College and Research Libraries New Periodicals of 1961—Part I By G E R A L D I N E KAUFMAN M A U R E R RESEARCH AND ITS HANDMAIDENS, a b s t r a c t s and bibliography, seem to be stressed this year so far. Medicine and business have some interesting new facets. ABSTRACTS, BIBLIOGRAPHY. T h e C e n t r a l A b - stracting Service of the American Petro- leum Institute has begun Abstracts of Re- fining Patents which in addition to the United States, will include information on patents in Australia, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, T h e Netherlands, the Union of South Africa, and the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics; Venezuela will be added later. T h e arrange- ment is by subject with all items consecu- tively numbered. Hospital Abstracts, pre- pared by the Ministry of Health of Great Britain, covers world literature on hospital administration, excepting strictly medical and related professional matters. T h e ar- rangement is by subject under which the consecutively numbered items are listed by author; there is an author index. T o comple- ment its Prevention of Deterioration Abtracts, the Prevention of Deterioration Center is starting Environmental Effects on Ma- terials and Equipment Abstracts; the for- mer covers "natural" environmental factors, the latter is to cover "induced" environmen- tal factors—"mechanical shock, vibration, excessive heat, vacuum, gravity, magnetism, electromagnetic radiation, dissociated and ionized gases, plasma, meteoritic dust, auro- rae, and coronae." No abstracts in fields cov- ered elsewhere will be included, e.g. effects of artificially produced nuclear radiation on materials. In each issue the abstracts will be arranged by the factors with a subject in- dex. International Aerospace Abstracts has a subject arrangement; individual items, numbered consecutively, are entered under title followed by author and bibliographical data. An author index is included in each issue. This publication is sponsored by the National Science Foundation and the Of- fice of Scientific Research of the U. S. Air Force. T h e first issue of the Acquisitions List of Antarctic Cartographic Materials lists the cartographic data available at United Mrs. Maurer is Head of the Serials Sec- tion, Descriptive Cataloging Division, Li- brary of Congress. States organizations: Aeronautical Chart and Information Center, Antarctic Projects Of- fices, Department of State, Geological Sur- vey, Hydrographic Office, Library of Con- gress, Navy Task Force 43; and at the American Geographical Society. Items are arranged by gazetteers, geodetic data, maps, and photography. T h e Quarterly Check-List of Mathematical an International Index of Current Books, Monographs, Brochures & Separates, and the Quarterly Check-List of Psychology; an International Index of Cur- rent Books, Monographs, Brochures & Sepa- rates list items alphabetically by author, in numbered sequence. Full bibliographical in- formation including price and type of bind- ing is included. Medical Literature, Inc., is preparing Psychopharmacology Abstracts, which contains short summaries of world literature; the agency hopes to include works in a span of three to six weeks after their publication. T o enable librarians more readily to obtain information about reports of international meetings, the Union of In- ternational Associations has begun publica- tion of Bibliographic Courante des Docu- ments, Comptes Rendus et Actes des Reunions Internationales. Under subjects (listed both in French and English) items are listed by the organization or by editor (if by editor the name of the organization is brought out either in the title or in a note); imprint, collation, and series are given; price, if known; notes when neces- sary, as to language. Training Research Ab- stracts abstracts magazine articles, bulletins, books, reports, etc., on training; it also con- tains annotations of bibliographies. Items are arranged by the author whose work is abstracted; they will, apparently, cover any kind of training. ART. Artist's Proof will devote itself to printmaking anywhere and in any stage, S E P T E M B E R 1 9 6 1 375 when worth is present. T h e first issue, illus- trated, has articles on Rolf Nesch, Harold Paris, Shiko Munakata as well as on other artists. T h e r e are also biographical sketches of the contributors. BUSINESS, C O M M E R C E , E C O N O M I C S . Believ- ing that the discount house is here not only to stay but also to grow, the publishers of DM; the Discount Merchandiser hope to point out ways that will lead to greater mass merchandising outlets. T h e highly illus- trated first issue chiefly contains articles on experiences and policies of established busi- nesses. Studi Internazionali di Economic Fi- nanziaria is in four large groups: Dottrina ("II Riscatto dell'Italia N°2 di Leo Solari; Sono Troppi i Capitoli del Bilancio? di Rino Onofri; Una Vertenza Italiana alia C E E : Legittimita dei Diritti Compensativi all'Entrata e Ristorni all' Esportazione di Elvio Tamburro"); Commenti, Note, Infor- mazioni; Panorama Tributario; and Varie di Attualita. T h e Bureau of Economic and Business Research, University of Illinois, has begun The Quarterly Review of Economics if Business which is not confined to Illinois faculty. T h e articles in the first issue are preceded by a grouping of summaries of all contributions plus biographical sketches of the authors; there are articles on government spending, industrial relations, instalment credit, interest, womanpower, etc. Signed book reviews are included. " T h e evolution of metal distribution from a warehousing operation to a complex processing and serv- ice industry is a comparatively recent phe- nomenon, brought about by the change in the needs of the metal consumer." T h e pur- pose of Metal Distributor is to serve this in- dustry whose worth is now reckoned at four and one-half billions of dollars. Schiff und Strom will be devoted to inland shipping and water ways, harbors, and wharfs. T h e first few issues contain technical and lighter articles, plus a section "Die Frau an Bord." At the same time, this publisher is issuing Seeverkehr to cover a comparable field in sea navigation. T h e International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation is initiating European Taxation which will give helpful data on tax laws, current and new, of the various countries in Europe. T h e r e will be a sec- tion for readers' questions, to which the bureau will offer solutions. With interna- tional editorial and advisory boards, Man- agement International will devote itself to identifying and solving management prob- lems by publishing the experiences of those in practical work and the researches of the academicians. A section of annotated bibli- ography is included. Each contribution will be in three languages: the author's own— English, French, German, or Italian; in Eng- lish; and a condensed version in another of the languages listed. COUNTRIES. Because of the general interest in Africa, Ghana Notes and Queries is in- cluded in this list even though the publica- tion is intended by the Council of the His- torical Society of Ghana to be primarily for Ghanaians to bridge the gap between profes- sional and amateur historians. T h e first is- sue, mimeographed, in addition to articles and news notes, contains a bibliography of periodical literature on Ghana and West Africa. T h e constant increase in the number of countries in Africa and Asia brings new forces into world cooperation and govern- ment. Asia & Africa Review, by presenting these developments, will contribute to un- derstanding and to abolishing prejudices. T h e first issue has, among others, articles on China, the United Arab Republic and Su- dan, apartheid, Portuguese colonies, Mauri- tania, and book reviews. T h e Chamber of Commerce of Czechoslovakia is publishing Czechoslovak Foreign Trade in four editions (English, French, German, and Spanish) to deliver abroad information concerning eco- nomic development in Czechoslovakia, with emphasis on foreign trade and economic co- operation. Est Europeo, superseding L'Altra Europa, will present political, economic, so- cial, and cultural information on the coun- tries in Eastern Europe which are in the sphere of Soviet influence. T h e first issue has articles on Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hun- gary, and Albania. Under the editorship of Imre Kovacs, The Hungarian Quarterly will present current problems of Hungary. T h e January issue has articles by Ferenc Nagy, Anna Kethly, Thomas J . Dodd, and Imre Kovacs; the disarmament question as dis- cussed on NBC by Edward Teller and Leo Szilard; documentary items (e.g., statements from the then President-Elect of the United States); reports from the United Nations; and reviews of publications from present day Hungary. Korean Report will attempt to keep up with the rapid changes in current 376 C O L L E G E A N D R E S E A R C H L I B R A R I E S events in Korea in order to present them to the American people along with articles on social life and general culture. T h e first issue contains articles on the revolution of April 1960, wooden masks, and the national flag; a section called "News, Views, 8c Aims;" and a signed book review. Issued by the Polska Agencja Prasowa (Polish Press Agency) Economic Survey "brings extensive information on Poland's economic life, her economic relations with foreign countries, statements by Polish economic leaders and economists, statistical material pertaining to Polish economy and a review of economic articles from the Polish press." Review; Yu- goslav Monthly Magazine is patterned some- what like Time in arrangement of broad classes (e.g., Home Affairs, Foreign Rela- tions) and subjects (e.g., Science, Art, The- atre, Books). It is illustrated, including por- traits and maps. E N G I N E E R I N G . T o the over seven billion dollar industry of non-residential heating, ventilating, and air conditioning equipment Comfort Engineering will present case his- tories, new products and their use, technical data, and reference material. Engineers in charge of specifications will probably wel- come this well-illustrated journal, the pub- lication of which is sponsored by manufac- turers in the above mentioned fields. Electrical Maintenance & Engineering is di- rected to diose whose responsibility it is to maintain electrical systems in manufacturing establishments, and to specify and to recom- mend equipment for purchase. Consequently, the February issue has illustrated articles on how problems are solved in some plants plus sections on new equipment and on manu- facturers bulletins describing new equip- ment. T h e aim of Engineering Graphics is to fill in the lag in engineering communication between the rapid growth in experience and technical development, and the knowledge gained from textbooks and formal instruc- tion. T h e January issue has articles on the construction of an apartment house over a new depressed expressway to the George Washington Bridge, a new tool which sim- plifies 3-dimensional drawings, and struc- tural designs for building in foreign lands. Metals Engineering Quarterly will contain papers on metals engineering which were presented at national and regional meetings of the American Society for Metals. T h e prime purpose of the Journal of the Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME is to pro- vide a forum for disseminating information to engineers in the petroleum industry. Highly technical articles are each preceded by an abstract and followed by references. T h e last page has portraits and biographical sketches of contributors. T h e expanding plastics industry (world production for 1960 was estimated at more than six million tons) thrusts upon the engineer the vast task of keeping up with new designs, new types, new machinery, new developments, etc. In- ternational Plastics Engineering will try to aid manufacturers and technologists in this pursuit. T h e first issue has articles on blow moulding in the United States; injection moulding in Austria and in England; heat welding in Hungary; a plant lay-out in Eng- land, a section on new equipment; etc. G E N E R A L C U L T U R E . C U R R E N T E V E N T S . T h e first issue of Anarchy contains four articles: "Rescuing Galbraith from the Conventional Wisdom" (unsigned); "Sex-and-Violence and the Origin of the Novel," by Alex Comfort; "Education, Equality, Opportunity," by John Ellerby; and . " T h e 'New Wave' in Britain," by Nicolas Walter. T h e second is- sue will be a symposium on "Workers' Con- trol." Asian Survey is issued by the Institute of International Studies, University of Cali- fornia, as a successor to the Far Eastern Sur- vey, "to provide insights into current devel- opments in Asia—to concern itself as much with the topical foreground as with the background of contemporary affairs." T h e first issue contains articles varied in scope on food, missionaries, cities, and the Diet of Japan, India, China, Burma, and Indonesia. So that Americans may draw their own con- clusions or make their own decisions con- cerning foreign opinions, Atlas will offer contributions in foreign periodicals, trans- lated or verbatim; topics will range from "art to zoology." T h e editors, headed by Eleanor Davidson Worley and Quincy Howe, have lived and worked abroad. There are signed book reviews. T h e Institute of Carib- bean Studies, University of Puerto Rico, is issuing Caribbean Studies to cover all fields —save natural sciences—of the area. T h e first issue is in sections: articles ("Language and Society in St. Lucia," " T h e Status of the Church in Saint-Dominique during the Last Years of the French Monarchy, 1781-1793"); S E P T E M B E R 1 9 6 1 377 research notes; book reviews (signed); notes on institutions and persons (grants, fellow- ships, congresses, programs, courses); and current bibliography (1961 imprints). Con- text is tied to the University of Chicago in that all contributors have some academic, cultural, or administrative relationship with the university, the contents were presented either by university personnel on or off the campus, or by guests on die campus; the subject matter is not limited. In answer to many requests, the International Committee of the Red Cross is issuing the Revue Inter- national de la Croix-Rouge in an English edition, The International Review of the Red Cross. Any articles on problems stem- ming from the rights of man will be in- cluded as long as the opinions expressed are not contrary to Red Cross principles. In ad- dition there are many news items on Red Cross activities and book reviews. Konti- nent; das Europaische Nachrichtenmagazin is somewhat in the familiar Time pattern, with its many portraits and subject arrange- ment. This publication will perhaps give different slants to our news stories. By caus- ing individuals to search inwardly, Neue Sammlung; Gottinger Blatter fiir Kultur und Erziehung purposes to help bring under- standing and unity into the field of human relations, which had been destroyed world wide. GERONTOLOGY. Because the study of aging involves a wide reach of subjects (medical, social, economic, genetic, etc.) the Geron- tological Society decided to issue a journal that would facilitate communications among all workers in the field. As a result, the arti- cles in the first issue of The Gerontologist are also wide spread: successful aging, living arrangements, reaction to disasters, skid row, productivity, personality of caretakers, etc. LAW. T h e Journal of Family Law owes its existence to a recommendation from the Commitee on Family Law of the Association of American Law Schools that there be such a journal; and the Law School of the Uni- versity of Louisville was granted the privilege of publishing the periodical. T h e first issue includes among others, articles on divorce, marriage counseling, and ancient laws on adultery. Juristische Schlung intends to aid teachers to develop scientifically schooled lawyers and to supplement the academic training of young lawyers; it wants to dis- cuss methods by which to grasp legal mat- ters of facts and value relations. Wisconsin Continuing Legal Education will enable law- yers in Wisconsin to continue their legal education through advanced, specialized, or practical instruction, gauged to meet the specific needs of lawyers whether they are experienced or newly admitted. T h e first issue has contributions on damages by the editor, James D. Ghiardi (Marquette Uni- versity Law School); on probate law by the Milwaukee County Register of Probate, Eu- gene M. Haertle; on fees by Eugene C. Ger- hart of New York; and on trial practice by Charles O. Brizius. L I T E R A T U R E . T h e first issue of Metamor- phosis contains poems and short stories some of which are illustrated. For some of the contributors this is the first appearance in print. Dasein aims to provide "an exhibition place for contemporary art in all the media that can be reduced to the printed page." T h e first issue contains chiefly poetry and short stories. T h e Poetry Seminar, a group of Chicago poets, is issuing Chicago Choice to contain "good new poems." Later, other groups of poets, e.g., St. Louis, will be fea- tured if material is available. Under the edi- torship of Alonzo Gibbs, The Kinsman, hand printed, will publish poetry and essays "in the tradition of thoughtful observation and intimacy established by Montaigne, Lamb, Addison and Steele, and others." Each issue of L'Esprit Createur will be devoted to a critical study of French literature either of one author or of one movement. T h e first issue comprises studies upon Andre Gide by faculty members of educational institutions in the United States; succeeding issues are to cover poetry of the Baroque Age, St^phane Mallarme, Pierre de Marivaux, Stendhal. Signed book reviews are included. M E D I C I N E . T h e Pharmaceutical Manufac- turers Association has decided to issue Medi- cine at Work to describe how people, or- ganizations, and professions grapple with various health questions. T h e first issue is de- voted chiefly to poison control centers. Den- tal Management aims to help the practicing dentist in respect to his time, money, and energy; therefore, it is not meant to be in the waiting room. T h e readable articles are not long and cover such items as social se- curity, collecting bills, investments, and part- nerships. Because successful treating of pa- 378 C O L L E G E A N D R E S E A R C H L I B R A R I E S tients with allergies is a complicated affair, requiring approach from both mind and body, and because certifying specialty boards set up divisive areas, the practicing physician feels restraints. The Journal of the Chil- dren's Asthma Research Institute and Hos- pital purposes "to break down the barriers of compartmentalization, thereby enabling the practicing physician to become ac- quainted with all those factors required in the total treatment of the allergic patient." T h e first issue is devoted to the proceedings of the second National Seminar of Regional Medical Consultants. "General and Compar- ative Endocrinology will publish articles based on studies on cellular mechanisms of hormone action, and on functional, develop- mental, and evolutionary aspects of verte- brate and invertebrate endocrine systems." Each study is preceded by a summary. T h e editors are Aubrey Gorbman, Columbia University, and E. J . W. Barrington, Uni- versity at Nottingham, Eng.; the advisory council and board of editors is international in scope. T h e Review of the Institute of Ap- plied Psychology contains papers which are based on the authors' experiences in their practices. While the contributors to the first issue are all members of the Institute, there is no statement concerning future policy. T h e first issue of The Journal of Surgical Research contains descriptions of experi- ments and studies performed at medical in- stitutions in the United States—save o n e — which are aimed to advance surgical knowl- edge. These studies are on tissue, respiration, renal cooling, aortic teflon grafts, the liver, peritonitis, etc., illustrated, well documented with references and accompanied by sum- maries and conclusions. Although the name of The Journal of New Drugs is indicatory of contents, it is not to be taken too narrowly since it will include original papers on older drugs in respect to new uses, new methods of administration, and new pronouncements on reactions or toxicity. Most of the contri- butions in the first issue have summaries; there is a section on the use and actions of new drugs which have become effective by the Food and Drug Administration; and there are book reviews. Specialists in one field of medicine may recommend one treat- ment for one type of head pains; specialists in a different field, may recommend a dif- ferent treatment for the same type of pain. T h e American Association for the Study of Headaches was founded as a forum for the discussion of beliefs and differences of such problems, and Headache will contain papers from the association's annual meetings as well as original articles on head pains. Nou- velle Revue Frangaise d'Hematologie is a technical journal on chemical pathology of blood. T h e original research articles are ac- companied by summaries both in French and English; the second section "Revue Critique," is composed of a sizeable work of J . W. Beard with translated title "Les Par- ticularity Essentielles des Virus des My£lo- blastoses et Erythroblastoses Aviaires"; there follow sections of news, summarized maga- zine articles, and signed book reviews. In an attempt to present speedily original articles on the transfusion sciences (problems, tech- nics, preservation of blood, genetics, anthro- pology) Transfusion will give preference to contributions of 2,000 words or less. There is a substantial section devoted to book re- views and abstracts of periodical articles. N E G R O E S . T h e advancement of the Negro, American and African, is accompanied by problems, difficulties, and national and in- ternational changes; these The Urbanite hopes to ease through discussions and com- mentaries of both new and known authors. Among the illustrations of the first issue are photos of the contributors, accompanied by biographical sketches. P H I L O S O P H Y , R E L I G I O N . The Liberal Context intends to publish articles containing pro- vocative and critical articles, from any writer or artist, in evaluating "the contemporary forms and experience in religion, philoso- phy, literature, science, and the arts." In addition to other articles, the first issue has one on Ingmar Bergman, an article by Mar- garet Mead, a story and poetry, and a signed book review. This journal is published by the College Centers Committee of the American Unitarian Association in cooperation with Liberal Religious Youth, Inc. T h e first pur- pose of International Philosophical Quar- terly is to bring together Western and East- ern philosophical thinking since Anglo-Saxon and continental European circles of philoso- phy have a widening breach. Each issue will have three articles from continental Europe and three or four from the English speaking countries. T h e journal is under the editor- ship of the Department of Philosophy, S E P T E M B E R 1 9 6 1 379 Fordham University, and the professors of philosophy, Berchmans Philosophicum, Hev- erlee, Belgium. T o provide methods for com- batting the rise and growth of non-Christian religions and cults is the purpose of Re- ligious Research Digest. T h e first issue con- tains articles on the Unity School of Chris- tianity ("Unity"), on Jehovah's Witnesses, on world missions and existentialism; it con- tains also signed book reviews. R E C R E A T I O N . Those journals already in circulation on boating are directed chiefly to the carriage trade, as it were, i.e., the yachtsmen. Watersport is directed to all lov- ers of the sport, to those who transport a boat on top of the car or on the attached hitch, to those who keep cruisers in marinas, and especially to those who do motor boat racing. Besides articles on racing and boat shows, the first issue has an article on boat construction and on sailing. Stamp World will not compete with the many weeklies on philately in respect to currency of news, but it will try to arouse interest in stamp collecting with articles that will be contro- versial, original and stimulating. One of the longer articles in the first issue is on Count Ferrary. Only those concerned with the lighter angle of mathematics will be inter- ested in Recreational Mathematics Magazine since it will contain puzzles, brainteasers, tricks, problems, word games, paper folding, etc. T h e first issue includes a book review and a bibliography for further enjoyment. Steamboats and Modern Steam Launches supersedes S. L. O. W. Bell, and will be de- voted to the hobby of amateur steamboat- ing describing what the devotees are doing, how they are solving their problems, how to find, sell, or trade equipment; it will include also articles on steamers of yesteryear. SCIENCE. Named in honor of Raimond Sabouraud, a French dermatologist, Sabour- audia is the journal of the International So- ciety for Human and Animal Mycology. It will contain articles, chiefly in English, on all aspects of human and animal mycology. T h e editorial board is international, no two from any one country. T h e first issue con- tains reports of technical experiments and studies; it includes signed book reviews. T h e Institute of Caribbean Studies of the Uni- versity of Puerto Rico is issuing The Carib- bean Journal of Science to stimulate interest and research in the natural sciences of the Caribbean area. In addition to articles on web spiders of the Maricao Forest and birds in southwestern Puerto Rico, the first issue has an extensive bibliography of recent sci- entific publications on the Caribbean, ar- ranged by subject. T h e first issue of the Journal of Chemical Documentation con- tains articles on French nomenclatures in or- ganic chemistry, on services of the Office of Technical Services, on data connected with IGY, on Chemical Abstracts, several articles on the chemist and patent lawyer, on in- dexing and several on mechanized searching of phosphorus compounds. Infrared Physics will be international in scope, with articles preferably in English; the authors of the ex- periments reported in the first issue are from Canada, England, Germany, and the United States; the editors are from Belgium, Eng- land, and the United States. Articles are il- lustrated and accompanied by abstracts, the one article in German has the abstract in English. SPE Transactions, published by the Society of Plastics Engineers, contains tech- nical articles, illustrated, on the science and engineering of plastics, including transla- tions of important articles from foreign peri- odicals. Abstracts of all the articles in the first issue are given on one page at the be- ginning. Although GT ir E Research ir De- velopment Journal is being issued primarily to keep personnel of the General Telephone & Electronics Corporation abreast of scien- tific research and developments in the firm's laboratories, nevertheless, it is being made available to workers in similar fields. American Zoologist will contain chiefly papers from meetings of the American So- ciety of Zoologists and from the society's annual refresher course, with the paramount purpose of keeping workers in specific fields aware of the work going on in other fields. All articles will be in English. T E C H N O L O G Y . T h e ASTM Bulletin was su- perseded by Materials Research ir Standards, an illustrated magazine containing technical papers plus news and notes of the Society and its members, and signed book reviews. By eliminating wasted produce and by clearing up transportation problems, Food Marketing International hopes to stimulate exchange of national foods, thus helping to fill the world-wide need for nourishing food. Each article is accompanied by summaries in German, French, and Spanish. 380 C O L L E G E A N D R E S E A R C H L I B R A R I E S Periodicals Abstracts of Refining Patents. American Petro- leum Institute, 1271 Avenue of the Americas, New York 20, N. Y. v. 1, no. 1, January 6, 1961. Weekly. Price not given. Acquisitions List of Antarctic Cartographic Ma- terials. Dr. Arthur L. Burt, Coordinator for Maps INR/M, Department of State, Washing- ton 25, D. C. no. 1, March 1961. Frequency not given. Free? American Zoologist. Managing Editor, Sears Cro- well, Department of Zoology, Indiana Univer- sity, Bloomington, Ind. v. 1, no. 1, February 1961. Quarterly. $9.00. Anarchy. Freedom Press, 17a Maxwell Road, London SW 6, England, no. 1, March 1961. Monthly? $3.00. Artist's Proof. Pratt Graphic Art Center, 795 Broadway, New York 3, N. Y. v. 1, no. 1, 1961. Semiannual. $5.00. Asia & Africa Review. University Place Book- shop, 69 University Place, New York 3, N. Y. v. 1, no. 1, January 1961. Monthly. 15s. Asian Survey. Philip E. Lilienthal, Editor, Asian Survey, University of California, Berkeley 4, Calif, v. 1, no. 1, March 1961. Monthly. $6.00. Atlas; the Magazine of the World Press. Worley Publishing Company, Inc., 31 West 57th Street, New York 19, N. Y. v. 1, no. 1, March 1961. Monthly. $7.50. The Caribbean Journal of Science. Institute of Caribbean Studies, Mayagiiez, Puerto Rico. v. 1, no. 1, February 1961. Quarterly. $2.00. Caribbean Studies. Institute of Caribbean Studies, University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras, P. R . v. 1, no, 1, April 1961. Quarterly. Free. Chicago Choice. T h e Poetry Seminar, Inc., Box 1359, Chicago 90, 111. v. 1, no. 1, Spring 1961. 2 nos. a year. $2.00. Comfort Engineering. Boston Publishing Com- pany, Inc., 221 Columbus Avenue, Boston 16, Mass. v. 1, no. 1, June 1961. Quarterly. Price not given. Context. University of Chicago, Office of Public Relations, 5801 Ellis Avenue, Chicago 37, 111. v. 1, no. 1, Spring 1961. Quarterly? Free? Czechoslovak Foreign Trade. Stechert & Hafner, Inc., 31 East 10th Street, New York 3, N. Y. v. 1, no. 1, January 1961. Monthly. $5.00. DM; the Discount Merchandiser. Super Market Publishing Co., Inc., 67 West 44th Street, New York 36, N. Y. v. 1, no. 1, June 1961. Monthly. $3.00. Dasein. Dasein Literary Society c/o "Howard Poets," Box 227, Howard University, Admin- istration Building, Washington 1, D. C. v. 1, no. 1, March 1961. Quarterly. $2.40. S E P T E M B E R 1 9 6 1 Dental Management. Professional Publishing Corporation, Stamford, Conn. v. 1, no. 1, Jan- uary 1961. Monthly. $5.00. Electrical Maintenance & Engineering. Morrison Publishing Co., Box 94, Crystal Lake, 111. v. 1, no. 1, February 1961. Monthly. $10.00. Engineering Graphics. St. Regis Publications, Inc., 7 West 44th Street, New York City. v. 1, no. 1, January 1961. Monthly. Price not given. Environmental Effects on Materials and Equip- ment Abstracts. Prevention of Deterioration Center, National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council, 2101 Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington 25, D. C. v. 1, no. 1, Jan- uary 1961. Monthly. $25.00. L'Esprit Createur. 320 4th Street S.E., Minne- apolis 14, Minn. v. 1, no. 1, Spring 1961. 4 nos. a year. $3.00. Est Europeo. Via Vittorio Veneto 116, Rome, Italy, v. 1, no. 1, January/February 1961. Bi- monthly. Lire 1000. European Taxation. International Bureau of Fis- cal Documentation, Herengracht 196, Amster- dam-C, T h e Netherlands, v. 1, no. 1, January 15, 1961. Fortnightly. $35.00 (airmail edition) Food Marketing International. 170 Varick Street, New York 13, N. Y. v. 1, no. 1, February/ March 1961. Bimonthly. $4.00. G T ir E Research & Development Journal. Gen- eral Telephone & Electronics Corporation, 730 Third Avenue, New York 17, N. Y. v. 1, no. 1, January 1961. Semiannual. $1.50. General and Comparative Endocrinology. Aca- demic Press, 111 Fifth Avenue, New York 3, N. Y. v. 1, no. 1, April 1961. Bimonthly? $18.00. The Gerontologist. Gerontological Society, Inc., 600 South Kingshighway Blvd., St. Louis 10, Mo. v. 1, no. 1, March 1961. Quarterly. $5.00. Ghana Notes and Queries. T h e Editor, P. O. Box 838, Kumasi, Ghana, v. 1, no. 1, January/ April 1961. 3 mos. a year. 1/6 (each issue?) Headache. American Association for the Study of Headache, 3720 Washington Avenue, St. Louis 8, Mo. v. 1, no. 1, April 1961. Quarterly. $10.00. Hospital Abstracts. H. M. Stationery Office, P. O. Box 569, London, SE1. v. 1, no. 1, January 1961. Monthly. £3. 4s. Od. The Hungarian Quarterly. 125 East 72nd Street, New York 21, N. Y. v. 1, no. 1, January 1961. $3.00. Infrared Physics. Pergamon Press Limited, 122 East 55th Street, New York 22, N. Y. v. 1, no. 1, March 1961. Frequency not given. $20.00. Institute of Applied Psychology. Review. Insti- 381 tute of Applied Psychology, Inc., 15 East 40th Street, New York 16, N. Y. v. 1, no. 1, January 1961. Quarterly. $2.00. International Aerospace Abstracts. Institute of the Aerospace Sciences, Inc., 2 East 64th Street, New York 21, N. Y. v. 1, no. 1, January 1961. Monthly. $60.00. International Philosophical Quarterly. Fordham University, New York 58, N. Y. v. 1, no. 1, Feb- ruary 1961. $6.50. International Plastics Engineering. Iliffe Indus- trial Publications Limited, Dorset House, Stamford Street, London SE1. v. 1, no. 1, February 1961. Monthly. $7.00. The International Review of the Red Cross. In- ternational Committee of the Red Cross 7, Avenue de la Paix, Geneva, Switzerland, v. 1, no. 1, April 1961. Monthly. Sw. frs. 20. Journal of Chemical Documentation. American Chemical Society, 1155 Sixteenth Street, N. W., Washington 6. D. C. v. 1, no. 1, January 1961. Semiannual. $10.00. Journal of Family Law. School of Law, Univer- sity of Louisville, Louisville 8, Ky. v. 1, no. 1, Spring 1961. 2 no. a year. $3.00. The Journal of New Drugs. Journal of New Drugs, Inc., 660 Madison Avenue, New York 21, N. Y. v. 1, no. 1, January/February 1961. Bimonthly? $12.50. The Journal of Surgical Research. W. B. Saun- ders Company, West Washington Square, Phil- adelphia 5, Pa. v. 1, no. 1, May 1961. Bi- monthly. $10.00. The Journal of the Children's Asthma Research Institute and Hospital. 428 East Preston Street, Baltimore 2, Md. v. 1, no. 1, March 1961. Quarterly. $8.00. Juristische Schulung. C. H. Beck'sche Verlagsbuch- handlung, Miinchen, Germany, v. 1, no. 1, January 1961. Monthly. DM7, 80 every quarter. The Kinsman. 15 Helena Avenue, Bethpage, N. Y. Summer 1961. Quarterly. $1.00. Kontinent; das Europaische Nachrichtenmagazin. Heinz Sponsel, Editor, Habsburgerring 9-13, Koln/Rhein, Germany, v. 1, no. 1, March 22, 1961. Weekly. 1,-DM each issue. Korean Report. Korean Research 8c Information Office, 1828 J . P., N.W., Washington 6, D. C. v. 1, no. 1, April 1961. Bimonthly. $1.50. The Liberal Context. 25 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass. v. 1, no. 1, Winter 1961. 3 nos. a year. Free. MaJiagement International. Adolph E. Grune- wald, Secretary-Treasurer Management Inter- national, Graduate School of Business Admin- istration, Michigan State University, East Lan- sing, Mich. no. 1, 1961. 6 nos. a year. $10.00. Materials Research ir Standards. American So- ciety for Testing Materials, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia 3, Pa. v. 1, no. 1, January 1961. Monthly. $5.00. Medicine at Work. Pharmaceutical Manufactur- ers Association, 1411 K. Street, N.W., Wash- ington 5, D. C. v. 1, no. 1, January 1961. Monthly. Price not given. Metal Distributor. American Metal Market Co., 18 Cliff Street, New York 38, N. Y. v. 1, no. 1, May 1961. Monthly (2 issues in 1961) $10.00. Metals Engineering Quarterly. American Society for Metals, Metals Park, Novelty, Ohio. v. 1, no. 1, February 1961. $10.00. Metamorphosis. 414 Oak Lane, Wayne, Pa. v. 1, no. 1, April 1961. Quarterly. $3.00. Neue Sammlung; Gottinger Blatter fur Kultur und Erziehung. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Got- tingen, Ger. v. 1, no. 1, February/March 1961. Bimonthly. 11,60 DM per half year. Nouvelle Revue Frangaise d'Hematologic. Mas- son & Cie, fiditeurs, 120, Bd Saint- Germain, Paris (VIe) v. 1, no. 1, January/February 1961. Bimonthly. $18.00. Polska Agencja Prasowa. Economic Survey. Eu- ropean Publishers Representatives, Inc. Times Building, 1475 Broadway, New York 36, N. Y. no. 1, January 1, 1961. Fortnightly. Price not given. Psychophartnacology Abstracts. Head, Scientific Information Unit, Psychopharmacology Serv- ice Center, National Institute of Mental Health, Bethesda, Md. v. 1, no. 1, January 1961. Monthly. Free. Quarterly Check-List of Mathematical an Inter- national Index of Current Books, Monographs, Brochures ir Separates. American Bibliographic Service, Darien, Conn. v. 1, no. 1, January 1961. Price not given. Quarterly Check-List of Psychology; an Inter- national Index of Current Books, Monographs, Brochures ir Separates. American Bibliographic Service, Darien, Conn. v. 1, no. 1, January 1961. Price not given. The Quarterly Review of Economics ir Busi- ness. Box 658, Station A, Champaign, 111. v. 1, no. 1, February 1961. $5.00. Recreational Mathematics Magazine. Joseph S. Madachy, Editor, Box 1876, Idaho Falls, Idaho, no. 1, February 1961. Bimonthly. $3.00. Religions Research Digest. Christian Research Institute, Inc., 122 Beaufort Avenue, Living- ston, N. J . v. 1, no. 1, January 1961. Quarterly. $2.00. Review; Yugoslav Monthly Magazine. Borba, Trg Marksa i Engelsa 7, Beograd, Yugoslavia, v. 1, no. 1, March 1961. Price not given. SPE Transactions. 215 Canal Street, Manchester, N. H. v. 1, no. 1, January 1961. Quarterly. $15.00. Sabouraudia. E. & S. Livingstone, Limited, 15- 17 Teviot Place, Edinburgh 1, Scotland, v. 1, no. 1, January 1961. Frequency not given. $12.00. (Continued on page 386) 382 C O L L E G E A N D R E S E A R C H L I B R A R I E S O N A P I L O T B A S I S the Center for Docu- mentation and Communication Research of Western Reserve University will establish a retrieval system for educational information. T h e U . S. Office of Education is supporting the development of this service. Questions are needed to pre-test the system on the basis of user requirements. Readers of this announcement may have questions that rep- resent specific types of information they would like to receive regularly in their fields to keep them currently informed. If so, such questions may be sent to Allen Kent, Associ- ate Director, Center for Documentation and Communication Research, School of Library Science, Western Reserve University, Cleve- land 6, Ohio. T h e questions will be searched and results will be made available to the sender for evaluation. T H E U C L A L I B R A R Y has become a selec- tive depository for Canadian government publications, in return for which the Na- tional Library of Canada will receive pub- lications of the University of California which fall within that Library's fields of interest. A S T U D Y of catalog card reproduction is being made by the Library Technology Project of A L A with financial support of the Council on Library Resources, Inc. T h e study is divided into two phases. In the first one, current catalog card production will be analyzed; in the second, design and produc- tion of new equipment for card production, based on first-phase findings, will be investi- gated. Joseph H . Treyz, J r . , assistant head of the cataloging department at Yale Uni- versity Library, will work full time widi George Fry & Associates of Chicago, in carry- ing out the systems study. An advisory com- mittee will participate in the study. A T H R E E - D A Y I N S T I T U T E on library education in the Southeast will be held at the Uni- versity of Tennessee October 12-14. T h e pur- pose of the institute is to develop course out- lines for a basic core of library science courses to provide a foundation for graduate and undergraduate programs in the southeast. Inquiries may be addressed to Dorothy E. Ryan, Chairman, Institute on Library Ed- ucation in the Southeast, 308 Claxton, Uni- versity of Tennessee, Knoxville 16. New Periodicals of 1961 (Continued from page 382) Schiff und Strom. Transpress VEB Verlag fiir Verkehrswesen, Franzosische Strasse 13/14, Ber- lin W8, Germany, v. 1, no. 1, January 1961. Monthly. 1,-DM per issue. Seeverkehr. Transpress VEB Verlag fiir Ver- kehrswesen, Franzosische Strasse 13/14, Berlin W8, Germany, v. 1, no. 1, January 1961. Monthly. 2,-DM per issue. Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME. Jour- nal. Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME, 6300 North Central Expressway, Dallas 6, T e x . v. 1, no. 1, March 1961. Quarterly. $15.00 ($5.00 to public libraries) Stamp World. Stamp World, Inc., P. O. Box 89, Brooklyn 36, N. Y. v. 1, no. 1, January 1961. Monthly. $5.00. Steamboats and Modern Steam Launches. Ho- well-North Books, 1050 Parker Street, Berke- ley 10, Calif, v. 1, no. 1, January/February 1961. Bimonthly. $3.00. Studi Internazionali di Economia Finanziaria. Edizione Lessona, Via L. Spallanzani, 15, Rome, Italy. 1-2, January-February 1961. Fre- quency not given. $12.50. 386 Training Research Abstracts. American Society of Training Directors, 2020 University Ave- nue, Madison 5, Wis. v. 1, no. 1, January 1961. Frequency not given. $2.00 per issue. Transfusion. J . B. Lippincott Company, Publi- cation Office, East Washington Square, Phil- adelphia 5, Pa. v. 1, no. 1, January/February 1961. Bimonthly. $8.00. Union of International Associations. Biblio- graphic Courante des Documents, Comptes Rendus et Actes des Reunions Internationales. Palais d'Egmont, Brussels 1, Belgium, v. 1, no. 1, January 1961. Monthly. $3.00. The Urbanite. T h e Urbanite Publishing Co., Inc., 147 East 50th Street, New York 22, N. Y. v. 1, no. 1, March 1961. Monthly. $3.50. Watersport. Watersport, 159 Praed Street, Lon- don W.2 v. 1, no. 1, January 1961. Monthly. 2s. per issue. Wisconsin Continuing Legal Education. Callag- han & Company, 165 North Archer Avenue, Mundelein, 111. v. 1, no. 1, January 1961. Quarterly. $20.00. C O L L E G E A N D R E S E A R C H L I B R A R I E S