College and Research Libraries Operation Book Shift By D O N A L D P. H A M M E R ANEW $800,000 BOOKSTACK addition completed in November 1958 made it necessary to shift the entire one-and-a- half million volume bookstack collection in the University of Illinois Library. Over a period of about f o u r months the work of fifty students, each working from twelve to twenty hours a week, three half-time deck supervisors, a n d the full- time bookstack librarian was needed to complete the project. Since this move was made while normal service was pro- vided in the library, only a part of the deck supervisors' and the bookstack li- brarian's time could be devoted to the project. T h e cost of the move amounted to about twelve thousand dollars. T h e new addition consisted of ten floors or decks with about twenty-two h u n d r e d shelves or about a fifty thou- sand-volume capacity per floor. T h e older sections of the bookstacks also consist of ten floors, b u t with about five thousand to fifty-five h u n d r e d shelves providing a book capacity of about a h u n d r e d and fifty thousand volumes per floor. As in every library that reaches ca- pacity or near capacity, many of the Dewey classes in the old b u i l d i n g had to be broken at undesirable places in order to provide shelving space for rapidly ex- p a n d i n g subject fields. At best, many patrons find a large library difficult to use, a n d such a condition of separation only intensifies the difficulties. It was hoped that this new addition would make possible a better shelving arrange- m e n t on some of the floors. I n many cases this proved possible; in a few cases no improvement could be m a d e because of a lack of shelf space for f u r t h e r expan- sion in spite of the new addition. It had been previously decided that Formerly on the University of Illinois Li- brary staff, Mr. Hammer is now Head, Serials Unit, Purdue University Libraries. the expansion available on each floor would be most useful in the f u t u r e by d i s t r i b u t i n g it m o r e or less e v e n l y throughout all the shelving. T h i s deci- sion made it necessary to account for all available expansion in both the old and new stack additions. T h e first step in p l a n n i n g the occupa- tion of the new stacks was to determine the exact a m o u n t of expansion in terms of whole shelves that would be available on each floor in both the old and new T h e problem of accounting for all the odds and ends of empty shelving was solved in a very unconventional way. A piece of ordinary string was used as a measuring device. A piece of string as long as a shelf was matched with as many empty portions of shelves as was necessary to reach the end of the string. This, then, indicated that one empty shelf was available. T h i s procedure was continued throughout the bookstacks until the n u m b e r of empty shelves on each floor was determined. At the same time an actual count of all shelves, utilized or not, on each indi- vidual floor was made. I n accordance with the decision men- tioned previously, it was necessary at this point to determine how m u c h expansion per shelf was available. T h i s was f o u n d by dividing the n u m b e r of empty shelves in the old and new stacks as determined through the use of the string by the total n u m b e r of shelves both used and empty, old and new. As an example, if through the use of S E P T E M B E R 1 9 6 0 393 the string it was determined that there were 2,527 empty shelves on a certain floor, and by actual count it was deter- mined that there was a total of 7,757 shelves, b o t h utilized and empty, on the same floor, the 2,527 was then divided by the 7,757. T h i s indicated that there was .325 expansion available per shelf. T h e decimal figure then had to be converted to inches to be useful. T h i s was done by multiplying the decimal figure by the length in inches of a typical shelf; that is, .325 X 35 = 11.375. T h i s indicated that approximately eleven inches expansion could be left available on each shelf when the books were shifted on that particular floor. After it was determined that sufficient f u t u r e expansion was available on each floor for the preferred arrangement of the various Dewey classes, it was felt necessary to present the preferred plan in graphic form to all staff members con- cerned. T e n large floor plans were pro- vided, one for each floor of the building, showing the exact position of all shelv- ing. T h e proposed position of the m a j o r Dewey classes on the various floors with the possible expansion determined as ex- plained above was illustrated by colored paper thumbtacked over the position of the shelving on each plan. T h e colored paper represented the area occupied by each class including expansion. T h i s method made it simple, by moving the colored paper from place to place on the floor plans, to prove or disprove the feasi- bility of each staff member's hypotheti- cally suggested shelving plan. In this m a n n e r a definite arrangement for all classes was agreed upon, and the actual book shifting could be done with confi- dence that the books intended for a certain area would fit into that area with sufficient space for expansion allowed. T h e last of the mechanical problems involved was the need for a method that would maintain the planned expansion per shelf d u r i n g the actual shifting. Ob- viously, this could not be done by eye alone since most of us are poor judges of space a n d distances. T h e use of rulers would certainly m a i n t a i n constant ex- pansion, b u t they would be clumsy to use. T h i s difficulty was overcome by cutting 2" X 4 " blocks of wood the length of the intended expansion to be left per shelf on each floor. T h e block was then placed on the right-hand side of a shelf as the shifting progressed and the books were shelved u p to it. A book end was then p u t in place, and the block moved to the next shelf, ad infinitum. T h i s system, with its detailed plan- ning, eliminated much of the guesswork from the shifting, and the a m o u n t of ex- pansion planned per shelf was main- tained. O n the whole, the system worked well. T h e expansion, however, had to be ad- justed in some individual areas as the shifting progressed because of h u m a n error or because of the expansion needs of some subject fields over others. I n a few places the system did not meet expectations because of the lack of close supervision. As an example, the total n u m b e r of shelves needed on each floor was known, b u t as the work pro- gressed no record was kept of the num- ber of shelves removed or added in order to adjust to the varying height of books. It cannot be stressed enough that ac- curacy in using the string and in count- ing shelves was an absolute necessity. Carelessness in accounting for the odds and ends of empty shelves can easily throw off the whole approach. It is ob- vious that three inches or so ignored throughout several thousand shelves will total u p to considerable shelf space. Many people contributed ideas toward the development of this shifting system, and most of those people spent many hours in p l a n n i n g and supervision. It was only through this detailed p l a n n i n g that the system was successful. 394 C O L L E G E A N D R E S E A R C H L I B R A R I E S