College and Research Libraries ment, in fact, is the Abitur) that is, com- pletion of the program of the gymnasium ) generally held to be the equivalent of the end of the American college sophomore year. In the listing on page 66 it should be noted for Hamburg that the institution is, as it has been since 1919, the State and University Library. Unlike all other German universi- ties, that at Saarbriicken (pages 33, 67 , 69, 70, 76, 77 , 79) is not named for the city of its location; the official name is University of the Saarland. Finally, "Prussian Cultural Foundation" is hardly an acceptable trans- lation for Preussisch er Kulturbesit z (page 62), the Prussian cultural heritage (libraries, art, museums, etc.), for the welfare of which a foundation has, to be sure , been established. To John Baynes (1758-1787) is attributed the statement tha t "The man who publishes a book without an index ought to be damned ten miles beyond hell, where the Devil him- self cannot get for stinging nettles." It would surely be a grievous discourtesy both to the author and to the Library of Congress to refer to the lack of index in this study in any such terms. Nevertheless, even in such a rela- tively short work as this-longer because of the 7 by 10 :y4 inch format than its eighty-two pages suggest-an index is badly needed. It is needed despite the fairly detailed table of contents. Other readers, like the reviewer, will spend many minutes trying to re-locate statements such as those on library schools (pages 11 and 57), the numerus currens shelving practice (page 43), and the Pater- noster (page 60), to say nothing of the names of institutions and organizations mentioned in the text. W est German L ibrary Developments ... is an important and valuable contribution to our professional literature. It should be of great use to anyone interested in university libraries, German libraries, international li- brary relationships, or, indeed issues involv- ing most major library functions . For the study, we are indebted not only to Dr. von Busse and her probably unsurpassed knowl- edge of the subj ect, but also to the Ober- laender Trust of Philadelphia which made the study possible, to Fritz T. Epstein and Barbara Krader who translated it, to Arnold H. Price who reviewed and abridged the translation, and to Robert H. Land who served as editor. All of these associates in the work are members of the Library of Congress staff; to them, to tha t institution, and to Sergius Yakobson , chief of its Slavic and Central European division , a large vote of thanks is due. Is it too much to hope that the publication of this work, which fills a major gap in the English-language literature of librarianship, may serve as an example and stimulus for other similar studies? This writer devoutly hopes not. It would unquestionably be a great boon if the Library of Congress, per- haps the national libraries of other countries, other foundations, and other authors as in- formed as Dr. von Busse, would cooperate to produce in time a whole series of treatises which would make available to the readers of many countries broad and comprehensive ac- counts of the major aspects of librarianship in other lands.-]. Periam Danton ) Univer- sity of California ) B erk eley. • • Books Briefly Noted A Benedictine Bibliography; An Author- Subject Union List ) 2d ed., compiled by Oliver L. Kapsner for the Library Science Section of the American Benedictine Acad- emy. Collegeville, Minn.: St. John's Abbey Pr., 1962. 2v. $19.50. A Bibliography of Encyclopedias and Dic- tionaries Dealing with Military ) Naval and Maritim e Affairs) 2d ed. , compiled by Har- din Craig. Houston, Tex.: Fondren Li- brary, 1962. 70p. Biblioteksgloser) Dansk-Engelsk-Fransk- Tysk. Danmarks Biblioteksskole. K~ben­ havn: Dansk Bibliografisk Kontor, 1962. 29p. 256 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES British Union Catalogue of Periodicals; Sup- plement to 1960. London: Butterworth, 1962. 99lp. $35. A Calendar of Political and Occasional Speeches by Senator K en neth D. McKellar, 1928-1940, by Joseph Howard Riggs. With summaries and subject index. Memphis: Memphis Public Library, 1962. 66p. $2. Cambridge College Libraries; Aids for Re- search Students, 2d ed. revised and en- larged, compiled by A. N. L. Munby. Cam- bridge: Heffer and Sons, 1962. 56p. The Catholic Booklist, 1963, edited by Mary Reynoldine. Haverford, Pa.: 1963. 63p. Directory of Members, 1962, Special Librar- ies Association. New York: 1962. 152p. $2.50 for members, $6. for nonmembers. Forests and Forestry in West Virginia; A Bibliography, by Michael M. Reynold. Morgantown, W. Va.: West Virginia Uni- versity Library, n.d. 78p. $4. unbound, $6. bound. Hamlin Garland; Centennial Tributes and a Checklist of the Hamlin Garland Papers in the University of South ern California Library , Los Angeles, compiled by Lloyd A. Arvidson. (University of Southern Cal- ifornia Library Bulletin, 9.) Los Angeles: Univ. of Southern California, 1962. 159p. Library T echnology Project; Third Annual Report for the Period July 1, 1961-June 30, 1962. Chicago: ALA, 1962. 32p. Literary and Library Prizes, 5th ed. revised and enlarged, edited by Olga S. Weber. New York: Bowker, 1963. 280p. $8.50. Photographic Literature; An International Bibliographic Guide to General and Spe- cialized Literature on Photographic Proc- esses, Techniques, Theory, Chemistry, Physics, Apparatus, Materials, and Appli- cations, Industry, History, Biography, Aes- MAY 1963 thetics, edited by Albert Boni; associate editors, Hubbard Ballou and others. New York: Morgan and Morgan, 1962. 335p. $22.50. Printing in Colonial Spanish America, by Lawrence Sidney Thompson. Hamden, Conn.: Archon Books, 1962. 108p. $3. Proceedings, Life Sciences Librarianship Workshops, July 9-13, 1962, Tokyo; July 23-27, 1962, Osaka. Tokyo: Japan Library School, 1962. l29p. (Text in Japanese and English.) 257 Salak's Sports Directory) 1963 ed. Freeport, N.Y.: All Sports, 1963. 221 p. $6.50. The School Question; A Bibliography on Church-State Relationships in American Education) 1940-1960) by Edmond Gabriel Drouin. Washington: Catholic Univ. of America Pr., 1963. 26lp. $7.50. Social Sciences General References: Political Science) by Lubomyr R. Wynan. Universi- ty of Colorado Social Sciences Library, 1962. 60p. (Available on request or ex- change to university and public libraries.) Southeast Asian History; A Bibliographic Guide) edited by Stephen N. Hay and Margaret H. Case. New York: Praeger, 1962. 138p. $ 5. Ulrich's Periodicals Directory; A Classified Guide to a Select ed List of Current Peri- odicals) Foreign and Domestic) lOth ed. edi- ted by Eileen C. Graves. New York: Bow- ker, 1963. 667p. $22.50. • • OTTO HARRASSOWITZ Library Agency WIESBADEN • GERMANY Direct service on all German language books and periodicals • Orders and inquiries are invited on both new and out-of-print material • Farmington Plan agent for West and East Germany • For economy) speed) and accuracy you may rely upon your . German agent OTTO HARRASSOWITZ '~Advances ln the Astronautical Sciences '' (an American Astronautical Society publication) Volumes 10-13 Vol. 10 Manned Lunar Flight $ 11.50 Symppsium, Denver, Dec. 1961, cosponsored by AAAS, NASA and American Physiological Society. Three sections: (1) Lunar Spacecraft-The Lunar Trip (2) Physiological Aspects of Manned Lunar Flight (3) Lunar Environment and Basing. Vol. II Eighth Annual Meeting $ 16.75 AAS meeting, Washington, D.C. , Jan. 1962. Includes: Basic Research, Guid- ance & Control, Bioastronautics, Communications, Lunar & Planetary Explora- tion, Applications of Astronautical Systems. Vol. 12 Scientific Satellites-Mission & Design $ 11.50 Symposium, Philadelphia, Dec. 1962, cosponsored by NASA and AAAS. In- cludes status reports on Topside Sounder, Aeronomy Satellite S-6 and on ob- servatory satellites. Vol. 13 Interplanetary Missions Conference $ 16.75 Ninth Annual Meetings, Los Angeles, Jan. 1963. Includes: Planetary Bases & Exploration, Launch and Boost Systems, Interplanetary Flight, Planetary En- tries, Planetary Astronautical Systems, Advanced Research. Exclusive Distributor: WESTERN PERIODICALS CO. 13000 l;{aymer St., North Hollywood, Calif., TRiangle 5-0555 STate 2-2192 (Visit us in Booth 22, SLA Convention, June 9-13, Denver Hilton Hotel)