College and Research Libraries New Periodicals of 1963-Part I THE YEAR 1963 has opened auspiciously with quite a few periodicals which ap- pear of value and the librarian can only hope that their life will be long and pros- perous. Of special interest to the refer- ence librarian will be the many new bibliographical and abstracting services. For the public librarian, several popular magazines in the fields of science, medi- cine, and technology should be welcome additions. As usual, there are a great many new scholarly scientific and tech- nical journals. It can be said of most of these that they include original papers reporting both theoretical and experi- mental research. These magazines have not been annotated but may be distin- guished in the alphabetical list by an asterisk. ABSTRACTS, BIBLIOGRAPHY. Of the many new abstracting and bibliographical services the majority originate in Great Britain. The sole American offering is Human Genetics Ab- stracts which will appear monthly with items arranged according to a subject classification scheme and will be indexed by author. Aluminium Abstracts is published in Paris by the Centre International de Developpe- ment de L'Aluminium, with text in English. The first issue contains 129 abstracts ar- ranged by subject and indexed by title. The first of the British publications is the Bibliography of Reproduction. The s~urce material covered for this list is impressive. Entries are taken from some five hundred journals directly and from over ten thousand indirectly by scanning such secondary source_s as Index Me-dicus, Current Contents, and many others. Titles of recent books are also included. Arranged roughly by subject, each issue will also contain an animal index, an author index, and a list of aut~ors' addresses. During the year, two subject indexes will ap- pear. Another comprehensive list is the Brit- ish National Filin Catalogue. This records films produced in Great Britain arranged BY LUCIA P. JOHNSON Miss johnson is a Serials Cataloger in the Descriptive Cataloging Division of the Li- brary of Congress. according to the Universal Decimal Classifi- cation with an alphabetical index by title, distributor, production company, sponsor, technician, and artist. A slim mimeographed publication which should be of utmost interest to any library which is seriously interested in building an Africana collection is Library Materials on Africa, issued by the Standing Conference on Library Materials on Africa. Among the fea- tures of the first issue are an annotated bib- liography of new bibliographical materials, an annotated listing of some of the new peri- odicals; a list of the new periodicals acquired by the institutional libraries which are mem- bers of the Conference, as well as informa- tion on conferences, library collections, and research centers. An even more specialized publication is the Bulletin of the Royal So- ciety of London, International Scientific In- formation Services. The Royal Society main- tains a library for the collection of the pub- lications of the International Council of Sci- entific Unions and other scientific agencies, and the Bulletin will list the library's hold- ings. Future issues will include occasional articles on international scientific affairs. AFRICA. As if to make up for lost time, the publishers of African materials continue to present new offerings in the field. The jour- nal of Modern African Studies will attempt to provide a quarterly survey of politics, eco- nomics, and related topics. In addition to articles and book reviews, there will be a section which will record the work of insti- tutes and centers of African studies and other items of professional interest. The first issue includes articles by such notables as Julius Nyerere, president of Tanganyika and Ivan Potekhin, director, Africa Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Geneve-Afri- que; Geneva-Africa will publish articles in French and English. Subject matter will 402 C 0 L L E G E A N D RES E A R C H -' ;-t I B R A R IE S range from discussions of current events to · considerations of art, music, literature, and African culture; but the magazine will re- main uncommitted in the field of party poli- tics. From the eastern part of Africa comes the Journal of Ethiopian Studies. Published by the Institute of Ethiopian Studies of the new Haile Selassie I University, this magazine takes all Ethiopia as its field. A journal con- cerning North Africa is the Maghreb Labor Digest which includes abstracts and selec- tions from published Arabic and Western language sources, chiefly newspapers. The interval between the latest publication di- gested and the appearance of the digest is about a month. Each issue has a table of con- tents, but there is no indication as to wheth- er it will be indexed. ANTHROPOLOGY, ARCHAEOLOGY. Hombre y Cultura is published by the Centro de In- vestigaciones Antropol6gicas of the U ni- versity of Panama. It will publish the re- sults of scientific research in anthropology with special emphasis on the Central Amer- ican countries. Oriens Antiquus is a hand- some thick publication containing scholarly articles in English and French, but primarily in Italian, on the archaeology and ancient history of the Near East. Each volume in- cludes many illustrations and diagrams. AREAS. The Formosan Quarterly is dedi- cated to independence for Formosa. Pub- lished in Japan by the Formosan Association composed of those who have fled Formosa to "escape the oppressive rule of Chiang Kai- shek," this magazine is interesting for its viewpoint, so different trom that commonly found in this country. A magazine of quite another type is Miscellanea Barcinonensia published by the Municipal Government of Barcelona. The subjects covered by this handsome publication are legion, with the first issue including articles of a popular nature on scientific investigation, language and literature, religious problems, and cul- tural activities. The text is in Spanish or Catalan and the journal is well illustrated. ART, ARCHITECTURE. The Institute of Con- temporary Arts is publishing a new periodi- cal, Living Arts, which will cover all the arts including literature, music, philosophy, and science. A "documentary" magazine in the sense of recording the words and ideas of the artist along with photographs of his SEPTEMBER 1963 work, it is designed to complement the activ- ities of the Institute. More commercial in its outlook, Spatium is a magazine of Danish furniture and interior decoration. Although the text is in Danish, it is copiously illus- trated and the picture captions are in Eng- lish. With the current interest in furniture of Danish design the subject should be of gen- eral interest. CoMMUNISM, RussiA. Current Soviet Docu- ments is published by Cross-Currents Press, Inc. which is registered with the United States Department of Justice as a representa- tive of Novosti Press Agency, a Soviet press agency. Translations are made in Moscow and sent by teletype to New York. First is- sues include such items as Khrushchev's re- ply to a letter from Bertrand Russell, as well as articles from Tass and Pravda on French nuclear testing in the Sahara and Austria's violation of neutrality. While it is probable that this periodical and the Current Digest of the Soviet Press will overlap to some ex- tent, both publications will be needed in any collection which attempts to deal ex- tensively with Russia and Eastern Europe. Christian Peace Conference is a newsletter of the Christian peace movement of the Com- munist world while Comment: a Communist Weekly Review. is a newspaper published in London. Both of these titles should be of in- terest as source materials in extensive collec- tions. EcoNOMICS. The Times Review of Industry recognizing the need for education and busi- ness to work hand in hand has merged with Technology and the resulting journal is called, logically, The Times Review of In- dustry & Technology. It is the hope of the editors to produce a comprehensive picture of British business affairs. Eastern European Economics contains selected articles in una- bridged English translation from various scholarly journals of Eastern Europe. A new American scholarly economic journal is The Western Economic Journal published by the Western Economic Association with the University of Utah. The Developing Eco- nomics is the English-language journal of the Institute of Asian Economic Affairs in To- kyo. Its main interest will be in the econo- mies of the new developing countries and the relationships of these countries with Japan. The first issue includes articles on "Socio-Economic Significance of Land Re- 403 form in Southeast Asian Countries" and "The Pattern of Triangular Trade among the U.S.A., Japan, and Southeast Asia." GENEALOGY. Family History is an intrigu- ing publication complete with facsimiles of old records and family trees· in color. Issued in England by the Institute of Heraldic and Genealogical Studies, it intends to publish basic source material and results of scholarly research with a "minimum of gratuitous com- ment." GENERAL. Aspect is a magazine which thinks big. It is aimed at the small class of people who fill the responsible posts in in- dustry and government, and its range is catholic on the theory that these people need to keep abreast of current affairs but don't have time for extensive reading. Libras y Discos, published in Madrid, is something like our Saturday Review. It reviews new books and records and each issue includes several feature articles. Two scholarly journals complete the list of general magazines. The editors of The Southern Quarterly , published by the Uni- versity of Southern Mississippi, feel the need of an academic journal of "good, old fashioned, solid scholarship." The field cov- ered will be the humanities and the social sciences and it should be noted that the title is intended to allude to the name of the school rather than indicate regional interest. Minerva; a Review of Science, Learning, and Policy is so general and so scholarly that it is difficult to describe. Suffice it is to say that it is · a magazine of the philosophy of science and scholarship published under the auspices of the Committee on Science and Freedom, an affiliate of the Congress for Cultural Free- dom. LAw. Current State Legislation Index is a biweekly, up-to-date index of state legisla- tion as it is enacted. Entries are indexed by each significant word in the title of a law and are also listed by state. Future issues will include a section on vetoes of legislation previously indexed. Each fourth issue will cumulate the three preceding issues. The American Business Law journal is the official publication of the American Business Law Association. In addition to pertinent articles the journal will feature book reviews and news of the Association. According to the editors, Fidelity & Surety News is the only service reporting current cases, new legisla- tion, and recent literature in the fidelity and surety field. LITERATURE. Victorian Poetry; a Critical journal of Victorian Literature hopes to devote itself mainly to the aesthetic consid- erations of the poetry of the period and to become a source of analysis and reappraisal for the classroom teacher. Het Nieuwe Boek consists almost entirely of reviews of books currently published in the Netherlands. Some reviews include pictures of the authors. The usual crop of "little" magazines has put in its appearance, but only a few will be mentioned. One of the more interesting is American Haiku. Haiku is a short poetic form which originated in Japan and consists of three lines, five, seven, and five syllables in length. The results of the attempt to ex- press the essence of an idea in so few words are interesting and often refreshing. The Judson Review is pure Greenwich Village avant-garde writing, while a more tradition- al approach can be found in Landmark pub- lished in Slough, England. MEDICINE. MD en Espagfiol is a compan- ion publication to MD; the Medical News- magazine and MD of Canada. This is a pop- ular magazine in Spanish devoting itself to the subject of medicine as affected by and as it affects the world. The first issues feature articles on astronautics and medicine, the anatomy of ballet, doctors on safari, and love and medicine. The purpose of the ] ournal of Psychiatric Nursing is to provide informa- tion for psychiatric and mental health nurses and in addition to serve as a medium of communication in the field of psychiatric care. Music. The Fromm Music Foundation, which is interested in promoting contem- porary musical composition, is sponsoring Perspectives of New Music which it hopes will open the avenues of communication between composers and interested perform- ers and listeners. Devoted to "our only na- tive art form," jazz will contain articles on some of the best known artists in the field today. The magazine will also feature record reviews and news of the profession. PoLITICAL AND MILITARY SciENCE. Pub- lished by the Atlantic Council of the United States (which includes such luminaries as Herbert Hoover, Harry S. Truman, and Dwight D. Eisenhower as honorary chairmen and La uris N orstad and Dean Acheson as 404 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES j chairman and vice chairman respectively) The Atlantic Community Quarterly has been founded to report on the events and the best in current thought from both sides of the Atlantic concerning the Atlantic Com- munity, which the editors believe to b.e a historic inevitability. The first issue includes articles by Christian Herter and Walter Lippman. Most of the material has been re- printed from other publications. On Record will provide "background on the critical problems of our times." Each number will be devoted to one subject, the first being concerned with the Cuban crisis. From Italy - comes L'Astrolabio, a maga- zine somewhat like The Nation or The Re- porter with a slightly left-of-center point of view. Osterreichische Militiirische Zeitschrift hopes to continue the tradition of the mag- azine of the same title published at the be- ginning of the century. Formed by the union of three more specialized military journals, the new magazine will appear in alternate months with another military journal, Trup - pendienst. This is a substantial publication for libraries interested in military affairs. RELIGION, PHILOSOPHY. Continuum is a journal of liberal Catholic opinion on a wide range of subjects from literature to political science. Monastic Studies is pub- lished by Our Lady of the Holy Cross Abbey, a Trappist monastery in Berryville, Virginia. Although it is intended primarily for Eng- lish speaking houses of the Cistercian Order, much of the material will have wider inter- est, since it is the intent of the editors to in- clude as much as possible of the finest mo- n astic literature being published in Europe today. The American Foundation of Re- ligion and Psychiatry, maintaining that much greater progress in understanding can be obtained through a combination of religious and psychiatric insights, is publishing The Pastoral Counselor. The Department of Philosophy at Mem- phis State University is issuing The Southern journal of Philosophy. Although the journal is designated "Southern" the editors make the usual disclaimer concerning limiting their publication in a regional way. SciENCE. The usual number of scholarly and technical journals has been enlivened by the appearance of two new publications, one for the elementary grades and one for the popular reader. Nature and Science is SEPTEMBER 1963 issued by the American Museum of Nat ural History for elementary school use. The arti- cles are interestingly presented and a teach- ers' edition which will contain a section on the best use of the material for the classroom can be purchased. The National Wildlife Federation is publishing a popular mag- azine, National Wildlife. Of particular note are its numerou~ beautiful color photo- graphs. Available only to members of the federation, the $5.00 annual dues seem small enough if they include this magazine. On the scholarly front is Gazette des Mathematiciens issued as a liaison bulletin by the Societe Mathematique de France. The primary aim of the publication is to present lists of mathematical personnel of the facul- ties and research centers of the universities, research in progress, and mathematical meetings and conferences. Future issue will also include results of scholarly research. A similar magazine for science teachers will be journal of Research in Science Teaching. Published under the auspices of the Nation- al Association for Research in Science Teach- ing and the Association for the Education of Teachers in Science, this magazine will in- clude articles, reports of symposia, commit- tees and other meetings, reports of relevant government agencies, and other items of interest to science educators. SociAL SciENCE. Although the personnel engaged in cooperative extension work can quite often be classified professionally as en- gineers, economists, agronomists, and many others, the journal of Cooperative Extension maintains that extension is a profession in itself, with its special knowledge, its special techniques, and its special disciplines. This journal has been created to provide a new and better channel of communication be- tween the members of the profession regard- ing the latest developments in the field. For the social scientist with urban interests, the American Municipal Association is publish- ing Nation's Cities. Articles touch all types of problems and are popular enough to interest those not directly concerned with municipal administration. Two new journals indicate the interest of the Dutch in the field of social science. Both of these publications are issued in English, reflecting the belief of their editors that their content is of international value. Socio- logia Neerlandica, issued by the Netherlands 405 Sociological Society, will reprint articles which have already been published in the Netherlands. Later issues will contain sur- veys of the contents of Dutch sociological journals, reports on conferences, and bibli- ographies of relevant books. Planning and Development in the Netherlands is pub- lished by the Netherlands Universities Foun- dation for International Cooperation. Arti- cles, though authoritative, are written in a popular style and topics covered range from the building of new sea walls which have recovered much new farm land, through spir- itual trends, to urbanization. TECHNOLOGY. Production Technology is an old magazine with a new label. Supersed- ing Aircraft Production, it confirms with its new name the fact that the scope of the journal has been enlarge~ from the technol- ogy of production of airplanes to manufac- turing technology in general. World Power Engineering deals in depth with a more lim- ited subject. An international journal, it is concerned with production, distribution, and utilization of all forms of power. Continuing the trend of publication of English editions of Russian journals, Soviet Powder Metal- lurgy is a translation of Poroshkovaia Metal- lurgiia, organ of the Institute of Cermets and Special Alloys, Academy of Sciences, Ukrainian SSR. Two more popular journals round out the technology section. The Institute of Elec- trical and Electronics Engineers is issuing a Student Journal designed primarily for its student membership. In its efforts to secure their interest, the institute has produced an attractive readable magazine which should interest any amateur. Astronautics and Aero- space Engineering is published by the Amer- ican Institute of Aeronautics and Astro- nautics. While much of the content is some- what technical, it has been put together in a colorful format. The first issue is primarily devoted to manned orbital operations. _ Periodicals * AIAA Journal. American Institute of Aero- nautics and Astronautics, Inc. 500 Fifth Ave., New York 36. v.I, no. I, Jan. 1963. Monthly. $30. Aluminium Abstracts. B.A., Norfolk House, St. James's Square, London SWI. v.I, no. I, Jan. 16, I963. Biweekly. Price not given. American Business Law Journal. Charles M. Hewitt, Ballantine Hall, Indiana Univer- sity, Bloomington. v.l, no. I, Mar. I963. Frequency not given. $1.25 per issue. American Haiku. P.O. Box 73, Platteville, Wis. no. I, 1963. Semiannual $3. Aspect. Aspect Subscriptions, 22 Armoury Way, London SWI8. no. 1, Feb. I963. Monthly. $8.50. L'Astrolabio; Problemi della Vita Italiana. Via XXIV Maggo 43, Rome. v.1, no. 1, Mar. 25, 1963. Semimonthly, l 2300. Astronautics and Aerospace Engineering. American Institute of Aeronautics and As- tronautics, 20th & Northampton St., Eas- ton, Pa. v.l, no. 1, Feb. 1963. Monthly. $10. The Atlantic Community Quarterly. Atlantic Council of the United States, Inc., I616 H St. N.W., Washington 6, D.C. v.1, no. I ; Mar. 1963. Quarterly. $5. *A utomatica. Pergamon Press Limited, 122 East 55th St., New York 22. v.1, no. I, Jan.- Mar. 1963. Quarterly. $30. Bibliography of Reproduction. Reproduc- tion Research Information Service, 8 Jesus Lane, Cambridge, England. v.1, no. 1, Jan. 1963. Monthly. $17.50. Biopolymers. Interscience Publishers, 20th and Northampton St., Easton, Pa. v.1, no. 1, 1963. Bimonthly. $18. The British National Film Catalogue. 55A Welbeck St., London WI. v.l, no. 1, Jan.- Feb. 1963. Bimonthly. £6.16s. Christian Peace Conference. Christian Peace Conference, Jungmannova 9, Prague 2, Czechoslovakia. no. 1, Nov. 1962. Bimonth- ly. $2. Comment; a Communist Weekly Review. S.C. Easton, 16 King St., London WC2. v.1, no. 1, Jan. 5, 1963. Weekly. £2.8s. *Computer Design. 739 Boylston St., ·Boston 16. v.1, no. 1, 1962. Monthly. Price not given. Continuum. Justus George Lawler, editor, Saint Xavier College, Chicago 55. v.l, no. 1, Spring 1963. Quarterly. $5. *Contributions to Differential Equations. In- terscience Publishers, 440 Park Ave. South, 406 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES New York 16. v.1, no. 1, 1963. Irregular. $15 per vol. of 4 issues. Current Soviet Documents. Cross-Currents Press, Inc., 156 Fifth Ave., New York 10. v.1, no. 1, Apr. 1, 1963. Weekly. $25. Current State Legislation Index. Bobbs-Mer- rill Company, Inc., 4300 West 62nd St., Indianapolis 6, Ind. v.1, no. 1, Mar. 22, 1963. Biweekly Feb.-July. Price not given. The Developing Economies. Maruzen Co., Ltd., P.O. Box 605, Tokyo Central, Tokyo, Japan. Preliminary issue no. 1, Mar.-Aug. 1962. Frequency not given. $7.50 for 4 is- sues. • Dielectrics. Heywood & Company Ltd., Scientific Publications Department, Carl- ton House, Great Queen St., London WC2. v.1, no. 1, Feb. 1963. Quarterly. £5. Eastern European Economics. International Arts and Sciences Press, 156 Fifth Ave., New York 10. v.1, no. 1, Fall 1962. Quar- terly. $35. • Electrochemical Technology. The Electro- chemical Society, Inc., 30 E. 42 St., New York 17. v.1, no. 1-2, Jan.-Feb. 1963. Bi- · monthly. $15. Family History. Institute of Heraldic & Genealogical Studies, 58 Northgate, Can- terbury, Kent, England. v.1, no. 1, Oct. 1962. Bimonthly. 5s per issue. Fidelity & Surety News. Bobbs-Merrill Co., Inc., 4300 West 62nd St., Indianapolis 6, Ind. v.l, no. I, Jan. 1963. Bimonthly. $25. Formosan Quarterly. The Formosan Associa- tion, 2-35, Chihayacho, Toshimaku, Tokyo, Japan. v.l, no. 1, July 1962. Quarterly. $4. Gazette des Mathematiciens. 31, rue de l'Uni- versite, Montpellier (Herault) , France. v.l, no. 1, Nov. 1962. Quarterly. 11 n.f. Geneve-Afrique. Geneva-Africa. Institut Af- ricain de Geneve, 2-4, route de Drize, Car- ouge, Geneva. v.1, no. I, 1962. Frequency not given. 15 Sw. frs. for 4 issues. Hombre y Cultura. Centro de Investigaciones Antropol6gicas de la Universidad Nacio- nal, Panama City, Panama. v.1, no. 1, Aug. 1962. Semiannual. Price not given. Human Genetics Abstracts. Excerpta Medica Foundation, The New York Academy of Medicine Bldg., 2 E. 103 St., New York 29. v.l, no. 1, Sept. 1962. Monthly. Price not given. • Information Storage and Retrieval. Perga- mon Press, Inc., 122 East 55th St., New SEPTEMBER 1963 York 22. v.1, no. 1, Jan.-Mar. 1963. Quar- terly. $30. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engi- neers. Student Journal. Box A, Lenox Hill Station, New York 21. v.l, no. 1, Mar. 1963. Bimonthly. $6. Jazz. G.P.O. Box 2474, New York 1. v.1, no. 1, Oct. 1962. Monthly. $5. Journal of Cooperative Extension. Managing Editor, Room 42, Agricultural Hall, Uni- versity of Wisconsin, Madison 6, Wis. v.l, no. I, Spring 1963. Quarterly. $5. Journal of Ethiopian Studies. Box 1176, Ad- dis Ababa, Ethiopia. v.l, no. 1, Jan. 1963. Semiannual. $2. • Journal of Industrial Psychology. Elias Publications, Montpelier, Vt. v.l, no. I, Mar. 1963. Quarterly. Price not given. The Journal of Modern African Studies. Cambridge University Press, American Branch, 32 East 57th St., New York 22. v.l, no. I, Mar. 1963. Quarterly. $6.50. Journal of Psychiatric Nursing. F. A. Davis Co., 1914 Cherry St., Philadelphia 3. v.l, no. 1, Jan. 1963. Bimonthly. $3. Journal of Research in Science Teaching. 605 Third Ave., New York 16. v.1, no. 1, Mar. 1963. Quarterly. $10. The Judson Review. 55 Washington Square South, New York. v.1, 1963. Semiannual. Price not given. Landmark. The Editor, Landmark, 10, Chal- vey Road West, Slough, England. no. 1, Oct. 1962. Quarterly. 9s. Library Materials on Africa. cjo Miss Dor- othy Mamerton, Secretary, Standing Con- ference on Library Materials on Africa, Royal Institute of International Affairs, Chatham House, 10 St. James's Square, London SWI. v.l, no. 1, 1962. 3 num- bers a year. $9 (to membership). Libras y Discos. Hermosilla 20, Apartado 14.464, Madrid 1, Spain. no. 1, Aug. 1962. Monthly. 175 pesetas. Living Arts. Wittenborn and Company, 1018 Madison Ave., New York 21. v.1, 1963. Three issues per year. $3. MD. MD en Espagiiol, 30 East 60th St., New York 22. v.1, no. 1, Oct. 1962. Month- ly. Price not given. Maghreb Labor Digest. Middle East and North African Program, School of Inter- national Relations, University of Southern California, Los Angeles 7, Calif. v.l, no. I, Jan. 1963. Monthly. Price not given. 407 Minerva; a Review of Science, Learning, and Policy. Eastern News Distributors, Inc., 306 W. lith St., New York 14. Frequency not given. $5. Miscellanea Barcinonensia. Ayuntamiento de Barcelona, Delegaci6n de Servicios de Cultura, Plaza del Rey, Barcelona, Spain. v.l, no. 1, 1962. Frequency not given. Price not given. Monastic Studies. Our Lady of the Holy Cross Abbey, Berryville, Va. no. 1, Pente- cost 1963. Frequency not given. Price not given. National Wildlife. National Wildlife Fed- eration, Inc., 1412 Sixteenth St. N.W., Washington 6, D.C. v.l, no. l, Dec.-Jan., 1962-63. Bimonthly. Available only to members, annual dues $5. Nation's Cities. 1612 K St., N.W., Washing- ton 6, D.C. Pilot issue, Winter 1962. Quarterly. $3. Nature and Science. The Natural History Press, Garden City, N.Y. Pilot issue no. 1, Mar. 1963. Bimonthly Sept.-May with spe- cial issues in summer months. $1.20. Het Nieuwe Boek. D.J.J.D. de Wit, p j a Beukenlaan 20, Baarn, Netherlands. v.l, no. 1, Jan. 1963. Monthly. f. 13,- 0sterreichische Militiirische Zeitschrift. Carl Ueberreuter, Druck und Verlag, Vienna, Austria. no. 1, Jan. 1963. Bimonthly. $5. On Record. Keynote Publications, Inc., 152 E. 79th St., New York 21. v.l, no. 1, 1963. 10 numbers a year. $12.50. Oriens Antiquus. Centro per le Antichita e la Storia dell'Arte del Vicino Oriente, Via Caroncini 19, Rome. v.l, no. 1, 1962. Semiannual. $18. The Pastoral Counselor. American Founda- tion of Religion and Psychiatry, Inc., 3 W. 29th St., New York 1. v.l, no. 1, Spring 1963. Semiannual. $2. Perspectives' of New Music. Princeton Uni- versity Press, Princeton, N.J. v.l, no. 1, Fall 1962. Semiannual. $4. • Physik der Kondensierten Materie. Phy- sique de la Matiere Condensee. Physics of. Condensed Matter. Springer-Verlag, 69 Heidelberg 1, Germany. v.l, no. 1, 1963. Irregular. DM 62,-. Planning and Development in the Nether- lands. Royal VanGorcum Ltd., Assen, Netherlands .. v.l, no. 1. 1962. Semiannual. $4.20. Production Technology. Iliffe Productions Publications Ltd., Dorset House, Stam- ford St., London SEI. v.l, no. 1, Apr. 1963. Monthly. $10. Royal Society of London. International Sci- entific Information Services. Bulletin. The Royal Society, Burlington House, London WI, v.l, no. 1, July 1962. Frequency not given. Price not given. Sociologia Neerlandica. Royal VanGorcum Ltd., Assen, Netherlands. v.l, no. 1, Win- ter 1962-63. Semiannual. $3.95. The Southern journal of Philosophy. Box 672, Memphis State University, Memphis, Tenn. v.l, no. 1, Spring 1963. Quarterly. $4. The Southern Quarterly. Editorial Staff, Box 78, Southern Station, Hattiesburg, Miss. v.l, no. 1, Oct. 1962. Quarterly. $3. Soviet Powder Metallurgy. Consultants Bu- reau Enterprises, Inc., 227 W. 17th St., New York 11. no. 1, Jan.-Feb. 1962. Fre- quency not given. $80. Spatium. 43, Nyhavn, Copenhagen K., Den- mark. v.l, no. 1, 1963. Bimonthly. 48,00. kr. The Times Review of Industry & Technol- ogy. The Times, London, Inc., 25 E. 54th St., New York 22. v.l, no. 1, Mar. 1963. Monthly. $10. • Transplantation. Williams & Wilkins Co., 428 E. Preston St., Baltimore 2. v.l, no. 1, Jan. 1963. Quarterly. $10. • Ultrasonics. Iliffe Industrial Publications Limited, Dorset House, Stamford St., Lon- don SEI. v.l, Jan.-Mar. 1963. Quarterly. $12. Victorian Poetry. The Editors, Victorian Poetry, 129 Armstrong Hall, West Vir- ginia University, Morgantown, W.Va. v.l, no. 1~ Jan. 1963. Quarterly. $4. •wzE; Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift Der Elektrotechnik. Akademische Verlagsgesell- schaft Geest & Portig K.-G., Leipzig C 1, Sternwartenstrasse 8. v.l, no. 1, 1963. Frequency not given. Price not given. The Western Economic journal. John Pa- gani, Secretary-Treasurer, Western Eco- nomic Association, Santa Clara Univer- sity, Santa Clara, Calif. v.l, no. 1, Fall 1962. Frequency not given. Price not given. World Power Engineering. Circulation Dept., Carlton House 66j9 Great Queen St., London WC2. v.l, no. 1, Oct. 1962. Monthly. £2. • • 408 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES