College and Research Libraries Books Received Annuario delle Biblioteche Italiane. 2 .a ed. Parte I , A-M. (N.p .) Direzione Generale Accademie e Biblioteche (n.d .) 476p. (Comp. by Ettore Apolloni and Aida Angelini.) As I Pass) 0 Manhattan; an Anthology of Life in New York. Ed. by Esther Morgan McCul- lough. North Bennington, Vt.: Coley Taylor, 1956. l236p. $10 . Autograph Letters and Docum ents Relating to th e History of America From the Private Col- lection of Mr. and Mrs. Philip D. Sang. Iowa City: University of Iowa , 1956. 114p. (Ex- hibited at State University of Iowa Library Nov. 3-Dec. 8, 1956.) Les Biblioth eques et l'UniversiteJ 1955. Paris (n.p.) 1957. 259p. (Cahiers des Bibliotheques de France, 3.) Cartography (Map Making). By Hubert A. Bauer. Cambridge, Mass.: Bellman, 1957. 32p. $ 1. (Vocational and Professional Monograph Ser- ies, No. 60.) Class K: Law; Working Papers. No. 6: English Law. B y Werner B. Ellinger. Washington: Li- brary of Congress. Subject Cataloging Divi- sion. 1956. 57p. Command P erformances; Phonorecords R elated to Books) and Classified. By Dr. Ja y W. Stein. Memphis: Southwestern at Memphis, 1957. lip. (Burrow Library Monograph , No. 2 .) County ) Regional and District Library Laws. Comp. by a Committee of the Library Exten- sion Section of the Public Libraries Division of the American Library Association. Chicago: 1957. 35p. $ 1.75. The D elhi Public Library; an Evaluation R e- port. B y Frank M. Gardner. (Paris?) UNESCO, 1957. 94p. $ 1.50. (UNESC O Public Library Manuals, 8.) The Diary of Clara Crowninshield; a Europ ean Tour With Longfellow) 1835-1836. Ed. by An- drew Hilen. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1956. 304p. $5 . Directory of Reference Works Published in Asia. By P. K. Garde. (Paris?) UNESCO, 1956. ~39p. (UNESC O Bibliographical Handbooks, 5.) The D ynamics of World History. B y Christo- pher Dawson. Ed. by John J. Mulloy. New York: Sheed and Ward, 1956. 489p. $6. Encyclop edie e t Biblioth eque . Par H. J. de Vleeschauer. Pretoria: 1956. 93 I. (Mousaion Nr. 11.) Experimental Psychology and Othe1· Essays. By I. P. Pavlov, New York: Philosophical Library , 1957. 653p. $7 .5 0. Th e Firs t On e Hundr ed and Fifty Y ears; a H is - tory of .John Wiley and Sons ) Incorporat ed) 1807-1957. New York: Wiley, 1957. 242p. $7.50 . Geschichte d et· B iblioth ek en. Bearb. von Aloys Bohmer et al. "\IViesbaden; Harrassowitz, 1956. p. 593-688. (Handbuch der Blbliothekswissen- schaft. Begrtindet von Fritz Milkau. 2., verm. und verb. A ufl. hrsg. von Georg Leyh. 3. Band, 16. Lfg.) DM 16. The Illustration of Children's Books. By Charles H. Morris. London: The Library Association, 1957. 18p. 3j6d; to members 2j3d. (Library Association Pamphlet no. 16.) Kleines Worterbuch der Aegyptologie. Von Wolf- gang Heick und Eberhard Otto. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1956. 418p. Libraries and Learning) a Reading List. Comp. by Lawrence Clark Powell . Los Angeles: Uni- versity of California Library, 1956. 19 L (UCLA Library Occasional Papers, No. 5 .) The Making of D utch Towns; a Study in Urban D evelopment From the Tenth to the Seven - teenth Centuri es . By Gerald L. Burke. Lon- don: Cleaver-Hume Press, 1956. 176p . $5 .5 0, postpaid. Man and Societ)'; the Basic Teachings of Soci- ology. By Samuel Koenig. New York: Barnes & Noble, 1957. 339p. $ 1.45. (College Outlines and Everyday Handbooks.) A New Basis of Support fo r High er Education. B y Thad L. Hungate. New York: Teachers College, Columbia University, 1957. 65p. $ 1.75. The New Revolution in the Cotton Economy. By James H. Street. Chapel Hill: The Uni- versity of North Carolina Press , 1957 . 294p. $5. Report of the Second D ecade) 1945-1955 ) Wil- liam Andrews Clark M emorial Library. Los Angeles: University of California, Los Ange- les, 1956 . 25p. The School of Infan cy. By John Amos Comen - ius. Ed. with an introd . by Ernest M. Eller. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press , 1956. l30p. $3. Social Science Division of Special Libraries Asso - ciation. 1957 Directory. (n.p., 1957) 67p. $3. (For sale by Lee Ash , Chairman , 28 Remsen St. , Brooklyn I, N. Y.) Studies in South ern History in M emory of Al- bert Ray N ewsome . Edited by J. Carlyle Sit- terson. Chapel Hill: University of North Caro- lina Press , 1957. l68p. $2.50. (James Sprunt Studies in History and Political Science, voL 39.) The Superint endent as Instructional L ea d er . Washington, D . C.: 1957. 484p. $5 . (American Association of School Administrators. Thirty- fifth yearbook.) ·Th e Us e of Stitch ed Binders in the Maintenance and R epair of Library Books. B y T. T. Bond. Auckland: Bayard Book Co., 1956. 94p. l2j6. (With an appendix on the development of library services in New Zealand by Wynne Colgan.) 246 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBR A RIES 1 I