College and Research Libraries As one of the most active users of photog- raphy for the production of pictorial illustra- tions as well as document reproduction, the Department of Defense felt this confusion even more acutely than others. In 1959 it produced a mimeographed preliminary-draft glossary of some five hundred pages incorpo- rating material to be found in about forty established sources. Copies were sent to pri- vate individuals, professional and technical societies, manufacturers and standardization organizations engaged in the fields of pho- tography and reproduction. Criticism was re- quested and received, and the results are now published as a technical manual listing some twenty-seven hundred definitions of terms used in all phases of photography. This 70c booklet, available from the Superin- tendent of Documents, is certainly a "best buy" in our argot-ridden age. In 1955 Hendrix Ten Eyck prepared a Glossary of Terms Used in Microreproduc- tion for publication by the N.M.A. In the intervening seven years the language of microfilming experienced the same growth by accretion that is common with the parent technique of photography. Donald Avedon works at the Bell Telephone Laboratories, where some of the most progressive work pn large-scale applications of microfilming is be- ing done. He had available the military glos- sary noted above, as well as a number of specialized glossaries that have appeared re- cently. The result is a useful compilation of more than seven hundred terms selected from a store many times as large. The N.M.A. does not consider this publication as being definitive in any sense. Mr. Avedon is chairman of its Committee on a Glossary of Terms, and the expectation is that criticism and comment will be received and will result ultimately in an even more useful tool. Co- operation has been offered by the American Standards Association, and the next publi- cation may be under A.S.A. rather than N.M.A. sponsorship. Trade names present even more confusion to the layman than do the less specialized terms. As an example, there were last year about sixty proper nouns beginning with "micro-," and the list is still growing. The Avedon glossary lists about twenty-eight such trade names and notes that complete- ness in this area was not attempted. The Luther glossary is the last chapter in a series on microfilming that he wrote for the Library journal. It includes about three hun- dred sixty items of which some one hundred ten are trade names. As the head of a micro- filming service company that sells equipment as well, past president of the N.M.A., and acknowledged historian of microfilming, Lu- ther is in a unique position to prepare such a needed and useful aid to the language problem.-Hubbard W. Ballou, Columbia University Libraries. Scientific Periodicals A History of Scientific and Technical Peri- odicals. By David Kronick. New York: Scarecrow Press, 1962. 274p. $6.50. In an age witnessing an overwhelming pro- liferation of scientific knowledge, with its elaborate structure and complicated system of communication, any attempt on the part of one man to write a history of one phase of this complex, namely the publication of scientific periodicals, would be as Herculean a task as the attempts to develop systematic control of scientific literature have proven to be. Therefore, Mr. Kronick has wisely and expeditiously chosen to limit his study of scientific and technical journals to its earliest period from 1664 to 1790. After a ten-page introduc~ion in which the author discusses the four basic sources from which he drew his l~st of periodicals to be analyzed, he devotes !' ten more pages to the definition of the periodical. It turns out that the "differentiation between periodical, serial and other forms of publication is usually made for administrative reasons rather than for their contents." Before enlarging upon his analysis of this material, Mr. Kronick introduces new evi- dence to substantiate various facts concern- ing the historical background and antece- dents of the scientific periodical; these run the gamut from scholarly correspondence to the equally important newspaper. The select- ed periodicals are classified into two major categories: the substantive journals and the society proceedings-the term substantive be- ing defined as "not derivative or dependent" and referring to those publications which contain original contributions. On the other 174 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES hand, derivative forms of publication include abstract journals, review journals, collections and anthologies, and even almanacs and cal- endars, which merit a chapter to themselves. Since most of the journals classified thus are composites of all of the elements of scien- tific journalism, Mr. Kronick acknowledges the area of overlap between the two cate- gories and points out that "the distinction is important because there are differences in methods of publication and regularity of issue." The author is to be congratulated for his exhaustive treatment of each of the periodi- cal titles selected for analysis and for the great amount of research which was necessary to uncover the many facts about material published three centuries ago, some of which was short-lived and often obscure in origin. Indeed, the work represents not only an im- portant contribution to the study of the his- tory of journalism but also to the study of the history of science itself. It is interesting to note that the earliest forms of scholarly publication created prob- lems of bibliographic control quite similar to those which continue to plague us today. Even before the advent of scientific journal- ism, Francis Bacon and his contemporaries recognized the importance of accumulating and organizing data as the first step in the advancement of knowledge. However, with the tremendous recent increase in the com- plexity of science, Mr. Kronick laments the almost impossible task befallen the scientific journal in its effort to serve the scientific community adequately, efficiently, and with celerity, for the journal is now forced to play a dual role-"that of a repository for the storage of new scientific knowledge, and its primary function as a vehicle for the dissemi- nation of information." For the reader hopefully determined to find new knowledge which may eventually help solve the riddle of bibliographic control, this work can do no more than provide some of the historical background against which a critical appraisal might be made of a system designed to improve scientific communica- tion. As a study of a technical and intellectu- al process which coincided with the introduc- tion of modern science, the book is recom- mended for the valuable information it con- tains, bearing in mind that its coverage is MARCH 1963 limited to a well-defined period in the history of human communication, namely-the first hundred years of scientific journalism.-John J. Gordon, Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology. Guide to Latin American Scientific and Technical Periodicals, an Annotated List. ... Washington, D.C.: Pan American Un- ion; Mexico: Centro de Documentacion Cientifica y Technica de Mexico, 1962. 187p. $4. This guide is a comprehensive list of scien- ti~c and technical periodicals currently pub- lished in Latin America, the only exceptions being those from the Guianas and the British and Dutch territories of the Caribbean. The. book is divided into two major sections. The first part contains a subject arrangement of more than a thousand periodicals and an in- dex of titles arranged alphabetically under country. With a few noted exceptions, only those journals for which it could be deter- mined that at least one issue has been pub- lished every two years since 1956 have been listed. The second section, which is available separately as a reprint, is a statistical study of 950 of these journals. It adds greatly to the value of the book and should be read by all librarians interested in the difficulties of scholarly publication in Latin America. The problems and patterns of production de- scribed are typical of more than just the pub- lication of scientific journals. The principal value of this guide is the completeness of the information it offers. Each entry includes title, place of publica- tion, name and address of publication office, periodicity, size, average number of pages per issue, and an indication of the use of illustrative material. Annotations provide even more details. These vary somewhat but, among other things, include the type of article published, subject area, language, in- dexing, name of the editor, date publication began, former titles with dates, subscription price, availability on exchange, and cover- age by indexing and abstracting services. While there is no evaluation by subject specialists of the quality of the research being published, the statistical study provides a general indication of the quality and also brings into focus the problem of inadequate 175 CHINA BOOKS & PERIODICALS 334 W. Schiller St., Chicago 10, Ill. MO 4-6995 * * * Our Specialty: Publications from the People's Republic of China imported under U.S. Treasury License, including all books and periodicals in English issued by: Foreign Languages Press, Academia Sinica China Reconstructs, New World Press People's Medical Publishers, Science Press Blanket orders in the humanities, so- cial studies, or both for all books in English received from the above pub- lishers are welcomed from libraries and research institutions. * * * Free on request: our listing of im- ported books and periodicals in Eng- lish; also, of limited offerings in Chinese. dissemination of information which plagues the Latin American scientist. He is usually limited to journals which accept articles in Spanish and Portuguese, and, while a surpris- ing forty per , cent of the journals in this study are covered by major indexing and ab- stracting services, the original articles are frequently unavailable to other scientists. The obvious solution of increasing the number of journals may not be as important as finding adequate support for those that already exist. The seventeen journals listed under the heading "Chemistry," for example, annually publish less than two thirds of the total number of pages published by the Journal of the American Chemical Society in 1961. A smaller number of regularly pub- lished journals with sufficient financing to permit larger, more frequent issues and wider distribution would undoubtedly im- prove the situation. In any case, this guide would greatly bene- fit those interested in these problems, and is a welcome addition to a growing number of bibliographic aids concerned with Latin American publications.-Roy Kidman , Uni- versity of California, San Diego . •• '(.Advances in the Astronautical Sciences " (an American Astronautical Society publication) Volumes 10-13 Vol. 10 Manned Lunar Flight $ 11.50 Symposium, Denver, Dec. 1961 , cosponsored by AAAS, NASA and American Physiological Society. Three sections: (1) Lunar Spacecraft-The Lunar Trip (2) Physiological Aspects of Manned Lunar Flight (3) Lunar Environment and Basing. Vol. 11 Eighth Annual Meeting $ 1.6.75 AAS meeting, Washington, D.C. , Jan. 1962. Includes: Basic Research, Guid- ance & Control, Bioastronautics, Communications, Lunar & Planetary Explora- tion, Applications of Astronautical Systems. Vol. 12 Scientific Satellites-Mission & Design $ 11.50 Symposium, Philadelphia, Dec. 1962, cosponsored by NASA and AAAS. In- cludes status reports on Topside Sounder, Aeronomy Satellite S-6 and on ob- servatory satellites. Vol. 13 Int erplanetary Missions Conference $ 16.75 Ninth Annual Meetings, Los Angeles, Jan. 1963. Includes: Planetary Bases & Exploration, Launch and Boost Systems, Interplanetary Flight, Planetary En- tries, Planetary Astronautical Systems, Advanced Research. Exclusive Distributor: WESTERN PERIODICALS CO. 13000 Raymer St., North Hollywood, Calif., TRiangle 5-055~ STate 2-2192