College and Research Libraries ACRL Microcard Series- Abstracts of Titles WEEMS, J. EDDIE, JR., 1924- A study of American newspaper libraries. Rochester, N. Y., University of Rochester Press for the Association of College and Reference Li- braries, 1956. (92 l. 28 em. ACRL MICROCARD SERIES, no. 79) Master's paper, Florida State Uni- versity, 1954. Bibliography: l. 89-92. 3 cards. $.75. Progress of newspaper libraries has been steady but not easy. Four major problems have retarded development: lack of recognition of newspaper libraries, lack of qualified personnel, lack of standardization, and lack of space . De- spite these factors, newspaper libraries are ex- panding both in number and in space and scope of individual libraries. Efforts are being made to standardize practices among U. S. news- paper libraries. Many improvements are still to be mad~ and many problems remain. It is up to the newspaper librarian to help solve them. PARKER, JOHN AUSTIN, 1920- The Books Across the Sea Library in the United States; its establishment, purposes, and operation. Rochester, N. Y., University of Roch- ester Press for the Association of College and Referenc~ Libraries, 1957. (vi, 80 l. part. mount. illus., 28 em. ACRL MICROCARD SERIES, no. 80) Thesis (M.L.S.)-Pratt Institute, 1955. Bibliog- raphy: l. 74-76. 3 cards. $.75. A discussion which includes sections on the history of Books Across the Sea, methods of se- lecting United States publications to be sent to Britain as interpreters of everyday American life, the Reading Room in New York-its meth- ods of processing as well as its activities and services-and the use of the British publications housed in the Library and in libraries, schools, and reading groups throughout the United States. PADDOCK, CAROLINE, 1907- Accreditation standards for the libraries of professional schools; analysis of the require- ments of twenty-two accrediting agencies. Roch- ester, N. Y., University of Rochester Press for the Association of College and Reference Li- braries, 1957. (vii, 139 l. tables. 28 em. ACRL MICROCARD SERIES, no. 81) Thesis (M.L.S.)-Uni- versity of California, 1954. Bibliography: l. 127-139. 4 cards. $1. The standards of twenty-two recognized agen- cies which accredit professional schools were ex- amined with a view to determining the place of the library in the accreditation picture. It was found that all the agencies include the library among the areas to be considered by their visi- tation committees, but that wide variation ex- ists in the form, volume, and specificity of the various statements of standards. The study iso- lates, categorizes, and analyzes the specific re- quirements of the individual agencies pertaining to (l) library holdings, (2) use of the library, (3) quarters, (4) staff, (5) financial support, (6) hours observed, and (7) administrative organi- zation. JOHNSON, ROBERT KELLOGG, 1913- Report on the Air University Library. Roch- ester, N. Y., University of Rochester Press for the Association of College and Reference Li- braries, 1957. (vi, 72 l. diagrs. part. fold. map. 29 em. ACRL - MICROCARD SERIES, no. 82) Air Uni- versity Library study of libraries in selected mili- tary educational institutions , Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama. Bibliography: l. 68-72. 3 cards. $ .75. The abstract concerning the series of which this study is a part was published in CRL , vol. 17' pp.533-34. Toth New Editor of Microcard Series Mrs. Margaret K. Toth, editor at the Rochester University Press, has been appointed to succeed Lawrence S. Thompson as editor of the ACRL Microcard Series. Mr. Thompson instituted the microcard series for ACRL and has, in a large measure, been responsible for its success. He resigned in order to devote more time to others of his myriad of interests. Mrs. Toth has worked closely with the ACRL Microcard Series since its inception and brings to her new post an unrivalled combination of abilities especially suited for it. JULY 1957 343 Books Received A Bibliography for the TV A Program. By Ber- nard L. Foy. Knoxville , Tennessee: Technical Library, Tennessee Valley Authority, 1957. 46p. A Di?·ectory of Library P eriodicals Published in the Contin en tal United States. Sponsored by The Library Periodicals Round Table, Amer- ican Library Association. Comp. by Phillips Temple (and) John Harvey. Pittsburg, Kan., State College Library, 1957. 44p. A Guide for Games. Comp. by D. Cyril Joynson. New York: Philosophical Library, 1957. 302p. $7.50. American Indian and White Relations to 1830: Needs and Opportunities for Study. An Essay by William N. Fenton; a Bibliography by L. H. Butterfield. Wilcomb E. Washburn , and William N. Fenton. Chapel Hill: The Uni- versity of North Carolina Press, 1957, 138p. A n n u air e des Organisations Internationales. Yearbook of International Organizations, 1956-57. 6th ed . Bruxelles: Union des Asso- ciations lnternationales, 1957. 1266p. $ 10. Aviation Medicine: An Annotated Bibliography, 1952 Literature. By Arnold J. Jacobius and Madeleine J. Wilkins. Washington, D.C.: The Library of Congress, Technical Informa- t!ion Division, 1956. 204p. Basic Filing Rules for Medium-sized Libraries; A Comp en d Filing Code for Catalogs of 120 to 2,000 Trays. By Gertrude Moakley, fore- word by Rudolf Flesch. New York: William- Frederick Press, 1957. 60p. $2.00. Bibliography of New Guides and Aides to Pub- lic Documents Use, 1953-1956. Comp. by Jerome K. Wilcox. New York: Special Li- braries Association, 1957. 16p. $ 1.50. Bibliotheksve1·waltungslehre. By Horst Kunze. Leipzig: Harrassowitz, 1956. 342p. DM 15. (Lehbiicher den Nachwuchs an wissen- schaftlichen Bibliotheken, Bd. 1.) Clue to the R eso'u.rces and Services of Brooklyn Collr:ge Library. By Rose Z. Sellers. Brooklyn 10, N.Y.: Brooklyn College Library, 1957. 24p. Single copies free. Early Electrical Machines. By Bern Dibner. Nor- walk, Conn.: Burndy Library, 1957. 57p. $ 1.50. (Burndy Library Publication No . 14.) Gifts to the Emory University Libraries, 1955-56. [Emory University, Ga.: The University?] 1956. 18p. Gmelins Handbuch der anorganischen Chemie. 8th ed. System No. 28, pt. A2, Calcium. Paper $55 .68; No. 32, Zinc. Cloth $138· No. 68, pt. D, Platinum. Cloth $90. Weinheim j Bergstrasse: Verlag Chemie, 1956-57. Guide to Inter- American Legal Studies; A Selec- tive Bibliography of Works in English. Comp. b y S. A. Bayitch. Coral Gables: University of Miami Law Library, 1957. 297p. Handbuch da Bibliothekswissenschaft . Begriin- det von Fritz Milkau. 2 ., verm. und verb. Aufl . hrsg. von Georg Leyh. 3. Band, 17. Lfg.: Ge- schichte der Bibliotheken. Bearb. von Aloys Bomer et al. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1957. p.689-784. DM 16. Indexes to ... journal of the American Ce- ramic Society 1918-1955 [and] The American Ceramic Society Bulletin 1922-1955. Comp. and ed. by Lola Schell Bigler [and others]. Columbus, Ohio: American Ceramic Society, 1957. 13lp. $5 .00. john Cotton Dana; Librarian and Print'eT. By William R. Lansberg. Lunenburg, Vt.: Stine- hour Press , 1956. p.53-83. (Printing & Graphic Arts, vol. 4, no. 3, Sept. 1956.) Library Acquires Outstanding Titles in 1955-57 Biennium. (University of Tennessee News Letter, vol. 36, no. 3, March, 1957.) Manual de Bibliologia. By Isabel Pruna Lama- drid. Torno 1. Habana: Compafiia Editora de Libros y Folletos, 1954. 64p. Manuscript Cataloging. By William Jerome Wil- son. New York: Fordham University Press, 1956. 457-555p. $1.90. (Offprint from Tra- ditio, vol. XII.) Mrs. Gamp. By Charles Dickens. A Facsimile of the Author's Prompt Copy. Foreword by Mon- ica Dickens. Introduction and Notes by John D. Gordan. [New York] New York Pub- lic Library, 1956. 120p. $6. R eport to the Corporation of Brown University, july 1, 1956. By John Carter Brown Library, Providence, R.I., 1957. SOp. Segregation and Desegregation; a Digest of Recent Research. By Melvin M. Tumin. New York: Anti-Defamation League of B 'nai B 'rith, 1957. 112p. Shakespeare's Four Giants. By Blanche Coles. Rindge, N.H.: Richard E. Smith, 1957. 126p. $2.50. The Clarke Historical Collection, with a List of Michigan Imprints. Comp. by Arthur M. Fish. Mount Pleasant, Mich.: Central Michigan Col- lege Press, 1956. 46p. The Ford Foundation Annual R ep ort October 1, 1955, to September 30, 1956 [n.p.J 1957. 286p. The Hampshire Inter-Library Center; A Survey of Its Background and Its Problems, With Recommendations for the Future. By Keyes D. Metcalf. South Hadley: The Hampshire Inter- Library Center, 1957. 3lp. The Student's Role in College Policy Making. By Harry H. Lunn, Washington, D.C.: Amer- ican Council on Education, 1957. lOOp. $ 1.00. Thoreau's Library. By Walter Harding. Char- lottesville, Va.: The University of Virginia Press , 1957. l02p. United States Influence on Norwegian Librar- ianship, 1890-1940. By J. Periam Danton. Berkeley and Los Angeles : University of Cali- fornia Press, 1957. 9lp. $2.00. (University of California Publications in Librarianship, v. 2, no. l.) 344 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES