College and Research Libraries A C R L and A R L to Sponsor Metcalf Research Project A C R L and the Association of Research Libraries will co-sponsor a project supported by a grant of $73,365 from the Council on Library Resources, Inc., for research leading toward the publication of a definitive book on the planning of college and university library buildings. Keyes D. Metcalf, librar- ian emeritus of Harvard University, will direct the project. A L A will provide financial administration of the project. A n advisory committee for it has been established with the following membership: Ralph Ellsworth, director of libraries, University of Colorado; William H . Jesse, director of libraries, University of Tennessee; Stephen A . McCarthy, director of libraries, Cornell University, and execu- tive secretary of A R L ; Frank B. Rogers, director, National Library of Medicine, Ei- leen Thornton, librarian, Oberlin College; and a representative of faculty interest in library building, to be designated. Richard Harwell will serve as liaison officer for the committee at A L A Headquarters. T h e com- mittee held its first meeting in Chicago Jan- uary 28. In a news release from the Council on Library Resources announcing the project, William S. Dix, librarian of Princeton Uni- versity and former executive secretary of A R L comments: "Despite the huge sums involved in construction and equipment— a single university library building may cost several to many millions of dollars to build and equip—there is at present no compila- tion which can provide the planners of library buildings with the vast fund of avail- able information which should be brought to bear but which is now scattered. Each time a library is planned there is duplication of search for information on which planning decisions must be based, and there is no doubt that much relevant, significant infor- mation and recorded experience is often overlooked. It is anticipated that the book will significantly contribute to the effective planning of library buildings, to the avoid- ance of costly mistakes, and to the wiser and more effective use of funds." Mr. Metcalf's manual will collect and syn- thesize the information available in the ex- tensive but scattered literature of separate studies, records of library building institutes, and other reports. As director of the project, Mr. Metcalf will draw on the considerable amount of expert knowledge gained by cer- tain librarians who have served as consult- ants for building projects. In addition, he will be aided by a small research staff and by a group of consultants comprised of architects, engineers, and other experts. T h e book will begin with a discussion of the objectives of institutions and the man- ner in which these should influence archi- tectural planning. Considerations of finance, public relations, and possible alternative methods of housing books will be described. Subsequent chapters will discuss selection of a building site, furniture and interior deco- ration, and other details, including such final problems as moving into a new building and maintenance costs. T h e book will be fully illustrated by drawings and photographs. Preparation is expected to take four years. Mr. Metcalf has an outstanding record with respect to the planning of library buildings. H e is in large part the deviser of the depository library and the undergrad- uate library. During his tenure at Harvard the Houghton and the Lamont libraries were erected there. H e was active in the Co- operative Committee on Library Building Plans, called together by former President Harold W . Dodd of Princeton in 1944. This committee of university administrators, li- brarians, and architects gave impetus to a new concept of college library architecture. Mr. Metcalf has served as consultant for ap- proximately fifty college library projects, in- cluding projects at McGill University, the University of Montreal, and the University of Baghdad, Iraq. 136 C O L L E G E A N D R E S E A R C H L I B R A R I E S