . ) .. ... ......... .. 21. College of the Pacific (Calif.) .. . 22. Colorado College ........... ... . 23. Cooper Union (N.Y.) .......... . 24. D av ids on (N.C.) .............. . 25. Deni son (Ohio) ............... . 26. DePa uw (Ind.) ...... ...... .. . . 27. Detroit (Mich .) ... . .... . ..... . 28. Di ck inson (Pa.) .. . ..... .. . ... . 29. Drake (Iowa ) ........ .. .. . ... . W. Drexel (Pa .) . ........... .... . . Fiscal Year Ending 30Je56 31Dec55 30Je56 30Je56 30Je56 30Je56 30Je56 31My56 30Te56 30}e5 6 30Je56 3 1Ag56 30Je5 6 30Je5 6 31Ag56 30 ]e5 6 30Ap56 30Je56 30Je56 30Je56 31Ag56 30Je56 30Je56 l] y56 31]y56 30Je56 30Je56 30Je56 31My56 31Ag56 STUDENT ENROLLMENT Tota l Under- Total Total Book gradu ate Graduate Extension Stock 1,773 2,445 2 1,03 6 1,946 1,06 3 1,02 1 1,616 1',737 987 790 7, 894 633 2,007 3,767 903 947 2,917 1, 10 0 1,307 1,239 1,065 1,325 86 4 1,327 1,957 8,434 871 5,017 3,367 894 45 10 77 10 384 578 10 290 170 26 118 19 276 20 17 649 712 753 1,048 18 810 212 149 1,095 3,002 79,416 102,7 76 13 5,9 12 106,000 303,303 88,628 249,755 142,400 62,68 7 167,50 0 242,509 221,889 240,496 151 ,228 175 ,980 155 ,561 33,5 49 154 ,782 199 ,39 4 217,729 64,878 163 ,003 87,944 66,271 110 ,086 127,444 180,0 00 100 ,000 146 ,6 47 133,063 Volumes News- P eri- Added papers odica ls 5,032 5,509 3,323 5,733 6,321 5,032 11,006 3,521 2,021 2,417 5 ,095 9,985 5,684 5,817 5,860 3,3 55 2,049 6,803 5,965 4,056 3,550 2,433 1,757 2,208 3,246 3,904 13 ,692 3,111 5,397 6,235 10 11 9 24 13 12 33 24 6 12 11 37 12 16 10 14 17 40 5 10 13 19 24 35 17 17 20 14 9 3 805 653 402 1,400 975 613 1,500 581 500 510 500 2,293 922 1,150 1,018 538 360 1,732 675 627 490 662 589 32 0 580 552 1,231 458 821 911 Salary Statistics, 1955-56 (Group I, Cont.) ALL OT HER PROFES- ALL NoNPROFESSIONAL TOTAL NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Working Hours SIONAL AssiSTANT& ASSISTANTS IN FuLL-TIME EQUIVALEN~ Hours in of Stu- Mini- Maxi- Num- Mini- Maxi- Num- Pro- Non pro- Fiscal dent As- mum mum ber mum mum ber fessional fessional Total Year3 sistance 4,200 6,480 9 2,040 3,360 18 17 19 3622 1,739 41,470 91 3,240 4,300 10 2,000 3,000 15 -5/6 18 15-1 /3 33-1/3 1,774 22,089 92 3,500 4,200 17 1,3 20 2,820 30 33 30-1/2 63-1/2 1,709 32,103 93 3,800 4,520 18 2,000 3,840 26 31 26 57 1,611 21,210 94 3,400 5,400 17 1,800 3,800 41 28 38 66 1,760 16,9 80 95 3,480 5,088 17 2,280 4,212 55 -1/4 33-2/3 58 91 -2/3 1,864 112,710 96 3,220 5,300 12 2,040 3,000 27 19 26 45 1,880 15, 385 97 3,600 4,950 5 2,400 3,320 12 15 13 28 1, 848 46,000 98 3,650 3,800 316 2,150 4,000 8 4 8 4 1,48016 39,000 99 3,400 4,000 8 1,860 3,600 9 13 9 22 1,732 8,836 100 4,128 5,880 18 2,112 3,936 42 -1/2 28 42-1/2 70-1/2 31 29,5006 101 3,600 5,529 16 2,200 2,940 26-1/2 30 24 -1/2 54-1/2 1',728 4 102 -3,780 33 5,64033 29-3/4 2,220 33 4,68Q33 74 48-3/4 74 122-3/4 1,840 84,497 10 3 3,925 6,020 14 2,520 3,960 34 20 34 54 1,824 32,974 104 5,126 7,344 2034 3,280 5,744 4234 32-3/5 43-1/2 76-1/10 1,844 66 ,314 105 3,750 5,100 9 2,000 3,600 35 17 35 52 1,778 31,500 106 3,200 4,620 13 2,400 3,780 29 25 28 53 1,748 28,0006 107 3,552 6,626 54 2,400 3,852 32 74 32 106 1, 872 80, 123 108 4,116 4,308 4 2,304 3,000 6 9 6 15 1,84 0 12,482 109 3,240 4,680 76 1,740 3,480 118 107 122-47/100 229-47/ 100 1,695 44,531 110 5,200 10,000 100-3/4 3,280 6,840 251 135 251 386 2,121 186,453 High 3,586 4,800 14 2,100 3,540 27 25 26 52 1,800 26, 17 6 Median 2,700 3,420 1 1,320 2,100 3 2 3 9 1,400 2,120 Low 100 98 104 102 104 106 109 110 109 106 106 N 3D Textbo ok Rental Departments of Library. 23. Excludes Maryland State College. 24. Excludes Clements, Busi- ne ss Administration, and Lane Hall Librarie s. 25. Excludes Schools of Law and Medicine. 26. Excludes Chi- cago cam pus. 27. Excludes Scho ol s of Medicine and Dentistry. 28. Ten months only. 29. Twelve per cent of salary paid for duties as Director of Libraries, Oregon State System of Higher Education. 30. Include s McKi s- sick Library only. 31. Vat·ies from 1,856 t o 1,904 hours de pend ing on length of service. 32. Excludes School of Law and two other autonomous units. 33. Salaries are those being paid as of June 1956. 34. Includes full-time positions only. 35. Excludes branch college libraries. 36. Excludes Law Library. 37. Includes Sterling Memorial and schoo l libraries only. 38. Librarians with academic appointments work 1,83 2 hours; those on staff at least five years, 1,880. 39. Number of libraries on which high, median, and l ow are based. Statistics, 1 955 - 1 956 (Group II) LIBRARY OPERATI NG EXPENDITURES Total Total Edu- Ratio of Staff Total Other Total Per Stu- cational and Library Salaries Books for Operat- Operat- dent Op- General In - Expendi- and and Books ingEx- ingEx- erating stitutional tures to Staff Student Student Related and pendi- pendi- Expendi- Expendi - Total Salaries Service Service Materials Binding Binding tures tures tures tures (Per Cent) $ 37,139 $ 7,929 $ 45,068 $ 16,076 $ 2,747 $ 18 ,823 $ 2,693 $ 66 , 584 $ 17.92 $ 2,556,538 2.60 1 40,861 14,742 55,602 18,020 2,853 20,873 7,118 83,593 33.57 1,669,314 5.00 2 23,547 2,668 26,215 11, 853 828 12,681 1,410 40,306 38.53 833,915 4.83 3 56,734 5,722 62,456 36,100 2,350 38,450 5,09 5 106,001 52.34 3,451,234 3.07 4 52,531 5,519 58,050 29,434 3,431 32,865 5,387 96,302 89.75 2,276,180 4.23 5 34,550 14,652 49,202 18,925 2,947 21,872 2,019 73,092 71.58 1,213,435 6.07 6 56,520 14,524 71,044 43,000 7,000 50,000 6,962 128,006 64.50 2,967,442 4.31 7 35,658 4,842 40,500 9,456 3,049 13,055 4,684 58,239 101.00 3 3 8 25,245 1,095 26,340 10,119 2,060 12,171 1,136 39,646 22.82 1,070,514 3.70 9 26,700 3,400 30,100 9,800 1,200 11,000 1,900 43,000 43.00 952,261 4.51 10 27,426 3,960 31,386 14,177 3,464 17,641 2,881 51,908 65.70 1,346,102 3.80 11 61,950 38,000 99,950 66,500 5,000 71,500 8,050 179,500 21.93 3,852,755 4.70 12 48,939 2,801 51 ,740 22,058 4,271 26,329 2,676 80,745 100.00 1,446,383 5.00 13 45,963 3,138 49 , 101 21,135 2,972 24,107 2,603 75,811 37.29 1,982 ,32 4 3.82 14 41,617 8,683 50,300 16,245 3,602 19,846 2,906 73,052 19.39 2,150,000 3.40 15 17,410 5,841 23,251 15 ,64 0 1,113 16,753 1,590 41,594 46 .06 1,229,38 1 3.40 16 29,600 3,000 34,100 8,786 7',299 8,786 3,101 45,987 48.70 1,128,227 4.07 17 59,6 11 10,162 69,773 27,447 34,746 3,840 108,359 35.67 2,637,291 4. 10 18 31,953 3,494 35,447 17 ,740 1,179 18,920 4,28 1 58,648 53 .3 1 1,113,956 5.30 19 30,500 5 14,309 44,809 16,134 1,268 17,402 3,727 65,938 49.00 20 24,583 4,690 29,273 13 ,165 1,577 14 ,742 1,453 45,468 30.01 1,125,000 4.04 21 24,029 2,300 26,439 7,958 1,699 9,657 899 36,995 34.00 691,200 5. 35 22 48,0 60 9,471 57,531 10,400 3,500 13 ,90 0 3,500 74,981 56 . 59 1,5 41,767 4. 86 23 15,9 83 3,307 19,290 12,621 1,206 13,827 3,870 36,988 42.81 904,127 4.09 24 30,1924 5,958 36,150 13,846 1,816 15,661 3,119 54,930 41.38 1,258,838 4.36 25 34,716 3,506 38,322 13,833 1,796 15,629 6,239 60,089 30.44 1, 748,727 3.40 26 67,834 10 ,89 1 78, 725 50,3 8 1 8,116 58 ,49 7 3,078 140,298 15.46 3,894,449 3.6 0 27 31,766 1,928 33,694 11,024 640 11,664 45,358 52.07 834,663 5.40 28 50,195 13, 000 63,195 20,215 3,200 23,415 3,635 90,245 15.75 1,911,513 4.70 29 44,8796 8,066 52,945 18,675 3,404 22,079 2,790 77,814 10.92 3,225,000 2.41 3() Library1 31. Duquesne ( Pa. ) ... . . .... ... .. . 32. Fisk (Tenn.) ....... . . ........ . 33. Fort Hayes (Kan.) ... .. ... ... . . 34. Goucher (Md . ) ..... . ......... . 35. Grinnell (Iowa) .. . .... . .. .. .. . 36. Hamilton (N.Y. ) .......... . ... . 37. Haverford (Pa.) .......... . ... . 38. Hol y Cross (Mass.) .... . .... . . . 39. Howard (Ala.) ...... . .... .. .. . . 40. Howard (D . C.) .... . .... ...... . 41. Idaho State . .. ... . .......... .. . 42. Illinois Inst. of Tech .. .. ....... . 43. Immaculate Heart (Calif.) ... .. . 44 . Kent (Ohio) .......... ... .... . 45. Knox (Ill.) .......... . .. . .. . .. . 46. Lewis and Clark (Ore.) ....... . 47. Loyola (Calif.) .. . ............ . 48. McNeese (La.) ............... . 49. Marshall (W.Va.) ............. . 50. Marygrove (Mich .) ........... . 51. Michigan Coli. of Mining & Tech. 52. Middlebury (Vt.) ........... .. . 53. Mills (Calif.) ... . ............. . 54 . Mt. Holyoke (Mass.) .... . ..... . 55 . Muhlenberg (Pa.) . .. . . ....... . 56. New Rochelle (N.Y.) ...... ... . . 57. North Texas . .. ..... . .. ... . ... . 58. Occidental (Calif.) .. . ..... .... . 59. Ohio Univ., Athens ..... .... .. . 60 . Queens (N .Y.) .............. . . 61. Redlands (Calif.) ........... . . . 62. Reed (Ore.) .................. . 63. Rollins (Fla.) ...... . ... . ... . . . 64. Roosevelt (Ill.) . . ..... ... . .. . . . 65. St. Catherine (Minn.) .... . .... . 66. St. John's (Minn.) ............ . 67. St. Thoma s (Minn.) ... . . ... . .. . 68. San Francisco (Calif.) .. . . .... . 69. Santa Clara (Calif.) ....... . . . . 70. Sarah Lawrence (N.Y.) . . ..... . 71. Skidmore (N.Y.) ............. . 72. Smith (Mass.) ... . ............ . 73. South Dakota State . ...... . ... . 74 . Stetson (Fla.) ... . .. . .. . ...... . 75. Swarthmore (Pa.) ..... . .. . .... . 76 . Sweet Briar (Va.) ... .. ....... . . 77. Toledo (Ohio) . . . ... . ......... . 78. Trinity (Conn.) .... .... ....... . 79. Trinity (Tex.) ..... .... ..... . . 80 . Tulsa (Okla.) .............. . . . 81. Valparaiso (Ind.) .. . .... . . . .. . 82. Vassar (N.Y.) .. ...... . ...... . 83. Virginia Poly. In s t .. . .. . .. . . . . . 84. Wake Forest (N.C.) . ...... . ... . 85. Wellesley (Mass.) ... ..... . . ... . 86. Wesleyan (Conn.) . ........ . . . . 87. Wheaton (Ill.) ....... . .. .. .. . . 88. Wheaton (Mass.) ......... .. . . . 89. Wichita (Kan.) .. .... . ........ . 90 . William and Mary (Va.) . .. ... . 91. Williams (Mass.) . .. .......... . 92. Wooster (Ohio) .. . ............ . High ....... .. . ............... . Median .. . . . .......... . .. . ... . Low . . ...... . .......... . ... .. . N22 .... . . . . . ....... . ...... ... . Fiscal Year Ending 30Je56 31Jy56 30Je56 30Je56 30Je56 30Je56 31Ag56 30Je56 31Ag56 30Je56 30Je56 31Ag56 1Jy56 30Je56 30Je56 31My56 31Jy56 30Je56 30Je56 30Je56 30Je56 30Je56 30Je56 30Je56 31Ag56 30Je56 31Ag56 30Je56 30Je56 30Je56 30Je56 30Je56 30Je56 31Ag56 30J e56 30Je56 31My56 30Je56 30Je56 30Je56 30Je56 30Je56 30Je56 31Ag56 30Je56 30Je56 30Je56 30Je56 31My56 31My56 30Je56 30Je56 30Je56 30Je56 30Je56 30Je56 31Ag56 30Je56 30Je56 30Je56 30Je56 30Ag56 College and University Library STUDENT ENROLLMENT Total Under- Total Total Book graduate Graduate Extension Stock 3,584 695 1,957 634 843 633 459 1,823 1,440 3,380 5,959 7a 5,629 793 1,024 1,166 1,633 2,980 699 2,242 1,258 472 1,204 828 829 5,053 1,251 5,924 3,853 1,033 632 608 3,503 942 1,000 1,333 2,860 1,097 389 1,054 2,243 2,605 1,536 907 480 5,170 906 1,480 4,608 2,350 1,428 3,754 1,750 1,708 774 1, 697 546 4,087 1,046 1,096 8,434 1,316 389 88 21 339 41 125 15 6 7 235 957 564 32 398 361 25 10 68 43 463 51 185 750 65 7 261 8 75 so 180 58 10 60 79 8 4 320 27 4 275 415 6 230 2 18 62 103 305 7a 21 7 1 957 76 1 64 70,804 126,261 484 84,738 97,974 121,472 241,497 204,430 174,786 2,028 70,603 320,302 56,156 58 123,094 7 a 66,725 583 144,076 86,021 44,632 86,341 23,000 336 102,471 74,157 70,076 126,838 121,954 246,634 91,818 64,576 564 285,660 121,632 448 254,795 110,245 99,882 108,069 220 94,540 264 151 3,002 448 18 17 21 100,936 85,421 99,862 55,258 60,755 90,211 69,000 80,135 406,929 112 , 739 91,069 200,434 85,993 202,225 363,936 72,885 164,847 82,500 309,662 202,100 140 ,400 301,742 418 ,269 103,103 77,647 125,879 252,353 227,820 131,056 418,269 121,552 23,000 92 Vol umes News- Peri- Added papers odical s 5,955 3,613 6 ,500 2,207 2,599 5,335 4,180 6,511 2,813 12,037 5,820 2,126 6,648 7,806 3,477 3,299 3,341 4,000 3,535 3,340 1,834 3,333 3,218 5,758 2,750 1,958 17,003 248 10,918 13,312 5,578 4,391 4,657 7 ,000 2,273 4,126 2,110 5,469 6,382 2,350 4,199 9,213 4,262 3,272 5,610 2,107 12,637 6,150 5,808 8,690 4,279 6,449 8,740 5,532 5,718 11,383 1,621 2,455 8,614 7,378 4,138 3,164 17,003 4,524 248 92 7 47 78 3 6 8 6 29 22 41 81 17 10 15 24 10 21 11 20 27 13 3 14 10 16 33 14 17 6 9 5 17 22 21 25 10 4 1 23 9 30 21 13 12 10 4 18 12 18 14 28 97 31 21 12 8 9 10 18 9 9 97 14 1 91 696 523 533 47.3 539 550 640 370 661 1,7 62 937 950 493 815 335 485 337 413 534 593 580 480 431 71711 434 395 1,689 707 1, 138 720 771 473 365 646 503 725 445 687 845 324 534 1,450 950 662 1,029 453 1,121 551 418 863 524 . 1,381 2,031 1,171 1,145 1,200 574 375 846 1,287 800 436 2,293 636 320 92 1. Centra l library and all agencies. 2 . Does not include 2,182 evening session students. 3. Not reported or not available. 4. Salaries for 11 months only. 5. Profes s ional only. 6 . Includes only part of Director's salary. 7. Total enrollment 1,765. 7a . Total enrollment 883. 8. Includes $7,000 non-salaried services. 9. Includes $20 ,0 00 non- salaried services. 10. Includes $6,500 non-salaried services. 1 1. Plus 285 received through Hampshire Inter- library Center. 12. Includes $1,47 1 non-salaried services. 13. Includes $12,000 non-salaried services. 14. $14,304 Statistics, 1 955-56 (Group II , Cont.) LIBRARY OPERATING EXPENDITURES Total Tota l Edu- Ratio of Staff Total Other Total Per Stu- cational and Library Sa laries Books for Operat- Operat- dent Op- Genera l In- Expendi - and and Books ing Ex- ingEx- erating stitutional tures to Staff Student Student Related and pendi- pendi- Expendi- Expendi- Total Salaries Servi<:e Service Materials Binding Binding tures tures tures tures (Per Cent) 35,141 6,500 41,641 21,100 1,325 22, 425 2,545 66,611 16.98 1,630,735 4.0 8 31 37,450 7",i98 37,450 10,450 1,750 12,200 1,884 51,533 70.01 794,047 6.50 32 26,204 33,402 14,860 1,126 15,986 2,036 51,424 24.69 953,065 5.30 33 23,898 3,798 27,695 8,921 2,065 10,986 1,480 40 ,161 61.86 958,202 4. 19 34 19,263 3,637 22,900 9,022 2,351 11,37 3 813 35,086 42.00 1,837,000 1.90 35 23,965 9,307 33,272 15,255 470 15,725 6,718 55,715 88 .00 993,377 5.00 36 32,676 4,344 37,020 20,755 2,466 23,22 1 3, 188 63,429 136.40 524,977 12. 08 37 21,588 11, 658 40,245 8 11 ,9 19 1,235 13,154 26,726 80,125 43.7 8 989,551 7.43 38 17,632 7,244 24,876 9, 776 1,041 10,817 1,0 17 36,709 25.49 576,943 6.36 39 10 3,465 11,399 114,864 34,023 7,373 41,396 8,649 164,909 45 .61 4,552,866 3.62 40 33,571 14,144 47,7 15 18,358 1,1 63 19,521 9,326 76,562 43.32 1,426,345 5.33 41 35,130 3,000 38,130 12,000 2,300 16,300 2,450 56,880 8. 14 42 6,795 5,850 25,945 9 7,3 71 230 7,601 1,464 35,010 39.64 4;o·4·4·,477 43 75 ,800 10,125 8 5,925 36,326 5,73 8 42,0 64 8,000 135 ,989 20.07 3.36 44 20,468 2,081 22,549 11,187 1,580 12,768 6,792 42,109 53 . 10 89 9,17 8 4. 68 45 24,076 3,765 27,840 9,495 843 10, 338 2,533 40,712 38.55 722,4 67 5.60 46 20,800 1,040 28,34010 17,850 2,000 19, 8 50 2,225 50,415 32.23 856,761 5.10 47 22,800 1,950 24,750 22,670 1,465 24,135 1,0 82 49,967 30.60 1,370 ~1 90 3.60 48 25,020 4,700 29,720 19,550 2,000 21, 550 3,210 54,480 16.30 1,564,5 22 3.48 49 6,307 3,174 30,281 10,536 1,887 12,423 4,34 7 47,052 67 .31 636,278 7.30 50 33,425 3,302 36,727 11,381 1,816 13,206 1,08 3 51,006 22.75 2,202,430 2. 31 51 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ••• •• • •• 3 3 52 19,110 2,969 22,079 10,824 2,642 13,465 800 36,345 67 .30 666, 705 5.00 53 57,838 2,179 60,0 17 22,532 2,255 24,787 5,9 32 90,736 72.76 1, 693 ,1 36 5.30 54 23,829 25,30012 8,682 610 9,292 2,837 37,429 45 .0 0 725,535 5.00 55 19,211 3,815 3 5,02613 7,666 1,01 6 8,682 1, 638 45,346 54.69 575,858 12.69 56 71,058 16,435 87,492 56,470 9,190 65,659 10,041 163,193 29 .44 2,611,642 6.24 57 43,015 4,482 47,497 14,26514 2,571 16,836 2,998 67,331 51.71 1,337,343 5.03 58 65,432 12, 600 78,032 35,648 3,092 38, 740 12,418 129,190 19.70 3,985,909 3.20 59 91,997 23,777 11 5,774 113,175 2,332 115,507 3,000 234,28 1 50.89 2,900,000 8.10 60 33,939 9,96 5 43,904 11,691 1, 859 13,550 3,678 6 1,132 55.6 8 1,170, 696 5.25 61 22,846 4,154 27,000 13,900 1,5 00 15,400 2,550 44,950 70.34 684,714 6.56 62 28 ,455 28,455 4 ,452 432 4,884 1,780 35,119 42.40 732,903 4.65 63 75,650 1,630 77,280 17 ,204 1,802 19 ,005 7,712 103,998 27 .63 1,836,389 5.70 64 5,228 5,725 30,51515 15,957 896 16,8 54 738 48,107 50.64 761,271 6.31 65 3,091 1,730 23,39116 10 ,892 2,293 13,185 1,081 37,657 35.03 696,633 5.40 66 18,471 2,70 1 21,172 9,927 1,201 11, 128 2,219 34,519 24.96 928,084 3. 50 67 20,980 8,507 35 48717 19 ,2 04 1,026 20,230 3,075 58,792 19.35 3 3 68 24, 88 0 3,573 35:95218 54,884 3,183 58,067 6,738 100,753 87 .2 3 898,408 11.21 69 21,726 1,968 23,694 8,399 947 9,346 2,246 35 ,286 88 .00 427 .900 8.20 70 35,415 35,415 9,382 1,168 10,550 1,325 47,290 45.00 1,18 7,679 3.98 71 89,48 1 6,309 95 ,790 19 39,699 4,449 44,14 820 5,587 145,525 63 .1 8 3,306,990 4.40 72 33,200 9 ,892 43 ,092 26,589 6,043 32,632 6,075 81,799 30.47 4,211,855 1.94 73 35,755 10,964 46,719 19,112 2,287 21,399 3,772 71,891 44.37 1,180, 966 6.00 74 57,914 4,617 62,531 21,054 2,711 23,764 4,314 90,608 99.90 1,738,654 5.21 75 22,486 715 23,200 9,485 1,500 10,985 826 35,011 75.02 778,258 4.00 76 52,158 6,900 59,058 26,515 3,879 30,395 3,268 92,721 16.89 2,083,683 4.50 77 36,595 3,545 40,139 16 ,910 3,571 20,481 2,720 63,340 53.68 1, 340,3 19 4.70 78 17,05 8 5,509 22,567 11,7 80 542 12,3 22 2,125 37,014 21.0920a 826,951 4.47 79 45 ,66 7 12,577 58,244 26,264 4,132 30,396 7,315 95,955 19.10 1,700,251 5.6 4 80 22 ,550 6,000 28,550 11,162 500 11 ,662 476 40,688 15.00 1,199,629 3.40 81 11 0, 49 8 5,441 115 ,939 32,789 5,696 38,485 8,762 163,186 113 .80 2,536,000 6.44 82 137, 284 2,13 1 139,415 40,449 5,836 46,2 86 4,8 70 190,571 52.29 10,30 7,943 1.80 83 35,295 6,276 41,571 25,838 3,196 29,034 1,327 71 ,932 41.00 2,009,525 3 84 95 ,8 95 1,059 96,954 28,836 5,749 34,585 3,258 134 ,797 78.00 2,490,090 5.41 85 67,010 8,134 75 ,144 33,195 12,650 45,845 4,200 125, 189 126.72 2,145,000 5.8n 86 20,096 5,726 25,822 10,119 2,142 12 ,26 1 1,279 39,362 21.87 1,243,8 16 3.1 6 8 7 25,000 3,515 28,515 11,726 1,222 12 ,948 3 . • •. • 3 3 3 3 88 39,870 13,205 53 ,075 26,956 2,833 29,789 2,641 85,505 19.46 2,073,124 4.00 89 63,756 9,320 73,076 31,985 3,409 3 5,39 5 10,574 119 ,045 68.91 1,425,917 8.30 90 38,633 2,5 12 41,146 22,496 4,470 26,966 2,931 71 ,0 42 67.47 i;o"4.z",7is 91 25,630 4,523 30,153 11,683 1,430 13,113 3,370 46,636 42 .00 4.47 92 137,284 38,000 139,415 113 ,175 12,650 115,507 26,726 234,281 136.40 10-,307,943 12.69 High 33,425 5,44 1 38,130 16, 07 6 2, 198 17,641 3,000 60,6 10 43.1 6 1,338,831 4.70 Median 3,091 715 19,290 4,452 230 4,88 4 476 34,519 8.14 427 ,900 1. 80 Low 91 87 91 9 1 90 91 89 90 90 84 83 N22 additional spent from gifts not in budget. 15. Includes $19,562 non-salaried services. 16. Includes $19,570 n on- salaried service s. 17. Includes $6,000 non- salaried services. 18. Includes $7,500 non-salaried s ervices. 19. Does not include music and art lib raries staff sala ries. 20. Includes funds for mu sic and art libraries. 20a. $30.87 if students are <:ounted as full-time equivalents. 21. Total enrollment 1,742, not including division s at No rfolk and Richmond. 22. Number of libraries on which high, median and low are based. College and University Library Salary Library3 AssociATE OR AssiSTANT CHIEF LIBRARIAN Li- Mini- Maxi- Num- brarian mum m um her 1. Adelphi (N.Y.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ ..... 2 $ .. . . $ .... 2. Akron (Ohio) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3. Allegheny (Pa. ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 4. American (Beiru t, Lebanon) . . . . 2 5. Amherst (Mass.) . ... ...... . ... . 6. Antioch (Ohio) .............. .. . 7. Associated Coli., Cla remont (Calif.) 8. Atlanta (Ga.) ............... .. . 9 . Bald win-Wallace (Ohio) ...... . . 10. Beloit (Wis.) .... . .. ... .. . . ... . 11. Bowdoin (Maine) ............. . 12. Brigham Young (Utah) ....... . 13. Bryn Mawr (Pa.) ..... .. . .. ... . 14. Bucknell (Pa.) ....... ..... . . . . 15 . Butler (Ind.) . ......... .... . . . . 16. Carleton (Minn.) ............. . 17. Central State (Ohio) . ... . ..... . 18. Clemson (S . C.) ..... .. ...... .. . . 19 . Colby (Maine) ... .... ...... . .. . 20. Colgate (N.Y. ) . .... ... . ....... . 21. College of the Pacific (Cali f.) .. . . 22. Colorado State ... . .. .. .... . . .. . 23. Cooper Union (N.Y.) ........ .. . 24. Davidson (N.C.) . ............ . 25 . Denison (Ohio) ............. . . . 26. DePauw (Ind.) . .... ... . ..... . . 27. Detroit (Mich.) ... . ... ... . . ... . 28. Dickinson (Pa.) ... . ... .. .. .. . . 29. Drake (Iowa) ..... . . ...... . . .. . 30 . Drexel (Pa.) . .. ... ...... ..... . 31. Duquesne (Pa.) ... . ....... . . . . 32. Fisk (Tenn.) .. ..... . .. ....... . 33. Fort Hayes (Kan.) ... . .. . . .. .. . 34. Goucher (Md.) .. ... ......... . . 35. Grinnell (Iowa) .. .. .... . . . ... . 36 . Hamilton (N.Y.) ... ....... . . .. . 37 . Haverford (Pa. ) ..... . ... . .... . 38 . Holy Cross (Mass.) .. ..... ... . . . 39 . Howard (Ala.) .. . . . ... . ... .. . . 40. Howard (D.C.) .. ... .. ......... . 41. Idaho State .. . . .. . .. . .. . ...... . 42. Illinois Inst. of Tech. . ...... .. . 43. Immaculate Heart (Calif.) ..... . 44. Kent (Ohio) .. . ..... . .. . . . . . .. . 45. Knox (Ill.) .. .. .. . .. .. . ....... . 46. Lewis and Clark (Ore.) .. . ..... . 47. Loyola (Calif.) ............. .. .. 48 . MeN eese (La .) .. .. . ..... .... . . . 49. Marshall (W.Va.) ....... .. .... . SO. Marygrove (Mich . ) . . ..... . .. . . . 51. Michigan Coli. of Min in g & T ec h. 52. Middlebury (Vt.) ...... .... . .. . 53 . Mills (Calif.) .... . ........... . . 54. Mt. Holyoke (Mass.) . . ........ . 55. Muhlenberg (Pa.) ... .. .. ...... . 56. New Rochelle (N.Y.) .. . .. . . .. .. . 57. North Tex as .. ................ . 58. Occidental (Calif. ) .. ....... . .. . . 59. Ohio Univ ., Athens ........ . ... . 60. Queens (N.Y.) ................ . 61. Redlands (Calif.) ....... . ... . .. . 62 . Reed (Ore.) .............. . .. .. . 63. Rollins (Fla.) .......... . ...... . 64. Roosevelt (III.) ... .. ... .. . . . ... . 65. St. Catherine (Minn . ) .. ..... . . . . 6,750 7,500 6,700 6,300 2 8,000 5,40Q- 6,700 5,000 2 6,500 6,000 3,350 6,000 7,200 7,500 2 1,7 50 7 5,000 6,600 6,000 2 6,500 2 5,500 2 6,210 2 5,250 2 4,860 4,500 4,900 4,400 5,400 2:26613 3,960 7,000 4,200 7,785 6,000 8,300 9,100 6,500 6,500 6,500 6,900 5,720 5,500 5,000 5,500 s', i 66 5,300 1 2 1 3,990 2 5,000 1 2 6,000 5,00015 4,500 6,35 0 4,420 4,900 2 2 2 2 s:3oo 2 6,50 0 4:766 ·7:744 5,200 6,000 8,823 8,650 6',450 8,050 6,0 00 6,000 4,600 . 6,000 6,420 DEPARTMENT HEADS Mini- Maxi- Num - mum mum her $ .... $ .... 2 2 7 4,300 3,800 3,600 4,000 3,800 4,400 4,100 3,850 3,204 3,300 4,404 3,500 4,200 2 4,500 3,400 4,800 3,650 8 4,300 4,950 4,000 2 4,300 4,400 4,000 5,000 4,900 4,500 3,800 5,604 4,500 4,700 5,000 5,000 3,800 8 2 4 3 2 2 2 5 2 4 1 4 4 3 3 4 2 3 2 3 4,400 5,600 5 4 4,100 4,700 3 3,600 4,400 3 2 2 2 4,235 5,720 3 2 2 2 3,900 4,100 4 2 2 3,084 3,6 00 4 3,400 4,500 2 4',525 5,57 5 3,900 3,600 3,800 3,500 2 4. 96614 3:870 3,700 4,200 5,300 2 s',soo 4 ,700 4,625 4,000 2 3 1 5 2 1 2 3 3,600 4,050 3 3,700 4,000 3,500 4,600 5,500 4,000 3,500 3,000 4,350 3,531 2 2 2 5,000 7 5,000 5 5,046 6 6,750 3 4,400 4,100 s',666 4,000 4 3 2 4 HEAD LIB RARIAN ScHOOL, C oLLEGE, AND DEPARTMENTAL (PROFESSIONAL) Mini- Maxi- Num- mum mum her $ .... $ .... 4,400 4,660 5,000 4,50014 3,000 4,100 4 ,8 00 3,500 4,400 2 4,100 5,500 6,200 5 5,000 Statistics, 1 1 955 - 1 956 (Group II) ALL OTHER PROFES- ALL NoNPROFESSIONAL TOTAL NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Working SIGNAL ASSISTANTS 1 Mini- ASSISTANTS IN FULL-TIME EQUIVALENT Hours in Hours of Mini- Maxi- Num - Maxi- Num -' Pro- Nonpro- Fisca l Student mum mum ber mum mum ber fessional fessional 4 Total Year5 Assistance $3,000 $ .... 3.80 $1,800 $ .... 7 4.80 7 11.8 1,840 9,474 1 2 1 2 1 9 2.25 11.25 1,786 15,275 2 2 2 5.5 2.5 8 1,700 4,320 3 8.5 20 28.5 4 9 7 8.5 15.5 1,615 3,552 5 4,200 1 2,400 3,100 3 6 3 9 1,760 13,990 6 3,600 3,600 6.5 2,400 2,500 8 9.5 8 17.5 1,860 16,260 7 2 2 2 2 2 2 13 5 18 1,760 10,687 8 4 2.5 6.5 1,777 3,100 9 3,600 4,000 2,200 3,000 J6 5 3 8 1,840 6,500 10 1,872 2,600 3 4 2.70 6. 7 1,778 5,107 11 3,900 4,400 2,100 4,200 8 15 8 23 2,080 38,457 12 3,600 3,700 1,900 2,700 11 7.75 7 14.75 1,625 5,000 13 3,600 3,850 1,820 3,600 6 7.5 6 13 .5 1,930 5,250 14 2,400 13 3 12 15 1,800 3,862 15 2",7oo 3 7.5 10.5 1,880 1,726 16 1 2,900 1 6 1 7 1,320 6 ,000 17 3,400 4,404 4.16 2,340 2,520 7.66 10.16 7.66 17.83 1,909 3,468 18 1,6009 1 1,600 2,500 7 5.5 7 12.5 1,710 6,352 19 4,100 1 6 6.5 12.5 1,853 5,371 20 3,900 4,000 2 2,312 2,400 2 5.25 1.63 6.88 1,848 5,538 21 1",86613 1,920 2,100 4 4 4.66 8.66 1,796 3,,354 22 4,380 4 2,160 3,200 4 8.33 4 12.33 2 9,471 23 2,8QQ10 1",78512 411 4,850 24 3,6QQ12 4,100 2,800 5 6 5.6 11.6 1,732 5,241 25 3 6 7 4 11 1,773 5,662 26 4,000 4,300 2 2,350 3,000 15 6 15.62 21.62 1,824 12,310 27 4,500 5,000 3 1,900 2 ,600 4 4 4 8 1,781 28 3".3so 3 1,920 2,520 6 9 6 15 1,986 19,208 29 3,950 3 2,050 2,500 6 9 6.5 15.5 1,794 30 3,600 3,800 3 1, 820 2,700 6 6.5 6 12.5 12,000 31 2 2 2 " 2 2 7 7 14 1,920 7,000 32 2,400 4,235 2 4 2 6 1,350 14,317 33 2 2 2 4 4.75 8.75 1,664 2,710 34 3)l00 2,300 5 1.5 6.5 1,700 3,647 35 6 3 6 9 1,800 2,36 1 36 J".ioo 2,111 14 3,120 4 3 7 10 1,631 4,990 37 3,400 2 2,500 3,300 4 5 2 716 1,710 12,875 38 3,180 3,260 2 2,220 2,700 3 1.5 4.75 6.25 1,875 12,121 39 3,670 3,805 7 2,960 3,500 12.5 16 12.5 28.5 1,856 19,000 40 3,900 3,900 1,9 20 3,000 4 6 3.1 9.1 1,816 15,067 41 3,800 4,300 2,460 2,880 4 5 4 9 1,880 3,400 42 2 2 1 3. 5 1 4.5 1,920 43 3,300 5,000 6.5 2,500 3,200 10 12.5 8.5 21 1,715 19 ,2 15 44 2,400 2,520 5 1,848 3,783 45 3,900 4 5QQ15 3 2,700 3,000 2 5 2 7 1,864 4,277 46 4,200 4:5oo 3 2,520 3,120 4 5 4 9 1,936 1,040 47 4,0QQ14 1 2,175 2 4 4 8 1,800 3,600 48 3,420 3,820 2 2,000 2,550 3 5 3 8 1,936 9,708 49 2,080 3,800 2 7 7 1,768 5,028 so 3,000 . 1 2., 185 4,200 4 4 4 8 2,0 16 1,875 51 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 52 3,300 1 4 2 6 1,688 2,356 53 2 2 8 9 17 1,65017 3,683 54 3,600 2,170 3,300 4 4 8 1,7 68 55 3,650 3,950 4 2,155 2,572 6 4.5 5.5 10 1,260 5,065 56 3,520 4,600 5.75 2,400 1 15.75 1 16.75 1,7 60 37 ,771 57 2,700 3,500 7.5 6 6.5 12.5 1,839 5,766 58 4,494 1 1,920 3,780 12 8 12 20 1,677 23,591 59 4,100 6,200 12 2,020 4,575 7 21 9 30 1,500 12,000 60 2,520 3,060 4.5 5 4.5 9.5 1,823 10,162 61 2,520 3, 120 4 4 2.66 6.66 1,864 5,011 62 2 ,400 2,860 4 1,850 6 7 13 1, 680 63 3,700 4,350 3 2,140 3,060 18 9 15.43 24.43 1,120 1,48218 64 2,592 7 1 8 1,800 954 65 Library3 66. St. John's (Minn.) ............ . 67. St. Thomas (Minn.) ........... . 68. San Francisco (Calif.) ......... . 69. Santa Clara (Calif.) ........... . 70. Sarah Lawrence (N.Y.) ........ . 71. Skidmore (N.Y.) .............. . 72. Smith (Mass.) ................ . 73. South Dakota State ............ . 74. Stetson (Fla.) ................. . 75. Swarthmore (Pa.) ............. . 76. Sweet Briar (Va.) ............. . 77. Toledo (Ohio) ................ . 78. Trinity (Conn.) ............... . 79. Trinity (Tex.) ................ . 80. Tulsa (Okla.) ................. . 81. Valparaiso (Ind.) ... . ...... . ... . 82. Vassar (N.Y.) ................. . 83. Virginia Poly. Inst ............. . 84. Wake Forest (N.C.) ........... . 85. Wellesley (Mass.) ............. . 86. Wesleyan (Conn.) .. . .......... . 87. Wheaton (Ill.) ................ . 88. Wheaton (Mass.) .............. . 89. Wichita (Kan.) .. ... ...... .... . 90. William and Mary (Va.) ....... . 91. Williams (Mass.) . .... . ... ... .. . 92. Wooster (Ohio) ............... . High .. . . ... .... . . ............ . Median ...... ..... ............ . Low ......................... . N23 .......................... . College and University Library AssociATE oR AssiSTANT CHIEF LIBRARIAN Li- Mini- Maxi- Num- brarian mum mum her 7,000 7,00G 3,900 6,000 7,500 6,600 4,800 5,450 4,500 5,250 2 1 2 2 7,000 5,600 s:soo 2 5,300 4,000 5,000 6,300 6,900 8,000 2 2 1 1 8,040 5,160 6,432 2 8,000 7,700 5,800 5,800 4 10,300 5,100 4,550 6,500 7,032 2 2 8,250 5,800 10,300 6,500 3,900 62 2 2 7,000 5,400 3,350 23 8,050 4 5,300 1 3,990 1 11 37 2 DEPART~ENT HEADS Mini- Maxi- Num- mum mum her 3,600 3,750 4,000 4,000 2 4,800 4,600 4,700 2 6 4 3 4 3,700 1 2 3 2,400 4,700 4 4,200 5,160 5 5,600 4,320 3,600 6,100 4 5,400 4 3,800 4 3,250 3,700 3 2 2 2 2 4,000 5,000 4 4,320 5,400 5 4,700 4,800 2 5,600 3,870 2,400 57 2 2 6,750 7 4,700 3 3,600 1 49 64 HEAD LIBRARIAN ScHOOL, CoLLEGE, AND DEPARTMENTAL (PROFESSIONAL) Mini- Maxi- ~urn- mum mum her 4,200 3,000 5,600 4,300 3,600 5,600 4,300 3,000 13 2 6,000 1 2 4,500 2 3,600 2 6,200 5 4,750 1 3,600 1 8 20 1. Salaries are as of September 1, 1956. 2. Not renorted or not available. 3. Central library and all agencies. 4. Excludes st udent assistants and building maintenance staff. 5. Excludes vacations and legal holidays. 6. In- clude s two nonprofessionals working half time. 7. 25 per cent appointment. 8. Actual salaries. 9. Half-time. 10. Part-time, actual salary. 11. One position part time. 12. Ten months. 13. One-third time. 14. Nine months. 15. Library1 1. Agnes Scott (Ga.) ........... . 2. Alabama College ............ . 3. Alaska .. . .... .. ........ .... . 4. Anderson (Ind.) ...... ...... . 5. Arkansas A. & M. . ......... . 6. Arkansas State ............. . 7. Ashland (Ohio) . . . .. ... ... .. . 8 . Augustana (S.D.) .... ... .. .. . 9. Aurora (Ill.) ............... . 10. Bard (N.Y.) ............... . 11. Bates (Maine) ...... ... ..... . 12. Beaver (Pa.) ............... . 13. Belhaven (Miss.) ........... . 14. Bennett (N.C.) ............. . 15. Bennington (Vt.) ........... . 16. Bethany (Kan.) . ...... .. . .. . . 17. Birmingham-Southern (Ala.) .. 18. Catawba (N.C.) ............ . 19. Cedar Crest (Pa.) .......... . 20. Chapman (Calif.) ........... . 21. Coe (Iowa) ................. . 22 . Coker (S.C.) . . ..... . ..... .. . 23. Coli. of the Ozarks (Ark.) ... . 24. Coli. of the Seneca (N.Y.) ... . 25. Concord (W.Va.) ........... . Fiscal Year Ending 30Je56 31Ag56 30Je56 30Je56 30]e56 30Je56 10Je56 30Je56 30Je56 30Je56 30Je56 31My56 1S}e56 30Je56 30Je56 31My56 31Ag56 ·30Je56 30]e56 31Ag56 31Ag56 31Jy56 1Jy56 30Je56 30Je56 College and University Library STUDENT ENROLLMENT Total Under- Total Total Book graduate Graduate Extension Stock 562 485 429 998 899 2,202 652 1,111 627 212 832 564 177 424 337 291 976 629 427 359 824 246 249 1,004 1,143 2 27 72 91 21 68 2 145 2,081 46 190 64 32 278 65,5234 67,6134. 39,499 29,63 1• 19,202 47,192 29,000 38,474 39,632 69,584 99,9384. 34,0004 24,088 33,045 33,832 32,000 81,527 46,415 4 34,801 29,947 63,732 29,542 40,025 4 95,6884 25,075 Volumes Added 2,250 1,650 1,958 1,050 420 2,548 1,300 1,835 1,041 2,425 2,916 1,533 1,092 1,379 944 750 1,832 1,679 919 2,282 180 408 2,237 2,135 714 News- Peri- papers odicals 6 17 16 5 18 11 5 6 4 10 8 8 6 21 6 8 11 9 4 5 8 11 6 3 15 297 441 513 290 308 470 185 290 216 330 462 262 100 128 158 208 402 345 180 300 261 187 236 340 284 Salary Statistics, 1 1955-56 (Group II, Cont.) ALL OTHER PROFES- ALL NoNPROFESSIONAL ToTAL NuMBER oF EMPLOYEES Working SIONAL ASSISTANTS AssiSTANTS IN FULL-TIME EQUIVALENT Hours in Hours of Mini- Maxi- Num- Mini- Maxi- Num- Pro- Nonpro- Fiscal Student mum mum ber mum mum ber fessional fessional 4 Total Year5 Assistance 3,000 3,000 1.5 3 2 5 3,764 66 2,040 2,160 4 2.75 4 6.75 1,657 3,601 67 3,600 4,140 4.5 2 2 3 5.5 3 8.5 1,762 7,915 68 3,500 3,850 4 2,380 3,100 5 6 4.5 10.5 1,672 2,679 69 3,600 .8 2,400 3,600 2.7 2.8 2.7 5.5 1,700 3,400 70 3,900 4,250 2 1,480 2,900 7 5 5.75 10.75 1,518 71 3,000 4,300 8 1,800 2,850 14 16 14 30 1,618 72 4,100 1 2,100 2,520 3 7 3 10 2,060 13,190 73 1,200 2,400 .... 7 5.66 5.33 11 1,20019 17,000 74 2 2 6 .... 2 10 9.5 7.5 17 1,785 5,198 75 3,300 1 1,700 2,200 3 4 3 7 1,77020 1,163 76 2 2 2 2 5 8 5.5 13.5 1,836 8,023 77 2 2 7 6 13 1,631 3,400 78 2,400 2',46621 1 5 1 6 1,800 8,475 79 3,960 4,080 2 1,0209 5 9 3 12 1,755 16,769 80 4,200 4,600 3 1,400 1,650 3 4 2.5 6.5 1,440 8,000 81 4,150 4,500 7 2,288 3,536 22 13 19.5 32.5 1,700 8,289 82 3,456 4,320 12 2,112 2,880 22 19 22 41.5 1,880 1,569 83 3,600 3,600 2 1,920 2,400 7 7 6.66 13.66 1,480 5,938 84 3,900 4,600 9 2,460 3,360 13 14 12 26 1,505 86422 85 3,600 5,000 9 2,000 3,050 10 9.5 8.5 18 1,680 8,000 86 .... 5.25 5.25 1,864 87 2 3 5 8 6,055 88 3,800 4,200 2 2,400 3,000 7.5 7 6.5 13.5 1,800 16,394 89 3,456 4,320 3 2,304 3,312 11 7.5 11 18.5 1,912 11,853 90 2,900 3,200 2 1,820 2,600 4.5 6 4.5 10.5 1,638 3,349 91 2 2 2 2 2 2 6 1 7 1,422 6,836 92 4,500 6,200 12 3,000 4,575 22 21 22 41.50 2,080 38,457 High 3,600 4,140 3 2,180 3,000 4.75 6 4 .50 10.63 1,777 5,662 Median 1,200 2,400 1 1,600 1,650 1 1.50 1 4.50 1,120 864 Low 51 43 61 64 57 74 89 87 88 85 81 N23 Plus additional for teaching. 16. Does not include FTE for three part-time employees. 17. 1,650-1,720 according to length of service. 18. Motion picture operators only. 19. Varies from 1,200 to 1,400. 20. Average for four positions. 21. Two-thirds time . 2 2. Plus 4,411 hours not on library budget. 23. Number ~f libraries on which high, median and low are based. Statistics, 1 955- 1 95 6 (G roup III) LIBRARY OPERATING ExPENDITURES Total Edu- Total cational Ratio of Staff Total Other Total Per Stu- and Gen- Library Salaries Books for Operat- Operat- dent Op- eral Insti- Expendi- and and Books ingEx- ingEx- eratin3; tutional tu.res to Staff Student Student Related and pendi- pendi- Expen i- Expendi- Total Salaries Service Service Material s Binding Binding tures2 tures tures tures3 (Per Cent) $13,200 $ 994 $14,914 $ 8,725 $1,088 $ 9,813 $1,314 $25,321 $ 44.74 $ 810,814 3.1 1 16,800 1,985 18,785 7,590 559 8,149 492 27,426 56.32 871,027 3.5 2 13,106 3,794 16,810 12,020 1,124 13,144 1,502 31,456 69.21 1,072,187 3. 3 6,951 4,245 11,196 5,247 527 5,774 909 17,879 17.00 539,226 3.3 4 12,510 2,016 14,526 1,312 561 1,873 454 16,853 17.83 672,313 2.5 5 18,838 270 19,108 7,317 1,350 8,668 1,344 29,120 11.21 2,051,805 1.41 6 10,175 1,036 11,211 3,784 685 4,469 277 15,957 24.47 428,186 3.73 7 9,806 2,285 12,091 8,411 557 8,968 6,582 27,641 24.88 5 19,988 5.3 8 10,021 3,955 13,976 3,942 3,942 261 18,179 28.99 268,806 6.8 9 15,135 1,750 16,885 6,800 1,300 8,100 1,300 26,285 123.98 421,940 6.2 10 15,696 2 ,879 18,575 8,082 1,500 9,582 1,456 29,614 35.60 11 10 ,605 689 11,294 4,588 412 5,000 592 16,886 29.93 382,441 4.5 12 2,850 1,000 3,850 4,276 168 4,444 177 8,471 47.86 182,711 4.6 13 8,233 1,340 9,573 4,595 550 5,145 399 15,117 35.32 310,736 4.8 14 16,142 1,000 17,142 3,781 922 4,703 169 22 ,014 64.37 531,642 4.14 15 5,586 982 6,568 2,000 75 2,075 1,500 10,143 34.85 272,400 3.33 16 13 ,540 3,602 17,142 7,186 1,500 8,686 1,367 27,195 26.04 17 12,158 1,052 13,210 3,515 742 4,257 18,211 29.00 18 5,400 530 5,930 2,990 2,990 8,920 20.66 356,954 3. 19 8,230 3,033 11,263 5,099 465 5,564 504 17,331 48.30 513,934 3.4 20 15,600 1,8.50 17,450 6,000 1,000 7,000 2,950 26,600 20.14 862 ,496 3. 21 5,400 1,147 6,547 2,414 96 2,510 169 9,326 37.91 217,338 4.2 22 4,000 3,075 7,075 2,750 375 3,125 200 10,400 41.76 207 ,211 5. 23 13,895 6,707 20,602 9,565 1,395 10,960 1,235 32,797 31.59 832,172 3.9 24 16,244 1,986 18,230 4,450 950 5,400 1,022 24,65.2 21.57 468,885 5.2 25 Library1 26. Concordia (Minn.) .......... . 27. Drury (Mo.) . . ............. . 28. Earlham (Ind.) ...... . ..... . . 29. Elon (N.C.) ................ . 30. Emory and Henry (Va.) . . ... . 31. Evansville (Ind.) ........... . 32. Fenn (Ohio) .......... ..... . 33. Findlay (Ohio) ............ . 34. Franklin (Ind.) ............ . 35. Geneva (Pa.) .............. . 36. Georgia State Coll. for Women 37. Gettysburg (Pa.) ............ . 38. Golden Gate (Calif. ) ........ . 39 . Guilford (N.C.) ...... . . ... . . 40. Gustavus Adolphus (Minn.) . . . 41. Hamlin (Minn.) ............ . 42. Hampden-Sydney (Va. ) 43. Hastings (Neb.) ...... ... ... . 44. Heidelberg (Ohio) ... ....... . 45. Hendrix (Ark.) ............ . 46. Hillsdale (Mi{:h.) .... ... .. . . . 47. Hiram (Ohio) ........ . . .. .. . 48. Hollins (Va.) . . . ........... . 49. Hood (Md.) ................ . 50. Hope (Mich.) .. . . .......... . 51. Houghton (N.Y.) ........... . 52. Huntingdon (Ala.) . . . ... . . .. . 53. Huntington (Ind.) .......... . 54. Illinoi s College ............. . 55,. Illinois Wesleyan ........... . 56. Iowa Wesleyan ............. . 57. Jamestown (N.D.) ... . ...... . 58. Judson (Ala.) .... ,_ ........ . 59. Juniata (Pa.) ........ .. .. .. . 60. Lafayette (Pa.) ......... .... . 61. LaGrange (Ga.) .. . ......... . 62. Lake Forest (Ill.) .... ....... . 63. LaVerne (Calif.) ............ . 64. Lawrence (Wis.) ........... . 65. Lebanon Valley (Pa.) ....... . 66. Livingstone (N.C.) .... ..... . 67. Loras (Iowa) .............. . 68. Luther (Iowa) .............. . 69. Lynchburg (Va.) .... . ..... . . 70. Madison (Tenn . ) ........... . 71. Manchester (Ind.) .......... . 72. Marietta (Ohio) ............ . 73. Maryville (Tenn.) .......... . 74. Marymount (Calif.) . . .... .. . 75. Marywood (Pa.) ........ .... . 76. Meredith (N.C.) ............ . 77. Midland (Neb.) ............ . . 78. Millikin (Ill.) .............. . 79. Monmouth (Ill.) ........... . 80. Mount Union (Ohio) ... . .. . . . 81. Muskingum (Ohio) ......... . 82 . Nebraska Wesleyan ..... .... . 83. New Mexico Highlands .. ... . 84 . Pacific Union (Calif.) ..... .. . 85 . Paine (Ga.) ................ . 86. Parsons (Iowa) ..... . ....... . 87. Pepperdine (Calif.) ......... . 88. Randolph-Macon (Va.) ...... . 89. Ripon (Wis.) . . ..... : . ... . .. . 90. Rosary (Ill.) ........ . . .... . 91. Saint Joseph's College (Ind. ) 92 . Savannah (Ga . ) .. . . ... .. . .. . 93. Scripps (Calif.) ............ . 94 . Seton Hill (Pa.) ........ .. .. . 95. Simpson (Iowa) ............ . 96. Springfield (Mass.) ... . ..... . 97. Talladega (Ala.) ........... . 98. Tennessee Wesleyan ......... . 99. Trinity (D.C. ) ............. . 100. Tusculum (Tenn.) .......... . Fiscal Year Ending 30}e56 31My56 30}e56 31My56 31Ag56 30Je56 31Ag56 30Ap56 30Je56 30Je56 30]e56 30Je56 30Je56 31My56 31My56 30Je56 30]e56 15 Ag56 30Je56 3l}y56 30]e56 30}e56 30Je56 15Jy56 31Ag56 30Ap56 30My56 31]y56 30]e56 31Jy56 31Ag56 30}e56 30Je56 30Je56 31Ag56 30Je56 30]e56 31Ag56 30Je56 30Ap56 30Je56 30Je56 30 ] e56 30Je56 31Ag56 3l]y56 30Je56 31My56 30Je56 30}e56 30Je56 31My56 30}e56 30Je56 30}e56 31Ag56 30My56 30Je56 30}e56 30Je56 31Ag56 31Ag56 30Ap56 30}e56 30Je56 31]y56 30Je56 30}e56 31Ag56 30}e56 31Ag56 30Je56 31Ag56 30Je56 30]e56 College and University Library STUDENT ENROLLMENT Total Under- Total Total Book graduate Graduate Extension Stock 1,354 619 737 853 517 1,274 2,548 292 528 834 632 1,403 1,591 652 1,020 1,230 360 739 638 417 591 560 567 486 876 592 640 203 360 1,002 520 441 248 668 1,536 213 708 372 788 592 529 1,020 1,039 763 404 906 851 716 144 777 613 391 1,13 6 670 706 857 858 724 772 277 324 898 675 555 656 815 951 2076 491 584 899 314 447 486 253 14 3 196 9 129 12 16 52 43 13 62 54 122 256 266 32 45 27 107 110 86 140 20 69 "77 115 11 47,533 38,543 86,854 45,585 35,146 40,386 35,489 20,389 43,347 59,610 64,907 76,625 25,163 39,722 54,952 69,224 43,991 42,583 53,519 61,625 34.828 77,100 56,373 44,497 55,418 36,838 46,759 20,886 44,569 52,000 24,0003 25,959 21,861 69,767 142,414 17 ,411 56,427 25,501 75,758 58,519 34,549 ll 9,044 104,510 31,247 24,027 45,270 141,338 59,849 16,435 49,931 38,503 31,320 51,500 9.5",i ss 41,000 36,650 65,584 47,829 28,835 33,080 52,007 80,599 47 ,213 74,630 62,944 23,043 47,720 38,073 43,063 47,340 38,977 21,153 70 ,085 26,375 Volumes Added 2,879 1,300 2,062 4 1,552 1,654 1,9004 1,793 1,177 1,5484 1,613 2,657 4 1,734 1, 367 1,400 3,161 3,0544 1,7 23 4 983 1,941 1,1994 675 4 3,060 1,921 4 2,255 4 1,732 1,815 2,026 1,399 1,395 1,873 4 717 1,633 4 479 1,04 8 2,3304 535 1,708 1,4484 1,992 2,551 4 720 2,000 3,1024 1,1744 486 1,427 2,080 4 1,3 794 3,641 1,851 1,0564 1,5 524 1,004 2".556 1,900 877 3,8494 1,732 574 2,032 2,0884 1, 633 4 3384 2,653 3,326 1,071 4 1,669 1,013 1,126 1, 622 4 1,0904 1,8994 3,037 690 News- Peri· papers odicals 10 9 6 7 17 9 4 4 13 8 1l 3 5 8 7 7 8 7 7 6 6 15 9 8 7 8 16 5 7 6 11 8 12 16 4 7 5 6 7 6 28 11 13 5 4 12 8 9 10 12 12 6 5 6 7 9 6 12 8 20 6 5 17 6 14 13 23 6 14 6 5 8 6 20 4 292 303 378 262 385 290 464 222 257 230 276 239 156 287 292 318 261 293 325 308 lRl 435 287 290 285 282 342 148 202 283 156 325 168 371 500 160 351 210 400 391 153 262 262 237 256 312 392 280 231 299 239 272 253 480 520 304 188 325 480 145 192 475 337 3045 448 582 278 96 212 238 338 150 152 502 142 Statistics, 1 955-56 (Group III , Cont. ) LIBRARY OPERATING ExPENDITURES Total Edu - Total cational Ratio of Staff Total Other Total Per Stu- and Gen- Library Salaries Books for Operat- Operat- dent Op- eral Insti- Expendi- and and Books ing Ex- ingEx- erating tutional tures to Staff Student Student Related and pendi- pendi- Expendi- Expendi- Total Salaries Service Service Materials Binding Binding turesz tures tures tures 3 (Per Cent) 12,591 2,648 15,239 8,319 353 8,672 1,509 25,420 18.77 810,893 3. 26 10,845 1,156 12,001 6,255 641 6,896 547 19,444 30.71 383,021 5. 27 14,696 1,977 16,673 7,162 860 8,022 1,888 25,584 36.00 660,178 4. 28 9,217 1,298 10,515 8,979 278 9,258 1,097 20,870 24.69 264,227 7.8 29 7,140 3,184 10,324 8,737 19,061 36.86 340,288 5.5 30 10,325 1,625 11,950 5,710 636 6,346 654 18,950 12.88 855,812 2.21 31 22,607 1,772 24,379 7,545 832 8,377 755 33,511 13.50 1,691,704 2. 32 4,797 278 5,075 2,400 153 2,553 213 7,841 26.05 270,750 2.7 33 8,083 1,079 9,162 4,417 1,326 5,743 1,218 16,123 30.54 391,243 4.12 34 10,900 1,642 12,542 7,559 244 7,803 439 20,784 25.00 847,075 2.5 35 17,700 3,500 21,2008 8,748 1,252 10,000 800 32,000 50.63 700,862 4. 67 36 15,771 1,842 17,613 8,735 1,985 10,720 694 29,027 20 .68 950,780 3.27 37 10,800 1,880 13,680 4,956 208 5,164 2,692 21,536 12. 52 384,030 5.6 38 8,384 2,347 10,741 5,114 457 5,571 1,779 18,091 27.75 295,804 5.1 39 15,895 2,549 19,195 9,889 541 10,430 1,233 30,858 30.25 713,600 4.3 40 19,377 658 20,035 10,080 1,771 11,851 820 32,706 26.59 736,270 4.44 41 7,600 750 8,350 5,150 700 5,850 650 14,850 41.25 311,573 4.73 42 5,731 2,652 8,383 5,057 616 5,673 159 14,215 19.23 346,140 4. 43 8,200 3,946 12,146 6,102 242 6,344 862 19,352 30.32 506,305 3.82 44 10,622 1,872 12,494 5,909 366 6,275 1,167 19,936 47.81 171,968 12. 45 5,700 468 6,168 3,105 542 3,647 190 10,005 17.00 271,000 3. 7 46 12,851 1,309 14,160 8,171 1,005 9,176 2,853 26,189 46.76 561,798 4.66 47 15,900 669 16,569 8,269 578 8,847 607 26,023 45.89 624,987 4.3 48 11,472 3,298 14,770 9,343 525 9,868 1,068 25,706 52.00 730,478 3.51 49 15,953 2,000 17,953 5,746 664 6,410 581 24,944 28.63 637,634 3.9 so 6,911 2,852 9,763 3,536 1,330 4,866 1,103 15,732 26.57 293,347 5.36 51 8,109 1,503 9,612 3,999 659 4,658 427 14,697 22.93 399,239 4. 52 3,516 1,530 5,046 4,792 93 4,885 224 10,155 50.00 2.s.z',S24 53 6,560 1,098 7,658 2,952 511 3,463 258 11,379 31.60 4. 54 15,7 55 3,862 19,619 8,428 565 8,993 564 29,176 28.77 790,290 3.89 55 3,631 281 3,912 2,508 170 2,678 68 6,658 12.81 405,769 1.64 56 4,526 6,438 1,773 12,737 28.95 293,617 4.3 57 4,229 1,598 5,727 1,846 224 2,070 1'6',676 58 7,250 2,670 9,920 5,788 368 6,156 24.00 418,403 3.8 59 11,360 2,391 13,751 12,600 2,098 14 ,698 652 29,101 12.44 2,040,607 1.48 60 3,5009 900 4,400 1,684 129 1,813 286 6,499 30 . 51 184,100 3.53 61 12,500 2,213 14,713 5,986 264 6,250 800 21,763 30.74 679,616 3.2 62 5,508 1,600 7, 108 3,516 350 3,866 350 11,324 29 .87 225,000 5. 63 14,407 1,057 15,464 9,192 785 9,977 3,336 28,777 36.50 764,353 3.76 64 13,199 921 14,120 5,550 1,730 7,280 437 21,837 31.97 439,264 4.97 65 9,764 504 10,268 2,738 518 3,256 13,524 25.50 163,320 8 . 66 2,889 10 2,209 10,934 5,951 2,429 8,380 800 20,114 19.72 503,262 3.99 67 20,218 3,641 23,859 7,287 839 8,126 1,214 33,199 31.95 638,125 5.2 68 8,782 3,802 12,584 3,849 648 4,497 795 17,876 23.43 258,912 6.9 69 3,312 1,456 4,768 1,880 248 2,128 177 7,073 17.51 208,184 3. 70 7,975 3,345 11,320 6,009 500 6,509 1,033 18,862 20.81 503,204 3.8 71 13,950 2,900 16,850 6,209 1,336 7,545 1,449 25,844 30.37 563,208 4.59 72 10,020 2 ,650 12,760 6,173 709 6,882 1,166 20,718 28 .93 381,186 5.4 73 569 3,06911 5,129 5,129 854 9,052 62.80 5. 57 74 3,993 1,933 12,496 6,156 531 6,687 958 20,141 24.30 351,936 5.72 75 10,000 2,586 12,586 3,983 756 4,739 1,576 18,901 30.83 431,997 4 .37 76 9,869 1,314 11,183 5,601 367 5,968 5,752 22,903 58.57 307,435 7.45 77 9,469 1,785 11,254 4,690 625 5,318 1,465 18,037 15.08 683,064 2 .7 78 10,500 4,000 14,500 4,952 561 5,513 700 20,713 30.91 534,000 3.8 79 13,925 2,080 16,005 11,732 1,090 12,822 1,218 30,047 42.55 638,705 4.7 80 10,000 2,252 12,252 7,512 600 8,112 500 20,864 24.35 573,827 3.6 81 7,400 2,800 10,200 2,600 500 3,100 100 13,400 15.50 540,696 2.5 82 15,000 5,450 20,450 11,996 2,500 14,496 34,946 44.40 743,378 4.7 83 6,871 6,507 13,388 6,669 688 7,357 6,374 27,109 34 .53 582,079 4.68 84 8,657 697 9,354 2,950 100 3,050 12,404 44.78 163,339 7.5 85 7,400 1,632 9,032 4,118 515 4,633 521 14,168 43 .79 352,899 4.02 86 11,068 3,333 14,401 3,493 1,031 9 ,524 1,528 25,454 26 .50 654 ,044 3.8 87 19,535 540 20,075 6,012 970 6,982 579 27,636 40.94 1,302,752 2.11 88 7,038 2,795 9,833 6,500 800 7,300 470 17,603 31.17 425,902 3. 89 2,940 18,7 5512 8,086 1,409 9,495 788 29,038 40.90 563,742 5. 15 90 1.5',576 2,494 17,95313 11,198 214 11,412 1,614 30,979 38.00 657,483 4.7 91 2,050 17,620 11,137 1,482 12,619 1,435 31,674 30.81 611,707 5.18 92 18,109 975 19,084 3,204 341 3,545 26,101 126 .00 6 457,927 5. 7 93 999 8,99914 2,881 425 3,306 634 12 ,939 21.02 270,000 4.7 94 7,987 3,569 11,5 56 3,790 1,065 5,854 517 17,927 31.00 391,658 4.58 95 17,304 1,520 18,824 5,000 500 5,500 500 24,824 24 .50 1,340,000 1.8 96 10,32515 1,050 11,375 4,428 300 4,728 601 16,704 53.19 280 ,818 5.9 97 5,418 2,805 8,223 4,224 216 4,440 600 13 ,323 29.87 277,463 4.8 98 3,00016 2,849 15,449 12,379 545 12,924 3 ,497 31,870 65.58 491,600 6.5 99 4,328 676 4,328 1,692 82 1,774 11 9 6,231 20.61 168,788 3. 7 100 Library1 101. Union (Neb.) ...... . .. . ... . . 102 . Ursinus (Pa. ) ........ .. ... . . 103. Valdosta (Ga.) . . .... . . . .... . 104. Wabash (Ind.) . . ... . ... . . . . . 10 5. Washington and Lee (Va . ) .. . 106. Washington and Jefferson (Pa.) 107. Washington College (Md.) .. . . 108. Wells (N.Y.) ............. . . . 109. Western Coll. for Women (Ohio) 110. Westminster (Pa.) .. . . .. .... . 111. Whittier (Calif.) .. . ....... .. . 112 . Wilberforce (Ohio) ...... . . . . 113 . Willamette (Oreg.) .... ... . . . High . ...... . .. ...... .. .... . Median . .. ... . ........ . . .. . . Low ..... . .. . .... . ... . . . ... . N19 • •• ••••••• •••• •• ••••• • ••• Fiscal Year Ending 30Je56 30Je56 31My56 31Ag56 30Je56 30Je56 30]e56 30Je56 30Je56 31Jy56 31Ag.56 30Ap56 30Je56 College and University Library STUDENT ENROLLMENT Total Under- Total Total graduate Graduate Extension 779 720 460 589 960 635 467 367 294 897 992 248 1,078 2,548 619 144 113 8 178 78 11 7 196 16 1 28 2,081 77 11 21 Book Stock 55,939 46,009 34,531 100,000 166,091 88,757 47,111 120,0001 51,023 52,948 58,719 38,285 56,757 166,091 46,009 16,435 112 Volumes News- Peri- Added papers odicals 1,826 1,3 01 4 1,431 4,5004 3,563 1,568 1,061 4 2,243 1,250 2,528 1,770 2,279 1,646 4,500 1,633 180 112 7 9 10 4, 11 8 7 7 5 20 7 75 8 75 8 3 113 378 224 238 411 412 212 215 362 250 291 458 296 336 582 290 96 113 1. Central library and all agencies. 2. Includes supplies, transportation, and all other non-capital exp enditures not specificall y rep orted. 3. Total expenditures for educational and general purposes include administration, resi- dent instruction, organized re search, extension, libraries, plant operation and maintenance, etc., but exclude capital costs and expenditures for auxiliary enterprises such as dormitories, cafeterias, etc. 4. Includes docu- ments. 5. Includes non-periodical serial s. 6 . Also g ives service to st udents and faculty of other Associated Col- Library1 1. Agnes Scott (Ga .) .... .. . ... . 2 . A labama College . . . ......... . 3. A laska ..... .... . .. ......... . 4. Anderson (Ind.) ...... .. .... . 5. Arkansas A. & M. . .. . .. .... . 6. Arkansas State . . . .......... . 7. Ashland (Ohio) . .. . . .. . ... .. . 8. Augustana (S.D .) . . ... ...... . 9. Aurora (Ill .) .. .. ........... . 10. Bard (N.Y.) .............. .. 11. Bates (Maine) ..... . ...... .. . 12 . Beaver (Pa.) . ... . .. . . . . .. . . . 13. Belh aven (Miss.) ...... . . .. . . 14. Bennett (N.C.) . . .... . ..... . . 15 . Bennington (Vt.) ...... ... .. . 16. Bethany (Kan.) . ... ... . . .. . . 17. Birmingham-Southern (Ala.) .. 18. Catawba (N .C. ) .. . . . .. ... . . . 19. Cedar Crest (Pa.) . .. ..... . . . 20. Chapman (Calif.) .. . ....... . . 21. Coe (Iowa) .. ...... .. .. .... . 22. Coker (S.C.) . ... . ....... ... . 23. Coil. of the Ozarks (Ark.) . .. . 24. Coli. of the Seneca (N.Y.) .. . 25. Concord (W.Va.) . ...... . . . . . 26. Concordia (Minn.) .. ... ..... . 27. Drury (Mo.) ... ... . .. .... . . . 28 . Earlham (Ind.) . .. .. .. .. .... . 29. Elon (N.C .) . . .... .. . ... ... . 30 . Emory and Henry (Va.) .... . 31. Evansville (Ind .) . .. .... .... . 32 . Fenn (Ohio) . . . .. .. ... ..... . 33. Findlay (Ohio) . .. . ..... . . . . 34. Franklin (Ind.) . .... . . . .. .. . 35. Geneva (Pa.) . ... ... ... ... . . 36. Georgia State Coli. for Women 37. Gettysburg .(Pa.) .... . .. . .. .. . 38. Golden Gate (Ca lif.) .. ... . . . . 39. Gu ilford (N.C.) ... .. ... .. .. . 40 . Gustavus Adolphus (Minn.) .. 41. Ham lin (Minn.) .. . ..... . .. . . 42 . Hampden-Sydney (Va.) . .... . 43. Hastings (Neb.) ............ . 44 . Heidelberg (Ohio) . . .... .... . 45. Hendrix (Ark.) .. .. .... . .. . . College and University Library Salary AssociATE OR AssiSTANT CHI EF LIBRARIAN Li- Mini- Maxi- b.rarian mum mum $ .... 4 $ .... 4 $ .. .. 4 4 4 " 7,8 00 3,900 4,410 3,900 5,400 4,520 3,920 4 4 5,600 3,000 3,500 4,200 3,400 2,850 4 3,500 4,700 4,8001 3:366 5 4,100 4,560 3,470 5,200 3,000 4,000 4,900 3,850 5,320 5,196 4,2 00 4,300 5,500 3, 400 4,500 5,000 4;696 5,300 4,800 4 5,800 5,104 6,6009 2,8006 5,407 6,400 4,900 4,200 4,900 3,600 3,700 3,000 4,000 2,700 3,000 4,300 3,900 4,180 3,900 5 3,733 4,20 0 3,000 3,900 2,600 3,650 2',7oos 4,000 5 3,300 DEPARTME NT HEADS Mini- Maxi- Num- mum mum ber $ .... 4 $ .... 4 4 4 3,350 3,100 4,571 2,700 3,350 5',968 3,700 1.25 2 1 4 2 2 ALL OTHER PROFES- SIONAL ASSISTANTS Mini- Maxi- Num- mum mum ber $ .... " $ .... 4 4 4 3,780 4 9006 3,60 4,100 2,400 3,600 3,600 3,400 3,600 1, 3506 2,700 1,800 4,000 2 3 3 4 2 1 Statistics, 1955-56 (Group III, Cont.) LIBRARY OPERATING EXPENDITURES Total Edu- Total cational Ratio-of Staff Total Other Total Per Stu- and Gen- Library Salaries Books for Operat- Operat- dent Op- era! Insti- Expendi- and and Books ing Ex- ing Ex- eratinJi tutional tures to Staff Student Student Related and pendi- pendi- Expen i- Expendi- Total Salaries Service Service Materials Binding Binding tures2 tures tures tures3 (Per Cent) 4,998 8,402 13,400 4,298 1,544 5,842 1,674 20,916 25.56 473,649 4.42 101 10,787 2,461 13,248 4,798 349 5,147 294 18,689 25 .95 4-_87' 102 8,100 1,697 9,797 4,169 515 4,684 96 13,798 30.00 282,963 103 16,200 2,826 19,026 10,103 2,067 12,170 2,655 33,851 57.47 650,0007 5.2 104 21,290 800 22,490 10,214 1,444 11,758 738 34,986 36.44 1,026,836 3.4 105 12,600 2,000 14,600 6,200 450 6,650 1,200 22,450 36.00 542 ,000 4. 106 10,100 1,300 11,90017 3,205 223 3,528 286 15,715 33.06 412,533 3.1 107 17,836 975 18,811 10,562 1,156 11,718 1,657 32,168 90.00 487,676 7. 108 8,300 1,445 9,97518 4,488 523 5,011 457 15,443 52.52 109 14,200 3,162 17,162 7,638 534 8,172 1,320 26,854 24.97 607,063 4.4 110 12,088 5,523 17,611 6,500 1,493 7,993 612 26,216 24.59 1,150,0007 2.3 111 5,156 3,448 8,604 5,088 5,088 '756 13,692 53.00 333,409 4.1 112 12,700 3,625 16,325 6,867 800 7,667 24,642 651,440 3.8 113 22,607 8,402 24,379 12,600 2,500 14,698 6,582 34,986 123.98 2,051,805 12.00 High ' 10,175 1,880 12,542 5,710 565 6,275 788 20,784 30.19 491,600 4.3 Median 2,850 270 3,069 1,312 75 1,813 68 6,231 11.21 163,320 1.41 Low 108 112 113 111 107 113 103 112 110 105 106 N19 leges; service load is 947 units. 7. Approximately. 8. Summer salaries not included. 9. 10~ months. 10. Plus $5,836 estimated nonsalaried service. 11. Includes $2,500 estimated nonsalaried service. 12. Includes $15,815 non- salaried service. 13. Includes $15,459 nonsalaried service. 14. Includes $8,000 nonsalaried service. 15. Includes living quarters. 16. Plus $9,600 nonsalaried service. 17. Includes $500 nonsalaried service. 18. Includes $230 non- salaried service. 19. Number of libraries on which high, median and low are based. Statistics, 1 955- 1 956 (Group III) ALL NONPROFESSIONAL TOTAL NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Working AssiSTANTS IN FULL-TIME EQUIVALENT 2 Hours in Hours of Mini- Maxi- Num- Pro- Non pro- Fiscal Student mum mum her fessional fessional Total Year 3 Assistance $ ... -4 $ .... 4 3.75 4.75 1,326 1 4 4 1,760 4,670 2 2',266 1 1.25 2 .25 2,080 1,827 3 1 1 2 1,760 6,064 4 3 3 1,960 4,481 5 3 6 4,472 6 2.75 2.75 1,856 • 7 1-,i76a 2 2 2,070 4,109 8 2 2.6 1 3.16 1,568 4,249 9 • 4 3 3.5 6.5 1,888 2,500 10 2,300 3 1.5 4.5 1,400 3,248 11 3.25 3.25 1,6507 7207 12 1 1 1,368 2,268 13 2.25 2.25 1,719 3,600 14 3 4 1,861 1,306 15 982 1 2 1,516 1,655 16 3,000 3,200 2 3 4 1,755 6,080 17 3 3 4 3,012 18 1,800 1 2 2,888 1,060 19 2.5 2.5 4 2,500 20 4 4 1,760 6,000 21 2 2 4 " 22 1 1 4 23 2',476 3 4 7 1,637 2,215 24 3 3 2,024 3,610 25 1',326 2 2 4 1,833 4,538 26 2-,s66 1 3 1 4 1,760 2,183 27 2,000 2 3 2 5 1,868 906 28 4 4 4 3 .17 3.17 4 3,125 29 2 2 2,024 6,368 30 2,200 2 1 3 2,000 2,500 31 2,580 2 4 2 6 1,702 1,762 32 4 4 1 1 2 2,322 4 33 2 2 1,787 2,065 34 3 3 1,665 2,873 35 4 4 1,326 7,000 36 1,750 2 3 2 5 1,748 2,456 37 1,654 1 3 1 4 1,800 960 38 5786 1,4956 2 3 4 513 39 7206 2,520 1.37 3 1.37 4.37 1',8507 3,537 40 2,700 4 5 1,610 94017 41 2 2 1,710 1,600 42 r',266a 1 1 2,025 3,000 43 4 4 2 .25 2.25 1,572 4,720 44 . 566s .33 3 .33 3.33 1,518 5,301 45 Library 1 46. Hillsdale (Mich.) ..... .. .. . .• 47. Hiram (Ohio) ............. . . 48. Hollins (Va.) ............. . . 49. Hood (Md.) .. . ... .. . . . .. . . . . SO. Hope (Mich.) .............. . 51. Houghton (N.Y.) .. . ....... . . 52. Huntingdon (Ala.) ......... . 53. Huntington (Ind.) ..... . . . .. . 54 . Illinois College ........ . .. . . . . 55. Illinois Wesleyan . .......... . 56. Iowa Wesleyan .. ... ... ... .. . 57 . Jam estown (N.D . ) .... ...... . 58. Judson (Ala.) .. . ... . . . . ... . . 59. Juniata (Pa.) .... .......... . 60. Lafayette (Pa.) ... . ...... ... . 61. La Grange (Ga.) .... ..... .. . 62. Lake For est (Ill.) .. .... .... . . 63. La Verne (Calif.) ...... . ... . 6 4. Lawrence (Wi s. ) ... ... .. .... . 6 5. Lebanon Valley (Pa.) .... .. . . 66. Livingstone (N .C.) .. ... ... .. . 67. Loras ( I owa) ... ..... ....... . 68. Luther (Iowa) .. .. .. ....... . 69 . Lynchburg (Va.) .......... . . 70. Madison (Tenn.) ...... ... .. . 71. Manchester (Ind.) .... . .... . . 72. Marietta (Ohio) .. . . . ... .. , .. 73. Maryville (Tenn.) ........... . 74. Marymount (Calif.) ........ . 75 . Marywood (Pa.) ... . . .. ..... . 76. Meredith (N.C.) .. . . ........ . 77. Midland (Neb. ) . ... . . . . . .... . 78 . Millikin (Ill.) . . ..... .. ..... . 79. Monmouth (Ill .) ..... ..... . . 80. Mount Union (Ohio) . ...... . . 81. Muskingum (Ohio) ......... . 82 . Nebraska Wesleyan .... . .... . 83. New Mexico High lands ... . . . 84. Pacifi{; Union (Calif.) ..... . . . 85. Paine (Ga.) ...... .. .. ...... . 86 . Parsons (Iowa) ... . ...... .. . 87. Pepperdine (Calif.) . ... . .. . . . 88. Randolph-Macon (Va.) .. .. . . . 89. Ripon (Wis . ) ......... ..... . 90. Rosary (Ill.) ....... .... .... . 91. Saint Joseph's Coll. (Ind . ) ... . 92. Savannah (Ga.) ... .. . ... . .. . 93. Scripps (Cali f.) ....... . . ... . 94. Seton Hill (Pa.) .. . ........ . 95. Simpson (Iowa) .. . .. .. . . . .. . 96. Springfield (Mass.) ......... . 97. Talladega (Ala . ) . ..... .... . . 98. Tennessee Wesleyan ....... . . . 99. Trinity (D.C.) .. . . .... ..... . 100. Tusculum (Tenn . ) ... . .... . . . 101. Union (Neb.) .. .. ....... . .. . 102. Ursinus (Pa.) . .. . . . ....... . . 10 3. Valdosta (Ga.) ... . ... .. .... . 104. Wabash (Ind.) .. . . ......... . 105. Washington and Lee (Va.) .. . 10 6. Washington and Jeffer son (Pa.) 107. Washington College (Md.) ... . 108. Wells (N.Y . ) . .. . ...... . .... . 109. Western Coll. for Women (Ohio) 110. Westminster (Pa.) . .. .. . ... . . 111. Whittier (Calif.) .. . ..... . .. . . 112. Wilberforce (Ohio) . ........ . 113. Willamette (Ore.) ........ . . . High ............... .. .. .. . . Median . ...... . ............ . Low . ...... ...... . ....... .. . Nls ................. . ... . .. . AssociATE oR ASSISTANT CHIEF LIBRARIAN Li- Mini- Maxi - brarian mum mum 3,900 4 7,500 5,500 4 ,3 00 3,000 3,300 5 ,300 3,0008 4,980 4, 600 4 , 700 1 3,300 4 3,484 4,100 3,200 5,000 3,850 5,210 4 , 140 6,000 4,200 4 4 3,129 3,841 2,205 800 6,300 4,216 3,600 4,100 1,50 6u 1,800 4,700 5,250 4',3 66 4 4 4,050 3 ,100 4 3,500 3,800 5,050 5,000 4,200 4,000 4,600 4 4 13 2,700 5,000 4 4 3,450 4,200 3,900 1, 116 6 4 4,600 4 8,000 5,100 5,600 7,000 4,520 4,600 4,000 4,300 4 3,000 3,70014 4 4 3,6801 5 3',22615 3,900 1,500 10 10 3, 500 2,503 5,200 4,700 5,500 4 4 2,494 4,200 4,000 5,500 4,500 5,100 4,500 4 3,400 4,800 3,600 3,9 00 5,688 3,800 3,600 8,000 4 ,700 800 86 4 5,600 3,700 1,500 44 7,00 0 3 ,8 00 2,205 17 College and University Library DEPART MENT HEADS Mini- Maxi - Num- mum mum ber 4,500 4,300 4,900 ' 1,6008 3,400 3,500 4,500 4,200 4 5,400 4 3,300 3,600 3,800 4,571 3,533 2,700 13 4,284 5,968 3,700 3,350 8 2 2 .5 2 2 2 3 2 . 5 14 ALL OTHER PROFES- SIONAL ASSISTANTS Mini- Maxi- Num- mum mum ber 3,500 3,600 3,800 2,650 3,600 4,000 3,600 3,600 4 3,200 3, 500 4 4 3,000 3,600 1,281° 3,255 4,300 4 4 1,000° 3,500 3,000 1,2006 3,400 3,780 3,500 1,800 20 4,300 3,800 2,650 9 .5 2 .5 4 3 4 2 .33 2 3 1 .33 24 1. Central library and all agencies. 2. Exclude s student assistants and building maintenance staff. 3. Excludes vacations and legal holidays. 4. Not reported or not available. 5. Plus extra pay for summer. 6 . Part-time. 7.Ap- proximately. 8. Nine months. 9. Include s academic teaching. 10. Three-fourth's time. 11. Library consultant Salar¥ Statistics, 1955-56 (Group III, Cont.) ALL NoNPROFESSIONAL TOTAL NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Working AssiSTANTS IN FULL-TIME EQUIVALENT 2 Hours in Hours of Mini- Maxi- Num- Pro- Non pro- Fiscal Student mum mum ber fessional fes sional Total Year3 Assistance 1,80 0 1 1 1 2 2,368 780 46 4 4 3.33 1.5 3.83 4 1,740 47 1',366u .5 3.5 .5 4 1,650 1,075 48 872 6 .57 3 .57 3.57 1,450 5,114 49 900 1,900 2 3 .75 3.75 1,440 2, 13 6 so 1,275 8 2 1.5 3.5 1,450 7 3',786 51 2 2 4 52 . .'5 1,650 2,346 53 1,000 . 5 1.5 2 1,600 1,830 54 1,2006 .5 3.75 .5 4.25 4 6,267 55 1.33 1. 33 2,1507 588 56 1.5 1.5 .. .. 4 4 57 7446 1 1 4 4 3',995 58 ~ .67 2 .67 2.67 1,760 3,725 59 1, 680 2,800 2 1.67 2 3.67 1,587 3,100 60 1 1 1,6 8 0 2,550 61 2,800 1 2 1 3 1, 640 3,001 62 3,300 1 1 1 2 1,760 2,475 63 2 ,040 2,600 2 3 2 5 4 1,823 64 4 4 4 3.4 .5 3 .9 . 1,240 1,417 65 992 2 2 A 1,2 60 1,440 66 2 1,8 48 3,500 67 1,680 2.5 5 2.5 7.5 1,750 6, 100 68 2.000 1 2 1 3 1,762 4,861 69 1.5 1.5 2, 15 6 5,324 70 2 2 5,146 71 1,650 3.5 4.5 1,638 5,277 72 ~ 2 3 1,828 6,946 73 2 2 900 569 74 1,020 .5 3.1 . 5 3.6 1,636 2,929 75 2 1 3 1,365 4,288 76 550 .16 2.5 .16 2.66 1,880 2,394 77 2 4 4 1,700 3,000 78 4 1,750 4 79 3 6 4 3,848 80 3 3 1,800 4,000 81 2 2 1,760 4,222 82 3 3 1,840 9,000 83 2 1 3 2,160 5,362 84 2,100 3,200 2 1 2 3 1,480 1,554 85 802 8 1 2 .3 3 2.33 1,978 2,511 86 2,160 2,700 2 2.75 1.5 4.25 1,840 3,925 87 1,400 1,900 2.5 4 2.5 6.5 1,330 4 88 2,500 3,000 2 2 1.5 3.5 1,840 1,500 89 4 4 4 4 4 1,664 3,794 90 1,500 3,600 2 2 1 3 1,800 7,369 91 2,400 1 3 1 4 1,669 4,100 92 2,100 2,100 .75 2 .75 2.75 4 1, 697 93 2.5 2.5 4 1,998 94 2 2 1,880 3,720 95 z' i8515 3 6 1,645 2. 028 96 1,405 2 1,472 2,097 97 4 ' 4 1 1 2 1,920 4 98 16 .5 3 .5 3.5 1,850 3,748 99 1 1 2,000 1,020 100 2 2 11,589 101 1,800 2 .67 2.67 1,608 2,778 102 .. . . 2 2 1,908 1,663 103 4 4 4 1.5 5.5 1,840 3,760 104 1,848 2,052 2 4 2.5 6.5 1,748 1,120 105 1',3006 2 1,600 2,256 106 .33 2.33 .33 2.66 1,368 2,232 107 2.5 3 2.5 5.5 4 4 108 3,000 1 1 1 2 1,718 1,92 7 109 4 4 4 1,880 4,665 110 2,400 1 2 1 3 1,8407 6,904 111 4 4 1 1 2 1,600 5,000 112 4 3 2 5 4 4 113 3,300 3 ,600 2.5 5 4 7.5 2,880 11 ,589 High 1,800 2,520 1 2 1 3 1,710 3,000 Median 550 1,900 . 16 1 .16 1 900 513 Low 34 17 49 109 70 102 93 102 Nls one-fourth time. 12. Half-time. 13. $5.500-$8,000 range. 14. Ten months. 15. Includes living quarters. 16. Non- salaried service. 17. P lus 2,366 hours paid out of other fund s. 18. Number of libraries on which high , median, and low are based. Teachers College Library STUDENT ENROLLMEN-r2 Total Fiscal Year Ending Under- Total Total grad- Grad- Exten- Book Stock Libraryl uate uate sion 1. Alabama, Troy, STC . ....... ............. . 2. Arizona, Flagstaff, STC .................. . 3. California, Arcata, Humboldt SC .......... . 4. California, Chico, SC .... ... ............. . 5. California, Fresno, SC ................... . 6. California, Long Beach ................... . 7. Califo.rnia, Sacramento, SC ............... . 8. California, San Francisco, SC .. . .......... . 9. Colorado, Gunnison, Western SC .......... . 10. Connecticut, Willimantic, STC .......... .. . 11. Georgia, Collegeboro, TC ................. . 12. Illinois, Charleston Eastern SC ........... . 13. Illinois, DeKalb, Northern SC ............ . 14. Indiana, Muncie, Ball STC ............... . 15. Indiana, Terre Haute, STC ............... . 16. Iowa, Cedar Falls, STC ... ........... .... . 17. Kansas, Emporia, STC . .................. . 18. Kansas, Pittsburg, STC .................. . 19. Kentucky, Bowling Green, Western SC .... . 20. Kentucky, Morehead, SC ................. . 21. Kentucky, Murray, SC ................... . 22. Kentucky, Richmond, Eastern SC .......... . 23. Louisiana, Lafayette, Southwestern La. Inst .. 24. Louisiana, Natchitoches, Northwestern SC .. . 25. Maryland, Frostburg, STC ..... . ......... . 26. Maryland, Salisbury, STC ................ . 27. Maryland, Towson, STC ... ....... ..... .. . 28. Massachusetts, Fitchburg, STC ........... . 29. Massachusetts, Framingham, STC ......... . 30. Massachusetts, North Adams, STC ........ . 31. Michigan, Kalamazoo, Western Mich. Coll.1° . 32. Michigan, Mt. Pleasant, Central Michigan Coli. 33. Michigan, Marquette, Northern Mich. Coli .. 34. Michigan, Ypsilanti, Eastern Mich. Coli .... . 35. Minnesota, Bemidji, STC ... ...... ........ . 36. Minnesota, Mankato, STC ................ . 37. Minnesota, Moorhead, STC ............... . 38. Minnesota, St. Cloud, STC ......... .. .... . 39. Minnesota, Winona, STC ........... . . . ... . 40. Missou.ri, Kirksville, Northeast SC ...... . . . 41. Missouri, Springfield, Southwest SC ....... . 42. Nebraska, Chadron, STC ................. . 43. Nebraska, Kearney, STC ................. . 44. Nebraska, Wayne, STC .... .... .... ..... . . 45. New Hampshire, Keene, TC .............. . 46. New Jersey , Glassboro, STC ... .... .... .. . 47. New Jersey, Montclair, STC .. . ........... . 48 . New Jersey, Newark, STC .... ..... , ..... . 49. New Jersey, Paterson, STC .... . ......... . 50. New Jersey, Trenton, STC ............... . 30S56 1,348 30Je56 934 30Je56 1,075 30J e56 2,097 30Je56 4,129 30Je56 30Je56 30Je56 31Ag56 30Je56 30Je56 30Je56 30Je56 30Je56 30Je5 6 30Je56 30Je56 30Je56 30Je56 30Je56 30Je56 30Je56 30Je56 30Je56 30Je56 30Je56 30Je56 30Je56 30Je56 30Je56 3,792 2,657 6,776 664 487 763 1,893 2,899 3,909 2 ,5 64 2,801 1,994 2,244 1,722 998 1,845 2,078 3,759 2,004 621 428 1,209 530 603 172 30J e56 5,285 30] e56 2,856 30Je56 888 30Je56 3,050 30]e56 706 30Je56 2,534 30J e56 844 30Je56 1,925 30Je56 748 30J e56 1,509 30Je56 2,419 30Je56 454 30Je56 1,115 30Je56 896 30Je56 621 30Je56 518 30Je56 1,218 30Je56 1,042 30]e56 1,188 30Je56 940 51. New York, Albany, STC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31Mr56 1,79514 52. New York, B.rockport , STC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31Mr56 1,065 53. New York, Buffalo, STC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31Mr56 2,514 54. New York, Cortland, STC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31Mr56 1,919 55. New York, Oneonta, STC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31Mr56 937 56. New York, Oswego, STC ................ . 57. New York, Plattsburgh, STC ............. . 58. North Carolina, Boone, Appalachian STC .. . 59. North Carolina, Elizabeth City, STC ...... . 60. North Carolina, Fayetteville, STC ........ . 61. North Ca.rolina, Greenville, East Carolina CoiL 62. North Carolina, Winston-Salem, STC ..... . 63. North Dakota, Dickinson, STC ............ . 64. North Dakota, Valley City, STC .......... . 65. Oklahoma, Alva, Northwestern SC ........ . 31Mr56 31Mr56 30Je56 30Je56 30Je56 1,461 961 1, 618 379 517 30Je56 2,774 30Je56 829 30Je56 409 30] e56 544 30Je56 705 .. 45 33 101 758 1,553 1,457 1,227 168 22 361 432 287 122 143 70 16 62 52 114 116 0 207 277 68 175 316 1,047 426 1,064 6 519 213 395 227 397 365 589 988 156 66 1 563 80 8 445 9 .. 76 465 1,577 135 1,481 350 1,200 427 109 677 344 22 321 54 246 108 305 14611 599 ... 7 287 404 14 72 323 677 565 13 24 807 391 69 85 2411 909 42,686 53,073 56,432 72,526 11 2, 141 58,814 65,458 114,134 60,600 19,935 53,400 93,040 106,664 165,404 174,577 160,188 117,390 101,649 102,515 51,459 56,122 95,290 113,869 79,053 27,380 26,286 49,664 33,000 22,7 40 13,735 110,747 84,195 55,570 116,830 34,979 55,500 37,121 88,896 42,735 123,870 86,244 34,865 44,893 50,205 25,843 40,633 71,794 34,000 24,316 78,096 15314 196 375 7 5614 5 5,015 77 51 174 113 193 155 22 41,859 240 63,026 676 49,471 398 43,174 157 56,365 121 46,617 27 66,788 757 92 141 27,562 37,015 103,203 23,740 35,367 39,821 6 Volumes News- Peri- Added papers odicals 2,093 3,285 4,211 5,111 8,390 13 7 25 21 17 10,285 13 13 ,041 . 11 9,593 22 2,251 23 1,153 5 2,525 16 3,778 27 5,648 16 8,301 15 4,205 22 8,519 26 5,985 7 12 3,899 30 2,562 11 2,755 29 2,229 15 2,421 20 6,472 22 6,015 24 1,567 10 1,300 7 3,014 8 1,500 5 375 542 2 5,864 3,653 1,263 5,042 1,511 5,255 1,680 4,609 2,217 2,619 2,278 605 1,269 1,800 1,557 2,101 2,915 957 1,486 4,797 28 12 18 12 9 7 12 13 13 26 9 46 43 8 10 7 8 5 7 8 2,407 7 2,300 5 4,555 6 3,950 6 3,081 5 4,037 13 2,653 6 3,581 28 510 11 1,508 13 5,903 747 759 547 1,260 13 19 25 5 23 310 340 605 657 1,051 580 888 1,003 432 225 405 701 792 658 520 765 561 845 400 410 465 318 666 601 248 167 257 300 201 128 1,199 545 347 496 250 411 368 502 304 531 331 226 241 305 203 173 350 222 265 292 386 283 456 524 287 443 410 411 205 253 467 346 184 139 324 Statistics, 1 955 - 1 956 LIBRARY OPERATI NG ExPENDITURES Total Edu- Total cational Ratio of Staff Total Total Per Stu- and Gen- Library Salaries Books for Other Operat- dent Op- eral Insti- Expendi- and and Books Operating ing Ex- erating tutional tures to Staff Student Student Related and Expendi- pendi- Expendi- Expendi - Total Salaries Service Service Materials Binding Binding tu.res3 tures tures tures4 (Per Cent) $ 11,761 $ 4,267 $ 16,028 $ 9,630 $1,734 $10,364 $10,743 $ 27,135 $25.33 5 $ 597,794 4.54 1 12,500 1,199 13,699 13, 263 1,470 14,733 875 29,307 29.945 768,388 3.8 2 54,126 4,800 58,926 18,260 1,950 20,210 2,759 81,895 63.83 1,23 1,659 6.6 3 55,714 8,700 64,4 14 18,664 2,433 21,097 2,242 87,753 35.00 1,528,710 5.7 4 110,350 14,893 125 ,243 29,999 3,206 33,205 3,801 162,249 33.20 5 3,332,468 4.86 5 98,218 15,978 114,196 42,089 7,167 49,256 2,833 166,285 31.11 2,119,380 7.8 6 79,503 7,950 87,453 38,198 3,957 42,155 6,524 136 ,132 29.98 1,654,229 8.2 7 113,153 21,756 154,909 43,531 4,949 48,480 4,406 207,795 22.90 4,019,807 5.17 8 11,020 3,926 14,946 6,594 519 7,113 1,053 23, 112 27.68 6 9 14, 120 900 15,020 3,900 350 4,250 250 19,520 40.08 5 443,962 4.4 10 18 ,154 2,983 21,137 6,027 1,077 7,104 365 28,607 37.49 523,367 5.47 11 53,840 10,002 63,842 15,904 1,885 17,789 2,554 84,185 44.00 5 1,827,857 4.6 12 67, 184 13,071 80,25 5 24,982 3,210 28,192 4,808 113,255 30.98 2,502,801 4.5 13 134,096 34,907 169,003 33,050 4,046 37,096 10,872 216,971 49.98 5 2,865,332 7.57 14 48,335 5,600 53,935 17,000 4,000 21,000 3,625 78,560 27.55 2,241,299 3.5 15 57,935 11,394 69,329 32,220 9,234 41,454 6,052 116,835 39.97 5 3,111,003 3.76 16 38,715 13,487 52,202 32,445 1,116 33,561 3,777 89,540 32.848 2,038,371 4.3 17 32,903 11 ,158 44,06 1 12 ,798 2,187 14 ,98 5 2,924 61,970 26.825 1,777,5 63 3,6 18 27,338 5,269 32,607 9,439 750 10,189 1,265 43,961 25 .55 5 964,698 4.55 19 17,5 62 1,767 19,329 9,739 1,405 11,144 1,036 31,509 29.72 5 627,541 5 20 14,600 3,200 17,800 11,000 1, 800 12,800 1,275 31,875 12 .96 21 18,905 4,181 23,086 9,989 400 10,3 89 678 34,153 15 .58 1,021,32 0 3.3 22 72,334 15,863 88,196 29,508 2,297 31,805 5,745 125,747 33.45 2,464,989 5.1 23 46,062 8,431 54,493 36 ,981 2,685 39,666 4,699 98,858 44.94 1,915,923 5.16 24 15,955 832 16,787 6,134 592 6,726 800 24,313 38 .65 487,509 4.98 25 13,557 300 13 ,857 6,042 498 6,540 20,397 47.65 6 5.1 26 28,629 1, 147 29,776 8,000 2,522 10,522 1".527 41,825 34.50 917,589 4.56 27 8,460 1,000 9,460 3,750 3,750 13,210 24.92 5 528,799 2.5 28 11,520 154 11,67 4 1,968 24 1,992 292 13,958 23.15 412,901 3.1 29 5,500 461 5,961 2,509 2,509 229 8,699 35.00 158 ,483 5.48 30 71,567 12,717 84,284 23,325 3,087 26,412 3,391 114,087 15.57 3,886,815 2.94 31 49,681 14,747 64,428 15,796 1,294 17 ,090 294 81,812 27 .35 5 32 21,885 3,800 25,685 4,875 1,000 5,875 800 32,360 36.44 823,110 3.93 33 57,690 9,350 67,040 15,400 1, 800 17,200 2,350 86,590 18 .83 2,697,724 3.2 34 12,818 1,5 60 14,378 8,119 804 8,923 789 24,090 34.12 5 542,968 4.43 35 26,074 2,425 28,499 19,895 810 20 ,705 2,059 51,263 15.44 1,295,055 3.95 36 19 ,910 2,680 22,590 9,317 466 9,783 2,013 34,386 40.745 680,682 5.05 37 33,929 2,211 36,140 14,552 1,774 16,326 1,844 54,310 23.95 1,103 ,118 4.92 38 11,432 2,369 13,801 8,375 300 8,675 1,552 24,028 23.00 537,000 4.47 39 11,072 4,989 16,06 1 6,579 2,192 8,771 392 25,224 15.595 928,434 2.7 40 29,448 7,480 36,928 9,676 324 10,000 46,92812 19 .39 5 1,007,837 4.6 41 8,850 1,728 10 ,5 78 3,065 193 3,258 124 13,960 30.75 529,146 2.6 42 11,400 4,931 16,331 6,286 308 6,594 599 23,524 16.68 1,190,209 1.9 43 15,200 4,742 19,942 6,724 642 7,366 1,055 28,363 21.81 69 1, 284 4.1 44 7,910 2,069 9,979 4,990 112 5,102 1,029 16,110 25.37 5 507,147 3. 18 45 17,610 2,452 20,062 4,527 845 5,372 746 26,180 17.24 593,254 4.41 46 36,000 5,400 41,400 10,902 768 11,670 2,103 55,173 8 30.945 987,816 5.58 47 27 ,398 2,584 29,982 5,697 600 6,297 1,418 37,697 20.38 5 575,269 6.55 48 19,230 2,250 21,480 9,269 315 9,584 582 31,646 25.10 5 445,019 7.1 49 34,200 3,495 37,695 8,171 605 8,776 649 47,120 50.13 5 940,000 5 so 48,170 1,6 00 49,770 12,78 1 1,793 14,574 1,23 1 65,575 25.00 1,506,633 4.35 51 34,269 1,400 35,669 8,931 1,797 10,728 1,131 47,528 38.00 1,034,237 5 52 42,549 3,060 45,609 20,620 791 21,411 3,582 70,602 22.55 1,480 ,572 4.7 53 30,805 2,016 32,821 13,802 1,409 1 5,211 2,105 50,137 19.44 1,277 ,243 3.9 54 29,225 1,840 31,065 11,789 798 12,587 2,569 46,221 33.35 787,325 5.87 55 33,939 1,521 35,460 12,859 2,500 15 ,359 2 ,580 53,399 29.80 1,040,799 5.1 56 24,890 11,475 36,365 11,188 3,227 14,415 2,244 34,849 29.16 753,747 4.6 57 22,877 1,220 24,097 9,517 600 10,117 635 53,024 28.84 714,727 7.4 58 10,1 39 2,033 12,172 2,129 141 2,270 14,441 38.10 424,889 3.4 59 14,770 14,770 3,870 212 4,082 110 18,962 36.67 323,052 5.8 60 47,110 8,272 55,382 21,499 1, 600 23,199 1,768 80,349 27.43 5 1,344,549 5.91 61 14,600 2,736 17,336 3,779 465 4,914 669 22,919 27.64 422,609 5.4 62 5,390 580 5,970 3,050 250 3,300 1,924 11,194 27.375 285,269 3.92 63 10,497 342 10,839 2,295 173 2,468 506 13,813 25.39 414,700 3.33 64 9,540 1,238 10 ,778 4,947 348 5,295 597 16,670 23.00 5 478,43 6 3.44 65 Teachers College Library STUDENT ENROLLMENT 2 Library1 Fiscal Year Ending 66. Oklahoma, Weatherford, Southwestern SC . . 30}e56 67 . Orego n, Ashland, Southern Oregon Coil. . . . . 30J e56 68 . Oregon, La Grande, Eastern Oregon Coli. . . 30] e56 69. Orego n, Monmouth Oregon Co li. of Educ. . . 30Je56 70. Penn sylvania, Ca lifornia, STC . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31My56 71. Pennsylvania, Clarion, STC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31My56 72. Penn sy lvani a, Edinboro, STC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31My56 73. Pennsylvania, Indiana, STC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31My56 74. Penn sy lvania, Kutztown, STC . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31My56 75. Pennsylvania, Mansfield , STC . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1My56 76. P e nn sylvania, West Chester, STC . . . . . . . . . . 31My56 77. Sout h Dakota, Spearfish, Black Hills TC . . . 30}e56 78. Texas, Canyon, West Texas SC . . . . . . . . . . . . 31Ag56 79. Texa s, Commerce, East Texas STC . . . . . . . . . 31Ag56 80. Texa s, Huntsville, Sam Houston STC . . . . . . 31Ag56 81. Texas, San Marcos, Southwest STC ...... . 82. Vir g inia, Farmville, Longwood Coli. ..... . . 83 . Virginia, Har.risonburg, Madi son Coli. . . ... . 84. Virginia, Petersburg, SC .... ... ... .. .... . / 5. West Virginia, Fairmont, SC ........... . . . 8 6 . West Virg inia, Glenville, SC ... .......... . 8 7. West Virg inia , West Liberty, SC .... . .. . . . 88 . Wi sco nsin, LaCrosse, SC . ................ . 89 . Wi sco nsin, Milwaukee, SC ............... . 90. Wi sconsin, Oshkosh, SC ......... .. ...... . 91. Wi sco nsin, Platteville, SC . . ........ ...... . 92. Wi sconsin, River Falls, SC ... .. . .. . ...... . 93. Wi sco nsin, Superior, SC .. ... . ... ... ..... . 94. Wisconsin, Whitewater, SC ......... .... .. . High ..... .... ........... ......... .... . . . Median ................................. . Low ............ .......... .. .. .. · ·. · · · · · · 17 31Ag56 30Je56 30Je56 30Je56 30Je56 30Je56 30Je56 30Je56 31Ag56 30Je56 30Je56 30}e56 30Je56 30}e56 Total Under· Total grad- Grad- uate uate 1,143 769 605 746 1,125 707 63 5 1,868 1,003 648 1, 89 0 588 1,962 1,843 2,141 1,943 755 1,141 1,547 1,193 602 1,103 1,334 2,305 1,164 912 914 1,038 1,067 6,776 1,133 172 94 95 44 5 62 7 348 181 214 19 24 62 75 1,553 119 5 57 Total Exten- sion 32 105 51 500 107 191 322 129 559 16 26 126 307 261 126 163 589 1,577 311.5 8 66 Book Stock 45,523 33,729 34,996 40,061 30,097 32,407 35,472 45,121 48 ,715 35,175 67,614 35,317 52,782 126,920 136,272 86,728 64,800 78,443 63,245 42, 8 48 35,492 31,203 52,497 82,549 55,243 38,481 41,293 60,084 56 ,0 18 174 ,577 53,073 13,735 93 Volume s News- Peri- Added paper s odicals 1,272 4,111 3,266 3,435 993 2,318 1,483 2,787 2,394 788 2,529 890 3,737 3,672 5,570 2,523 2,178 4,752 2,755 1,333 1,2 68 1,6 89 2,821 4,004 2,044 2,208 1,769 2,293 1, 8 00 13,041 2,524 375 94 23 17 12 30 4 13 8 11 15 23 9 18 28 21 10 14 12 13 20 6 26 14 12 20 14 29 18 10 8 46 13 2 93 246 318 405 296 282 230 188 270 327 237 371 260 490 5 29 590 488 320 396 701 292 273 341 293 502 278 310 320 428 402 1,199 346.5 128 94 1. Central library and all agencies. 2. Includes all students taking courses of college grade on campus. 3. In- clude s supplies, transportation and all other noncapital expenditures not specifica ll y reported. 4. Exclusive of capital expenditUI·es and those for auxiliary enterprises such as dormitories, cafeterias, etc. 5. Extension enroll- ment not included in per student expenditure. 6. Not reported or not available. 7. 2,082 additional volumes pur- Teachers College Library Library 2 Li- brarian AssociATE OR AssiSTANT CHIEF LIBRARIAN MiQi- Maxi- mum mum 1. Alabama, Troy, STC ......... .... . .. ..... $5 ,200 $2,400 $4,800 2. Arizona, Flagstaff, STC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,500 5,000 3. California, Arcata, Humboldt SC . . . . . . . . . . . 8,940 4. California, Chico, SC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 5. California, Fresno, SC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,384 5,496 6,672 6. California, Long Beach, SC ...... ......... . 7. California, Sacramento, SC .. . . ; ... ....... . 8. California, San F .rancisco, SC ............ . 9. Colorado, Gunnison, Western SC .......... . 10. Connecticut, Willimantic, STC ........... . 11. Georgia, Collegeboro, Ga. TC ..... ... ..... . 12. Illinois, Charleston, Eastern SC .......... . 13. Illinois, D eKalb, Northern SC .... . .. . ... . . . 14. Indiana, Muncie, Ball STC ............... . 15. Indiana, Terre Haute, STC .. .... . . . . .. ... . 16. Iowa, Cedar Falls, STC .. ................ . 17. Kan sas, Emporia, STC ................... . 18. Kansas, Pitts burg, STC ........ . ...... .. . . 19. Kentucky, Bowling Green, Western SC .... . 20. Kentucky, Morehead SC . ..... ... ........ . 21. Kentucky, Murray, SC .. ................ . . 22. Kentucky, Richmond, Eastern SC ......... . 23. Louisiana, Lafayette, Southwestern La . Inst. 24. Louisiana, Natchitoches, Northwestern SC .. 25. Maryland, Frostburg, STC ............... . 8,940 8 ,940 9,384 4,600 5,580 5,900 9,680 7, 200 8,000 6,700 s',6oo 4,500 5,100 8,050 9,125 5,417 5 5 5 5,496 6,672 5,496 6,672 4,500 4,300 4,500 3,000 3,700 7'.375 7,125 7,500 DEPART MENT HEADS Mini- Maxi- Num- mum mum her $ .... $ .... HEAD LIBRARIAN' ScHooL, CoLLEGE , AND D EPARTMENTAL LIBRARIES Mini- Maxi- Num· mum mum her $ .... $ .... 5,232 5,496 4 ,508 6,060 4,9 8 0 6,060 1 4 4,508 s',496 4,980 6,060 4,9 80 6,060 4,400 4,500 5,940 6,820 s·,a28s 6,743 8 4,440 5,520 5,100 4',767 3',766 6,000 5 5,900 5,368 4,400 6,375 5 4 ,282 5 5 5 2 4 2 5 8 3 5 8 5 3 4,512 5,496 4,512 5,496 4,700 4,860 5',666 6,228 4,560 4,250 5 5 4,000 3,572 3 8 1 2 Statistics, 1 9ss-s6 (Cont.) LIBRARY OPERATING EXPENDITURES Total Edu- Total cational Ratio of Staff Total Total Per Stu- and Gen- Library Salaries Books for Other Operat- dent Op- era! Insti- Expendi- and and Books Operating ing Ex- erating tutional tures to Staff Student Student R elated and Expendi- pendi- Expendi- Expendi- Total Salaries Service Service Materials Binding Binding tures3 tures tures ture s4 (Per Cent) 10,010 2,318 . 12,328 5,441 419 5,860 7,640 25,828 20.34 629,610 4.1 66 23,369 3,530 26,899 8,940 1,023 9,963 3,540 40,402 42.69 536,653 7.5 67 15,660 9,018 24,678 11,029 1,154 12,183 1,764 38,625 63.32 460,300 8.39 68 10,047 8,060 18 , 107 11 ,440 1,018 12,45 8 1,707 32,272 43 .26 60 1,565 5.36 69 9,114 2,623 11,737 1,019 1,480 . 2,499 385 14,62 1 13 . 00 821,004 1.78 70 12,820 4,780 17,600 3,137 3,137 1,550 22,287 31.52 378,182 5.9 71 12,160 4,206 16,366 7,690 225 7,915 285 24,566 38.68 5 62 1,074 3.96 72 24,837 3,387 28,224 8,664 583 9,247 1,839 39,310 21.04 1,15 8,000 3.4 73 29,720 3,000 32 72015 6,431 81 6,512 39,232 39.11 715,6 62 5.5 74 18,052 2,133 20:135 4,0 52 82 4,134 407 24,726 38.15 701,679 3.5 75 29,284 2,762 32,046 5,528 605 6,133 324 38,503 19.83 1,219,000 3.16 76 5,700 1,997 7,697 3,830 3,830 350 11 ,8 76 20.20 5 393,083 3.02 77 29,600 5,786 35,386 11,129 977 12,106 2,470 49,962 18.53 1,020,305 4.9 78 34,642 12,078 46,720 14,354 1,639 15,993 883 63,596 28.985 1,368,6 41 4.65 79 24,452 3,589 28,041 12,771 1,053 13, 824 1,199 43,064 18.545 1,32 7,507 3.24 80 27,465 6,039 33,504 10 ,533 10,53 3 2,170 46,207 20.21 1,188 ,862 3.9 81 20,755 2,462 23,217 6,248 1,252 7 ,500 715 31,432 40 .61 691,511 4.54 82 26,342 3,714 30,056 12 ,362 1,854 14,21 6 1,85 4 46,126 39.60 778,129 5.92 83 40,408 5,034 45 ,442 12,704 1,226 13,930 2,229 61,601 28.41 1,734 ,120 3.55 84 17,181 1,905 19,086 3,831 529 4,360 5,993 29,439 24.67 501,301 5.87 85 10 , 081 1,4 77 11,55 8 4,005 309 4,314 842 16 ,7 14 27.76 316,591 5.28 86 9,360 2,188 11,548 4,611 616 5,227 408 17,183 15.585 343,790 4.99 87 25,675 400 26,075 8,456 613 9,069 1,156 36,300 27.20 5 865,329 4.19 88 36,634 4 ,6 00 41,234 17, 646 2,090 19,73 6 800 6 1,770 25.95 1,276,107 4.8 89 25,500 3,000 28 ,500 8,8 00 750 9,550 2,000 40,050 33.845 758,598 5.27 90 18,435 3,024 21,459 8,267 561 8,828 618 30,905 33.89 5 538,972 5.7 3 91 22,347 1,170 23,517 8,178 600 8,778 200 32,495 35.55 5 562 ,496 5.77 92 20,500 5,007 25,507 5,922 925 6,8 47 1,700 34,054 32.805 633,824 5.3 7 93 20,944 7,164 28,108 8,351 853 9,204 37,312 34.96 5 552,710 6.75 94 134,096 34,907 169,003 43,531 9,234 49 ,256 10 ,872 216,971 63 .83 4,019,807 8.39 High 23,123 3,495 26,487 91,045 1,077 9981.5 1472.5 37,504.5 29.07 782,727 4.6 Median 5,390 154 5,961 1,019 24 1,992 110 8,699 12.96 158,483 1.78 Low 94 93 94 94 89 94 88 94 94 90 9 1 Nt7 chased by departmental fund s. 8. Includes A-V expenditures. 9. Includes on- and off-campus students. 10. Ex- elude s Educational Service Library and Campus School. 11. Not included in per student expenditure. 12. Pro- rated over biennium. 13. Includes part-time students. 14. Estimated figures. 15. Excludes summer session ex- pens es. 16. Includes 158 two-year vocational students. 17. Number of libraries on which high, median and low are based. Salary Statistics, 1 955- 1 956 1 ToTAL NuMBER OF EMPLOYEES ALL OTH ER PROFES- ALL NoNPROFES- IN FuLL-TIME EQUIVALENTS3 Working SIONAL AssiSTANTS SIONAL AssisTANTS Non- in Hours of Mini - Maxi - Num- Mini- Maxi- Num- Profes - profes- Fiscal Student mum mum her mum mum her sionals sionals Total Year4 A ss istance $ . . .. $ .... $ . ... $ .... 3. 5 3.5 2:~~~5 10,368 1 5 1 3 1 4 1,99 9 2 3,372 5,332 . 7 3,21 6 3,900 5 8 3.5 11.5 1,808 4,650 3 4,296 4,740 3 2,771 4,740 5 9 3 .5 12.5 1,856 10 ,208 4 4,296 5,496 9 3,060 4,740 13.5 15 11 .5 26.5 1,768 16,094 5 4,296 6,672 15 17.5 15 17.5 32. 5 1,200 20,400 6 4,296 4,740 5 3,216 4 ,092 8 12 8 20 1,784 8,577 7 4,296 4,740 9 3,060 4,740 14 22 14 36 1,784 21,727 8 1,920 5 1 2 1 3 5 654 9 1',566 1,560 .5 2,940 3,300 2 1.5 2 3.5 1·,sos 1,512 10 3,600 'is 5 "is 5 9,2007 5,966 11 1,920 2,640 8 11 .5 1,628 14,203 12 5·,o28s 5)i4s 4"9",867 13 9 2,220 3,285 12 19 12 31 1,680 14 3,840 4,560 6 2,190 3,060 4 11 2.5 13.5 1,786 6,500 15 4,700 5,600 2 2,240 3,000 6 8.33 6 14.339 1,665 17,685 16 5 5 310 5 5 2.5 12 2.5 14.5 1,824 27,254 17 1,980 2,292 2 7 2 9 1,920 19,529 18 2 5 2 6.5 2.5 9 1,760 12,141 19 1,600 5 1 4 1 5 1,760 4,374 20 4 4 1,508 8,000 21 3,500 1 1,200 2,000 2 6 1 7 1,706 8,800 22 5,625 6,062 3 1,680 3,000 4 10 4 14 1,600 34,707 23 4,250 6,875 5 2,280 4,320 6 7 4.5 - 11.5 1,599 18,893 24 4,282 2 3 1.83 4.83 1,597 5 25 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32 . 33. 34. 35. Library 2 Maryland, Salisbury, STC ...•........•.•. Maryland, Towson, STC ..........•.....•. Massa{:husetts, Fitchburg, STC ... ........ . Massachusetts, Framingham, STC ......... . Massachusetts, North Ada~s, STC ........ . Michigan, Kalamazoo, Western Mich. Coli .. . Michigan, Mt. Pleasant, Central Mich. Coil .. Michigan, Marquette, Northern Mich. Coli .. Michigan, Ypsilanti, Eastern Mich. Coli. ... . Minnesota, Bemidji, STC .... . ............ . 36. Minnesota, Mankato, STC .......... . ..... . 37. Minnesota, Moorhead, STC ..... ..... ..... . 38. Minnesota, St. Cloud, STC ......... ...... . 39. Minpesota, Winona, STC ......... .. . ... . . 40. Missouri, Kirksville, Northeast SC ........ . 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. Missouri, Springfield" Southwest SC ...... . Nebraska, Chadron, ;::,TC ................. . Nebraska, Kearney, STC ................. . Nebraska, Wayne, STC · ...... ... ......... . New Hampshire, Keene, TC ....... ..... .. . 46. New Jers ey, Glassboro, STC ...... ........ . 47. New Jersey, Montclai.r, STC ........ . .... . 48. New Jersey, Newark, STC ...........•.... 49. New J ersey, Paterson, STC . .. . ..... ...... . SO. New Jersey, Trenton, STC ............... . 51. New York, Albany, STC ......... ........ . 52. New York, Bro{:kport, STC . ... . ......... . 53. New York, Buffalo, STC . .. . .. ... ... ... .. . 54. New York, Cortland, STC ............... . 55. New York, Oneonta, STC . .. .... ....... . . 56. New York, Oswego, STC ......... . ...... . 57. New York, Plattsburgh, STC , ............ . 58. North Carolina, Boone, Appalachian STC .. . 59. North Carolina, Elizabeth City, STC ...... . 60. North Carolina, Fayetteville, STC ......... . 61. North Carolina, Greenville, E. Carolina Coli. 62. North Carolina, Winston-Salem, STC ..... . 63. North Dakota, Dickinson, STC ............ . 64 . North D akota, Valley City, STC .......... . 65. Oklahoma, Alva, Northwestern SC ........ . 66. Oklahoma, Weatherford, Southwestern SC . . . 67. Oregon, Ashland, Southern Ore. Coli. .... . . 68. Oregon, LeGrande, Eastern Ore. Coli. . .... . 69. Oregon, Monmouth, Ore. Coli. of Educ. . .. . 70. Pennsylvania, California, STC ... . .. . .. .. . . 71. Pennsylvania, Clarion, STC .. . . . ....... .. . 72. Pennsylvania, Edinboro , STC .. ........... . 73. Pennsylvania, Indiana, STC .......... .. .. . 74 . Pennsylvania, Kutztown, STC ........ ..... . 75. Pennsylvania, Mansfield, STC .. ...... .... . . 76. Pennsylvania, West Chester, STC .. . ...... . 77. South D akota, Spearfish, Black Hills TC ... . 78. Texas, Canyon, West Texas SC ..... . .. . . . 79. Texas, Commerce, E. Texas STC .. ........ . 80. Texas, Huntsville, Sam Houston STC ... .. . 81. Texas, San Marcos, Southwest STC . ...... . 82. Virginia, Farmville, Longwood Coli. ... .. . . 83. Virginia, Harrisonburg, Madison Coli. .... . 84. Virginia, Petersburg, Va. SC .. .. .... .. . . . . 85. West Virginia, Fairmont, SC ...... ...... . . 86. West Virginia, Glenville, SC ............. . 87. West Virginia, West Liberty, SC ......... . 88. Wisconsin, LaCrosse , SC ................. . 89. Wisconsin, Milwaukee, SC ............ .. . . 90. Wisconsin, Oshkosh, SC ................. . 91. Wisconsin, Platteville, SC ................ . 92. Wisconsin, River Falls, SC ......... ...... . 93. Wis{:onsin, Superior, SC ................. . 94. Wisconsin, Whitewater, SC ............. .. . High ................ . ............ .. .... . Median .......................... .. .. .. . . Low ................................... . N19 ••..•• •• ••••.•••. •• ..•..••••.••..•••. Li- brarian 5,400 4,517 5,340 6,300 5,500 8,050 7,700 7,675 5,120 G ~·n~~: ' 5 s· 26814 s;9oo 5,243 5,268 5,500 5,300 4,300 6,600 6,240 6,660 7 ,140 7 ,9501~ 5,976 7,206 6,906 7,206 7,206 6,906 6,210 5,696 4,063 4,596 7,669 4,794 4,400 4,600 5,355 16 5,500 6,345 6,600 5,397 5,370 6,400 5,700 6,050 5,900 6,710 6,400 6,120 6,420 7,153 6,200 7,100 5,000 6,432 5,600 4,830 5,000 6,125 6,890 6,000 6 ,000 5,475 6,300 6,030 9,680 6,025 3,700 86 5 AssociATE OR AssiSTANT CHIEF LIBRARIAN Mini- Maxi- mum mum 3,572 4,282 6,850ll 5,57 5 4,896 4,440 6,080 4,740 5,160 5,200 5,150 3,760 5,220 5,243 5,460 6,660 4,698 4,698 4,698 4,698 4,698 4,698 5,395 4,176 3,800 5,310 4,510 4,650 5,800 5,700 4,000 4,300 2,450 4,500 5,220 4 ,920 4 ,150 3 ,8 00 5,725 7,375 4, 698 2,400 45 5 5 5,748 5,526 5,748 5,748 5,748 5,748 5,748 4,650 5,875 5,800 6,500 4,600 5,790 7,500 5,748 3,700 24 Teachers College Library DEPARTMENT HEADS Mini- Maxi- Num- mum mum her 6,200 5,200 5,000 4,440 5,760 4,560 4,280 5 6,400 6,600 6,200 4,601 3,600 6,180 4,000 4,500 5,500 4,320 3, 500 4,470 4,039 5,425 6,000 4 ,6 00 4,900 4,400 4 ,3 20 4 ,32 0 5 3,240 4,320 3,744 4,300 ~ 5,215 4,615 5,540 4 ,6 00 5,200 6,200 4,560 3,240 35 6,820 S.S20 4,039 29 4 4 2 6 2 5 2 2 4 2 1 2 8 3 1 38 ~ HEAD LIBRARIAN, ScHOOL, CoLLEGE, AND DEPARTM ENTAL LIBRARIES Mini- Maxi - Num - mum mum her 5,400 5,920 4,020 4,920 4,872 4,600 5,865 6,228 4,600 1,500 17 4,790 1,500 G 5,340 5,496 4,990 1,500 10 .6 2 1 .6 17 1. Salary data reported as of September 1, 1956. 2. Central library and all agencies. 3. Excludes s tudent as- sistants and . building maintenance staff. 4. Excludes vacation and legal holidays. 5. Not reported or not avail- able. 6. Salary range of $7,728-9,384 rep orted. 7. Total hours for all staff. 8. Includes one- s eventh of academic year salary for summ er session. 9. Includes two part-time professionals and one part-time clerical assistant. 10. Salary Statistics, 1955-s61 (Cont.) ToTAL NuMBER OF EMPLOYEES ALL OTHER PROFES- ALL N ONPROFES- IN FULL-TIME EQUIVALENTS3 Working SIONAL ASSISTANTS SIONAL AssiSTANTS Non- Hours i.n Hours of Mini- Maxi- Num- Mini- Maxi- Num- Profes- profes- Fiscal Student mum mum her mum mum her sionals sionals Total Year4 Assistance 7,475 2 3,200 1 3 1.5 4.5 1,908 26 2,690 3,225 1 6 1 7 1,724 1,9 1'2 27 3,120 1 1 1 2 1,400 5 28 2 2 1,400 308 29 1 1 1,120 615 30 3,600 6,200 4 3,040 3,380 3.5 10 3. 5 13.5 1,3 73 18 ,742 31 4::~~5 5,400 2 5 5 3 7 2.5 9.5 1,600 13,1 60 32 5 5 5 3 1 4 1,368 2,850 33 4,400 4,460 4 2,820 3",526 4 9 2 11 1,290 12,91 6 34 4,352 5 1 2 1 3 5 2,506 35 4,284 4 3,672 4 3.5 7.5 1,760 4,041 36 3,672 1 3 3 1,880 4,466 37 5,120 1 2,268 3,120 4 5 4 9 5 3,627 38 2,664 1 3 1 4 1',646 3,948 39 3,600 4,000 3 1,32 0 2.5 1 3.5 1,540 11,087 40 2,100 5 6 1,748 1,248 41 2 2 1,760 2,880 42 2 2 880 6,621 43 3 3 2,024 5 44 2 2 1,400 2",746 45 4,560 5,460 2,400 2,880 1 3 1 4 1,600 3,359 46 2,160 3,120 2 6 2 8 1,250 7,398 47 4,560 5,460 4 3,060 1 5 1 6 1,425 3,398 48 4,560 5,460 3 4 4 1,388 3,000 49 4,56018 5,460 5 3,000 3,600 6 1 7 5 4,787 50 3,170 4, 790 4 2,750 4,000 3 7 3 10 1,710 2,175 51 3,170 4,000 1 2,750 3,490 3 5 3 8 1,840 1,750 52 2,750 4,790 6 4 6 10 5 2,863 53 3,170 4,000 1 2,620 3,640 3 6 3 9 1,562 2,918 54 3,170 4,220 2 2,620 2,9 08 1 5 .5 5.5 1,72 2 2,369 55 3,840 4,790 2 2,750 4,000 3 5 3 8 1,760 2,535 56 3,840 4,7 90 2 2,764 1 4 1.5 5.5 1,762 1,745 57 1,866 2,887 3 5 5 5 1,920 17,419 58 2,824 1 2 1 3 5 5 59 3,914 3,128 3,588 2 2 2 4 1,400 60 4,668 2,580 9 1 10 1,794 15 ,040 61 2,640 2,640 2 2 4 1,820 450 62 1,350 1 1 2 660 720 63 3 3 1,760 650 64 2 2 2,220 2,476 65 .5 2 .5 2.5 2,000 5,195 66 5,287 5,310 1.6 2,520 3,180 3.5 2.6 3.5 6.16 1,832 3,912 67 5,000 5,300 1 2,100 2,376 2 3 1.5 4.5 1,851 6,45817 68 5 6 1 5 5 3.6 5 5 5 1,920 5,445 69 3,744 1 2 1,615 3,747 70 5,800 1.5 2,768 1.5 3.3 1.5 4.8 3,703 71 4,000 1 3',566 2 2 1,680 3,969 72 2,450 2 4 1 5 1,160 5,325 73 3',627 3.7 .9 4.6 1,320 3,417 74 3 1 4 1,440 1,604 75 5 4,300 5 5 1,3 00 76 z",526 1 1 1 2 1,9 00 3,981 77 2,700 3,600 3 1,000 z',466 .5 6 1.5 7.5 1,920 9,644 78 1,95 0 1 7 1 8 1,743 29,991 79 2,400 3,607 3 2 3.25 5.25 1,800 7,177 80 3:744 z:767 7 7 1,930 3,018 81 2 ,520 2 4 1 5 5 4,953 82 3,456 1 5 2,860 2 4 2 6 8,254 83 3,312 3,744 3 2,520 3,024 4 8 4 12 1,880 11,1 86 84 2,000 2,500 3 2.5 3 5. 5 2,000 3,810 85 900 .. , ...... .5 2 .5 2.5 1,940 2,685 86 2,100 .5 2 .5 2.5 1,960 4,3 76 87 2,610 3:432 2.5 3 2.5 5.5 1,740 800 88 3,850 1 2,652 4 6 3 9 7,666 89 1,400 3 2,520 3,060 1 4 1 5 1,7 60 4 ,22 4 90 2,592 1 4 1 5 1,575 4,314 91 4,300 5,000 3 3, 372 1 3.5 1 4.5 1,368 2,340 92 4,200 5,300 3 5 3,132 1 4 1 5 1::~:5 3,602 93 5 6 3 5 2 4 2 6 5 94 5,800 7,475 15 4,352 4,790 17.5 22 17.5 36 9,200 49,867 High 4,250 4,790 2 2,601 3,150 2 4 2 5 1,743 4,224 Median 1,400 1,560 .5 900 2,000 .5 1 .5 1 660 308 Low 43 37 51 62 44 74 89 75 91 81 85 Ntv Library science instructors. 11. For ten months. 12. For 100 months. 13. Sabbatical leave. 14. For nine months. 15. Includes two A-V persons. 16. For 11 months. 17. Does not include 2,880 clerical hours. 18. Does not in- elude summer session salaries. 19. Number of libraries on which high median, and low are based. Library 1. A labama, Christian C. 1 •. • • ••• • • •.. ... .• . .•• 2. A labama, Marion In st itute . ...... . ....... . . 3. Arkansas State C., Beebe Branch . . ... . . ... . 4. Cali fo rnia, American River ... . ... . . ... . . .. . 5. Californ ia, Bakersfield C. . .. ... . .. . .... .. . . 6. California, Coalinga C. . . . . .. ... . ...... .. . . 7. California, College of Marin .. . . . . ..... . . . . . 8 . California, College of the Sequoias ... . ..... . 9. California, Compton C. . .... . ... .. . . . .... . . 10. California, East Contra Costa . . . .. ... . .... . 11. California, East Los Angeles ... . . .. . . . .... . 12. California, El Camino C . . . . .... .. . ..... . .. . 13. California, Fresno . . . . . . ...... ..... .. .... . . 14. California, Fullerton . .. ... ... . .. .. ....... . 15. California, Glendale C . . ... . . .. . . . ..... . ... . 16. California, Lo s Angeles City C .......... . . . 17. California, Lo s Ange les Harbor ... . .. . . . . .. . 18. Californ ia, Lo s Angeles ] .C. of Business . . . . 19. Cal ifornia, Los Angeles Trade-Tech .. . ..... . 20. California, Lo s Angeles Valley . . .. ... . ... . . 21. California, Or a nge Coast C ... . .. . . . .. . . ... . 22. California, Palomar C. . .. . ................ . 23. California, Pa sadena City C .... . . .......... . 24. California, Pierce .... . .. ... ... . .... . .. .. . . 25. California, Riverside C .... ... .... . .. ..... . . 26. California, Sacramento .. .. .. . . . . .. ... . .. . . . 27. California, San Bernardino Valley C ....... . 28 . California, Santa Ana C. ....... . .......... . 29 . Californi a, Santa Monica City C ... . .... . . .. . 30. California, Stockton C. 1 . . . . ... . . . . . ... . ..•. 31. California, Yuba C .. . . . ........ . .... . . . . .. . 32 . Colorado, Pueblo C. . .... . ................ . 33. Colorado, Trinidad State ......... . ... . ... . 34 . Colorado, Woman's C .. . .......... . ....... . 35. Connecticut, Mitchell C . ...... .. . ..... .. . . . 36. Connecticut, Quinnipiac C . . ... . .. .. .. . . . .. . 37. Di strict of Columbia, Mount Vernon1 ... ... . 38. Di st rict of Columbia, Washington Hall ..... . 39. Florida, Chipola . .. . ...... . ...... ... ..... . 40. Florida, Edward Waters C ........ . . . .. . .. . 41. Florida Christian C .. . . .. ......... ... . . ... . 42. Florida, Jack sonville . .. . .... . .... ... .... . . . 43. F lorida, St. Petersburg . .. .. . .... .. ..... .. . 44 . Georgia, Abraham Baldwin Agricu l tural C .. . 45 . Georgia, Emmanue l C.1 . . .. . .... . .. . ...... . 46. Georgia Southwestern C. . . .... . . . . . . .. .... . 47. Geo rgia, Middle Georgia C .. . .......... . .. . 48. Georgia, You ng L. G. Harris C. 1 . .. .. .•.. . • 16: iftf~~is,B~sright · : : : ( : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 51. Illinois, Kendall C. . . . ............... . ... . 52. Illinoi s, La Salle-Peru-Oglesbv1 •............ 53. Illinois, Mo line Community C. 1 . ........ . .. . 54. Illinois, Monticello C. 1 .. . .. . ..... . .... . .• . . 55. Ill inois, Morton ..................... . . ... . 56. Illinois , Thornton ... . . . ............ . . . .. . 57 . Iowa, Boone . . . ... . ...... . .... . . ........ . . 58 . Iowa, Mason City ... . . . . ... .. . .. . . . ..... . . 59. Iowa, Mount Mercy C .. . . ... .. ........ . .. . . 60. Iowa, N orthwestern1 . .. . . ... .. . . . . . ...... . 61. Kansas, Coffeyvi ll e C. .. .... .. . ... . . .. . . . . . 62 . Kansas, H u tchinson ... ... . . . .. .. . ........ . 63 . Kansas, Kansas City . . .. . ... . . ...... . ... . . . 64 . Kan s as, St. Johns C.1 . ... . . .•. •• . • . • . ...... 65. Kan sas, Ursuline College of Paola1 . .. •. .. . . 66 . Kentucky, Campbellsville C. . ... . . ... . ..... . 67 . Kent u cky, Loretto . .. .... .... .. .. . .. . . .. . . . 68. Kentucky, Paducah . . . ...... .. . . . . ... .. . . . . 69 . Maine , Oblate College and Seminary ..... .. . 70. Massachusetts, Bradford . .. ... .... .. .. .... . 71. Massachusetts , Worcester ........ ... .. . . .. . 72. Michigan, Henry Ford Community C . . . .... . 73 . Michigan , Hi ghland Park .. .... . .. ... . .. .. . 74. Minnesota, Hibbing . ...................... . 75. Minnesota, Itasca ...... . ... . . . .. . ... .. .. . . 76. Minnesota, Rochester .. . ......... .. . .. . . .. . 77. Minnesota, Virginia ..... . ... . . . ..... .. ... . 78 . Mississippi, Copiah-Lincoln1 • .. . ... . ..... • .. STUDENT ENROLLMENT D ay 63 5 370 4 125 5 728 1,752 205 5 1,130 1,471 3,396 1,2 64 2,520 6 ,609 3 1,338 1,857 2,200 7,456 1,306 645 5,843 4,820 1,638 346 6,263 3 980 1,282 2,380 1,764 821 3,559 1,432 700 710 334 417 4 227 353 169 4 30 422 365 242 4 585 785 468 4 129 4 4784 416 443 2 1,0245 3,087 Eve- ning 103 40 1,682 1,812 6,282 1,832 4 ,627 2,068 5,600 1;sici 5,500 10,047 2,965 1,2 45 12,617 6,777 6,204 1,228 3,020 3,762 433 2,543 500 2,888 1,600 1,026 1,069 269 176 . i2ci 400 61 5 17 641 26 32 2 827 4,098 1763 • 5 • • •• 280 2,000 1,000 286 2 • 4 553 27 7 464 114 328 245 4 18!5 400 527 510 4202,4 632,3 3604 82 18 1 40 3044 555 1,000 1,409 284 175 303 247 3454 126 174 3,056 20 63 40 64 1,138 3,600 53 "75 29 Junior College Library r----LIBRARY 0 PERAT- Books Vol- and Book umes Peri- Staff Student Related Stock Added odicals Salaries Service Material s 12,1042 5,206 6,9 00 5,853 19,304 8502 250 374 5,853 1,028 60 2 $ 1,629 2 $ 55 4,360 45 1,800 120 4,062 275 12,084 7,996 2,996 19,827 620 12,615 1,150 16,493 1,066 10,780 1,223 116 4,890 150 12 ,885 215 8,65 5 244 18,205 17 8 10,420 22,277 2,306 16,780 2,050 295 12,000 162 37,310 7,0 00 610 163 8,470 18,802 696 261 16,650 19 ,000 1,091 200 10, 600 87,910 12, 790 8,2 70 25,000 13 ,27 0 14,464 11 ,29 7 55,374 13,184 22,475 43,750 35,000 23,325 20,139 18 ,0 00 2 10,000 9,509 9,847 12,929 9,042 11 ,86 1 7,0002 600 6,299 10,025 6,986 13,000 12,415 7,889 10 ,622 2 14,224 12,077 14,800 17,390 54,039 5,382 14,239 2 9,942 22 ,820 15,556 11,463 4,6942 5,181 22,719 10,000 4,870 8,362 8,187 26,000 10,769 2 9,418 5,706 4,621 6,000 23,920 8,585 13,357 10,842 8,217 10,289 2 9,303 23,260 12,267 6,263 400 2,063 275 1,191 152 1,000 700 2,291 216 723 268 1,383 261 2,912 285 2,235 200 1,019 165 1,433 157 1,059 275 987 178 2,025 233 2,040 2 1742 900 240 431 156 210 101 625 145 754 35 489 155 3712 65 2 600 15 728 111 4,500 111 336 97 1,200 172 627 101 518 100 83!2 90 2 354 68 238 803 732 108 1,291 155 2,239 271 425 43 319 2 126 2 543 76 185 66 749 892 421 108 6502 60 2 1,384 37 1,521 108 1,000 72 32 420 110 2 19 67 500 175 386 88 325 80 721 64 367 38 400 75 826 148 888 65 959 205 1,076 179 308 104 183 2 892 221 96 573 150 437 101 76,144 22,331 9,580 11,750 9,775 6,420 34,998 10,000 14,242 19,515 19,500 12,990 27,607 26,786 2 10,070 4,870 4,200 9,071 4,080 8,915 6,700 600 4,392 6,994 3,137 6,450 5,300 6,600 3,3002 4,500 4,000 2,625 12 8,000 72,930 3,300 11,2002 5,490 2 3,590 14,930 6,300 5,000 2 5,200 1 5 3,6002 4,750 4,100 4,500 4,50015 2,700 15 2;646 • . . .. 15 8,900 3,500 12,118 1 5,000 5,547 16 7,6182 6,525 5,500 2,700 504 2 $ 270 257 10,071 700 191 3,110 1,131 900 3,080 488 960 15,240 1,524 2,662 1,050 1,137 865 763 1,450 2,600 1,431 306 1,630 69 2 1,330 774 242 516 571 600 750 2,165 575 750 2,248 577 8712 395 799 1,7102 2,155 12,540 640 718 2 360 522 400 1002 900 300 6502 695 1,300 189 562 709 '1',627 400 720 250 285 3922 376 520 633 1,6002 8 70 1,255 3,460 6,450 6,260 3,487 5,052 8,398 5,409 15,204 11 ,496 5,300 4,100 4,300 36,310 9,307 4,623 14,541 8,679 5,975 4,700 10,252 7,76 0 4,520 8,250 5,733 4,800 8,146 7,752 2 5,200 2,245 1,092 3,718 1,496 1,782 1,008 2,125 2,097 8,135 905 6,168 2,917 1,67 4 1,303 2 1,013 1,1 6 1 6,983 2 5,491 16,250 738 1,0562 3,0002 926 5,005 2,133 320 2,000 4, 838 1,600 2 1,000 1,800 900 2,500 800 1,214 566 689 1, 162 3,262 1,990 3,150 4,300 1,333 3,0242 1,550 1,95 1 3, 189 Statistics, I 9 55- I 9 56 ING EXPENDITURES------, Other Per Stu- Total Operat- Total Op- dent Op- Educational ing Ex- erating erating and General Bind- pendi- Expendi- Expendi- Institutional ing tures tures tures Expenditures $ .... $ 159 $ 21 149 65 100 3gg · 7oo 200 168 135 1,045 304 2,076 215 2,150 160 1,678 700 2,503 400 500 200 340 400 2,496 5,195 368 855 200 325 211 387 2,000 15 1,5oo z',793 300 350 550 1,800 850 832 167 400 1,454 1,728 1,331 2 553 2 400 1,530 240 113 22 20 633 68 350 106 9292 178 126 78 2 312 650 175 100 100 754 1002 100 144 200 100 75 22 16 25 78 245 85 385 150 200 258 79 57 253 247 5692 287 1,913 6,350 305 210 375 65 61 850 2 580 750 45 59 1,1 80 208 389 250 200 s',856 161 115 3082 192 2 373 143 3,892 5,400 3,490 7,837 29,605 12,050 16,867 14,752 32,082 19,325 29,942 55,089 15,158 21,290 16,260 135 ,385 34,385' 14,403 26,616 19,187 12,272 50,408 18,823 21,112 33,015 27,663 18,496 40,565 36,4912 18,530 8,130 5,619 13,804 6,147 11,297 7,879 3,675 8,931 16,396 4,918 15,216 8,470 9,204 6,973 2 6,086 6,372 11,3962 17,871 108,720 4,678 15,9492 8,590 2 5,361 20,667 9,383 5,520 2 8,265 5,953 6,8002 1,100 7,979 5,200 9,150 5,5642 4,543 641 5,243 1,448 14,423 5,890 16,238 28,600 7,441 11,533 2 8,451 8,486 6,521 $23.45 $ 14.59 21.81 4.68 8.02 58.78 2.27 4.47 4.00 5.80 3.50 8.25 . 5.35 11.46 8.29 . 7.70 8.05 7.62 1.44 2.45 7.79 8.04 47.05 4.19 11.66 6.42 14.00 6.09 9.35 2 8.06 4.68 4.00 33.10 12.47 21.35 5.10 24.50 10.86 36.14 20.32 13.81 10.79 19.67 54.05 12.73 14.41 26.092 9.65 15.12 26.53 56.96 2 20.862 18.70 24.90 20.22 19.00 25.19 22.46 29.57 2 2.75 15.14 10.19 21.77 54.02 12.61 7.82 21.40 36.20 47.44 3.47 3.53 19.50 13.88 46.12 27.90 34.36 17.43 72 ,46 1 157,821 59,242 389,909 1,080,501 225,630 529,295 i ;3·4·6·, 7 64 850,440 i ,i3·a·,6o i i ;12·9·, 7 3 i 1,113 ,353 3,177,430 785,480 i ;9o6·,4 s2 745,077 403,525 2,868,247 609,573 753,907 1,297,381 1,204,52 7 607,437 1,745,879 1,892,8002 614,110 406,000 237,588 379,654 187,145 246,399 528,651 10 ,000 109,000 131,431 350,000 208,645 104,303 2 141,723 138,458 172,899 2 520,120 95,500 640,9142 285,335 2 401,605 155,126 129,963 156,0002 154,830 338,000 94,000 2 •59,318 36,949 673,080 319,726 878,294 Ratio of Average Library SALARIES AS OF TOTAL NUMBER Working Expend- r-SEPTEMBER 1, 1956-----, OF EMPLOYEES Hours Hours itures to Profes- Nonpro- IN FuLL-TIME for Pro- of Stu- Total . sional fessional EQUIVALENT fessional dent (Per Li- Assist- Assist- Prof es- N onpro - Librari- Assist- Cent) brarian ants ants sional fessional ans17 ance 5. 3.42 5.89 2. 2.7 5.3 3. 2.38 2 .27 3. 2.035 1.80 1.60 4.26 4.3 1.40 2.45 3. 1.75 3 . 2.80 2.40 2.12 3.044 2 .38 1.90 2 3. 2. 2.4 3.63 3.20 4.58 1.50 37. 8.10 3.70 4.34 4.4 6.68 4.4 4.6 6.01 3.43 4.91 2.4 1.92 5.01 5.3 4.6 4.36 2 5. 5.15 2.7 5.09 7. 6.4 4. 2.10 1.85 ' 1.84 6.8 2.8 $1,125 6 $ . . . . $ 5046 2, 500 6 85 56 2,000 6 5,2007 1 80010 6,6247 5',46or z:6oo6 5,310 8 6,6827 6,2608 7,3508 6,940 8 3,3008 6,2027 2,8009 4,610 8 4,250 8·11 .... 6,220 8 5,6308 5,8708 6,800 8 5',6668 4,9708 1,225 8 3,24010 3,48010 3 10810, u 3' 25610 z:600 8 3,2308 2,60010 4,8508, u 4,2508, uz,652to, tt 8 4228· 13 7 2208· 13 3 19010 6:2508 ' z:sso8 6,2508 5,5008 .... 4,250 8 • 11 4,2508· u 3, 10810· u 5,165 9 3,15610 6,420 8 8,108 9 6',8.35 9 z',8438 6,4006 4 50011 3,45610 6,5589 6:660 3,6609 4 44011 3,3609 7',4567 7:375 3,511 6,725 8 • . • • • •.. 8,243 9 • 13 6,9889· 13 3' 1 5 Q9, 13 6,9988 6,1488 3,2169 5,1886 4,6806 2,84410 4,8706 4,2006 4,2oo 8 3·,6oo8 4,0808 4, 5009 3,4009 3,7008 3,0008 6QQ10,16.... . JQQ10,16 4,39210 1,95610 3,6009 z',9oo6 1,3 506 3,137 8 3·,7568 4,600 3,3006 4,75oto 4,0008 2,40010 ···'to 1',SS08 • 16 1 ,8QQ6, 11 4,5oo6 4·,oo 66 7,z5o8 5,5oo8 3~2668 3,3008 6,2507 6,125 7 4,0102· 7 ' 720 2· 7 •••• 2,9QQS,12 • •. . 2,24Q8 7,6008 6,625 8 6,300 8 5,ooo6 4.5666 5,2008 10,15 3·,6oo8 4,500 8 4,9506 4,1006 4,5006 4,5009,15 2,8006 2',646 9 15 3,50010 6,4848 5',6.348 6,6508 2,223 8· 16 6,2007 7' 1109 5,500 2 ,7006 1 333 1 i.'1/3 1,404 1 315 1 1-1/10 1,260 2 2 1,330 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 3-1/2 5 1 1 2 2 1 2 8 6 2-2/5 1 1-1/5 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 1/4 4 2-1/4 1 1 2 1 3-1/3 .. 2 2 2 3 2 3-3/4 1 1 2 1 1 .. 2-1/2 .. 1 1 2 1 1 2 i. ' 1 1 1 1/3 1 1 1 1 .. 1/4 2 3/4 7 12 1 1/2 2 1 1/2 1 1/2 8 1 1/3 2 6 2/3 1 1 1,400 1,2 67 1,225 1,430 1,650 1,760 · 1,232 1,350 1,246 1,110 1,200 1,098 1,7 60 1,600 1,540 1,062 1,341 1,200 1,281 1,225 1 44013 1:400 1,400 1,440 1,440 1,950 1,270 1,702 1,482 1,000 2,555 810 1,600 1,892 1,372 2,112 2,400 1,417 2,080 1,500 1,200 1,704 1,420 1,4402 1,050 1,253 1,440 1,260 1,067 300 1,629 1,400 1,440 1,440 1,800 1 1,460 1 1/8 1,860 1 1/2 1,600 1 2 .. 1/2 1,500 1 316 2-1/6 .. 1 2-1/2 1/3 1 1 1/2 1 1-1/2 1 1,880 1,600 . 47 5t6 1,260 1,760 1,350 1,89 0 200 '546 360 5,000 700 1,330 1,440 3,080 488 700 12 ,000 1,260 2,200 1,050 600 961 690 1,450 26,110 1,332 360 1.ng13 1,200 1,190 789 718 1,870 2,580 80014 1,283 2,178 789 5,560 1,153 640 1,025 832 800 459 1,520 178 1,080 1'.iss . 84614 1,785 300 1,124 360 720 400 380 693 3,312 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 Library 79. Mississippi, Perkinston1 ••••••.••••••• •• •••• 80. Missouri, Christian C. . ................... . 81. Missouri, Cottey C. . .............. .. ..... . 82. Missouri, Flat River1 ••••••.. • •••.•••••• •• 83 . Missouri, Hannibal -La Grange C. . ......... . 8 4. Mis souri , Kansas City .. . . .. ........... . .. . 85. Missouri, Kemper Military SchaaP ......... . 86. Mi ssouri, Moberly1 ••.• •. • •• •.•...•. •• ••. •• 87. Missouri, St. Paul's C. 1 ••....••••...•..•••• 88. Missouri, Southwest Baptist C ... .......... . 89. Missouri, Stephens C. 1 •••••••• ••• •...•••••. 90. Mi ssouri, Trenton1 •••••••••••• •• • • ••.••.•• 91. Nebraska, N orfolk1 ••.••.•••..... ... ••••••• 92. New Jersey, Centenary C. for Women ... .. . . 93. New Jersey , Trenton ...................... . 94. New Jersey, Union ..... . ................. . 95. New Mexico, Military Institute1 • ..••• • •••.• 96. New York, Briarcliff ................... .. . . 97. New York, Concordia ............ ... ..... . 98. New York , Fashion Institute of Technology .. 99. New York, Hudson Valley Tech. Inst . . .... . 100. New York, Orange County Community C. 1 •• 101. New York, Westchester Community C ...... . 102. North Carolina, Asheville-Biltmore C ....... . 103. North Carolina , Brevard C . ............... . 104. North Carolina, Louisburg C.1 •••••••••••••• 105. North Carolina, Mitchell C ............... .. . 106. North Carolina, Warren Wilson C.1 ...••.•• 107. North Carolina, Wilmington C .... .. ....... . 108. Ohio Mechanics Institute .......... . .... . .. . 109. Ohio , Sinclair C ..... .. ................ ... . 110. Oklahoma, Bacone C. 1 •••• •• •• • .. •• . . ••••.• 111. Oklahoma, Central Christian C. . .......... . 112. Oklahoma, Connors State Agri . C ......... .. . 113. Oklahoma, Eastern Oklahoma A. & M. C. .. . 114. Oklahoma, Murray State Agric. C ......... . 115. Oklahoma, Northeastern Oklahoma A. & M . C. 116. Oklahoma, Northern Oklahoma . . ... ... .. .. . 117. Oklahoma, St. Gregory's C .1 . .• .•..•••••••. 118. Oregon , Oregon Technical Institute ........ . 119 . Pennsylvania, Johnstown Center U. of Pittsburgh 120. Pennsylvania , Keystone ...... . ............ . 121. Pennsylvania, Mount Aloysius ...•....••.••• 122. Pennsylvania, Wyomissing Polytechnic Inst .• 123. Pennsylvania, York ...............•.....•.• 124. South Dakota, Presentation ............ . .. . 125. Tennessee, Freed-Hardeman C ... .......... . 126. Texas, Arlington State C. . ...........•.••.. 127. Texas, Howard County ........... . ........ . 128. Texas, Laredo ...... . ..................... . 129. Texas, Odessa C ................. .. ....... . 130. Texas , San Angelo C .. ..... ........ .. ..... . 131. Texas, San Antonio C. .. ........ . ...... ... . 132. Texas, South Texas . .. ...... . .... ........ . 133. Texas, Southwestern1 .. .. . •..••...•••• .• ••• 134. Texas, Tarleton State C . .. .. .... . . . . ...... . 135. Texas, Southmost C .............. .... .... . 136. Tex as, Victoria C. . ...................... . 137 . Texas, Wharton County .........•........•. 138. Utah, Weber C .........................•.. 139. Vermont, Green Mountain ........ ... ...•.. 140. Virginia, Shenandoah C. . ........ . ........ . 141. Virginia, Intermont C.1 •••••••••••••••••••• 142. Washington, Centralia ......•...... .•..•• •• 143. Washington, Everett .................••...• 144. West Virginia, Potomac State C ........... . 145. Wisconsin, Concordia C ................... . 146. Wyoming, Casper .......... ....... ...•.••• 147. Wyoming, Northern Wyo. Community C .•.•. High .......... .. .............•.••••••••• Median . . ........................•••••••• Low ................. · ...... · · ·· ··••••• • • Nts ......... .. .................. • ....••.• Junior College Library STUDENT ENROLLMENT ,---LIBRARY 0PERAT· Books Vol- and Day 646 2 • 4 361 4 Eve· ning Book umes Peri- Staff Student Related Stock Added odicals Salaries Service Materials 8,539 17,794 234 4 13,479 18 5 9,732 3184 11,104 1,238 2,784 32,000 292 2 • 4 10,773 2 427 135 282 121 786 168 281 75 627 222 350 110 1922 lOP 2,975 2,332 6,450 3,759 3,299 10,500 2,500 3772,4 17 52 • 4 404 4 10,172 276 35 3,750 2 2,883 3,604 14,019 1,128 62 1,439 4 16,094 633 122 54,155 1,754 463 37,389 _3,175 2 86 5,94!2 225 2 322 240 471 4 2 9 1 252 5412· 4 2694 137 4 450 590 571 " 540 125 249 343 4 1965 17 22 • 4 52 296 850 250 987 196 79 4,706 17,019 4,600 13,115 35,325 16,576 12,9 8 4 3,530 2,500 9,628 9,975 10,428 16,411 11 ,812 8,4i5 311 35 16,438 7 ,9 15 19 ,357 4,778 341 2,019 150 1,050 1822 • 4 1304 399 4 679 5 482 4 665 5 4545 362,4 1,2 50 4 528 245 5 102 4 174 278 8 14 407 4 3,270 5 245 4 39 906 5 7965 1,350 107 192 4 840 5 879 487 5 4765 2,488 3564 143 4 295 4 304 948 5374 382 4 418 174 26 "266 102 328 20 . i73 10 364 88 525 195 265 1,444 300 3,157 308 110 621 384 43 2,077 10 727 2,190 13,678 4,011 8,006 9,931 5,765 10,060 13,040 7,500 2 7,175 7,076 12,664 10,297 2 2,352 7,323 3,400 8,508 37,453 6,984 12,180 8,067 10,645 17,096 4,500 15,1762 37,500 23,093 7,502 8,139 38,223 14,733 7,090 16,038 2 3,075 11,451 12,050 27,300 900 7,000 256 10,500 7,456 417 30 147 12,617 87,910 500 10,780 10 600 88 145 168 1,130 301 326 1,321 850 230 906 1,328 1,742 1,6 50 128 415 500 493 1,198 418 809 180 277 274 516 791 128 173 240 5002 1 ,256 134 204 5002 245 345 141 479 2,180 963 2,148 1,064 528 44 123 68 82 225 154 90 133 33 125 100 48 99 96 72 112 99 111 137 156 65 180 134 80 153 120 372 120 67 86 712 68 51 42 184 285 173 110 170 149 2,089 201 400 54 798 2 942 1,254 352 4,117 105 638 126 900 152 11,350 188 684 138 190 57 513 2 1262 380 38 7€7 206 275 93 850 108 3,500 10,907 1,583 4,060 9,922 2 10,799 5,216 9,089 4,600 9,250 6,200 2,520 5,9 50 2,895 3,000 3,200 3,200 6,730 3,900 3,672 2 3,000 3,878 3,400 3,672 1,468 4,000 15 4,416 2,800 2,100 2,600 2,964 3,400 5,000 4,694 24,720 7,007 8,811 4,925 5,275 14,23 5 4,200 3,2112 16 ,295 11,122 4,000 6,875 13,958 8,100 1,200 3,9972 4,820 14,094 7,310 4,500 800 1,450 135 I 5,220 6,263 633 128 146 96 4,200 803 76,144 111 5,200 15 600 147 141 576 1,082 600 135 2,320 750 112 .. 753 752 4,969 388 1,547 1,040 104 .. 395 500 1,100 160 1,053 290 3,6002 2,400 1,383 297 1,1 so 675 1,392 930 1,665 398 300 174 400 600 2,191 1,029 448 1,824 3,541 1,136 1,010 960 2,093 2 6,061 1,200 800 1,420 850 610 400 2 800 842 810 146 1,000 15,240 750 69 121 1,663 1,252 4,094 1,290 1,303 .1.,667 I,ooo~ 3,352 2,177 7,261 4502 678 3,335 1,900 2,100 4,880 2,025 2,101 3,340 2,500 5,559 4,300 745 1,474 1,06 7 1,938 734 2 1,944 2,700 700 1,265 1, 062 1,088 1,671 472 1,444 1,390 3,359 1,000 832 682 1,052 1,279 1,241 3,517 6,728 4,859 2,146 4,722 2,407 7,035 1,200 1,5962 3,816 5,200 2,971 2,663 5,500 3,000 605 1,7423 2,340 3,312 1,968 1,899 3,080 2,400 36,310 2,245 320 146 1. College includes hi~h school junior and senior, and college freshman and sophomore years. 2. Figure in- cludes high schoo l and JUnior college; junior college figures cannot be determined. 3. Combined figure for day and evening students. 4. The majority of students are dormitory students. 5. Some students are dormitory stu- dents. 6. Nine months on duty. 7. 90 months on duty. 8. Ten months on duty. 9. Eleven months on duty. 10. Statistics, 1955-56 (Cont.) Ratio of Average Library SALARIES AS OF ToTAL NuMBER Working ING ExPENDITURES-, Other Per Stu- Total Expend- ,-SEPTEMBER 1, 1956-----, OF EMPLOYEES Hours Hours Operat- Total Op- dent Op- Educational ing Ex- erating erating and General Bind- pendi- Expendi- Expendi- Institutional ing tures tures tures Expenditures itures to Profes- Nonpro- IN FuLL-TIME for Pro- of Stu- 5,214 8.07 148 242 5,057 14.01 225 382 69 52 164 102 52 120 205 230 1)·47 2,069 802 6 250 166 784 61 761 · 37o 47 812 147 116 71 322 500 20 2,607 81 350 135 1,014 122 47 105 49 65 2 92 2 159 100 90 100 400 119 172 330 145 60 25 68 120 32 54 279 1,148 115 93 132 274 487 500 600 2 431 1,700 350 106 450 165 293 308 161 82 320 177 so 208 39 740 3,840 458 293 576 253 857 250 1,041 2 611 800 116 812 956 1,421 34 11,751 5,331 7,086 3,834 7,313 6,762 54,435 3,705 2 4,434 15,053 5,091 7,200 16,037 13,683 7,975 12,822 7,600 17,936 11,600 3,856 . 9,626 4,442 5,092 7,691 2 5,303 9,620 7,500 6,439 4,652 6,595 6,237 5,618 3,987 7,435 1,945 8,350 4,175 3,175 4,010 4,016 5,350 6,295 11,421 37,465 12,888 13,167 13,897 9,345 23,614 7,110 8,54!2 27,214 20,022 8,237 10,457 22,284 13,536 2,448 1312 206 2 6,4762 7,960 319 906 19,473 25 so 10,163 34 6,433 477 8,922 600 8,200 2,975 8,850 135,385 165 320 8,470 6 34 641 120 105 144 50.21 14.21 22.24 13.13 41.78 16 . 73 37.82 43.06 18.47 31.96 14.55 13.14 29.64 50.86 58.91 9.87 10.18 11.51 21.00 12.01 20.40 12.90 25.98 44.72 15.35 4.08 6.25 35.37 29.80 16.55 6.50 9.62 41.15 15.76 6.68 5.96 12.55 30.43 7.20 14.88 77.71 32,82 7.86 29 .29 18.70 5 .67 8.53 5.01 17 . 10 19.192 28.64 13.35 9.45 19.76 4.88 38.00 17.12 21.33 2 7.71 6.20 18.94 16.74 6 .77 19 .07 77.71 15.12 1.44 143 Total sional fessional EQUIVALENT fessional dent (Per Li- Assist- Assist- Profes- N onpro- Librari- Assist- Cent) brarian . ants ants sional fessional ans17 ance 265,411 1.9 203,772 2.48 340,823 580,000 138,216 · 4·1·2'.8ss 3.5 0.90 5.12 1. · ·1·o·2',7o7 7.1 187,106 3.7 · · ·2·o',922 1 ~:~ 69,184 6.9 698,467 2.16 215,000 2.36 5. 561,918 2 .85 288,664 110,986 270,000 415,360 450,000 89,412 163,510 103,183 59,311 42,680 149,445 225,000 154,000 121,700 · 'i5'o',675 218,142 246,319 183,475 87,808 978,980 154,100 165,184 20,334 118,921 185,268 300,000 233,043 291,880 75,000 174,4792 505,765 279,250 340,203 227,995 891,809 392,395 4 . 74 7. 2.8 4. 2.5 4.31 6. 4. 8.4 18. 3.5 4.3 4.08 3. 3.5 2 .08 2. 2.43 4.05 2.2 0 .08 2.7 2. 1.9 3.87 4.5 6. 4.29 5.7 3.2 9.48 4.9 2 5.40 7.03 2.4 4.6 2.40 3.4 322,4012 2. 2 15,573 5. 395,436 5. 305,000 3.06 181,802 3.50 82,000 10 . 3,177,430 37. , 246,319 3.50 10,000 0.08 114 121 3,2756 2,4706 4,4008 2,4008 ·u1,5008 ·11 4,195 6 3 299 10 6;ooos 5·,6ao8 2,7006 3,7506 10 3',79710 3',i 7 S6 3,5006 .... 4,1509· 12 2,9506 1,8506 4·,7so9 .. .. .. .. 4,4109•12 4,0509 2,0009 5,3008 4,7008 4 32010 5:s759 4',7oo9 4,1009 6009,16 .... 4,4008 4,0008 2,40010 6 5201~ 2,350 2:520 8 3,4256 2',075 6 . 4so6 3,2006 3,0006 3,2009 3,20010 3,4009 1,4008 • 16 1,9309 2,4ooo,161,5009, 16 .... 3,6726 3',8789 3,4008 3,6007 3,1008 4,020 6 . . . . . .. . .... 12, 15 .... 12, 15 ... . 4 32010 2:8006 2,1006 2 6001~ 2:96410 3,5009 5 00015 3:300 8 . i25 5 00010 5:54010 4 611 10 5:1266 4,8006 4,60010 3,00010 3,60010 1,9001~ 6,26610 4,2009 2,71110 5,60010 6,20010 5,30010 2,40010 4,5006 4,410 8 5,365 6 4,4909 1,20016 3,87010 3,000 2· 6 .... 4,2006 6,0177 5',5947 4,93010 2,200 6 5,365 8 5,2208 5,2006 8,422 7,375 4,490 4,500 600 600 136 47 2,600 2 06410 1:51310 1,575 6 2,2796 1,6306 9002,6 2',9s(po 1,3506 2,40010 3,660 2,400 125 60 1,440 1,440 79 80 1,280 1,803 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 2 1 1 2 1,580 1,440 1,800 900 1,080 2,000 .. 1/2 2,112 8 1,080 2 -2/5 1,656 1,450 2 1,660 2 1/2 1,386 1 2,000 2 .. 1/2 1,430 1 1/4 2,080 2 1 1,720 3/4 1/2 1,400 1 1,232 1-3/4 1/4 1,440 1 1,254 1 1,420 1 2,980 1 . . 1, 620 1-1/2 1 1,530 1 1 960 1 1/2 1,650 1 1,920 1,976 1,520 1,720 1,440 2,250 1,920 1,155 1,400 1 2,080 1 1,645 1 1-2/3 1,440 6 1 1,780 1 1/2 1,840 1 2 2,000 1-1/7 1,440 1 1,584 2 1,860 1 1,760 1 .. 1/3 2,300 3 3 1,912 1-1/2 3 1,960 1 1,260 1 1 1,650 3-1/2 1-1/2 1,440 2 . . 1,680 1/2 .. 1 1/2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 12 1 1 1/3 1/8 144 76 1,320 2,400 1,344 2,116 1,440 1,460 2,980 1,440 300 131 1,600 180 4,639 1,00014 840 2,673 8,281 631 1,480 139 570 12 590 320 2,107 830 15014 72014 1,711 1,890 1,350 144 2,160 3,330 1,470 500 359 1,920 1,100 2,058 600 2,432 2,500 2,271 1,612 960 3,800 4,432 3,025 1,200 226 1,440 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 1,500 141 360 142 500 143 128 144 145 146 146 1,800 147 12,000 High 1,124 Median 12 Low 103 N1! Twelve months on duty. 11. Minimum salary, actual salary not reported. 12 . Receives room and board in addi- tion to actual monetary salary. 13. Includes summer session. 14. Not paid out of library budget. 15. Contributed services · salary if given is estimated. 16. Part-time. 17. Excludes vacation and legal holidays. 18 . Number of li- braries ~n which high, median, and low are based.