College and Research Libraries instructions refining the search among stand- ardized headings); (3) repeat the same com- parison a n d checking procedures with the classification tables. It might be possible to do both the subject heading a n d classifica- tion comparisons simultaneously. Present machines are capable of p e r f o r m i n g this kind of look-up and comparison operations. D u r i n g the symposium, the information needs of the scientific world, at least, were very clearly described, a n d a few of the imaginative methods which have been made by scientists a n d engineers to answer these needs were outlined. It is d o u b t f u l that the conference did much to end the Great Schism between the librarians, who under- stand the m a g n i t u d e of the information storage a n d retrieval problem in its totality, a n d the p r o p o n e n t s of mechanization, who see only the failures of present systems in the highly specialized fields with which they are familiar. Dean Boaz a n d the library school of the University of Southern Cali- fornia are to be commended on making a sincere effort to open channels of commu- nication between the two viewpoints.— Phyllis A. Richmond, University of Roch- ester Library. Audio-Visual T o o l They See What You Mean. By [Eric F. Bur- tis a n d James E. LeMay] Ozalid Audio- Visual D e p a r t m e n t . J o h n s o n City, N. Y.: Ozalid Division of General Aniline and Film Corporation, 1959. 88p., $3.75. T h e overhead projector is an audio-visual tool that has a p p e a r e d since 1950 a n d made its presence felt q u i t e markedly in industrial audio-visual departments. It is beginning to a p p e a r at technical a n d academic meetings as an extension to the services offered by the older projection methods. It combines the freedom a n d spontaneity of the black- board with the precision a n d artistry of the slide projector, while a d d i n g a n u m b e r of facilities not f o u n d in these standard tech- niques. Ozalid does not make overhead projectors, b u t it does produce e q u i p m e n t a n d supplies used in p r e p a r i n g transparencies for these projectors. T h e bulk of this superbly illus- trated volume deals with the preparation of transparencies by the diazo process. T h i s is to be expected as Ozalid is the outstanding producer of diazo materials in this country. Sections of the book are given to homemade transparencies, T r a n s f e r o n (diffusion-trans- fer), transparency m o u n t i n g techniques, transparency design, a n d overhead projec- tion techniques. Much of this m a n u a l could be used to improve presentations based on the blackboard a n d slide projector, and it will certainly add to the versatility of the d e p a r t m e n t using an overhead projector. T h e r e is a short bibliography at the end of the book referring the reader to sixteen recent reports on overhead projection. T h e r e is also a two-page listing of Ozalid audio- visual products, which serves as a glossary to the many terms savoring of jargon that appear in the book. T h e illustrations with which the book is filled serve to simplify the description of techniques a n d exemplify the visual method at its best. T h e profusion of trade-names in the text tends to minimize the effectiveness of this portion of the book. The volume can be recommended for all li- braries engaged in or about to become in- volved in audio-visual work.—Hubbard W. Ballou, Columbia University Libraries. Soviet Publishing Publishing in the U.S.S.R. By Boris I. Go- rokhoff. (Indiana University Publications. Slavic and East E u r o p e a n Series, Vol. 19.) [Bloomington, Ind.: I n d i a n a University, cl959.] xvi, 307 p. $3.00; cloth, $6.00. I n spite of the recent burgeoning of arti- cles about Soviet methods of disseminating scientific information there has been a need for full length studies in English which would give a balanced presentation of Soviet libraries, bibliography, a n d publishing in general. T h e Council on Library Resources, Inc., has acted to fill this need by s u p p o r t i n g Paul Horecky's Libraries and Bibliographic Centers in the Soviet Union, Volume 16 in the I n d i a n a series, a n d its companion vol- ume on publishing. T o g e t h e r they form a valuable survey of the current scene. T h e competence in research on Soviet Russia, built u p in large measure since W o r l d W a r II by the area institutes in American uni- versities, appears to have been joined hap- pily with experienced librarianship i n the production of these studies. A volume on M A R C H 1 9 6 0 179