College and Research Libraries quate printout, and there is support from them. Finally, it should be observed that a new library finds itself setting policy on different matters almost every day. This calls for a careful examination of the old way of doing things and consideration of the newest way. • • The Computerized Book Catalog At Florida Atlantic University BY JEAN M. PERREAULT IN THE AUTOMATION of library work (or, Mr. Perreault is Chief of Cataloging in if you will, its computerization) the cata- Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton. log must be considered one of the primary : targets. One of the principal concerns of ·, fleet precisely the degree of intensity given the extensive research at the Chicago to the solution of problems before they campus library of the University of Illi- arise. Systems-design is an activity worth no is, resulting in the treatise Advanced all the time any cataloger can give to it, Data Processing in the University Li- 'even those who have no intention of in- brary,1 was the preparation of an outline / vesting in computer hardware. of what could be done to bring the catalog The configuration of the input docu- into the frame of reference of the com- ment as designed by the staff of the Ulii- puter. The research of the University of versity of Illinois, Chicago library can be Illinois, Chicago staff and their General described as a "bibliographic string" mod- Electric consultants was primarily theo- eled on the tradition of cataloging at pres- retical. The research was essential but it ent embodied in ALA and LC cataloging by no means automatically brought about rules, but with the addition to this string the solution of the problem. This solution of "knots" occurring wherever a new ele- is not directed primarily toward any new ment begins. These knots are symbolized problems; it is and must be a solution for ~ on the input document in a series of num- the same problems th~t always. have been bets representing to the computer the with every cataloger. ·But often the pres- function of the element of the catalog- ence of these problems has been alnios.t text that is associated with it. ignored because of an accumulation of In the course of a great many confer- too-easy, halfway solutions to dimly seen 1 ences, notably with Louis Schultheiss of problems. Automation has the inestima- . / the University of Illitiois~ Chicago library ble advantage over any conventional cata- staff and with Frederick Kilgour of the loging system. It cannot allow solutions Yale medical library, several important which do not solve because they do. not niodifications were developed in the Flor- need to-their users will keep them from ida Atlantic University form of cataloging succumbing to their own unexamined for computer manipulation. ·Each area of flaws. Automation cannot allow any such . the input docum~nt was reduced to the "system-flaws," because when such a sys- 1 crucial length ·below which reductions tern is turned over to a computer for rna- would begin to affect a considerable num- nipulation; it will give results which re- ber of entries in such a way as to reduce their fullest' usefulness. Flexibility was a t (New York: Scarecrow Press, 1962.) MAY1964 185 consideration wherever it was called for, short of the ~xheme of a printed form without internal . articulation, as in the form adopted by the Columbia-Harvard- Yale medical union-cataloging project. This in effect takes all the knots out of the bibliographic· string. Together with these modifications, however, the Florida Atlantic University staff developed a casual suggestion by Mr. Schultheiss into a totally new system. This new system aims at a relaxation of the over-rigidly articulated University of Illinois, Chicago system, while remain- ing "knotted." The basic suggestion was to eliminate the various pre-assigned areas for the several types of main entry (each with its own code number, or knot) , indicating in some other field of the input document which of the types was appropriate to that particular entry. This has resulted in the imprint-collation area in the Florida Atlantic University system being coded with just one "knot" rather than the several intended by the original outline (i.e., that first designed by the Florida Atlantic University staff in close similarity to the University of Illinois, Chicago design: one each for place, publisher, date, pagination, size, all the various collational elements, series notes, other notes) . In tum, each of these elements, if judged worthy of later re- trievability, is entered in a separate area in coded form (for some elements as a numerical code, for the rest as a yes/no check; this technique is more fully con- sidered in this issue in the article by Clay- ton D. Highum entitled "Cataloging for Document Retrieval at Florida Atlantic University") ~ Following are a few examples of Flor- ida Atlantic University input documents filled in, and then as embodied. FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY LIBRARY CATALOG INPUT RECORD: A SAMPLE OF ITS PLANNED RESULTS . Example 1 shows the input document for a simple work with conventional title; note that area 23 ("Die Verteidigung . . . ") does not trace out, since it has been made a see-reference to "The maid- en's rescue," in a separate operation (i.e., authority-file maintenance). Note that the Luhn-number is assigned for the conveni- ence of the requestor, and does not neces- sarily correspond to the cataloger's de- cision as to the correct main entry. Example 2 shows the embodiments that result from the input document; ex- ample 3 shows that the collation code is stored on magnetic tape along with the descriptive and subject cataloging, in shelflist order, for future document re- trieval purposes. Example 4 shows the input document for a complex work; note that excess lines have been used in areas 23 and 31 only because of non-use of an equal number of lines in areas 70, 76, and 78; note the use of the double asterisk ( * * ) in area 23; note also that here again the Luhn- number is assigned for the convenience of the requestor. Example 5 shows the embodying au- thor catalog entries; example 6 those for the title catalog; example 7 those for the subject catalog. Example 8 shows the input document for an analytical entry (one of, supposed- ly, many from the same work shown in examples 4-7). Note that only such forms of entry as are traced in areas 70, 76, and 78 are embodied (see example 9); note also the use of the dotted lines in areas 10, (22), 23, and 31 for the formatting of an analytical entry. The examples above are designed for original cataloging; the same format is to be key punched from LC copy, edited as shown in example 10. The advantages and disadvantages of computerized cataloging can be synthe- sized in a system based on the best of traditional intentions plus new functions which only the computer can achieve with reasonable economy. These advan- tages include elimination of some clerical 186 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES FLORIDA ATL-ANTIC UNIVE:RSITY Lll!:>RARY CATALOG INPUT RE.CORD '\ 2. ) 4 I; 6 "l & , to (I 11 t'a 1~ 1c; 4(, 17 48 49 10 ?.i 1'l. 'l3 14 1'> ').6 2..7 18 19 'lO 3t 31 33 ~'' 3'i" ?.E. 37 38 l9 40 41 41 ltl 44 t,; 4& 47 It & ~9 iO '"i t;2. '>.3 (,t; n "' (,'1 70 MAIN UITl\V i 1 ~ 4 > - --~--~,-+1-~~-+-~+-,1-+~+-~-+4-~-+1-~i---~4-+4-~-+~~-+~~-+-r+-· t-t-t--+-+-1-1--l-1-t-t-+4-+-f--'-+-~1--+-+--1-t-+-4-+-1 -· - -- ---+-1-1-+1-+--1-f-~f---+--1-· - r - ~ ~ i 0 1 0 -=-- -- 1Q 1 0 2~ ?.3 ZJ ~J 23 23 31 ' 31 31 31 31 70 70 70 0 ,._,1 f- 6. 3 0 1 r-:- 2. f-1 .4 5 10 0 · 1 '). 3 4 10 0 1 ?. ifmifi II fiiiiJII I' Ol-fJ 11~11111"11 U flllll .. llll ~· ~ -~llllllll]ll@lll[lllll]llll]llll] ij :: lffiiJIHJJ+H+ffi-ffiH 11111111 IIIII H±l I I I I ! T~ B D 76 0 . 7 6 1 76 ~ 76 3 c. r. /> :-.5 1FlG·: it Co! ·l 1-:l 1<; 1.0 1'> 30 ~'> 40 LUIIN NllM I'of.R l~~:~l1]j;~ _i:1 .[1:$.~f~ , c;l I 1· 1 1 I i 1 I· I I I I I I I I I 1 I I ' I I I I I l l -·l .:=IQ] I~I@i~JiiS-ml u~J 71 1:2. '/~ 74 7;; 71> 17 7& 19 80 EXAMPLE 1 1 R!<,RIIIT PUI?.l. C:OI> E ~LATE (S) ,OltiRAii(S) 10 .::oL. rorcr~ ('1.) . 2t DIAGRAM(<;) CIIMT(s) TAQLe'(s) PL,.N(s) A1LAS MAP(c;) t>EC.ORIIT 1 N(S) MUSIC ll LARGE' 'TYPE' \ (O Nbi;N , SC. IWb~~ e~ i ~\O!Ifi'Jfl./.1. 1 «;1~!!.E.OPIION. " ~ W/'llS.MI.'t. 3 4 w/n::Y.'T .(-'tllACK I; ~-'TRAtK 4-i~AC.K 8-HAO: 8 ' ~0 lO !i H il iro/4'- I. P. S. l'l. ~~ .PI& 1. P,!;. i?. -~~ '3 '14 'I.P.S, 1!! i; T'/i-I. P.5. l•i 1; J.P.S. 1~ ~1 18 19 1G 11 11 11 BLA.CK +WHITE :t1 :13 C.Ot.OR. 1.3 'H SILENj 14 1~ W/SOUNO 1; ').(, W/AVII.MA't. 'lb 17 SiEREQPiJC . 11 ')£, 'l8 29 19 ~0 ~ '31 l1 >t . • -)1. 33 n "" 34 Pll'1SIC.I.L 3;; ~" CVI-1VR,\L- . '" l1 n l& ~ ~ "fi ~() -10 0 e~ 0 , - 1 · _ OBiO, lol: lulf~iorr::\i\Dio!AI?HI •. ~ . ~ - 4 . s __ , 1 a 9 10 f11'1ili+ 4r; 16 ..-; 1& .., -.... •-•,~If •., 10,.. '1 ss"' '~ 1c. -s1 se. ,; 40 '114'- ~~7 ~ "70 .. 71 71..,.-,. ,, 76 n lalt 10, ExAMPLE 2 C.LA!.51FIC.ArON IAR1:3I11~ 41.!9~41dJ .- ............. .. " ~ ... . c; ·' 7. & 9 10 11 EXAMPLE 3 P.EPR!NT . (Te~ t~lt lhl) -· ILi.V~iT~AT(S). COL. IL!..VS(~). i>LI\TE (s) 10 !i il ~~ i4 lG i' 18 COL . PL.ATI: (s) ~O~TRAIT(s) .:ot.. PORT~(<;,). " \'J,O 'll 1-\0IIh1JP.Ar. <1~R!:.OPIION. 'l. 'W/'IIS.. M4r. \'I /l'EY.i ! !j -i-1RACK t; ?.-TRACK 4-IRACK S--HAC.K a 1'i'/~~ J.P. S. 1 1/3 1. P, 5 . -av, -I. P.S. l''/1. t.P. S. 1; I. P.S. DIA()nA.'o\(c;j CHA~-r(sj TMU:(s) PLAN(<;) A1LAS MAP(<;) tl GL~.C.K -t-W~ITE ~ COLOR . l~ SILENi 2~ 'W/S0\1Nt1 ~& 'W/ AIJt1. MAT . COL . MAP(~) 1.7 SlEREQPiiC. DIC:,Sl::P.\AT : ~ ~ ~ 28 rACSI"'IlS (o.) U, F-t':>iS CH 'l\FT 2.9 COL. I=ACS(<;), 1.9 TRMI!;Lt.TION I)ECORAT 1N(S) '!.0 CRITICAL tDIT. MUSIC 31. -1~ ISS\JE L.ARGI: iVPI> ~1 LATER I~S\16 F-IJ\..L SCOR.I: 33 • (ONDE;N, SC. 'Yt INOE':'· Pll'tSI<.AL 3<; % CVI..'JVR.\1 . )~ FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIVE:~SITY Llf>RARY CATALOG INPUT RE:CORD i 2. ' ~. C 6 '7 t t \0 t\ 11 \) 1- 1'5 1i 17 18 11 10 2.1 2.'1 'l3 14 1'i '1' 2.7 2.1 1910 31 31 33 S't 110 U l7 'l8 l9 40 4i 41 41 44 4<; 46 47 1t& 49 ;o rt "2. '53 r.; r.7 f.'ll '' 70 PliR'OOI'i 40 " 'l. ~ 4 .. rrl±H 11111111111111±1111111111111 j IIIII' I. UlJ TITLE ANO EDITION iO ~- 10 2.1; 30 ~lj 40 ~ 2. ~ 4 -.. ;..- PA p li R sl fA N D ] R & p 0 ~T s< 0 E L I ve R ~ Cl AT T"Wf: ** E..~ ~f~ I?~ F 0 f\ "t"~e M ~ MS I R 0 R ~ A fiJI zAT 10 N~ f-- ,_:.._ 0 F T WI!' TE R N AT I 0 N A-L ll' N I oN ~0~ T 1+ e ~\)- MA N I'T 1E.S sy Co V NT J'o A c 1-1 I I'll e~ NS T "ON [k I ~LS ll E I ~- !Me; L L EN t>O R I= ~. -- 1-1-~- - .. - -- l""liNT AND COLLATION (.\NO NO"TCS)~t; 2.0 fB A1D ~ N - : &~AID EN A'D e. l. -V f R L.ACO. 1915 2- 1 9[!; 14. I~ .-r I N 4 .I I( C I. A I~ . lA Mlo N o · - I "· qs I C. A t.. sy NIP OSI ,. ND GiR A !> :" ~ . o ~=-I IT ~ e IUH NO, 15 ) I I i 1"1 "7 l t '- T T I I I I c TAACINGS 'iU~.I~ T CATALOG; 20 40 45 NE 0 p LA TO WI 'OM -- Co N& Re ss ! s :tG eo ME TR lv- -P 14 I L.O fC.O I" 14 lv f I .... I.. E t) ~ el. IT ... _EO Ri'l 0 F- I~ TRA"NGS~ AUTWO~ CA,.AL-OG. ~ .. ~ 2> 0 .. II< I E Ll5 H E I Ml- MfC L L E N D 0 R F F Jo A C tt I M ER N~ T1, 16 R A I= vlo~ 119 or2.1- ~ I/ eD l - I T ... AC.IN"-S' TITLit . c; 'l.O 'l'i ~0 ~r; 0 4t; ~- ~~~~ -! c ltL I~YM p 0 <; I A AND MONl)~RAPif~ 0 I= TilE' \U~ EXAMPLE 4 1 0 0 .1~. __ ,! 1. 9 1--16 1 0 3 1 3 0 1.3 1 ~z~ f--2 .l ~f-J 2.3 4 2.3 5 l1 0 l1 1 31 2 31 3 31 4 1\..,o 70 0 70 1 70 2 17 r;o !No. t ltE~ItlNT Pl/eL. CO~£ PUt.U\"Elt Colli 0 ~ \ ~ ILI.U~TitAl('o). 0 1' COL. ILLVS(~). ~LAi! (S) COL. PLAn(s) PO~IRAIT(s) .:oL.rrltTrt , .. ). liiA(sRA·Io\('i.) (IIA~T(S) TAQI.£(<>) i'\01/AU!tt.l. c;nREOPilON. '- ~ W/viS. Ml.l. l W/T~'T 4 -1-nACK I; ~-lRAtK 6 7 4-i~ACK 7 a a-nAciC r. il 1~/1• I.P. S. . i! i 1/a I.P.S. i4 '3 '14 I.P . S. io-l"'t l.P.S. 1' 1i I. P.C3. COLOR 40 11 PLtoN(S) 1~ '!oiLI!N'f A1L.AC:.. MAP(CO) %J COl. : f>\f.P (S) 1~ W/'OOUNI:I 1~ 1!. W/ AUI:I. ""Al. ~' 1.7 S1liltEOVTIC. :n 2& P'A(SI"'ILE-(co) 2.6 21 D Yl ~ !11. S1 Yt COl.. t=ACS('>). 29 PIIYSI<.AL S!O FLORIDA ATl-ANTIC UNIVE:RSITY Lll!>RARY CATALOG INPUT RE.CORD " '- ' 4 t ' 7 ' , to '' 11 ~~ ~~~ ,.., ~' -11 •a 19 2-o 11 2.1. -u 14 1'> '16 2.7 u t9 10 lt l'l 33 Sit ?oo; \6 ?.7 'la 19 40 41 41 41 44 4; A6 47 '•e 49 ;o "' ~2. ~'l '~ " '& '~ 10 MAIN UITRV i '- !> 4 o TITLE AND EDITION ~0 ~~ e ~ f ' R sl ( A N I> J R & P 0 ~ T S <. D E L. 1 v e R: e' 0 A T r W E **· tDIT~O FOR 't"~e M15Metlt ORI$At.JIZAT'ION~ :r-;r---:,: ·~~-r--r-;: -~7~ NAT I 0 N A-L. \ N 1 0 N FoR T .. E l-tv- ~ A 'N l . :or I !. 5 B y . c 0 u N T J' 0 A c ~ I 1\11 E Rr-N-=-tS=t-T-=-t--+"-+0-+-=..,-+"'-t--t-t--ir-t-'-t--t--t-:-t-: ~ 1 ~ L 4Eo ll E 1 ~ -1M o L. ~ ~ N t> o R I= ~ • -r- r-- ... - -- ~-+-+--+-+--11-+-+-t-+---1~~i--- l-:-· UUIUNT ANO COLLATION Q.NO NOTI:S)ir; IBADeN-I~ADeN, A~EL.-VeR~A~ 19 52- 1 9 ~14 . JOINT Symposium on the Meaning of the ~-__.,-__, Neoplatonic Doctrine of the Geome- trical Intelligibility of Philosoph - ical Truths, Durban, 1951. Papers [and] reports deTIVered at the **· Edited for the member organizations of the International Union for the Hu- manities by Count Joachim Ernst von Kielsheim-M~llendorff. Baden - Baden, Adel-Verlag, 1952- 1954. 3v. in 4. ·,(Classical Sym{'oBia and mono- graphs of t~e IUH, no. 5} B517 .J6 ~~ " • I N 4 . c L A g 4Eo I c. A l- s y M p 0 s ,. . A D ~ 0 N 0 I I • l.j I I 11 lr:) 1 I N - ~KIELSHEIM-MOLLENDORFF, Joachim Ernst, 6\ R A t> :u ~ ·-~~~.L:j':' T ~ e n, N ° · 1.:7 graf von, 1902- ed. -j- i .,............ h.\ \"1"\-\0~ JOIN'l'SVN ymposium on tne Meaning of the r--r--l-1- -- - -r.-~·f--11-+-t--t--t--rt-+-+--+-+-+-+-+-+-+---1r-+-+-t--t--1-t-+-+-+v--7' r\J \ eoplatonic Doctrine of the Geome- ,... .. 0 '/1(:-. -(O .....- 0 45 ticrical Intelligibility of Philosoph- TP..ACINGS• $U1l-~tcT C.ATALoca . ~s ~o "'" ;> I '() ........ , al Truths, Durban, 1951. I'-N-t . ..::E+-'o=-+-'-P+L~.:...:A+T-4-==o~f.:.:.~~..:'~"'~M4--+--PC~o-=+-N+=&'f'-R_,"9-=s+e=-t=!.~:I=+-'G::.r=:e+o~M,_E~I-{ ~-... .A 1 1.- o cc. o P ~'f. :f Papers [and J reports deiTVered at the I'-'~.._ E t> ~ e T _·H __ E-.....=o+"'f-JRI'I4-t==O+-F-t-lf--t---f--t-t-t-+-l J ,.~/( 1 **· Edited fo1• the member organizations .' --. - 1-+-lf--11,;'':/ · I of the International Union for the Hu- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~--~~~~/l / ~ - manities by Count Joachim Ernst von TRAGIN65: AUTWOII. CATAL.OGo ~r; ~0 21; I ~- ~'> 40 4<; Kielsheim-M"dllendorff. II 16 17 1& 19 1011 '1'1. 'l3 14 1'> 1-' 2.711 '.1.9 . ~0 31 3'.1. 33 54 ~o; ~Eo ~7 1 ?.9 40.~i .'12. 4l 44 4<; 4& 47 4& ~9 ;o· ~~ ~1 '>3 ,_ "'& '' 10 -· R sl [A .... J> ] R ~ p 0 ~T s< o e i.. 1.!.. .T~ P.~ F 0 R "t i~ e M _, MB £ R IN TE R 1-1 AT I 0 N /lrl.. ll' N I oN ~ s . BY Co v NI T J'o AC~ I hi IV e R e' 0 ~ T 0 R ~A~ IZ AT' FoR T we E~ NS T '-lOW T" W E 10 N~ l-tv- Papers [and] reports. JOINT Symposium on the Meaning of the Neoplatonic Doctrine of the Geome- trical Intelligibility of Philosoph- ical Truths, Durban, 1951. Papers [and] reports deliVered a~ the **· Edited for the member ·organ.izations of the International Union for the Hu- ·manities by Count Joachim Ernst von Kielsheim-Wdllendorff. Baden-Baden, Adel-Verlag, 1952-1954. 3v. in 4. (Classical sjm~osia and mono- graphs of the IUH, no~ 5} B517. J6 [k, EL$ llf: I /1\- Mo L. !..: E' N DO R c:: ~ .:_ 1- -~ - -··· -··· ... T~AC:INGSt <;.\I~JECT CATALOG iS 10 1S ~0 ~~ 40 C.L.A:>~CFICATION 1') 1<; 1.0 '.l<; "30 ~r; 40 IBI511 h1. 1JIGJ I I 1 1 I 1 I 1 I i I i I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I ' I I I I I I 1·1 0Bi o~ lol • . " . · $ 4 . ~; ' . , t. 9 10 11 '1'1. 13 1't "" 16 11 1a i9 :1.0 1.-i 1'- 1.~ '" 1s 4G 11 u :t9 10 !1 31 l! 34 3o; 1'- 11 n 19 40 '11 .,,_ '" ro7 's '9 1o EXAMPLE 6 Classical symposia and monographs of the IUH. no. 5. JOINT Symp.osium on the Meaning . of the Neoplatonic Doctrine of the Geome- trical Intelligibility of Philosoph- ical Truths, Durban, 1951. Papers [and] reports deTIVered at the **· Edited for the member organization~ of the International Union for the Hu- manities by · count Joachim Ernst von Kielsheim-MBllendorff. 'Baden-Baden, Adel- Verlag, 1952-1954. 3v. in 4. (Classical sym~osia and mono- graphs of the IUH; no. 5} B517 .J6 FLOR\DA ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY LI~RAJ9 40 ·, MAIN tNTRv ..-: Neoplatonism--Congresses. JllrJI·NIT 1~ M · 1 ~~/JoiNT Sympos1um on the Meaning of the ..__.,!r=1__._ ... i;...;,.-+- .~ Y 1'Y1 I' o ~ ' o "' o N T H e. ,., E A t-1 I N (i o ,:. j:V"" ~f. Neoplatonic Doctrine of the Geome- N eo P 1.- AT oN 1 c !Do c. -r R 1 .., ~ o '" T 1-1 E ~ _,.c1- ~ trical Intelligibility of Philosoph-. I ~f ( i . · lp" -..,o, ./, ical Truths; Durban, 1951 • .!.~c!. ~A L. ·- 1 -'- -~ -l .E.. _L i L. 1 ·<;, 1 .~ 1 L- ' TIY o"" -<.~ Ao s 0 P '"'.=. Papers [and] reports deTIVered at the 1 c ,Jr L T R u ,- " s D o R T!. A w 1, 1 9 5~ c)" A **· Edited for the member organizations coNVENTIONAL. -rtTL.E ~o ";; , 1..0 ?..r; / ~ ?.'> '•o of the ·International Union for the Hu- : . . . V {._(; A ·manities by Count Joachim Ernst von . . / '"" / Kielsheim-M"dllendorff. ~~~~~~.:......~.~...~...~.....~.:-~...L..-1_.."""'=':.~_.._._~ <::t:/ J Baden-Baden, Adel ·-Verlag, '1952- 1954. TITLE AND EDITION " 0 ~c; 'l.O '19' ~ ,M ~'5 . 40 3V, in 4, '(ClaSSiCal .SYJT!t>OSiZ and mono- ~!"":" P A P ~ R sl [A "' 1>] R & P o ~ T .s < oY Vj J. R ~ o A T ,- w e graphs of the IUH, no. 5} t-*t-*t-· -t_ .D_ ,_I_ _T~0-· 1- ·FOR "t'~l! M~,..,l31/ L.. A£,At.IIZ4TION~ B5l7.J6 - ,- , ~ Geometry - -Philosophy. o F T we I N T E R N A T 1 o N lir 1.- IL\ t-1 ~ / F o R T wE 1-\"' - JOINT Symposium on the Meaning of .the C J, VuE c:."'< · Neoplatonic Doctrine ·or the Geome-M A N I T ·I E. S BY 0 V N T 0 A C J.::. ·.- g N ~ T '\1 ° N ~ trical Intelligibility· of Philosoph- [\< 1 e L ~ ll E , ~- M o L L ~ N t> o R ~ ~L//\.0 _ _ ~J...J ical 'l'ruths, Durban. 1951. V'~ .~v Papers [and] reports deliVered at the ~~ **· Edited for the member organizations uuaiNT .tNo coLLATION <.ANo Nons)~~; 'l.o "'f 1.s "?>o ~'" · 40 ( _"\.) of the International Union for the Hu- IB AID e N - 18 AD E N , At> e. L. -IY f ~ L. A. 1' '2.7 'l& ~9 'lO ll 'l1 33 ~It ~o; '\!. 11 '3& 39 ItO 41 41 41 '•4 4S .\(, 47 11& ~9 >O c;i r;2, o;3 '" '7 '11 '' 10 PER'OOt•AI. 1'-\AI~ tNTI\V I t. !> ~ S" t l i iA~.Il.J.Qic;l!!\1 ·- ~'":!:glo oi•l i ~~~2- I I ! I I I ~+ ·H-1-+ ~- +· -H~ -~-+~e- - --~ !--- - - - l ,. B[U .lill[]J E.~ 10 i 0 0 19 - 11 1 9. __ 2, 1 0 3 ;;dlB~HTfilll !"'liT!"~ Ill rTill 1"1 I W"llll prrrTI T I"Tl.E ANO E D : , ION 10 1r; 10 1.<; 30 ~'5 40 I ~ ~ .. i' __ ,_ ...... D 0 El<;. p 1.- A T 0 ') c:. G 0 p. q l As A N T I c I p AT E': ,.. ... e: 2 ~ 0 i --f-f-~ A._ !-: 1 ~ ~ L. .\l~ --~~- - ~+R-+O~B~A~S ...!....11 f.!:.L.t--=-I+-=-T+-=-I~E"=+-'S4?'-+-+-t---4-+-f-4-+-l-++-l-+--f-4~ 1.3 1 ,Zl _2 1~ ~J 23 4 23 5 10 31 0 31 1 31 l 31 3 31 · 4 70 0 70 1 70 2 76 0 76 1 76 I. 76 3 EXAMPLE 8 ANOHVM. C~A$. ~ i .. \OtiAIJitAI. i .1 ~1t!I.EOPilON. 1 } w/·m .. t<~a1..1. 1 4 W/Tr=t-1 4 .{-TRACK ~ 6 ?.-liiACK 6 11 4:-i~A<:K 7 8-HACk 8 ' to 1i ~1 1"'"' p ·. s. n '.! 1 1/a 1. P. ~. 1~ PII~U\HE!t. Cot>E " 1' '3 '/It I. P.~. 1% \ I~ ILI.UST~tAT( .. ~. lo .1''/2. t.P.S . I'> 1' COL •. I!.LVS_(~). l' 1~ J.P:S. ' il l>!.ATE (S) 11 11 1& COL •. l'LAn(~) 1S 1& ~ l>OitTRAIT($) " 1' 11<\llAI. DATf: 10 .:oL. PO!Uit ('>) ~ ?D ~ 11 DIAultA·"\(c;) 1f ~t CllMT(s) u SlAcK +WRITE 21 TAille"(s) jl COI.QR 11 PLA!-l(S) l~ SILEt-IT ?.,. 1~ W/!»OUNO 1~ 1' W/ AvD:M~l. :l' 1.7 S1EREOPTIC. 11 ,. 2! ~ " ~l. 31 ~ Pli"(SI<:Al. 3; @±Hrn 1"1111 r·11 T&TLE ANO EDITION ~0 <\<; D 0 e. Is p L. A T 0 ) ~ G 0 ~ ~ ·;- ~ ; _ , __ 39 ~-I OOriii:rr~ lttiJI[I -I~I~lll [ltm IJ i : II] R-i*FH+FHfH-1111111111111111111111 -Hfl 'l I II I I Ill <.LA:>~IFICA"tiON . 10 ~c; 1.0 'l<; "JO ~:; · 40 . ..._..,.,...,............,--, I~511I71.1JIGI I I "i . , I f· I I I I i i I I 1.1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I oe:o. lol • . " ~ " !i 4 7 t. 9 10 11 -1?. il i't J,r.; i6 -17 1& 19 'lO ~-~ :u.· 2.'!. t4 1.~ 2.~ 11 ?.a 1') ")0 31 31 l! j~ $!;" 1~ 17 36 19 40 '11 "" '~ ,, 4& t;,g 10 EXAMPLE 9 Plato. GOrgias. · AUROCH, Gertrude, 1922 · Does Plato's Gorgias anticipate the calculus of probabilities? v.l, p. · 392-461~ in: JOINT Symposium on the Meaning of the Neoplatonic Doctrine of the Geome~ trical Intelligibility of Philosoph- . ical Truths, Durban, 1951. · Papers [and] reports deTIVered at the **· Edited for the member organizations of the International Union for the Hu- manities by Count Joachim Ernst von Ki~lsheirn-~dllendorff. Baden-Baden, Adel-Verlag, 1952-1954. 3v. in 4. (Classical sym~osia and mono- graphs ·or the IUH, no. 5} B517 .J6 _.---.,-Probabilities. AUROCH, Gertrude, 1922- Does Platois Gorgias anticipate the calcul~s of probabilities? v.l, p. 392-461, im JOINT Symposium on the Meaning of the Neoplatonic· Doctrine of the Geome- trical Intelligibility of Philosoph- ical Truths, Durban, 195J. Papers [and] reports deiTVered at the. •*· Edited for the member organizations of the International Union for the Hu- manities by Count .Joachim Ernst von Kielsheim-MBllendorff. Baden-Baden, Adel --Verlag, 1952-1954. 3v. in 4. (Classical sym~osia and mono- graphs of the IUH, no. 5} B517.J6 /0 ~J. d-3 __L "7/ '· \ -----a . Farb, Peter. 'l!<>l< (,.. __ 3/ ~ The)insects,<.by ~.,;;;:~oO'nnd the editors of Life. New York, Time, inc. ('19621 70~ lO'lp.~------- ~ c.:= --7!J 70 76 staff (as well as elimination of the possi- bility of unintended variation) , increase of speed (with correspondingly smaller lag between current input and output) , and better control than is possible with the conventional official card system. The disadvantages often pointed out are over- rigidity, low quality physical results, and the difficulty of changeover. These must be successfully synthesized in a working system that can serve as an efficient medium for research before the inertia of the majority of catalogers can be expect- ed to break down. An important element in this resolu- tion is a widening of the gamut of output print over that which many fear is a necessary concomitant of IBM implemen- tation, or even of any computer-printer. The limitations of nolmal IBM print are 1. lno.ct•. 1. Life ( Chicago) . 81 p F , 78 .~ EXAMPLE 10 narrow: forty-eight characters (twenty-six upper case alphabetical, ten numerical, twelve punctuation and special, many of the latter unuseable for library purposes). By the addition of twenty-six lower case alphabetical characters, and by the sub- stitution of twenty-two punctuation and diacritical characters for the normal twelve, we have devised a new print- gamut of eighty-eight characters, capable of reproducing all but a tiny fraction of the characters needed to catalog a multi- lingual research collection. This, it is hoped, will lift the stigma of mechanical- ness and unsophistication from computer printing of library catalogs. There is another thesis and antithesis that must be synthesized: The thesis is "bibliographical integrity" (a phrase of Kilgour's), the good tradition of catalog- ing practice as built up over the long period of formulation of our "bibliograph- ic string." The antithesis is the need, in a system which must build to a large vol- ume of entries in a relatively short time, for the catalog to abandon its nonessen- tial infatuation with "pure" bibliography, the need for a theory to emerge of the catalog as a finding list. This is not a finding list theory as a total antithesis to "pure" bibliography, since without bib- liographical information there cannot be constructed a finding list with which to find bibliographical items, but it is rather a finding list theory as a synthesis be- 196 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES tween these poles. This is what Florida Atlantic University's system aims at; if it achieves this as well as the synthesis between the advantages and disadvan- tages of the computer, the efforts at Uni- versity of Illinois, Chicago and Florida Atlantic University will be vindicated. •• Cataloging for Document Retrieval at Florida Atlantic University INCLUDED in the cataloging of library ma- terials at Florida Atlantic University is a procedure which involves the coding of specific information for the purpose of later retrieval of these materials. This coding is done on the same transmittal sheet that is used for the descriptive cata- loging of materials for the computer-pro- duced book catalog. As is indicated in the form reproduced here, three forty- space columns are utilized for the coding of the desired information. The entire procedure may be described quite ac- curately as an expansion of the collation and imprint of a document. The reason for the forty-space columns instead of the eighty-space columns of the typical IBM data processing card is that the length of each column was determined somewhat by the availability of space on the transmittal sheet. Also, future ex- pansion of the procedure will be possible without a complete reformatting of the tran~mittal sheet. Some explanation, for the use of the term "document" in this article might be in order. The ·reader will realize that the coding areas on the transmittal form in- clude many elements not ordinarily as- sociated with a document. First, for lack of a better term, "document" is used. Sec- ond, the retrieval discussed in this ar- ticle includes types of materials other than the typical document. The library at Florida Atlantic University is an in- tegral part of the Learning Resources Di- MAY1964 BY CLAYTON D. HIGHUM Mr. Highum is Assistant Librarian in Cat- aloging at Florida Atlantic University. vision, and as such the catalog will include all materials, book and nonbook, that comprise the collection of the entire di- vision. Therefore, rather than attempting continually to differentiate among the many forms of material included on the coding sheet, the word "document" is being used as an all-inclusive term. Most of the fields represented on the coding sheet are self -explanatory. There- fore, no detailed explanation will be giv- en here. Detailed instructions have been developed, however, and are given to the catalogers to assist them in the coding. In general terms, each labeled space that can be associated with the document being cataloged is either checked or filled with an appropriate, pre-estab- lished code. The only limit to the number of spaces checked is the document being cataloged. It is assumed that the cata- logers will analyze each piece of material carefully enough to insure adequate cov- erage. Obviously, the more specific the analysis, the more meaningful and worth- while a retrieval becomes to the patron. Some blank spaces have been left on the form to allow for future expansion or for the addition of elements that were forgotten or not justified for inclusion at the time the form was developed. Field 1-5 in area 81 provides. space for the indication of the type of main entry 197