College and Research Libraries Selected Reference Books of 1960-1961 BY C O N S T A N C E M. W I N C H E L L I N T R O D U C T I O N LIKE THE PRECEDING ARTICLES i n this semi-a n n u a l series, 1 t h i s survey is b a s e d o n n o t e s w r i t t e n by m e m b e r s o f t h e staff o f t h e C o l u m b i a U n i v e r s i t y l i b r a r i e s . N o t e s w r i t t e n by assistants a r e s i g n e d w i t h i n i t i a l s . 2 As t h e p u r p o s e o f t h e list is t o p r e s e n t a s e l e c t i o n o f r e c e n t s c h o l a r l y a n d f o r e i g n w o r k s o f i n t e r e s t to r e f e r e n c e w o r k e r s i n u n i v e r s i t y l i b r a r i e s , it does n o t p r e t e n d t o b e e i t h e r w e l l - b a l a n c e d o r c o m p r e h e n s i v e . C o d e n u m b e r s (such as A l l , 1A26, 2 S 2 2 ) h a v e b e e n used to r e f e r to titles i n t h e Guide3 a n d its S u p p l e m e n t s . B I B L I O G R A P H Y SANB; Suid-Afrikaanse nasionale bibliografie. South African National Bibliography, 1959- Pretoria, State Library, 1960- . [v.l]- Quarterly with annual cumulations. (Published monthly during 1959). This new national bibliography attempts to list all printed material published in South Africa, including books, pamphlets, maps, etc. Arranged by Dewey decimal classification, de- tailed information is given on author, title, publisher, date, paging, illustrations, centimeter size, and price. There is a separate section list- ing official publications, and in the 1960 volume a listing of periodicals received for the first time, periodicals with change of title or address, and periodicals which have ceased publication. T h e general author and title index does not include the periodical listings. Pennsylvania. University. Library. Catalog of the Programmschriften Collection. Boston, G. K. Hall, 1961. 117, 260p. 36cm. $22. Index ( l l 7 p . ) compiled by Albert R. Schmitt and drawn from article in v.25, no. 1 of the Li- brary Chronicle. Frequently of considerable value but rarely 1 CRL, January and July issues starting January, 1952. 3 R e f e r e n c e : Eleanor Buist, Rita Keckeissen, Evelyn Lauer, Elizabeth J. Rumics, Eugene Sheehy, John Neal Waddell. 3 Constance M . Winchell, Guide to Reference Books (7th ed.; Chicago: A L A , 1 9 5 1 ) ; Supplement ( C h i c a g o : A L A , 1 9 5 4 ) ; Second Supplement ( C h i c a g o : A L A , 1 9 5 6 ) ; Third Supplement ( C h i c a g o : A L A , 1960). Miss Winchell is Reference Librarian, Co- lumbia University Library. indexed in general or national bibliographies, Programmschriften—papers on scholarly topics by faculty members of German Gymnasien— today are often hard-to-identify and elusive publications. In 1954 the University of Pennsyl- vania Library acquired a collection of over six- teen thousand Programme written between 1850 and 1918, one third of which deals with topics in the humanities. T h e present bibliography reproduces the author cards for this group, in- cluding a few on the history of science, and pro- vides a subject index. T h e balance of the col- lection, dealing with science and therefore more or less obsolete, is not indexed. T w o minor drawbacks to this somewhat specialized book: pagination of each Programm is not given; and the introduction implies but does not specifi- cally state that items are available on inter- library loan.—E.J.R. P E R I O D I C A L S Boehm, Eric H. and Adolphus, Lalit. Historical Periodicals; an Annotated World List of His- torical and Related Serial Publications. Santa Barbara, Calif., Clio Press, 1961. 618p. $22.50. "An annotated directory of serial publications which contains articles on historical topics" (In- trod.), compiled by the editors of Historical Ab- stracts and listing some five thousand current titles. It includes transactions, acta, and irregu- lar publications not ordinarily classed as peri- odicals and interprets "history" in the widest sense. Arrangement is geographic by large re- gion and by country, and alphabetical by title within a country. Journals concerned directly with history and its auxiliary disciplines are given long entries with information including title, subtitle, frequency, beginning date, most recent volume examined, publisher, editor, de- scription of contents, subscription price, and, often, notes on special features. Titles in fields related to history rate less space and informa- tion. Cross references and an index of titles make the volume easy to use.—R.K. Zimmerman, Irene. A Guide to Current Latin American Periodicals: Humanities and Social J A N U A R Y 1 9 6 2 51 Sciences. Gainesville, Fla., Kallman Pub. Co., 1961. 357p. $20. "Primarily an annotated, evaluative bibliogra- phy . . . comprehensive within defined bound- aries and selective beyond those limits" (In- trod.), this Guide lists 668 active periodicals and 117 on its "casualty list" from 26 countries. T h e term " L a t i n American periodicals" is inter- preted to mean those published in South and Central America, Mexico, and the West Indies, as well as those published in the United States by Latin Americans and inter-American agen- cies, and others dealing extensively with Latin American languages or literatures, or published in the United States for Latin American circu- lation. T h e principal arrangement is alphabetical by country, followed by a classified section and a chronological listing. Each country and each section has an explanatory introduction. Annotations are given in the country section and are full in descriptive and evaluative infor- mation on editors, history, coverage, policies, volumes published, last issues received, and many other useful details. In the second section, the periodicals are grouped by subject field, again with introductions, and in the chronologi- cal section, the history of periodical publishing is given by period. T h e "casualty list" records those periodicals from which it has not been possible to elicit recent information. P E R I O D I C A L I N D E X E S Leavitt, Sturgis Elleno. Revistas hispanoameri- canos; indice bibliografico, 1843-1935, recopi- lado . . . con la colaboraci6n de Madaline W. Nichols y Jefferson Rea Spell. Santiago de Chile, Fondo hist6rico y bibliografico Jose Toribio Medina, 1960. 589p. (Available from the compiler, Box 1169, Chapel Hill, N. C.) $19.50. More than thirty thousand articles from fifty- six Spanish-American journals of the period 1843-1935 are listed in this new index. A classed arrangement is used, and entries are listed al- phabetically within the sections. References are to volume and page; dates are omitted. There is a separate section for translations, subdivided by language, then by literary form. An index of names adds to the value of the work. It is highly gratifying to have a periodical index from this area covering so long a period.—E.S. L'U.R.S.S. et les pays de I'est; revue des revues. No. 1- . Mai 1960- . Paris, S.E.D.E.S., 1960- . Quarterly. At head of title: Faculte de Droit et des Scien- ces Politiques at £conomiques de Strasbourg, Institut de Droit et d'ficonomie Compares, Centre de Recherches sur l'U.R.S.S. et les Pays de l'Est. In 1959 a center for research on the U.S.S.R. and eastern Europe was established in Stras- bourg. T h e first number of its abstract journal presents selected abstracts in French from forty Russian, Polish, and Yugoslav periodicals. Ma- terial is arranged under the four main cate- gories of law, economy, social life, and culture. Part I, Bulletin analytique, contains page-length abstracts of the most important articles, giving objective summaries of content, which at times may be accompanied by notes in which review- ers may express opinions. Part II, Repertoire systematique, lists all articles in the journals under review.—E.B. N E W S P A P E R S U. S. Library of Congress. Union Catalog Divi- sion. Newspapers on Microfilm. 4th ed. Comp. under the direction of George A. Schwegmann. Washington, 1961. 323p. $4. For 3d ed. see Supplement 3E48. This edition has been revised and enlarged to contain approximately thirteen thousand en- tries, including about 2,580 foreign newspapers. It lists microfilms of Russian newspapers up to 1957 as in the 3d edition. G O V E R N M E N T D O C U M E N T S Bibliographical Society of the Philippines. Check- list of Philippine Government Documents, 1917-1949. Compiled by Consolacion B. Re- badavia. . . . Edited by Natividad P. Verzosa and Pacifico M. Austria. Quezon City, Uni- versity of the Philippines Library, 1960. 8l7p. mimeographed. This retrospective bibliography of more than six thousand items issued by all branches of government "attempts to fill the gap covering the period immediately following the compila- tion of Elmer's Checklist of Publications of the Government of the Philippine Islands, Septem- ber 1, 1900, to December 31, 1917 and closing with the 1950 Checklist [Supplement 2F13] com- piled by the Bibliographical Society of the Phil- ippines. . . ." (Pref.) It includes 1917 imprints omitted from the earlier list. A special effort was made to include documents issued during the Japanese occupation. Entries are arranged alphabetically by name of the issuing office; for serials, individual is- sues are listed with their dates. A supplement of material found too late for inclusion is in preparation. Each entry gives author, full title, place and date, paging, and (often) size. A full index of subjects and personal names, both as authors and subjects, refers to the entry num- ber.—R.K. 52 C O L L E G E A N D R E S E A R C H L I B R A R I E S R E L I G I O N B u r r , Nelson R . A Critical Bibliography of Religion in America. Princeton, N. J . , Prince- ton Univ. Press, 1961. 2v. (Princeton Studies in American Civilization, no. 5). $17.50. Being the final volume (bound in two) of a series of four volumes, Religion in American Life, by J a m e s W a r d Smith and A. Leland J a m i - son, this is a comprehensive bibliography in clas- sified arrangement with running commentary. Following a section devoted to bibliographical guides, general surveys and histories, the rest of the first volume (pp. 87-541) discusses the growth of religion in this country, and the individual denominations and sects, missions, non-Chris- tian religions, etc. T h e three sections in the second volume treat religion in American life and culture, including the arts and literature and intellectual history. T h e r e are full tables of contents and an a u t h o r index, but n o subject index. Hills, Margaret Thorndike. The English Bible in America; a Bibliography of Editions of the Bible and the New Testament Published in America, 1777-1957. New York, T h e Ameri- can Bible Society and T h e New York Public Library, 1961. 477p. $13.50. T h e advent of this well-printed bibliography offers a chronological annotated listing of some twenty-five hundred separate editions of Ameri- can-printed Bibles. Additional editions are noted in descriptive annotations, which generally give size, full imprint, and a library location, where known, as well as comments on appearance, printing, and the like. T h e listing is based on the American Bible Society's collection, checked against the holdings of the New York Public Library and the Library of Congress, as well as various bibliographies. T h e foreword and in- troduction are followed by a brief history of Bible printing in America; P a r t I, Editions 1777- 1825; P a r t II, Editions 1826-1957; and Indexes of: place of publication; publishers and print- ers; translations, translators, and revisers; edi- tors and commentators; edition titles; and a general index. " A similar publication covering editions in other languages may eventually be p r e p a r e d . " ( I n t r o d . ) — E . J . R . S O C I A L S C I E N C E S H a m b u r g . Welt-Wirtschafts-Archiv. Verzeichnis der Fest- und Denkschriften von Unterneh- mungen und Organisation en der Wirtschaft. H a m b u r g , 1961. 566p. (Its Veroffentlichung) DM.15. A listing of more than four thousand Fest- schriften and histories of firms and companies. International in scope, but mainly German, it lists works published in this century that are found in the Archiv. In classified arrangement with indexes by: a u t h o r and personal name; firm; and geographical location. It is particularly strong in the histories of individual companies, many of which are not listed in general and national bibliographies. Hsiieh, Chiin-tu. The Chinese Communist Move- ment, 1921-1937; an Annotated Bibliography of Selected Materials in the Chinese Collec- tion. . . [Palo Alto] Hoover Institution on W a r , Revolution and Peace, Stanford Univer- sity, 1960. 131p. (Hoover Institution Biblio- graphical Series, 8) $2.50. Another in the series of bibliographical pub- lications attempting " t o describe and evaluate the more important holdings in particular area collections" of the Hoover Library, this work lists 359 items selected from books, periodicals, newspapers, and manuscripts in the Chinese collection. Arrangement is by historical period, then by topical subdivision. Main entries and titles are given in both romanized form and in Chinese characters; annotations are descriptive and critical. T h e r e is an index of authors, titles, and subjects.—E.S. Index to Labor Union Periodicals: a Cumulative Subject Index to Materials from a Selected List of Newspapers and Journals Published by Major Labor Unions. Ann Arbor, Univer- sity of Michigan, B u r e a u of Industrial Rela- tions, 1960- . v.l- . Monthly. A subject index to forty-one labor union periodicals, which is to have cumulative semi- annual and annual volumes. It is hoped that indexing may be expanded to work backwards, year by year, beginning with 1959. South Africa. Office of Census and Statistics. Uniestatistieke orr vyftig jaar; jubileumuit- gawe, 1910-1960 . . . Union Statistics for Fifty Years; Jubilee issue. [Pretoria, 1960] lv. (vari- ous pagings) £ l . l s . W i t h the increasing interest in African studies, a statistical survey of this kind becomes par- ticularly welcome. An anniversary volume, it "presents a statistical resume of the Union's growth and development over the past half- century." T h e r e are sections of tables for popu- lation, vital statistics, education, labor, agricul- ture, industry, etc., with a detailed table of contents and a section of notes for each. Sources are frequently indicated, but these suggest that the figures were more often supplied by govern- ment departments than taken from published reports. T h e work is bilingual t h r o u g h o u t — English and Afrikaans. Unfortunately, there is no general index.—E.S. J A N U A R Y 1 9 6 2 53 U. S. Bureau of the Census. Congressional Dis- trict Atlas of the United States. April 1, 1960. Washington, U. S. Government Printing Office, 1960. 99p. 55^. Gives maps of the Congressional districts by state and city and shows the boundaries at the time of the 1960 Census of Population. Reappor- tionment will necessitate a revision of these maps. E D U C A T I O N Eells, Walter Crosby and Haswell, Harold A. Academic Degrees. Washington, U. S. Govern- ment Printing Office, 1960. 324p. (U. S. Office of Education Bulletin 1960, no. 28, OE-54008) |1. A useful compilation of information on higher degrees conferred by American colleges and uni- versities, this volume includes twenty-four hun- dred degrees (sixteen hundred currently in use) arranged in three principal lists: classified by field, alphabetical by name of degree, and al- phabetical by abbreviation. Preliminary chap- ters incorporating much historical and statistical information are devoted to types of degrees and institutions, women's degrees, honorary degrees, and spurious degrees.—R.K. D I C T I O N A R I E S Burrow, Thomas and Emeneau, Murray Barn- son. A Dravidian Etymological Dictionary. Ox- ford, Clarendon Press, 1961. 609p. $20.20. T h e Dravidian languages comprise a group of tongues spoken throughout southeastern India and northern Ceylon, including four literary languages, and many nonliterary ones. This dictionary attempts to give the etymologies of words in all known Dravidian languages, with English equivalents. Selective bibliography of sources, p. xxiii-xxvii. Partridge, Eric. Dictionary of Slatig and Un- conventional English: Colloquialisms and Catch-phrases, Solecisms and Catachreses, Nicknames, Vulgarisms, and Such American- isms as Have Been Naturalized. [5th ed.] Lon- don, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1961. 2v. 105s (v. 2 only, 60s). V.l, the Dictionary, is a reprint of the original edition of 1937; v. 2, the Supplement, incorpo- rates into one alphabet the Addenda of the second, third, and fourth editions, (with some revisions) and new material running to some one hundred thousand words. These additions consist mainly of new words and phrases, with the emphasis on slang, particularly of World W a r II. A B B R E V I A T I O N S U. S. Library of Congress. Slavic and Central European Division. Bulgarian Abbreviations: a Selective List, prep, by Konstantin Z. Fur- ness. Washington, U. S. Government Printing Office, 1961. 326p. $1.50. . Hungarian Abbreviations: a Selec- tive List, comp. by Elemer Bako. Washington, U. S. Government Printing Office, 1961. 146p. 45 Similar in plan and arrangement to the li- I brary's lists of Polish and Russian abbreviations (Supplement 3M92 and 3M101), the present vol- umes each list twenty-five hundred to three thousand abbreviations. By design, emphasis is on the symbols for government agencies, mili- tary and other organizational titles. Some gen- eral terms are also included. In the Bulgarian list, the abbreviations are followed by trans- literated initials, then by the full name in the original, and an English translation. T h e Hun- garian list follows the same plan, except, of course, for transliteration.—J.N.W. S C I E N C E AND T E C H N O L O G Y Marckworth, M. Lois. Dissertations in Physics: an Indexed Bibliography of all Doctoral Theses Accepted by American Universities, 1861-1959. Stanford, Calif., Stanford Univ. Press, 1961. 803p. $17.50. T h e first half of this bibliography lists by author over eight thousand dissertations, giving for each, author's full name, dissertation title, year and name of degree, institution, avail- ability of copy, and reprint data, if any. T h e second half, called "Permutation Subject In- dex," is in reality a title listing, alphabetized by each significant word appearing in the title. T h e result, of course, is that each title is listed several times and that listings under such words as electric, gas, molecule, nuclear, and their de- rivatives seem unwieldy. For each title, refer- ence is made by serial number to the full listing under author.—J.N.W. New York Academy of Medicine. Library. Cata- log of Biographies. Boston, G. K. Hall, 1960. 165p. $14. A photographic reproduction of the shelflist containing "single biographies of physicians and scientists, with a few autobiographies, family histories, and occasional biographies written by physicians." (Introd.) United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cul- tural Organization. Bibliography of Interlin- gual Scientific and Technical Dictionaries. Bibliographie de dictionnaires scientifiques et techniques multilingues. Bibliografia de 54 C O L L E G E A N D R E S E A R C H L I B R A R I E S diccionarios cientificos tecnicos plurilingiies, [4 ed., rev. and enl.] [Paris] Unesco, 1961. 236p. (Its documentation and terminology of sci- ence) $3.50; 1 7 / 6 ; 12.50 n.f. For 3d ed. 1953 see Supplement 2P8. Arranged by universal decimal classification, this edition adds nearly nine hundred new dictionaries, and 133 new editions of works previously mentioned. T h e r e are an index by languages, an index by authors, and subject in- dexes in English, French, and Spanish. Intro- ductory and explanatory material is also in these three languages. U. S. Library of Congress. Science and Tech- nology Division. List of Russian Serials Be- ing Translated into English and Other West- ern Languages. 3d rev. ed. Washington, 1961. xiv, 28p. This volume lists 139 scientific and technical journals by translated title, followed by trans- literated Russian title, with an index by trans- literated Russian title. T h e r e is also an index by subjects. T h e main listing gives LC call number, fre- quency, date when translation began, and pub- lisher. F I N E A R T S Lebel, Gustave, Bibliographie des revues et periodiques d'art parus en France de 1746 a 1914. Paris, 1951 [i.e. 1960] 64p. (Gazette des Beaux-Arts, 6th Series, v.38, janvier-mars 1951). Published as a special issue of the Gazette des Beaux-Arts (dated 1951, but because of unfore- seen circumstances not printed until October 1960), this bibliography attempts to give a com- plete listing of French periodicals concerned with the fine arts in France from 1746 to 1914. In addition to firmly established art serials, it also lists many of an ephemeral nature which were published in connection with exhibitions or sponsored by individual galleries and groups of art patrons. T h e main listing is alphabetical by title and includes dates of publication, pub- lisher, location of the periodical in Paris li- braries, and a brief critical annotation; the last seventeen pages are given over to a chronologi- cal list of titles.—E.L. Music Grove, Sir George. Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians. Supplementary volume to the 5th ed., ed. by Eric Blom; assoc. ed., Denis Stevens. London, Macmillan; N. Y., St. Mar- tins Pr., 1961. 493p. 80s., $15. T h e preface of this volume modestly states that "to bring the fifth [1954] edition [Supple- ment 2Q56] completely up to date has not been the principal aim in the planning . . . ," but the actual result is substantially that. Material included is of three categories: first, a vast num- ber of corrigenda items with exact reference to page and line in the fifth edition. Many of these seem of minor importance, while others are obviously significant. Secondly, there are numerous additions to or rewritings of the original articles, treating recent developments in a subject or events in a career. There are also several replacement articles, e.g., "Folk Music (Italian)" and "Xylophone." Finally, there are entirely new topics, discussing new terms, or- ganizations, and a number of contemporary ar- tists, some of the last curiously omitted from the 1954 edition—J.N.W. L I T E R A T U R E Bibliografie van de vlaamse tijdschriften. Reeks 1: Vlaamse literaire tijdschriften van 1930 tot en met 1958. Compilers: Robert Roemans and Hilda van Aasche. Aflevering 1- . Hasselt, Heideland, 1960- . Contents: Aflevering 1. Dietsche warande en Belfort; 2. De vlaamse gids; 3. Nieuw vlaams tijdschrift. Following the plan and arrangement of Roe- mans' Bibliographie van de moderne Vlaamsche literatuur 1893-1930 (Guide R501), this series continues the indexing of Flemish literary peri- odicals. Each of the three issues thus far re- ceived indexes a single periodical and has sepa- rate sections for poetry, prose, drama, and literary criticism. Authors are listed alphabeti- cally within the sections; writings of a single author are listed chronologically. T h e issues are separately indexed, each having two indexes of personal names: one of contributors, the other of author-subjects. T h e latter has a geographical subdivision and an additional subsection for names in the fields of music and fine arts. T h e refinements of the arrangement, while no doubt of value to the specialist, make the work un- duly complicated for the general user.—E.S. Castillo, Homero and Silva Castro, Raul. Historia bibliografica de la novela chilena. Charlottes- ville, Va., Bibliographical Society of the Uni- versity of Virginia, 1961. 214p. A fairly impressive amount of bibliographical information on Chilean fiction is to be found in this small volume. In addition to full cita- tions for editions of Chilean novels and short stories, it includes listings for translations, ref- erences to first printings in periodicals, and many contents notes. Critical studies are not included. J A N U A R Y 1 9 6 2 55 Arrangement is alphabetical by author, then chronological. T h e r e is an index of names (of translators, editors, etc.) not found in the main listing. —E.S. Critical Bibliography of French Literature; David C. Cabeen [and] Jules Brody, general eds. v.3, The Seventeenth Century, ed. by Nathan Edelman. Syracuse, N. Y., Syracuse Univ. Press, 1961. 638p. $7.50. T h e latest volume in this excellent series (Guide R570, Supplement 1R58, 3R90) is not only a valuable unit in itself, but is significant in completing coverage in the field from the Middle Ages through the eighteenth century. (Work on the nineteenth century volume is well under way.) Scope and general organiza- tion of material remain as in the earlier volumes, the aim being to select and to evaluate, but not to be all-inclusive. Even so, nearly five thou- sand items are described. Nine chapters are devoted to literary back- grounds, movements, and forms, with individual authors treated in appropriate sections; five separate chapters treat Corneille, Moliere, Ra- cine, Pascal, and Descartes. Sections have been compiled by more than fifty specialists, but thanks to careful editing, form of entry and scope of the annotations are happily consistent. References to reviews are included in the notes. T h e extensive list of abbreviations itself con- stitutes an impressive bibliography of journals and series, and the index of more than 160 columns seems complete and efficient.—J.N.W. Gibson, R. W . St. Thomas More: a Preliminary Bibliography of His Works and of Moreana to the Year 1750; with a Bibliography of Utopi- ana compiled by R. W. Gibson and J . Max Patrick. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1961. 499p. facsimiles. $12.50. This extensive bibliography of works by and about St. Thomas More, compiled over a period of ten years, is published by the Yale Univer- sity St. Thomas More Project and will eventually be revised to include additional materials that the project "will inevitably bring to light" in the course of publishing More's complete works. Separate sections cover Utopia, other individ- ual works, collected works, letters, biographies, etc., the arrangement within chapters differing according to the material listed. For "lives" and More's important writings, title pages are re- produced in facsimile or given in exact tran- scription, together with complete collation and location of copies. Citations of the lesser works, Moreana, Utopian bibliography and More por- traits contained in the works listed complete the volume. T h e r e is an index of authors and works.—R.K. Texas. University. Humanities Research Center. Catalogue of the Dickens Collection at the University of Texas. Compiled by Mary Cal- lista Carr, C.D.P. Austin, 1961. 195p. (Univer- sity of Texas Bibliographical Series, 1). $5. Dickens scholars should find this a valuable addition to existing Dickens bibliographies, de- scribing as it does a remarkably complete collec- tion of "first editions—in most instances, first issues—of all major and secondary works of Charles Dickens." (Introd.) Included also are a list of Dickens manuscripts in the Texas collec- tion, a section of Dickensiana, and lists of Dick- ens biographies and bibliographies. Items of special interest are marked with a dagger; those not found recorded in earlier bibliographies, with an asterisk.—E.S. Thrall, William Flint and Hibbard, Addison. A Handbook to Literature, rev. and enl. by C. Hugh Holman. N. Y„ Odyssey Press, 1960. 598p. $3.75. 1st ed. 1936. A useful handbook covering terms, literary movements, literary periodicals, etc., in one alphabet. T h e new edition has been revised and enlarged, many new terms added, and many of the older entries rewritten or modified, al- though others remain substantially as they were. T h e "Outline of Literary History, English and American," pp. 519-598, has been brought down to 1959. Toronto. University. Library. Catalogue of Ital- ian Plays, 1500-1700, in the Library of the University of Toronto compiled by Beatrice Corrigan. [Toronto] University of Toronto Press, 1961. 134p. This catalog of one of the most complete col- lections of Italian Renaissance plays in North America gives a brief bibliographical description for each work, identifying it by date, genre, and form and including details of dedications. Wher- ever possible, editions have been verified in a standard bibliography. Although the listed plays were all written between 1500 and 1700, eight- eenth century editions are given for the most popular ones. Fourteen illustrations taken from various titles in the collection and two addi- tional alphabetical lists, one of the plays' titles and the other of their printers, add to the use- fulness of the volume.—E.L. HISTORY Abstracts of New World Archaeology, v.l- . 1959- . Edited by Richard B. Woodbury. Washington, T h e Society for American Ar- chaeology, 1960- . Annual. $3.50. "All published titles dealing expressly with 56 C O L L E G E A N D R E S E A R C H L I B R A R I E S New World archaeology . . . master's and doc- tor's theses [and] . . . presentations on ar- chaeological theory, methods, and techniques . . . insofar as they seem to be pertinent to New World problems" constitute the scope of this new service. (Introd.) T h e twenty-eight sections are primarily geographical, e.g., "Arctic," "North- ern Mississippi Valley," "Lower Central Amer- ica," etc., with South America divided by na- tional political units. T h e editors acknowledge that this is not a perfect arrangement, but be- lieve that it is probably more satisfactory than a purely topical one would be. In this issue there is a total of 676 items, representing books, mono- graphs in series, journal articles, and theses. No list of the journals abstracted is included, but they appear to be, understandably, primarily from the Americas. T h e abstracts themselves vary in length from a modest paragraph to sev- eral columns. There is an author index.—J.N.W. Bangkok. Chulalongkorn University. Central Li- brary. Bibliography of Material about Thai- land in Western Languages. Bangkok, 1960. 325p. " T h e first comprehensive subject bibliography of material about Thailand in Western lan- guages ever to be compiled by T h a i nationals . . . included are books, periodical articles, pamphlets, mimeographed documents, micro- films and films concerning the fields of philos- ophy and religion, social sciences, language and literature, pure science and applied science, arts and recreation, history, travel, and biography." (Pref.) Classed arrangement. No index. Cincinnati. University. Library. The Modern Greek Collection in the Library of the Uni- versity of Cincinnati: a Catalogue, ed. by Niove Kyparissiotis. Athens, Hestia Pr. for the Uni- versity of Cincinnati, 1960. 387p. A catalog of some twelve thousand volumes, including works in many subject fields and in various languages on Greece or published in Greece. Arranged alphabetically by the Greek alphabet. Conti, Laura. La resistenza in Italia, 25 luglio 1943—25 aprile 1945; saggio bibliografico . . . . Milano, Feltrinelli [1961] 404p. (Istituto Gi- angiacomo Feltrinelli). Nearly five thousand items published by a number of Italian resistance groups are listed here, with note of location in various archives, libraries, and elsewhere in Italy. (Individual issues of serials are separately numbered, so that titles total considerably less than five thou- sand.) Periodicals and broadsides form the bulk of the listings, but pamphlets, maps, and other miscellaneous materials are also included. Ar- rangement is by issuing organization, subdivided first by form and then by place of publication. There are indexes by title, place, subject, in- dividual author, and organization.—J.N.W. Dictionnaire des parlementaires frangais; notices biographiques sur les ministres, senateurs et deputes frangais de 1889 a 1940, publie sous la direction de Jean Jolly. . . . v.l- . Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 1960- . (In progress) 18 n.f. per v. Contents: v.l. [Lists, p. 3-336] Biographies, A-Azemar, pp. 337-429. Planned as a continuation of Robert's similar work of 1891 (Guide SI 13), this will furnish biographical sketches of the members of the As- s e m b l e Nationale for the years indicated. T h e present volume is devoted primarily to a num- ber of useful tables and lists: all cabinet compo- sitions in chronological order (with an alphabeti- cal list of names), lists of presidents of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies, and a master list of senators and deputies. T h e last hundred pages include some two hundred biographical sketches for the letter " A . " Although varying in length, most are considerably more than "thumbnail," with conventional information on dates, educa- tion, profession, etc., but with most emphasis on the subject's parliamentary career. Those legislators serving after 1889 who are included in Robert are generally omitted. Editorial stand- ards seem high, although articles are unsigned and without bibliographies. When completed, the set will doubtless be a significant addition to the reference collections of a large variety of libraries. No mention is made of the estimated number of volumes or of the publication sched- ule.—J.N.W. Florinsky, Michael T . McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Russia and the Soviet Union. N. Y., Mc- Graw-Hill, 1961. 624p. il. $23.50. Designed primarily for the English language reader, this new one-volume encyclopedia treats all aspects of Russian life and history from medieval times to the flights of the astronauts. Many of the articles have been written and signed by outstanding specialists, both from this country and abroad, and some are accompanied by brief bibliographies of works in English. There are many biographical and geographical entries, as well as longer articles on special sub- jects in Russian economics, government, history, culture, and science. Due to the great need for authoritative information on Russian matters, this work should be a welcome addition to a library. Gonzalez, Luis. Fuentes de la historia contern- pordnea de Mexico. Estudio preliminar . . . J A N U A R Y 1 9 6 2 57 con la colaboraci6n de Guadalupe Monroy y Susana Uribe. [l.ed. Mexico] El Colegio de Mexico [1961- ] v.l- . Contents: v.l. Libros y folletos. 527p. $11. T h e first of several projected volumes which will provide an extensive bibliography on the whole range of Mexican culture for 1910-1940, the period of the Mexican Revolution, this vol- ume, devoted to books and pamphlets, is in three main sections: (1) general works, bibliog- raphies, encyclopedias, etc.; (2) maps and physi- cal geography; and (3) physical anthropology and law. Subsequent sections will treat agriculture, labor, politics, religion, education, literature, etc. Each section has numerous subdivisions; a note explaining the scope and arrangement pre- cedes most of the subsections. Full bibliographi- cal information is given, and library locations and annotations accompany many entries. Al- phabetical author and subject indices are planned; until these appear, efficient use of the present volume will be somewhat difficult.—E.S. Saricks, Ambrose. Bibliography of the Frank E. Melvin Collection of Pamphlets of the French Revolution in the University of Kansas Li- braries. [Lawrence] University of Kansas Li- braries, 1960. 2v. (University of Kansas Publi- cations. Library Series no. 10) $7.50. Lest this collection of nearly sixty-nine hun- dred pamphlets, like so many valuable caches, lie unused because unknown, the University of Kansas has issued this unassuming yet well- done checklist. Part I, 1372 anonymous works listed by title, is followed by an author section of 3799 pamphlets and a third grouping of official and corporate publications; the whole should be helpful to those interested in the various aspects of this period of French history —literary, economic, religious, as well as politi- cal. A succinct introduction, full imprint infor- mation, brief annotations, and a detailed index (pp. 603-674) are other features of this useful work.—E.J.R. Utechin, S. V. Everyman's Encyclopaedia of Rus- sia. London, J . M. Dent; New York, E. P. Dutton [1961] 623p. il. (Everyman's Reference Library) $7.95. This is the first dictionary-type reference work about Russia to be published in English in re- cent years. T h e author, who is senior research officer in Soviet studies at the London School of Economics and Political Science, refers to the work as a cooperative effort, but takes responsi- bility for the articles on a wide range of topics in social science categories. Biographical entries predominate in the arts, where the articles are signed by contributing specialists, and in science and technology. Geographical place names are included. With such a broad chronological and subject coverage, the articles on each topic are necessarily brief and intended for the non- specialist, but the over-all impression is one of accuracy in factual information.—E.B. Nearly $4 Million in C L R Grants A p p r o p r i a t i o n s t o t a l i n g n e a r l y f o u r m i l l i o n d o l l a r s d u r i n g t h e past five years f o r w o r k o n basic l i b r a r y p r o b l e m s a r e r e p o r t e d i n t h e fifth a n n u a l r e p o r t o f t h e C o u n c i l o n L i b r a r y R e - sources, I n c . T h o u g h diverse i n s u b j e c t , t h e p r o j e c t s s p o n s o r e d by t h e C o u n c i l a r e d i r e c t e d t o w a r d a s i n g l e e n d : f a c i l i t a t i o n o f r e a d y a n d u n l i m i t e d a c c e s s i b i l i t y o f t h e i n f o r m a t i o n con- t a i n e d i n l i b r a r i e s . T h e r e p o r t c a t a l o g s g r a n t s a n d c o n t r a c t s t o t a l i n g $ 3 , 9 2 2 , 0 9 7 d u r i n g t h e five-year p e r i o d . I n c l u d e d i n this figure is $ 1 , 5 5 7 , 2 9 3 f o r g r a n t s a n d c o n t r a c t s d u r i n g t h e fiscal y e a r 1 9 6 0 - 1 9 6 1 . A m o n g t h e p r o j e c t s to w h i c h t h e C o u n c i l h a s g i v e n s u p p o r t d u r i n g t h e past y e a r a r e two i n v e s t i g a t i o n s o f t h e p o s s i b i l i t y o f m e c h a n i z i n g l a r g e areas o f l i b r a r y o p e r a t i o n . O n e study is b e i n g c a r r i e d o n i n c o n n e c t i o n w i t h t h e p l a n n i n g o f a n e w l i b r a r y f o r t h e C h i c a g o U n d e r g r a d u a t e D i v i s i o n o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y of I l l i n o i s . T h e o t h e r s t u d y is c o n c e r n e d w i t h t h e L i b r a r y o f C o n g r e s s , w h e r e c e r t a i n o p e r a t i o n s h a v e l o n g b e e n m e c h a n i z e d , b u t w h e r e t h e r e is a n a c u t e n e e d a t this t i m e f o r a s y s t e m a t i c over-all a p p r o a c h . I n t h e field o f m e c h a n i c a l i n d e x i n g t h e C o u n c i l h a s g i v e n s u p p o r t to t w o p r o j e c t s f o r t h e i n d e x i n g o f l a r g e b o d i e s o f l e g a l l i t e r a t u r e , o n e , at t h e U n i v e r s i t y o f P i t t s b u r g h , in- v o l v i n g t h e use o f a c o m p u t e r . T h o u g h l e g a l l i t e r a t u r e p r o v i d e s t h e m a t e r i a l o f these in- v e s t i g a t i o n s , as w i t h t h e p r o j e c t s f o r m e c h a n i z i n g o f l i b r a r y o p e r a t i o n s , it is h o p e d t h a t t h e findings m a y find g e n e r a l a p p l i c a b i l i t y . 58 C O L L E G E A N D R E S E A R C H L I B R A R I E S