College and Research Libraries Selected Reference Books of 1959-1960 By C O N S T A N C E M. W I N C H E L L I N T R O D U C T I O N LIKE THE PRECEDING ARTICLES i n vhis semi-annual series1 this survey is based on notes written by members of the staff of the Columbia University Libraries. Notes written by assistants are signed with initials.2 A s the purpose of the list is to present a selection of recent scholarly and foreign works of interest to reference workers in uni- versity libraries, it does not pretend to be either well balanced or comprehensive. C o d e numbers (such as A l l , 1A26, 2S22) have been used to refer to titles in the Guide3 and its Supplements. G U I D E S W A L F O R D , A R T H U R J O H N . Guide to Reference Ma- terial . . . with the assistance of L. M . Payne. L o n d o n , Library Association, 1959. 543p. 80.?. (Distributed in the U . S. by R . R . Bowker Co., N.Y. $12.15.) " T h e aim is to p r o v i d e a guide to reference books and bibliographies, with emphasis o n cur- rent material and o n material published in Bri- tain." (Introd.). W i t h i n this scope the c o m p i l e r has d o n e m u c h that is admirable, furnishing an annotated, classified list of around three thou- sand principal titles, with many others m e n t i o n e d in notes. Arrangement follows the Universal Decimal Classification, so that the general plan is similar to that of W i n c h e l l ' s Guide. Despite the editorial c o m p e t e n c e and the well-written annotations, the list is so selective and so pre- ponderantly British that in the United States it will p r o b a b l y be useful only in very large refer- ence collections o r in highly specialized libraries, to supplement W i n c h e l l and Malcles for some British titles.—J.N.W. N A T I O N A L B I B L I O G R A P H Y Anuario bibliografico colombiano, 1951-1956. 1 CRL, January and July issues starting January 1952. 2 Reference: Eleanor Buist, Rita Keckeissen, Elizabeth J . Rumics, Eugene Sheehy, John Neal Waddell. 3 C o n s t a n c e M . Winchell, Guide to Reference Books (7th ed.; Chicago: A L A , 1951) ; Supplement (Chicago: A L A , 1954); Second Supplement (Chicago: A L A , 1956); Third Supplement (Chicago: A L A , 1960) Miss Winchell is Reference Librarian, Co- lumbia University Libraries. C o m p i l a d o p o r R u b e n Perez Ortiz. Bogota, Instituto Caro y Cuervo, 1958. 334p. M o r e a successor to, than a continuation o f , the work with the same title f o r the year 1951 published by the Biblioteca "Jorge Garces B . " (Supplement 2A47), the present v o l u m e incor- porates the b o o k and p a m p h l e t listings f r o m the earlier work, but not the periodical articles. Cov- erage includes books and pamphlets printed in C o l o m b i a , together with works and translations of works by Colombians and books a b o u t C o l o m - bia published elsewhere. A classified arrange- m e n t has been a d o p t e d , and there is an author index. It is to be h o p e d that the bibliography can b e put o n an annual basis.—E.S. R E P R O D U C T I O N S Canadian Newspapers on Microfilm. Catalogue de journaux canadiens sur microfilm. Ottawa, Canadian Library Association, 1959- . Loose- leaf. $5; binder $2.50; $2 a year. T h i s u n i o n list, w h i c h supersedes the catalogs previously issued by the Canadian Library Asso- ciation, comprises two sections. Part I covers newspapers filmed by the Association, g r o u p i n g items by province, and listing f o r each entry: dates of p u b l i c a t i o n , dates of microfilms, changes of title and history of the newspaper when k n o w n , publishers, editors and proprietors, edi- torial policy and content, holders of the files which were filmed, missing issues, and institu- tions h o l d i n g positive microfilm copies. A few non-Canadian papers are included. T h e index to Part I is by title (with dates which have been filmed) and by place of publication. Part II is a list of newspapers microfilmed by organizations other than the Canadian Library Association. Entries are shorter than those of Part I, omitting histories and contents notes, and include place, title, dates filmed, holders of nega- tives and or sellers of positive films. T h e index to Part II is by title. Loose-leaf format with o n e entry o n a page J U L Y 1 9 6 0 277 is designed to facilitate the continuous revision p l a n n e d to keep the catalog u p to d a t e . — R . K . TILTON, EVA MAUDE. A Union List of Publica- tions in Opaque Microforms. N e w York, Scare- crow Press, 1959. 346p. $7.50. N o t a u n i o n list in the usual sense (i.e., library locations are not p r o v i d e d ) , but rather a c o m - pilation f r o m publishers' lists of o p a q u e m i c r o - print reproductions (chiefly material of "stand- ard M i c r o c a r d size"). Arrangement is by author or other main entry, with genealogies entered u n d e r family name. Bibliographical i n f o r m a t i o n (including price) is that p r o v i d e d in the p u b - lishers' lists, and varies accordingly. M o r e than thirty-two h u n d r e d items f r o m twenty-three p u b - lishers are included, with listings through De- cember 1958. T h e r e is an i n d e x of subjects and some personal names n o t m a i n entries. In view of the variety of materials i n c l u d e d (books, periodicals, master's essays, doctoral dissertations, etc.), the v o l u m e should p r o v e useful b o t h f o r reference and acquisitions purposes.—E.S. P U B L I S H I N G A N D P U B L I S H E R S GOROKHOFF, BORIS I. Publishing in the U.S.S.R. { B l o o m i n g t o n , Indiana University Press, 1959] 306p. (Indiana. University. Publications. Slavic and East European Series. N o . 19.) $3. (Cloth b o u n d $6.) M r . G o r o k h o f f ' s b o o k fills the need f o r a thor- o u g h and u p - t o - d a t e survey in English of the system of p u b l i s h i n g in Soviet Russia. T h e text is a well outlined description, with interpreta- tion. Because o f its detailed listing of Soviet sources it will be of c o n t i n u i n g value as a work of reference. A n extensive a p p e n d i x presents sta- tistics in translation. Copyright, censorship, and related topics are discussed, in addition t o the detailed survey of the p u b l i s h i n g network f o r books, periodicals, and newspapers. A chapter entitled " D o c u m e n t a t i o n " deals principally with the A i l - U n i o n Institute of Scientific and T e c h n i - cal I n f o r m a t i o n and its series of abstract journals, and summarizes the A m e r i c a n evaluations of these journals. It also describes other, less well- k n o w n Soviet methods of covering the foreign literature. T h e b o o k is a c o m p a n i o n v o l u m e to Paul Horecky's Libraries and Bibliographic Cen- ters in the Soviet Union (CRL Jan. 1960) and was also supported by the C o u n c i l o n Library Resources.—E.B. Repertoire des editeurs et liste des collections. Paris, Cercle de la Librairie [1959], 239p. Loose- leaf. 2000fr. T h e principal list in this work, the repertoire des editeurs, includes some two thousand French p u b l i s h i n g firms, societies, associations, and m u - seums, arranged alphabetically, and gives address, telephone, date of establishment, field o f special- ization, etc., f o r each. S o m e three thousand series titles in alphabetical o r d e r f o r m the liste des col- lections. Each entry identifies the p u b l i s h e r for which f u l l i n f o r m a t i o n can then be f o u n d in the repertoire. Other i n f o r m a t i o n of interest to the b o o k trade includes list of b o o k dealers, members of the French p u b l i s h i n g and p r i n t i n g trade u n i o n committees, foreign publishers w h o regu- larly distribute in France, and publishers w h o were listed in the Bibliographie de la France in 1958.—R.K. D I R E C T O R I E S A N D H A N D B O O K S BOWER, WILLIAM W . International Manual of Linguists and Translators. N e w York, Scare- crow Press, 1959. 451 p . $10. Scanning this m a n u a l is like r u m m a g i n g t h r o u g h the author's working files of miscellane- ous i n f o r m a t i o n : here o n e finds varia ranging f r o m an international (noncomprehensive) direc- tory of linguists, translators, interpreters, and so o n , arranged by a special language classification, to i n f o r m a t i o n o n international fees; copyright and royalties; linguistic societies and journals; audio-visual aids and sources of supply; conver- sion tables; an extensive list o f encyclopedias, grammars, dictionaries; etc. Such i n f o r m a t i o n c o u l d b e valuable w h e n b r o u g h t between the covers of o n e b o o k , b u t the arrangement and a few lacks somewhat dissipate its usefulness. T h e arrangement of translators and of the bibliogra- p h y by the compiler's o w n language classification makes it difficult to find the wanted language quickly. T h e r e is n o index, not even of personal names, and inclusion seems arbitrary, with bases of selection not given. Yet it is o b v i o u s that m u c h w o r k has g o n e i n t o this h a n d b o o k ; as f u - ture editions appear it should p r o v e m o r e useful. - E . J . R . MERRILL, JOHN C . A Handbook of the Foreign Press. Baton R o u g e , Louisiana State University Press, [cl959], 394p. il. $5. A short and general i n t r o d u c t i o n to foreign press systems and leading newspapers; magazines are touched o n , radio and television are e x c l u d e d . T h e r e are general introductory articles, short de- scriptions of the press in the principal countries of the w o r l d , and " A i d s f o r the Student," which includes a selected b i b l i o g r a p h y f o r further study of the foreign press.—R.K. 278 C O L L E G E A N D R E S E A R C H L I B R A R I E S PERIODICALS Gesamtinhaltsverzeichnis der wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften der Universitaten und Hochschu- len der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik. 1. Funfjahrverzeichnis, 1951/52 bis 1955/56. Berlin, Universitats-Bibliothek Berlin ( H u m - boldt-Universitat), 1959. 170p. Between 1951/52 and 1955/56 over forty-three h u n d r e d articles appeared in learned serials p u b - lished at fifteen East German universities and Hochschulen. T h i s v o l u m e represents a five-year cumulation of the annual indexes to those papers, arranged by specific topics within such general subjects as: Marxismus-Leninismus, Phi- losophic, Mathematik, T e c h n i k , Medizin, T h e - ologie. T h e next n u m b e r (in preparation) will be a two-year index f o r material published be- tween 1956 and 1958, further five-year cumula- tions to follow.—E.J.R. Russkaia periodicheskaia pechat' (1702-1894); spravochnik. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo polit. lit-ry, 1959. 835p. 17r. T h i s work by several editors contains descrip- tions of a selection of Russian political, social, and literary periodicals. It complements f o r the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries a book of the same title f o r periodicals which c o m m e n c e d publication between 1895 and October 1917 (Sup- plement 3V160). Some newspapers, almanacs, special supplements, and collections are included. Titles are arranged chronologically and each has a short historical description with names of editors and major contributors. O n e of the prin- cipal aims is to provide a commentary o n the political orientation of the journals as j u d g e d by current Soviet criteria. A l t h o u g h not a formal bibliography it can be useful in conjunction with programs in Russian history and literature. It in n o way supersedes Lisovskii (Guide E50, E51) as the general bibliography f o r Russian periodicals prior to 1900.—E.B. R E L I G I O N Bibliographia patristica. Internationale patris- tische Bibliographie. 1-2, 1956-57. Berlin, W . de Gruyter, 1959- . N o . 1. D M 23. (Annual). Medievalists will find this new annual bibliog- raphy of great interest. A g r o u p of patristic scholars, including representatives of different confessions, contribute to listing studies about the early Christian fathers and related historical and theological topics. Each of the first two an- nuals contains about a thousand entries selected f r o m a wide range of publications; the abbrevia- tion list contains about nine hundred titles of journals and series. T h e r e are cross references to main entries, a section listing reviews, and a name index. T h e boundary date f o r the East is the Council of Nicea, 787 A.D. and f o r the West, the death of Ildefons of T o l e d o , 667 A.D.—E.B. SOCIAL SCIENCES BERNSDORF, WILHELM. Internationales soziologen Lexikon . . . Stuttgart, Ferdinand Enke, 1959. 662p. D M 49. A companion volume to the author's Worter- buch der Soziologie (Supplement 2L15), this bio- graphical dictionary includes brief sketches of the professional life and activity of more than a thousand persons, unrestricted by period or na- tionality. "Sociologist" is broadly interpreted, so that such historical figures as Hobbes, A d a m Smith, Marx, etc., are included, as well as many contemporaries m o r e specifically identified with other disciplines. T h e sketches usually indicate, in condensed f o r m , academic training and p r o - fessional posts held, followed by a brief interpre- tation and summary of the subject's interests, point of view, and specialty, and concluding with a brief listing of the scholar's m a j o r works. A l - though there is, understandably, a large per- centage of German names included, spot check- ing reveals few serious omissions f r o m other countries. Articles are signed.—J.N.W. BOGUE, DONALD JOSEPH. The Population of the United States. W i t h a special chapter on fer- tility by Wilson H . Grabill. Glencoe, 111., Free Press [1959] 873p. (Studies in p o p u l a t i o n dis- tribution, n o . 14.) $17.50. Originally planned simply to bring u p to date Warren T h o m p s o n ' s Population Trends in the United States [1933], this volume n o w appears as a completely new work aiming to describe and interpret United States p o p u l a t i o n changes f r o m 1950-1960, and to summarize available knowledge about recent changes and historical trends in the leading fields of p o p u l a t i o n analysis. Such a bare statement gives little hint of the tremendous amount of information and statistics herein pre- sented. Twenty-six chapters cover all aspects of population (geographical distribution, age, mi- gration, income, housing, etc.). T h e r e is a separate chapter o n Alaska and Hawaii, and on "Future population: implications." Sixty-eight statistical tables in the A p p e n d i x supplement over five hundred tables and charts in the text; sources are given f o r each, often with critical comment. T h e index appears adequate, but it is to be re- gretted that the bibliography of books and arti- cles planned f o r each chapter was abandoned because of its size. Comprehensive and pertinent, this is clearly an invaluable work.—E.J.R. J U L Y 1 9 6 0 279 Congressional Staff Directory. 1959- . Indianapo- lis, New York, Bobbs-Merrill, 1959- . $7.50. As the Preface suggests, this volume will un- doubtedly be of most immediate usefulness " t o those w h o work on the 'Hill,' to those who work with the 'Hill' or to those w h o write about the 'Hill.' " It should also prove helpful in the large reference collection. Not a government publica- tion, it is intended as a companion volume to the Congressional Directory, with emphasis on congressional staffs. T h o u g h duplicating much material readily available in the Congressional Directory and the Government Organization Manual, there is a fair amount of additional in- formation presented in convenient form, e.g., listings of subcommittee assignments, staffs of committees and of the individual congressmen. Admittedly selective, the section of staff biogra- phies is limited to "key staff personnel." Pre- sumably later editions are planned.—E.S. [Uganda], East African Swahili Committee and East African Institute of Social Research, Makerere College, 1958. 202p. Loose-leaf. 105 6 d. T h e first edition of this bibliography at- tempted to bring together "in one easily accessi- ble publication a list of all that was known to have been written on the grammar and lexicon of the East African languages." This revised edi- tion incorporates the listings from the 1954 vol- ume and its supplements with additional ma- terial: books, periodical articles, and manuscripts. Sections are devoted to the languages of Tangan- yika, Kenya, and Uganda, with a special section for Swahili. Within the sections, arrangement is alphabetical by language, then by author. Loose- leaf format is employed, with plans to issue sup- plementary sheets every two years. A "List of current vernacular and Swahili newspapers" is appended. T h e r e is no author index.—E.S. E D U C A T I O N Index generalis: France 1958, enseignement su- perieur, recherche scientifique, observatoires. Paris, Klincksieck, 1959. I75p. $5. Plans for the publication of the 1958 Index Generalis having been canceled, it is a pleasure to note that at least the section for France has been published. Following the same arrangement as earlier volumes, it covers universities and in- stitutions of higher education, scientific institutes, and observatories. One of the most useful features of the set is carried over and there is an alpha- betical index of personal names as well as an index of institutions. W h i l e we regret the passing of the full work, we welcome this small part. • D I C T I O N A R I E S A N D L I N G U I S T I C S L E W A N S K I , R I C H A R D C . A Bibliography of Polish Dictionaries, with a Supplement of Lusatian and Polabian Dictionaries. New York, New York Public Library, 1959. 63p. $2. Over 450 titles of Polish, Wendic, and Polabian dictionaries have been assembled in this pioneer list. T h e major groupings are monolingual, bilingual, and polyglot. Inclusion of dictionaries of biography, geography, and pseudonyms adds to the reference value of the bibliography, going beyond the expected categories of dialect, ety- mology, slang, and synonyms. T h e r e are author and title indexes and a list of principal sources. — E . B . W H I T E L E Y , W . H . AND G U T K I N D , A . E . Linguistic Bibliography of East Africa. Rev. ed. Kampala S C I E N C E A N D T E C H N O L O G Y B O N N , GEORGE S. Japanese Journals in Science and Technology: An Annotated Checklist. New York, New York Public Library, 1960. 119p. $2. An annotated list of 660 titles of scientific and technical journals published by Japanese societies, government agencies, industries, private pub- lishers, and universities. Arrangement is by sub- ject subdivided by type of publishing body. Titles are given in roman type (romaji) if the offi- cial title is in Japanese, or in English if that is official, Japanese characters, and English transla- tion, followed by information on frequency, date of founding, subscription price, and brief anno- tations 011 coverage. Explicit information on in- clusion and arrangement is given in the introduc- tion. T h e r e are indexes " b y subject, by key word, by title, by society or agency, by language, by evaluation, and so o n . " An important feature is the indication by sym- bol of the ninety-one titles considered to be out- standing in their respective fields. F I N E A R T S C H A M B E R L I N , M A R Y W . Guide to Art Reference Books. Chicago, American Library Association, 1959. 418p. $10. Prepared by the fine arts librarian of Co- lumbia, this work organizes and evaluates refer- ence sources for the history of art. Listing more than two thousand titles ranging from ready- reference to highly specialized works, the fields covered are, in general, those included in the Fine Arts (N) section of the L C classification 280 C O L L E G E A N D R E S E A R C H L I B R A R I E S scheme, i.e., architecture, painting, sculpture, prints and engravings, drawings and the applied arts. T h e arrangement is basically by subject, preceded by general chapters arranged by form, e.g., bibliographies, directories, encyclopedias, iconography, etc. Each title has a carefully writ- ten descriptive and often evaluative annotation. T h e two concluding chapters list and describe 250 art periodicals (omitting museum bulletins) and a selection of some of the most used series of art books. Finally, an appendix gives descrip- tions of the holdings of the most important special art collections and libraries of the United States and Western Europe. Well organized and expertly prepared, this Guide should find a place in the general as well as in the art library and should be a vade-mecum to all students of art history. EWEN, DAVID. Encyclopedia of Concert Music. New York, Hill and Wang, [1959], 566p. $7.50. T h i s guide, a companion volume to the au- thor's Encyclopedia of Opera, (Supplement 2Q62) is addressed to the amateur concert-goer and record collector. It includes, in a dictionary arrangement, some "1500 of the best known com- positions in all branches of instrumental music, past and present" (Preface); biographies of com- posers, conductors, performers, and instrumental- ists; information on famous orchestras, ensembles, festivals, concert series, and auditoriums; musi- cal terms, forms, styles, trends, and literary sources of many musical compositions. Entries range in length from one-line definitions to long articles on the more important subjects. Cross reference is made from a composer's biography to his compositions included throughout the work. — R . K . Filmlexicon degli autori e delle opere. Roma, Edizioni di Bianco e Nero, [1948-1959] v.1-3. (In progress.) il. $20 per volume. Contents: v.1-3, Authors, A - L . These are the first three volumes of a work which is planned as an extensive encyclopedia of the entire film world. T h e r e are to be two sec- tions, Authors and Works; and specialized sup- plements (e.g., a cultural and technical diction- ary; a complete index of films mentioned in the author entries) are planned. T h e term " A u t h o r s " includes directors, script-writers, producers, ac- tors, cameramen, costume designers, etc. Entries include biographical sketches, "filmographies" (which list film titles, principals, and dates), and, for the more important names, bibliographies. Illustrations are drawn from many of the films mentioned in the text.—R.K. Guide to the Performing Arts. 1957- . Compiled by Sara Yancey Belknap. New York, Scarecrow Press, 1960- . Annual. " T h i s is the first annual index of the perform- ing arts. It began as a supplement to The Guide to the Musical Arts which, in turn, grew from The Guide to Dance Periodicals." (Preface). W h i l e the present volume evidently continues, on a broader plane, the "musical arts" publica- tion, there is no clear statement either to that effect or as to whether this new annual is meant to incorporate the Guide to Dance Periodicals. An author and subject listing in two parts ("the main section and the television arts section"), the volume also includes lists of illustrations follow- ing the entries for articles. More than sixty periodicals are listed, most of them being in- dexed only selectively.—E.S. MELNITZ, WILLIAM WOLF. Theatre Arts Publica- tions in the United States, 1947-1952; a Five- year Bibliography. [Dubuque, Iowa, cl959.] 91 p. (American Educational Theatre Associa- tion Monograph No. 1.) $3. More comprehensive than its ninety-one pages suggest, this volume includes 4,063 entries, at- tempting to list "every book and article on the theater and most publications in the related media [motion pictures, radio, and television] that appeared in the United States and Canada during the five-year period." Emphasis is on as- pects of dramatic production, with critical re- views of plays largely excluded. While there is an author index, there is none for specific subjects, and the subject arrangement (outlined in the "Subject I n d e x " at front of the volume) leaves something to be desired. Many of the categories (e.g., lighting, make-up, puppetry) are specific enough, but others (e.g., acting, dance) are so broad as to require scanning of several pages of small type, including many titles so vague as to be meaningless within the broad groupings. N o cross references are used, though some items ap- pear in more than one category.—E.S. L I T E R A T U R E Dansk skfinlitteraert forfatterleksikon, 1900-1950. Bibliografisk redaktion: Svend Dahl; medre- daktore: Ludvig Bramsen og Mogens Haug- sted; biografisk redaktion: Povl Engelstoft. K0benhavn, Gr0nholt Pedersens forlag, 1959- . v.l- . (In progress.) 360, unb.; 414 Dan. kr„ b d . Contents: v.l, A - H . T o appear in three volumes, this bio-bibli- ographical dictionary of twentieth-century Dan- ish literary figures will treat some thirty-five J U L Y 1 9 6 0 281 hundred authors whose work was published be- tween 1900 and 1950. (Authors whose major work was done before 1900 are included if a single item appeared after that date.) Entries include a brief biographical sketch, a list of books, parts of books, pamphlets, periodical articles, film-, stage-, and radio-plays by the author, and a bib- liography of works about him. Data are meant to be complete through 1950, with some later listings. T h o u g h presented in abbreviated form, the bibliographies appear to be remarkably com- prehensive. Volumes 2 and 3 are scheduled for publication in 1960 and 1961, respectively.—E.S. French VII Bibliography. No. 11 (vol. 3, no. 1)- . New York, French Institute, 1959- . After mourning its passing some months ago, it is a real pleasure to note the reappearance of this valuable bibliography of contemporary French literature. T h e current number covers 1958, with a good many entries of earlier date. Plans have been developed to utilize P M L A bibliography slips in order to incorporate into future issues any pertinent items picked up in the M L A annual bibliography but omitted from French VII in the corresponding year.—E.S. HARDING, WALTER R O Y . A Thoreau Handbook. New York, New York University Press, 1959. 229p. $4.50. Compiled by the secretary of the Thoreau So- ciety, this guide to Thoreau scholarship surveys the literature under such general topics as Thoreau's life (with an evaluation of biogra- phies), his individual works, the sources of his ideas and attitudes, and the course of his fame. In each section a general evaluative discussion is followed by a critically annotated listing of sources used. T h e author states that particular effort was made to include doctoral dissertations; a few master's essays are also listed. Compact and nicely printed, this volume should prove a very useful handbook.—E.J.R. JUCHHOFF, RUDOLF. Sammelkatalog der biogra- phischen und literakritischen Werke zu engli- schen Schriftstellern des 19. und 20. Jahrhun- derts (1830-1958); Verzeichnis der Bestande in deutschen Bibliotheken. . . . Krefeld, Scherpe Verlag [1959?]. 272p. D M 64.70. Several hundred authors are included in this useful subject bibliography. Arrangement is al- phabetical by author treated, with materials on each in three groupings: letters and other auto- biographical items, bibliographies, and general studies. Within each group listing is chronologi- cal. N o periodical articles are included, but monographs, dissertations, and a large number of essays and chapters of books make many of the individual bibliographies of impressive sub- stance (e.g., approximately 150 references on Matthew Arnold). Coverage is international, al- though there is naturally a high percentage of German items. Locations of holdings are given for some sixty German libraries.—J.N.W. Literary and Library Prizes. New York, R . R. Bowker Company, 1959. 259p. $6. T h e fourth edition of this work—formerly Famous Literary Prizes and Literary Prizes and Their Winners (Guide R24)—lists literary prizes both American and foreign, giving some explana- tion and background of the award together with a list of the recipients of the prize for each year since its establishment. T h i s is the first year that library prizes have been included. A full index of prizes, organizations, and winners' names makes the book easy to use.—R.K. PARRISH, STEPHEN M A X F I E L D . A Concordance to the Poems of Matthew Arnold. Ithaca, N.Y., Cornell University Press [1959], 965p. (Cornell Concordances.) $10. T h e first of a new series of concordances (Yeats will be next) planned at Cornell. As a machine-produced work it has a number of dis- tinctive features (e.g., lack of punctuation) of which the librarian will want to be aware. These, together with other problems (words omitted, inclusion of variants, etc.), are discussed in a very readable and informative preface. An ap- pendix lists words in order of their frequency.— E.S. T I N K E R , C H A U N C E Y BREWSTER. The Tinker Li- brary; a Bibliographical Catalogue of the Books and Manuscripts Collected by Chauncey Brewster Tinker, compiled by Robert F. Metz- dorf. New Haven, Yale University Library, 1959. 530p. Chauncey Brewster Tinker, professor of Eng- lish literature at Yale, keeper of rare books in the Yale University Library, and a lifetime book collector, had "a definite plan in his collecting; to acquire manuscripts, the first printings, and significant subsequent editions of the authors to whom he had dedicated his teaching and re- search career." (Preface.) His library is now deposited in the Yale Li- brary and this catalog of his collection gives de- tailed bibliographical descriptions of books with listings and brief annotations of manuscripts and manuscript letters. References are frequently given to works in which additional information 282 C O L L E G E A N D R E S E A R C H L I B R A R I E S on the writer or item may be found, as the col- lection was formed primarily for use rather than for exhibition or investment. Authors included are, for the most part, English writers of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, though some earlier names may also be found. H I S T O R Y AKADEMIIA NAUK SSR. Institut istorii material'noi kul'tury. Sovet-skaia arkheologicheskaia litera- tura; bibliografiia 1941-1957. Sostavili N. A. Vinberg, T . N. Zadneprovskaia i A. A. Liubi- mova. Moskva, 1959. 773p. 25r 90k. T h i s comprehensive bibliography of archaeo- logical literature published in the USSR between 1941 and 1957 reflects the expansion of archeo- logical exploration in that country. Architecture, art, applied art, epigraphy, numismatics, and sphragistics from paleolithic times u p to the seventeenth century are included. Four main chapters deal with geographical areas of the Soviet Union, but general literature and work done outside the Soviet Union are accorded two additional chapters. Title page and table of con- tents are added in French. A volume for publica- tions of the years 1929-1940 is in preparation, to continue the biblliography published in 1931 for the years 1918-1828.—E.B. AMERICAN UNIVERSITIES FIELD STAFF, I N C . A Select Bibliography: Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe, Latin America. New York [cl960], 534p. " A s their recommendation for a basic collec- tion on Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe, and Latin America, the compilers have chosen nearly 6,000 titles of books and journals in Western lan- guages, preponderantly English." (Foreword). Designed to foster and facilitate undergraduate study of these areas, this is "an over-all college- level bibliography," representing a cooperative effort of members of the American Universities Field Staff and scholars at other institutions. Em- phasis is on quality, but some preference is given to recent imprints. Arrangement is by subject within the geographic area, a separate table of contents for each geographical section serving as a guide to the subject groupings. T h e r e are separate author and title indexes. Bibliographi- cal information is complete (including price and LC card number when available), and a high percentage of items is annotated. As a further guide to building collections on these areas, the letters A and B are used to indicate first and second priority within a given category. " B y the generous action of the Ford Founda- tion, one copy of this bibliography goes free of charge to every accredited four-year college in the United States that wants it." (Foreword)— E.S. B O A T N E R , M A R K M A Y O . The Civil War Diction- ary. Maps and diagrams by Allen C. Northrop and Lowell I. Miller. N.Y., McKay [1959]. 947p. maps. $15. A wide range of materials is covered and a remarkable amount of information contained in this excellent single volume. Although "em- phasis is on inclusiveness rather than compre- hensivensss" (Introd.), many of the articles are of some length, and all seem to contain at least the pertinent data for ready reference, clearly expressed. Biographical entries predominate; other categories include military organization, campaigns and battles, military terms, weapons, political issues, slogans, and other relevant his- torical items. Cross references and citations to a substantial list of authorities are adequately handled. A fifteen-page section of maps at the end supplements a number of smaller ones used throughout the text. After the spate of badly edited and generally inferior one-volume subject encyclopedias which have appeared in the past several years, it is particularly gratifying to see an example of the type as well done as this one.—J.N.W. MEYEN, FRITZ. The North European Nations as Presented in German University Publications, 1885-1957. Bonn, H. Bouvier; Charlottesville, Va., Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia, 1959. 123p. $7.50. Added title page in German. Contents, preface and headings in English and German. A listing of some eleven hundred doctoral dis- sertations submitted in German institutions of higher learning from 1885-1957, on subjects as- sociated with Scandinavia and Finland. Subject coverage is varied, with emphasis on linguistics, literature, and history. T h e bibliography is ar- ranged in large subject categories with subdivi- sions and with author and subject indexes. Indi- cation is given of form, i.e., printed, hand-writ- ten, type-written. T h e two latter are usually available only in the institutions in which they were submitted; printed dissertations are usually found in all German university libraries. This should be a welcome addition in a specialized field. OKINSHEVICH, L E O AND G O R O K H O F F , CECILIA J . Latin America in Soviet Writings, 1945-1958; a Bibliography. Edited by Nathan A. Haverstock. Washington, Slavic and Central European Di- vision and the Hispanic Foundation, Reference Dept., Library of Congress, 1959. 257p. (His- panic Foundation bibliographical series, No. 5.) Distribution by issuing office. J U L Y 1 9 6 0 283 " T h i s bibliography lists about 2,200 items originally written by Russians and also Russian translations of works relating to Latin America by writers of all nationalities that were published in the Soviet Union between 1945 and 1958." (Preface). Arrangement follows in general that of the Handbook of Latin American Studies. Titles appear in English translation and in transliter- ated Russian. T h e r e are subject and author in- dexes.—E.B. R O N A R T , STEPHAN AND R O N A R T , N A N D Y . Concise Encyclopaedia of Arabic Civilization. The Arab East. Amsterdam, Djambatan [cl959], 589p. F1.30. " R a p i d and condensed information on indi- vidual elements in the general pattern of [Arabic] civilization" is neatly presented here in articles ranging f r o m 'Aba to Zuhri al-, and from three lines to several pages as f o r Arab race, Druzes, Education, M i d d l e Class, Shi'ah, etc.). For each country of the Arab East (the Arabian Peninsula, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Leba- non, Syria) there is a summary article. Prefer- ence of entry in general is f o r the specific term, i.e., not "Literature" but " M a w l i d Literature," " R e - ligious Poetry," etc. Brief identifications of terms, places, and persons are plentiful. O n e misses ar- ticles f o r such topics as calendar, the Crusades; cross references are at a m i n i m u m ; . and there are numerous misprints; but these are minor criticisms in comparison to the book's many vir- tues. Twenty black-and-white maps, genealogical tables, and a brief bibliography supplement the text. T h i s should prove a most useful handbook for quick reference, d o u b l y so when the pro- jected second volume o n the Arab West ( M o - rocco, Algeria, Tunis, Lybia, and the Sudan) ap- pears.—E.J.R. SHARMA, JAGDISH SARAN. Indian National Con- gress: A Descriptive Bibliography of India's Struggle for Freedom. . . . Delhi, S. Chand, 1959. 816p. (National bibliographies, 3.) Rs.40 [14]. Of the 9,135 entries, slightly more than half (i.e., 4,653 items) make u p the bibliography proper, the remainder forming the " C h r o n o l o g y of selected events 1885-1958." T h e classified bib- liography lists books, parts of books, articles, of- ficial publications of the INC, resolutions, circu- lars, etc., o n topics such as the INC, swaraj (home rule movement) , and subsequent events, as well as wider topics like education, land re- form, Pakistan. Most items are in English, many with descriptive annotation; full imprint is given for all. T h e index (pp.753-811) includes au- thors and subjects but few titles, and (for the chronology section) place names. T h e user would d o well to scan the table of contents, however, as some material might be missed. For example, in the main listing "Language question" is used; in the supplement, "National language ques- tion." Also, extensive as it seems, the index has n o entry for Vinoba Bhave, although under " B h o o d a n m o v e m e n t " in the bibliography there are eighteen items which deal with his work. For United States libraries, the book should be par- ticularly useful for its listing of the various types of official publications.—E.J.R. WARNER, EZRA J. Generals in Gray; Lives of the Confederate Commanders. Baton Rouge, Lou- isiana State University Press, 1959. 420p. illus. $7.50. Reference books, quite properly, are not ex- cluded f r o m the flood of current publications on the Civil War. T h i s one consists of a biographi- cal sketch and a portrait (the latter with one exception) of each of the 425 general officers of the Confederate Army, 200 of w h o m , according to the author, are not included in the Dictionary of American Biography. Emphasis is on military careers during the war, with brief summaries of earlier and later activities. Other personal information—parentage, marriages, children—is scant. Appendixes include footnotes documenting sources of information and an extensive bibli- ography.—J.N.W. WOOD, HUGH B. Nepal Bibliography. Eugene, Ore., American-Nepal Education Foundation, 1959. 108p. Approximately a thousand items are listed here, constituting a useful bibliography f o r the specialist or student interested in this region. Except for a brief selection at the end, only Western-language materials are included, with emphasis on historical, political, social, and cul- tural aspects of Nepalese life. Arrangement is by form, i.e., books, articles, newspaper notices, unpublished materials (including governmental reports), etc. Bibliographic information is g o o d , and for many of the items there are brief an- notations.—J.N.W. Writings on British History, 1940-1945 . . . com- piled by Alexander T a y l o r Milne. L o n d o n , J. Cape, 1960. 2v. £ 6 6s. (In progress.) Continuing the series begun in 1937 (Guide V281), the 1939 volume of which appeared in 1953 (Supplement 2V70), these volumes repre- sent an attempt to bridge a part of the gap oc- casioned by the war and, in time perhaps, get the work back on an annual basis. Following the scope and arrangement of the earlier vol- umes, the bibliography is an exhaustive list of books and articles published during the 1940-45 period on British history f r o m about 400 A.D. to 1914, with a selective listing f o r the years since 1914.—E.S. 284 C O L L E G E A N D R E S E A R C H L I B R A R I E S