College and Research Libraries Hawken bring us up-to-date about once every twelve to eighteen months. Joseph Treyz has a section on equipment and methods in catalog card reproduction. His paper is a carefully formulated, beauti- fully organized, and succinct treatment of another all-important problem facing li- brarians today. Until relatively recently, the average "gen- eral" librarian would hardly have deigned to be reading such eminently "practical" professional material. But at the present time, there is no one responsible for library administration and operation on however high and· philosophical a level who can _con- scientiously avoid the responsibility of keep- ing himself informed on how libraries are being automated. Perhaps because there has been so little in print on it, to me the most interesting pa- per presented was Martin Van Buren's on furniture selection for the library. It is par- ticularly interesting because he introduces his expert treatment of the subject by giving a historical background which includes not only library furniture but, more basically, library architecture itself. He manages some- how to crowd into a very few pages a really fine historical running start.-William H. Jesse, University of Tennessee. Books Briefly Noted Almanac of Naval Facts. U. S. Naval Insti- tute, Annapolis, 1964. 305p. $3.50. American Book Publishing Record, 1963 Annual Index to vol. 4, New York: Bow- v ker, 1964. 639p. $10. A Bibliography of Ship Passenger Lists, 1538-1825; Being a Guide to Published Lists of Early Immigrants to North Amer- ica. Comp. by Harold Lancour. 3d ed. revised by Richard J. Wolfe. New York: New York Public Library, 1963. 137p. $5. Building Library Collections. By Mary Dun- ~ can Carter and John Wallace Bonk. 2d ed. New York: Scarecrow Press, 1964. vii, 287p. $6. (64-11775). Catholic Serials of the Nineteenth Century in the United States: A Descriptive Bibli- ography and Union List. 2 ser. pt. 5 , Pennsylvania. By Eugene P. Willging and ~ Herta Hatzfeld. Washington, D. C.: Cath- olic University of America Press, Febru- ary 21, 1964. vii, 183+15pp. $5.25 paper. Code Names Dictionary; A Guide to Code Names, Slang, Nicknames, Journalese, and Similar Terms: Aviation, Rockets and Missiles, Military, Aerospace Meteor- ' ology, Atomic Energy, Communications, and Others. Ed. by Frederick G. Ruffner, Jr. and Robert C. Thomas. Detroit, Mich: Gale Research Company, 1963. 555p. $15. (63-21847). The Conduct of Inquiry, Methodology for -/ Behavioral Science. By Abraham Kaplan. San Francisco: Chandler Publishing Co., 1964. xix, 428p. $8. (64-13470). MA¥1964 Current Research and Development in Sci- entific Documentation No. 11 (NSF-63-5). Washington, D.C.: Natiomil Science Foundation, 1962. 440p. $4. The Development of A Bibliographic Center in the West Virginia Region: Current Practices and Future Directions. By Mich- ael M. Reynolds. Morgantown, West Vir- ginia: West Virginia University Library, 1963. 22p. Good Reading. 19th ed. Committee on Col- lege Reading, National Council of Teach- ers of English, ed. by J. Sherwood Weber. New York: New American Library, 1964. 309p. 75c. (33-10540). Guide to Scientific and Technical Period- icals; A Selected and Annotated List of Those Publishing in English. By Ralph C. Martin and Wayne Jett. Denver, Colo.: Alan Swallow, 1963. ix, 170p. $3.75. Guide to Sources of English History From 1603 to 1660 in Early Reports of the Royal Commission on Historical Manu- scripts. New York: Scarecrow Press, 1964. 258p. $6. (64-11782). Index to Plays in Collections; an Author and Title Index to Plays Appearing in Collections Published between 1900 and 1962. 4th. ed, rev. and enl. By John Hen- ry Ottemiller. New York: Scarecrow Press, 1964. vii, 370p. $9.50. (64-11776). International Union List of Communist Chi- nese Serials; Scientific, Technical and Medical with Selected Social Science Titles. Comp. by Bernadette P. N. Shih and Richard L. Snyder. Cambridge, 235 Mass.: Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology, 1963. 874 items. Katalog over Det Kongelige Biblioteks; In- kunabler. By Victor Madsen. 3. Bind. Accession 1938-1962. By Erik Dal. Co- penhagen: Det Kongelige Bibliotek, 1963. [105 1p. 24 Kroner. Katalog Rekopis6w Biblioteki Uniwersy- teckiej W Warszawie. Tom I (Nr 1-262). By Helena Kozerska and Wanda Stummer (Prace Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej W Warszawie, V). Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytety Warszawskiego, 1963, xviii, 344p. illus. Library Statistics of Colleges a!J:d Universi- ties, 1962-63. Washington: U.S. Office of Education, 1964. Circular No. 729. iii, 120p. 75c. Newspapers on Microfilm. 5th ed. Comp. under the direction of George A. Schweg- mann, Jr. Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, 1963. xv, 305p. $5. {53-60042). Picture Sources. Ed. by Celestine G. Fran- kenberg. New York: Special Libraries Assn., 1964. viii, 216p. $6.75. (64-15089). Research Guide; A Guide To Netherlands Institute for Documentation and Filing, ser. 2, no. 42. The Hague: Nider, 1963. 200p. Illus. $4.90. Resources of Australian Libraries. Summary Report of a Survey Conducted in 1961 for the Australian Advisory Council on Bibliographical Services. By Maurice F. Tauber. Canberra: Australian Advisory Council on Bibliographical Services, 1963. 42p. 10/-. The Scolma Directory of Libraries and Spe- cial Collections on Africa. Comp. by Robert Collison. Cambridge: W. Heffer & Sons, Ltd., 1963. 101+18p. 15s. A Selective Index to Theatre Magazine. By Stan Cornyn. New York: Scarecrow Press, 1964. 289p. $6.25. (64-11778). Supplement No. 2 to Photocopying from Bound Volumes. By William R. Hawken. Chicago: ALA Library Technology Proj- ect, 1964. 12p. $2. Union List of Russian Scientific and Tech- nical Periodicals Available in European Libraries. Vol. I, The Netherlands. By W. C. Smit and others. Amsterdam: The Netherlands University Press, 1963. 478p. 27.50 guilders, $7.70. United States and Canadian Publications on Africa in 1962. Ed. by Peter Duignan. Comp. by Hilary Sims. (Hoover Institu- tion Bibliographical Series. XV). Stan- ford, Calif: The Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace, 1964. viii, 104p. $3. (62-60021). West Virginia Civil War Literature; An An- notated Bibliography. By Charles Shetler. Morgantown: West Virginia University Library, 1963. xii, 184p. $7 cloth, $5 paper. •• Addendum and Erratum THE succEss of the application of a least cost searching procedure de- scribed in the article appearing in the March issue of CRL, "A Least Cost Searching Sequence," by Gerald Lazorick and Thomas Minder, depends upon the accuracy of the collected data. 236 The data, as presented therein, assumes independence in the probability of a successful search; therefore, the least cost searching procedure, as described, will result in a least cost searching sequence only if the proba- bilities of a successful search in one source is dependent on the proba- bility of a successful search in another. Although the nature of biblio- graphic sources causes this assumption to be violated, the use of this technique can result in a searching sequence of a shorter time duration (27 per cent in this study). In the sentence on page 12 7 of the March issue reading, "However, there would be 51 or 120 possible combinations," the 51 should read 5! -The Authors. •• COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES