College and Research Libraries Library Characteristics_ of Colleges Ranking High in Academic Excellence THERE IS an extensive literature of per- suasive writing arguing that the library is the heart of the college; so much so that this has sometimes become a cliche or platitude given lip service but not actual implementation by college faculty and administrators. It would seem logical that librarians would be in the forefront in declaring the central importance of the library. However, an examination of the liter- ature reveals that nonlibrarians have perhaps written as much as librarians on this subject, and sometimes with even more eloquence or forcefulness (perhaps librarians have been overly careful about offending the sensibilities of faculty or of appearing as extremists). For example, a scholar as eminent and respected as Henry Steele Commager has written as follows, "Now that students can read for themselves, the English universities have turned more and more from lectures to tutoring or to self education ... but in the United States, which has the best library facilities in the world . . . professors go on giving courses as blithely as if no printed books were avail- able. One simple way, then, to meet the shortage of teaching talent, is to cut down on the lectures and therewith the number of professors that lectures call for. From the point of view of the student, the time spent going to lectures and preparing for course examinations can more profitably be spent in the library."! Despite the verbal recognitiOn of the basic importance of the library, very lit- tle is actually known of the causal re- lationship existing between the quality or size of the library and the academic 1 "The Problem Isn't Bricks-It's Brains," New York Times Magazine, Januacy 29, 1956, p. 11. SEPTEMBER 1963 Bv ROBERT T. JORDAN Mr. jordan resides in McLean~ Virginia. quality of the school. It is commonly assumed that libraries of high quality are usually, if not always, associated with schools of high quality. Is it possible that these basically subjective impres- sions, albeit from knowledgeable andre- spected experts, can be proven?2 Prob- ably not, in view of the multitude of complex variables and the virtual im- possibility of any controlled experiments that would involve entire campuses. Then how are we to know that li- braries of high quality might not be a subsequent product of the quality of the school but not essential to that quality? Perhaps quality libraries and quality schools are the fortunate result of a com- bination of a particular milieu of faculty and student expectations, interests, and values. 2 There have been two recent indirect but impressive confirmations of the preeminent importance of the li- brary for academic excellence. One is the study made by Harold B. Whiteman, Jr., dean of the freshman year, Yale University, quoted in an April 17, 1963 re- lease from the National Book Committee: "Recently, we have administered to several successive entering classes in toto, the Library Orientation Test for En- tering College F ,reshmen published by the Teachers College of Columbia University. Our purpose was to assist the staff of the library in making more effective its efforts to make accessible and understandable all of its resources, to fill in any gaps of information on the part of students when it came to the question of how to use a library. To our surprise, we discovered that the correlation between the results of this test and performance during the freshman year was extraordi- narily high, higher than any other one single test." The second indirect confirmation is Project Talent, by all odds the most authoritative and comprehensive study ever made of the American high school and' the criteria that are related to quality. Of the many hun- dreds of possible criteria studied (from thousand-item questionnaires from one thousand high schools), four seemed to be of unique importance in association with scholastic excellence : teacher salaries, teacher experi- ence, number o.f books in the school library, per-pupil expenditure. This was true even when such factors as region, rural-urban-suburban status and socio-economic background of students were held constant. (Project Talent. A Survey and Follow-up Study of Educatirmal Plans and DecisJons in Relatirm to Aptitude Patterns: Studies of the American High School. Monograph No. 2. [Pittsburgh; University of Pittsburgh, 1962].) 369 Apparently the hypothesis is not sub- ject to rigorous proof. However if we can actually find that high-quality schools almost universaUy have high- quality libraries and vice versa, there would certainly seem to be a persuasive suggestion that an operative causal re- lationship does actually exist. Such a correlation has not before been attempt- ed, probably for lack of knowledge of what actually constitutes academic ex- cellence, and which specific colleges could be considered to rank highest in academic excellence. ScoRING oF CoLLEGEs As To AcADEMIC EXCELLENCE There are no groups in America con- cerned with disseminating specific and critical information on the quality of colleges and universities comparable to the work of Consumer Reports7 for ex- ample, in the field of consumer products, or of book reviews for books. The re- gional and national accrediting associa- tions are specifically concerned about quality but not in any very precise or useful way, at least to the average citizen. Louis J oughin, staff associate in the American Association of University Pro- fessors, suggests: "Fact and fiction with regard to the quality of the work done by the colleges and uni- versities is a delicate subject. It is unnec- essary to go over such familiar ground as inordinate emphasis upon athletics or the offering of masters degrees for studies not suited to intellectual inquiry. The weak- nesses and malfunctions are known. What needs present emphasis is that the public is not informed about the facts. Admittedly, the choice ()f a means to display colleges and universities accurately and comprehensively is a large problem requiring full explqration. But one approach, at the v~ry least, might be to establish more Illuminating kinds and levels of accreditation; as things now stand, accreditation appears to be mainly a finding that an institution is not conspicuously de- fective in physical and staff resources. That is obviously not enough; there 'are· far too many accredited institutions lacking . other essential elements; or, if that pessimistic view is disputed, it is at least obvious that institutions which are miles apart in quality receive the same simple approval in terms of certification to the public."3 In recent years there has been a pro- nounced upsurge of interest in quality in higher education. Many of the char- acteristics of academic excellence are now known with reasonable accuracy; the proof is the quality of the education absorbed by the stud~nt. Winslow Hatch, in a rna jor statement on the hypotheses of quality "What Standards Do We Raise?; Criteria for Colleges" (Working Draft, January 9, 1962) states 1. There are criteria of excellence about which one can be explicit; which get at the "substance" as against the "forms" of higher education; 2. There is a pattern in these criteria as applicable to one. institution as another; 3. These criteria are as important to the less well-endowed as to the most brilliant student; in a word, they are important to all students capable of profiting from a higher education. Using a few commonly accepted cri- teria of academic excellence, I have de- veloped an analysis of undergraduate colleges and universities related to the following: 1. Faculty influence on students: a. Effectiveness in constructively and fundamentally changing values of the students, or in providing deeper in- sight into their pr.esent values. Weight of two.4 b. Peculiar potency of some colleges to- ward liberalism. Weight of two.4 2. Selected lists of best colleges made by others, emphasizing academic excel- lence: a. Twelve top universities for graduate sc.hools in the arts and sciences throughout the country. 5 8 Louis J oughin, "The Present Responsibility of Free Teachers," American Association of University Professors Bulletin, XLVII (June 1961), 151-58. 4 Philip E . Jacob, Changing Values in College (New York : Harper, 1957), pp. 99 -116 . . 5 'Bernard Berelson, Graduate Education in the Unit- ed Stales . '(New York.: Columbia University Press, 1960), p . 126. ): ,, . . 370 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES b. Forty-five nongraduate colleges rPri- vate1 high on academic standards, se- lected by the American Conference of Academic Deans. Weight of two. 6 c. Fifteen best liberal arts colleges in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin.7 d. Forty best colleges. Weight of two. 8 e. Fourteen top institutions. 9 f. Graduate schools as ranked by gradu- ate department chairman. Weight of two.1° g. Forty best colleges ranked by fifty pro- fessors and administrators. Weight of two. 11 h. Four good private colleges.12 3. Proportion of graduates receiving doctoral degrees or other graduate dis- tinctions: a. Thirty highest in proportion of grad- uates who secured PhD. in a natural science. 13 b. Proportion of male graduates who achieved PhD.'s or fellowships-fifty- five highest institutions.14 c. Proportion of female graduates who secured PhD.'s or fellowships-nine- teen highest institutions. 14 d. Sixteen highest in proportion of male graduates who achieved distinction among schools graduating eighty or fewer. 14 e. Twenty highest in proportion of male graduates who secured PhD. or fel- lowships in the humanities.14 f. Five highest among miscellaneous schools.14 6 William E . Cadbury, "Outstanding Students in Liberal Arts Colleges," Liberal Edu cation, XLVII (December 1961), 515 -31. T Chicago Tribune, February 3, 1961. a Paul H. Davis, " Changes Are Coming in the Col- leges, " The Journal of H igher Ed u cation, XXXIII (March 1962), 141-47. 9 Ford Foundation, Ann ual Report, 1961, 1962, 1963. 1o Hayward Keniston , Graduate Stu dy and Research in the Arts and Scien ces at the Univ ersity of Pennsyl- vania (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1959) . u Chester Manly, "Greatest Schools in the Nation," Chicago Tribune, April 21, 1957. u Martin Mayer, "Good Colleges That Are Not Crowded," Harper' s, CCXVIII (February 1959), 44-49. u Hubert Baker Goodrich, "The Orig_ips of U .S. Scientists," Scientific American, CLXXXV (July 1951), 15-17. SEPTEMBER 1963 g. Proportion of male graduates who achieved distinction in social sciences -twenty highest institutions.14 h. Thirty highest in science doctorates.15 1. Thirty highest among college teach- ers.16 j. Thirteen highest women's colleges in proportion of graduates taking PhD.'s in arts, humanities, and social scien- ces.17 4. Faculty salaries.Is 5. Willingness of the administration to take a strong position on matters af- fecting basic principles of academic free- dom. Weight of two.I9 6. Emphasis on the academic program as contrasted with social status, beauty contests, and quasi-professional athletic programs (e.g., schools without near-pro- fessional football, or fraternities). 2o 7. Receptivity to unique or experi- mental programs, or to the results of educational research, such as "year abroad" programs, work-study programs, elimination of departments or academic rank, cross-curricular experiments, etc. 21 14 Robert H. Knapp and Joseph J. Greenbaum, The Younger American Scholar; His Collegiate Origins (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1953), pp. 16, 70, 73, 76 , 16, 77, 16, respectively. 15 William A. Manuel, The Baccalaureate Origins of Medical Students (Washington: Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, 1961). 1o Allan 0. Pfnister, A Report on the Baccalaureate Origins of College Faculties (Washington: Association of American Colleges, 1961) . 1T Sister Helen Sheeha n, "The Catholic College and the Ph.D.," The Catholic Educational Review , LV (April 1957) , 258-61. 18 "The Economic Status of the Profession, 1959-60: Annual Report by Committee Z," American Association of University Professors Bulletin, XLVI (June 1960), 162. 19 "Repealing the Disclaimer Affidavit," ibid. (March 1960), 55-61; "Protesting the Disclaimer Affidavit; the Association , the Colleges and the Universities," ibid. (June 1960), 205 -0 6. 20 As listed with the National Collegiate Athletic As- sociation. 21 Institute of International Education, Program s for U .S. Und erg r aduates in Other Countries (New York: Institute of International Education, 1960); Institute of Research on Overseas Programs , Intern atiottal Pro- grams of Am erican Un iversities (East Lansing, Mich._, 1958); "College Programs-Unique or E x perimental," Mademoi