College and Research Libraries Of New Libraries and Futuristic Libraries THE COMPLETELY AUTOMATED "futuris- tic" library could become a reality in a newly-born college or university in the very near future, possibly within three years. Almost one hundred new colleges and universities are to be created in the United States within the next five years. T~s is not a crystal ball prediction; it is a s1mple fact, based on known legislative actions, definite appropriations, the exis- tence of paid planning staffs, and build- ings going up. In California alone, six new junior colleges, three new state uni- versities (albeit components of the Uni- versity of California), and two new state colleges are coming into being. Four of these five new campuses for higher edu- cation will each have more than ten thou- sand students within a decade. In other states, also, such as Florida, New York, and Colorado, among others, machinery has been put into motion to produce large new colleges and universities. One or more of these fast growing col- leges and universities, unfettered by vest- ed interests as reflected by existing staffs, book collections, and old buildings, may well develop the first totally automated library. It is entirely possible, of course, that one of the new smaller colleges will be the first to own and operate all of the electronic equipment, machines, devices, and services, thus to earn the accolade "futuristic library." Small size and mod- erate growth potential, however, would limit economic feasibility, and automation could be administered another setback! On the other hand, it might be sound fiscal policy to buy full automation at the JULY 1964 BY CLARENCE GORCHELS Mr. Gorchels is Librarian of California State College at Palos Verdes. outset for library service in one of the colleges which will grow from one stu- dent to ten thousand students in the im- mediate future, such as the University of California at Irvine, Denver State Col- lege, Florida Athmtic University, or the California State College at Palos Verdes. What new electronic machines and de- vices are likely to be of special value to these budding futuristic libraries? Of course, electronic computers are basic. It would be redundant here to re- count in detail the potential usefulness of computers in the storage and retrieval of knowledge, 1 in cataloging, in circulation work, and in maintaining serial records. Details of these operations have been covered quite adequately by other writers. Up to now, however, the writers have acknowledged that the cost of using com- puters in these processes has been al- most prohibitive. Random access com- puters are far too expensive for libraries alone "to keep." Recent developments in the computer world, however, may mean that libraries can have a continuing share of computer time (with immediate and constant access to the computer) without total cmt;tputer time expense. Especially encouragmg are the means of sharing random access computer time developed by the System Development Corporation of Santa Monica, California. While discussions of computers and ~ Espe~~ally re~ommended is the article by Marjorie Griffin: The Library of Tomorrow," Library Jour- nal, LXXXVII (April 15, 1962), 1555-57. 267 their potential usefulness to libraries have appeared in library journals rather fre- quently, heretofore writers have not indi- cated an awareness of the existence of other specific automated devices and ser- vices which can be valuable. True, such terms as "closed circuit television" and "microminiaturization" have been airily tossed about as possessing a pleasant if somewhat vague significance for aca- demic libraries in the future. But the fu- ture for these assets is now, because ap- propriate equipment is already available. Already in use is Phonoscope, a com- pact two-way audio and visual instru- ment, being used in classrooms in Texas and probably elsewhere. Imaginative peo- ple will disagree with the holier-than-thou statement from the manufacturers of Phonoscope: ''From its inception, televi- sion has been considered as inherently a one-way communication tool." Yet, as a system which is designed specifically to incorporate features of both television and telephone, to provide face-to-face communication between two or more points, Phonoscope can be of noteworthy value in many libraries. To have a librar- ian actually available at every readers' ser- vice station during all of the seventy to one hundred hours per week that a col- lege or university library is open is pro- hibitive in cost and wasteful of the talents of good readers' service librarians. A two- way Phonoscope set up at every service point, with each instrument tied to all others, and all "answerable" by a librar- ian stationed at any one service desk, will make possible the availability of profes- sional reference service at all points every hour the library is open. Incidentally, the education given in good library schools to equip librarians with an excellent gen- eral background for reference work will be more appreciated than ever. Expert generalists and teachers of the use of the library will be valued once more despite the popularity of the subject -divisional plan of library organization. One of the more promising micromini- aturization concepts for libraries is the Magnavue system developed at Magnavox Research Laboratories in Torrance, Cali- fornia. The equipment developed for this system makes possible the automatic se- lection and reproduction, on demand, of any page or document in a "stack" or file of six hundred and seventy-five thousand pages in an average of thirty seconds. During a normal working day, five thou- sand pages or documents can be "re- trieved" and two thousand new pages can be added to the stack. Actually, the stack is an electronic storage drum of pages (or drawings, or maps, or catalog cards, or order records) which have been reduced to "3 inch x 35 mm." microfilm chips. To say more about the obvious uses of a sys- tem like Magnavue in libraries would be gilding the lily. A number of other means of saving space and time in the futuristic library already exists, of course, including the opportunity for subscribing to journals, such as Wildlife Diseases, which are is- sued only in microform without interim publication on paper. To supply library materials in depth, it is expected that the fledgling libraries will be connected (for immediate interlibrary loans) with libraries owning more com- prehensive resources. Of course, it is no longer necessary physically to send bound volumes from one library to another, as photo-duplication is widely used. Now even the mailing of photocopies can be eliminated, because transmission of hard copy over telephone wires is a reality. "AI Pur Com" (All Purpose Communica- tion System) developed by the Alden Re- search Center in Westboro, Massachu- setts, is one of a number of systems which make possible the speedy delivery to a reader of microfilm copies or hard copies of pages of a publication held in a dis- tant library. It is possible that there are now fewer electronic machines (other than com- puters) designed to expedite the work of (Continued on page 284) 268 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES their present positions, the difference was not significant. This means that the great- er experience found for the white librar- ians in terms of total number of years worked as a professional librarian before the present appointment did not neces- sarily indicate movement from one library to another or the number of years of ex- perience in the present position. CONCLUSION The effects of professionalization and standardization were reflected in the edu- cational preparation of the Negro chief librarians. To a great extent, they had received professional education from the same accredited library schools as the whites, and they had become full-fledged members of an occupation not yet fully professionalized but one that is moving along the continuum of professionalism. ·Achievement of this status by Negro librarians has resulted from a combina- tion of efforts: ( 1) to improve Negro colleges and their libraries, so that they might compare favorably with colleges and college libraries in general; (2) to prepare professionally educated Negro librarians to staff the college libraries; NEW AND FUTURISTIC (Continued from pag e 268) the technical services than there are to aid the reader services. Yet, at least one kind of machine appears to be most use- ful in the technical services operations. Punched tape typewriters, such as the Flexowriter, are invaluable in library or- der and processing work. Moreover, punched tape typewriters have been found to be particularly useful when wedded to a random access computer, as has been done at the Hanford Atomic Energy Works library in Richland, Washington. Finally, one basic service for nurturing automation is not yet on the market. Eyes and ( 3) to meet standards for college li- braries and librarians, as they have been set forth by the Southern Association and the ALA. Although Negroes entered the field of librarianship later than whites, and al- though Negro college library develop- ment lagged behind that of college li- braries in general, there have been per- sistent efforts, especially since 1925, to develop a body of professionally educated Negroes for the occupation of librarian. It is important to note that the strides which have been made in this direction were not fostered primarily by Negroes themselves. In a large measure, the finan- cial support for library education for N e- groes in the South and the leadership from the library profession came through the sponsorship of white philanthropic foundations and white leaders in both the fields of education and librarianship. Ne- gro men and women have been eager to enter the field of librarianship and to take advantage of the opportunities for. professional education. The findings of this investigation reflect this combination of efforts. •• are focused on the Library of Congress, expectantly waiting to see the initiation of the distribution of.Library of Congress catalog cards on magnetic tape. This is a possible service which has been dis- cussed for some time among librarians interested in automation. When this ser- vice is perfected, electronic computers can produce for libraries on demand cata- log cards untouched by human hands. · Unquestionably, among the first subscrib- ers for this new service will be the li- braries of the new colleges and universi- ties. •• 284 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES