College and Research Libraries By CONSTANCE M. WINCHELL Selected Reference Books of 1956-1957 INTRODUCTION L IKE THE preceding articles in this semi-annual series1 this surv ey is based on notes written by members of the staff of the Columbia University libraries. Notes written by assistants are signed with initials. 2 As the purpose of the list is to present a selection of recent scholarly and for- eign works of interest to reference work- ers in university libraries, it does not pretend to be either well-balanced or comprehensive. Code numbers (such as All, 1A26, 2S22) have been used to refer to titles in the Guide 3 and its Sup- plements. BIBLIOGRAPHY Hahn, Wiktor. Bibliografia bibliografij polskich. Wyd. 2, znacznie rozsz. Wroc- law, Zaklad im. Ossolinskich, 1956. 645p. zl 72. This is an important bibliography of Polish bibliographies in all subjects, and of foreign bibliographies relating to Poland. The author of the 1921 edition has revised and enlarged it to some 6,500 entries. The arrangement in 25 chapters is patterned on the classification scheme used in the current national bibliography, and name and sub- ject indexes are provided. Among the omis- sions are A. S. Wolanin's Polonica Amer- icana (1950), although his Polonica in Eng- 1 CRL, January and July issues, starting January, 1952. 2 Eleanor Buist, Kenneth Lohf, Suzanne Szasz, Eu- gene Sheehy, John Neal Waddell. 3 Constance M. Winchell, Guide to Reference Books (7th ed.; Chicago: ALA, 1951); Supplem ent (Chicago: ALA, 1954); Second Supple·ment (Chicago: ALA, 1956). Miss Winchell is reference librarian) Columbia University Libraries. JULY 1957 lish (1945) is listed; H. Rister's Schriftum uber Polen 1943-1951 (1953) and its con- tinuation; and J. Zabielska's Bibliography of Books in Polish or Relating to Poland Publisjted Outside Poland Since September 1) 1939) issued in mimeographed form by the Polish Library in London in 1954. In spite of these and other probable omissions the work is an indispensable research tool in any subject field where Polish sources can be utilized.-E.B. Pagliaini, Attilio. Catalogo generate della libreria italiana. 4. supplemento, 1931-1940 ... camp. da Arrigo Plinio Pagliaini. Milano, S.A. per Pubblica- zioni Bi bliografico-Edi toriali (S.A. B .E.) r1956r . (In progress) L.650 per fasc. Contents: v.l,£asc.l-9,Abelardus-Fabietti. This welcome addition to the standard set (Guide A390, IA62) is scheduled to ap- pear in 24 fascicles. Arrangement, coverage, and format follow the established pattern of the earlier volumes.-J.N.W. ENCYCLOPEDIAS Dizionario enciclopedico italiano. Roma, Istituto della Enciclopedia italiana, 1955-56. v.1-5. il. (In progress) $28 per val. v.l -5, A-Ido. To be in 12 vols. An encyclopedic dictionary giving mean- ings of words with etymologies, and concise encyclopedic articles. These are not signed and have no bibliographies. The articles are much briefer than those in the Enciclo- pedia Jtaliana ) e.g., that on Africa in the Enciclopedia extends to almost 100 pages and is profusely illustrated, while in the Dizionario there is an article of seven pages with six pages of illustrations. However, the Dizionario has many useful features, such as a large amount of minor biography, char- 307 acters of fiction, titles of individual works of literature, gazetteer information, detailed discrimination of word meanings, etc. In- cludes abbreviations. Illustrations are excel- lent, some in color, and more numerous than in most encyclopedias. This should be a useful, up-to-date complement to the En- ciclopedia. The Encyclopedia Americana . .. N.Y., Americana Corporation, 1957. 30 v. il. The Americana uses "continuous revision" as indicated in the Guide, p.74, and tve 1957 edition is no exception to this policy. How- ever, the work has been issued in an attrac- tive new format with a slightly larger page, wider columns, more space between entries, and a bright, more modern-looking binding. The publishers maintain that an unusual amount of revision has been made in this printing. A spot check shows some entirely rewritten articles, some articles revised and brought up to date, some new entries and, in some cases, new titles added to the bibliogra- phies. For those libraries which have not pur- chased an Americana for four or more years, consideration might be given to replacement with this set. PERIODICALS Ulrich's Periodicals Directory; A Classi- fied Guide to a Selected List of Cur- rent Periodicals, Foreign and Domes- tic. 8th ed. Ed. by Eileen C. Graves. N.Y., Bowker, 1956. 730p. $22.50. For the 6th ed. see Supplement 1E4. This new edition lists over 16,000 period- icals, an increase of 2,000 over those listed in the 7th edition. Arrangement is the same as in previous editions, with titles grouped in a subject classification, arranged alpha- betically. Ten new subject headings have been added and others expanded. More for- eign periodicals are included, with wider coverage of Slavonic materials from Czecho- slovakia, Poland, Russia, the Ukraine, and Yugoslavia. An especially useful feature, as in earlier editions, is the notation of the indexing and abstracting services (34 titles) in which peri- odicals are indexed. PHILOSOPHY Varet, Gilbert. Manuel de bibliographie philosophique. Paris, Presses universi- taires de France, 1956- . v.1- (Logos: introduction aux etudes philoso- phiques) . 1800fr. To be in two volumes, this Manuel de bibliographie philosophique is a compre- hensive selection of materials in various languages, listing both books and periodical articles. This first volume treats "Les philos- ophies classiques" in three main sections, covering ancient, Christian, and modern philosophies. A fairly detailed table of con- tents indicates arrangement and scope, and an index of authors is to be included in the second volume, "Les sciences philosophiques," which will deal with the philosophies of re- ligion, art, the sciences, man, etc. RELIGION Grollenberg, Luc H. Atlas of the Bible: tr. and ed. by Joyce M. H. Reid and H. H. Rowley. rLondon, New York 1 Nelson, 1956 165p. il., maps. $15. Wright, George Ernest; and Filson, Floyd Vivian. The Westminster Historical Atlas to the Bible. Rev. ed. Philadel- phia, Westminster Press, 1956. 130p., il., maps. $7 .50. The first of these two atlases of the Bible is a translation from the Dutch edition pub- lished in Holland in 1954. It is a scholarly work with a wealth of excellent illustra- tions, mainly photographs, and a text which presents a summary of Biblical history. There are 35 maps, well-conceived and ex- ecuted, clear and uncluttered. The gazetteer index contains the names of geographical features, towns and peoples, and the names of such persons as played an especially im- portant role in Biblical history. The Westminster atlas is a new edition of that published in 1945 (See Guide Kl05) with some revision of maps and some re- writing of sections of the text. The maps are clear and well-drawn and the text inter- esting and somewhat more popular in tone than that of the Grollenberg. There are three indexes: to the text, to the maps, in- 308 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES 1 J eluding a topographical concordance to the Bible~ and to Arabic names identified with Biblical places in Syria and Palestine. National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A. Bureau of Re- search and Survey. Churches and Church Membership in the United States; An Enum.eration and Analysis . by Counties, States, and Regions. N.Y. National Council of Churches, 1956- . Ser. A, no.1- . 40c per no. Contents: Ser.A, no.1-4, Major faiths by regions, divisions, and states; Ser.B, no.1-8, Denominational statistics by regions, divi- sions, and states; Ser.C, no.1-9, Denomina- tional statistics by states and counties. (In progress) "An effort to gather the statistics of churches and church membership of every region, division , state, and county . . . for 1952 and to relate these findings to certain aspects of the 1950 United States Census of Population." Intended to give a more up-to- date record than that now available in the Federal c;ensus of Religious Bodies, 1936. The present survey is not absolutely com- plete, but is based on the active cooperation of 114 religious organizations, and the fig- ures will be presented in five series of bulle- tins. Series A and B as noted above are com- plete; Series C will be in 55 bulletins; Se- ries D, Denominational statistics by standard metropolitan areas, 6 bulletins; Series E, Analysis of socio-economic characteristics, 7 bulletins. It is hoped that all series will be completed during 1957. Nelson's Complete Concordance of the Revised Standard Version Bible, comp. under the supervision of John W. Ellison. N.Y., Nelson, 1957. 2157p. $16.50. A usable, useful new concordance to the Revised Standard Version prepared with the help of a Univac computer at Remington Rand. Except for some 130 frequently used words which would seldom, if ever, be the key words in a passage, the concordance is exhaustive, listing the context and location of each word. The typography is clear and JULY 1957 the text easy to read. An excellent addition to the shelf of Bible concordances. Die R.eligion in Geschichte und Gegen- wart. 3. vollig neu bearb. Aufl .... hrsg. von Kurt Galling. Tiibingen, J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 1956- Lfg.l- . plates. DM 4.20. Contents: Lfg.l-4, A und 0-Anglokathol- izismus. Represents a thorough revision of the second edition (Guide K7): earlier articles have been reworked, many new entries add- ed, and bibliographies brought up to date. As before, articles are by specialists and are signed. This edition will be complete in six volumes and a Registerband, and Roman type has replaced the Gothic.-E.S. Steinmueller, John E.; and Sullivan, Kathryn. Catholic Biblical Encyclo- pedia. New York,]. F. Wagner rl956 1 2 parts in I v. illus., maps. $20. Intended "for the great majority of edu- . cated people" rather than the Biblical spe- cialist, this is the first Catholic Biblical en- cyclopedia in the English language. A single physical volume consisting of two separately paged sections, it brings together the previ- ously published (1950) volume on the New Testament and a newly completed volume on the Old Testament. Articles (unsigned) vary in length from a few lines to several pages, and include biographical, geographi- cal, archaeological, and dogmatic subjects. There is no attempt to include bibliogra- phies or documentation beyond the actual scriptural reference. Pronunciation is in- dicated, and there are numerous cross ref- erences. A special chapter on Mariology is appended to the volume .-E.S. FOLKLORE Coluccio, Felix. Diccionario del folklore am.ericano (Contribuci6n) Buenos Aires, Libreria "El Ateneo" r 1954r v.l- . 95 pesos per vol. Contents: t.l, A-D, 417p. Primarily a dictionary of Latin American folklore, the main section is preceded by a bibliography of 3,394 numbered items, al- 309 most all South American publications. At the end of each article, instead of biblio- graphical citations, there are numbers re- ferring the reader to appropriate entries in the bibliography. The articles are concise but adequate, tracing whenever possible analogies of customs, beliefs, etc., in differ- ent; countries. Illustrated with photographs. -S.S. SociAL SciENCES Abraham, Louis Arnold; and Hawtrey, Stephen Charles. A Parliamentary Dic- tionary. London, Butterworth, 1956. 224p. 21s. Without attempting to rival May's Parlia- mentary Practice in comprehensiveness, the authors have assembled here a brief encyclo- pedia of British parliamentary terms and concepts which should prove more than ade- quate for the needs of the general reader. Information ranges from concise definitions of a few lines to articles of several pages, and topics treated include not only the spe- cialized vocabulary of Parliamentary usage but such general terms as Parliamentary Papers, House of Lords, etc. There are no bibliographic citations, but "see" and "see also" references are abundant, and there is a serviceable index.-J.N.W. B ehavior Science Bibliographies. New Haven, Human Relations Area Files, 1953- Contents: Chicago. University. Philippine Studies Program. Selected Bibliography of The Philippines~ Topically Arranged and Annotated. 1956; Irikura, James K. South- east Asia: Selected Annotated Bibliography of japanese Publications. 1956; Kennedy, Raymond. Bibliography of Indonesian Peo- ples and Cultures. Rev. ed. 1955. 2v.; New York University. Burma Research Project. Annotated Bibliography of Burma. 1956; Pelzer, Karl Joseph. Selected Bibliography on Th e Geography of Southeast Asia. Part Ill, Malaya. 1956; Wilber, Donald Newton. Annotated Bibliography of Afghanistan. 1956; Yiian, T'ung-Li. Economic and Social Development of Modern China: A Bibli- ographical Guide. 1956. See also Guide 2N83. As stated in the Publisher's Preface to recent volumes of this unnumbered series, the aim of the Human Relations Area Files and its publications is "to facilitate research and comparative study in the sciences con- cerned with mankind, thereby promoting a general understanding of the peoples of the world, their ways of life, their problems, values, and ideas." It will be noted that these volumes repre- sent the work of individual compilers and of university research projects, as well as re- visions of earlier works. The resulting vari- ations in scope, arrangement, indexing, etc., cannot be considered here. With the excep- tion of the Irikura item, all the 1956 vol- umes include a "Bibliography to date of sources processed by the HRAF" for the field in question. The series is published in photo-offset, and other bibliographies are planned.-E.S. Bureau of Social Science Research, Wash- ington, D. C. International Commu- nication and Political Opinion; A Guide to the Literature rby1 Bruce Lannes Smith and Chitra M. Smith. Prepared for the Rand Corporation . . . Princeton, Princeton University Press, r 19561 325p. $6.00. Designed to serve as a continuation of (but not a repla~ement for) Smith, Lasswell and Casey's Propaganda, Communication and Public Opinion~ 1946: (Guide~ L301), the present volume differs somewhat in scope and arrangement from the earlier. Only materials treating the international aspect of propaganda have been included and generally only those of a political na- ture; the classification outline and terminol- ogy have been revised accordingly. Mono- graphs, documents, and reports are listed, as well as . periodical articles, totaling 2,500 items published between 1943 and 1955. Bibliographic and indexing standards re- main high, and the titles are annotated as before. The . bibliography proper is preceded by an essay on recent trends in research in the field.-J.N.W. Dizionario di economia politica, a cura di Claudio N apoleoni. Milano, Edizio- ni di Comunita, 1956. 1722p. L.12,000. 310 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES . - - - - -- ·-- - - - - - - - -----------------~-----------------_j Enciclopedia di scienze politiche) eco- nomiche e sociali. [Capo della redazio- ne: Rudolfo Sommaruga1 Bologna, Zuffi [1956r . v.l- . L.17,500. Contents: vol. I, Aba-Ben, 789p. More than thirty Italian economists have con.tributed to the DizionarioJ treating the vanous aspects of economics in 58 mono- ~aphs. The articles are signed and usually mclude a definition and analysis of the topic, a dis~ussion of its place in the history of economic thought, and an outline of areas where future research is needed. Each a~ti~le is followed by a bibliography listing sigmficant works in the field in various languages. The Enciclopedia will eventually dupli- cate most of the articles in the Dizionario althou~h it will not treat any topic in such a detailed, scholarly way. Similar in intent to the Encyclop edia of th e Social Sciences it ~ims t~ cover all important topics in th~ sooal sciences. However, its articles are ~horter, do not cover all aspects of the sub- Ject, and often include discussions as to moral justification. Although international in scope, emphasis is on interests particular t? ~outhe~n E.urope, the bibliographies con- sistmg pnmanly of Italian titles. There are ma~y. biographical articles, including, in additiOn to social scientists, writers and phi- losophers whose work influenced the field. -S.S. Gt. Brit. Parliament. House of Com- Il_lOns. Library. A Bibliography of Par- lzamentary Debates of Great Britain. London, H.M.S.O., 1956. 62p. 5s. (Its Document no. 2) "Assembles most of the printed sources for the spoken proceedings of Parliament likely to be sought by students-with the ex- ception of those individual speeches which do not happen to have been reprinted in any of the main Collections."-Foreword. The material is divided into three main sections: (I) Debates-official or semi-offi- cial-:-whi~h are day-by-day reports of pro- ce:d~ngs ~ntend:d to inform the public; (2) Dianes, mcludmg the private records of individ~als ma~e for their own use; and (3) Proceedmgs, miscellaneous in character, con- JULY 1957 taining pamphlets, letters, newsletters, some speeches, etc. As in many cases brief eval- uations are included, this should prove to ~e a ~ost useful source for students of Eng- hsh history and politics. Peaslee, Amos Jenkins. Constitutions of Nations) 2. ed. The Hague, Nijhoff, 1956. 3v. 85.50fl. ----. International Go v ernmental Organizations; Constitutional Docu- ments. The Hague, Nijhoff, 1956. 2v. 57 fl. Justification of a revisiOn of the 1950 edition of Constitutions of Nations (Supple- ment IL148) is clear from even a cursory examination of the table of contents of the ·current work, which lists new or amended constitutions for a sizable number of coun- tries, e.g., Austria, Bhutan, Egypt, El Salva- dor, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, etc., throughout the alphabet. For many other countries, prefatory descriptions have been revised and bibliographies brought up to date. Several useful tables of summary infor- mation have been added as appendices. Similar in plan to the foregoing, the com- piler's International Governmental Organi- zations ... contains the basic constitutional documents of more than a hundred of "those international organizations created by gov- ernments, and themselves of a governmental nature. It does not include the many unof- fi~ial _rriv~te organizations" (Foreword). In- stitutiOns mcluded range in scope from the United Nations to the International Office of Epizootics (sic) , and the accompanying documents vary from many pages to a single paragraph. Brief summaries of the history and constitutional development are pre- sented for each organization, and there are selective bibliographies.- J .N. W. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Copyright Laws and Treaties of The W orld7 c?mp. by UNESCO with the coopera- tiOn of the Copyright Office of the United States of America and the In- dustrial Property Dept. of the Board of Trade of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 311 Paris and Washington, 1956- . lv. (loose-leaf [2000p? 1) $97.50. This compilation is an effort to maintain an up-to-date record in the English lan- guage of the copyright laws and treaties of all the countries of the world. "Eighty-five countries are covered ih the present volume. Of these, the laws of 14 countries were promulgated in English; in the case of the remaining countries, it has been necessary to prepare English translations." Arranged alphabetically by country, the work con- tains only the laws believed to be in force on January I, 1956. It is hoped to keep the material up to date by furnishing additional pages annually to be inserted in the loose- leaf binder. U.S. Government Statistics; part I: Guide, part II: Index. 1956 pilot ed., ed. by John L. Andriot. Arlington, Va., Documents Index, Box 453, 1956- . (In progress) $15 for basic volume and three supplements. According to the foreword, the present title is the first in a projected series of guides to the contents of several categories of government publications. Part I of the volume is an annotated list of a large num- ber of publications "containing recurring statistical data." Arrangement is by depart- ment, subdivided by agency. Information on frequency, availability, and ordering pro- cedures is included, and the annotations seem full and pertinent. The three-part in- dex section-subject, title, and agency-ap- pears sufficiently detailed to afford efficient use of the contents of the materials in the main list. The present edition is scheduled to appear in revised form in 1957, with three supplements to follow within four years thereafter.-J.N.W. Zaleski, Eugene. Mouvements ouvriers et socialistes; chronologie et bibliogra- phie. La Russie. Tome 1: 1725-1907. Paris, Editions ouvrieres, 1956. 463p. 2,250 fr. (Mouvements ouvriers et socialistes . . . , collection dirigee par E. Dolleans et M. Crozier. [v.41) A bibliographic series on socialist move- ments in various countries, issued under the auspices of the Institut Fran~ais d'Histoire Sociale, has been augmented by the first of two volumes on Russia. Books, pamphlets, and periodicals are listed in Russian, with French translations of titles, and with lo- cational symbols for libraries in Paris, Am- sterdam, Geneva, Bern, and Milan. Each of the four historical periods is introduced by a chronology of events. Name and subject indexes will appear in Volume II, which will bring the bibliography down to 1917. Other countries included in this series are England, France, Germany, and the U.S. (Guide IL97); Italy; and Spain.-E.B. SciENCE Aslib. British Scientific and Technical Books)· A Selected List of Recom- mended Books Published in Great Britain and the Commonwealth in The Years 1935 to 1952. London, James Clarke; New York, Hafner, 1956. 364p. $11. Based primarily on the Aslib Booklist and the selections of library specialists in the field, this comprehensive bibliography sup- plements the Catalogue of British Scientific and Technical Books publish~d by the British Science Guild in 1930. Listed are books, government publications, and society papers in the pure and applied sciences, and this includes psychology, documentation, ar- chitecture, and photography of interest to technical readers; however, trade literature and manufacturers' publications have not been included. Material is ar- ranged according to the Universal Decimal Classification, and alphabetical subject and author indexes allow easy access to the bib- liography. Through a series of symbols, each entry is further classified according to its suitability for general readers, students, ad- vanced research, and reference work. Items are not annotated.-K.L. ENGINEERING Abbett, Robert W. Am.erican Civil En- gin eering Practice. N.Y., Wiley, 1956- . v.l-2 (In progress) $ 15 per vol. An important new handbook prepared as 312 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES a replacement of the American Civil Engi- neers' Handbook edited by Merriam (Guide Pll2), of which the fifth edition was pub- lished in 1930. This is an entirely revised work with new scope and format. To be in three volumes: v.1 covers planning, survey- ing, transportation engineering, etc.; v.2 deals mainly with various phases of hy- draulic engineering, and v.3, not yet pub- lished, will cover structural and building engineering. Music Almanacco musicale italiano~ 1956- A cura di Riccardo Allorto. Milano, G. Ricordi, 1955- . $2.50 A record of the year's activities in serious music in Italy, this almanac is both a survey and a directory. Four critical chapters are devoted to new works in the musical theater, the concert field, books on music and phono- graph records; these are followed by an al- phabetical catalog of new works, calendars of musical events and an extensive directory. The last, arranged by .city, lists musical so- cieties, schools, theaters, and a number of individuals-composers, performing artists, teachers, critics, impresarios, agents, etc. -J.N.W. NUMISMATICS Vermeule, Cornelius Clarkson. A Bib- liography of Applied Numismatics in The Fields of Greek and Roman Ar- chaeology and The Fine Arts. London, Spink & Son, 1956. 172p. 12s. 6d. Intended both as a list of works "of value to the numismatist as demonstration of the way in which numismatic evidence has been utilized" and as an aid to the scholar not primarily a numismatist in locating "refer- ences in fields in which numismatics are fundamental for understanding of non- numismatic problems." The work is divided into four main parts: Archaeology and Art History; Iconography; Geography, Topog- raphy, and Architecture; and Related Works. Arrangement is by author within the sections. There is a general index. Although emphasis is on publications not ordinarily used by numismatists, the inclusion of ar- JULY 1957 tides from numismatic journals seems of particular value to the general scholar.-E.S. PHOTOGRAPHY Purves, Frederick. The Focal Encyclope- dia of Photography. London, Focal Press, [1956 1• 1298 pp. 5j 5j-. The purpose of this encyclopedia is to pull together into one volume articles on the history, techniques, art, and application of photography. A panel of some 200 au- thors, representing many of the nations of the world, contributed the longer signed articles. Emphasis is on British practice and outlook, but attention is called to American variants. Illustrated with about 1500 line drawings and some half-tones. LITERATURE AND LANGUAGE Fusco, Enrico M. Scrittori e idee; dizio- nario critico della letteratura italiana. Torino, Societa editrice internazionale [ 19561 626p. L.6000. Writers of all types (novelists, poets, liter- ary critics, historians, political scientists, phi- losophers) whose works have literary value are included in this new dictionary of Italian literature. Since the editor has in- cluded only authors of established reputa- tions, the younger contemporary figures re- ceive less extensive coverage. All articles con- tain author and subject bibliographies which, while selective, are up to date and include periodical as well as book refer- ences. Material on major authors is quite extensive, with criticism and summaries of individual works. Some attention is also given to literary movements and periods, technical terms, periodicals, and academies. -K.L. Sociedad espanola de estudios cLisicos. Bibliografia de los estudios cldsicos en espana (1939-1955 ). Madrid, 1956. 453p. 1 OOptas. Published as a result of the first Spanish Congress of Classical Studies held in Madrid in April, 1956, and compiled by members of the Congress under the editorship of F. Rodrigues Adrados, this bibliography lists books and periodical articles on classical sub- 313 jects written and published in Spain. Also included are Spanish translators of relevant works in other languages and articles by Spanish scholars published in other coun~ tries. Material is listed under individuals and various headings that include diction- aries, manuscripts, textual criticism, lan- guage and linguistics, literature, history, ge- ography, religion and mythology, philoso- phy, law, science, archaeology, paleography, numismatics, and bibliography. There is an index of authors whose work is cited. An exhaustive work, considering the relatively brief period of compilation.-K.L. BIOGRAPHY British Caribbean Who) What) Why. 1st ed. Ed. and pub. by Lloyd Sydney Smith. Glasgow, Bell and Bain, 1956- . v.l, 1955 j 56- Covers: Jamaica, Trinidad, Barbados, Brit- ish Guiana, British Honduras; (Windward Islands) Grenada, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Dominica; (Leeward Islands) Antigua, St. Kitts-Nevis, Montserrat, and British Virgin Islands. In five sections: I) General material on government, organizations, and geography; 2) Who's who, arranged by country and sub- divided by profession or business; 3) Colo- nial affairs; 4) Directory of business firms; 5) Overseas business organizations trading with the British Caribbean. There is a de- tailed table of contents and a name index. This should be a useful addition to recent information on this area. Heinzel, Erwin. Lexikon Historischer Ereignisse und Personen in Kunst) Literatur und Musik. Wien, Verlag Bruder Hollinek, 1956. 782p. DM28. Considerably more specialized than is in- dicated by title, this ingenious handbook confines its listings to those historically im- portant persons and events that have subse- quently received substantial treatment in literature, music, or art. For each person or event there is a statement of biographical or historical background and a summary of the extent and nature of the treatment which the subject has received in the arts. These are followed by the musical and artistic works concerning the subject, e.g., poems, novels, dramas, operas, symphonies, por- traits, busts, etc. Bibliographic and other in- formational data are brief but generally ade- quate.-J.N.W. HISTORY Franz, Gunther, ed. Bilcherkunde zur We.ltgeschichte vom Unt.ergang des Romischen Weltreiches bis zur Gegen- wart. 1\!Iunchen, Oldenbourg, 1956. 544p. DM64. Historical literature relating to the various countries of the world is presented here in the form of selective bibliographies with brief annotations. The 23 contributors are associated with West German and Swiss uni- versities. As might be expected, there is con- siderable variation in the extent to which they have included source materials and studies in the languages of the countries concerned, even for the European continent. The work appears to have been carried through without any institutional sponsor and to have depended largely upon the pro- digious individual effort of the editor. Al- though not a replacement for Dutcher's Guide to Historical Literature (Guide V2), it is nevertheless unique in bringing to- gether a selection of relatively recent his- torical writing for all countries of the world and will be useful to students of history, particularly those with limited access to the major historical bibliographies.-E.B. Herre, Franz. Bibliographie zur Zeitge- schichte und zum zweiten Weltkrieg filr di.e jahre 1945-50) im Auftrage des Instituts fur Zeitgeschichte zusammen- gestellt von Franz Herre und Hell- muth Auerbach. Munchen, Im selbst- verlag d~s Instituts, 1955. 254p. DM16.80. The emphasis in this bibliography of con- temporary history is on Europe and on German developments in particular. Three of the four main sections are concerned with National Socialism, World War II, and post- war trials, but publications in languages other than German are well represented. The 4107 numbered entries include books and articles listed without annotation in a 314 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES ·~ . highly classified arrangement with · a name index. A continuation has been appearing regularly in the journal Vierteljahrshefte zur Zeitgeschichte under the title Bibliographie zur Zeitgeschichte. It covers a given year's publications starting with 1951 and will in- clude items omitted in the 1945-50 list. Com- bined indexes, author and subject, are planned.-E.B. Kulturhistorisk leksikon for nordisk middelalder fra vikingetid til reforma- tionstid. Dansk redakt¢r: John Dan- strup. K¢benhavn, Rosenkilde og Bagger, 1956- . v.1- . il. Contents: Bd.1, Abbed-Blide. To be complete in ten volumes and index, this new dictionary of mediaeval Scandi- navian cultural history will treat all aspects of mediaeval life in Northern Europe. The articles, written by Scandinavian mediaeval- ists and signed, appear in Danish, Swedish, or Norwegian. Finnish articles appear in Swedish; Icelandic articles in any of the three languages. A very scholarly work with valuable, up-to-date bibliographies. One color plate and 16 pages of black-and-white plates complete each volume.-E.S. Sharma, J agdish. Mahatma Gandhi~· A Descriptive Bibliography. Delhi, S. Chand, 1955. 565p. Rs.25. (National bibliographies no. 1) Covering the period 1908 through April, 1955, . this author and subject bibliography contains 3,671 references to books, periodi- cals, and other serial publications concern- ing "the life, the message, and the mission" of Gandhi. Although most of the material listed is from English language sources, nine other languages are included-Dutch, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Portu- guese, Russian, Spanish, and Swedish. The bibliography is in three parts: Bibliography of bibliographies and collections; Biogra- phies and subjects; and Books which influ- enced Gandhi's life and thought, Books for which Gandhi wrote forewords, and Peri- odicals Gandhi edited and sponsored. Under 559 subject headings are listed Gandhi's writings as well as those about him. Biblio- graphical information is complete, and a detailed chronology of Gandhi's life is also JULY 1957 included. A similar bibliography of Nehru is being prepared by the author for publica- tion in the same series.-K.L. Valjavec, Fritz, ed. ographie. Miinchen, Oldenbourg, 1956- . Bd. 1, t.1- . DM7.50. Contents: Band 1, 1945-1950. Teil 1, Slowakei, Rumanien, Bulgarien. Published under the auspices of the Siidost-Institut in Munich, this is a basic bibliography of material relating to South- eastern Europe, i.e. Albania, Bulgaria, Hun- gary, Rumania, Slovakia, and Yugoslavia. Although the listing is selective, monographs and periodical articles published in these countries as well as in the West are included. Arrangement is by country, with the follow- ing subdivisions under each: 1) general background; 2) geography and natural re- sources; 3) population; 4) history; 5) lan- guage and literature; 6) religion; 7) law; 8) economics and sociology; 9) cultural life. According to the preface, the second volume will cover 1951-56, and thereafter the bib- liography will be published annually.-S.S. Wilson, Patrick. Government and Poli- tics of India and Pakistan) 1885-1955: A Bibliography of Works in Western Languages. Berkeley, Univ. of Calif., Institute of East Asiatic Studies, South Asia Studies, 1956. 356p. (Modern India project. Bibliographical study, no.2). Prepared as a "working guide to available literature on the political and constitutional history of India and Pakistan," this bibliog- raphy was compiled in the main from library catalogs. Indication of source is given for each title, thus automatically indicating lo- cation of copies. The list includes books, pamphlets, and non-serial government publications, but omits periodicals and periodical articles. Most of the titles are in English, although there are some in other western languages. The arrangement is by broad subject di- vision; within the divisions the works are arranged chronologically by date of publica- tion. There is an extensive index which in- cludes many cross references from the var- ious forms of Indian names. 315