College and Research Libraries New Periodicals of 1963- Part II · INDEXES and abstracting services head the list of new periodicals in 1963. Cur- rent events are reflected in several pub- lications on disarmament and interna- tional relations. There are the usual num- ber of new scientific publications and these as before have for the most part been listed only in the alphabetical sec- tion at the end, distinguished by an asterisk. ABSTRACTS. BIBLIOGRAPHIES. INDEXES. The Journal of Economic Abstracts covers twenty-six journals published in sixteen countries in eight languages. The abstracts are in English and in most cases are pre- pared by the authors of the original articles. This service is published cooperatively by the contributing journals under the auspices of the American Economic Association. A more specialized publication is A theroscle- rosis and Hypertension Abstracts prepared with the cooperation of the College of Phy- sicians library in Philadelphia. Although its field is limited, its coverage is comprehen- sive with pertinent material from over twenty-six hundred foreign and domestic publications. Each issue includes author, corporate source, and subject indexes. Cu- mulative indexes will be published at inter- vals. The arrangement of Theoretical Chem- ical Engineering Abstracts is by general sub- ject group. The first issue was not indexed but a projected annual index was men- tioned. The International Social Security Asso- ciation has replaced the "World Bibliog- raphy of Social Security," which was issued as a section of its Bulletin, with a new mul- tilingual publication, Bibliographie Univer- selle de Securite Sociale. This attempts to be a complete bibliography of all nonperi- odical literature on this subject. It will also include information on selected periodical articles and notes on· current legislation. A semiannual supplement, Recueil Documen- taire, will contain bibliographical material MARCH 1964 BY LUCIA P. JOHNSON Miss Johnson is a Serials Cataloger in the Descriptive Cataloging Division of the Li- brary of Congress. on selected aspects of social security. A similar publication in the field of mathe- matics is the Announcements issued by the Mathematical Sciences Service Bureau (an agency organized to serve three professional organizations: The American Mathematical Society, the Mathematical Association of America, and the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics) . The first four issues of each year will list mathematical research monographs and informally published lec- ture notes, while the fifth issue will be a combined membership list for the three organizations. Several new indexes complete the list of librarians' aids. The International Guide to Indic Studies is the latest in the series of indexes to periodical literature published by the American Bibliographic Service. Each issue lists articles by author with a subject index as well as an index to book reviews of pertinent works. All indexes will be cu- mulated at the end of each volume. The In- dex to Jewish Periodicals appears to be a complete author and subject index to some forty-five magazines on Judaism. From Lat- in America comes Indice Econ6mico Co- lombiano issued by the Biblioteca de Cien- cias Econ6micas of the Universidad de Antioquia. This publication covers all ar- ticles in thirty-three Colombian economic journals. The Library of International Relations is publishing an annotated index to the books, pamphlets, documents, directories, and peri- odicals which it receives under the title International Information Service. Each is- sue will include a geographical index and will supply addresses of magazines listed. This publication supersedes World in Focus which was published from 1945 to 1951. With the rising tide of scientific confer- 129 ences, the Technical Meetings Index should be one of the more valuable serial publica- tions of the year. Each issue will list all known technical meetings to be sponsored by United States or Canadian organizations for the next two years. Information will in- clude name, date and headquarters, spon- sor, content, estimated attendance, dead- lines for abstracts and papers, and informa- tion on publication of papers. Access to this material will be through five indexes by topic, sponsor, date of meeting, location, and deadline. AREAS. Interest in Africa continues to manifest itself in a multiplicity of new pub- lications. From South Africa comes the In- ternational Bulletin of the Africa Institute, an organization founded in 1960 as a joint venture of the South African Academy of Science and Arts and the nine major univer- sities in the country. Articles are surprising- ly objective in their discussion of the black African countries, their problems, and their relationship to South Africa. Revolution- Africa, Latin America, Asia is edited in Al- geria and published in Lausanne, Switzer- land. This is a propaganda magazine from the far Left with a popular format some- thing like the old Coronet. It may be an un- stable item for it has already suffered a change of name; the first two issues ap- peared under the title African Revolution. In sharp contrast to the magazines above, Greek Heritage will devote itself to classical Greece and its influence on modern Greece and today's world. Published quarterly with hard covers, articles written by experts in a popular style, and many colorful illus- trations, this should be one of the more popular magazines if anyone can afford it at $25.00 a year. ART. An important item for art libraries is Master Drawings, a quarterly publica- tion devoted to articles on the sketches and prints of the master painters. Each article is illustrated lavishly with plates, many of which previously have been unpublished. The first issue includes such artists as Goya, Gericault, and Durer. EcoNOMICS. The Journal of Accounting Research is published by the Institute of Professional Accounting of the Graduate School of Business of the University of Chicago and the London School of Eco- nomics and Political Science. Papers will deal with all phases of research in account- ing, and articles will be published from contributors all over the world. The Nation- al Industrial Conference Board's Business Record and its Management Record have been merged to form the Business Manage- ment Record. The new publication will in- clude both theoretical and practical articles of interest to the businessman, the labor leader, and the economist, as well as sta- tistics and information on recent mergers and acquisitions. Realm is a large colorful periodical for "women of accomplishment." Articles concern business women, their problems and interests. The British Journal of Industrial Rela- tions is an academic publication, largely British in interest, but including articles on developments overseas. The first issue fea- tures information on British trade union political independence, immigration and un- employment in the United Kingdom, and Soviet wage structure. EDUCATION - The Journal of General Edu- cation is published by the University of Bombay and is concerned with theories and methods of liberal arts education at the col- lege level. Teaching Arithmetic; the British Elementary Mathematics Journal is pub- lished for the nonspecialist elementary mathematics teacher at the primary level and will emphasize new techniques, philoso- phies, and apparatus for teaching. GENERAL. This category might better be termed "miscellaneous" since the journals included are general only through the fact that they do not fit neatly into other cate- gories. Folia H umanistica is concerned with humanism and all its aspects. Members of the advisory board come from all over the world. The first issue includes articles on the death of Mozart, developments in modern music, and Boris Pasternak. The Rocky Mountain Review is published and edited by faculty members from several colleges in the Rocky Mountain area. There is vir- tually no limit to the scope of subject matter or geographical location of the authors and the first issue includes articles on China, origin of man in the Americas, and religious toleration. Report,· the News of the Month in Perspective is a monthly news magazine which will discuss the important political and cultural events within a framework of Christian perspective. This publication is 130 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES entertainingly written with many photo- graphs in a layout reminiscent of U.S. News and World Report. INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS. Reflecting the tensions which have produced the recent world crises and the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty are several new publications on dis- armament. War & Peace is published in London by the Campaign for Nuclear Dis- armament and will discuss the world situa- tion as it influences and is influenced by the possibilities of nuclear warfare. From a more academic point of view, Pergamon Press is publishing Disarmament and Arms Control. The editors feel that disarmament is "unprecedented" and that any success will require the formulation of new con- cepts. The editorial board includes repre- sentatives of both political and scientific research centers and it is hoped to provide an international forum for the discussion of this topic. International Relations is an English lan- guage publication from Greece which con- sists of articles on the reaction of Greece to various international developments and the effect of internal developments on Greek allies, opponents, and neutrals. Most of the papers in the first issue are written by members of the Greek government. LAw. The Modern Practice Commentator will deal with "practice under the federal rules of civil procedure," including both original papers and reprints from the best of other journals. Law Today is the maga- zine of the Independent Bar Association, a new organization with a conservative bias. The first issue discusses the World Court and proposals to liberalize United States relations with this court-all of which the association opposes. Another publication concerned with international law is the Common Market Law Review published with the cooperation of the British Institute of International and Comparative Law and the Europa Instituut of the University of Leyden. It will include articles by qualified lawyers and others interested in the legal situation of the Common Market, as well as reviews of some of the decisions of the Court of Justice, information on national legislation relevant to the Market, and re- views of literature dealing with the new law. The Servicio Legislativo de Puerto Rico MARCH I964 will publish texts of Puerto Rican laws and resolutions, directories of government offi- cials, and text of United States legislation concerning the Commonwealth with access to all this material through cumulative in- dexes. At the end of each year the sub- scriber will receive a bound volume con- taining all laws and resolutions passed dur- ing the year. Similar information on Poland will be issued in Droit Polonais Contem- porain, published by the Institute of Legal Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences. It will provide information on contemporary Polish laws, regulations, and court decisions with text in English, French, or Russian. PHILOSOPHY. The Journal of the History of Philosophy is an international journal in English, French, and German sponsored by Claremont College, Stanford University, the University of California, and the Winchester Foundation. A new Dutch publication is Vivarium; a Journal for Mediaeval Philos- ophy and the Intellectual Life of the Middle Ages, which will study the secular or pro- fane thought in medieval philosophy. Atlan- tida is a Spanish magazine of current thought primarily on philosophy and reli- gion. Most of the contributors to the first issue appear to be from Spanish and Ger- man universities. Systematics is the journal of the Institute for the Comparative Study of History, Philosophy, and the Sciences. This institute in its seventeen years of exis- tence has come to believe in the idea of progress and the usefulness of systematics in reconciling what appear to be irreconcil- able differences in theory. Contributions will be welcomed in all branches of history, philosophy, and science that have a bearing on the systematic hypothesis. LITERATURE. A new "little magazine" is the Stolen Paper Review, published in Ari- zona. It includes poetry, prose, literary and artistic criticism, and reproduction of art. The contributors appear to have published widely in other literary reviews. A similar publication is The Classic; Johannesburg Quarterly, but this publication has special interest in that it claims to be the only literary magazine published in South Africa by the native population. Le Livre Slovene, published in Ljubljana by the Association des Ecrivains Slovenes, will make available poetry and prose in French by Slovenian writers. It also includes some pieces in 131 English translation from the original Slov- enian, as well as examples of contemporary art and literary criticism. Book Week is a new Sunday supplement published by and issued in the New York Herald Tribune. It will also be distributed by the Washington Post and the San Fran- cisco Examiner. Many reviews contain pic- tures of the authors. The first issue includes reviews .by many writers in their own right: Eugene Burdick, Andre Maurois, Jerome Weidman, and Dorothy B. Hughes. SCIENCE. Most of the periodicals of note which would appear in this section can be characterized as highly technical or scholar- ly publications which will be of value only to experts in the field. For this reason they have not been listed here but may be found in the alphabetical listing at the end, dis- tinguished by an asterisk. Those listed below require a little more explanation. Hommes et Terres du Nord is published by the Institut de Geographie of the Uni- versity of Lille and the Societe de Geogra- phie de Lille, superseding the geographical issue of Revue du Nord and the Bulletin of the Societe de Geographie de Lille. Pri- marily devoted to the northern part of France with some interest in the Nether- lands and Belgium, articles will deal with physical, human, and economic geography. Each issue will feature a bibliography of works of current interest. On a less tech- nical plane, Science and Children is pub- lished by the National Science Teachers As- sociation, superseding Elementary School Science Bulletin. It hopes to aid teachers in planning their science programs and to this end in addition to the usual articles, each issue will include information on film strips, books, and science equipment available. SociAL SciENCEs. Trans-action, a publica- tion of the Community Leadership Project of Washington University, is one of the more interesting journals of the year. It attempts to bridge the gap between the social sciences and the general public through a collection of articles on all phases of this immense field, written in a popular way. The first issue includes information on urban renewal, the political situation in the South, the school drop out, the culture of the corner gang, and the public library. All these articles are written by professional social scientists and from their rather spe- cialized point of view. More technical are two new journals from Germany. Sociologia Internationalis hopes to synthesize the practical and theoretical schools of sociology through the interrela- tion and comparison of ideas of prominent sociologists from all over the world. The text will be in English, French, German, and Spanish. Deutsche Studien confines itself to Germany and Europe with material on all aspects of German life, especially in com- paring East and West Germany. This jour- nal is published by the Ostdeutsch Akade- mie and the Gesamteuropaische Studien- werk and supersedes Ostbriefs. From the other side of the world, the Center for Japanese Social and Political Studies will publish the Journal of Social and Political I de as in Japan, hoping to transmit to other countries the social and political ideas and trends as they relate to international and domestic affairs. Each issue will contain translations in English of approximately thirty condensations of Japanese articles. TECHNOLOGY. The International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education is edited by the Manchester College of Science and Technology superseding the Bulletin of Elec- trical Engineering Education. This publica- tion will devote itself to scientific develop- ments which influence methods of educa- tion, experiments in new types of courses and curriculums, reports of educational con- ferences, and book reviews. In a more spe- cialized field, The Textile Institute and In- dustry will provide a somewhat popular journal reporting new advances in the tech- nology of textile processing written by ex- perts but in language suitable for the non- scientist. This magazine will complement but not replace the institute's Journal. Recognizing the current interest in the need for control and conservation of the water resources of the world, the Journal of Hydrology will present articles of a tech- nical nature written by experts from all over the world. Another crucial problem today is the agricultural development of Africa and Machinisme Agricole Tropical pub- lished by the Centre d'Etudes et d'Experi- mentation du Machinisme Agricole Tropical contains articles on technical improvements, news of technical meetings, and bibliogra- phies of pertinent new publications. THEATER. FILMS. Gambit; an Internation- al Drama Quarterly contains texts of plays with the hope of making them familiar to 132 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES people who will not have the chance to see them produced. The first issue contains the text of "Vasco" by French playright Georges Shehade and "Gone" by Dannie Abse. De- ploring the low caliber of the current crop of German films and hoping to promote a new climate more conducive to the growth of good film making, Film; Zeitschrift fur Film und F ernsehen will be a magazine of articles and criticism with emphasis at pres- ent on foreign films. This is a serious maga- zine in attractive format with little of the sensationalism usually found in magazines in this field. Periodicals Africa Institute. International Bulletin. P.O. Box 630, Pretoria, South Africa. v. 1, no. 1, Feb. 1963. Monthly. Price not given. Atherosclerosis and Hypertension Abstracts. Info, Inc., 55 N. 17th St., Philadelphia. Charter issue, Oct. 1963. Frequency not given. Price not given. A tlantida,· Revista del Pensamiento Actual. Ediciones Rialp, . Preciados, 44, Madrid 13. v. 1, Jan.jFeb. 1963. Bimonthly. $7. Bibliographie Universelle de Securite So- ciale. World Bibliography of Social Se- curity. General Secretariat of the Inter- national Social Security Association, 154, rue de Lausanne, Geneva. v. 1, no. 1, 1963. Quarterly. $10. for bibliography and its supplement. Book Week. New York Herald Tribune Inc., 230 West 41st St., New York 36. v. 1, no. 1, Sept. 15, 1963. Weekly. In- cluded in Sunday ed., New York Herald Tribune. British Journal of Industrial Relations. Lon- don School of Economics and Political Science, Houghton St., Aldwych, London W.C.2. v. 1, no. 1, Feb. 1963. 3 no. a year. $6.50. Business Management Record. National In- dustrial Conference Board, Inc., 460 Park Ave., New York 22. May 1963. Monthly. Price not given. *Carbon. Pergamon Press Inc., 122 East 55th St., New York 22. v. 1, no. 1, Ott. 1963. Frequency not given. $40. The Classic; Johannesburg Quarterly. The Classic Magazine Trust Fund, P. 0. Box 6434, Johannesburg. South Mrica. v. 1, no. 1, 1963. Quarterly. $3. Common Market Law Review. F. B. Roth- man & Co., South Hackensack, N.J. v. 1, no. 1, June 1963. Frequency not given. $15. MARCH 1964 Deutsche Studien. Carl Schi.inemann, 28 Bremen, Zweite Schlachtpforte 7, Post- fach 34. v. 1, no. 1, 1963. Quarterly. DM 9,60 for half year. Disarmament and Arms Control. Pergamon Press, 122 E. 55th St., New York 22. v. 1, no. 1, Summer 1963. Quarterly. $30. Droit Polonais Contemporain. Polish Scien- tific Publishers, [Warsaw?1 v. 1, 1963. Frequency not given. Price not given. Film; Zeitschrift fur Film und F ernsehen. Filmkunst-Verlag, 8 Mi.inchen 2, Promen- adeplatz 10. v. 1, no. 1, Apr.jMay 1963. Monthly. DM 2,80 per issue. Folia Humanistica. Editorial Glarma, S.A., Folgarolas, 15, Barcelona-6, Spain. v. 1, no. 1, Jan. 1963. Monthly. 275 pesetas. *Folia Primatologica; International Journal of Primatology. Albert J. Phiebig, P.O. Box 352, White Plains, N.Y. v. 1, no. 1, 1963. Quarterly. $15.50. Gambit; an International Drama Quarterly. Editor, Robert Rietty, Cav., 40 Old Church Lane, London N.W.9. no. 1, 1963. Quarterly. $4.50. Greek Heritage. 360 North Michigan Ave., Chicago 60601. v. 1, no. 1, Winter 1963. Quarterly. $25. Hommes et Tel"res du Nord. Societe de Geographie de Lille, 116, rue de l'Hopital Militaire, Lille, France. no. 1, 1963. Semi- annual. 10 n.f. * IRAL; International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching. Julius Groos Verlag, 69 Heidelberg/ Germany, Gaisbergstrasse 6-8. v. 1, no. 1, 1963. Quarterly. $9.75. Index to Jewish Periodicals. 16620 Lomond Blvd., Cleveland, Ohio 44120. v. 1, no. 1, June/ Aug. 1963. Frequency not given. Price not given. 133 Indice Econ6mico Colombiano. Biblioteca de Ciencias Econ6micas, A., Calle 48 no. 43-7, Medellin, Colombia. v. 1, no. 1, Oct. 1962. Quarterly. $6. International Guide to Indic Studies. Amer- ican Bibliographic Service, Darien, Conn. v. 1, no. 1, June 1963. Quarterly. Price not given. International Information Service. Library of International Relations, 660 N. Wa- bash Ave., Chicago 11. v. 1, no. 1, 1963. Quarterly. $10. International Journal of Electrical Engineer- ing Education. Pergamon Press, Ltd., Headington Hill Hall, Oxford, Eng. v. 1, no. 1, June 1963. Quarterly. £3. lOs. *International Journal of Engineering Sci- ence. Pergamon Press Inc., 122 East 55th St., New York 22. v. 1, no. 1, Jan. / Mar. 1963. Quarterly. $30. International Relations. 5 Zalocosta St., Ath- ens (134), Greece. no. 1, Nov. 1962. Quarterly. $8. *Investigative Urology. Williams & Wilkins Company, 428 East Preston St., Balti- more 2. v. 1, no. 1, July 1963. Bimonthly. Price not given. Journal of Accounting Research. Editor, Graduate School of Business, University of Chicago, Chicago 37. v. 1, no. 1, Spring 1963. Semiannual. $4.50. *The Journal of Asthma Research. 428 E. Preston St., Baltimore 2. v. 1, no. 1, Sept. 1963. Quarterly. $8. The Journal of Economic Abstracts. Lit- tauer Center M-12, Harvard University, Cambridge 38, Mass. v. 1, no. 1, Jan. 1963. Quarterly. $2. *Journal of Gas Chromatography. 1718 Sherman Ave., Evanston, Ill. v. 1, no. 1, Jan. 1963. Monthly. $6. The Journal of General Education. Manager of Publication, University of Bombay, Bombay 1, India. v. 1, no. 1, Jan. 1963. Frequency not given. $3. Journal of Hydrology. North-Holland Pub. Co., Postbox 103, Amsterdam, Nether- lands. v. 1, no. 1, Mar. 1963. Quarterly. $15. per vol. *Journal of Organometallic Chemistry. Else- vier Publishing Company, P.O. Box 211, Amsterdam-C., Netherlands. v. 1, no. 1, Oct. 1963. Frequency not given. $15. per vol. Journal of Social and Political Ideas in Japan. The Chairman, The Center for Japanese Social and Political Studies, Ku- wano Building, 2-26 Y oyogi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo. v. 1, no. 1, Apr. 1963. 3 no. a year. $5. Journal of the History of Philosophy. Peri- odicals Department, University of Cali- fornia Press, Berkeley, Calif. 94720. v. 1, no. ·1, Oct. 1963. Semiannual. $5. Law Today. Independent Bar Association, 550 Fifth Ave., New York 36. v. 1, no. 1, Summer 1963. Quarterly with 1 or more special issues. $3. Le Livre Slovene. Association des Ecrivains Slovenes, Ljubljana, Tomsiceva 12, Yugo- slavia. v. 1, no. 1, May 1963. Frequency not given. 950 dinars. Machinisme Agricole Tropical. Centre d'Etudes et d'Experimentation du Ma- chinisme Agricole Tropical, Pare de Tour- voie, Antony, Seine, France. no. 1, Jan./ Mar. 1963. Quarterly. 25 n.f. Master Drawings. Master Drawings Associa- tion, Inc., 33 E. 36th St., New York 16. v. 1, no. 1, Spring 1963. Quarterly. $10. Mathematical Sciences Service Bureau. An- nouncements. 190 Hope St., Providence 6, R.I. v. 1, no. 1, Dec. 1962. 5 no. a year. $10. Modern Practice Commentator. Callaghan & Co., 165 North Archer Ave., Munde- lein, lll. v. 1, no. 1, May 1963. Quarterly. $20. *Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice. Psychologists Interested in the Advancement of Psychotherapy, Law- rence Bookbinder, Ph.D., 2800 Ewald Circle, Detroit 38. v. 1, no. 1, Aug. 1963. Quarterly. $8. Realm. Medalist Publications, Inc., 1801 Prairie Ave., Chicago 16. v. 1, no. 1, Oct. 1963. Monthly. $7. *Refractories. Consultants Bureau Enter- prises, Inc., 227 West 17th St., New York 11. No. 1/2, Jan./Feb. 1963. Bimonthly. $16. (Translation of Russian journal, Ogneupory) Report; the News of the Month in Perspec- tive. Report Publishing Co., Inc., 166 Madison Ave., New York 16. v. 1, no. 1, Sept. 1963. Monthly. $4. Revolution-Africa, Latin America, Asia. 244 East 46th St., New York 17. v. 1, no. 1, May 1963. Monthly. $6. (Continued on page 198) 134 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES Slavic competence. This subsection is plan- ning to obtain a speaker in the Slavic field for its program at St. Louis. Mr. Richards reported on the Teacher Education Section and several Board mem- bers noted the changing academic picture, with fewer teachers colleges. Mr. McNeal requested statements from Mr. Richards and Mr. Oboler about the positions of these col- leges and the need for the Teacher Educa- tion Section. The University Libraries Section is mak- ing stqdies of academic status, according to Mr. Bentz. The ULS Urban Universities Li- brary Committee is planning a luncheon in St. Louis where a report on the New York metropolitan program of library coopera- tion will be presented. Mr. West, chairman of the Advisory Committee on Cooperation with Education- Periodicals ... (Continued from page 194) Rocky Mountain Review. Editor, 1511 Poly Drive, Billings, Mont. v. 1, no. 1, Spring 1963. 2 no. a year. $2. *Russian Metallurgy and Mining. Scientific Information Consultants Ltd., 661 Finch- ley Road, London N.W.2. no. 1, Jan./ Feb. 1963. Bimonthly. $68. (Translation of Izvestiia. Otdelenie Tekhnicheskikh Nauk. Metallurgiia i Gornoe Delo issued by Akademiia N auk SSSR) . Science and Children. National Science Teachers Association, 1201 16th St. NW, Washington, D.C. 20036. v. 1, no. 1, Sept. 1963. Monthly (except Jan. and June-Aug.). $4. Servicio Legislativo de Puerto Rico. Equity Publishing Corporation, Orford, N.H. v. 1, no. 1, May 13, 1963. At least 6 no. during the legislative session. $30. Sociologia Internationalis. Duncker & Hum- blot, 1 Berlin 41 ( Steglitz) , Dietrich- Schafer-Weg 9. v. 1, no. 1, 1963. "Semi- annual. DM 36,-. · Solid State Communications. 122 East 55th St., New York 22. v. 1, no. 1, June 1963. Monthly. $30. (Supplement to Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids.) Stolen Paper Review. 603 Ash, Tempe, Ariz. no. 1, Spring 1963;. Semiannual. $1. Systematics. Coombe Springs Press, King- al and Professional Organizations, noted his concern about its functions. It has held some interesting luncheon meetings with guests from these two areas. He recommended that the Planning and Action Committee con- sider the purpose of this advisory commit- tee. Mr. Jackson expressed the hope of the monographs Editorial Board that funds could be provided for an honorarium for authors of monographs. The Editorial Board hopes that additional manuscripts will be submitted. Mr. Harlow requested that all those re- sponsible for ACRL activities keep the ex- ecutive secretary informed. Mr. Bailey ex- pressed appreciation to everyone for their cooperation. The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 P.M. •• ston-upon-Thames, England. v. 1, no. 1, June 1963. Quarterly. £2. 2s. Teaching Arithmetic. Pergamon Press, 122 East 55th St., New York 22. v. 1, no. 1, Spring 1963. 3 no. a year. $2.50. Technical Meetings Index. Technical Meet- ings Information Service, 22 Imperial Drive, New Hartford, N.Y. v. 1, no. 1, Sept. 1963. Quarterly. $25. (subscription to total service) . The Textile Institute and Industry. The Tex- tile Institute, 10 Blackfriars St., Man- chester 3, England. v. 1, no. 1, Jan. 1963. Frequency not given. Price not given. Theoretical Chemical Engineering Abstracts. Technical Information Company, Ltd., Chancery House, Chancery Lane, London W.C.2. abstracts 1-313, July/ Aug. 1963. Frequency not given. Price not given. Trans-action. Circulation Department, Trans-action, Box 43, Washington Uni- versity, St. Louis, Mo. 63130. v. 1, no. 1, Nov. 1963. 6 no. a year. $3.50. Vivarium. Royal VanGorcum Ltd., Assen, Netherlands. v. 1, no. 1, May 1963. Semi- annual. $5.75. War & Peace. Campaign for Nuclear Dis- armament, 2 Carthusian St., London E.C.l. v. 1, no. 1, Jan./Mar. 1963. Quar- terly. 17s. 6d. •• 138 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES